Rumors have been going around as far back as September that Kate was cooking up a View-style talk show with celebs like Paula Dean. But after bombing on the View, as well as all the mess with her divorce and Jon's lawsuit, sources say she has been dropped from the show as too "controversial."
We have a sneaking suspicion she also couldn't get along with fellow divas like Paula Dean. It's a small world in diva land.
Kate's show with TLC is still in the work, recently filming a test shoot in North Carolina. Sequels often flop; will Kate be able to make her show work? If it even gets the green light. TLC has to make money--clearly that's all they care about. And if the test numbers are poor, they will drop Kate faster than a rock.
12 sediments (sic) from readers:
So the same Radaronline in bed with Tlc is printing about Kate being dropped.
I think this is anything to keep Kate in the media and relevant...they just need to stay away from the paparazzi.
Well, Dressing her up like Mrs. Brady & having her delayed cackles on Leno is not going to buy Kate Gosselin any credible resume. LOL
She is TLC's problem is all I can say. If it all fails Kate will take her Dying breath saying Jon & the fans ruined it for her.
Someone said this once on a Z on TV blog. I cannot remember where to find it to give them credit.
Can you imagine the Queen of Butter working with the Queen of Organic anyway?
Really now can we?
Other websites are reporting that Kate was fired. In Radar's attempt to spin in Kate's favor they are using the term "bounced."
She could not have been fired. The show has not even been picked up. I don't think I believe that.
I think she will have a hard time. This is why. Jon and Kate plus 8 was on her turf. She is trying to play with the big boys. That is alot different. Not too mention the lifestyle. Her lawyer says her goal is to live in the Wernersville sprawling estate. Well, all these shows aren't really located on her compound.
This is gonna be a mess. Her only livelihood lies in the taping of those kids. And, sorry but I just do not hear alot of outrage that people in general want to see those kids filmed.
It might be time to start living within her means. That is gonna be a tough bag of Monkey Munch for her to swallow.
Irene I'm just letting everyone know what I have read on other sites. I think using the term "bounced" is less harsh than saying she was "fired."
Oh, lauren sorry. I have a way of being a Kate sometimes please pardon me. :-)
Did she have a contract for the pilot?
You can absolutely be "fired" even if a show hasn't officially started yet. Fired to me implies though you did something very bad like not showing up to work or never knowing your lines. "Letting her go" because the fit just wasn't right, the chemistry wasn't there, she couldn't handle the pressure, she wasn't blending with other hosts, is sort of different. In a way that's more of a chemistry thing and not really her fault. People are let go from shows now and again because it's not working. However you want to call it, she will no longer be on the show.
Well, wow, I did not know that.
This is what I think though. Kate has been coddled for so long by TLC. Look at her blog on TLC website. Ms Duggars blog gets in upwards of 17,000 messages all displayed. Go to Kate's blog hardly a smidgen.
Can you imagine Paula Deen, & Telepictures websites though?
I guess what I am trying to say is when you let the cow out of the barn to other people's pastures it is udderly hard to control the PR.
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year ya'll
You can absolutely be "fired" even if a show hasn't officially started yet. Fired to me implies though you did something very bad like not showing up to work or never knowing your lines. "Letting her go" because the fit just wasn't right, the chemistry wasn't there, she couldn't handle the pressure, she wasn't blending with other hosts, is sort of different. In a way that's more of a chemistry thing and not really her fault. People are let go from shows now and again because it's not working. However you want to call it, she will no longer be on the show.
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