A generous child support order under her belt, Kate was caught out on a shopping spree (no bodyguard??) on Sunday. Presents for the kids? No. The top quality Kitchen Aid mixer in her cart is not exactly meant for children.
The mixer appears to be
this model, which retails for $340.00.
Confession...we really like her modest but stylish outfit.
38 sediments (sic) from readers:
Where are her two purses she usually carries.
I miss the white framed sunglasses. I guess she must have summer/winter pairs.
So, how did everyone think she did on Leno?
SHE never carried 2 purses, Steve did! Some bodyguard he was, she had him so loaded down he couldn't defend her if he had to.
I thought she sounded kind of weird on Leno because her laugh was so fake. I agree regarding her outfit, it is nice she put the store bought boobies away. Maybe now that she is officially single she is not going to let people peek at them for free, if they wanna see they gotta agree to be nagged and whined at. Just my opinion.
Steve was her ASSISTANT not her bodyguard. Bodyguards are supposed to do things like stand AWAY form the subject and survey the whole area, or scope out an area ahead of time for danger before they come in, or at least be looking at OTHERS for any dangers, not Kate herself. Steve carried purses, drove cars, and walked beside her. Hardly protection. He was a glorified assistant.
The kids bought her the cute outfit and the mixer. Please, don't be fooled. Everything is for publicity and/or remaking her image.
Oh, Lauren that could be true. I thought though maybe the sponsorships & freebies are drying up. But, of course after all the heck Jon caught for not using a coupon she probably was sent a coupon to go in the store and pick up the item.
So much though for the wild woman being at home baking cookies. She did not even have a mixer. LOL.
I was recommended to your site from the Baltimore Sun Z on TV site bloggers. Keep up the good work.
I think the whole bodyguard thing is truly nothing more than a glorified babysitter to keep that pacifier in her mouth, and to give the appearance she is an A lister.
Yes, for once the outfit was appropriate--however, in PA on Sunday in was fricken' freezing! Don't let the sunshine fool you--it was windy and bitter cold. She could've used a warm hat and a parka, but that might have obscured her "recognizability" ;)
As for the mixer, maybe it was a gift for someone else? Of course it could have been for herself to bake cookies with, but I thought Kate "hated" baking--per one of her statements on an early episode when the twins went to cooking class.
Kate cannot keep Kate straight let alone her lies & exaggerations.
Does anyone think Jon has a snowballs chance in Haties about getting out of this contract with the Hitler's at TLC?
Some names for your blog to evolve
Gosselins R Us
Suits Gosselin Style
Gosselins Blue Light Life
Jon & Kate plus Litigation
Thanks for the name suggestions!
MattAshley, welcome! Did Baltimore Sun Z link to us? I can't find it. Please direct me so I can send them a thank you.
"Does anyone think Jon has a snowballs chance in Haties about getting out of this contract with the Hitler's at TLC?"
It's not so much of an issue whether Jon will get out of his contract...he already is out. It's more a question of how much in damages he is going to pay to TLC for breaching, if the judge rules it was a legitimate contract. It's still anyone's game, since the contract had some major problems. And again, really? Jon was just caught trying to downsize his car...and TLC wants MORE money from him? What more do they want?
I am Irene@mattashley@cableone.net I found the Baltimore Sun Z on TV site in August on accident trying to find reputable information on the Gosselins. One of the zloggers on the zlog recommended your site.
My objective more than anything is to see to it that children on reality shows are protected under federal laws from greedy parents and production companies. I do not know if that really fits for me to be blogging here but the future of those children on television is probably directly related to if TLC can break Jon and get those kids on television.
So, no Baltimore Sun & David Zurawic did not link me but their site led me here.
Merry Christmas everyone. Please tell me if I can help out with any research or anything.
Yes, administrator TLC suing Jon for damages only hurts the 8 minor children in the long run. They would be taking money from the same father that needs to support the children.
Then that road leads you back to Kate. She is bound & determined to be a star. So, TLC are going to have to coddle her and pay her way.
I think in the end TLC only wants to make sure Jon cannot talk about this show past,present and/or future. They tried to sell this "ideal family picture" and it backfired big time. I cannot stand TLC. I am glad I have wised up and found out the truth about them.
If you think TLC has any ounce of a conscience left, just watch Little People Big World. Barely a mention in 5 seasons of Matt and Amy's relationship, now every episode including last night's is all about what a rocky relationship they supposedly suddenly have. What a crock. I'm ashamed of Matt and Amy for playing into this crap.
Yes, I refuse to watch the Hayes, Duggars or Roloff's on Tlc. I was a die hard fan of all these shows prior to May 2009. I am a mom of 8 kids so I could relate. After some of the truth of The Gosselins has been exposed I refuse to contribute to the delinquency of a greedy Company like TLC.
I do get Matt Roloff's newsletter from mattroloff.com and he did a question and answer on 11/07 where he talked about the Gosselins.
However, I do believe this with my whole heart. The Gosselins are bought, paid for and owned by TLC. The Roloff's have a past,present and future with/without TLC.
I have formed this opinion of TLC. They are out to destroy reality families one family at a time.
Tlc reminds me of a pimp. Sorry, but that is truly how I feel.
Here are some renaming ideas I had...
TLC - The Litigation Channel: TLC v. Jon Gosselin, et al.
Litigation + 8
I like the Litigation + 8.
You guys are funny! LOL.
God forbid I hope she used a coupon.....
Yes, No drama mama she is like Mommie Dearest and "no wire hangers" I just picture the "no purchases without coupons or church given gift cards"
Lordie Bee.
Just wanted to say Hi to Irene...she's a great zlogger on Z on TV. I don't understand why a judge would rule such a high amount for child support when the father doesn't have a viable source of income. Are judges easy to be bought off I wonder? It seems like there is such a conspiracy against Jon. What does KI have on TLC that they would try and destroy a person like this? Any ideas?
A judge can't just slam Jon with child support for it to be punitive. It's based on a complicated formula set out by PA he's really not supposed to deviate from that much. So if the formula says he should owe 600 a month, and he slams him with $10,000, that's incredibly unlikely. The only conclusion we've reached is that Jon has more money than we think...or, that the judge expects him to go out and get an IT job.
Well one thing is for sure. Mark M, the lawyer for Kate already told Radaronline they hope the child support from her to him is not a future issue. So sit back and enjoy the ride cuz if he doesnt play by the rules she will drag him into court so fast he will pay something.
Hey Gosselins all the way. Thanks for the shout out. I am really just an awnry old mom of 8 who got Gosselined into this mess about 5 seasons ago.
Now, I am out of control.
A friend of mine had Mark Momjian's father Al as her attorney in a divorce case. Let's just say Kate got the better lawyer in the deal... The Momjian name commands alot of respect in Eastern PA... They know their stuff. Jon was definitely underrepresented.....
Yes, I kinda figured that. We have attorney's on the Gulfcoast called the Holliman's. The father had a successful law firm. Named a street after him & the family kept the name going.
Well, I know he is the underdog here. But, no matter what TLC, lawyers, courts do to him. It does not change the fact that he is the father of these kids. I think it is just hideous this whole ordeal is Kate's idea of being a high road taker. Blows my mind.
Again... I agree!
On my way to Reading! Pray I have a Gosselin free shopping experience!
Yes, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Gosselin free year.
Admin - I have a question about child support. You had mentioned that the child support was based on a formula and that it can't be used punitively. I have a feeling that Kate padded her expenses so that Jon would have to pay more. Does the judge have a way to check that her expenses are not padded and that they are correct? And what type of punishment would one receive if they were dishonest in reporting their expenses?
You know now that you mention it No Drama Mama I have speculated that if I ever did live near the Rodeo Drive in Reading, Pennsylvania I would have one wish.
I would want a couple inconspicuous people to get a string and each set on a side of the sidewalk. Then when The Little Old Lady who lives in a show walks past.....Presto out of commission for awhile. Lordie Bee would that be a sight.
OnE DaY iT wIlL HaPpEn...It may not be until those sweetie pie Hershey Kisses write about it.
Since they do not have a contract, I am hoping against hope for a smidgen of truth someday.
Must be nice to go out and buy a new Kichen-aid mixer, especially at this time of year (NO WAY is this woman 'relatable') to viewers. She already had a nice one when they lived in the Andrew Ave house (used it in at least 1 episode). Maybe she needed a new one so it would match all her other new appliances in her brand new kitchen. UGH
Admin - I have a question about child support. You had mentioned that the child support was based on a formula and that it can't be used punitively. I have a feeling that Kate padded her expenses so that Jon would have to pay more. Does the judge have a way to check that her expenses are not padded and that they are correct? And what type of punishment would one receive if they were dishonest in reporting their expenses?
Yes, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Gosselin free year.
A friend of mine had Mark Momjian's father Al as her attorney in a divorce case. Let's just say Kate got the better lawyer in the deal... The Momjian name commands alot of respect in Eastern PA... They know their stuff. Jon was definitely underrepresented.....
Just wanted to say Hi to Irene...she's a great zlogger on Z on TV. I don't understand why a judge would rule such a high amount for child support when the father doesn't have a viable source of income. Are judges easy to be bought off I wonder? It seems like there is such a conspiracy against Jon. What does KI have on TLC that they would try and destroy a person like this? Any ideas?
God forbid I hope she used a coupon.....
I like the Litigation + 8.
You guys are funny! LOL.
Yes, I refuse to watch the Hayes, Duggars or Roloff's on Tlc. I was a die hard fan of all these shows prior to May 2009. I am a mom of 8 kids so I could relate. After some of the truth of The Gosselins has been exposed I refuse to contribute to the delinquency of a greedy Company like TLC.
I do get Matt Roloff's newsletter from mattroloff.com and he did a question and answer on 11/07 where he talked about the Gosselins.
However, I do believe this with my whole heart. The Gosselins are bought, paid for and owned by TLC. The Roloff's have a past,present and future with/without TLC.
I have formed this opinion of TLC. They are out to destroy reality families one family at a time.
Tlc reminds me of a pimp. Sorry, but that is truly how I feel.
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