As Billy Joel says, "She'll take what you give her as long as it's free." I don't think Kate expects to be on the cast long the way she stockpiled freebies yesterday in the Dancing With the Stars Gifting suite. Like a mother bear with style storing up for the winter, she grabbed two pairs of boots:

And an oversized handbag.

Kate has all the self-awareness of a slug.
22 sediments (sic) from readers:
As one of our Canadian politicians once said "I am entitled to my entitlements". Kate apparently feels the same way.
Did anybody else find it ironic that Billy Joel's song was chosen for their dance. Pretty much sums Kate up she'll take what is free. Take, take,take.
Hi, Kids - look what all that hard work you did got for Mom!!!!
Post dance interview
another post dance interview
Will we see pics of Kate running her errands with her boots on and carrying the purse? Or will she re-sell these?
Leave poor Kate alone. She needs two pairs of boots to raise her family in.
I agree. Poor Kate, she needs the two pairs of boots because she's a single mom who needs it for the sake the her children. Bulls--t! Those boots are flat, when was the last time anyone saw her in footwear without a heel? Oh, maybe she needs the boots for next career, street walking? Just a little guess b/c she might make good $$ as a sadistic madame...some men actually love to be b-slapped. Who knows, it might be a lucrative career after TLC uses her up.
Gotta love the freebies! I remember when Jon got freebies at his Talent Agency in Utah and a lot of Kate fans were ragging on him for it.
Copied this from Z's blog. Interesting!!
I live within a 2 hour drive from Philly. When listening to our local country station this morning, they were discussing Kate on DWTS last evening. Not a whole lot of good comments. But the morning show host did mention that he was also at the Taylor Swift concert on Friday night and he did see Kate AND Jon in the VIP area back stage. Kate and Jon were not together, were on separate sides of the room and did not interact at all. The host also said that he did not see any kids with Kate.
How are the sheeple at ROL reacting to Kate's freebies? When Jon got them at Sundance he was torn to shreds. Again.
my9cats...I'm sure the sheeple are putting their collective HEAD together to try and come up with an answer. ;)
Kate Gosselin on DWTS Debut: "My Mind Went on Vacation"
Read more:
I frankly don't see the problem with either of them getting freebies. Obviously the companies want them to take them to promote their products or they wouldn't have offered them up in the first place.
Kate Gosselin's Grifter Grin.
BTW, those Ugg type boots aren't so special anymore, Kate. I think you can get a pretty good knock-off over at Famous Footwear! Haaaa!
My first thought too, when I saw the pictures...hmmm, wonder if Kate will get ripped for picking up freebies from the gifting suites. Jon was pummeled with criticism for doing this. Except for the double standard with Kate fans and the media screaming foul on Jon, I don't think there's anything wrong with either of them getting some souvenirs.
Geez, they get $50,000 per episode AND free gifts? So that they presunably will be photographed with the products and the sponsors of the gift get advertising and buzz? Not a bad gig for Katie Irene, even if she can't dance.
BTW, I read the ratings for the premiere hit a record.
I think the Gosselins have "abused" the freebie thing because Kate got to the point where she felt entitled to the freebies. One should appreciate freebies, not expect them.
I too have no problem with freebies. The problem is with hypocrisy, of which there is so much in Gosselin World. IMBW but wasn't there a 'to do' a couple of years ago at one of the award shows when the IRS decided to tax the receiver of the freebies given out?
I won't say I have no problem with freebies in and of themselves, there doesn't have to be any problem with them. There is a problem with greed though, and revolving your entire existance on seeing what you can eek out of people for free instead of acquiring things yourself through hard work and saving. It's not like Kate just took her first pair of free boots. The amount of freebies she's taken since her kids were born probably adds up to the millions of dollars. Yes, that's greed. She's not taking diapers or other necessities, she is taking boots with fur on them.
The bigger problem in this particular instance is that she continues to pretend that she is simply a working mom trying to support her kids. Stockpiling expensive designer freebies for herself is a direct contradiction to that sham/facade/lie whatever you want to call it. She needs to stop pretending she is this self-less struggling mother, and just admit that this has absolutely nothing to do with her kids and everything to do with her own vanity and desires. So she's just another narccisistic cast member, who cares. But I don't see anyone else pretending this is to put food on the table for their little ones.
Kate, Steve, Tony and the rest of the cast getting ready.
Kate and Tony were in LA today. Here's Tony with Billy Bush
Why is Steve there? DWTS has their own security. Nobody else seemed to have had a "bodyguard" with them except Kate. Guess he has "other related duties" in his job description.
Why is Tony kissing Kate??? Watch out Lina (Tony's wife)
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