After being gone from PA for two weeks, Kate was spotted running errands with Leah and Collin on Sunday. Kate went to a sporting goods store, Target, and a tanning salon.
We've haven't seen her dressed this conservatively in ages.
We've haven't seen her dressed this conservatively in ages.

30 sediments (sic) from readers:
White in winter?
I wonder if Kate gave her photographer a ride to the shopping center? LOL!
I highly doubt that the paps hang out near Kate's house to get photos of her shopping with the kids. After Jibber Jabbers caught the photog getting into Kate's limo last week, I think all photos are suspicious. I wouldn't put it past Kate's sleazy PR team, after all they did create a FLOG in support of Kate.
Only thing is, Leah and Collin look MISERABLE. If it were a calculated paparazzi spot, why not have them hold hands and giggle and smile like she made the boys do shortly after she smacked Collin in the mouth at the bus stop? Maybe that's too obvious.
Well they're kids, you can't expect them to smile all the time. LOL
I've often wondered how the other contestants feel about Kate always being the one in the spotlight? Are any of the other "stars" getting the same press time that Kate gets? Why is that? I don't think Kate's infamous outside of the reality show world, is she, so can it be just the strong arm of TLC pomotion?
yes, this look may be conservative for HER - however I cant help but laugh at the heels. Nobody wears this stuff to Target, running errands. This was another photo op, to be seen with her children again. Better dress up for the paps.
Does she ever really smile when she's with her kids? Don't think I've seen any picture where she is.
That picture of Colin walking with his head down just breaks my heart.
No, and neither do the kids when they are with her. It's as if joy is not allowed when Kate's around. I'd be curious of Tony's impression of her once this is all said and done.
Leah looks like she's kinda crying.
Look closer at the picture. Kate seems to be squeezing their hands, rather than holding them as a mother does. I'll bet she is telling them to cooperate or else.
That wasn't the 1st time Kate was squeezing her child arm...
An iPhone in one hand and a child's arm in the other!
Wow, Collin (?) looks really mad. He's not holding hands with Kate, she is just grabbing his hand. How loving.
Mother of the year - I don't think so.
Shouldn't the kids be in school?
Anonymous it's school vacation for all eight this week. Just in time for filming now that the dance floor is in!
This was a Sunday so the kids weren't in school.
Maybe the kids resent Kate for leaving them for two entire weeks.
I think it's more like they're pissed that she came home.
Anyone hear Joan Rivers call kate "despicable" last night in E! News? She said Kate should stay home and take care of the kids she's always going on and on about.
"Thompson explained that simply being the children of famous parents doesn’t necessarily promise that trouble is ahead. “It’s hard to make a generalization,” he explained. “It depends on the parents and how they interact with the media. You have one extreme in Jon and Kate Gosselin, who use their kids as the prime source of the whole creation of their celebrity identity. But then you have a lot of children of celebrities who are really famous who we would not recognize if we ran into them."
Thanks for that article. It's always facinated me the dynamic between famous parents and their children.
My theory boils down to something similar. When a child is young you are supposed to be the center of attention. Everyone is watching you, supporting you, you are the star. A secure child feels like their parents are all about them. But when a parent is famous, that dynamic shifts and all of a sudden the parent is the center of attention and the child plays second fiddle. A child doesn't know how to handle that nor is that natural. It leaves a child feeling very insecure and less-than.
Looks like Kate will be with Ted tomorrow and Thursday getting the old weave taken out and a new weave put in and new coloring. I guess hair is more important than dancing OR the kids at home wondering when their mom will find time for them. Ah well, $7,000 isn't much is it?
Maybe the kids look so miserable because she took them to the tanning salon...I know that my kids would looooooove to sit around a stuffy waiting room while I tan for 20 mins. For a six year old, THAT is a good time! Ugh!
As a kid I actually hated running any kind of errands with my mom, I don't know about you guys. It was all so incredibly boring. Grocery shopping I hated the most. I would rather play at home.
We were 3 girls and I was the middle child and my dad's buddy since he had no sons. I loved running errands with him on Saturdays because it got me out of the boring, dreary housework. Yes, I was very much a tomboy and liked it that way.
Maybe the kids look so miserable because she took them to the tanning salon...I know that my kids would looooooove to sit around a stuffy waiting room while I tan for 20 mins. For a six year old, THAT is a good time! Ugh!
We were 3 girls and I was the middle child and my dad's buddy since he had no sons. I loved running errands with him on Saturdays because it got me out of the boring, dreary housework. Yes, I was very much a tomboy and liked it that way.
I think it's more like they're pissed that she came home.
Anyone hear Joan Rivers call kate "despicable" last night in E! News? She said Kate should stay home and take care of the kids she's always going on and on about.
No, and neither do the kids when they are with her. It's as if joy is not allowed when Kate's around. I'd be curious of Tony's impression of her once this is all said and done.
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