While Kart is busy bombing on Dancing With the Stars, Jon picked up eight happy faces from school. Then he went grocery shopping, which we never see him do. Is this a subtle dig at Bruno's shopping kart comments? We like it, Jon!
45 sediments (sic) from readers:
Good for Jon, the kids love him you can tell,he is a good dad.
I love seeing the kids around him. They are always smiling and hugging him. He may have a lot of problems but he's very affectionate with them.
Every time we see them food shopping they come out with only a handful of bags. I shop for my family and I come away with an SUV full. (I shop online and pick it up when it's ready.) I think they must have theirs delivered.
I'm glad he's finally getting to be with the kids once again. They must be thrilled to have the parental attention they've been lacking.
I thought that Kate's sister was watching the children? Another LIE!
I was totally thinking that the other day as I loaded up my van with enough food for fourty people (food for a week and a half) for our family of THREE!
Schmecky- you are here!! I FOUND YOU!! Good to see you again! I missed you at the Sage Mess Express.
I love seeing either parent WITH the kids. It's nice to see them smile.
Now what?,
LOL!!! I didn't know you were looking for me! All I can say is that blog is just not for me. I love a good Gosselin debate but apparently not everyone can handle it. I enjoyed it at first but it's changed. It's all good.
I think a place that everyone can debate the Gosselins respectfully is a great idea, I just don't think it will ever really happen. I tried to "pingbox" Sage a few times to explain why I left but she's never available. It has nothing to do with anything other than the atmosphere and certain things being allowed, etc. Again, no big deal.
I've always, and will always, post at Baby Mama's. I have to say that the atmosphere there is really good. It's very respectful and pleasant. Not many agree with me there either and there's not much debate but that's okay. I enjoy all the views of the other posters too.
I like the opinions here too and that I find opinions that are close to my own for the most part.
Sorry Admin for the O/T!!!!
Maybe Kate is just more frugal than we are. Maybe she splits the grapes in half before she serves them for lunch?
Kidding! I have no problems with what Kate feeds her kids. I think they seem to eat pretty healthy. Aside from drinking a few cups of chocolate milk for dinner that day. lol.
Nice!! Now THAT'S what happy children look like!
I am so relieved to see Jon with the kids. I bet he let them all get up on the couch with popcorn, m&m's, etc and just have a nice evening watching their mom. I can imagine all those kids dancing and critiquing all the dancers.
My mom was telling me about my neice & nephew 4 & 5 and they had a ball watching she explained. LOL.
I think Kate will get to stay another week. I wonder if she will just stay there instead of flying back and forth. It would certainly give her more practice time. Maybe she can improve her listening skills. :-)
& Yes, Schmecky & all I smell a PR ploy with the shopping. I shop for a group as big as Kate and 3 bags of grocery doesn't get through a meal in my Konpound.
I really have enjoyed DWTS. Kate has certainly met her match. The picture Z has up is a force to be wreckoned with. I think it is safe to say THAT even Kate might concede she looks like a wreckazoid.
Kate tries to get Tony fired?
I posted the popeater article on the show #2 thread.
Personally, I haven't laughed this hard in years and hope Kart sticks around for a few more weeks. Even NPR slammed her today!
I just read at JustJared and they said she wowed the crowd with her Foxtrot?? So many commenters complained about their lousy reporting that they changed the headline and story. LOL
Look at that little girl's face! That is pure love for Daddy.
I am in Canada and on the radio this AM, one of the DJs was asking if anyone watched DWTS last night and that Kate Gosselin had a spat with her teacher and basically said that she forgot that she was talking to Tony and must have thought he was Jon. It made me laugh! here is a good article from our newspaper on the Gosselin "nightmare" last night on DWTS.
Wow, look at this one - kids hugging Jon
The kids can't get enough of Jon. I have never seen photos of them like this with Khate!
Hmmm, it's interesting how there are some shots in the Radar pics that clearly show the name of the school. It seemed to me like they always tried to leave that out of the photos, but now they don't seem to care.
So, where did all those rumors start about the kids being spotted at the airport on Saturday? I knew it didn't make sense if there weren't any paparazzi shots of them anywhere in CA on Sunday. It would be pretty hard to keep them all under wraps for a day or two.
Good point about the groceries, btw. They would have to get groceries delivered when you think about it because shopping for a family that size would require at least one HUGE shopping trip per week and we never see that.
Gosselin Kids all the way! -- thanks for the link to the Vancouver Sun artile. It was funny!
(typo - article)
Schmecky- I have asked a few times why you were not at Sage's and Sage has said more than once that she wishes you would come back. Isn't that special?
I agree, the place changed. There are a few nasty playground bullies over there.
This is a great insight on Khate and finally it seems people are getting the 'real' Khate, not the PR spinned version!
Jibber Jabbers has another picture of one of the little boys hugging Jon at the waist/half rear-end. So cute. Those poor little kids just want to be loved. My heart goes out to them. Having kids is a blessing, just as someone who is childless.
I don't see a bodyguard. Why isn't TLC supplying the children with one? Or eight? Are they not as important as superkart?
Wow what happened to the conspiracy theory that they were all in LA haha.
You don't believe in conspiracy theories?
That's right. You assumed Jon and Kate were happily married and had a vow renewal because they loved each other and wanted to show their kids that they'd "Be together for ever and ever."
Kate tried to conspire to YOU, her defender and fans but Jon wouldn't put up the charade anymore.
YES, there are people working to keep this woman relevant. She's a national JOKE and her ignorant fans are becoming a laughing stock for defending this moose in stilettos.
Hey, Kelly, are you the same Kelly that posted several times at Z's today? If so, you had me laughing and laughing and more laughing, so thanks! I'm with you--no more DWTS for me. It will start in about 20 min. out here in CA, but I am so done. If she is not gone next week, then it is totally rigged. I am furious that ABC/TLC are spinning it that Tony is "too tough". Bullshit--how Kart looks herself in the mirror is beyond me. She loves the plan of throwing him under the bus. That Access Holywood reporter is as sleazy as Kart + TLC/ABC etc.
Tony Dovolani On ‘Dancing’ With Kate Gosselin: ‘This Situation Is Not Like A Marriage’
Hmm, they're heading back to PA tonight?? Tony just tweeted:
Pa here we come :-) thank you to everyone for voting we will make you proud
25 minutes ago via UberTwitter
Pamela Anderson tweeted that she's doing the Paso doble next week. I wonder what Khate's dance is?
TonyDovolani Kate says Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!.....that's a good thing she is grateful "and as you know that means I'm deaf"
11 minutes ago via UberTwitter
Grow up, Kate. I feel for you Tony!
Whatever Kate's dance will be next week, I doubt it will be the same one that Tony's doing. LOL
itsaboutthekids said...
Tony Dovolani On ‘Dancing’ With Kate Gosselin: ‘This Situation Is Not Like A Marriage’
I love that he calls it a "situation" and not a relationship.
Exactly, because in Kart's world a marriage is, you be my lackey and do as I say because I'm the queen.
Happy Birthday Jon!
I wonder what the children will be doing on Sunday (Easter)? Every one know's how SPECIAL Kate makes every holiday.
I hope that the children have a wonderful easter.
re: photos of kids getting off bus - did you notice the look of delight that Hannah was beaming at Jon. You can't fake that! I believe that food is delivered home w/the chef doing the ordering. Kate does not cook. There was one episode, can't remember, that showed Kate trying with the chef, and two helpers in the kitchen. I don't believe that the help knew that they were in the shot. Not. everybody adores Kate. I feel so sorry for this divorced woman.
BTW - in the episode where Kate showed her stretched tummy she also mentioned that her bladder was also. Perhaps, and this is just a supposition, she wears diapers and needs that wide stance?
BTW - in the episode where Kate showed her stretched tummy she also mentioned that her bladder was also. Perhaps, and this is just a supposition, she wears diapers and needs that wide stance?
itsaboutthekids said...
Tony Dovolani On ‘Dancing’ With Kate Gosselin: ‘This Situation Is Not Like A Marriage’
I love that he calls it a "situation" and not a relationship.
Hey, Kelly, are you the same Kelly that posted several times at Z's today? If so, you had me laughing and laughing and more laughing, so thanks! I'm with you--no more DWTS for me. It will start in about 20 min. out here in CA, but I am so done. If she is not gone next week, then it is totally rigged. I am furious that ABC/TLC are spinning it that Tony is "too tough". Bullshit--how Kart looks herself in the mirror is beyond me. She loves the plan of throwing him under the bus. That Access Holywood reporter is as sleazy as Kart + TLC/ABC etc.
I don't see a bodyguard. Why isn't TLC supplying the children with one? Or eight? Are they not as important as superkart?
This is a great insight on Khate and finally it seems people are getting the 'real' Khate, not the PR spinned version!
(typo - article)
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