Further, Kate tells People, her kids were raised in an "unconventional" way. Wait, I thought cameras, crews, production and mansions were all normal. I thought the kids were just living their lives. Kate needs to decide which is it.
Kate has penned at least two other books (well, with a ghost writer), Multiple Blessings and Eight Little Faces. A third book was mysteriously scrapped after the divorce, although the book popped up abroad for sale.
35 sediments (sic) from readers:
Who is the publisher? Faith? How dare this woman talk about Faith about her scammed all that money from her church "talks".
Well, I've made these points in other places so I'll just repeats my observations here.
First is just what you said, is it the kids are living out there normal lives or were there lives not so normal. I'm sure hairs will be split about the word unconventional.
Second, I absolutely hate the fact that she said, "I want them to know without a shadow of a doubt how much I love them and how much every sacrifice made was worth it for them."
KATE! You are basing the worth of your children on how much you had to sacrifice. How utterly selfish of you. Children should not be measured by sacrifices, they should be a blessing and a joy, unconditionally. If you don't consider them as such, you should have never been a mother. PERIOD. NO EXCUSES.
Those kids are going to hate her more with each passing year. Hope I live long enough to read their books.. I hope Kate does, too!
Instead of writing letters to her children and making profit off of them, why doesn't this woman just sit down, talk to her kids to their faces, and leave the public out of their relationship?
Those kids will have nothing to do with her when they are adults.
Itsaboutthekids you are absolutely right about Kate's quote "I want them to know without a shadow of a doubt how much I love them and how much every sacrifice made was worth it for them."
Moreover, Kate still continues to believe that this was allll worth it and she has made it her mission in life to brow-beat the kids until they are brainwashed to believe it all too. I don't understand how she can say with a straight face this was all worth it. What all? They can't go out now without having their picture taken, their parents are divorced, they have no show and little if any money to show for the show they used to have, they don't have trips or things anymore and even when they did, it wasn't making them happy or mommy and daddy would't be divorced. Kate is a dillusional selfish and stubborn cow who will never dare let herself think for a second maybe, just maybe, she has royally screwed up her children's lives with her quest for fame.
I can't believe Zondervan would once again have anything to do with her.
Love, Faith & Family: I bet she had to look up the meaning of those words.
Love - only shown when the cameras are rolling
Faith - to be used to make money off of others
Family - all those people we don't associate with
Didn't she accuse Jon of taking her journal? at least that is what one mag said.
One other point about Kate's "sacrifices" quote. Of course it's all about Kate and the sacrifices SHE has made for HER family. What about all the sacrifices the 8 kids have made so she can have what she wants?
1. paparazzi jumping out at them at the busstop
2. the embarrassment of their parents splashed all over the tabloids every time they walk into the grocery store
3. divorced parents who won't be raising them as a family unit anymore
4. raised by nannies and other hired help
5. mom and dad jet off to Utah or NY and leave them during a huge snowstorm
6. giving up people they love because Mom has cut them out--Beth, Jodi, nannies, etc
7. gave up their privacy, probably for many years to come
8. gave up having a normal childhood
9. parents have no jobs, other than to further exploit and use the kids
Take a second look at who is doing the real sacrificing here, Kate.
Well, at least she didn't just cram a bunch of photos of her kids and put bible verses all over to try to make a quick buck... oh wait...
Wow, seriously does Kate believe that people will fall for this bullshit?
Faith - Kate is quoted saying that she is too famous for church.
Love - Where IS the love??? Her children are her meal ticket. She guilts them by saying she sacrificed for them. Sick kid on the laundry room floor. Cupcakegate, Gumgate. Mistreating her little boys, callling them yucky. Jon was her punching bag. The only love Kate has is FOR KATE.
She ended her own marriage because she thought Jon was a useless piece of garbage.
And Family. There is so much wrong with THAT, where do I start. She has written her parents out of her life. Kevin, Jodi, Beth, Bob, Jon's parents. The kids don't even KNOW their grandparents.
Kate is a fraud!
I'm wondering if she'll have a ghost writer for the eight letters to her children. =}
Just a thought: I just finished "writing" my youngest son a book about his adoption and how much we wanted him and loved him from the second we found out he was born. My older daughter is going to illustrate it for us and then I'm sending it to Lulu to self publish. The only people that will see the book will be my son, our family and close friends. I didn't need to sell it to a publisher to share with the world and make money off of his adoption. It is private. It's his story and my feelings and love towards him do not need to be sold. Shame on you Kate for labeling this "book" as a story to your kids. Try staying home and talking to them in private with therapists about why you have made the choices you have. You are not doing this to show them how much you love them, you're doing it to garner sympathy and further your career. Shameful!!
Wow. Well that is why she put that darn mop on her head. And, all this is written for what purpose?
That High road taker kate.....I just want her and TLC to know that they are full of Crap. They should be taken behind the shed and horse whipped for how they treat children as some commodity.
Oh, well we all know it will be full of monkey munch and that is about it. Kate left her faith at the door the minute she manipulated a doctor to allow her to have these kids in the 1st place. I understand that is water under the bridge but are people really gonna buy this crap she is peddling.
It's pimping the kids, once again.
And it's shameful.
What a wonderful gift to your son. Although I'm sure he already knows how lucky he is to be enveloped by your love and the love of your family.
Irene, you always make me laugh! :)
full of crap, you've got it! hahahaha
You mean to actually tell me that she wrote this book to show her kids her love for them?????
This is the biggest fame seeking whore to ever hit the pavement. (Not sure if you can publish this but it makes me feel better saying it)And, a christian publisher is gonna publish it. And, she has spent all this time through the divorce etc of 2009- 2010 away from her kids to write a book so the world can know what we already know. Kate, Jon & TLC's agenda and Milking lifestyle come before any need any 8 of those kids have.
Well, you know what this means?
Stevie and Katie will be coming to a town near you.
LOL, sounds like this book is going to flop. Keep spreading the word. Kate is a fraud.
There are better, more thoughtful ways of showing how much you love your kids. Like actually spending time with them.
When Kate was doing a photoshoot for this book, I wonder where the kids were? With a NANNY?
When Kate was not writing this book, where were the kids?
The 8 PERSONAL letters to the kids would be more meaningful if it were for THEIR eyes only. Not the whole world.
This just proves that Kate is just trying to boost her own image by saying what she doesn't mean.
How dare she use the words "faith, family, and love" to try at profit from it. When she isn't SINCERE about it.
So, in other words Kate Gosselin is proud of the fact that she chose TLC over her own children. Boy now that is something I would want the whole public to know. I would want my children to know I chose, botox, spas, fancy restaurants, dumped their dad all so that I could spend the money they earned for me.
This story unfolds each day as a bigger and bigger fraud and at the center of that fraud is Mommy dearest Kate herself.
Man...Nationals cannot come soon enough.
Wow. She published her letters to her children. Now this I HAVE to read. Won't buy the book though... Guess I will be spending some time with my girls at our local book store. I will cop a squat in the children's book section with her "book" while my daughters shop.
This seems appropriate:
Irene said...
Well, you know what this means?
Stevie and Katie will be coming to a town near you.
Steve has been missing in action lately. Is he still her bodyguard?
Wow, really? Love, faith and family, Kate? Does this woman even know the meaning of the words? What a crock.
And I agree, I have a HUGE problem with Kate using the word "sacrifice" when talking about her children and all the things she's done "for them." What, exactly, has Kate sacrificed? Seems like she's gotten everything that she's wanted-- fame (or infamy) and money, a glamorous lifestyle, etc.
And if Kate wants her kids to know how much she loves them--well, tell them--each and every one, privately. Then give them each a big hug and go outside and build a snowman.
Typical narcissist behavior-- inflate everything you've done in your own self-interest as "sacrifices" you've made for others and shout it out for all the world to hear.
Not only tell them she loves them, but SHOW them. Show them by staying home with them and not leaving them with a stranger/nanny. Show them by not waltzing around hoping to run into the paparazzi so more embarrassing pics can be splashed all over the Internet. Show them by doing conjoint counseling with them to help them through this difficult time. Show them by not trashing the father they love. Show them by stopping living OFF them, using them, exploiting them. Show them by giving them a truly NORMAL life.
I have to wonder if Zondervan had something to do with this latest book. They lost a lot of money when the fake cook book was canceled. Could they be trying to recoup?
It seems like the tide is turning with Kate. Not in a good way. I was reading the comments on the People mag article and they were very negative. I especially like the 1st one who said....Kate, quit exploding your kids...instead of exploiting.
Just Jared has very negative comments, as well.
Maybe, Dr. Drew will start an "exploiters anonymous" group just for Kate. And, then Jon can join, too. Balloon boys parents and Octomom, of course, could all be members. And, don't let me forget Papa Lohan ( the cream of the crop).
What? Kate's cook book isn't selling well in Nigeria? What is wrong with those people? Maybe, they can try sending it to Haiti.
I'm sorry about being sarcastic, but, I do have trouble saying nice things about Kate.
Ok...now can anyone confirm to me why in the Gosselin Jon's lawyer Heller is talking with Radaronline?
Jon Jon fire that man....................
What has Kate sacrificed?
She gave up on her marriage. Sacrifice? or choice?
She left her kids this spring to travel with the bodyguard. Sacrifice? or choice?
She aired her dirty laundry on Television & Tabloids? Sacrifice? or Choice?
She gave up weekends with her kids to go fly all over heck and back to pander kind people for love offerings. Sacrifice? or Choice?
She chose TLC over her own children. Sacrifice? or choice?
Now she wants the public to believe it was all a sacrifice? But, honey Kate, you can take all your sacrifice and stuff it where the sun doesn't shine because it was a choice. Pure, plain and simple choice and I hope you choke on that choice the rest of your life. I wish your children that they rise above the kind of scumbag you really are.
I just read this from one of the GWOP posters. Evidentally she emailed Zondervan about the book:
Zonderman's reply to my email, asking how could they publish this lie:
"In 2008, Zondervan signed a multi-book contract with Kate Gosselin, and her new book I Just Want You to Know is part of that agreement. We realize the recent events in Kate’s life have been very public, and many sources-particularly the tabloids-have exploited her popularity with misinformation. Some people may not agree with our decision to publish this book, but we support Kate as she moves forward into a new chapter of her life. It is clear that her faith has been an integral part of her life and the lives of her children during the past year, and we are honored to give her the opportunity to share her heart.
Thank you
Zondervan Customer Care
Interesting! What a wonderful gift to your son. Although I'm sure he already knows how lucky he is to be enveloped by your love.
Good luck.
Houston bankruptcy
Oh for someones sake! Zonderman says, someone exploited her popularity with misinformation. Uh, no, she did that all by herself, through her words, re-words, actions, facial expressions, whatever. See, anything we can find fault with re her is always backed up and backed up and backed up with visuals, writing, hearing - ALL PROVIDED FOR US - FREE OF CHARGE - BY KATIE IRENE.
She's writing letters to her kids so they know for sure how much she loves them (when they film and talk to the cameras for her), whoopsie, did I say all that out loud?
When my granddaughter was about six I wrote a short story for her about us using her special name for the two of us, we both illustrated it and she was SOOOOO thrilled when she got to staple it together in three places down the side all by herself. Now, whose kid do you think is going to value these 'special' pieces of writing?
Saw a comment about AWOL Steve. Do we think maybe he finally realized what a mess he was involved with and figured it wasn't worth the $$$$$$$$? Or maybe he decided that he wants no part of her now that she's divorced? Or maybe his wife finally had enough of being embarrassed by all the crap floating around about her husband and Ms. Egotistical Narcissist?
I know I will not be buying a piece of trash that is WRITTEN LIES which is worse than spoken because once you said it, unless someone recorded it they have a tough time proving you said all the stupid stuff we heard you say BUT when you print it, IT'S THERE, IT'S AS GOOD AS CARVED IN STONE.
I just read this from one of the GWOP posters. Evidentally she emailed Zondervan about the book:
Zonderman's reply to my email, asking how could they publish this lie:
"In 2008, Zondervan signed a multi-book contract with Kate Gosselin, and her new book I Just Want You to Know is part of that agreement. We realize the recent events in Kate’s life have been very public, and many sources-particularly the tabloids-have exploited her popularity with misinformation. Some people may not agree with our decision to publish this book, but we support Kate as she moves forward into a new chapter of her life. It is clear that her faith has been an integral part of her life and the lives of her children during the past year, and we are honored to give her the opportunity to share her heart.
Thank you
Zondervan Customer Care
It seems like the tide is turning with Kate. Not in a good way. I was reading the comments on the People mag article and they were very negative. I especially like the 1st one who said....Kate, quit exploding your kids...instead of exploiting.
Just Jared has very negative comments, as well.
Maybe, Dr. Drew will start an "exploiters anonymous" group just for Kate. And, then Jon can join, too. Balloon boys parents and Octomom, of course, could all be members. And, don't let me forget Papa Lohan ( the cream of the crop).
What? Kate's cook book isn't selling well in Nigeria? What is wrong with those people? Maybe, they can try sending it to Haiti.
I'm sorry about being sarcastic, but, I do have trouble saying nice things about Kate.
So, in other words Kate Gosselin is proud of the fact that she chose TLC over her own children. Boy now that is something I would want the whole public to know. I would want my children to know I chose, botox, spas, fancy restaurants, dumped their dad all so that I could spend the money they earned for me.
This story unfolds each day as a bigger and bigger fraud and at the center of that fraud is Mommy dearest Kate herself.
Man...Nationals cannot come soon enough.
Well, you know what this means?
Stevie and Katie will be coming to a town near you.
What has Kate sacrificed?
She gave up on her marriage. Sacrifice? or choice?
She left her kids this spring to travel with the bodyguard. Sacrifice? or choice?
She aired her dirty laundry on Television & Tabloids? Sacrifice? or Choice?
She gave up weekends with her kids to go fly all over heck and back to pander kind people for love offerings. Sacrifice? or Choice?
She chose TLC over her own children. Sacrifice? or choice?
Now she wants the public to believe it was all a sacrifice? But, honey Kate, you can take all your sacrifice and stuff it where the sun doesn't shine because it was a choice. Pure, plain and simple choice and I hope you choke on that choice the rest of your life. I wish your children that they rise above the kind of scumbag you really are.
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