Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kate back to PA to rehearse

At about 10 a.m. PST this morning, Kate's dance partner Tony tweeted: "On my way to PA."

It's safe to say Kate has headed home after five days away from the kids to meet up with Tony and rehearse. The premiere of Dancing With the Stars is a week from tomorrow.

15 sediments (sic) from readers:

IATK said... 1
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IATK said... 2

Looks like the SF Examiner has picked up the Us Weekly and People stories from the Associated Press. Not sure who's following who but word is getting around. Wonder what kind of damage control we'll see.

Scoop: Kate Gosselin’s kids depressed without mom

By: Kitty Raymond
Special to The Examiner
March 15, 2010

Desperate for attention? Kate Gosselin is continuing her work on “Dancing With the Stars” even as her kids reportedly miss her.


Kate Gosselin has defended herself to critics who think her appearance on “Dancing With the Stars” will take too much time away from her kids.

“Why can’t a mom have fun?” she said in a recent People magazine cover story. But her eight children apparently feel differently.
While Kate was away from Feb. 21 to March 6, leaving her twins and sextuplets with nannies (not ex-hubby Jon), the little ones “were asking, ‘When is mommy coming home?’” according to an Us Weekly magazine source.

Nine-year-old twins Cara and Mady “seem depressed when Kate isn’t around,” per another source, while her three 5-year-old boys evidently acted out and “got into trouble at school for talking back to teachers” during her absence.

But the undeterred Kate is setting her sights on the competition and “wants to be a huge star,” a source close to the family said. The kicker: her rather overreaching choice of celebrity role models.

“She says Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have lots of kids and their parents are away for long periods, working to support them,” the source said.

Well, if fans vote Kate off “Dancing,” we’ll be left guessing whether they wanted to send her home to her kids or if she’s just a horrible dancer.

Read more at the San Francisco Examiner:

just wondering said... 3

Bad Mom!! ~ Administrator said... 4

I'm glad the mainstream media is picking up on this but that article is blatantly wrong! It claims Jon wasn't with the kids when Kate was gone for two weeks. That's bullshit this blog has proof over and over Jon was with them NINE DAYS WTF!

It just irritates me so much how if Kate says Jon doesn't spend time with them, it must be so. Instead of looking at FACTS AND EVIDENCE.....ARG! ~ Administrator said... 5

I want to challenge Kate to prove that Angelina and Brad have ever both been away from them for more than a day or two.

It seems from every tabloid photo I've ever seen either Brad stays with them when she works or the other way around, or they bring the whole family to be together on location.

IATK said... 6

Admin., it appears getting the facts straight is no longer required in the world of journalism. At lease as best I can tell. Did you say you had a journalism degree? Just wondering what is taught as far as ethics. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else.

IATK said... 7

As far as Brad and Angelina, when does Kate have time to know what they're doing? She needs to pay attention to her own kids. To say her statement is overreaching is putting it mildly. ~ Administrator said... 8

I do indeed have a journalism degree, from Penn State, the very university whose hospital the sextuplets were born in, in Hershey. In fact I was just finishing up my degree when they were born.

They taught us ethics, but I don't even see this as an ethical issue as it is a fact-checking issue.

As a journalist you're taught to look out for things that should be "fact checked" and then when you see something, check your facts two, three, or however many times is necessary to make you comfortable that something has been properly verified.

Fact checking is really just an intuition or skill--you have to be able to pick out when something sounds fishy and look into it. Some journalists look into things more than others. Newspapers like the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal probably spend half their time fact checking.

To me, a statement that a father has not seen his children is something that should be a red flag that fact checking is in order. Either this journalist didn't see it as a red flag, didn't care, or was maybe just lazy. ~ Administrator said... 9

What seems to be happening here for a lot of media is that they are believing Kate without fact-checking her. When she says Jon can't be counted on for child support, no one bothers to check to see if he's ever missed a payment. When she says he's not with the kids, no one bothers to verify if there's any evidence he has (which there was, plenty of it). Whatever Kate says seems to go these days.

mommyinca. said... 10

Admin~ Is there a way to pull this info together ourselves (as far as proving Jon hasn't missed a payment and the pics of him with his kids on the dates when he was reportedly not there), and contact a respected journalist about possibly running the truth? ~ Administrator said... 11

If you're serious about correcting them, which is great, what I would suggest is go back a few weeks and look at every post I made posting pictures from that day of Jon with the kids. This blog very carefully documented those days he was with them. I believe he was with the kids nine days from the first pic to the last. Then perhaps gather all those links and send it to the news organization which stated that Jon was not with the kids, asking them to make a correction. You could post it both in the comments and email the author and any other email you can find.

mommyinca. said... 12

Admin~ Is there a way to pull this info together ourselves (as far as proving Jon hasn't missed a payment and the pics of him with his kids on the dates when he was reportedly not there), and contact a respected journalist about possibly running the truth?

Administrator said... 13

If you're serious about correcting them, which is great, what I would suggest is go back a few weeks and look at every post I made posting pictures from that day of Jon with the kids. This blog very carefully documented those days he was with them. I believe he was with the kids nine days from the first pic to the last. Then perhaps gather all those links and send it to the news organization which stated that Jon was not with the kids, asking them to make a correction. You could post it both in the comments and email the author and any other email you can find.

Administrator said... 14

I want to challenge Kate to prove that Angelina and Brad have ever both been away from them for more than a day or two.

It seems from every tabloid photo I've ever seen either Brad stays with them when she works or the other way around, or they bring the whole family to be together on location.

just wondering said... 15

Bad Mom!!

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