Radaronline reports that Jon has been with the kids the past two "weekends," ignoring the fact that Jon was spotted last Monday at the bus stop, and then Tuesday, taking Hannah to the doctor, and still later on Friday shoveling snow, and t
hat Kate has been missing for ten days and is reportedly in L.A. Sorry, the evidence suggests Jon has been with these kids those ten days while Kate has been tap dancing around Southern California. Admit it, Radaronline!

26 sediments (sic) from readers:
Go look idiots Radar's not hiding anything...so you like to think it's one big conspiracy TLC has with Radar. ha
Radar says Jon has been there 2 weekends, and hasn't posted all the pics of Jon there during the week. They're not lying, but they're not being honest either about Jon being there 10 days. And they refuse to mention Kate has disappeared for 10 days.
Agreed no one is suggesting the nannies aren't there. Doesn't change the fact that Jon is.
ROL is now confirming that Khate will be on DWTS and of course, spinning it as that she has no choice..badmouthing Jon. Read the article and decide for yourself once again how slated the story is to Kate's favor (as usual).
I know, Kate could work as a nurse.
It's the Truman Show. The blogs start to point out that Kate is CA, Jon is home and low and behold Kate's coming home to be Supermom!
Why doesn't Kate just give Jon full custody and go on her merry way to being a Star.He won't have any trouble raising those kids.I know because I'm a single father having raised 6 kids myself.2toddlers 2 preteens and 2 young teens when my wife died in 1995.With one job 50k and no nannies or daycare. It can be done My kids have all turned out to be productive adults and I even have a couple of grandkids.So where are all the cryers saying Katie poo has it so hard with all the money she already has.She QUIT the marriage so now she should just quit the kids and let them grow up normally.I'm sure Jon could do it.
The bias in the Radaronline article:
"Kate's new gig will not keep her away from her children." Actually, Kate's new gig has already kept her away from the children 10 days. And she can't do the show by video conference, she has to fly 5 hours each way at least once a week for TWO shows on TWO different nights--the dancing and the results shows. Plus, even if she's in PA, she's going to be so busy practicing she probably won't have time for the kids anyway.
"likely will do most of her practicing near her Pennsylvania home because she insists on putting her children first." An opinion, not a fact. How do they know why Kate does what she does?
"Kate is the breadwinner in the Gosselin family" Who says? What facts? Jon pays her over $10,000 a month in child support, that's hardly chump change, and as we've said many times, would not be ordered if he did not have that kind of money or could easily get it.
"Now that Jon has spectacularly flamed out and cost the family a ton of cash by first shutting down Jon & Kate Plus 8 when he denied TLC permission to film the children, and then breaching his contact with the network, which caused them to sue." More spin, implying Jon shut down the show just to deny Kate and the kids' money, and refusing to point out all the other factors that went into shutting them down, including the DIVORCE, the way TLC was treating the family, and the show being bad for the kids.
"TLC won a preliminary injunction, a sure sign that they would prevail at trial." Wrong, wrong, wrong. TLC wouldn't have settled if they were SURE to prevail at trial. No one is SURE to prevail at trial. Trials are a gamble. And PIs are issued all the time without the party ultimatly prevailing. That's what it's called PRELIMINARY--until a judge makes a final decision.
"Kate's the kind of woman who will do whatever is necessary for her children." Why is Radar assuming Kate is doing this project to care for her children and not for her own ridiculous vanity???? She gets $10,000+ a month in child support, that's not enough for her?
Anonymous, good for you raising your kids on your own. Lots of my clients are single parents and I've seen them do it too. Kate makes minimum $120,000 from Jon in child support ALONE. There's no reason she can't manage it without taking on jobs like this.
Beautiful pictures! Jon is with the kids for just barely a week and has created more memories with his kids then Kate has in months.
I mean, Kate has primary custody, the least she can do is use it wisely with her kids. She spends more time with her hair dresser, hair diresser coworker, and out doing her "thing", whle the nannies care for the kids.
The "primary custody" is just a label for Kate. Just to give herself a good PR.... She doesn't even spend time with her kids besides taking them out shopping for a parking lot photo-op or picking them up from school 1 day out of the month.
First, congratulations on being a conscientious, wonderful and loving father and grandfather. You are to be commended as are the majority of mothers and fathers who live their lives day to day putting their children first.
Second, my condolences on the loss of your wife. She must have been wonderful to have choosen you to be the father to your children.
And third, I'm guessing you shared this to make a point, Kate Gosselin is a whiny baby!! Grow up. This is real life. Not what you've been doing for the last 4 years. Every parent and their children are special, but you are no more special than the next. Kate, you have to make a choice.
I agree, anonymous. Kate still wants it all. The fame, glory, money and to be known as the mom of all moms. Something has to give...
You guys do know that radar has to pay inf for those photos of Jon. haha
anonymouse, Infdaily.com today posted some of the photos and implied that Jon just came home this weekend. I left a comment and told them to check with their Infphoto because they had been selling photos showing Jon for the last ten days at home with the kids.
Thanks alot for clarifying the bogus info from Radar regarding the preliminary injunction. It really pissed me off that they spin such bias and misleading information. You have taught me well, because that line really pissed me off, so I immediately came to your site to seek clarification and of course you had already posted the answers I was looking for.
I also can't believe that Katie is allowed to train in PA (which means so will her partner). Is that so she won't have to mix with the other dancers and less of a chance for her REAL behavior and personality to leak out in front of cameras etc.
Radar probably has a subscription to inf. They are cherry picking their photos making it seem like Jon is a swooping in and swooping out of their lives when he's been very consistent lately.
Nancy, I've been meaning to point out that this is hardly the first time a contestant has rehearsed somewhere other than LA. This isn't some big accomadation for Kate because she loves the kids SOO much. They accomadate everyone if they want them enough. There was a soap star who always practiced in NY, contestants have rehearsed in a variety of other cities because of other commitments, even London. Most celebs travel a lot and can't clear their calendars for this long of a period to stay in LA.
Admin, that's interesting! So it's possible this has nothing to do with accommodating the kids, and TLC is just spinning it that way. And it's also possible that DWTS doesn't WANT Kate in LA and mixing it up with the other dancers? I guess I can spin a story just like ROL. lol! just sayin'
Can I just point out that a couple of the kids (Mady & the tup in the red jacket) are wearing jackets with lift tickets. I actually noticed Mady's last week in those photos. I wonder which parent took them skiing.
I also can't believe that Katie is allowed to train in PA (which means so will her partner). Is that so she won't have to mix with the other dancers and less of a chance for her REAL behavior and personality to leak out in front of cameras etc
The cameras are at their rehersals all the time. There is no way a contestant can avoid the cameras as well as the other contestants. This is a major part of the program, watching the interaction between the Professional and Amatuer. Every contestant knows that from the get go.
Right what would happen is the camera crew would go with her to PA and film her there for a little "segment" before each dance. Sometimes that includes the star's children. Which reminds me, we should really start writing DWTS and ask them to NOT film the kids in these little segments. Normally it would be fine, but they've been filmed enough.
The stars don't have much interaction anyway, during the week they all go to their respective studio spaces with their partners and work hard on the next dance. The competition can be fierce, most of them don't waste time hanging out together.
Radar probably has a subscription to inf. They are cherry picking their photos making it seem like Jon is a swooping in and swooping out of their lives when he's been very consistent lately.
First, congratulations on being a conscientious, wonderful and loving father and grandfather. You are to be commended as are the majority of mothers and fathers who live their lives day to day putting their children first.
Second, my condolences on the loss of your wife. She must have been wonderful to have choosen you to be the father to your children.
And third, I'm guessing you shared this to make a point, Kate Gosselin is a whiny baby!! Grow up. This is real life. Not what you've been doing for the last 4 years. Every parent and their children are special, but you are no more special than the next. Kate, you have to make a choice.
I agree, anonymous. Kate still wants it all. The fame, glory, money and to be known as the mom of all moms. Something has to give...
You guys do know that radar has to pay inf for those photos of Jon. haha
ROL is now confirming that Khate will be on DWTS and of course, spinning it as that she has no choice..badmouthing Jon. Read the article and decide for yourself once again how slated the story is to Kate's favor (as usual).
Radar says Jon has been there 2 weekends, and hasn't posted all the pics of Jon there during the week. They're not lying, but they're not being honest either about Jon being there 10 days. And they refuse to mention Kate has disappeared for 10 days.
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