Blogger Joel Schipper posted a photo of Kate today at the Expo in Indiana. On her fourth day away fro
m the kids this time, Kate was a guest speaker at the Women's Expo in Indiana. The blogger reported bodyguard (slash boyfriend) Steve was with her. Kate's extensions came out Wednesday, she briefly sported a bob that evening at Nobu, and now the extensions are back in. The new extensions don't look that much different to us. Actually, they look exactly the same!

Meanwhile, a group of picketers were outside the Expo, saying that the event promoted narcissistic, self-absorbed behavior. Said one protester, Noel Ullery, an Indiana University student, "an event like this should empower women. ... And the fact that they invited Kate Gosselin (to be keynote speaker) over some of the amazing women in this community, speaks for the event." Yeeh-ouch!
Update: Kate has a blast signing an Eight Little Faces book for fans. Eight little faces she hasn't seen in four little days. And there's Steve, right behind her.

36 sediments (sic) from readers:
The new extensions look slightly longer. Still looks terrible, though.
I wonder what Ted is doing with Kate's hair? I mean, really, it doesn't look that much different, it's just slightly longer.
She looks like my 5th grade social studies teacher circa 1990. Seriously her hair is so 80's!
Looks the same to me. And remind me of the purpose of getting new extensions? Can't quite wrap my brain around this 'new look'.
The way Ted described it I was expecting something a lot different, with more honey and dark colors. She looks just as blond as ever, and exactly the same.
She spent how many additional hours/days away from the kids so she could be primped and pawed over yet again? I would be curious to know just how much "ME" time Kate's had lately compared to time with the kids, and why does the press even pretend to buy this woman's story? so sad...
Just in from ROL.
This somehow struck me funny: "As is well-known, Kate became the mom-of-eight with the help of fertility doctors and drugs." LOL Like where is Jon involved in here? Wasn't his sperm involved somewhere? What stupid people!
The article:
Kate Gosselin addressed a packed house of more than 1,000 fans at the Women's Expo at Century Center in South Bend, Indiana Saturday.
The event was sponsored by Memorial Hospital of South Bend, and former nurse Kate spoke about health, kids and even, although briefly, her own fertility treatments. As is well-known, Kate became the mom-of-eight with the help of fertility doctors and drugs.
"I strive to bring health and happiness into their everyday lives," the reality star said of her children. The former Jon & Kate star also said how impressed she was with the HealthWorks! Kid Museum which she toured earlier in the day.
Kate went back to extensions for her speaking engagement. Keeping up with her hair is now a full-time job!
Kate did some autograph signing after her time at the podium. She was then headed off for more Dancing with the Stars rehearsals.
Geesh, does anyone think Kate, since she is so environmentally organic recycled her old extensions.
Afterall, Kate has 8 kids to provide for. She certainly does not have money for the wastin'
From the NY Daily News 3/12, the last line is great:
Star says Kate Gosselin is hoping "Dancing with the Stars" will "land her the man of her dreams" — and she's off to a running start. In the last two weeks, she's been spotted flirting with her bodyguard, Steve Neild, fellow contestant Aiden Turner and "Captains Jonathan Hillstrand and Sig Hansen of ‘Deadliest Catch'." I think one of the last two is her best bet. Those guys are used to reeling in scary creatures from the murky depths.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2010/03/12/2010-03-12_newsstand_junkie_kate_gosselin_begins_the_mating_dance_on_dancing_with_the_stars.html#ixzz0i6tJv3Wb
Actually, the more the press buys into her line of BS, the more I find myself disliking any of those publications (same goes for Jon too so don't go wagging that finger at me, sheeple). I have subscribed to People since its inception; however I am not renewing it again because I find their 'reporting' nothing but information that has been bought and paid for. Evidently that's becoming the norm - as is Kate's 'stardom'. I'm disgusted.
What is gonna give here? When is the ball going to drop?
Maybe the ball will never drop. She does just keep getting stronger in spite of all that hate her.
Except one of these days her kids are going to grow up and start talking. I'd like to see TLC try and muzzle a couple of teenage girls. Hopefully, all the kids will be strong enough to survive their childhood.
In a family that size I'm sure there will be different things going on. How could there not.
I'm sure not going to hold my breath and pray the that something will happen to bring this family down.
Good luck to all the Gosselins, I hope nothing but good things come their way.
No doubt she had her staff photographer there at the expo. Those smiles are so fake because they don't reach her eyes. Her eye's don't smile.
Fake, fake, fake, fake.
Wow, no wonder Kate does not smile often. Look at those wrinkles around her mouth. Well, anonymous, if you call being a darling of the "gossip tabloids" stronger, then so be it. Fame is fleeting and after the tabloids move onto the next story, Kate is well, last year's news.
This was a comment that was posted at justjared, they say they were at the event:
I was at the Expo today and talked to many people that were not happy about the key speaker, Kate Gosselin. Many said that , one, her speech was orchestrated off of paper, (no genuine feelings there), two, was more into getting votes for Dancing with the Stars, (I did get that message too many times, myself) and finally, her kids are brought up but not her main issue. She is trying to make a living off of the fact that she had these children. This is old, now. Her reality show is done, her marriage ended in divorce. She was not a good wife, by no means, I mean, my God, she was awful to him. She just needs to go home, be a real mom and stop trying to be a celebrity. Your 15 minutes are over, Kate.
Read more: http://justjared.buzznet.com/2010/03/13/kate-gosselin-womens-expo-at-century-center/comment-page-2/#comments#ixzz0i9Euf6pl
How long have you been wishing that ? I don't see her going away anytime soon.
If and when she's not in the news so be it.
While she is I'm glad she's having a good time.
Do you think there is something wrong with wrinkles ? Do you think it will never happen to you ?
Afterall, the kids have no contractual obligations to TLC, so when they are ready they will be able to shed the real light on how they were exploited for a mother's pursuit of monkey munch.
I just find it interesting that she smiles so much when she is NOT with the kids. Of course the fact that there are photogs there taking PR pics helps. But Kate seems to enjoy herself most when she is not being a typical "mom."
Not that there's anything wrong with enjoying yourself--it's just that she has based all of her celebrity image/brand and her book "authorship" on being a mother--an "inspirational" one at that (per Kate's own words).
So I guess that's why some people admire her--she embodies the new American Dream for them. You, too can go from frumpy, shrewish housewife and mother to a glamorous "celeb" and "author" (boob job, hair extensions, tooth veneers, tummy tuck included) if you try hard enough and "persevere."
In the process though, be prepared to exploit your kid's private lives, sacrifice your marriage and your ethics, drop friends and family who don't fit into your plans, and sign your life away to a TV network
I wonder if Kate ever pinches herself and says, wow I can't believe my plan actually worked.
anon@4:12am ~ were you crying when you wrote that?
I was at the event and people were NOT happy she was there. There were'nt that many people who wanted her crappy autograph, either. Mostly young teenage girls who used to watch the show. Most people were insulted that she was even there, and verbally protested.
The girls who were picketing were doing so in the pouring rain.
Everyone was quiet while she was speaking but we got in a good chorus of "Bad Mom" loudly enough for her to hear us before she left. And we laughed loudly enough for her to hear us, too. She shot a couple of death looks in our direction but we didn't stop.
Her face is beginning to look like overcooked bacon. Brown and wrinkly. And she was ORANGE!
jw, thanks for the update! I see you kept yourself out of jail...there were no calls for bail money. LOL How long did Kate speak? Based on your experience at the expo do you think people are starting to "get it" when it comes to Kate?
I actually don't think too many people are even aware of the Kate drama behind the scenes. They read their People magazine and go on with their lives. But the presence of Kate at the Expo seemed over the top to even the most apathetic of the people I spoke with. Like she was being crammed down throats and like she was not appropriate for the event.
Around here, if you are going to write books and speak about children then you better have a degree in early childhood development and have raised a few children to be well adjusted adults. Thus the confusion as Kate has done nothing but appear on a cable reality program. Most people were just confused and insulted. This is the home of Notre Dame and people expect more. She didn't win any dancing votes here, that's for sure!
Sounds like you're saying these ladies knew that Katie Irene had no credentials when it came to empowering women and setting an example for them. So in that way, they did get it. Thanks for the insight!
I still believe the more they let Kate talk the tighter that noose gets around her neck.
I still believe the more they let Kate talk the tighter that noose gets around her neck.
Bingo, exactly what happened to Jon!
I'm happy to see Lady Gag Gag is getting some bad press. Other than the People cover/article it looks like the rest of the celeb reporting world is starting to reveal her for what she really is which does not include being a devoted mother. She's is not doing this for the kids she's doing this for Kate.
Anonymous said...
Bingo, exactly what happened to Jon!
March 14, 2010 1:42 PM
Oh really Anonymous, I think Jon changed thousands more diapers than that Queen of all Venomous Spider Mothers called Kate ever did.
Ever see that Witch build a Snowman, go sliding, make a snowball, do anything fun with her kids???? All I have ever seen her do is is kill the joy. She is much too busy having her nails done, hundreds of hours on the scraggly bleached hair, tanning, shopping for $500. shoes and bags too ever care about her eight children.
I kept a running tab for a time. Do you know that Spider has spent over $20,000 on shoes and bags? Don't get me started on the rest of this story. I use a worn, black leather pocketbook. It belonged to my only Daughter. It is a keepsake. She was murdered. Miss fancy pants can kiss it. She is a Mother allright. Jon, he is a top of the line DAD as far as I have observed.
He loves them and shows it by his ACTIONS. Ever see just one of those eight children leap into Kates Spider legs??? Miss Fangs only wants to suck the life out of them including every happy moment.
Jon could tell you in one NY MINUTE, WHICH ONE OF THOSE KIDS IS LEFT OR RIGHT HANDED, THAT WITCH MOTHER COULD NOT WHEN SHE WAS ASKED!!! GO AHEAD DEFEND HER, She throws away Parents, Sisters, Brothers, Friends, Neighbors,Children and pets just like a dirty paper plate. Do you think for one moment that Black Widow Spider Kate even knows which one of those kids has a band-aid from a boo boo right now???
Does one of them miss her, have a crisis? Lose a tooth, lose a friend? She could care less, it's dinnertime for her right now, she wants NOBU!!!
Jon Gosselin will be there for them forever. She will leave them every chance she gets. Watch the videos, the Spider has never changed, she keeps on spinning her deadly web. Oh, forgot to mention, Spiders leave their eggs off too the side, secured in silk to hatch on their own long after she has gone.
Yeesh, get thee to a Library you uninformed dumb F.
Oh my, I think I may have read this wrong...
my comment was directed to... Bingo, exactly what happened to Jon! March 14, 2010 1:42 PM
It is my rant. I am just so mad..
Hi S@5:12,
I am so sorry about your daughter. My older brother died when I was 15 and my Mother always said it was the worse thing that ever happened to her. Please accept my condolences.
The rest of your rant was beautifully written and right on! I could not agree with you more. I hope you have a nice evening.
Oh, who to believe...the Star or South Bend Tribune?
Another Tribune article with a few pics taken at expo...only one of Kate.
Hi S@5:12,
I am so sorry about your daughter. My older brother died when I was 15 and my Mother always said it was the worse thing that ever happened to her. Please accept my condolences.
The rest of your rant was beautifully written and right on! I could not agree with you more. I hope you have a nice evening.
Except one of these days her kids are going to grow up and start talking. I'd like to see TLC try and muzzle a couple of teenage girls. Hopefully, all the kids will be strong enough to survive their childhood.
Actually, the more the press buys into her line of BS, the more I find myself disliking any of those publications (same goes for Jon too so don't go wagging that finger at me, sheeple). I have subscribed to People since its inception; however I am not renewing it again because I find their 'reporting' nothing but information that has been bought and paid for. Evidently that's becoming the norm - as is Kate's 'stardom'. I'm disgusted.
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