Watch how Kate doesn't answer the question. She doesn't say no, or yes for that matter. Instead, she says, "Plastic surgery? Please. Who has time to even think about it, let alone do it?" Nicely coached response that is neither a lie, nor a direct answer.
Well, lots of celebs have made time, somehow. Think she's made time for a nip/tuck?
26 sediments (sic) from readers:
Yes, she has. She totally did not answer the question. So like Kate.
LIAR! Check out the before and after photos on JJ's blog. She asked Dr. Glassman for a boob job, he told her to use a good bra. Now how do you go from a B to a D cup? Magical bras! Can you buy one at Target?
No, Hi 50, you can not buy them at Target or even Victoria's Secrets. She had something done. I have had every magic bra there is and they do not do that!
Kate did not answer the question. She did the exact same thing when asked about an affair with body guard Steve, too. Unthinkable! Yeah right.
Her big boobs are as fake as her big smile.
Let's see:
Teeth whitening
Boob job
tummy tuck
yarn crocheted in hair
Maybe a little face work????
Yep she is gonna surpass Michael Jackson if she keeps on this track. And, it still might not relaunch this "it" factor Barbara Walters says she has.
Hi Diane, just having a sarcastic moment. Of course she's a master manipulator and pathological liar. TLC trained her well to lie and never tell the truth. She's been a good student.
As for her relationship with Steve the handler/body guard. Hummm, suspicious minds are always speculating. Of course there are no fact BUT they sure are matchy-matchy lately. Sometimes when people try so hard NOT to look as if, they are. Steve's wife needs to keep closer tabs.
You guys crack me up. Thanks for the laughs. I've had a bad day and needed a few chuckles.
I visit another blog that analyzes whether or not *real* celebrities and stars have had plastic surgery. A common theme I see with *exceptional* plastic surgery is that *it is barely noticeable.*
So did Kate have her new breasts done at the local Wernesville strip mall?? I mean really, they are obvious enough. It looks like she had a couple of tennis balls bolted onto her chest.
I can tell you all for sure a great bra CAN be bought at Target - everyone asks if I've had a boob job and all I did was buy this bra. **** http://milo.com/gilligan-omalley-demi-bra-with-lace-wings-basic-colors
She should have just told them it was none of their business.
I for one could care less whether she's had breast enhancement surgery or not.
I can't figure out why everyone is so obsessed about this.
Really...who cares?
Julie, I could care less if she had her breasts enlarged. But I care that she lies about not having them done. I think she did deny it. I know her answer is vague but she is clearly implying she did not have them done. It just proves what a liar she is.
If you look at her wedding dress photo at Hawaii and compare it to her dress that she wore to the muesum for the butterflies in season 5 you can tell without a shadow of a doubt that she has implants. Both dresses have the exact same cut.
Today Kate is supposed to be at the Women's Expo in South Bend, Indiana.
Hmm, no practicing dancing, not with kids. Yep that sounds like our Kate now doesn't it?
It's not that Kate had a boob job (or anyone else, for that matter) it's that she LIES. For the past 2 years--(maybe even longer) Kate has repeatedly asserted in interviews and on her show that she does "everything" for her kids--that she is home "every second" that she is not working, etc.
Jon is chastised for going snowboarding or anything else he does--while Kate prentends to be a "single" mother--doing it ALL on her own--for the kids. So that's why it bugs so many of us--the lies, the lies of omission, and the vague doublespeak--she wants to be thought of as some kind of supermom--bravely steering the ship for her kids. Yet her actions prove otherwise. She is obsessed with fame and money. She wants to be a star--for herself-- and has had surgeries and cosmetic procedures for her own vanity. It has nothing to do with the emotional and physical well-being of her kids.
If she would just stop pretending and own it already--it's almost laughable the way she portrays herself. Nobody likes a hypocrite.
Hi Anonymous@9:37,
I did not mean that you cannot buy a good bra at Target. I just don't think "wonder bras" are responsible for the change in Kate's breast. I also do believe that Kate is deliberately evasive when answering questions. I think she has learned that. Also, a good reason to not buy her books, unless you want to read a slightly fake autobiography.
I do agree that Kate is her own worse enemy. Kate says that she is cooking and freezing 3 or 4 meals while she is home so her kids can eat "mommy meals" even when she is gone. If she left it at that, it would not be so bad, but, she has to continue and say that Leah(I think)thanked her for making "mommy meals" for them to eat. 5 year olds do not talk like that. And, they do not notice if you remove or replace a ring, either. She says stupid things that are unbelieveable and we are just supposed to take her word for it.
Aiyiyiyi! Irene. you were up early today.
I believe she had a boob job although personally I don't care if she wants to get a boob job. But the evasive lying by omission makes you question WHY Kate feels she can't be honest about this. She was open and honest about her tummy tuck, what's the difference? It makes one wonder if she feels she can't tell the truth because then that would expose her in a trap of lies.
1. A boob job is not for your kids, it's for you. Nothing wrong with that, except for the fact that Kate has spent years telling us how unselfish she is and how everything she does is for the kids. This doesn't fit with that.
2. A boob job costs a lot of money. Who paid for it? We already know Glassman probably didn't since he refused to give her a free one last time and his daughter is Jon's ex. So I suppose she spent the children's money? Perhaps Collin's paycheck from the day he had to work when he was constipated. It doesn't fit with the story she's a struggling mom who must take demeaning jobs on Dancing With the Stars just to put food on the table. If you have so little money, who paid for the boob job?
3. A boob job means she was away from the kids, again. Can't have that, since she wants us to believe she has 99 percent custody and Jon 1 percent, if and when he feels like it.
4. A boob job makes her look vain and obsessed with celebrity and appearances. Can't have that, since "it's not about fame!" I swear it's not!
So another lie stacked up on the wobbling house of cards.
Hi Admin.,
You said that so much better than I did! But, the sentiment was the same. Thanks! Wobbly house of cards is right. I wonder when it will fall down.
Sure looks like the mother of all celebrity-wannabes has had a boob job. In this photo they are pushed up to her chin.
Julie, 2:05pm. You DO care because you're posting on this blog.
Admin, thank you for the woobling house of card analogy. LOVED it!
The harder she protests that she's not chasing the dragon, the more unfulfilled she becomes. She obsessively chases her craving for MORE, MORE, MORE of FAME, FAME, FAME because she feels an entitlement (from having 2 sets of multiples) of MINE, MINE, MINE. The kids' childhood is sacrificed to fulfill Kate's obsessions.
Maybe it's me, but why did she take the extensions out to put them back in? Yeah, she didn't have a boob job, it's just Jon's balls stuck in her bra.
nanb, ROFLMAO!
Well I would say that the wobbliness of the house of cards will depend on how much she drank out of her big box o'wine! :)
Plastic surgery? Please. Who has time to even think about it, let alone do it?"
Well gee Kate you sure thought about it when you had your free tummy tuck and your babies were still in cribs.
Remember how you proclaimed you would never be away from them again? What I remember most was being struck by how unresponsive most of the babies were when you came home. Except for the one little girl who said 'Mommy" in what sounded like a questioning tone. Granted you just had one on your soon to be many physical revisions. But what the heck. The kids will just have to deal.
Plastic surgery? Please. Who has time to even think about it, let alone do it?"
Well gee Kate you sure thought about it when you had your free tummy tuck and your babies were still in cribs.
Remember how you proclaimed you would never be away from them again? What I remember most was being struck by how unresponsive most of the babies were when you came home. Except for the one little girl who said 'Mommy" in what sounded like a questioning tone. Granted you just had one on your soon to be many physical revisions. But what the heck. The kids will just have to deal.
Plastic surgery? Please. Who has time to even think about it, let alone do it?"
Well gee Kate you sure thought about it when you had your free tummy tuck and your babies were still in cribs.
Remember how you proclaimed you would never be away from them again? What I remember most was being struck by how unresponsive most of the babies were when you came home. Except for the one little girl who said 'Mommy" in what sounded like a questioning tone. Granted you just had one on your soon to be many physical revisions. But what the heck. The kids will just have to deal.
Hi Anonymous@9:37,
I did not mean that you cannot buy a good bra at Target. I just don't think "wonder bras" are responsible for the change in Kate's breast. I also do believe that Kate is deliberately evasive when answering questions. I think she has learned that. Also, a good reason to not buy her books, unless you want to read a slightly fake autobiography.
I do agree that Kate is her own worse enemy. Kate says that she is cooking and freezing 3 or 4 meals while she is home so her kids can eat "mommy meals" even when she is gone. If she left it at that, it would not be so bad, but, she has to continue and say that Leah(I think)thanked her for making "mommy meals" for them to eat. 5 year olds do not talk like that. And, they do not notice if you remove or replace a ring, either. She says stupid things that are unbelieveable and we are just supposed to take her word for it.
Aiyiyiyi! Irene. you were up early today.
I visit another blog that analyzes whether or not *real* celebrities and stars have had plastic surgery. A common theme I see with *exceptional* plastic surgery is that *it is barely noticeable.*
So did Kate have her new breasts done at the local Wernesville strip mall?? I mean really, they are obvious enough. It looks like she had a couple of tennis balls bolted onto her chest.
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