Kelly? We don't blame you for being misinformed, but just so you know, Jon is employed by TLC just like Kate is. He is under their contract, and pays child support, probably right out of those TLC paychecks. $10,000 in child support--a month. Kate has hinted and implied he isn't paying support, but she has never come out and said it unequivocally, because she can't, because it's not true, she would be lying, and thus she would be slandering him, and he would sue her. Once again we ask Kate, prove us wrong. We're waiting.
Kelly also probably doesn't know about all the money Kate has made prior to this point. She certainly wasn't doing the show, book tours, speaking engagements, and other appearances for free. If your eight kids are truly starving, what happened to all that money, Kate??? You mean you've blown it all already? Where are your savings from all this to be set for life? Why aren't you set for life after all of that? Whenever Kate says she has to do this because she has eight kids to raise, no one has the guts to ask her what happened to ALL THE MONEY SHE MADE OVER THE PAST FIVE YEARS. Well, we ask. We ask loud and clear. Kate, what did you do with your children's money?
On another note, Kelly was just sixteen, a minor, when the wildly successful reality show The Osbournes about her own family was filming. Sixteen isn't six, but she was still a child. But Kelly's mom saw to it that each family member was paid--separately. A reported $5 million each for the season. In constrast, TLC admitted they never paid the Gosselin children one....little....dime. And Sharon has been very vocal about all of the negative things that came about from the show. She once told Barbara Walters that the show “changed us all so much.” Unlike Kate, she also said that if she had to do it over again, she wouldn't do the show again. And she said the cameras are "invasive right now and we have no privacy."
Although MTV was game to continue the show and it was still getting great ratings, it was Sharon and her family who said no more, enough, that's it, and the show ended prematurely.
54 sediments (sic) from readers:
I have to laugh when I read the articles giving credit to Kart for the season premiere having such high numbers. Give the world a break.
If Kart wasn't on this season, I'm pretty certain that the numbers would have been way up there as well.
Let's look at the male point of view for a moment.
Erin Andrews: She's just way too hot. Given the fact that she made headlines this year by a stalker who had a hidden cam on her while she was nude, I'm sure that many people didn't even know who she was before this. The curiousity factor kicked in and people wanted to see what all the buzz was about.
Pamela Anderson: The most downloaded woman in history, even making the Guiness World Record book for being so. She exudes sex, eroticism and brings out that animal desire that most males would want at least 15 minutes in their dreams with her. Not only does she bring out the "XXX" factor, she's known to be just a real down to earth person, despite the heights she has achieved in star power.
Nichole Sherzinger: Not only is she really beautiful, has real talent behind a microphone and can even turn up the heat in music videos, there's a curiosity factor in how sexy she can also be in a ballroom setting.
Shannon Doherty: Here was a screen hottie from the past, relegated to the black list after 90210 and hasn't really done anything notable to speak of since. The curiosity factor kicked in and being easy on the eyes, was still enjoyable to watch and continues to have that sex appeal.
Possibly from the female point of view:
Jake Pavelka: Having just finished his own reality show, was a hearthrob for women everywhere.
Tony Dovalani: Still a favorite of fans of the past seasons.
Let's give credit where credit is due. Kate Gosselin is not someone you'll see on a poster, hanging on the wall of your kids bedroom. There is no appeal there. None whatsoever. Her spin doctors are so desperate to make her a sensation, they will credit her with almost anything, from being the worlds best Mom to the worlds busiest Reality Star. Reality is, she's neither. Kate can draw an audience for a two car New Orleans funeral much like Barney Frank is the worlds most eligible bachelor.
Kelly Osbourne probably has not watched entire episode of Jon & Kate + 8. She is speaking with good intentions, I'm sure, thinking that Kate has eight children to watch all alone back in rural PA, etc.
Well, I think that people should know that many of us "non-fans" started out as fans. We cut the Gosselins (both of them) a lot of slack because who wouldn't be stressed with a set of twins and sextuplets?
As a resident of PA, I was aware of the G's well before they had a show. They were on the local news and in the paper, obviously, when the tups were born. Volunteers helped with the babies. The G's recieved so many donations they rented a large trailer (the kind that trucks pull) to house them. They were donated money and gift cards. Also, free haircuts until the tups turned five, $5,000 worth of groceries from Giant (grocery stores), health insurance from the state of PA, and a private nurse from the state for one year. The state CREATED a job for Jon Gosselin. These are the things that I know about as an ordinary citizen/taxpayer. There is likely more.
Kate Gosselin fought the state to try to keep her private nurse for another year--because they didn't want to pay anyone themselves. They had Jon's dad the dentist helping them financially (also with dental care). When Jon's dad passed, they got an inheritance.
When the G's got the show, any money that came in should have been put away in trust for the kids. They were not in dire straits financially--they were not homeless and starving. Even though they were being paid for the show and getting many freebies, they still went to churches and asked for donations of money--cash only, please.
Now, add to that Kate's shrewish and mean behavior on the show, throwing Jon out because he no longer wanted to do the show, and crying poor on national TV--going to People magazine and throwing Jon under the bus, etc., and you get the idea why some people don't like Katie Gosselin so much.
lifeorriley I couldn't agree more. I used to like to watch that show but after the first couple of season and seeing Kate do next to nothing and bark orders to Jon and mistreat him. Jon recently acting like an idiot with all these women I have very little sympathy for either. My heart does break for those children who have been taught that everything must come to you on a golden platter.
Love, Love, Love Kelly Osbourne and trust once she is made aware of the facts she will keep it real when discussing Kate Gosselin and/or the Gosselin 8.
If I may I'd like to suggest another reason why more people may have tuned in for DWTS premier than last year:
Evan Lysacek.
2010 Olympic gold medalist who in addition to having the talent and the drive to win the dancing part of the competition has a huge fan base (e.g. nearly 34,000 followers on Facebook alone).
Dancing With The Stars: Kate Gosselin’s First Class As Dovolani Takes Coach
To Lifeoriley - Great post! Regarding the church donations, check out Kate Gosselin's letter pursuant to the booking of church speaking engagements.
Logistics info: First, Jon and I always travel together for safety reasons.
Second, we don't bring our children anymore due to safety/security issues.
And third, we speak to an audience of 100 or more!
We typically ask that the church/organization cover our travel and accommodations (airfare, hotel, car transport to/from the airport on this end and rental car on that end). As far as a 'speaking fee' goes, we ask for a 'love offering' for church services (which averages around $3000-3500 just to give you an idea, but is by no means a set 'fee'-- we let that up to God to fulfill our needs whether that amount be higher or lower!).
Other groups (evening church sponsored events, non church affiliated programs etc) are charged a fee of $3500 for events scheduled in 2009.
For a Mops (Mothers of Preschoolers) group, we charge by the person.... a $ 15 fee per person with a minimum of 100 people. Additionally, we ask that we also be scheduled to speak at a church service while we are there.
As mentioned above, if you are scheduling a Saturday night event the fee is $3500. If you also want to schedule Sunday morning church services, we ask for a love offering in whatever amount is collected to cover Sunday. We want to let God provide for us want to be able to continue to travel and speak!
These fees are incorporated to cover our time, babysitting and time away from work!
In the past, churches, MOPS groups, organizations have charged admission or provided free tickets and covered our 'fee' in other ways.
It is up to you how it should be handled in your situation.
We typically use our presentation entitled 'Six (in honor of our 6) Lessons We Have Learned' where we start with a video montage set to
music of our family and then do our presentation. We tell our story from the beginning while we weave our points into it- including the pertinent Bible verses that came alive to us during those times and continue to be our guide today (you can request an email copy of our outline for review)! We usually end with about a half hour of questions from the audience which brings our total presentation time to about 1 1/2 hours in length. Ours is a story that is encouraging to everyone who hears it!
It is a story of God's hope, grace and love in a time when there was a lot of uncertainty, fear and doubt! Anyone who listens can apply these same lessons in their own lives!
The only other thing we require is a $150 deposit to hold the date you have chosen!
Additionally, please note that we are appearing as Jon and Kate Gosselin and this is aside from our show. TLC owns the rights to our show, we don't and so any advertising about our appearance may say 'from TLC's hit show 'Jon & Kate plus 8' but it may not use any logo or TLC owned print. Also, we cannot do ANY media interviews/ appearances related to our speaking event in order to remain in accordance with our TLC contract.
I hope this information helps! We enjoy speaking but are still surprised at the demand! We know it is what God is asking of us!!!!
Please reserve your date quickly! We are booking daily now and the dates are going fast! And please plan on having more people inquire about coming than you planned! Most events are now sold out due to lack of enough seating before the inquiries stop coming!!!! It is amazing--not what we ever had planned for our lives but we enjoy what we do!
Because of God's grace!
Kate Gosselin for all ten of us
** Source: http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/07/want-book-jon-kate-speak-your-church-you-better-read-first
Evan is appearing in Stars on Ice. He will take the red eye out on Tuesday nights do shows Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., and some Sun. matinees then fly back to LA. He also has been provided a portable dance floor to practice.
I wonder if he will beg for votes during the Stars on Ice. I doubt it.
I'm sure he is one of the big draws on DWTS along with Pam A.
To the Admin: You may want to make this disgusting news a separate post.
So Long “City of Angels” – Hailey’s Comin’ to Town
That’s what they call Los Angeles.
But if Jon Gosselin’s ex girlfriend follows through on her apparent relocation plans, we might need to re-think that name.
According to her Twitter page, the hard partying former plaything of Octo-papa is making a move to the west coast
Lookout, Lindsay Lohan… you’re about to get some competition on the party circuit!
See one of The Rat’s favorite candid shots of Hailey – after the jump.
To the Admin: You may want to give this disgusting news a thread of its own, LOL.
So Long “City of Angels” – Hailey’s Comin’ to Town
That’s what they call Los Angeles.
But if Jon Gosselin’s ex girlfriend follows through on her apparent relocation plans, we might need to re-think that name.
According to her Twitter page, the hard partying former plaything of Octo-papa is making a move to the west coast
Lookout, Lindsay Lohan… you’re about to get some competition on the party circuit!
See one of The Rat’s favorite candid shots of Hailey – after the jump.
Read More at Link Below:
Went to rumorrat, while I was there I read this:
Here's one, hot off the press. Those Gosselins sure do know how to use their charm, don't they?
I would like to know why Jon isn,t coming forward and defending hinself about the child support,I would think he wouldn,t want people to thik he is a dead beat dad,has TLC paid him hush money,given him a lot of cash ,they knew he needed money so paid him off,I hope he writes a book after he is out of the contract.
Shannen was on "Charmed" for a few seasons and had a show on sci fi channel "Scare Tactics." Hardly the "black list."
TLC has muzzled Jon.
Jon got in trouble before because he spoke out and refused to follow TLC's demands, to the point that Jon said they put a 24/7 bodyguard on him at one time to keep him "in his place". Then the lawsuits happened and TLC broke him down. Everyone asks why Jon isn't talking. Jon isn't talking because TLC told him to shut up. Simple as that. How far do you think he would get if he started telling his side of the story? I believe he's also protecting his ability to see his children. How sick is that? TLC, with Kate's blessing, has destroyed this family. JMHO
I totally agree with itsaboutthekids...I kept wondering why in the hell Jon hasn't petitoned the court to modify his visitation with the children while kart continues on her never ending "fame whore" national tour. This way they would not spend 1/2 each month with "babysitters". Then itsbout reminded me of the above and further Jon is currently under contract with TLC and who knows, most probably this current contract muzzles his ability to speak period.
I still believe that Jon missed his chance to have matched speeds with the behemoth TLC. When he 1st appered on TLC with that very sleazy lawyer, stating that he believed that it was extremely detrimental for his children to continue being filmed, he most assuredly could have contacted Gloria Allred to represent him.
She very often takes such cases pro bono or at least agrees that no payment is required unless a judgement is obtained. She is powerful and high profile enough IMO to have had the muscle to stand up against TLC's attack dog lawyers from LA. JMHO. I do feel very very sad for Jon, not as sad as I feel for the children but I do believe that Kate & TLC are greatly responsible for the destruction of Jon as a man and breadwinner and very probably severely limit his ability to currently petition the court successfully/ I would be VERY interested to know ADMIN'S thoughts on this issue.
Kelly just needs to ask mom Sharon Osbourne what she thinks of Kate.
All Kelly needs to do is consult her mom Sharon on what she thinks of Kate 'The Kart' Gosselin:
Sorry if this ends up as a double post...
Jon needs to talk!he needs to tell his side,for himself and his kids.
I'm sure Jon would like to talk. But IMO he would barely get his mouth open before TLC would haul his ass back to court and shut him down again.
I have no proof, but I also have no doubt that they have threated Jon with the loss of his children if he crosses them again. Probably subtly, but no less a threat. And as long as Kate is being glorified by TLC she's for sure not going to object to any of it.
She couldn't even be bothered to call the children after her dance Monday night to include them in the celebration. Her excuse, it was late. Well, the kids were up anyway because they watched her dance so that one doesn't fly with me. Supposedly she's doing all of this for the kids.
As far as I'm concerned, Kate is the antithesis of hard working, nurturing moms everywhere. It chaps my butt when she says she's doing this for mothers and I am more than totally offended by her remarks. Do what you want, Kate, but don't make me a part of your devious plan.
Sorry, I guess I've just had it and this is all JMO. Rant #2 over....for now
Katesucks-- Thanks for the video--Made my day!
You're welcome. I hope SHAAAAAAAARON! talks to her daughter about her momentary lapse of reason.
Doesn,t Jon have a court case against TLC coming up?If I were Jon I would speak out,(i hate saying this even if it means losing his kids) I know, it sounds like I am a horrible person for even suggesting that but being taken hostage by Kate and TLC is unjust the children will find out the truth before too long and they will ask all sorts of questions,why cannot his relatives speak out his mom? it must be so hard on her hearing all those horrible comments about her son,besides being hated by so many people,I wouldn,t be able to take it if it were my son,It,s so sad for those little kids.
Jon settled his case with TLC awhile ago. He is back under contract with them. And yes I do think there is a gag order as part of the agreement. We have not heard a peep out of Jon since.
On the one hand I wish he would shut Kate up with all her lies and set the record straight. On the other, it's not good to have the parents sniping back and forth in the media where the kids could hear about it. Gag order or not, Jon is actually taking the high road here. Let Kate trash him. Let people think he's a deadbeat. It's more important the kids have a father who is supportive of their mother, not constantly cutting her down.
Yes NancyB, Jon had a golden opportunity to take Kate to the cleaners and he blew it. Yes I do think he could have gotten a much better custody order, and child support out of Kate since she is never with them and leaves them with nannies. Yes I think he could have won his lawsuit with TLC.
I don't know what his deal is. He's lazy, not all that bright. He had kids too young. He felt so free from Kate he went on a rampage with girls and booze and partying. Maybe he really doesn't want these kids all the time, who knows.
But do I think Jon could be in a completely different position now had he wanted to and played his cards correctly, absolutely.
The cases I handle every day, sometimes you see similar situations come up. And you can watch how someone with a good head on their shoulders gets through their case and end up with a really positive result, and others completely blow it. Almost any situation can end up with different results depending on the decisions the parties make.
I think I would rather read what an insider has to say about the whole bunch of these grifters, rather than waste precious time reading a book written by either of these two liars. Face it, Jon lies as much as Kate does so his putting things to print wouldn't mean a thing.
What would be interesting is reading what an intern or a production assistant has to say about the experience filming this family and leaving most of the "real" stuff on the cutting room floor.
Kate has four books out right now. One was written by Beth and NOT Kate. The other is more or less a family album and not a literary piece. The third one was filled with plagarized recipes and buried somewhere in Europe and the 4th is filled with more puff and lies than a political candidates speech.
Jon's lack of fight for these kids only proves to me his lack of desire to be part of their lives. I'm a divorced father of 3 and have been for 10 years. I have spent every single day in my kids lives since the first day I separated and never once missed a beat. That's being a dad. Jon is far from that. He's a sperm donor. His boys are old enough for T ball, his girls are old enough for lacrosse, soccer, sports, dance, whatever. Have you once seen a picture of either Jon or Kate, coaching the team, sitting on the sidelines watching them or helping out in some way with the kids in some activity? NO. Jon deserves as much rebuke as Kate. Both of them are evil, horrible, self serving, self absorbed monsters.
Kelly, I don't think it's far to bash Jon in such a manner - we certainly only the side the TLC and Kate's PR team has put before us. Yes, he's made some bad decisions, but to assume Jon has not/does not fight for his children is wrong on your part.
I agree that Jon's silence doesn't mean he's not doing anything. Someone needs to be the constant/consistent parent in the lives of these kids and right now no one is. We know by the court order that Kate could be that parent, but she won't. She's too busy being a star. We don't know what visitation Jon is or is not allowed and since he's muzzled, it's only conjecture at this point.
I just have to add this from a personal point of view. When my son divorced he got residential custody of his 8 month old son and the mom had visitation rights. She was a drug user and moved in with an ex-convict some time after the divorce. We later found out this man had several lewd and lacivious charges against him. There's a whole lot more to this story but suffice to say the living conditions for this child were atrocious when he was in the mom's home.
Our grandson was 10 YEARS old when the courts finally granted full custody to our son and severed the mom's parental rights. And believe me, it wasn't through lack of caring or trying. We poured thousands upon thousands of dollars into legal fees and counseling for the child, and petitions, private detectives and court dates were the norm rather than the exception. Looking in from the outside people would say, why are you letting this happen?
So I'm just saying, what you WANT to have happen and what happens in the courts are not one in the same. This child was caught up in a system that deemed the mother's rights paramount to any right of the child. And as wrong as it is, it is reality. At least that was our experience.
So, until there's proof otherwise, I don't come down too hard on Jon when it comes to him fighting for the children. He might very well be doing that the best he can.
If Jon were an active part of his kids lives, he wouldn't have moved to New York. It's not like he had to move to New York for a job. A job? That's like cryptonite to Jon. He poured through the "kids" money like a hot knife through butter. We see what TLC wants us to see on their show which by all accounts, wasn't a positive protrayal of Jon or Kate but it was put out there for public consumption.
We also see what is out there in the media reports about Jon's behavior while not filming for TLC and that too isn't a positive protrayal either. Jon took a positive step and refused to allow TLC to film his kids any longer but caved in at the end.
We also see Jon's behavior in public with every skank one could imagine, drunken parties in Vegas with private cabanna's, private booths hanging over rails flirting with showgirls, college frat house beer bong parties, nights out with sorority girls. His debacle with Haily Glassman and the false report of damage to his apartment, Kate Major, Morgan Christianson and all the others. This "protective" behavior when he has twin daughters of the age to see and know what is really going on with dad.
I'm not taking Kates side because she's just as bad. He's not playing the role of a protective Dad but mouthing the words throughout all of this, "It's for my kids". When Jon proves otherwise that he wants to be an active part of his childrens lives, I'll say otherwise but from all accounts, both he and his ex have done nothing for these kids but use them, abuse them and further their explotation in an effort to benefit financially. He's still a slug and she is too.
Kelly, admit it, you're a sheeple. Only sheeple turn a conversation around and make it about Jon - especially the part about the false reprot of damage - no one in authority has ever said the report was "fase". . I would venture to say that upwards of 90% of the stuff about Jon was made up by TLC and Kate 's PR firm. You couldn't help yourself could you? You posted a few negative Kate posts to throw us off - but your last post outs you.
Yup, blame it on Jon. Everything is Jon's fault BUT intelligent people know he has been SILENCED & SHACKLED by Kate & TLC. She sacrified ALL her relationships for TLC to become a money grubbing fame whore.
YES, they're both to blame for their demise. Jon's actions after everything blew up was his undoing. BUT prior to the bar hopping, skirt chasing antics, Jon was a dutiful husband. AND his behaviors are typical of an abused spouse who is suddenly freed. I would venture to say he is clinically depressed and traumatized by EVERYTHING that happened.
One day the truth will be revealed, I would NOT be surprised if some day, some one reveals there was an affair between Kate & Steve.
BTW, the topic is ABOUT KART, don't cha hate it when a blogger deflects the attention away from her HEINOUS Kart?! We DO WANT TO please Kate with her obsessive need for attention.
What was her Freudian slip? "...as I flew back...I realized...how were we going to survive this..." What was this? Was it something SHE did while she was on the road with Steve? Inquiring minds REALLY want to know the truth.
I forgive Kelly Osbourne. She knows not what Kate is truly all about. I wonder if Kelly O actually watched seasons 1 - 5, saw the transformation and deterioration of the Gosselin family. IF she did, she would understand WHY her mother, Sharon O will advise any family against a reality show.
I just wish that his mom or other relatives(not girl friends would come to his aid and speak up for him,I am guessing they must dispise Kate,the children will find out the truth,get some wise counsel Jon please,stick up for yourself there must be someway for you to defend yourself.don,t let Kate get away with the (almost) saying you are a dead beat dad,most of us can see how the kids adore you,it,s awful what is being done to you.
The sheeple always end up revealing themselves.
You know on Joy Behar's CNN show this week - I think it was Tuesday when they were talking about Kate - she asked the panel if anyone had ever watched the show. Only one out of 4 had and even Joy indicated she had not watched the show. The only who had watched J&K did make the comment on how bad Kate treated Jon. We should suggest to Joy that she watch the DVD's of the show - she might not be so hard on Jon.
As much as I wish Jon would speak up too, I have to say that having worked in divorce law and other child custody cases, that kind of thing never helps.
It's very unhealthy for the kids to hear he said she said constantly. The best thing you can do for your kids in a divorce is speaking nothing but kindly about the other parent. It's bad enough to feel like your parents don't love each other, but at least knowing they are still friends and working together gives a child security and stability.
Jon is doing the right thing by not speaking up - it would only hurt the kids. Kate, on the otherhand, has shown that she cares more about making herself look good at Jon's expense, than she does about her kids.
Trust me, I'm in no way on KART'S side of the camp. I can't stand the liar that she is and the way she has neglected her family, her kids and makes it all about her. My intent wasn't to turn anything around and blame Jon. My reasoning, although probably not quite made clear in past responses, was merely speaking out about some posts that tried to make Jon look like the better parent.
Neither of them is a good parent. One is as bad as the other. They come up with the most outlandish stories about how everything is for the kids but their actions have spoken quite the opposite. For those who know me on the Z blog can attest to that as well.
Neither of them is a good parent, but I don't agree that one is as bad as the other.
Kate is the worst parent. Jon is the slightly better parent. If you want my reasons why they can be found all over this blog.
Seasons 1 - 5 episodes show parenting skills of both parents. They had different parenting styles. Kate was MORE authoritarian, Jon more authoritative. Kate expects the kids to follow strict routines, strict rules or suffer severe punishment, hence the wooden spoon & spankings. Jon was more nurturing & engaging with the kids. Jon comforts & supports the kids when their crying or sick, more often than Kate.
The children's reaction to their parents are also evident. The kids run, smiling & & laughing when Jon picks them up. They constantly hug, kiss & climb all over Jon, more than Kart. If TLC wanted a different image of parenting for Kart, then they should have created a photo list for their paid paparazzi.
The kids deserve MORE because they didn't ask for this life style, their crazy parents did. Maybe the nannies should petition for custody of the kids, they might do a better job at parenting the kids.
My observations are the same as yours HI50. I think Jon is the nurturing parent when he's with the kids and I think the kids need him. I think Kate is missing the mommy gene, the one that makes putting your kids first as a natural response and not a forced reaction that you have to try and prove to people by repeating it over and over again.
And you're right, Irene, I don't see Kate ever staying home with the kids because it's pretty obvious she doesn't want to. The kids are reeling from their parents very public divorce. If it were you, where would you be right now? Even if it meant cutting back on the luxuries and going back to nursing.
She needs the money? How many hundreds of thousands of dollars is needed to feed and clothe your kids? We all seem to get by on a whole lot less.
She sees the kids as much now as she would if she were home working? There's nothing like having your mom tuck you in at night even if you're working a 50 hour week. Or just knowing she's only a 20 minute drive away if you need her.
She wants to make the kids proud of her and admire her? Really! This one irks me as much as any of them. I imagine the kids would like mom to be proud of THEM and for her to show it! I wish just once I would hear Kate say something nice about her children! NOT how proud she wants them to be of HER. Who exactly is the adult here?? Do you ever hear anyone ask THAT question. What are the kids accomplishments, what did they do in school today, who are their friends? No, no, it's always all about Kate.
Now I've got myself going again. Better stop here. And that's the difference between Jon and Kate. When Jon's with the kids he makes it about them.
BTW, the way you make your children proud of you is to BE THERE for them when they need you. That's all they want...
Kelly, you DID mean to turn the conversation to Jon - a typical MO of the sheeple. And simply refusing to stoop to Kate's level as a parent automatically makes Jon the better parent. All you have to do is look at the kid's faces and reactions to Jon vs Kate - that's all the evidence one needs.
Last I looked, this was a discussion board about "THE GOSSELINS". I didn't think it was limited to just opinions about Kate. Jon may have been a nurturing parent when the family was a unit but since they have broken up, Jon went the way of last years calendar.
He may have a kinder softer nature than Kate but a good parent in the public eye doesn't run around the country letting p people know where he's going to be and then show up drunk, in the arms of hookers, college girls and people like Michael Lohan and tabloid trash when they have young children they need to set an example for.
Good parents don't blow through their kids money buying cars, taking trips all over the world, hosting swim parties for women and bringing girlfriends to the marital home overnight while the kids are home sleeping. A good parent doesn't have another girl nude in the family hot tub, drinking and smoking pot and knowingly do so with 8 kids in the house, telling the girlfriend not to worry.
A good parent, who isn't even divorced yet, doesn't allow a bar maid to come over to the house and sunbath on the family's front yard knowing that the children are in the house.
So, having had my say about what a terrible mother Kate is, I think I also have a right to say what a terrible father Jon is as well, knowing that the facts speak for themselves.
Anonymous said @ 10:13pm "Kelly, you DID mean to turn the conversation to Jon - a typical MO of the sheeple".
I think there's a place on here where you can post your name and not hide behind the relative security of a CRT and throw stones.
If one can't express their opinion on any of the Gosselins, on this board which is titled, "15 Minutes, Gosselin Style, what's the point in discussing issues regarding both of their failed parenting? Are we to attack others who stray from anything Kate does?
Yes, this site is about the Gosselins, however, this particular thread is about Kate and only Kate. You took the conversation and turned it around to Jon. Jon, who to the dismay of some, has stayed out of the public eye. Dismay, I say because the Kate-worshippers don't have anyone to deflect Kate's behavior onto. And Kelly, quit throwing around Radaronline stories as fact - another sheeple giveaway.
Give it a rest Anonymous. No one rattled your cage and no one is slinging names at others here but you. You can either choose a name to discuss issues with me or be ignored for the ridiculous statements and unfounded accusations.
Kelly, you've been slinging at Jon this entire thread, but yet want to turn this around to be about me.
Anyway, back to the subject at hand, Kate Gosselin. "It's about the Kids" - you are so right. A good parent is there for their kids all of time. Not traipsing all over the country for her own self-gratification.
I've been slinging at Kate in this thread as well as dozens of others on this board. I simply spoke up about a comment regarding Jon being the better parent and as a result, was accused of being "Sheeple".
I then tried to clarify my remark and was yet again thrown under the bus as a part of Team Kate. Many discussions regarding this family try to pit one of the parents against the other by making one look more loving than the other.
How they feel about their children, only they will know. The actions they take, in the public eye only show those of us who read the news and see the photo's and then hear them speak, gives us the information we can use to voice our opinion.
I can sling about Jon as much as you can sling about Kate and vice versa. If the admin wants to limit comments to only hate kate diatribe, it diminishes the quality of discussion and those who want to participate in a civil way. I'm not a rabid Hate Kate fan nor am I a rabid Hate Jon fan. I'm disgusted by the two of them, having exceeded their 15 minutes by years.
Just because Jon has been out of the public eye doesn't mean we can't comment about his actions as a derelict dad. I suspect he's been out of the public eye because he's broke, been admonished to stay under a rock and probably has to abide by a confidential settlement with TLC as ordered by the court. His silence doesn't excuse him from the way he acted this past year and that was being a terrible role model and my comments about him doesn't detract from Kate being a terrible role model either. They are merely comments for others to not forget that BOTH parents are rotten people, not just Kate.
Kelly: "His silence doesn't excuse him from the way he acted this past year and that was being a terrible role model and my comments about him doesn't detract from Kate being a terrible role model either. They are merely comments for others to not forget that BOTH parents are rotten people, not just Kate."
His silence might not excuse him, but it does mean he's no longer setting a bad example for the children, at least for now. Of course Jon is responsible for his own actions as we all are and I think he is aware of that fact and struggling with the direction he needs to take to get his life back on track. I'm sure his head has been spinning ever since the day Kate walk into that kitchen and said it's over, you go have your life and I'll have mine but we'll continue the show and pretend we're one big happy family because we need the money to raise our eight, count 'em eight children. I mean, that's got to have been some kind of mind f***. Of course that doesn't excuse his actions but it might explain it just a bit. I think Jon needs heavy duty counseling which he was doing at one time but I don't know if that's still the case.
Kate, on the other hand seems oblivious to any wrongdoing on her part and continues to bash Jon and ignore the children every chance she gets. She is deluded enough to think that the other person is always the cause of her problems. Unless she acknowledges her fame addiction, counseling would be a waste of money IMO.
Others don't have the same opinion of Jon as you do and you keep telling us we should not forget they are both rotten. YOU might think both parents are rotten but that's not everybody's opinion. As bad as it's been, I see a difference between Jon and Kate.
The bottom line reality is, the kids need at least one parent and the only one I see that might pull through for them is Jon....because Kate is all about Kate and sees those kids only as an extension of herself. But I guess time will tell and that book the kids write will be the definitive proof of what really did happen in that family, at least from the kids viewpoint. And as far as I'm concerned, that's the only viewpoint that counts.
Point well made
Give it a rest Anonymous. No one rattled your cage and no one is slinging names at others here but you. You can either choose a name to discuss issues with me or be ignored for the ridiculous statements and unfounded accusations.
What was her Freudian slip? "...as I flew back...I realized...how were we going to survive this..." What was this? Was it something SHE did while she was on the road with Steve? Inquiring minds REALLY want to know the truth.
Yup, blame it on Jon. Everything is Jon's fault BUT intelligent people know he has been SILENCED & SHACKLED by Kate & TLC. She sacrified ALL her relationships for TLC to become a money grubbing fame whore.
YES, they're both to blame for their demise. Jon's actions after everything blew up was his undoing. BUT prior to the bar hopping, skirt chasing antics, Jon was a dutiful husband. AND his behaviors are typical of an abused spouse who is suddenly freed. I would venture to say he is clinically depressed and traumatized by EVERYTHING that happened.
One day the truth will be revealed, I would NOT be surprised if some day, some one reveals there was an affair between Kate & Steve.
BTW, the topic is ABOUT KART, don't cha hate it when a blogger deflects the attention away from her HEINOUS Kart?! We DO WANT TO please Kate with her obsessive need for attention.
To Lifeoriley - Great post! Regarding the church donations, check out Kate Gosselin's letter pursuant to the booking of church speaking engagements.
Logistics info: First, Jon and I always travel together for safety reasons.
Second, we don't bring our children anymore due to safety/security issues.
And third, we speak to an audience of 100 or more!
We typically ask that the church/organization cover our travel and accommodations (airfare, hotel, car transport to/from the airport on this end and rental car on that end). As far as a 'speaking fee' goes, we ask for a 'love offering' for church services (which averages around $3000-3500 just to give you an idea, but is by no means a set 'fee'-- we let that up to God to fulfill our needs whether that amount be higher or lower!).
Other groups (evening church sponsored events, non church affiliated programs etc) are charged a fee of $3500 for events scheduled in 2009.
For a Mops (Mothers of Preschoolers) group, we charge by the person.... a $ 15 fee per person with a minimum of 100 people. Additionally, we ask that we also be scheduled to speak at a church service while we are there.
As mentioned above, if you are scheduling a Saturday night event the fee is $3500. If you also want to schedule Sunday morning church services, we ask for a love offering in whatever amount is collected to cover Sunday. We want to let God provide for us want to be able to continue to travel and speak!
These fees are incorporated to cover our time, babysitting and time away from work!
In the past, churches, MOPS groups, organizations have charged admission or provided free tickets and covered our 'fee' in other ways.
It is up to you how it should be handled in your situation.
We typically use our presentation entitled 'Six (in honor of our 6) Lessons We Have Learned' where we start with a video montage set to
music of our family and then do our presentation. We tell our story from the beginning while we weave our points into it- including the pertinent Bible verses that came alive to us during those times and continue to be our guide today (you can request an email copy of our outline for review)! We usually end with about a half hour of questions from the audience which brings our total presentation time to about 1 1/2 hours in length. Ours is a story that is encouraging to everyone who hears it!
It is a story of God's hope, grace and love in a time when there was a lot of uncertainty, fear and doubt! Anyone who listens can apply these same lessons in their own lives!
The only other thing we require is a $150 deposit to hold the date you have chosen!
Additionally, please note that we are appearing as Jon and Kate Gosselin and this is aside from our show. TLC owns the rights to our show, we don't and so any advertising about our appearance may say 'from TLC's hit show 'Jon & Kate plus 8' but it may not use any logo or TLC owned print. Also, we cannot do ANY media interviews/ appearances related to our speaking event in order to remain in accordance with our TLC contract.
I hope this information helps! We enjoy speaking but are still surprised at the demand! We know it is what God is asking of us!!!!
Please reserve your date quickly! We are booking daily now and the dates are going fast! And please plan on having more people inquire about coming than you planned! Most events are now sold out due to lack of enough seating before the inquiries stop coming!!!! It is amazing--not what we ever had planned for our lives but we enjoy what we do!
Because of God's grace!
Kate Gosselin for all ten of us
** Source: http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/07/want-book-jon-kate-speak-your-church-you-better-read-first
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