1. Today Kate took Cara to the dentist. No nanny, no bodyguard, just Kate doing what a normal mom does. Kate was also dressed a little more mom-ish. Still hip, but not over the top. Good job!
2. Kate is saying "no comment" about Jon's break in. No comment goes so far. Double good job!
39 sediments (sic) from readers:
Well, ya'll are nicer than me.
Why does a mom wear opened toed shoes in December for crying out loud?
Also, it is about time she started to say no comment. About 9 months too late in my book.
Open-toed shoes in December? I am not surprised. The weather had been mild in PA lately, though it got colder this week. They sell sleeveless dresses for Christmas parties and New Year's Eve and strappy sandals to go with them. I have looked at clothes for plus sizes vs. misses and there is a big difference in how much skin is showing. If you don't shop in the smaller sizes, you may not realize what is out there. Maybe the plumper ladies wouldn't feel comfortable in Kate's clothes because of their body issues?
Well maybe, but I was raised in the North and we wore open toes from Labor day to Memorial day. I am currently living in the south and about all people wear down here is boots. LOL.
I will wear open toe shoes if I'm not going to be outside long. She probably figured she was just running in to the dentist and wouldn't be outside very long. I know my open toes are way more comfortable than being all tight in boots!
It's not so much about the open toe shoes, it's just that she looks so silly in them - tawdling around like she's playing dress up.
I live in Nor Cal and people, myself included, wear flip flops year round. Sure it's cold but it's comfortable too.
I guess I cannot relate. Down deep the only thing that keeps me connected to these two grifters is the fact that I want the Gosselin children to have a film free 2010.
Maybe I will get lucky and Kate will trip on the Rodeo Drive of Reading, Pennsylvania & be out of photo/media for a little while.
Sorry, I just cannot stand the woman & anything about her.
I don't think the outfit was bad, but most people around here don't wear open-toed heels to take their kids to the dentist on a very, very cold and blustery day here in PA. It's not a "body issue"--it's just not usual is all I'm sayin'. Even going from Giant to the car, and filling up my gas tank today, I was cccccold! The jacket is nice, but won't do at all for any length of time in this weather.
"Sorry, I just cannot stand the woman & anything about her." - Irene
I don't know, Irene. You seem to really enjoy reading/blogging about Kate.
I have to agree with the Administrator here that Kate's "no comment" deserves a "good job, Kate" and there is nothing wrong with a mom wearing a sensible yet fashionable outfit.
As for the blustery weather, it hit PA last night, after her trip to the dentist.
Well, anonymous to each his own. I was blind as a bat about the real Kate. But, some has come out in the laundry & more will follow. I just want to make sure those kids do not have to return to work to earn their parents a paycheck. As the Gosselin children did for the past 5 seasons. And, to see it all squandered the way it has been really makes me want to take the high heel open toed shoe off of Kate and mess her hair up with it.
Irene, I think you are still blind about Kate if you can't say a single nice thing about her. You actually wrote that you'd be "lucky" if she would trip and hurt herself. You are just blinded in a different way. It has nothing to do with the kids.
No apologies, please.
I don't think Jon squandered the money. The judge would not have ordered a 5 figure monthly child support payment if Jon had no money, right Administrator? Kate is the one who put money aside for the kids and they live on a nice estate. Good investment especially in this economy (real estate). Kate gets free clothes and coffee (I thought) so where is the squandering? Rich people have nice stuff. Between the books, the show, and the speaking tour last year, the Gosselins are rich. I don't believe they can't pay bills.
Time will tell.....
What would I apologize for? Kate brought her situation on Kate.
Time to hit the pavement and live in the real world. Most people do not make their kids go to work to support their quality of life.
Thanks for your comments Anonymous.
"What would I apologize for?"- Irene
You wrote "sorry" in your comments twice. I don't know why you apologize for your opinion. There's no need for that. I think you are interesting and honest.
"Kate brought her situation on Kate."- Irene
I agree. The failed marriage is very sad, especially for the kids. She gets blame for her part. She also gets credit for the things she does right. "No comment" about whatever Jon is going through right now deserves some credit, IMO. I can't understand wishing harm to her.
Kate took ONE child to the dentist and left SEVEN home with a nanny. What's so commendable about that? She should be taking all her children out with her. She never does without a camera crew. Those children need to get out more. She has a nanny and a friend to help her.
The rest of her outfit is fine but open toed heels in the northeast in December is ridiculous. Especially to run errands. A black tie event is different.
Oh Anonymous Sorry is a southern lingo that I say in conversation. I never ever wanted to feel this way. I watched the show from day one. The idealic family that TLC tried to sell to us just blows my mind these days. And, the casualties of all things Gosselin are those children.
If Kate wants a compliment/support from me, she is gonna have to show me that the kids do really intruly come 1st. The only way I will believe that is if they are not filmed in the future.
P.S. Anonymous we do not all ever have the same opinion and at the end of the day I am grateful I do not have to walk in a high heel of a Gosselin.
You seem really angry at Kate. Do you know her personally, Irene? Has she asked you for a compliment?
P.S. Irene, at the end of the day, we do not all have the same opinion or shoe size. I am grateful that I am able to walk in open-toed high heels should the occasion arise, lol!
Anonymous I am angry about the whole bowl of Monkey Munch.
1ST of all, Kate was more upset about the jeopardy of her show than the falling apart of her marriage. (I.E. She was gone 22 days out of a month when things were going south at home)
2nd TLC should have hiatused the show at the end of Season 4 when Jon sat on that couch and hesitated wanting to continue. Family 1st in my eyes.
3rd I am upset with Jon because he totally turned into a titty baby & went some kind of stupid wild. Not thinking that his children will suffer the consequences & see some day what a smuck he acted like.
4th I truly believe all the above (1,2 &3) did not & will not act in the best interest of the minor children. The put filming, media and agendas before the best interest of 8 children.
And, that my anonymous blogger is my story (the condensed version) in a nutshell.
Irene, are you saying all moms must wear frumpy clothes all the time. Also, if I had eight children and only one of them had a dentist appointment, you better believe the other seven would be left at home. All hell would break loose in the waiting room of that dentist office while they waited!
No, anonymous that is not what I said at all.
Please read my post at 6:45 am.
But, I do believe that both parents try to be away from the house running errands as much as possible.
Anyway anonymous, I speak from a different perspective is all. I have 8 children. I have been there, done that and have a tshirt.
My relative that lived near me growing up had 17 kids. She refused all media & book deals. She said it was explotiation (way back before reality shows) and that it would put undo pressure on her children. All of her children received a college education, christian upbringing and have successful adulthoods. Aunt Pat did all that with no reality show, no cash only picture requests, and no church love offering circuit.
All I really care about is the Gosselin children are never filmed again.
Regarding the comment about Kate's house being a good investment....I have to disagree there. A mansion is not a good investment when you don't have a steady income to maintain it. Actually, I think a mansion is a poor investment for everyone but the most wealthy people who have so much money saved away they will never be in danger of losing it. They should live below their means. Even if the house were paid in full there are an incredible amount of upkeep costs, from utilities to property taxes to maintenance of the pool, cleaning, etc. Not to mention their other house was sitting on the market unsold forever until a big price drop finally moved it. And if they have to sell this house because they finally realize they cannot afford it, the market is terrible right now and they will likely take a loss.
Not a good investment at all.
Kate's property can be subdivided. It's a grogeous area. I know about this since I am (somewhat) local. It's a great investment, IMO. Real estate almost always is.
Irene, I am sad to read that a mother of eight is also divorced. That's really sad. Does your ex stay at the kids' home, or do they have to pack up to see their father?
Actually it may not be able to be subdivided, depending on zoning laws. In fact it's very unlikely an upscale neighborhood like that would allow such a thing. They don't want a bunch of lower income people coming in on subdivisions. They probably want to keep the neighborhood ritzy. Plus, trying to sell or lease a subdivision is again very difficult in this economy. It's almost impossible to rent or sell right now without taking a huge loss.
I'm not saying real estate isn't a good investment. Actually, usually it is. BUT, when you're buying within your means. It's better than buying a bunch of cars, toys, or other junk.
Kate is very unlikely to be able to afford this house. If she does, good for her, but why live in fear you're going to lose your house? Buy a modest but adequate house half the size and never worry.
This was actually a property zoned for animals, if I recall, therefore they would want to keep all the land on the property and not subdivide it. As soon as you subdivide, suddenly your property zoned for animals is worth nothing because you don't have enough room for the animals the buyers want to bring in. Not a smart move.
You're right Admin --
the Gosselin property is zoned 'agricultural' or 'farm'. They'd have to go thru the zoning board and jump thru tons of hoops to ever get that property re-zoned.
I apologize anonymous. I was married and had 2 girls. We divorced. 10 years ago I married a man with 5 children all of whom he had custody of. 2 years ago we had 1 child.
In response to your question. My children have never went back and forth. We all have a very close knit relationship for the sake of the children. They do not pack up, etc. We all go on vacations together, celebrate all holidays together, go to all sports, speak daily about the children. My ex is very great friends with my husband. My ex will tell anyone he is grateful for the kind of step father my husband is. Especially in the vicious world we live in.
I hope Jon and Kate will be able to communicate, cooperate and be compassionate of one another in the year 2010 & beyond. I really do.
Thanks administrator for the mansion clarifications. I think it is irresponsible to purchase and hold on to something that is not affordable and realistic.
No boards on boards please, thanks guys. I don't want to require every comment to be approved like they do at GWOP, it doesn't allow for a quick turnaround. Let's keep it that way!
Ok. I will be good. I felt like I was sitting on the couch with Kate though. LOL.
Peace, love and Gosselin Anonymous. ;-)
Administrator, what is boards on boards?
Irene I'd be honored to sit on the couch with you if we could find one big enough. ;-)
"Boards-on-boards" means that instead of talking about the post or respectfully commenting on other's comments, the subject of your post is the site, the posters, or the trend in the conversation.
I will permit positive comments about other posters, but not negative ones.
Thanks, Administrator.
this took a bad turn.
can the 'personal' response be deleted? I have never been here, but it really is a shame when the subject is reduced to grade school name calling.
Who watches all these kids while you troll the internet bashing Kate??
Just Wondering
Administrator, what is boards on boards?
Irene I'd be honored to sit on the couch with you if we could find one big enough. ;-)
You're right Admin --
the Gosselin property is zoned 'agricultural' or 'farm'. They'd have to go thru the zoning board and jump thru tons of hoops to ever get that property re-zoned.
Kate's property can be subdivided. It's a grogeous area. I know about this since I am (somewhat) local. It's a great investment, IMO. Real estate almost always is.
Irene, I am sad to read that a mother of eight is also divorced. That's really sad. Does your ex stay at the kids' home, or do they have to pack up to see their father?
Irene, are you saying all moms must wear frumpy clothes all the time. Also, if I had eight children and only one of them had a dentist appointment, you better believe the other seven would be left at home. All hell would break loose in the waiting room of that dentist office while they waited!
No, anonymous that is not what I said at all.
Please read my post at 6:45 am.
But, I do believe that both parents try to be away from the house running errands as much as possible.
"What would I apologize for?"- Irene
You wrote "sorry" in your comments twice. I don't know why you apologize for your opinion. There's no need for that. I think you are interesting and honest.
"Kate brought her situation on Kate."- Irene
I agree. The failed marriage is very sad, especially for the kids. She gets blame for her part. She also gets credit for the things she does right. "No comment" about whatever Jon is going through right now deserves some credit, IMO. I can't understand wishing harm to her.
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