Perhaps finally realizing how much his lifestyle exceeds his income (we've been saying this for years), and with a huge monthly child support order to pay now, Jon was spotted Friday at a used car lot .... trying to trade in his BMW for a more economical car, a
Subaru, plus some cash. But apparently not able to come to a deal he was happy with, Jon drove off with the same BMW.
Here is the BMW another blogger has identified as Jon's car, pricing it for a cool
33 sediments (sic) from readers:
Just the beginning of the downsizing that needs to come to pass.
Unfortunately, for Jon nothing he will try to do will seem right. The media, with Tlc's blessing, is gonna smear this man from one end of cyberspace to the next.
I think Jon has acted like a smuck but his actions do not rise to the level of Greed & Bullyness that TLC's does.
This is the modern day War of the Roses and it is gonna be the gift that keeps on giving.
Well, downsizing is the right thing to do here. Better now than later. They should have never bought depriciating assets like BMWs in the first place with an income as unstable as theirs, but this is where they are. I am sure he has to swallow a lot of pride but I commend him for making this move. I hope it will be one of many from both of them. They need to focus on providing for their kids, not trying to buy outlandishly expensive toys for adults. Has anyone ever owned a luxury car? Sure it's fun for a few weeks, but after that? It's still a set of wheels that takes you places. Luxury car or family car, it's wheels either way.
Yes, not to mention this "ideal family" was supposed to be so organized, etc. It appears they bought this stuff based on future earnings not the present.
Yes, I agree completely about buying out of your means. A car is a car is a car.
I am just terribly nosey rosie. I wonder, we'll never know, what their true net worth is vs their debt? I have a feeling if we knew it would be jaw dropping. I think of wealthy people as savers not spenders. I think this couple threw out their money faster than you can spell Gymboree! :-)
Have a great day.
Absolutely Irene, the true wealthy are SAVERS NOT SPENDERS. That's how they got to be wealthy. Read Rich Dad Poor Dad, or any Dave Ramsey book, the true rich don't go into debt, they only buy what they can afford, and they make their money work for them.
No one ever got rich with a Visa card. But with a money market account, yes.
They blew money like lottery winners and here is the fallout 24 months later, luxury cars being traded in for something practical.
Yes, I just hope for the sake of the 8 minor children that Jon can get his life together for the kids.
It doesnt matter what you own or how much money you have in the bank. If you do not have a relationship with your kids it is all for the birds.
On the imperfect mom's website Jon did an interview very close to the time he was injuncted to refrain from appearing or not speaking. He said that Kate's controlling ways are not acting that she is alot worse. (Not in those exact words)
Anyway, can you imagine what his life is gonna be like dealing with her day to day trying to raise those kids? Especially, if he cannot afford her the lifestyle that she is accustomed. Heck, he didn't have a job when the sextuplets were born and look at the fallout over used donated cribs with her parents?
Golly gee willickers!
Did anyone see in OK magazine where TLC has given a statement that Kate would keep the last name Gosselin.
Lordie Bee. She might not love Jon anymore but Kate loves that brand!
Wonder if she has been picked up for a movie yet? OR a cartoon character?
That's the first thing I thought, Kate has such loathing for Jon and yet she'll continue to leach onto her name. Because the "Kate Gosselin" brand is what she has been building and damn if she'll tamper with that!
Well, I think too it shows how controlled by TLC is. This Kate character is a puppet on a string. All a pile of monkey munch if you ask me.
Ok. Now Jon has more than just selling his car to worry about.
Hollywoodlife.com is setting up a 3-some interview with the girls of Gosselin summertime.
Lordie bee, Jon will have to live through this and not be able to say a word.
Could there be any chance that TLC is involved in helping to get this arranged? These girls are cashing in, cha ching. I guess ABC doesn't pay enough.
You have blog security here. This madness is not stopping for awhile.
Ok. I am so confused. I got myself as a follower on this blog. Now I am going to try to post. Bear with me. ~Irene~
He needs to get a flipping minivan to haul his kids around in!
I'm not sure what being a "follower" does to be honest. I think they might alert you of new posts somehow?
Well he had one. Maybe Kate will sell one to him if they still have it?
Not to change the subject but does anyone think that since Kate owns the house now that Jon will have to pay rent to live in that garage apartment?
I am full of piss and vinegar today.
Kate probably had to buy him out of the house, so he got his share in the house. So technically she may owe him money. Usually you either buy the other person's share or sell and split the profits. But yes now that Kate owns it, if he were to live there she could charge him rent, if she doesn't just let him live there for free.
Kate? Free? Same sentence? Nothing related to Kate is free. LOL.
This story seems bogus to me. Jon Gosselin would be trying to sell his car on eBay or something like that as... "Jon Gosselin's BMW" vs attempting to trade it in at a dealership.... Plus... The paps were ALL OVER HIM on Friday. Where are the pics of him at the dealership?
I smell bullshit.
As far as I understood the pic I posted IS him at the dealership.
The pic on your site as well as OK the OK Magazine pic is Jon at the UPS Store in August 2009.
The photo on TMZ site? Not so sure....
Unless he has an evil twin it sure looks like him to me.
No drama Mama there is no way on no paycheck that Jon can survive the lifestyle he has led. Forgive me but if you really add up what they were paid to be on the show it was measly. Their livelihood was in the freebies, book deals and appearances. That is dried up with him.
Is there any figure out yet what litigation has cost him thus far? And, is there any hope that he can get better counsel in the future?
It doesnt matter No drama mama someone is leaking all this kind of good will toward Jon from somewhere.
He is getting slaughtered in the press. Some people that read this stuff have only seen the show since May 09 or heard about it. They do not know the real story behind this story.
I absofrigginglutely agree.
Stopping the show was the smartest AND DUMBEST thing Jon Gosselin ever did. Smart in the sense he got those kids off TV. Dumb in the sense he had the wrong people advising him and he bit off the hand that was feeding him.
I'm glad he did stop the show but boy.... he really shoudl have had a backup plan!
Well, all I really care about is that those children get to salvage what is left of their childhood.
These two grifters can do whatever it is they are supposed to be good at doing.
The only thing they were EVER good at was arguing with one another.
Well with over 100 episodes that my dear No Drama Mama is for darned sure.
Now, when does Jon sell the tractor?
What about the wedding ring? Will Kate sell it?
And, the White plastic chairs? Common you know you are all dying to have one from the 1.2 million dollar sprawling Wernersville Estate.
The picture of Jon is from October 8, 2009 Jon picking up the twins from school bus same clothes same car next to him see sosugary site: http://gosselins.sosugary.com/thumbnails.php?album=279
What Jon was wearing on Friday the day he was "supposedly" selling the car: http://gosselins.sosugary.com/thumbnails.php?album=361
Oh by the way Jon said when he got the car that he "LEASED IT" so how could he try to get money back on a car he didn't buy?
He could have just told people he leases it, doesn't mean it's true. By the way, leasing a car is just about the worst investment you can possibly make. He might have thought leasing would look better than actually forking over $40,000 of the children's money.
Or this story could be something team Kate threw out there. I have to admit I commend Jon for not responding to it, true or not. The value of NO COMMENT is tremendous.
Yes, I really wish the judge would have gagged everyone from TLC to JON.
I guess Jon's lawyers did asked for everyone to be covered under the injunction.
You said: "Forgive me but if you really add up what they were paid to be on the show it was measly."
Yes, I agree their 'salary' from TLC may have been measly - but you have to add that to the income from their book (yes, THEIR book because Jon's name was added to it right as it was published), their HUGE takings from the love offerings at the churches which was in CASH as well as the $20/each photos of the kids in CASH -- unaccounted for, I'm sure.
IMO, the IRS needs to take a microscope to the Gosselin's finances. It would have been impossible for them to amass millions just from their TLC salaries. What did they do with the CASH?
Steph A fool and his money soon part.
These aren't the sharpest two pencils in a classroom if you ask me. 1ST of all, their contract with TLC was so stiff & unbendable that I do not know how it all lasted this long.
I know they have made money. But, think of the waste we have seen from the start. Always new, limos, the most expensive, organic, her possum hair cut. They were blowin that money as fast as they were getting it. I think. I am basing this off of people I know who are similar to them.
You said: "Forgive me but if you really add up what they were paid to be on the show it was measly."
Yes, I agree their 'salary' from TLC may have been measly - but you have to add that to the income from their book (yes, THEIR book because Jon's name was added to it right as it was published), their HUGE takings from the love offerings at the churches which was in CASH as well as the $20/each photos of the kids in CASH -- unaccounted for, I'm sure.
IMO, the IRS needs to take a microscope to the Gosselin's finances. It would have been impossible for them to amass millions just from their TLC salaries. What did they do with the CASH?
Well with over 100 episodes that my dear No Drama Mama is for darned sure.
Now, when does Jon sell the tractor?
What about the wedding ring? Will Kate sell it?
And, the White plastic chairs? Common you know you are all dying to have one from the 1.2 million dollar sprawling Wernersville Estate.
This story seems bogus to me. Jon Gosselin would be trying to sell his car on eBay or something like that as... "Jon Gosselin's BMW" vs attempting to trade it in at a dealership.... Plus... The paps were ALL OVER HIM on Friday. Where are the pics of him at the dealership?
I smell bullshit.
Well he had one. Maybe Kate will sell one to him if they still have it?
Not to change the subject but does anyone think that since Kate owns the house now that Jon will have to pay rent to live in that garage apartment?
I am full of piss and vinegar today.
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