While reasonable minds might disagree, we do not intend to be a Kate hate blog, and we want to make it clear that we are not coming down too hard on Kate for being hard on Jon. We don't approve of either of them saying anything negative of the other, but very few divorcing couples manage to make it through this experience without expressing some kind of frustration at the other.
We are quite angry, however, at TLC. For participating in this garbage. Jon and Kate's divorce is none of TLC's business and they have no right to take sides. But in previews of tonight's new episode, they've shown the complete scumbags that they are by providing an
open forum for Kate to trash the children's f
Like we said, during a divorce moms and dads say bad things about each other. It happens. You're upset, you're on edge, you're going through something terrible. But for TLC to allow Kate to have an open forum to tell millions how she feels about Jon, and then
to preserve it on film for eternity, is just plain nasty, and certainly not in the children's best interest. If TLC thinks the children will never hear what Mommy said about Daddy, they're living in a fantasy world. The children may be sheltered, but they don't live in a bubble.
We are quite angry, however, at TLC. For participating in this garbage. Jon and Kate's divorce is none of TLC's business and they have no right to take sides. But in previews of tonight's new episode, they've shown the complete scumbags that they are by providing an

Like we said, during a divorce moms and dads say bad things about each other. It happens. You're upset, you're on edge, you're going through something terrible. But for TLC to allow Kate to have an open forum to tell millions how she feels about Jon, and then

Among other things, Kate apparently accuses Jon of always being on his cell phone making personal calls when he's supposed to be spending time with the kids. Kate might want to take a hard look at her own habits. Because in just the few dozen paparazzi photos we quickly
browsed, we found Kate quite attached at the palm to her own hot pink iPhone. Another reason why it's not a good idea to run your mouth when there are millions of fact checkers out there.
browsed, we found Kate quite attached at the palm to her own hot pink iPhone. Another reason why it's not a good idea to run your mouth when there are millions of fact checkers out there.
18 sediments (sic) from readers:
There's a picture on the So Sugary website that was reportedly taken yesterday that shows Kate sitting in her white plastic lawn chair, kids all around and texting (resumably) on her pink iPhone.
And early this past summer, wasn't Kate on her cell phone when she went ballistic on one of the kids because she was on a call?
People who live in glass houses...
Yes Kate was on her cell phone chatting away the same day she was caught striking the children and the cops were called.
Here is a pic to prove it:
Kate was always on her phone in 'paps' pics waaaay before Jon started being on his BUT Kate DID say her calls were work related and Jon's she's SURE are personal. And we ALL know how TRUTHFUL Kate always is, sooooo............
I'm not so sure this was TLC giving Kate a platform to trash Jon, but rather TLC, using Kate to trash Jon.
Anonymous, well said! TLC is USING Kate to bolster their case. Kate is playing right into their hands becausae she's so dumb. SCUMBAGS!
Barbee, Kate does a lot of stuff she has hypocritically accused other people of doing, like improperly withdrawing money, being on her cell phone, pimping the kids out, selling her story for money (she sounded so stupid accusing Jodi and Kevin of selling their story....Kate what do YOU do every damn day???)....but with her she is always an exception. The rules never apply to her, she is always a special case. She has the maturity of a 15 year old.
I wonder, can Jon use this episode in his countersuit against TLC? Aren't they in fact defaming him?
And, I agree, TLC is using Kate. She's just too dumb to realize it yet.
She also said that Jon does not spend too much time playing with the kids or doing activities with them. Wow, she walked right into that one.
I agree, this episode was downright despicible. What happened to Kate's claim that she is always taking the high road?
Jon could absolutely attempt to restrain TLC from airing any future episodes. Surely this episode helps him if he wishes to pursue that. I said on the blog several weeks ago he should, that simply stopping the filming isn't enough. He may have tried in the past but failed. Moreover the judge could admonish Kate not to publically speak ill of the kids' father. Even if she claims the kids don't watch, what makes her think they won't see them eventually or at least hear about them? If I were the judge I would absolutely admonish them both not to talk negatively of the other on their show or in public. Kate and TLC are so blinded by wanting revenge I think they made a potentially huge mistake airing those episodes.
I do wonder - is there any standing in a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT for us viewers - in being fed "the realest reality show ever" - and finding out it has all been pretty much a sham. Starting from the 9th wedding renewal of vows....bogus, and all the "we're being civil for the kids", "Alexis sleeps in the basement" (when we found out it was Jon), etc.
This "reality" show from a channel calling itself a Learning Channel - this is misrepresentation and I wish we could sue and see if any sponsors wanted to join in.
They were sold ads/commercial time on a "wholesome family" show which is anything but.
Anyway, your thoughts on the idea....? I really want to start something that might get the ball rolling on National Legislation to protect all kids in these so-called "reality shows". The Gosselin eight are nothing more than modern day Dionne Quintuplets....exploited for money.
Oh, please administrator, you are not open minded when it comes to taking sides, clearly you are bashing Kate in your latest post.
Not sure how it's closed minded to point out the facts--Kate is on her phone too and I provided proof. I have criticized both of them. When Kate says something incredibly hypocritical, I'm going to point it out. There's an easy solution here for Kate. Stop talking about Jon publically and we won't be able to accuse her of bashing him! Simple.
If Kate should try to claim that the kids won't see this footage, all Jon would have to do is show the tape where they claim that the only tv the kids watch is their show, during naptime.
This footage could come back to bite Kate big time. Don't judges usually take a dim view of parents who try to alienate the children from the other parent?
Since the separation, it seems Jon is the one who needs to stop talking i.e. saying he "despises" Kate the mother of his 8 beautiful children, talking to the paps at the fence and bustop, etc. She, by no means, is trying to alienate what are you talking about, Kate has been very cooperative in working with Jon regarding the time he spends with the kids. If only he didn't live so far away, he could see more of them.
Kate and Jon have BOTH talked badly of the other in public. They are both guilty. I'm not sure how you know Kate has been cooperative with visits or not. What evidence? The only thing I have seen is Kate calling the cops on Jon's visitation day. Hardly cooperative. They have both made bad choices. That isn't abnormal in a messy divorce. And TLC is taking advantage of both of them in their heightened emotional states. Without TLC Kate would have simply vented in private to a girlfriend about Jon's cell phone use, gotten it off her chest and moved on, just like normal people going through a divorce. Instead now it's a huge alienation issue because she did it on her show that the kids could see and hear about. Now millions know.
I agree with Administrator. They have both done and said stupid things but this time Kate did it on TLC time and with their blessing. How sad and how unfare. They should all be ashamed, I'm starting to think that the kids are the most adult of all of them!
Hi its Debbie again with yet another question. I think I finally figured out how to put my name on this thing! Anyway my question is do you think the crew and others who signed confidentuality agreements can be ordered into court to testify in this mess regardless of them signing a document not to talk. Some of the crew reportedly left the JK8 show in disagreement as to how the family was treated etc and seems like if they could legally talk then they could be good witnesses. Just wondering. Thanks again for your input. I find your blog very interesting. I also agree that TLC and Kate were bad bad bad this last show!
Debbie, I do think that if those bound by confidentiality agreements have information that would be useful to a judge who is trying to make decisions in the children's best interest, a judge could choose to force them to talk in the interest of justice. Confidentiality agreements usually talk specifically about speaking with the media, not judges when you are subpoened to court.
There's a picture on the So Sugary website that was reportedly taken yesterday that shows Kate sitting in her white plastic lawn chair, kids all around and texting (resumably) on her pink iPhone.
And early this past summer, wasn't Kate on her cell phone when she went ballistic on one of the kids because she was on a call?
People who live in glass houses...
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