1. Kate's hair looks nasty. She has no idea how to care for this straw broom.
2. This looks like Whole Foods, an expensive organic grocery store.
3. Kate has disappeared for several days, we think she was off filming her new show.
4. Taking just the boys out is more damage control after smacking Collin in the mouth, pure and simple. The boys were clearly aware of the camera, holding hands and smiling at it.
15 sediments (sic) from readers:
I can just hear Kate in the car saying "boys, remember to smile for the P people."
Will she ever stop using the kids?
I have a new name for Kate:
Raggedy Kate.
Does the woman do anything that doesn't have to do with Public Relations? Raggedy Kate uses her own children for publicity. And, what can the kids do? Not a monkey munch thing about it.
What Kate you gonna give them an organic lollipop for striking a pose?
The more Kate uses her kids...the worse I feel for the kids. How can you not? Pathetic, despicable but so Raggedy Kate.
There she is, bundled up in a down jacket while the boys have only vests. Something doesn't look right to me in light of mid-winter temps in PA. Hats? gloves?
One of the boxes popping out of the bags, you can clearly see it's Pepperridge Farm Goldfish snacks.
Are they Organic? If so, wow, I've been eating organic all this time. And I didn't rub it in anyone face.
If they aren't Organic, well, another lie exposed.
Lots of maybes. Maybe Kate misses her 20s. OR maybe she wants to look like Hailey. OR maybe she wants Jon back...didn't he mention numerous times how much he loved long blonde hair?
As for the boys on an outing with her...STAGED!! How convenient that she takes the boys out AFTER the 'Mommy Dearest' article. Staged outing, damage control.
Isn't it interesting how TLC (big corporation) & Kate joined forces to smear Jon's character because they couldn't control him during & after the breakup? What about Kate's character & abusive behaviors during the 5 seasons? What about enforcing the moral clause during the filming of seasons 1-4? TLC gave Kate a free ride, on the back of Jon & the children.
Jon's behaviors pre/post breakup is inexcusable. He seriously needs help from someone/people who are NOT trying to take advantage of him. He needs people who are kind, compassionate and PR savvy to repair his image and slap him back to maturity.
What a joke! TLC & Kate's smear campaign is he LOWEST form of character assasination!! Hope their proud of their campaign.
Late last week there was a report here (Phila) on the Fox station that Kate hates her new hair and has publicly complained about it. I was surprised I did not hear more about this - anyone know? Of course this was something that was bound to happen. She's got to constantly whine and complain about something - wonder why People did not do another article on poor Kate, who does not like her hair now. Like a two year old.
The store they are stopping at is Giant. www.giantpa.com They are a local grocery chain. While they do feature many organic products, they are not a Whole Foods or Trader Joe's. Neither of those chains have stores in Berks County.
It was cold yesterday in PA. I am north of Berks where is is generally 5 degrees colder. I was outside in a sweatshirt only to run errands so while it was cold, it wasn't anything like the bitter cold we have seen over the past week.
Yes, I recognize that store as Giant. It's obviously a little errand run for PR purposes. The vests are OK, I guess for a short run to the store and the car, but it was in the low 30s. I still don't get the heels, though for a run to the grocery store.
The hair--extensions are hard to keep up--my daughter had them once and they got dry and tangled--then they have to be tightened, too. Not worth the trouble and expense, IMO.
As an aside, those little boys are cute--I wish for them that they didn't have to live life being photographed for their Mom's PR purposes. And, yes, this was arranged beforehand. Paps don't just stakeout every Giant or other grocery store in the Reading-Wyomissing-Wernersville area every day of the week hoping to snap a pic of Kate.
It must be boring as hell for the paps to be summoned to take yet another shot of Kate shopping, bus duty, etc. Especially out in the cold. What is so exiting about this person?
my9cats: While I KNOW it was just an inadvertant typo on your part, how freudianly (see Kate, I can make up words too!) perfect: "What is so EXITING about this person?" I wholeheartedly agree! And that's exactly what Kate needs to do ... exit.
Well, also I grocery shop for as many kids as Kate. I can never leave the store hardly without 2 buggies. And, the amount of food she always said she went through on the show. This is a set up. Go to the store for a few things, show how involved you are with your kids, take the boys, get the pictures. This is the Kate & TLC we know.
Meanwhile, the nanny, chef, gardener and assistant are doing the real stuff.
She still looks like Raggedy Kate too me.
Did everyone see Kate's pictures from today? I guess it was 32 degrees in PA today and Kate was wearing hooker heels and a tiny cardigan sweater with jeans. Oh it seems that someone combed her hair for her too. She looks like she needs a shower. This has photo-op written all over it. They can be seen at INF Daily www.infdaily.com Enjoy.
Can Kate not afford canvas bags? I cringe every time I see plastic bags.
Anonymous 4:55pm
Oh crap! Sorry about that.
It's true though.
Kate exiting period would be a good idea.
Great catch.
The store they are stopping at is Giant. www.giantpa.com They are a local grocery chain. While they do feature many organic products, they are not a Whole Foods or Trader Joe's. Neither of those chains have stores in Berks County.
It was cold yesterday in PA. I am north of Berks where is is generally 5 degrees colder. I was outside in a sweatshirt only to run errands so while it was cold, it wasn't anything like the bitter cold we have seen over the past week.
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