I wonder if she knows she's as boring as she said the conductor who gave her a free ride on the Hello, Dolly train was.
More: http://www.celebrity-gossip.net/celebrities/hollywood/kate-gosselin-keeping-busy-in-reading-215691/

Blast from the past: Relive Kate and Jon insulting the engineer on the Starsburg Railroad on Youtube. Insults begin at about 6:50. Said Jon of the engineer: "They're four! Start the ride!" Added Kate: "'And this movie was filmed,' and we're like, 'we don't care!' I mean, if he had said 'Get on, kids,' and never said another world they would have been really happy."
Ungrateful grifters!
21 sediments (sic) from readers:
LOL! My first thought too. I generally don't comment on what Kate wears but, what is with the engineer hat? She just gets stranger and stranger. It seems the soft, demure Kate is seen only on book covers advertising faith and family.
Who is she smiling at? Oh my, could it be the P people?
Remember when Michael Jackson started to get crazy and wear all red and give interviews from a tree? Kate wearing a conductor hat kind of reminds me of that, lol.
I remember when she said that about the train conductor. It was so rude. It's one thing to say that to somebody behind his back but you know it's going to be shown to the whole world and he's going to hear it.
Wow another photo-op and NOW it includes product placement.
I would never drink Juicy Juice. From what I can see. It gives 3yo cavities and makes them poop in their "unawear".
So what did Kate say to the train conductor? Does anyone remember which episode it was? TIA.
Juicy Juice is terrible for kids. And adults. It has been called watered down coca-cola for toddlers. While it does have fruit in it, it's full of sugar. I'll do a post on how bad it is. If Miss Organic Kate actually cares about nutrition and not freebies.
And it isn't organic. lol
These are such petty remarks. I believe people who do that are trying to feel better about themselves.
If Kate didn't talk so arrogantly about how pure her family eats, I don't think anyone would care she carts home crates full of juicy juice. When people are hypcrites, they're gonna get called out.
It would sort of be like if Kate talked all the time about how important it is to drive hybrids and save gas and walk and bike everywhere, but she is caught all the time driving that giant gas-guzzler of a bus all over Reading and bought another SUV. She really doesn't get much flack for that. But if she acted above it all all the time, I would criticize her every time she took it out.
Ah, another anonymous psychic who knows all. Kate, the brand, invites attention and wants to be famous. We have every right to our opinion of how she promotes herself. Juicy Juice also advertises a brand and has been known to bend the rules as well when promoting their product. Every consumer has the right to expect truth in advertising...whether it be Kate the uterus or Juicy the juice.
Getting a little philosophical here, but never be afraid to speak out, whether it's about Juicy Juice deception, Kate deception, or anyone else. I wonder how many kids from unsophisticated families just looking at the 100 percent juice label got cavities before the FDA put a stop to it. As Kate's own Bible says "Speak up and judge fairly defend the rights of the poor and needy."
You guys are great.
I found the ROL article laughable. Kate is tending to the home while Jon.....The nannies and staff are tending to the home while Kate runs around getting cases of freebies.
Anyone seen a book tour schedule yet. I bet Kate and Steve, the bodyguard, cannot wait. :-)
It will be interesting to see if Steve resurfaces once the book tour starts. Why doesn't Jon make his own demands on Kate and insist that Steve not come around?
Irene, I read this about Steve in Star Magazine March 1st issue:
"In fact, the only thing missing in kate's life right now is a man--but if she has her way, she won't be single for long. While Kate stays in touch with bodyguard Steve Neild, to whom she was linked when her 10-year marriage fell apart, "She's been talking to friends and asking their advice about dating and how to meet men," an insider tells Star.
Kate "stays in touch" with Steve? I'm wondering if he's gone and they're easing him out of the picture. Have you checked under the wheels of the bus lately? :)
Steve is probably gone for good.
Found it...
I did some digging on Youtube and found the clip of J&K dissing the conductor.
It's at the 6:40 mark.
Thanks Lauren! I'll add it to the post
I don't think it was that bad. But maybe TLC edited the bad part out. At least in that clip, I didn't see Jon or Kate speaking rudely or giving him any funny faces during the short intro.
I did feel bad for Kate since none of the kids wanted Kate to sit next to them. Mady was even holding the door closed. LOL
I don't think it was that bad either, at least they didn't say he was ugly or that he smelled or something really horrible. But I still think it was rude and inappropriate to say his tour was boring and not appropriate for the 4-year-olds. Basically they're insulting what this guy does every day, they're acting like they know better than him. And most importantly, it's ungrateful to nitpick and criticize someone like that when they are giving you a free tour and putting up with your screaming brood and were very kind and gracious to you.
It just was rude. If you get something free, say thank you it was wonderful. Even if it wasn't.
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