"Why can't a mom have fun?" bemoans Kate.
Kate is confusing the issue here, trying to pretend that all the "haters" just don't want her to be happy. Kate, it's not all about your happiness. Actually, it's not about your happiness at all. You chose to bring eight children into the world and their happiness is now part of the equation, too. You don't have fun being with your family Kate? You don't have fun being with your children? Kate, no one begrudges you having fun, even doing something just for yourself once in awhile. But you are clearly happiest away from home and you can't hide it. Why is fun for you always away from your family? Why does fun always mean sushi, $7,000 haircuts, and jet setting to NY and LA? Why don't you enjoy and want to be with the family you worked so hard to build? We wish she could have fun curling up with the kids at bedtime reading a storybook together. It's sad.
"You say I'm a bad mom. It destroys me."
Sorry your feelings got hurt. But stop focusing on the fact that a lot of people think you're a bad mom, and focus on why they are saying that. Are there choices you are making in your life that could be causing people to form this opinion? Is it really because people just hate you or are jealous, or is it because we grew fond of your eight children you put out there for us to see week after week and worry their parents aren't all they should and could be for them? Is it because a lot of people just honestly feel they deserve better than what's happening right now? Use this opportunity to take a hard look at yourself and your choices. Consider making better ones.
"It's not about an obsession with fame," Kate says.
If it weren't an obsession about fame, the cameras would have been turned off four years ago. If it weren't about an obsession with fame, Kate wouldn't continue to do everything she can to stay in the spotlight. If it weren't about fame, the paparazzi wouldn't have gotten into her limo with her in NY. Kate, you aren't fooling anyone. Just admit it, you love the fame and attention. Admit that you used your kids to be famous. We'd feel a lot better about this situation if you were just honest with everyone.
"If I was financially able to provide for eight kids on my former salary as a nurse, I would do it…but that's not possible…I cannot rely on the fact that Jon will be there to help support the kids, so I approach it as if I am the sole provider."
Another dig at Jon. We're not falling for this. All the reports coming from the divorce settlement indicated Jon was paying Kate five figures a month in child support. If that's not enough to raise eight kids we don't know what is. Jon has not abandoned the kids, he just spent an entire week with them, even taking Hannah to the doctor. Who paid for that? There is absolutely no evidence Jon has ever not complied with his child support order. Where is your evidence Jon isn't giving you enough money, Kate? You can bet if he isn't, we'd hear about it. And in fact, leave the kids enough and suddenly Jon might be the one filing for child support from her. Child support is paid by the person who spends the minority of time with the children. Right now, that looks to be Kate. Psyche!
Actually, you're right Kate, it's not possible to provide for eight kids in the outlandish celebrity lifestyle you've created for them. But you're not the first family with eight kids. Some families have even more than eight kids. How do you think they do it? Do you think they're just all on the street, or dead? Come off it. Somehow they manage to survive without resorting to selling their privacy, and their children's privacy. Downsize your ridiculous lifestyle and suddenly raising eight kids might not be so hard.
55 sediments (sic) from readers:
Kate will never "get it". I'm sick of reading her narcissistic excuses, and I'm sick of HER.
My heart breaks for those kids... They can read and will read all of this soon enough.
There are plenty of people with 8 [or more] kids who do just fine making a living WITHOUT being famous or on TV. Maybe they don't have fake tans/nails/hair/boobs/teeth though..... US Magazine has a new exclusive about the kids not wanting her to be on DWTS.
Thanks 15 Minutes Gosselin Style for saying what needs to be said.
This is site is just keeping her in the spotlight! Keep on with the hate, it dosn't matter, you are still promoting her giving her free publicity! Therefore she will never go away because of you!
Thanks 15 Minutes Gosselin Style for saying what needs to be said.
Just doing your job of keeping Kate in the spotlight! TLC must love you!
Great comments, Admin. I am very disappointed to read that she is bringing the dogs back. I truely believed that they had found a wonderful forever home. It makes me very sad to know that they have been in a kennel all of these months.
Kate must be reaching the end of her reign. Even the tabloids are beginning to see the real "fake" Kate and the many anonymouses that make up Kate's fan club are starting to wildly defend the indefensible. Kate cannot be in two places at once. Period. A doting mom claiming "my kids come first" in PA and a wannabe star in LA. And it looks like she's made her choice.
you covered all the pertinent points; it is definitely a case of All about Kate. Moreover, to deny Jon more access, in her absence, is mean spirited at the least. They are happy in his presence; he has always participated in activities with them, and continues to do so. Kate is hurting the kids with her self-serving, narcissitic, grating behavior.
Lest we forget, she was the one who said, "I'm done". She was the one who wanted to end the marriage. She, even then, did not participate in their lives, and criticized Jon for doing so. He played with them...he did everything with and for them. And Kate was always the one to criticize, and stop the fun. I don't know how many times he fetched things for her, from the house, while she sat in the van. Back and forth...to and fro...he did it all. And was not appreciated in the least. I read about her now, because I want to see her fall...I want to see her live a normal life as the rest of us do.
Cannot abide her.
Excellent commentary. Says it all.
Those poor dogs are returning????????
OMG how awful.
As long as Kate continues to insert herself onto our TVs and magazines and continues to insist she's a good mother, people are going to continue to question that. If this were just Kate I wouldn't care. But everything she does affects the children and to date there have been far too few people who have shown a real interest in doing what is best for them. Tell the truth, don't be bullied into not speaking out about things that are wrong when children are involved.
Deconstruction specialists. Kate is trying to make her brand around the fact that she has the "it" factor of motherhood.
The tide is starting to turn. Kate's PR was protected while being under TLC but venturing out is proving to be an uphill battle for this mom.
No, really Kudos to you, your doing a great job of free publicity; Good or bad it certainly is keeping her name out there! Keep up the great job! TLC is forever greatful
Great post admin. this is really the best Gosselin site these days.
I am continually stunned by the drivel that Kate continues to put out, and that People mag continues to lap up. I know its kind of fascinating to see such a self involved trainwreck keep pushing herself on the public, enabled by tv producers eager to cash in her infamy. But how long can this go on?
Don't try to turn this site into a "benefit" for the well being of the children. That's getting old. All of this hate will certainly contribute to their therapy thanks to you! A mere google of "Gosselin by the nine yr. olds. and they will be exposed to all of this!
Anon@4:21, Give it up, will ya? The so-called "haters" are the ones who championed the cause for the rights of those children. It's the sheeple that brought forth the vulgarity and violence. They pick on sites such as this and try to bully them into submission. What does that teach children?
The only thing I have to say about their mother is talk is cheap, Kate. Put up or shut up.
With every statement that Kate stated in the article, I let out a loud "HA! yeah, right"--couldn't help myself. What a self-serving narcissist--of course she can support her kids on a nurse's salary--just not in the style that she thinks she needs--a "want" is not a need. Just how was Kate thinking she and Jon would support the family before they got the show? What would they have done if the show was not picked up after the first special? They would have been fine in the E-town or even the Wyomissing house-- and the kids would go to public school like most kids in the US. They might have to shop at discount or second-hand stores (horrors!) and no jet-setting, Nobu and spa days for Katie Irene (which is what would hurt her the most).
As for blogs like this giving Kate publicity--well maybe there is someting to it, however, I came upon this and other blogs because of my growing feeling that everything was not as it seemed with the Gosselins (when the show was on) and my annoyance with Kate's behavior. Things that were said on the show and in interviews did not always add up. Kate spoke out of both sides of her mouth.
To my surprise, I saw that TLC and other "bigger" sites had no forums about the show any longer--hmmmmm. So I did some digging around on the internet for info on these people--and that's why blogs like this exist. As long as Kate puts herself out there in the public eye, the public will talk about her--some will criticze, some will admire(?)
Gee, aren't the pro-Kate blogs/sites also responsible for keeping her in the spotlight? What's the difference? That the pro-Kate blogs are the only "right" ones? Give me a break.
This is a fantastic post!! I agree 100% with EVERYTHING you've stated.
I wish Kate could read your words but she's way too busy. Being a "star" is hard work.
Maybe DWTS is a good thing. Sounds like Katie G is burying herself in this most recent publicity blitz...even the most foolish should be able to filter through her nonsensical answers and actions.
Anonymous said...
Gee, aren't the pro-Kate blogs/sites also responsible for keeping her in the spotlight? What's the difference? That the pro-Kate blogs are the only "right" ones? Give me a break.
It's not a matter of right or wrong ones but the main point being we are not spewing words of hate about their mom. Don't you think this is exactly what TLC had in mind---all the free publicity for Kate; your eating right out of their hands with this sight. They love it; Whatever is said good or bad.
Anonymous said...
Don't try to turn this site into a "benefit" for the well being of the children. That's getting old. All of this hate will certainly contribute to their therapy thanks to you! A mere google of "Gosselin by the nine yr. olds. and they will be exposed to all of this!
This is not hate, and the kids can thank their parents for any therapy they need because they were exposed to the yelling, screaming and disentegration of a marriage and their family as they knew it, long before any of us were aware what was going on. I think you are being quite naive to think otherwise.
I may have to ask TLC for some kind of compensation if my comments on blogs are helping them in keeping Kate in the spotlight. I sure could use a free weave, too!
I'm flattered people actually think this little blog is keeping Kate afloat. My!
I keep forgetting to point out, how about Jon posting a nice congrats message on twitter to Kate telling her he will vote for her and was very nice about it. Then a few days later Kate turns around and SLAMS him saying he's not going to pay her child support and she can't count on him. Who is the real tool now?
Anonymous said...
Gee, aren't the pro-Kate blogs/sites also responsible for keeping her in the spotlight? What's the difference? That the pro-Kate blogs are the only "right" ones? Give me a break.
It's not a matter of right or wrong ones but the main point being we are not spewing words of hate about their mom. Don't you think this is exactly what TLC had in mind---all the free publicity for Kate; your eating right out of their hands with this sight. They love it; Whatever is said good or bad.
March 11, 2010 7:33 PM
Are you affiliated with TLC? Or somehow in the know? Are you here to protect the kids from what you call hate? If not, why do you even bother posting? Are you protecting Kate? That's what most pro-kate blogs profess. You do know she has a big bad bodyguard, TLC, ABC, Barbara Walters, etc. etc. already protecting her, don't you? Do you think she needs you too? What is your purpose here? I've never quite understood why people feel they need to protect and defend Kate. So you think you're helping TLC out here by keeping Kate in the spotlight? I'm sure Kate will be glad to know she's owes all of her "success" to you. Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back. And don't expect any appreciation from Kate because she is the type that would as soon snub you as smile at you, unless of course you have something she wants. That's just the way she's proven herself to be, so if you want to call that hate, you're hating on her yourself.
Anonymous 7:33pm
It's not a matter of right or wrong ones but the main point being we are not spewing words of hate about their mom.
Right, but your main point is you ARE spewing words of hate about their dad. Reading the Kate supporter blogs, bashing Jon is part of your MO. Kate supporters obsessively and persistently bash & hate on Jon at every opportunity. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.
Kate definitely has a strategy to appear as if she's "doing it for her kids." Clean-slate Kate's passive-aggressive bashes Jon to justify she obsessive need to chase her golden goose, FAME. "...I cannot rely on the fact that Jon will be there to help support the kids..." Was that necessary for her to say that? No. Because EVERYONE knows if Jon was NOT making his $10,000.00 per month child support payment, Kate would be on every morning show, crying her eyes out that she has a purse full of bills with no money from Jon to pay her bills.
So, Kate supporters, keep supporting her but don't come to these sites to lecture non-Kate supporters about posting opinions about a woman who CHOSE to be in the public's eye.
In their 2008 renewal ceremony, she made a vow to her children that she & Jon would always be together. LIAR. She claims their marriage was already deteriorating BUT she wanted a trip to Hawaii so she performed for the renewal ceremony by making a vow. LIAR. Her commitment to TLC was stronger than her commmitment to her husband & children. If she was the faithful Christian woman she writes about in her book, than she should have worked on her marriage and family.
Yes, she is a driven woman, driven to chase fame AT ALL COST. Her children are the sacrificial lambs in her pursuit of fame. Actually, anyone who stands in her way, beware, she will push you under the bus/train.
As much as Kate claims it hurts her feelings, I have a funny feeling that Kate secretly likes all the attention and talk, even if it's negative. As they say, there's no such thing as bad publicity. Otherwise how could anyone possibly put up with this kind of criticism all these years without crumbling and disappearing?
Kate is digging her hole deeper and deeper. I'm still hoping Jon continues on the high road he's been on lately and works on getting those kids. He needs them and they need him. I heard he's looking for a place closer to the kids and hopefully once he finds that he can start working on stablizing their situation and being the primary parent. That's just my wish for those children. Kate's off in lala land now and I think she's just about gone over the edge of reality. Acting coach?? JMO Yes admin, I too think Kate likes ANY attention, positive or negative. And that's not NORMAL. What does that tell you?
Admin & itsaboutthekids, its scary to even think that she may secretly like the negative attention. Sounds a little sociopathic.
Someday soon she will be paying child support because she won't be at home, being 'Mom First.' Sacrifice the children to chase the dragon.
That maddening, addictive pursuit of her drug of choice, fame, fame, FAME! Oh, forgot about Nobu, Nobu, Nobu...
I'm curious if you read the article?
Her obsession is FAME. Kate sacrificed the Gosselin 8 in her maddening pursuit of fame. AND the time away from the children will NEVER come again.
A parent needs to be there with the children. If she cannot and will not be with the children, give Jon primary custody, pay him child support and let him give the children the love & attention they are NOT receiving from Kate. I seriously doubt Jon has not paid child support. Everyone knows if he didn't pay, Kate would be on every morning show, evening show, some kind of show with her "poor me, I have a purse full of bills and Jon hasn't paid child support." It is her pattern of behavior and she never fails to amaze the public with her antics, positive or negative.
If Kate has to SAY she is not chasing fame, chances are she is. If you have go around saying over and over you don't do this don't do that, there's some insecurity going on because deep down you know you are.
Like those people who say I'm telling the truth I swear I swear I swear! The more adament they are the more skeptical I am.
Look at Kate smiling in all those pics. It doesn't hurt her at all. The more time she spends away from the kids, the happier she is.
Look at any pics or old episodes. She Rarely ever smiles like this when she's with the kids.
Why do people assume when one disagrees with their philosophy being stated here that they are associated with ROL?
As in the statement below
Right, but your main point is you ARE spewing words of hate about their dad. Reading the Kate supporter blogs, bashing Jon is part of your MO. Kate supporters obsessively and persistently bash & hate on Jon at every opportunity. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.
Nine-year-olds should not be googling anything online without adult supervision. Actually no child should be.
I wonder how Kate is managing on so little sleep. That kind of sleep deprivation can't be good when she has to mother 8 children. She's going to be too exhausted from practicing and traveling for DWTS to be any good for anything else. IMO.
Sleep deprivation is not promoting a healthy lifestyle. And, if that is really intruly true it makes me wonder what else can be going on. That is the thing. This tabloid mom constantly opens herself up to this kind of critique because she is either a pathological liar or other things are going on. Either way = bad mom.
If her People article is true then the negativity is gonna destroy her in the end.
I am in no way suggesting Kate does this, I don't know, but it should be said that the way many celebrities and other very driven people have kept going and going non-stop in this manner is with some help. Help in the form of pills to stay awake, pills to sleep, and other dangerous drugs. It can be a slippery slope, a very dangerous slippery slope.
IMO, Kate is spiraling out of control in her thinking. Too many people have told her for too long that she's a star and now she's out there and boasting about it. Except now she's boasting in NY and LA, not PA, and I don't think she's going to get away with the lie. There are too many REAL stars around.
I think she only said that she is up 20 hours a day because the Octomom just came out saying that she only sleeps 4 hours a night. Kate is competing with her, IMO, which is why I think she said it so weirdly.
I think it is interesting to see the picture that Kate has in her mind of who she is. (I will practice at 3 in the morning, I cook meals all day to freeze, I am there for my children, etc.) I just wish she would stop trying to sell it to the public because its not true!
It is an interesting idea that her fame comes from blogs talking about her all the time keeping her in the spot light. (I guess in a way that is true, cuz clearly the People articule was to re-fute what people say on the blogs). But, what does it say about you or your self-respect when you are famous because people love to discuss how bad a mother you are and how much you are psychologically damaging 8 innocent children?
Real true celebrity in my eyes comes from not trying as desperately as Kate does. She has acted like this is the only option for her family for way too long.
I do not know what the future holds but if DWTS & an untrue book about her last 3 years experiences are what she is trying to offer then it is a pretty good indicator to me her 15 minutes will be up shortly.
The woman can't win superbowls, she isn't home with her kids enough to know them much less brag about taking care of them, she doesn't cook, she can't write, she hasn't been picked up for anything but reality based shows. She is on every tabloid cover - to - cover coast to coast.
Hi all,
Now I read that Kate wants to be on All My Children because she has a crush on Aiden Turner (who is married and has a child). AMC is moving from NY to LA for taping. I have to say, I am shocked. I do not watch AMC, but, I do watch GH and have seen the 1st weeks of some really bad actors thru the years. They typically do get better. But, how will Kate be able to do a soap with her ear piece?
One question, why has this blog turned into one big gossip fest. It use to have higher standards. Not anymore.
Anonymous, 11:02am
One question, why are you here reading the gossip? Enquiring minds want to know?
Funny Diane!
Maybe ABC would convert her basement into a set so she could do all her taping at home as to now interrupt her children's lives. lol
Lordie Bee One more laugh...Could you see Kate stealing the spotlight from Erica Kane.
Ok. I read the article in People.
Kate: enough! I am just as tired of you too! Go home and take care of your kids!
This article is nothing but a "whoa is me campaign"
And the only thing that is going to destroy Kate is when this house of cards falls and it is going to fall!
Jon helps, hired help helps all the woman worries about is Kate. What is Kate gonna eat, when does Kate bring back the dogs? What is Kate gonna do so she can have her next fame fix!
This woman is a pathological liar!
Yes, Irene, Kate said she would like to be a villain. She will be towering over Susan Lucci ( who is very petite). But, ask and you shall receive Kate, may just end up on there. Who knows?
And, why can Kate not say anything nice about Jon? She could have asked Jon to stay with the kids while she did DWTS and I bet he would have. It would have made her look like a better Mom and just nicer person. Let's hire some new nannies instead. I don't know if Kate makes the bad choices or they tell her. She keeps coming off worse and worse, IMO.
Jon said he was happy for Kate, she had his support and vote. So, Kate says I can't count on Jon. I feel like I have to do it alone. If you can not say anything nice about your ex husband, the father of your kids, please feel free to say nothing.
The scariest part of all this madness is because Kate has a schedule that is broadcast in the media for all the world to know AND there is a visitation schedule, where are the bodyguards for the kids? Someone could do harm to the kids BUT Kate's 1st priority is DWTS, TLC media blitz, book signings...remember, she is a contract honorer to her almighty Savior = TLC. Forget about the kids, their NOT paying Mommy Dearest the $$ and we all know Mommy Dearest craves her addiction to Fame. She's Chasing the dragon, FAME, FAME & MORE FAME!
Liar! Stop saying its all for the kids, intelligent people know its about your craving and obsession for FAME, FAME, FAME!
When my son was an infant, I managed on 4 hours of sleep per night before I had to get up and go to work. You do what you have to do. How could I get more hours of sleep? Not breastfeed him thru the night? I found when children are little or when you have children, you somehow put yourself on automatic pilot. At least if you have something better to do than surf the internet all day. How do you have time for your kids when you do that? At least my time away from mine was earning a living to secure their future. Can't say the same for y'all.
Oh, and let's not forget Kate is all for Jon taking part more in the kids lives. Oh, but Jon can't talk to the media about it.
Please Kate. You got rid of your family when they no longer could meet your needs. You got rid of Jon when he was stepping on your dancing heels. You got rid of the dogs when it was too overwhelming...........Geesh what a liar!
Hi Irene,
I think Kate should be worried about the life lessons she is teaching her children. Some day, these same children very well may kick Kate to the curb just like they watched her do to their Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles, who they cared about. The same Grandparents, who watched the twins while Kate was in the hospital having the sextuplets, were then, banned from the kids lives. I wonder what Mady and Cara thought of that? I bet they missed their Grandparents. I bet the 6 missed Aunt Jodi and Uncle Kevin, too.
Children learn from their parents actions. If I were Kate, I'd be very concerned that my kids will abandon me when they are grown. Just like Kate did to her parents.
Kate SHOULD be concerned, but I doubt the thought will cross her mind. I'm not sure she would even care if her kids did abandon her as long as it's not perceived as a reflection on her, and as long as she has someone else in her life that's willing to stroke her ego. How long do you think TLC and Steve will hang around? LOL
Oh, and let's not forget Kate is all for Jon taking part more in the kids lives. Oh, but Jon can't talk to the media about it.
Please Kate. You got rid of your family when they no longer could meet your needs. You got rid of Jon when he was stepping on your dancing heels. You got rid of the dogs when it was too overwhelming...........Geesh what a liar!
The scariest part of all this madness is because Kate has a schedule that is broadcast in the media for all the world to know AND there is a visitation schedule, where are the bodyguards for the kids? Someone could do harm to the kids BUT Kate's 1st priority is DWTS, TLC media blitz, book signings...remember, she is a contract honorer to her almighty Savior = TLC. Forget about the kids, their NOT paying Mommy Dearest the $$ and we all know Mommy Dearest craves her addiction to Fame. She's Chasing the dragon, FAME, FAME & MORE FAME!
Liar! Stop saying its all for the kids, intelligent people know its about your craving and obsession for FAME, FAME, FAME!
I am in no way suggesting Kate does this, I don't know, but it should be said that the way many celebrities and other very driven people have kept going and going non-stop in this manner is with some help. Help in the form of pills to stay awake, pills to sleep, and other dangerous drugs. It can be a slippery slope, a very dangerous slippery slope.
I'm flattered people actually think this little blog is keeping Kate afloat. My!
I keep forgetting to point out, how about Jon posting a nice congrats message on twitter to Kate telling her he will vote for her and was very nice about it. Then a few days later Kate turns around and SLAMS him saying he's not going to pay her child support and she can't count on him. Who is the real tool now?
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