Yesterday at a Ralph Lauren party in L.A., he had this to say: "Kate wasn't very good -- she can't perform....It was true! It wasn't harsh! She was like a shopping cart. Sometimes people need to be shaken up a bit to keep it up. It's the truth, it's what I feel, it's just being honest. If you want love, go to your mother. This is Dancing with the Stars, and you know what you're going to get. It's a competition and there are people who are working very, very hard. And to get there, you have to say, 'OK, I didn't perform, I was stiff, I was like a shopping cart.' They have to come back and show it."
Oh Bruno, don't you know Kate is estranged from her mother?
53 sediments (sic) from readers:
Here's a little interesting tidbit.
I totally agree with Bruno. Why shoudn't he critique Shopping Kart Kate. What makes her so special she should be treated with kid gloves.
As an aside to the Administrator. I recently found this site and I love it. Nice to be able to post thoughts and not be "attacked" by the Kart lovers out there.
Buno told the truth! Oh, I wonder what Kate thought of the costume she wore the other night. It was last worn by Cloris Leachman! Wow someone old enough to be her Grandma. I think they chose it, make Kate keep her arms out and disguise her bad posture.
Just watched Buzz Aldrin on Bonnie Hunt. He was great. He certainly has so much to offer. He spoke mostly about the space program and they showed the rap video he did with Snoop dog about the walking on the moon. He really is doing this to promote the space program.
Bruno is right, it's a DANCE COMPETITION and he's a judge. Now Kate's saying she doesn't care what the judges say, she's doing it for the kids. I'm sure Tony cares what the judges say because it' his paycheck too.
Remember what you told Jon, Kate? Don't be victimish. What will be interesting is the stories that come out AFTER Kate is gone. Do the stars have to sign a "I promise to give up my freedom of speech" clause to be on the show?
WOW, Kelly. A $35,000 makeover for Kate just so she could feed the kids. I'm guessing a lot was comped but imagine the additional time she spent away from those eight little faces just to get all jazzed up, just for the kids.
It's interesting that her spin doctors are saying that Khart doesn't have that kind of money to spend. We all know Khart doesn't spend her own money. She asks for comps and freebies and everyone elses money.
I've read several places where Kate supporters think it's wrong for Joy Behar to call the Gosselin children "brats".
Maybe you should re-think your opposition...
Main Entry: brat
Pronunciation: brat
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps from English dial. brat coarse garment
Date: circa 1505
1 a : child; specifically : an ill-mannered annoying child (a spoiled brat) b : an ill-mannered immature person
2 : the child of a career military person (army brats);
also : the child of a person whose career is in a specified and typically unusual field (Hollywood brats)
Don't you think Kate is working towards making her kids brats, uh, the Hollywood kind.
I'm sure Kate was told well beforehand (also, if she watched previous seasons) that there WILL be some harsh words thrown at her by judges. That factor also draws in viewers. And Kate did not dance well--inexperienced or not.
Everyone gets some criticism, even the really good dancers (even Nicole got criticism from the judge in the middle--don't remember his name).
It's a dance competition, after all--are the judges supposed to sit and smile and say "good job" for every contestant?
You can call me a "shopping cart" on national TV for $50-75k, plus freebies, travel expenses, and a makeover.
I'd go out there and dance on a brick wearing a pair of boxer shorts and a cheese head for that money. I'd even tell everyone, I was taking advantage of an opportunity to make some serious bucks per appearance.
What I wouldn't do is tell the world, I'm doing it for my kids. She's told the world she's doing it for her kids regarding the following:
1. Keeping her wedding band on during the divorce
2. Going out and having a mother of pearl ring with 8 little diamonds designed, "for my kids"
3. Renewal of wedding vows....."for the kids"
and all the other "for my kids" statements.
If you want love, go to your mother.
NOW I want to watch. Bruno is my new hero. Kate getting love from her mom, that's a good one. Almost as funny as 8 little kids trying to get love from their mother.
Good for Bruno that he makes no apologies. More people should tell her she stinks at what she does. I wonder how many points out of a possible 30 a panel of parenting psychologists would give her.
Excellent Excellent comments Kelly & Itsaboutthekids et all!!! I just read that Khart is bringing all 8 to sit in front seats soon.
Kate Gosselin will bring all her kids to DWTS audience to garner votes
Cele|bitchy - 2hrs 38mins ago
The Dancing with the Stars premiere on Monday was wildly popular and was viewed by nearly 24 million people. It was a record debut for the show, which garnered the highest ratings in its time slot for ABC in nearly 10 years. It doesn’t hurt that there are plenty of well known Stars on the show this season, which includes Pamela Anderson, Shannen Doherty, and unfortunately Kate Gosselin. Gosselin tanked in her debut, with outspoken judge Bruno Tonioli calling her technique “terrible” and saying that it looked like she was being pushed around “like a shopping cart.”
In contrast to her poor performance, Gosselin was haughty and arrogant in pre-show interviews, vowing that she was going to win the competition and promising to prove everyone wrong. Kate might just surprise us with the lengths she’ll stoop to garner sympathy and votes. On her pre-show interviews, Kate said that she was doing the show for “all the moms out there,” and you know she brought that up to get the mom vote. According to Rob Shulter at Popeater, Gosselin plans to get even more votes by bringing her children to the show and seating them in the front row. At least they’ll get to see more of their mom that week, even if they’re watching from the sidelines:
A whopping 24 million viewers tuned in for Monday’s premiere of ‘Dancing with the Stars.’ Much of that attention was, let’s face it, due to the curiosity of watching Kate Gosselin do her thing. Among those watching was PopEater’s very own Rob Shuter, who visited HLN’s ‘The Joy Behar Show’ last night to give his take on Kate’s so-called “disaster” of a night. Not only does Rob not think Gosselin will go home any time soon, he thinks, “She’s gonna win this show.”
Rob also says, “A friend of Kate’s told me that if she thinks she’s gonna be in the bottom two, expect eight little faces to be in the front row next week!”
[From Popeater]
Why should Bruno have to defend his comments to Kate? Did anyone question his moon boots comment to Buzz? Bruno is doing his job...and quite well, imho.
Hey Kate Gosselin! The Claws Are Out for You From Other Contestants on 'DWTS'! Take My Advice!
Courtesy of ABC (3)
Kate - you better watch your back! Your fellow contestants are spreading the word that you're a diva who can't dance.
Kate Gosselin's always late for rehearsals, insiders complained to the Daily News. “Kate shows up late for her hair and makeup every time,” says one, and apparently repeated lectures have had no effect on her. “Kate just gets angry and blows them off,” the source tattled. “No one wants to deal with her.”
Another insider complained to Us Weekly that you and your bodyguard are “rubbing the rest of the cast the wrong way.”
Kate - you have to realize you have a giant target on your back. You're a big draw - ratings went through the roof on the DWTS's premiere - 22.8 million and other contestants are jealous and they want to win. They'll do what they can to shake your confidence and push you off the show.
But Kate, you've got your eight babies to support, and each week you stay on means more money and fame for you, so stop giving them ammunition.
If you're running late, suck it up and get there on time! We've got your back, Kate.
Bonnie Fuller
Didn't Bonnie Fuller saay to quit giving Kate a hard time a few weeks ago?? I guess she's chnged her mind!
Didn't Bonnie Fuller just say a few weeks ago that everyone neede to leave "poor Kate" alone? I guess that she has changed her mind!
Hey Kate Gosselin! The Claws Are Out for You From Other Contestants on 'DWTS'! Take My Advice!
Courtesy of ABC (3)
Kate - you better watch your back! Your fellow contestants are spreading the word that you're a diva who can't dance.
Kate Gosselin's always late for rehearsals, insiders complained to the Daily News. “Kate shows up late for her hair and makeup every time,” says one, and apparently repeated lectures have had no effect on her. “Kate just gets angry and blows them off,” the source tattled. “No one wants to deal with her.”
Another insider complained to Us Weekly that you and your bodyguard are “rubbing the rest of the cast the wrong way.”
Kate - you have to realize you have a giant target on your back. You're a big draw - ratings went through the roof on the DWTS's premiere - 22.8 million and other contestants are jealous and they want to win. They'll do what they can to shake your confidence and push you off the show.
But Kate, you've got your eight babies to support, and each week you stay on means more money and fame for you, so stop giving them ammunition.
If you're running late, suck it up and get there on time! We've got your back, Kate.
- Bonnie Fuller
itsaboutthekids said...
also : the child of a person whose career is in a specified and typically unusual field (Hollywood brats)
Couldn't Jon get a court order denying her the chance to put those children on TV?
Sorry about the double post. Had an error saying try again so I did and the first one took. Sheesh.
Why isn't anyone complaining about the other comments Bruno made? He said Shannen swung her arms around like a primate.
I also think the female judge gave Kate a higher score out of pity. I think that's wrong. It should be based on her dancing and technique.
It's one thing for the fans at home to vote for Kate but I thought the judges were supposed to base it on their dancing.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the kids being in the audience to watch her, as far as their being on tv, etc. However, they are in school and it would be a long flight and late night, etc. Not sure it's the best idea. The twins would probably do well with it but not so sure about the tups.
Here is the video link for last night's Joy Behar show with Rob Shuter.
Another article about Kate and DWTS
I don't see anything wrong with putting the kids in the audience....ONCE. (Or twice, if she's in the finale.) Other than that, she is disrupting their school shedule and placing undue stress to behave upon their little shoulders.
Will they allow her to dance while holding her precious Hannah? ;)
OMG she is everywhere now. Used to be I could stay away from TLC and ABC and not see her... but she on my news channels and Entertainment channels......MAKE IT STOP
Aren't the kids on Easter break next week?
Inside Kate's rehearsal
I can not see these 6 five yr olds being able to sit still for 3 hrs. All audience members must be seeted atleast one full hour before show time. Maddy & Cara most certainly could handle this--the tups---I don't think so. If Jon were with them, MAYBE, but he reportedly, has been banned from appearing at DWTS. Remember the tups at the Hawaii wedding? Yes, they were much younger, but that is a big chance to take for Khart that they would not melt down during those 3 hrs, IMO.
Oh, I think I have been WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!
Maybe I should vote for her! Let her stay awhile, so that this whole FAKE GREATEST HARDEST working Mom persona BLOWS UP entirely!!!
'Dancing With the Stars' staff waiting for Kate Gosselin to shuffle off
March 24, 2010
BY BILL ZWECKER Sun-Times Columnist
Though the official ABC statement on Kate Gosselin gushes about the reality TV personality being well-liked by the ‘‘Dancing With the Stars’’ staff, a longtime show insider told me late Wednesday, ‘‘Kate is without doubt the biggest diva to appear on the show — and that’s saying a lot!’’
Along with Gosselin’s well-documented penchant for showing up late for hair and makeup and other key events on the “DWTS” schedule, my source adds the staff and crew are delighted Gosselin has been doing so poorly in the early stages of the competition — believing she’ll be voted off by the American public very soon.
» Click to enlarge image
TV personality Kate Gosselin is not the favorite contestant among the "Dancing With the Stars" staff.
(Getty Images)
TV blog: More on new 'Dancing' season
That said, the show is snaring huge ratings — perhaps driven by the intriguing mix of celeb dancers this season, including Gosselin.
There is the ‘‘train wreck’’ aspect to that, but my source — who has been deeply involved in ‘‘Dancing With the Stars’’ since the beginning of the hit show — says ‘‘that won’t be enough to keep Kate on the show much longer. There are too many other interesting competitors to watch.’’
• While Gosselin’s haughty attitude (as well as her repeated tardiness) reportedly has alienated staff and crew members, the one competitor everyone thought would be a big pain, ‘‘Beverly Hills 90210’’ veteran Shannen Doherty, has been anything but.
‘‘Shannen’s definitely not the warm and fuzzy type, but she’s a total professional and very respectful to everyone — crew members, staff, anyone connected with the show.’’
The staff’s most popular contestants? Pamela Anderson and Buzz Aldrin, who interestingly have struck up something of a friendship — talk about the ‘‘Odd Couple’’!
According to my source, the blonde bombshell and revered ex-astronaut are easy to work with and very down-to-earth.
my9cats said...
Aren't the kids on Easter break next week?
No they only get Good Friday and the Monday after Easter off.
Stalking the gosselins now are we?
I believe the kids had their actual spring break a couple of weeks ago. It was mentioned lots of places.
No stalking needed.
Thanks Anon. Our district has all next week off.
melissaf~ You took the words out of my mouth!
From your mouth to God's ears.
ADMIN- Maybe I am doing something wrong--toda I have had 2 posts that have double posted. I did not hit post comment twice either time. Do you have any idea why that is happening-I must be doing something wrong as it is not happening to other posters. Sorry for the waste of space.
I wonder how Kate is able to reconcile her "I just want to be left alone" attitude toward the P-people with the now necessity to talk to them, and do interviews with them in order to get votes.
Re: upthread posted by NancyB - Shuter & Reilly on Joy Behar
Maybe someone should tune Carey Reilly in about Kate. She was in awe that KG had eight kids and blubbered over her as if the diva walked on water. And Shuter's 'source' must be the Kart's private boobyguard. They've got to be the only two on the planet who think she's going to go all the way and win this thing. Even Tony laughed at her when she said that. Brother, the nerve of some narcissists.
anon 2:55 said "Stalking the gosselins now are we?"
How is knowing when the kids are on Easter break "stalking"? If we know all about them, they have their famewhore mother to thank for that.
You had mentioned a few times that Pam was a really nice person. One of the above articles claims that Pam and Buzz are the favorites of all the other contestants!
I did notice that, that others used the same words I did about Pam "down to earth." Which makes me think these reports are credible, since I know for a fact that since I've been around Pam so often when I was a nanny, I know it to be true she is exactly as they say. She's Canadian, not that that matters, but I think culturaly they tend to not be so self-centered as Americans, and are friendly.
In my upcoming recaps, I'm going to start sharing some personal stories about my encounters with Pam. I think it's freshing to hear about nice celebrities who don't have big heads and so I'll share. She deserves the credit.
I too think it's funny that people think it's stalking to look at a school schedule and notice that the kids are home from school and that their mother is not with them, when their own mother is the reason in the first place that there are all these paparazzi photos outside their own HOUSE of these kids. Let's go back to the root of the problem, their narccisistic mother who insisted on exploiting them in the first place.
@ Administrator. Yes we Canadians are a laid back, friendly (and apologetic) nation of people (for the most part). We try very hard to not be self centered and help others if we can. It's nice to be different. Cheers!
Kate wants every to feel sorry for her but other contestants have hard schedules also.
Evan is with the Stars on Ice, flying the red eye out on Tuesday nights, Skating with the show Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., and some Sunday matinees then back to LA to DWTS. Also, DWTS has sent him a portable dance floor to be setup to practice on the road. With all the help Kate has, all she has to do, go home and hug her kids, maybe read a book and tuck them in.
I love seeing the support the skaters have for each other. Evan had a Ralph Lauren event (Olympic Sponsor) and Mark Ballas and Buzz Aldrin went. Mark is also designing a new skating program for him.
Admin., can't wait to hear some stories about Pam.
Good for Bruno. I didn't watch the show but it's time Kate got a taste of her own medicine.
Hey, I thought Pam was great the other night. I was not a baywatch fan. Although, I have a husband and 3 grown sons and the show was on at our house every week. ha! I was the one calling in to vote for Pam on all the phones at our house. I was really impressed with Pam.
Bruno deserves a "10" for calling a spade a spade! WHY are people fearful about stating the truth?
Kart reminds of Humpty Dumpty.
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the kings horses & all the kings men
couldn't put Humpty together again.
Wonder what the fall and damage control will look like?
Seriously, I'm afraid for the kids because if Kate is NOT happy she could possibly terrorize the Gosselin 8. Especially the boys because they look so much like Jon. CPS should be on alert for Mommy Dearest's big meltdown.
The rumor mill is saying that Kate is a nervous wreck this week and is realizing how out of her league she is.
Actually the first thing I thought after she danced was she's going to have a breakdown because it's going to hit her she is playing with the big boys now and is nowhere near them.
Normal people would break down. People like Kate just play the blame game which means it's not their fault and so they don't have to take responsibility for their own actions. They say people don't understand and are being "mean" to them. blah, blah, blah
Monday's show will be interesting now that Kate's had a taste of what it's like. I'm curious to see if she makes any more of an effort, dancing wise, personality and attitude wise etc. Or if she still thinks she's can waltz (no pun intended) out there and be a winner based on her self-perceived celebrity.
Thankyou for having this site where we can at least express our thoughts about Kate Gossling, I see what happens on some of the other sites when you post a negative about her,it is almost scary the way you get attacked,so thanks for letting me air my opinion and thoughts knowing there are like minded people.
Thankyou for having this site where we can at least express our thoughts about Kate Gossling, I see what happens on some of the other sites when you post a negative about her,it is almost scary the way you get attacked,so thanks for letting me air my opinion and thoughts knowing there are like minded people.
anon 2:55 said "Stalking the gosselins now are we?"
How is knowing when the kids are on Easter break "stalking"? If we know all about them, they have their famewhore mother to thank for that.
I believe the kids had their actual spring break a couple of weeks ago. It was mentioned lots of places.
No stalking needed.
Aren't the kids on Easter break next week?
I don't see anything wrong with putting the kids in the audience....ONCE. (Or twice, if she's in the finale.) Other than that, she is disrupting their school shedule and placing undue stress to behave upon their little shoulders.
Will they allow her to dance while holding her precious Hannah? ;)
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