"She's pretty, you know, standoffish, which is kind of weird. I don't really know her, but when I met her she wasn't kind of like, 'hello' or anything. I say 'hey,' and she was like 'oh hey.' I was like, 'Okay!'"
We call this more poor social skills than "diva" behavior. Kate doesn't know how to talk to people. But it comes across like she's a diva or better-than. Social skills are helpful in Hollywood. Or anywhere.
21 sediments (sic) from readers:
Don't you know? Mark is just jellus he did not get Kate as his partner.
I would have thought all the performers would be under a "gag order" not to detrimentally comment on the others until the show was over. I'll bet Kate's PR team is sweating bullets now. I love it.
Ballas added, "She has a great partner, Tony [Dovolani] who is a dear friend of mine, so I'm sure he will whip her into shape. Whatever you can get out of that!"
Best comment in the article!
From: @OfficialMBallas
Sent: Mar 18, 2010 10:12a
RT @usweekly tells Us that Kate Gosselin is "standoffish" on DWTS set Taken out of context ha ha We havet even been to the set yet :)
LOL! Okay....how do you take "standoffish" out of context?
I wonder when Kate's management will realize she is just out of control and un-manageable and dump her.
She is standoffish bec. she has absolutely no personality. None. Nothing to share. Blah. boring. just 'look at my boobs'.. used to be 'look at my kids'...
Maybe she was 'standoffish' at the season launch thing. Isn't that the only time they've been together as a group?
All I care about is that she goes home before Buzz!
From Life & Style mag - Kate Gosselin has been spending "late nights with a married man," and guess what? He's her Dancing With The Stars partner, Tony Dovolani. They went to a 7:45 showing of Alice In Wonderland, and Tony didn't get back to his hotel until 5:30 am.
Bon appetit! Bitch on heels!
Oh, my. TLC and Julie Carson May just can't keep up with the negative publicity, can they?
Thanks for the link JW! Woo Hoo, Dr. Coolsex is back!
just wondering-- Thanks, very funny
I like how those trying to defend Kate this time misstate what Mark said to then discredit him. Mark never said she was standoffish "on the set." He said when he MET HER, she was standoffish. He likely met her at the announcement party, and Kate herself admitted on The View she has met everyone on DWTS the week she was out there.
It's pretty bad when your own co-stars are speaking out about you.
Just wondering that spoof is flippin hilarious.
You know we should have had Kate on DWTS sooner.
Perez Hilton is finally going after Kate instead of Jon! And the badge of honor, he wrote "FAKE" on her picture!
Hi Admin.,
That has been Kate's peoples MO. If someone says something negative about her, they say you are a liar and try to prove it. And, I think, when it was Jon.....Kate's fans believed they were right. Now, I guess, we will see if it works for them when it is all kinds of other people saying negative things about Kate. It's everybody else , not Kate.
I am new to this blog and I am reading the older blogs. Looking back now, wasn't he the first one off Dancing With The Stars? Was it because he opened his mouth and spoke the truth about Kate Gosselin? Things that make you go "HUM?"
I am new to this blog and I am reading the older blogs. Looking back now, wasn't he the first one off Dancing With The Stars? Was it because he opened his mouth and spoke the truth about Kate Gosselin? Things that make you go "HUM?"
Just wondering that spoof is flippin hilarious.
You know we should have had Kate on DWTS sooner.
I would have thought all the performers would be under a "gag order" not to detrimentally comment on the others until the show was over. I'll bet Kate's PR team is sweating bullets now. I love it.
Oh, my. TLC and Julie Carson May just can't keep up with the negative publicity, can they?
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