Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jon moving to Utah?

Various sources are reporting that Jon is telling everyone all over Sundance that he is in the process of moving to Utah, where girlfriend Morgan's parents have a place. He was also spotted hanging out with Wilmer Valderrama (who dated Jon's ex-pal Michael Lohan's daughter Lindsay Lohan), and picking up more freebies, including Rebecca jewelery.

28 sediments (sic) from readers:

Anonymous said... 1

Who dat! They are going crazy down here over the Saints win.

Jon, Jon, moving across the country. I hope for his kids this is not true. If it is true...I regret the day I ever became curious about this family & their reality show. May this never happen to children again. Never. ~ Administrator said... 2

I just could not imagine being that far away from a child of mine, let alone 8 children of mine, on a constant basis. Sure he can fly back easily, but what if heaven forbid a child gets hurt or worse? To have to wait for a plane and then a three or four hour plane ride just to get there?

Anonymous said... 3

Yes, and the idea that he holds so much animosity for Kate. If half of how he feels is true how could he leave them with her? I just do not understand that.

And, to think TLC is recruiting more families. This story is gonna play out for a long, long time and it just gets sadder & more pathetic at each turn.

Anonymous said... 4

Wasn't there reports less than a week a go that he was moving to Washington, DC?

I'll believe it when I see it. Although, it wouldn't surprise me if he followed Morgan to where she plans to go to school. He seems like he needs to be in love.


Paula Caldarella said... 5

Always beware of someone was "overheard" or a "source close" - PR spin. TLC? Anyway, Morgan does not live in Utah.

Anonymous said... 6

I thought rumor had it that Jon already had a place in Utah? So that was not true then. I don't believe all these sources. How reliable are they?

marnie said... 7

Wait a minute - I thought it was common knowledge that Jon bought a million dollar condo in Utah, over a year ago. He gave an interview at the time with a Utah TV station stating this. There was also an episode of J&K where Jon and Cara went out there to ski. ~ Administrator said... 8

I think having a ski place there is different from actually making it his primary residence.

Jon has been to Utah many times which I think lends credibility to him actually moving there.

SG said... 9

I have a question:

Does anyone know if Jon is being paid by TLC since he is still under contract with them? It seems to me they can't take away his ability to have an income from someone else if they don't give him an income. Also, how would it work if they aren't filming? Is he paid per episode? If so, how would he get paid if there are no new episodes? Just curious, especially since there is a rumor he is buying a home in Utah. Where would he be getting the money? I guess he isn't broke like some claim.

SG said... 10

Administrator, yes having a ski place to go to is different than making it his primary residence but my point was if he already bought a place there why would he say he was buying another one? Makes no sense. Either the first story was a lie or this one is. I will believe he is moving to Utah when he actually does. Just like Kate moved to Maryland.

Anonymous said... 11

Oh, gosh how will Kate adjust to Jon living across the country. If it does happen wait for TLC to spin that one.

Diane said... 12

Maybe, Jon and Kate bought a condo in Utah last year and rent it out. They might have a lot of property that we do not know about. As you said before, administrator, the courts will not expect Jon to pay child support that he is unable to pay. And, that they may have much more money than we know about. So, maybe, they bought property with some of their money.

Irene, I don't think Kate will like Jon being that far away. I am really wondering why Jon did not buy an RV when he and Kate seperated in the 1st place. Then, he could go any where.He'd always be home. haha.

I am serious about the rv thing. We have a 30' travel trailer at our place in the country and it sleeps 9 people very confortably. He could have taken the kids with him. They could have stayed at Daddy's rv. Little kids love campers.

Anonymous said... 13

Sorry, but if these rumors are true, I can't see Jon justifying such a move. It's just too far to be away from young children, IMO. Not to mention the cost of buying/renting a place in a resort area and flying back and forth to PA.

Also, there were other reports that Jon was acting like a diva at Sundance, asking for special treatment and security---more than other "real" celebrities there were. Now, I do take these reports with a grain of salt--Jon has been unfairly treated by the media--but why can't he just go snowboarding with his girlfriend and go out for a nice dinner/drinks? Why are they hanging around a film festival and going to VIP freebie events when NEITHER one are in the business?
Now I'm no fan of Kate at all, either--if she was at Sundance she'd be doing the same thing, getting freebies and acting all diva-ish, I'm sure. But Jon already has enough of an image problem and bad press--I just don't get his behavior--he's only adding to it. ~ Administrator said... 14

Jon and Kate have justified so many things though that are bad for the kids. They will justify anything to do what they want. Remember how they used to justify filming the kids? It wouldn't surprise me if Jon said something like he could take the kids skiing, enjoy the outdoors, have vacations, etc.

Anonymous said... 15

Maybe it's me but with all the celebrities at the film festival, why is Jon getting reported on?

I have only seen two days of pictures of him 1. going to Talent Resources gift suite (his agent) and 2. one day of skiing. All these supposed reports being a diva, over the top PDA's and saying he wants to move out there are all from anonymous sources just strikes me as something TLC would do. I wouldn't put it past them to plant these stories to counter Kate's covering Collins mouth incident. You know Kate is sooo stressed because she doing it all on her own...Blah Blah Blah

On the subject of Jon moving, if he moves out West to follow his girl friend he's a jerk. (If he lands a job to allow him to support his children and HAS to move I'll cut him some slack.)


Anonymous said... 16

Who knows. I think alot of this media attention is TLC plants to steam roll the guy. I hear arguments day in day out on both sides of Gosselin.

I have decided when Kate gets up in the morning, gets her own hair done (not the mop with thousands of germs in it. She's a germaphobe I can't believe she let her self be put in such a position.), gets her kids ready & takes care of them on her own, spends quality time with them, gets a respectable line of employment then I might ease up. And, Lordie bee please stop following TLC around like some puppet on a string.

Jon, same thing let it rest. Get a job & put your best feet forward. Be a Dad quit trying to chase whatever it is you are trying for. Real riches come from hard work, saving, being responsbile.

I know these 2 will never do that. They think they are God's gift to celebrity. Well, whatever. ~ Administrator said... 17

In fairness it was Jon's choice to show up at Sundance knowing full well it would be crawling with media and paparazzi and knowing full well he was bound to get his picture taken. He was also spotted at a popular club. And with the picture of the shoes, he was even posing. So I don't really buy that the whole thing is a TLC plant and that Jon is some innocent victim just trying to enjoy independent film.

There are a million other dates he could go on with his girlfriend that don't involve all this public attention.

Do I think TLC has spun the entire saga heavily aainst Jon? Absolutely. But I also think Jon puts himself in situations that just make it worse. What is wrong with staying home and going to local, discreet places like the rest of America does on a daily basis? There was no reason he HAD to go to Sundance. But I guess all that free stuff was too tempting and worth the loss of privacy.

Let me explain said... 18

Jon and Kate only get paid if they film or do promotional work. So Jon is not getting paid. TLC can keep him from doing only certain types of work, not from earning a living, right? He can't work in television/film without their approval. They decide if the interview or appearance fits the image they want their contracted stars to portray. Because Jon + Kate signed a contract with TLC, TLC can say, Kate + People = OK, Jon + Las Vegas pool party = not OK. The contract does not prevent Jon from earning a living in IT or selling cars or flipping burgers. It prevents him from earning a living in the media without TLC's approval. It's kind of like the no-compete contract my husband signed. If he quits his job, he can get another one, just not in the same field within 500 miles of his office. He has to switch fields to stay in this area or wait until the contract expires. ~ Administrator said... 19

Yes I think that is right. A contract would be unconscionable if it said someone can't work period.

SG said... 20

Let me explain,

Thanks. I wasn't sure if they had to pay him while under contract even if he wasn't still filming, which wouldn't make sense, unless they canceled the show.

It's just kind of funny that Jon was under contract and filmed for "being Jon" and now he has to switch fields. Maybe that's why he's no longer the Jon we all knew. ;)

IATK said... 21

I posted this comment on another blog earlier today. The "should Jon move to Utah" debate is going on there too:

"We should wait and see what happens before hanging Jon. I wouldn't rely on tabloids and even legit press who are quoting tabloids.

As a comparison for Jon's behavior, Bob Saget was mentioned in the Fox News piece as drinking a beer and mingling with the regular folks, suggesting he was being an all around nice guy. Interestingly enough, it was reported a few days ago that Bob Saget pushed a cameraman away and said he didn't want his picture taken. Evidentally he was drunk and didn't want to be photographed that way. It was reported he did seek out the photographer and apologized.

I like Bob Saget and could really care less if he was drunk OR shoved a photographer. My point being, in the same article that Jon's being ripped for his existence, Saget is played as "what a great guy".

Reporting, and especially tabloid reporting, is all based on the prejudices of the reporter, the publication and what's going to sell. It has little to do with the unbiased truth."

Anonymous said... 22

Here is a report about Stephanie Pratt being a diva trying to get into a club and Jon waiting in the cold to get into the club. Let's see how many sites pick up this story where he isn't being a "jerk". My guess the sites won't repeat stories that are not bad about him.

itsaboutthekids said... 23

I posted this comment on another blog earlier today. The "should Jon move to Utah" debate is going on there too:

"We should wait and see what happens before hanging Jon. I wouldn't rely on tabloids and even legit press who are quoting tabloids.

As a comparison for Jon's behavior, Bob Saget was mentioned in the Fox News piece as drinking a beer and mingling with the regular folks, suggesting he was being an all around nice guy. Interestingly enough, it was reported a few days ago that Bob Saget pushed a cameraman away and said he didn't want his picture taken. Evidentally he was drunk and didn't want to be photographed that way. It was reported he did seek out the photographer and apologized.

I like Bob Saget and could really care less if he was drunk OR shoved a photographer. My point being, in the same article that Jon's being ripped for his existence, Saget is played as "what a great guy".

Reporting, and especially tabloid reporting, is all based on the prejudices of the reporter, the publication and what's going to sell. It has little to do with the unbiased truth."

Irene said... 24

Who knows. I think alot of this media attention is TLC plants to steam roll the guy. I hear arguments day in day out on both sides of Gosselin.

I have decided when Kate gets up in the morning, gets her own hair done (not the mop with thousands of germs in it. She's a germaphobe I can't believe she let her self be put in such a position.), gets her kids ready & takes care of them on her own, spends quality time with them, gets a respectable line of employment then I might ease up. And, Lordie bee please stop following TLC around like some puppet on a string.

Jon, same thing let it rest. Get a job & put your best feet forward. Be a Dad quit trying to chase whatever it is you are trying for. Real riches come from hard work, saving, being responsbile.

I know these 2 will never do that. They think they are God's gift to celebrity. Well, whatever.

Let me explain said... 25

Jon and Kate only get paid if they film or do promotional work. So Jon is not getting paid. TLC can keep him from doing only certain types of work, not from earning a living, right? He can't work in television/film without their approval. They decide if the interview or appearance fits the image they want their contracted stars to portray. Because Jon + Kate signed a contract with TLC, TLC can say, Kate + People = OK, Jon + Las Vegas pool party = not OK. The contract does not prevent Jon from earning a living in IT or selling cars or flipping burgers. It prevents him from earning a living in the media without TLC's approval. It's kind of like the no-compete contract my husband signed. If he quits his job, he can get another one, just not in the same field within 500 miles of his office. He has to switch fields to stay in this area or wait until the contract expires.

Irene said... 26

Oh, gosh how will Kate adjust to Jon living across the country. If it does happen wait for TLC to spin that one.

Diane said... 27

Maybe, Jon and Kate bought a condo in Utah last year and rent it out. They might have a lot of property that we do not know about. As you said before, administrator, the courts will not expect Jon to pay child support that he is unable to pay. And, that they may have much more money than we know about. So, maybe, they bought property with some of their money.

Irene, I don't think Kate will like Jon being that far away. I am really wondering why Jon did not buy an RV when he and Kate seperated in the 1st place. Then, he could go any where.He'd always be home. haha.

I am serious about the rv thing. We have a 30' travel trailer at our place in the country and it sleeps 9 people very confortably. He could have taken the kids with him. They could have stayed at Daddy's rv. Little kids love campers.

SchmeckyGirl said... 28

I have a question:

Does anyone know if Jon is being paid by TLC since he is still under contract with them? It seems to me they can't take away his ability to have an income from someone else if they don't give him an income. Also, how would it work if they aren't filming? Is he paid per episode? If so, how would he get paid if there are no new episodes? Just curious, especially since there is a rumor he is buying a home in Utah. Where would he be getting the money? I guess he isn't broke like some claim.

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