- "I blanked out"
- "It was literally that my mind went on vacation and I was like, 'Come back, I need you!'"
- "My body and my brain were at war"
- "It [was] like a whirlwind."
For Tony's part, he says he's deaf in one ear from all of Kate's shrieking.
Prior to the horrible performance, Kate was caught on the set with Steve always a few steps behind. By the way, the Dancing set has its own security, so why does Steve need to be with her?

7 sediments (sic) from readers:
Why is it any surprise that:
1. Kate always lies
2. Steve is always in the picture
3. Kate is still in Los Angeles
There are no bounds to what Kate Gosselin will do to advance her fame at the cost of anyone, including her parents, her brother and sisters, her children, her friend Beth, Jodi.
Are we the least bit surprised that Kate will get in front of a camera with her big toothy smile and her witch cackle and make one excuse after another as to why her lack of success in any endeavor isn't her fault but the fault of outside forces?
I guess if Kate behaved the way I wanted her to, she wouldn't be this famous or controversial.
Wouldn't that be a shame.
Hey Kate Gosselin! The Claws Are Out for You From Other Contestants on 'DWTS'! Take My Advice!
Hollywood Life - 2hrs 26mins ago
Kate - you better watch your back! Your fellow contestants are spreading the word that you're a diva who can't dance.
Kate Gosselin's always late for rehearsals, insiders complained to the Daily News. “Kate shows up late for her hair and makeup every time,” says one, and apparently repeated lectures have had no effect on her. “Kate just gets angry and blows them off,” the source tattled. “No one wants to deal with her.”
Another insider complained to Us Weekly that you and your bodyguard are “rubbing the rest of the cast the wrong way.”
Kate - you have to realize you have a giant target on your back. You're a big draw - ratings went through the roof on the DWTS's premiere - 22.8 million and other contestants are jealous and they want to win. They'll do what they can to shake your confidence and push you off the show.
But Kate, you've got your eight babies to support, and each week you stay on means more money and fame for you, so stop giving them ammunition.
If you're running late, suck it up and get there on time! We've got your back, Kate.
- Bonnie Fuller
LOL - the other contestants are jealous of Kate? The other contestants who actually have talent and have done something useful with their lives? Bonnie Fuller = sheeple.
LOL - the other contestants are jealous of Kate? The other contestants who actually have talent and have done something useful with their lives? Bonnie Fuller = sheeple.
I guess if Kate behaved the way I wanted her to, she wouldn't be this famous or controversial.
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