Any man's dream is to be involved in the Super Bowl somehow, if only in a commercial on the big day. Jon's lawyers say he was offered at least two Super Bowl commercials for next year's game. But TLC prevented him from accepting them. His lawyer calls the move "mean-spirited."
9 sediments (sic) from readers:
I wonder if it was a commercial for Massengil or Summer's Eve.....
TLC should be renamed KGB
I think this is what Jon means when he says they prevented him from making a living. Making one or two Super Bowl commercials could be enough to set the family for life.
This is also a perfect example of TLC not conceiving of the fact that they are hurting the kids by taking away Jon's income. Let's say Jon makes $300,000 to make a Super Bowl commercial. And that's way low-balling it, he could make a million on this kind of thing. A lot of that money is going to reach the kids in some form--help pay for their nice school, clothes, mortgage on their nice house, toys and games, vacations, etc.
But because TLC has such a hatred for Jon all they care about is making sure he doesn't get what he wants.
How cool would that have been! ITA with 9cats TLC = KGB!
I love Kate. I wish I looked as good as her.
Admin: Why would anyone want Jon Gosselin, unemployed father of 8, to appear in a commercial for their product? What company would want him? Realistically... What could/would he endorse? Condoms?
But because TLC has such a hatred for Jon all they care about is making sure he doesn't get what he wants.
I absolutely agree with this.
Jon stopped their "cash cow" and they are pissed.
Perfect example: The OCC bike. He still does not have that bike! Why? Because it is being held hostage due to his "bad behavior".
What bugs me about Jon is... He has no direction in life. Look at how easily he was leeched upon by the wrong people. Lohan, Audigier, etc. He doesn't have anyone there telling him "Hey Jon, you know there people may not have your bext unterests at heart" or if he did, he just didn't listen.
Actually I think a lot of companies would want him. I'm guessing the commercials would be very tongue in cheek, having him poke fun at himself and being a good sport about it. Any company could come up with some kind of creative way to work him into an ad. It's not like he's Bernie Madoff and he's really truly harmed a ton of people, lots of times people who have gotten some negative press show up in commercials poking fun at themselves. He's a softball celebrity and there's a lot of interest right now.
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