That didn't take long. Kate was caught at Finch's Restaurant's in North Carolina today, full camera crew with her, filming her cooking at the restaurant. Bodyguard and rumored lover Steve was with her, and told reporters they were filming a "test" for her new show. The kids? With the nanny we assume.
Speculation continues that Kate is beginning some sort of organic food show. TLC has confirmed they intend to begin a new show starring Kate to air this spring.
13 sediments (sic) from readers:
I don't care what kind of food they serve, no amount of Kate Gosselin can make it taste good!
I have to admit I feel a sense of relief. Kate can film all she wants as long as she leaves the kids out of it, in my view. She still should stay home with her kids, but this is better than the kids being on camera.
Although now how can Kate use the argument she is doing this for the kids to have experiences? You mean, to have experiences with the nanny?
What does this have to do with the divorce?
The divorce news is a little slow right now so I've been posting other Gosselin news. But it does relate in that whether Kate or Jon are working comes into play when it comes to alimony.
Jon is stupid for not going after alimony and/or spousal support. Kate is the one with the job, he has none and IMO is unemployable. He is a celebrity in his mind only. The more articles I read about him calling himself "TLC's talent" and stuff like that confirms for me that he is delusional when it comes to who/what he is.
I know that I certainly wouldn't want Kate Gosselin anywhere near something I put in my mouth. Her toxicity would probably contaminate the food. (Insert evil laugh)
Dear God, Boycott all that is TLC!
Still knocking Kate for just being out working. Somebody has to support those eight children. What is Jon doing to that end? Do you think the money he made breaching his contract with TLC went to their support?
Actually, Anonymous 8:43am - the money Jon made probably did go towards the support of his kids. Both Jon and Kate are required to deposit $7500/month into the household account to pay for the kid's expenses and the running of the house.
Kate is welcome to go out and work. But does she have to do it so far away from her children? She is working in another STATE!
The kids need more than Kate's money. They need HER--her time and devotion to them.
Actually, Anonymous 8:43am - the money Jon made probably did go towards the support of his kids. Both Jon and Kate are required to deposit $7500/month into the household account to pay for the kid's expenses and the running of the house.
The divorce news is a little slow right now so I've been posting other Gosselin news. But it does relate in that whether Kate or Jon are working comes into play when it comes to alimony.
What does this have to do with the divorce?
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