Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kate invited back to The View

Despite a few awkward guest host spots on The View last year, Kate has been invited back once more. She will guest host (read: audition) on March 11.

13 sediments (sic) from readers:

Anonymous said... 1

My gosh when will Kate find the time? Afterall, she has to do all the parenting and taking care of the children.

Audition for what? Biggest witch to shill for more handouts...I think it is fine. It does not involve the children but Kate has no future without her High order Money makers. It is crystal clear.

SG said... 2

Well this should be interesting!

Anonymous said... 3

Yes, Raggedy Kate will have to come 2 hours early to get her Rats nest taken care of.

marnie said... 4

Babs clearly likes her, and the View needs their ratings cheap draw. They know people will tune in to hate her, or (gag) like her. She's become the go-to circus act/sideshow for these shows to get some ratings.

IATK said... 5

Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome? They could discuss the pro and cons of hair extensions.

I think, JMO, TLC is setting Kate up for another round of appearances, The View, Ellen, Regis, Rachel Ray, etc. It doesn't seem to matter what these show hosts want, it's what TLC wants these people to do. Ellen's disdain for Kate was quite obvious I thought, which leads me to believe the stars do not necessarily have control of the program lineup. Do you suppose the paparazzi will photograph Jon with the kids while Kate's making her rounds, and then accuse her of not being there for the kids? I know, I'm being snarky...

Anonymous said... 6

Jon is using the chldren as pawns again in the lawsuit with TLC. I find it funny that he really has the children's best interest as a priority by saying he will let TLC film them again if they drop the lawsuit against him.
This is so shameful of him. I wonder what all of his child advocates supporting him will think of him now. Shouldn't this news be posted on this forum? seems more of a legal issue than all the Khate.

SG said... 7


If TLC accepts that supposed offer from Jon then it just proves they didn't sue Jon for breach of contract, but instead to get him to allow them to film his children. I don't see how they can anyway since the labor dept is looking into it.

IATK said... 8

This "breaking" news about Jon offering the kids back to TLC in exchange for dropping the lawsuit seems a bit fishy to me. Not that I don't think that's what TLC has been trying to do all along. I've avoided saying this all day, but the very first thing I noticed this morning when I first read it on ROL was "gee, breaking news at exactly 8:00 a.m. on Friday morning...typical ROL spin time for the J&K saga. It gives all opposing bloggers the whole weekend to kick this around,throw it against the wall and see if anything sticks, and TLC gets to give Jon more bad press. Probably means nothing, but my second thought was, I know TLC and their tabloids way too well and it's time for a vacation. LOL ~ Administrator said... 9

We'll be watching this story Itsaboutthekids. I also find it highly suspicious this story breaks over the weekend, the blogs have all weekend to chat about it, TLC can read it all, and then pull back or pull forward depending on reactions. And it catches Jon off guard because any statement he makes refuting this probably won't catch on much until Monday, when the story is old news.

Having worked for a celebrity, I know they DO troll the internet reading about themselves, or have their people do it. It's commonly done. And they do throw out ideas or rumors to see how people will react, when necessary.

Beejcctx said... 10

Well, now there is a "new" book to come out, this explains why she has to be on The View - of course they could have said no. This kind of media inbreeding just hacks me off - the media gives softballing her....ridiculous!

barbee said... 11

The View has become as big a joke as HER. Whoever is in charge there is using the show like TLC uses HER, and neither of them seem to get it. She is a laughing stock for her stupidity. With 8 kids, she must have seen kids shows with puppets, so why doesn't she recognize that SHE is TLC's very own puppet. They decree and she obeys. Why does she think the 'paps' are at the bus stop so early in the morning, because she is so important and famous that this is news worthy? She flopped on The View the last go round, so if people watch it will be to see a rerun of that. And we will! At least on YouTube or in the ragazines, but NOT by watching The View (that show died the same death on our tvs as Jon and HER Plus 8!

itsaboutthekids said... 12

Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome? They could discuss the pro and cons of hair extensions.

I think, JMO, TLC is setting Kate up for another round of appearances, The View, Ellen, Regis, Rachel Ray, etc. It doesn't seem to matter what these show hosts want, it's what TLC wants these people to do. Ellen's disdain for Kate was quite obvious I thought, which leads me to believe the stars do not necessarily have control of the program lineup. Do you suppose the paparazzi will photograph Jon with the kids while Kate's making her rounds, and then accuse her of not being there for the kids? I know, I'm being snarky...

Irene said... 13

Yes, Raggedy Kate will have to come 2 hours early to get her Rats nest taken care of.

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