Friday, February 26, 2010

Source is reporting Kate is confirmed on Dancing With the Stars

Although the cast list will not be officially released until Monday, TV By the Numbers is reporting their source says Kate is confirmed.

You could hear a pin drop in Gosselin land this week. Kate hasn't been seen in a week, meanwhile Jon has been spotted throughout the week taking care of sick kids, shoveling snow and carrying out the garbage. Perhaps Kate was busy negotiating her Dancing contract behind closed doors this week.

Kate can never, ever say Jon is not with the kids enough again.

Tickets to DWTS tapings.

56 sediments (sic) from readers:

marnie said... 1

Kate announced on the Leno show recently that she WANTED to be on Dancing with the stars. Naturally, they will take her up on it. They know its high ratings with her. Of course, the bloggers wondered at the time, how she could possibly participate with 8 children to care for in PA. She has to be gone , in LA , for quite a long time. But that's ok, its all for the kids right? A narcissist' ego must be fed, and she has books to sell.

IATK said... 2

I'm trying to picture Kate dancing. The mental image just doesn't come up. Have we ever seen her do anything physical? She tried to ice skate one time but think that lasted only a few minutes.

Lauren said... 3

Wow, big surprise. She practically begged for it on Leno so whatever.

Why won't someone ask about the children? Why is everyone so concerned about being polite that they won't ask Kate some hard questions about who is taking care of the kids. It seems like more people are concerned about the fate of polar bears than they are with the Gosselin kids. ~ Administrator said... 4

Don't worry about Kate learning to dance. She'll do anything if you wave enough cash in front of her. Like a trained monkey and a banana.

Anonymous said... 5

I think Kate is quiet because TLC has finally put the green light to "start" filming her new show.

TLC was LOST and had no idea what to do with Kate.

Since Jon finally removed this objections, TLC said, GREEN LIGHT and filming has begun for Kate's new show.

No pap photos of the kids going to school or coming home? Maybe TLC and Kate took them out of school for few days for filming?

Anonymous said... 6

Forget about the pin dropping

TV BY THE NUMBERS is reporting Kate will be on DWTS.


Anonymous said... 7

I hope Kate gets Dancing The Stars.

1. She'll be away from the kids for weeks.
2. Kate won't be able to wear an ear piece, so she will be like Elmo without Kevin Clash, puppeteer.
3. The judges will rip apart her posture.
4. She'll have to stand alone without using the kids.
5. She'll have to work hard, something she has never done.
6. She'll be criticized on national TV, she doesn't take criticism well.
7. If she stays away on DWTS and a book tour. Jon may realize the kids are the prize not the money and petition for a modification of the visitation order. (I can dream, can't I).


Anonymous said... 8

According to wiki answers:
Salary is $125,000 1st 2 episodes
20,000 for each week after that
50,000 bonus for make to week 9

Do ya think she might fit in one mortgage payment with the salary?

Anonymous said... 9

LOL I needed a laugh on that one nanb ~ Administrator said... 10

Anoymous, I like your reasons for getting Kate on Dancing With the Stars. I think when she is exposed to a more "diverse" audience, i.e. not all TLC people, she could really go down. Bets on how many weeks she will last yet? I say ... four?

Anonymous said... 11

Hey Irene, she will obviously want to work the first two weeks. How about we organize a voting campaign to keep her working those $20k weeks thats too much work for $20k. I'm all for torturing her.


Anonymous said... 12

I was thinking maybe we could take up a cell phone collection and start sending them out preloaded with the number to vote her off the show. Or at least we could vote another contestant to stay.

Lordie bee!

Anonymous said... 13

Next Kate will be on the Singing Bee!

Anonymous said... 14


I say 8 weeks. Kate does everything for her 8 kids ya know!

Wonder if Jon will get to stay with the kids?

Lauren said... 15

LOL...Oh this is going to be fun.

Kate doing ridiculous dance routines with her clod feet. Did anyone see how Tom DeLay made a fool of himself? It was bad and I think Kate will be worse.

Kate being slapped down by the judges. I can't wait for the first time little miss narcissism flips out on camera!

Will some of her weave come out. After all how durable is press on hair. LOL!

I can picture it now - Kate dancing some silly routine to Jail House Rock while her fake hair falls out. ~ Administrator said... 16

I'm kind of keen on keeping her on just to torture her. But I'm positive she has two left feet so she could be gone shortly.

Lauren said... 17

Oooh...good point Admin. Kate won't care about the torture because she will be getting paid. I think with Kate money trumps dignity.

Anonymous said... 18

Can you imagine her following someone's lead?

Kippie said... 19

NanB. You've changed my entire outlook of Kate on DWTS. We have to keep her in there but I think she'd be out the first week. I'd LOVE to be a part of a call-in campaign to keep her on the show. This could be absolutely hysterical-ish.

She doesn't "have it" and will look like Woz or Jerry Springer. This will be LEGENDARY.

IATK said... 20

Kate's been quite insistent on using her kids to entertain us. I think now it should be her turn ALONE to do the entertaining. Hey, it will keep her away from the kids and you're right, maybe Jon has sown his oats and ready to settle down with the kids. He will definitely have the better end of the deal. Nothing like a bunch of sweet hugs from a bunch of sweet kids. And I can't think of any better therapy for them, a full time dad.

IATK said... 21

You okay, Irene?

Anonymous said... 22

Irene is fine. :-)

Yes, I agree itsaboutthekids the best end of the stick is being able to be with your children.

Anonymous said... 23

I can see it now: TLC will pay off ABC to keep her in the competition for the duration (c'mon, we all know these things are fixed) while Kate - who has been doing a song-and-dance routine for years now anyway - will rake in more prize money. She'll lose some weight, go on Jenny Craig and lose more and ...voila! Behold their new spokeswoman. (rolling eyes)
Seriously? I didn't watch the show before and I still won't watch.

Anonymous said... 24

So Kate will spend at least 3months in CALI to tape the show? How is this benefiting the kids?

Oh yeah, the more time the kids spends with Jon, the better right. Yep!

I bet the kids won't even MISS Kate at all.

HI 50 said... 25

Finally, Kate has an opportunity to earn her 'celebrity' status on her own and NOT on the backs of the Gosselin 8 or Beth Carson or anyone else. I will celebrate, for the sake of the kids.

Now, it will be interesting to watch Kate on DWTS. Remember the 'Butterflies and Rockets 2' episode? She screams & freaks out in the 'bug zoo' because the little girls are handling the bugs. Finally she can't stand it any longer so she rushes out of the bug zoo. Now watch her gait as she's walking away, stiff as a board.

My inquiring, skeptical mind wonders,

~ How will the professional dancer be able to loosen Kate up because she walks stiff, pigeon toed with something stuck know where? Hey maybe the dance moves will loosen whatever is stuck in her....

~ How will Kate handle being up close with a sweaty, icky dance partner?

~ How will Kate be able to take instruction, allow some one else to be in charge, without freaking out?

~ How Kate manage to shut her mouth when the judges critique her? Oh, maybe TLC will censor the show...for Kate's sake. OR maybe TLC's handler will prompt/offer her medication to tame her temper. Is Steve still her handler?

Inquiring minds want to know... ~ Administrator said... 26

I added a pic of Kate's stiff dance with Jon at their second fake wedding for the press. I couldn't help myself.

Doesn't this just CONFIRM this was NEVER about the kids? Of course most of us knew it but this is just flat out confirmation. DWTS has absolutely nothing to do with the kids. Kate will be away from them for months, with the possibility of flying cross country during the week to see them--but she will have to be locked away training at a studio most of the time so why bother. Jon is already paying her enough in child support, there's a million and one other things she could be doing to earn money that doesn't take her away from the kids. Then again as so many others have pointed out, give the kids a break from her and have her go out and earn money all on her own for once.

I think she may need massive intensive lessons for her to be able to dance. All this past week could have been auditions to make sure they could get her there. I also think her new haircut was a calculated move. Short and butch doesn't work as well as long as flowing for beautiful dances. ~ Administrator said... 27

I hate DWTS with a passion, but I have seen it occasionally when other people have had it on. You can spot the narccisists from a mile away, they argue with the judges, refuse to accept what they think or point out, blame everything on everyone else, etc. ~ Administrator said... 28

The only good thing about this? I get to do recaps of the episodes!

HI 50 said... 29

I will celebrate for the Gosselin 8 because Mommy Dearest will be so involved in DWTS, they'll have more time with Jon.

But maybe Kate will get an epiphany & be inspired to write another book, "I Danced with the Stars, for the Sake of My Kids." How I earned my celebrity status by NEVER calling home when I'm out of town...because there are too many kids to talk to!

This new venture should be very interesting... ~ Administrator said... 30

This is all about Kate and her burning passion to be rich and famous no matter what. When has this kind of obsession ever led to anything good?

HI 50 said... 31

Administrator...can Jon file a motion to change the visitation schedule and have the child support payments change? Kate will be GONE for several weeks/months with little to no contact with the Gosselin 8. I recall Kate bragging in several interviews, that she rarely called home because there were too many kids to talk to while she was on her book tour. And she was proud of herself.

AND her financial status will change. Hummm, inquiring minds wants to know... ~ Administrator said... 32

HI50, YES, YES, and YES.

If Jon truly is going to be spending a lot more time with the kids, and Kate a lot less time, the doormat needs to get his lazy butt down to child support and petition for a modification on the grounds that he is spending the majority of time with the kids now, as well as that Kate is making more money.

What an idiot Kate is, going off to make money only to put her big child support payment in jeopardy.

But, as if Jon would ever do this.

Anonymous said... 33

I won't be watching, but will come here to read the reviews.

Sad part is, after this, she will be off to film the kids.

HI 50 said... 34

I'll be here to read your reviews, maybe even sneak a peek on youtube...really hate to contribute to the ratings.

Administrator, thanx for the info! You're right, Kate is an idiot to put the child support in jeopardy BUT she can' help herself...because its ALWAYS about HER. She really DOESN'T care about their kids. She would sacrifice TIME AWAY from her kids JUST to satisfy her insatiable appetite in her obsessive quest for fame & glory. What a disgusting fame whore!!

Lauren said... 35

Yeah, I won't be watching either.
I'll watch the highlights on Youtube or the ABC website.
And of course I will be reading Admin's updates. ;o)

Anonymous said... 36

I don't watch DWTS anyway--I've caught a few minutes here and there just when someone interesting was on--that's it. Soo, I won't be watching Katie galumping around with a fake smile on her face. I look forward to hearing others' opinions on her performance, though.
I guess Kate will spin her time away from the kids as another "sacrifice" she has to make "for them" so that they can live the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed.
BTW, Admin., lol at the "monkey and banana" comment. ~ Administrator said... 37

I wish Kate would just admit, Yes I want to be a celebrity, yes I want to be rich and famous, yes I used my kids to achieve my dream. I actually think if she just admitted it she would get a lot more respect.

I don't have a problem with her doing DWTS, but I do have a big problem with her acting like she's just a hardworking mom trying to make ends meet taking whatever jobs she can. Pllllease. ~ Administrator said... 38

You know this is probably a nice excuse for TLC to push her "show" back. Oh she's doing DWTS right now so we've put everything else on hold. When all along they know any new show with her is going to stink.

Anonymous said... 39

So it's okay for Kate to go on ABC and get paid to do this show, while, if Jon were to do this, it would have been a breach of contract.. ~ Administrator said... 40

Yup. And if Jon did this, Jon would be leaving his kids never sees them. When Kate does it, she's just trying to support them.

Uh-huh. No spin zone here!

Browneyedgirl said... 41

I do have to hand it to Kate: to go on a show like this takes some guts, especially when she's never appeared particularly graceful or coordinated. She seems to have a thick skin, so criticism or failure won't crush her.
Maybe this is the perfect opportunity for her to prove if she has "it" or not and make it in show business. If this fails for her, there's always TLC, right? And this is a great litmus test of her appeal to a much broader audience than a small cable show, some tabloid coverage and blogs.
If I understand the process correctly, NOT calling or voting for her may mean her expulsion from the show. I hear speed dials being programmed across the land - her fans are ready!
I think the timing of this was perfect for TLC, which seemed to be struggling to come up with a concept for her. DWtS's will keep her occupied for weeks and a show can be postponed until the fall season.
I hope Jon gets the credit he deserves for being home with the kids while Kate follows her dream. She certainly downplayed his participation while they were married; I hope she shows more grace and class this time. ~ Administrator said... 42

Browneyedgirl, very well-thought out points, thank you. I too will be very curious how a more general public reacts to her. I think they're more unforgiving than some of the sheeple who watch TLC. A few missteps and they won't like her. As far as giving her credit for going out there, I suppose that's true. But I just tend to think Kate is so desperate for a buck she will do anything. To me it seems less about her having courage and guts and more about how much she loves money and fame.

Browneyedgirl said... 43

Maybe Kate saw her "brand" as supermom and the next Martha Stewart as damaged as the rest of us have seen it to be. After all, the Healthtex line was dumped, the cookbook was dumped, and her test show with Paula Deen didn't pan out.
DWtS is a way to branch out, and test her ability to appeal to a larger, different audience.
Maybe this is just the start of more Kate. I may have to join Book of the Month Club.

Anonymous said... 44

Don't they usually have family members and friends of the "stars" in the DWTS audience? Who will be there in support of Kate? Her friend, Jamie? Bodyguard Steve?

Or how many times will they fly her eight children out there and conspicuously line them up in the front row?

In my eyes she will always be a fraud and a nobody.

HI 50 said... 45

Browneyedgirl, I agree with Admin, your points are thoughtful. This is an opportunity for Kate to prove herself, to independently earn her celebrity status. Kate's claim to fame is because of HER decision to a fertility procedure that would GUARANTEE she would birth multiples. After all, didn't her mom, Charlene Kreider, state that in past interviews, "...Kate always wanted multiples..."

The DWTS process is for viewers to CALL IN and vote for their favorite dancer. You're right, speed dials are being programmed - to send her home where she belongs. Kate stated/cried/boo hooed in interviews that SHE takes care of their children without Jon's help, its hard work, she has very little help. In interviews, Kate stated, "...I don't call...because there are too many (children) to talk to." Something to that effect. During her book tours she bragged that she rarely called home AND only wanted calls if there was an emergency. BTW, JON was the primary caregiver NOT Kate.

The timing is perfect for TLC b/c they can't conceptualize a venue for Kate. Maybe its because the Gosselin 8 is her only ticket to fame?

Kate being "occupied for weeks." That would definitely be OK. The Gosselin 8 seem to be VERY HAPPY with Jon. Recent photos at the bus stop and in front of the house show them smiling & laughing. Their joy is rarely seen with Kate unless the TLC cameras are rolling...even then Kate will somehow insure the focus is still on HER.

Kate lovers will continue to bash Jon BECAUSE he is at home with the kids. Kate has NOT be graceful in acknowledging Jon's participation as the kids father. She makes snide passive-aggressive remarks then laughs it off. Is that graceful?

Kate's 1st vow. She vows to "...always be there," to comfort, love, honor cherish Jon "now and forever..."

Kate's 2nd vow. (9 yrs, 2 months later) She said she wanted to "publically PROMISE our children that we will always be together, completely as a family for always." She also promised to continue to "love you and only you as my husband." She promised to respect Jon as her "partner, team mate and best friend" and to raise their 8 children together with the strength that God gives us. I promise to strive to do better. "

Broken vows, broken promises, broken contract. If it makes her $$ & fame, then she is a contract honorer (Kate's words).


browneyedgirl said... 46

The longer Kate is on DWtS, the more great snarking material she'll produce. I, for one, can't wait to see her in a glitzy costume, slashed down to there, made up for the stage and making her speeches about how it's all for the kids. If we're really lucky, she might even remember to thank God, since her faith sustains her, dontcha know.

And of course, the picture won't be complete wihtout eight little faces sitting in the front row (out of school) watching Mommy dance for her celebrity life. Have some dignity, will ya?

Anonymous said... 47

Remember, Kate doesn't do anything she isn't comfortable with. So don't be surprised if Kate actually pulls this one off. Maybe not 1st place, but I doubt she'll look ridiculous.

Maybe her wig will fall off, but don't expect anything out of the ordinary. Of course she'll prance around with a fake smile, and she won't have any fans (besides the 5 individuals whom post under several accounts, pretending to be different Kate fans. ~ Administrator said... 48

Anonymouse, I don't know. I'm not just saying this because I'm not fond of Kate. Even people with a background in dancing really struggle on Dancing With the Stars. It's very difficult and everyone else is all very good, too. It's been extremely competitive some seasons--after all they get more money the further they get so they are all trying hard. Many celebrities have a dance background to be well-rounded in case a role comes up that requires it. That doesn't mean they will make it to the end. Kate doesn't even have a dance background, at least not anything more than a few ballet lessons as a kid if that. She is stiff, awkward, ill-proportioned, musically tone deaf, not very familiar with any of these steps, not very graceful. I do think she is really going to struggle. Unless she's got some kind of insane learning curve. Of course she learned how to make money off the kids awfully fast too.

browneyedgirl said... 49

If I have this right, in every season they cast a couple people who are just way out of their league (Jerry Springer, Tom DeLay) and are there for the gimmick on a gimmicky show.
My sense is this is stunt casting. It may work out for Kate, as she is a very determined person who has been able to go much further than one would expect from her when she first came on the TV scene.

Administrator said... 50

I wish Kate would just admit, Yes I want to be a celebrity, yes I want to be rich and famous, yes I used my kids to achieve my dream. I actually think if she just admitted it she would get a lot more respect.

I don't have a problem with her doing DWTS, but I do have a big problem with her acting like she's just a hardworking mom trying to make ends meet taking whatever jobs she can. Pllllease.

Administrator said... 51

HI50, YES, YES, and YES.

If Jon truly is going to be spending a lot more time with the kids, and Kate a lot less time, the doormat needs to get his lazy butt down to child support and petition for a modification on the grounds that he is spending the majority of time with the kids now, as well as that Kate is making more money.

What an idiot Kate is, going off to make money only to put her big child support payment in jeopardy.

But, as if Jon would ever do this.

browneyedgirl said... 52

The longer Kate is on DWtS, the more great snarking material she'll produce. I, for one, can't wait to see her in a glitzy costume, slashed down to there, made up for the stage and making her speeches about how it's all for the kids. If we're really lucky, she might even remember to thank God, since her faith sustains her, dontcha know.

And of course, the picture won't be complete wihtout eight little faces sitting in the front row (out of school) watching Mommy dance for her celebrity life. Have some dignity, will ya?

anonymouse said... 53

So Kate will spend at least 3months in CALI to tape the show? How is this benefiting the kids?

Oh yeah, the more time the kids spends with Jon, the better right. Yep!

I bet the kids won't even MISS Kate at all.

Irene said... 54

Can you imagine her following someone's lead?

itsaboutthekids said... 55

You okay, Irene?

Kippie said... 56

NanB. You've changed my entire outlook of Kate on DWTS. We have to keep her in there but I think she'd be out the first week. I'd LOVE to be a part of a call-in campaign to keep her on the show. This could be absolutely hysterical-ish.

She doesn't "have it" and will look like Woz or Jerry Springer. This will be LEGENDARY.

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