Steve's wife signals her approval of all this by waving goodbye to the lovebirds. Gina, you wouldn't be responding to this post we wrote just last week, would you? Wow, this PR photo-op wasn't calculated AT ALL.....Not falling for it!

57 sediments (sic) from readers:
Meanwhile in the real world, Angelina Jolie took the older kids to the park today where they're STILL on location with her in Italy.
No bodyguard, no nanny. Just mom.
What did she do, deflate her boobs again?
Why is Gina Neild waving Bye-Bye? Is she staying with the kids? Why papps pics for each departure?
Because TLC sent her in there to prove to us that there is nothing going on and Steve's wife approves and there is no affair.
How stupid do they think we are? If John Edwards can set up an ellaborate facade, so can anyone.
Poor Mrs. Nield. The only way she can catch a day or two with her husband now is to babysit the Diva's kids.
How much longer can Kate and Steve keep up this facade? there must be some powerful people backing them up,so sad for Steve,s wife,how can she not suspect?I remember when Jon sort of alluded to it and he was made to look like an ass for even thinking it.It will come out someday,there is always a slip up no matter how careful people are.
I think Steve's wife knows. She's just looking away. Some women look away from affairs. Look at Elizabeth Edwards.
Between the choice of ending the marriage and just putting up with a joke, some women chose the joke.
Where's Kate's BFF Jamie Cole Ayers and why isn't she in LA supporting her?
Sorry, meant to sign in as Where is Jamie Cole Ayers on above message.
I see Kate left on Saturday again unless Kate's universe has different days of the week then us.
Lordie bee, this is such a set up, it wouldn't be funny if it were not so funny.
Kate was home a total of 3 whole days this week. Hardly close to her contention she would swoop in and out of LA just for the show. More like swoop in and out of PA to get her nails done.
And the media continues to be quiet about the constant lies out of this woman's mouth. What gives?
I would love to hear Kevin and Jodi's take on all of this but they seems to have disappeared along with Jon. Did TLC gag them too?
How come no shots of Gina and Steve kissing goodbye?
You'd pretty much have to show me 24 hour surveillence of the two of them at this point for me to believe that Steve and Kate are not having an affair.
That's the most ridiculous photo op I have EVER seen. Considering that Steve and Gina live in Potomac Maryland, which isn't a stones throw from Wernersville, PA, this would mean that Gina would have to hop back into her Ford Explorer and drive the 4 hours back home, all by her lonesome while hubby and concubine are being driven to the airport by their own private driver all by their lonesomes.
Something wrong with this picture that's starting to smell like a plate of fish after a few days in the sun.
Ditto that!!
Why is Steve walking away from the limo SUV toward the house carrying what looks like a nice suit/jacket? These photos look like they are out of sequence.
How does Radaronline know that Gina will be staying with the kids while Hubby and GF are going to be together in Los Angeles?????
Proves that ROL is being tipped and paid by Kart and her spin doctors. Who is going to be staying with Gina and Steve's son while both Gina and Steve are going to be away, doing Kart's bidding?
Is Gina's son staying in Wernersville with Kart's Kid's? When is Jon's visitation? Seems he didn't have it last weekend. Doesn't appear that he has it this weekend either.
What will Kate be doing next weekend for Easter with the kids? Will this be her opportunity to take the brood to L.A. for her sympathy vote next week? Remember how Easter was such a special event for her family and their Christian values?
Enquiring minds want to know.
When did Kate leave LA? On the Thursday night red-eye?
Gina must like the money Steve earns. Maybe she has her own "buddy" on the side. No one knows. She might even be a sheeple.
Admin- Was Kate reaally home 3 days? Wasn't she still in LA on Wed morning or am I wrong?
Tony's tweets give the cat away. He tweeted very late Tuesday that they were leaving LA. So she was home Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Then he tweeted early today that they left for LA, and we have picture proof of it.
Kelly - yeah, what ever happened to Kate's vow to always have the whole family together on holidays. Or does she consider Steve "family"? I guess superstardom is interfering with her kids-come-first pledge. Then again, didn't she make some kind of promise like that in Hawaii too? It was something to the effect of "mommy and daddy will always be together". The little eight will grow up never trusting anyone. That narcissist has no clue how much harm shes causing to her kids emotional health.
The worst part of "mommy and daddy will be together forever" is that she knew at the time it was all a sham. Why does anyone believe anything that comes out of her mouth? And not only do they believe her but the vehemently defend her and attack those who call her on it. Isn't integrity based on telling the truth? There are none so blind etc., etc.
Truth be told, we have no picture proof of Kate or Tony in PA this past week. What we have is a pic of Kate wearing dance-looking attire while walking in a parking lot eating an apple alleged to have been taken on Friday and then these pics of her with Steve Neild at her home on Saturday. Kate could very well have left LA on the Thursday night red-eye getting into PA early Friday morning and no one would be the wiser. She certainly looks like she is burning the candle at both ends as does her bodyguard Steve Neild.
I'll refrain from the conspiracy theory but I do tend to agree that the picture proof of Kate in PA yesterday is quite suspect.
1. Mid Atlantic had torrential rains on Wednesday and into early Thursday of this week.
2. With the rains on Wednesday brought a cold front in on Thursday making temperatures in the low 40's.
3. Rains let up by noon on Thursday in MD and PA and there is absolutely no photo evidence of any rain, puddles or wet parking lot where Kate was walking.
4. She's not dressed for the weather conditions.
5. No photo op's with the kids proving she was being yet again, the mom of the year.
6. No photo op of her walking into the mani/pedi location as has been her past M.O.
7. No pics of the kids saying goodbye while Mom was leaving with her BF/BG.
8. Gina standing outside waving goodbye to a car with a door still wide open.
9. Steve walking from the car carrying a suit instead of walking towards the car with the suit.
10. Pics of the car pulling out of the driveway where the PAPS are supposedly standing with cameras and on the public road.
Another thing I wondered about was why Tony arrived in Wernersville last week in his Porsche carrying coffee from Starbucks. Did he drive his car across the country to help Kate practice? That trip alone would have taken nearly 5 days just to get there and then another to drive his Porsche back.
What's with that?
Interesting comment on GWOP about a radio report that supposedly saw the Gosselin kiddos at the Philly airport.
If this is true and Kate has the kids front and center (I bet they will be watching from backstage on a CCTV), then wouldn't Jon have had to give her permission to take them out of state? Admin, do you know if both parents have to be in agreement to take children out of state?
How do we know that is Steve's wife other than Rampant Lying on Line telling us?
A family law order can say that a parent has to have the agreement of the other before taking the children out of state, but it doesn't have to say that. I don't know if theirs provides for that or not. But Jon has been such a cooperative little boy lately I doubt he would object.
These are the pics of Kate leaving and the kids aren't with her, so if they're going someone else is taking them. Maybe Steve's wife is helping to take them later.
Here's a pic of Gina and her boys with Kate and the kids last summer. It's the same woman.
This is the info I copied from GWOP:
We just heard on MyFoxPhilly.com that the Gosselin kids were spotted in Phila. airport this evening boarding a plane and being escorted by 3 college age girls.
I couldn't find the story on Myfoxphilly.com.
Kate really must think she's going to be voted out, playing the kids way early!
I think this is really going to cramp her style; having to play the mommy role and be a diva at the same time. Should be interesting. I just hope it's a good experience for the children. Maybe Kate thinks the judges will be nicer to her with the kids in the audience.
Kate's not going to have to deal with them! We've got beautiful weather out here, maybe the three nannies will take them to Disneyland or something.
How much school will they miss for this?
Is Kadar turning on Kate? They have their newest post labeled "last dance". Ha!
Kate's management DOES monitor the "hater" blogs. I knew it. Ever since they "responded" to complaints on GWOP by way of episodes of J&K+8
How exhausting for Kate and Steve.
Kate must continue the lies she and her PR team have built so they have to hire photographers to make it appear as if they are paparazzi photos.
She has to arrange her schedule so that she sticks to her carefully manipulated super-mom script. Basically it's like living a lie. It's a fraud.
They have to march Gina Nield out there to "play along" with the charade. Wake up Gina, Kart has her claws into your man. Fight back. Go to the tabloids and spill your story, Gina!!!!
Maybe Tommy Lee will show up in the audience for Pam, just for the "Guys" votes.
There is NO way that Kate Gosselin could win this competition. She could have Mother Theresa, Pope John Paul, Ronald Reagan and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in the front row holding up signs on her behalf. Hopefully the judges have some credibility and those who watch, have the same. Kate Gosselin winning DWTS would be like Shamu ordering a "Skinny Girl Drink".
So did Tony drive himself to the airport? Was he on the same flight?
If the kids are in LA guaranteed we will see a short video clip of Kate celebrating her birthday with them on the usual entertainment shows like ET, The Insider, etc. or perhaps Billy Bush has an "exclusive" with Kate Gosselin blowing out her birthday cake candles while wiping a non-visible tear from her eye --- it's for the kids --- sniff, sniff, cue kids hugging mommy.
Good point Anon 9:09! Since it's Kate's birthday Sunday, she'll play up the whole angle that she just HAD to take the kids to L.A. with her this weekend because she could never miss spending her birthday with them. What's a poor single mom to do? She has to "work", but she also has to be with the kids on special days. She'll make it all about that and not about the sick fact that she needs to use them for votes. She really makes me want to puke!
I can tell you from personal experience that flying kids between the East Coast and CA really messes them up as far as sleep schedules, meals, etc. It takes days to get back to normal, and if they're only there for two or three days, it's even worse. That witch is putting them through all that just so she can play her mommy card for votes. And, how much school will they be missing? They already had their spring break a couple of weeks ago. So, they'll at least be missing Monday and Tuesday and if they fly back Tuesday and have to go back to school on Wednesday, they will be exhausted (and crabby).
You know, they have no school this coming Friday and next Monday (after Easter), so Kate could have waited until NEXT week. In fact, she could have just stayed in CA this week and have the kids fly out to meet her this Friday since they're off from school, and they could have stayed for Monday's show (no school Monday), flying back on Tuesday and only have missed Tuesday, one day of school. It would have made a lot more sense. So, it goes to show you that she's so afraid that she will be voted off this week that she thinks she must play the mommy card now if she wants to stick around. Uugh, make that reason #285,361,893,642 why I despise this woman!
So what's with the deal with Kate flying the kids out to LA? Remember the fuss she made in San Diego on 'the going to Hawaii show' about the time zone change and they laid over for 3 days so the kids could adjust? Shame on Kate, (ABC) and TLC so they can revive their little cash cows for another reality show.
I agree, wake up..Gina Neild, in case you haven't noticed by now dear, you are dealing with another narcissist besides your husband-- Katie Irene! Soon to go on another book tour ....this time they won't sneak while wining, dining and 5 starring. Will you be babysitting her kids then too and posing for faux photo ops?
They're going to have to put name tags on the kids so Kart remembers who's who. She's hardly seen them since her big DWTS announcement. "I'm a mom first" my a**. But kids or no kids in the audience, really, how long can she last on this show. Tony could have just as well gone home and practiced with a store mannequin. She was stiff as a board last week and if she has to do the jive or foxtrot on Monday they're in real trouble. When she said she couldn't dance she was telling the truth for a change.
This doesn't make sense, if the kids are flying out to LA, why is Gina Neild at the Gosselin house? Is she house-sitting for Kate?
Why can't Steve go home when they're back in PA (him to MD) and just meet Kate at the airport? Surely Kate doesn't need a bodyguard to protect her from the driver? (She also doesn't need a bodyguard on the plane and in the car to the Beverly Wilshire, does she?)
Kate has a big entourage--is she a rap star or the President? This is ridiculous.
This is going to come as no surprise to anyone who knows anything about Kate Gosselin and her lies.
This morning, 3-29-2010, I made the 57 minute trek to Potomac Maryland to verify if Gina Nield was actually at her home or the home of Kate Gosselin, supposedly babysitting Kate's kids while Kate is in L.A.
Upon arriving in front of Steve and Gina Nields residence which is actually in community in Gaithersburg Maryland, what did I see parked in their driveway? You got it......Steve and Gina's Ford Explorer. Hmmmmmmm......now tell me, how is Gina watching Kate's kids alllllllllllll the way over in Gaithersburg Maryland?
I hope you didn't make that trek just for that. Why didn't you ring the bell? lol.
I'm not sure that's enough to prove anything. Steve and Gina only have one car? Maybe they took a second car, one that Gina uses when she's not with Steve. Or maybe they took a car service because Gina would use Kate's car or van while there since she'd have to drive kids. Steve will probably meet her at Kate's house again and head home from there.
I guess we will find out tonight if the kids are in LA or not. Since they have school this week I say they are home. We'll see...
They have two cars. A Ford Explorer 4 door and a Ford Explorer 2 door. (Guess they must like those Ford Explorers). Anyway, both vehicles were at the residence, including the one that was pictured in Gosselins driveway on Saturday and has been shown at the Gosselins house everytime Steve and Gina visit her highness.
The rumor I heard about the kids being seen at the airport were that they were with three young nannies. I wouldn't call Gina necessarily young if you just saw her in a crowd. Of course, that could be a false rumor and the kids are home as always. I'm guessing the kids are home too.
The thought crossed my mind that the rumor was put out on purpose by TLC?/DWTS?/ABC? to keep the buzz going all week. Nothing surprises me anymore.
Kelly, Since you live close by - can you confirm if there are ever paparazzi hanging out by the target, fedex (where she gets her mail) or the nail salon? I can't believe 3 or 4 paparazzi just wait for a Kate sighting. I believe all the pictures are staged. The folks that work at Fedex could confirm that or has TLC gone to her Fedex store and gotten the employees to sign confidentiality agreements?
While I usually don't believe in conspiracy theories it is amazing to have an insight into how deep TLC is controlling this.
Oh! Got it now. Thanks for the clarification. I would think Gina was just there for the weekend maybe?
I do find it odd that the "paps" never seem to catch where Jon or Kate are when they don't want it to be known. Now that Jon is back under TLC all of a sudden we see nothing of him. We saw nothing of Kate and where she went when she didn't have custody of the kids. How was she in "hiding" from the paps if they followed her from the moment she left her driveway? Makes no sense.
I think Kelly lives near Steve and Gina in Maryland, not near Kate in Pennsylvania.
I live in Maryland, 57 minutes from Steve and Gina Neild. Have no intention of going to PA to see the House on the Haunted Hill. I too think you are right schmeckygirl about the paps. I dont' believe for one minute that they are standing on a parking lot at the Target, the Starbucks, the Fed Ex or the tanning salon waiting for her Kartness to show up.
It is funny how we don't see anything about them when they don't want anyone to know. Right now, Kate is in a controlled environment with ABC so it's a little harder for her to get out and tip off the PAPS as to where she is and what she is doing. Notice there was nothing in the rags about Kate being out and about in L.A. this weekend?
They're going to have to put name tags on the kids so Kart remembers who's who. She's hardly seen them since her big DWTS announcement. "I'm a mom first" my a**. But kids or no kids in the audience, really, how long can she last on this show. Tony could have just as well gone home and practiced with a store mannequin. She was stiff as a board last week and if she has to do the jive or foxtrot on Monday they're in real trouble. When she said she couldn't dance she was telling the truth for a change.
Kate's management DOES monitor the "hater" blogs. I knew it. Ever since they "responded" to complaints on GWOP by way of episodes of J&K+8
How exhausting for Kate and Steve.
Kate must continue the lies she and her PR team have built so they have to hire photographers to make it appear as if they are paparazzi photos.
She has to arrange her schedule so that she sticks to her carefully manipulated super-mom script. Basically it's like living a lie. It's a fraud.
They have to march Gina Nield out there to "play along" with the charade. Wake up Gina, Kart has her claws into your man. Fight back. Go to the tabloids and spill your story, Gina!!!!
I think this is really going to cramp her style; having to play the mommy role and be a diva at the same time. Should be interesting. I just hope it's a good experience for the children. Maybe Kate thinks the judges will be nicer to her with the kids in the audience.
Kate really must think she's going to be voted out, playing the kids way early!
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