Kate on The View refused to answer Joy when she asked her point blank, But doesn't Jon pay child support? She also denied reports she is a diva on the set. More here:

36 sediments (sic) from readers:
I saw only the first few minutes with Kate answering questions about herself. My initial and strongest observations were:
1. When Joy asked Kate a direct question, Jon is paying child support isn't he? Kate refused to answer in any way (her passive aggressive posturing) and paraphrasing said, "so, as we were talking about" as if to change the subject. Joy didn't seem impressed with the snub of refusing to answer. Kate, of course, left the impression that Jon was doing nothing to help monetarily.
2. Kate did admit to one week of Jon being with the kids while she was in LA, but again, with a shrug of the shoulders, left the impression he was just in and out on his own schedule otherwise.
3. Leave it to Whoopie to put Kate in her place. When the discussion of the divorce rate and problems with couples having multiples came up, Whoopie shot a look at Kate, and held it long enough that you could have heard a pin drop in the audience. We didn't get a shot of Kate's reaction, but this was early on and I think it set the tone of the whole show as far as Kate was concerned. I'm not surprised she looked sullen and disconcerted. Whoopie called her out without saying a word.
4. It was indeed Barbie alive in the appearance department. Think "classy", not cutesy, Kate. You'll make a much better impression.
That's my thoughts on the few minutes I watched. I'm interested to hear other impressions. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
When they went to the first commercial break after the opening segment, I noticed Kate touching her ear ... fumbling with her earpiece???
Kate touching her ear? LOL, hmm. I'm going to have to see this on youtube when I get back home.
I didn't see the ear thing but I was in and out watching since I have my grandkids "helping" me out today.
Kate was asked about the Diva articles and her response was pretty much what we've read her PR people put in the tabloids.
There was one point by Dr. Drew that I thought was minor but interesting concerning addiction. He was talking about some people, especially women, who just try to take on way to much and then he nodded to Kate and said, "you know how this is" (or something similar), and in order to cope they sometimes become addicted to some substance. He wasn't accusing, just referring to the prior discussion of how busy she was and how did she fit all she did including 8 kids into her day.
Hi itsaboutthekids,
I was watching, too. I was waiting for an intervention to take place with Kate! Honestly, I was, the way Dr. Drew was talking and looking at Kate. Especially, when he was talking about women hiding their addictions and then, saying how some people agree to do the show, in spite of not wanting to be sober, because they want to be on tv. Being on tv trumps being outed as an addict!
Wasn't Dr Shrew an author of Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Why didn't he give Kate a free copy?
Wasn't Dr Shrew an author of Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Why didn't he give Kate a free copy?
Hey you never know maybe Dr Drew gave Kate a book and an opportunity to appear on his show. Dr Phil couldn't help her but...who knows!
Hadn't thought of that, Irene, and it sure would be an option for Kate. She seems to fit the profile that Dr. Drew was describing about the people on his show. Those willing to "let it all hang out" on TV seem to be addicted TO TV overriding their other addictions.
And yes, Diane, I was thinking intervention too. LOL Actually that thought crossed my mind when I discovered who the guests would be on this show, if this might be some sort of intervention for ratings, as it was.
This soap opera is just beginning, isn't it? I see another book in Kate's future as well. How I overcame ?? etc. etc.
Kendra Wilkinson has come out saying she wouldn't accept DWTS type offers because it would mean too much time away from her baby. She compared it to Kate her desire to be on DWTS.
Here's another link to an msn clip of her talking to Hoda.
I didn't watch--I don't really like the View so I forgot it was on. I am surprised that Joy was even "allowed" to ask Kate the child support question. How did she deflect that question?
It doesn't suprise me that she totally downplays Jon's involvement with the kids--she did that when they were married and he was staying home while she went out on speking engagements and the book tour. Also, when he did work full time, he used to come home and do baths and bedtime for the kids. He also (Kate's words) was in charge of gassing up the family vehicles (Kate didn't pump gas back in the day) and vacuuming. Yet Kate still carped and compained about Jon and she was the only one who was allowed to be "exhausted."
Kate also made a big deal out of her laundry duties, yet had helpers to come in and fold, iron, and put away the clothes.
Weren't the guests for the view today supposed to be the other dancers? I thought that was what the said last week. When I saw Dr. Drew being a guest and the other addicted people, I wondered if Kate knew who the guests were today. or not.
You know, Irene, whenever I play with my grandkids, I always make sure that I have my purse firmly attached to my shoulder. Just in case, there is a camera around. I'm sure everybody does that, don't they?:)
I like Kendra. I've watched her off and on and since she was a girl next door. I was prepared to NOT like her the first time I watched but no matter what she does, she seems down to earth real and always nice to people. I especially enjoyed the episode when she met Hank's parents for the first time. They're all just little jewels and homespun, decent people IMO.
Joy came out and just bluntly said, but Jon pays child support, or helps monetarily doesn't her? I don't remember her exact words. Kate paused, looked at Joy and with a little smile said, "as we were saying". (I'm paraphrasing) Kate totally blew off Joy's question and Joy was kind of like, well, okay then... Someone else might remember better than me and I'm sure the clip will be around soon.
Diane, now that you mention it I do vaguely remember something about the other dancers but not sure where I heard it or if it was this show.
Yes, itsabout,
Kate just totally avoided answering Joy's question. She's getting to be very good at that. Maybe, she will go into politics!
I only saw the very last few minutes, but was aghast at how Kate sits looking at the blue cards more than looking at the guest. And she needs to learn to keep her foot still.
Was anyone really surprised that she would dodge the Jon question? You don't get sympathy if people think he's doing his part. Glad to read that Whoopie wasn't sucking up.
Look how freckly Kate is. Evidence it's a TANNING BED and not the much safer spray on tans.
I was wondering if maybe, they had Kate's answers on her cards....not questions for her to ask.
Pat K,
She not only did not look at the guests. She did not look at the audience, either. That is also a big part of DWTS. The dancers need to engage the audience. I don't know if Kate learned how to do that.
Good point Pat K or Diane Kate has a disdain for people it seems like. She only likes a camera.
Narccisists often have poor social skills and are unable to interact with most people on a basic level. They can only carry one-sided conversations, don't know how to make small talk, or ask about other people. But they can sometimes appear to have normal social skills because they are often rich and successful and the people they do communicate with kiss their butts.
Just found this on GWOP!! HAAAAA!!!!!
Tweet from Sherri Shepherd earlier today:
@trayvilla Would love 2 do Dancing with Stars, but I have no one 2 help me w/Jeffrey 4 that time & will not leave raising my son to others
about 3 hours ago via web in reply to trayvilla
Ah, when push comes to shove, moms all over the celebrity world are now starting to realize just what Kate's giving up in order to satisfy her desire for fame. These moms are, and will be voting in their own way. First Kendra Wilkinson, now Sherri. Would, or even could you leave your children behind for 3 months to be cared for by nannies while you dance the night away?
Hi Admin,
Kate has always been freckly. I first noticed it when I saw a pic of her wearing her wedding-renewal-gown for the phony ceremony.
Notice also that photo was taken before her boobies hatched.
Hollywood can hide some things like freckles, but there isn't enough spray paint in all of California to hide what's really showing on her. She looked totally uncomfortable today on the view because she really doesn't belong on there. If she was left alone to interview someone for ten minutes it would be blank air time, unless of course she talked only about herself. Still, she hasn't got the presence it takes to be on camera IMO.
I was just going to let you guys know that I was in the audience today of the taping of The View.
Just before the taping started you could hear fighting back stage because Diva Kate wanted a dress that showed off her boobies! Steve ran over and slipped something into Kate's coffee cup which was clear like water but I am positive it was vodka, then everything seemed to settle down!
You may have noticed that Kate was tugging on her ear about during the Dr Drew interview? That was because during the prior commercial break some big wig from TLC came out and pulled on her ear really hard because she didn't mention TLC enough the the opening! Poor Kate was about to cry! Then they put the ear piece in Kate's ear so they could feed her things to say.
During the second commercial break a surgeon came out and adjusted her boobies! I am not sure if you noticed during the interview with Mackenzie Philips Kate's phone rang and it was Colin! The only thing Kate said to him was "I told you never to call me at this number" and hung up! And she sounded real mean when she said it.
During the country singer's interview I loved how she looked straight at Kate and told her she should have the kids taken away!
At the end Whoopie lead the crowd in a "bad Mom" chant!
When the show ended Joy said "hey gals let's go out for some ice cream." Kate looked really happy and started to walk in the same direction as the other ladies and then Sherri said "NOT you, You are just a loser!" "No ice cream for losers!" Kate was looking like she finally got her comeuppance until someone came over and handed her a huge check! Kate then screeched over to Steve and said "Hey baby, MOmmA is going to NOBU for lunch"!
If you happened to see the show and you didn't see the things I was talking about it's because TLC made them edit the bad stuff out before it aired.
Haha cute annoymous.
If anyone wants to watch the full episode ABC has it online, I provided the link at the top of the post.
This is a minor point, but I hate how Kate leaves off pronouns when she talks. She says stuff like "Practicing a lot, built a dance floor, got coffee together, kids came down to watch."
It's I'M praciting a lot, THEY built a dancing floor, WE got get the idea.
Deborah, isn't the little fantasy story above posted by anonymous from your blog? The a Trip to The View story? Quite creative!
This is a minor point, but I hate how Kate leaves off pronouns when she talks. She says stuff like "Practicing a lot, built a dance floor, got coffee together, kids came down to watch."
It's I'M praciting a lot, THEY built a dancing floor, WE got get the idea.
Just found this on GWOP!! HAAAAA!!!!!
Tweet from Sherri Shepherd earlier today:
@trayvilla Would love 2 do Dancing with Stars, but I have no one 2 help me w/Jeffrey 4 that time & will not leave raising my son to others
about 3 hours ago via web in reply to trayvilla
Good point Pat K or Diane Kate has a disdain for people it seems like. She only likes a camera.
Look how freckly Kate is. Evidence it's a TANNING BED and not the much safer spray on tans.
Diane, now that you mention it I do vaguely remember something about the other dancers but not sure where I heard it or if it was this show.
I didn't watch--I don't really like the View so I forgot it was on. I am surprised that Joy was even "allowed" to ask Kate the child support question. How did she deflect that question?
It doesn't suprise me that she totally downplays Jon's involvement with the kids--she did that when they were married and he was staying home while she went out on speking engagements and the book tour. Also, when he did work full time, he used to come home and do baths and bedtime for the kids. He also (Kate's words) was in charge of gassing up the family vehicles (Kate didn't pump gas back in the day) and vacuuming. Yet Kate still carped and compained about Jon and she was the only one who was allowed to be "exhausted."
Kate also made a big deal out of her laundry duties, yet had helpers to come in and fold, iron, and put away the clothes.
Hi itsaboutthekids,
I was watching, too. I was waiting for an intervention to take place with Kate! Honestly, I was, the way Dr. Drew was talking and looking at Kate. Especially, when he was talking about women hiding their addictions and then, saying how some people agree to do the show, in spite of not wanting to be sober, because they want to be on tv. Being on tv trumps being outed as an addict!
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