The Internet is a-buzz with chatter about Kate's new wig she was spotted wearing at the Gosselin house this week. Is it just a disguise to escape the paparazzi? Is she trying out a new hairstyle? Or are she and Jon still together and this is all a big conspiracy on a more grander scale than balloon boy could ever imagine?
6 sediments (sic) from readers:
This relates to the divorce, how? All this place has become is a rehashed gossip site.
It relates, because Jon and Kate were caught out together, which is rare. They've admitted they weren't even speaking for some time.
I like this site, it collects all the happenings in one place even if it's minor stuff. It's easier to go here then browse around 10 or 12 different media sites. Don't come here if you don't like it.
It also lends a bit of credibility to the theory that is floating around that Jon and Kate are involved in a massive scam: think Balloon Boy to the 10th degree.
It isn't even Kate or her car
This relates to the divorce, how? All this place has become is a rehashed gossip site.
It relates, because Jon and Kate were caught out together, which is rare. They've admitted they weren't even speaking for some time.
I like this site, it collects all the happenings in one place even if it's minor stuff. It's easier to go here then browse around 10 or 12 different media sites. Don't come here if you don't like it.
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