Was she telling Collin to shut up, or just joking around with him? Wonder what the little tyke was trying to say. And he appears to be within earshot of the paparazzi ... was that why she was worried about what he would reveal?
What do you think Collin was trying to say? (Make it funny, or be serious.)
33 sediments (sic) from readers:
Oh Lordy me child abuser, how dare she!
Colin probably tried to say, "Mommy when are we leaving with Mr. Steve to go to the statue of Liberty and secretly film another episode of your new show?"
"Where is my m&m's you always let me have."
You know Kate is such the dumb blonde she probably didn't read the part in the Human & Growth and development book that kids do grow up and you cannot control everything they say. Oh, wait a minute I forgot that Kate controls their trust funds. She will have the remote control to their mouths.
Wait about 10-13 years for the tell all.
Make it funny or be serious; this is such a GWOP quote.
Wait, can someone please clarify is this site and GWOP one in the same?
Actually, GWOP refuses to link to me. Their loss.
This site seems to be taking on a life of it's own. The overall tone has dramatically changed. Maybe it's intentional.
That's too bad your site has a favorites link for them and most of your die hard backers here have them listed under the blogs they visit.
It is too bad, but that's what happens when one person runs the whole show there. Lots of the moderators were happy to link to me, but one decided not to and that person somehow has veto power. There is a lot of dissention among the mods there but they are also so afraid of Ms. Veto they just do whatever she wants, hahhaa. I know this firsthand. Whatever, clearly I don't need their blessing to have an active blog. And their blog hardly ever updates anymore, missing out on a lot of the news or posting it decades late. So I stopped going. I hope you find this blog a little more fair and up-to-date.
In the other pics in this set, Collin appears to be dragging his coat as he gets off the bus, and trying to put it on (the wrong way). Kate looks like she's scolding him or telling him to put the coat on correctly. I imagine Collin was only trying to either explain to Mommy what happened, or ask for her assistance. For that, he gets a hand over his mouth and pulled up into the van by his wrist (still no coat on).
Okay, maybe this doesn't show Kate hitting or beating Collin (like the pic of her hitting Leah last summer). But it shows (again) her coldness. From watching the show and pics like these, I am of the opinion (which I have the right to have) that Kate is a cold mother. Not that she, never, ever hugs or kisses her kids (especially one girl tup)--but she lacks warmth, understanding, and empathy.
Also, Kate clearly knew where the paps were--why not turn her back to them while getting the kids from the bus to the car? Also, why the "drill sargeant" routine, anyway? The kids have been doing this for months now, the bus is stopped and no cars are supposed to pass it--she could even stand in the middle of the lane to block any traffic while her kids walk past her to the van.
She is an attention whore (as Jon is). And no, Kate doesn't call the paps--her "people" do--TLC/PR and then they tell Kate that the paps will be there that day.
Imagine as an adult, you did something that made another adult upset, such as showing up late to a lunch meeting. Now imagine that instead of that adult telling you calmly and rationally that it made them upset you were late and then listening to your take on it, they instead cover your mouth with their hand. Ridiculous, right? But why is it okay to treat children like this? Bottom line is it's not okay just because their kids. No matter what Collin was saying, he does not deserve a hand over his mouth. If he was saying something truly inappropriate, treat him like a human being and sit down with him and talk it out. Like human beings.
Maybe Kate doesn't know better than to treat others that way. Maybe Kate doesn't really care she treats her own kids that way. Who knows. She is her own PR worst nightmare. They stage these silly photo ops with Paparazzi and it shoots her in the foot everytime. She can't help but act like Kate.
Colin was saying: " Awww mommy,Where's the nanny? do we have to go home with you?"
Dr. Lillian Glass a body language expert just posted another article about Kate's behavior at the bus stop.
Dr. Glass has been critiquing Kate's body language for quite a few months now. Her articles are always fascinating. I've provided the link below because the article is too long for a comment post. Enjoy!!!
Admin. I really enjoy this blog - thanks for the updates. I agree w.you about GWOP. I stopped reading there about a year ago. They used to print thoughtful essays & updates about the J&K mess - no more - I do not know what happened over there. They take themselves way too seriously. I will be visiting here now, esp. since "Moon" is done.
What will Kate do today?
Thank you Marnie. GWOP is their own demise because in fact they take themselves too seriously. They are also crazy old ladies who take it too far and call CPS, etc.
Perhaps we should invite Moon's people over here?
Well, if I can say it. I do know GWOP has had over 10 million hits but they were uncovering things about the Gosselins & helped to bring awareness to what was happening to the children. It probably can get crazy there but that is true of any blog.
The best thing is that blogs keeping up with what is going on. This one helps to keep the media stuff fresh. Each day will stack up and add up to whatever the future holds. I think the Gosselins will be written, analyzed and discussed for a very long time.
I wonder if Colin was saying, "Mom are those the guys you said would be here taking our picture?"
Hello, Admin. I've been reading here for quite awhile but never posted so I thought I would say a few words. I've always appreciated your professional knowledge and explanation of the divorce and custody arrangements of the Gosselins.
I'm thrilled that the children are no longer being forced to perform for the cameras. I'm holding my breath that they can get through all of this without Jon rescinding his decision to keep them off the air. Hopefully it's true the kids are getting counseling, but that's a process that will take years if done adequately. Kate needs emotional help as well but no one can make her seek her own counselor.
TLC continues to play their game of "cover your ass" without regard to the terrible damage they are inflicting on this entire family, Kate included. Their blatant campaign to punish Jon and cripple his ability to move on is quite obvious and it's apparent that at some point, probably sooner rather than later, they will drop Kate from their "favored princess" status and she will be left out in the cold as well.
Once this family serves no purpose for them, TLC will move on to gobble up and spit out the next gullible victims. How sad is that...
At least that's my take on this. We heard from Kevin & Jodi and Gloria Allred once some time ago about future legislation but I've not heard more. Has anyone else?
Cnn's Showbiz Tonight yesterday 01/18/10 had a question about Kate's new hair. They played calls from 2 callers. One commented she needed to get rid of the hair, & the other commented she needed to act more like a mom. It is not anything I did not already think but it was not good publicity for TLC or Kate. This is going to be an uphill battle. Pics like this one & commentary like Cnn's Showbiz Tonight callers will not help Kate's situation. She is seeming desperate. Maybe she should take a break, write her tell all divorce book,and focus on learning how to bond & spend quality time with her children. She seems addicted to fame.
The above picture made the cover of In-Touch Weekly - "Kate Snaps again". I wonder if any of the other media outlets will pick up on it?
GLOSSYNEWS.COM website is reporting (all anonymous sources) that Kate may have to take Anger Management classes? Administrator have you heard this? Is it a plant?
Preesi has a scan up of the INTouch magazine article. Kate is "more than stressed, she's overwhelmed". Another pity me article.
Of course another poor Kate article. We have so much evidence that Jon is incredibly involved and is there almost every weekend taking care of the kids and not whining that he is stressed or overwhelmed.
I have to give you credit Administrator you do let both sides post on your site. GWOP only allows comments if you hate on Kate.
I think only the die hard haters are left over there and some of them have obviously gone way over the edge.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion about the Gosselins - either for or against.
I don't understand why I am so interested in this mess. I am fascinated by people's passions either for or against.
I don't agree with your statement that Jon is incredibly involved with the kids anymore. I keep pretty up to date on this situation and really haven't seen or heard anything about Jon being there almost every weekend. I will look around and see what I can find.
I haven't read the InTouch article so I don't know if someone just wrote it or Kate gave an interview.
Thank you for letting both sides of the issue have a voice.
Just Curious, the paparazzi catches him almost ever weekend playing outside with the kids. Just look through the blog and you'll see I've posted lots of photos of different times he's been with the kids.
And yes I will post all views as long as they are not personal attacks on other posters. Sometimes I have to reject a post that would have been great if not for the comment at the end degrading another poster. Those things won't get through, sorry.
According to TMZ today Kate & Jon Gosselin paid up the water bill. One more debt behind them, many many more to go.
Also, Gossip girls has some morning pap pics of her sending the brood off to school with hugs & kisses. Gosh, TLC works overtime for this. Isn't it funny that last Fridays pap pics with all the buzz on the internet result in this Friday's photo up to try to re image her. They pay attention to blogs more than we realize.
TGIF. Have a great weekend everyone.
Damage Control by TLC??
VIDEO: Kate Gosselin Gives Love To Kids While Ex-Hubby Jon Parties In SundanceVIDEO: Kate Gosselin Gives Love To Kids While Ex-Hubby Jon Parties In Sundance
Posted on Jan 22, 2010 @ 02:47PM
While Jon Gosselin parties his life away at the always fun-filled Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, with his new girlfriend, Morgan Christie on his arm, his ex-wife Kate Gosselin took care of the school run in not quite so glamorous Reading, Pennsylvania, early Friday morning.
VIDEO: Jon Gosselin, New Girlfriend Take In Sundance Film Festival
With the sun still not yet up, Kate drops the kids at the bus stop in the semi-dark, taking time to hug and kiss each and every one of them, and tell them she loves them, as they exit her huge mini-bus.
PHOTOS: Jon’s New Girl Morgan Christie Parties In Vegas
The sextuplet girls look adorable in their black polka dotted pink leggings, while Kate co-ordinates her look, sporting a black jacket with a pink hood, keeping her new long locks hidden under a cap though.
Kate’s keeping mum on the subject of her ex-hubby living the high life and rubbing shoulders with Hollywood’s elite at snowy Sundance. When asked if she thinks it’s fair she’s doing the school run while Jon is partying with his new girlfriend, she doesn’t answer, concentrating instead on getting her 8 kids out of the van.
PHOTOS: Jon And Morgan Head To D.C.
Kate’s also asked if she’s mad that she has to take anger management classes, and if she is she doesn’t let on – ignoring the question completely.
Showing that a temper runs in the family, two of the sextuplets begin to pull at each others backpacks and then grab each other’s faces as one of them says “Owwww”. But Kate takes it all in her stride though and keeps her cool, as she shepherds the kids onto the bus.
PHOTOS: Kate Picks Up Kids Keeps Long Locks Uncovered
Every bit the doting mom Kate boards the bus herself, giving a final hug to one of her twin girls before bidding the kids farewell and driving off in her van.
Every bit the doting mom? Please..........
Ive been getting a couple complains some people still can't post here. Any help would be appreciated.
I am out of ideas. Google chrome works for me. I would also suggest maybe updating your computer and browser.
Maybe Kate's getting them this weekend for their birthday and they'll be with Jon for their birthday the next weekend.
Sounds freaking FAIR to me.
I guess the anger management classes didn't take?
She also needs to learn respect. Respect the people in your life, no matter if they are 7, 11 or 35.
Respect your children and your children's father and you just might find that the bulk of any bad behavior goes away.
She has made a career of disrespecting the people in her life who love her and this is the result.
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