Kate, I thought you w
ere going to rehearse in your basement to be with the kids? Contrary to Kate's assurances she will be able to be with the kids while filming Dancing With the Stars, she and partner Tony were spotted out today in New York City, 150 miles away from her Reading, PA home, heading to a studio with costumes in hand. Bodyguard Steve tagged along, too.

Kate was last seen in PA two weeks ago.
28 sediments (sic) from readers:
I was going to say before, I give Kate two weeks before she's tired of the commute and stays in LA to rehearse instead of going home all the time. Little did I know she would skip out on home so soon!
kaydar has a video of a crew members installing the dance floor at the mcmansion.
These are pictures of Kate coming out of rehearsal. Not so many smiles here. I think Tony did as she said and "beat her butt".
Suppose we should send Tony a red spoon?
I noticed that too! Manhattan is at least 3 hours away from her house. She said she was going to practice at a studio near home when she wasn't in CA. That's not near home.
I wonder of Jon spent so much time away in Utah and then Hawaii because they worked out longer custody visits to make up for her dance practice. Now he's home for a few weeks because it's his turn. ?????
Who knows? The story is always changing with Kate. Maybe she's ON her way home and this is just one stop for filming or something. I'm sure it's whatever TLC wants. I read somewhere that she'll be 3 days (probably including travel) in LA for taping and 4 days at home. It seems it's almost for "good mommy" appearances because if rehearsal is all day every day how much time can she really spend with the kids. Not blaming her, that's just the reality of it.
Well looky what I just discovered in my very own backyard:
2010 Expo for Women
March 12, 2010 - March 13, 2010
Fri: 4:00-8:00 p.m. Sat: 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Century Center, 120 South St. Joseph Street, South Bend
Contact: Cindy Cohen
Phone: (800) 245-8917
Admission: $7 in advance or $10 at the door/Adults; Children 10 and Under/Free
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The Century Center will be loaded with exhibitors, activites, participants and even pets. Saturday's keynote speaker will be Kate Gosselin from TLC's Jon & Kate Plus 8. You'll enjoy seminars, demonstrations, dancing, music, shopping, information gathering and appointment setting. Log on to www.expoforwomen.org for a full line-up of events and activities.
Should I see if BabyMama wants to fly out and visit with me?
Found this on TMZ--
Kate Gosselin at Odds with 'DWTS'
Kate Gosselin isn't favored to win "Dancing with the Stars" -- in fact, according to an online bookmaker, she tied 80-year-old Buzz Aldrin for least likely to succeed.
According to Bodog.com, the mother of eight's odds to win the prized mirror ball trophy are 15 to 1 -- tying a man who was born in 1930.
The favorites aren't exactly surprising: Leading the pack is 2010 Olympic figure skating champion Evan Lysacek with 3 to 1 odds ... followed closely by Erin Andrews and NFL superstar Chad Ochocinco.
jw, so no dancing practice on these days? tsk, tsk. That might not make Tony very happy. It's his paycheck too. Everyone says he's very nice so I feel sorry for him that he's strapped with her and her baggage. Does anyone have any idea who she told them she wanted? Someone quiet she said. I wonder if that's when she realized she was no longer calling all the shots. Karma is coming around. What is it they say, be careful what you ask for because you just might get it...
So, jw will you be attending the expo?
Nope.. No practicing, and she's obviously not going home for the weekend, either. I only found out about it because my granddaughter has a cheerleading exhibition the same weekend in the same convention center. I asked her if she wanted to attend her very first protest march with me.
I don't know how you can expect to be competitive with all that travel. The other stars will be in LA with what an hour commute to their studio maybe? So in one day they can practice for say, six hours comfortably, put in an eight hour day and be home enjoying their life/families too. Kate can spend what? two hours with a six hour commute in an eight hour day? Not gonna make you win it! Not to mention the jet lag and exhaustion that you feel from that much travel. Donny Osmond felt it when he was only commuting from Vegas to LA.
This kind of grueling schedule is the kind of thing that causes exhaustion and breakdowns. Like what happened to Susan Boyle when her quiet Scottish life suddenly became a celebrity bananza.
I feel sorry for Kate in a way, she is going to have some rough months ahead. But then I remember, she made her own choices. She could be a nurse right now working much more normal hours. She made her own bed.
Having nannied for a celebrity unfortunatly I know that this is actually quite a "normal" schedule for people this driven.
Poor Kate. Her PR peeps call the paps to get footage of her going into rehearsal and they waited and got the not so nice drowned rat coming out.
Oh by the way, practice must not have been too long. Kate and Tony took in the premier of " Life" last night. (I guess Steve probably did too).
LOL at "tying a man who was born in 1930."
New York City is not "several hundred miles away" from Reading, PA.
Reading, PA is 2 to 2-1/2 hours away from NYC, depending on traffic, closer to 2 hours, Schmeckygirl. The floor was installed this week during Jon's custody time. Their custody time is supposed to be 50/50. She should be away from the kids about 15 days a month.
Their custody is not 50-50, it was always reported that Kate has primary and Jon has weekends. Whether that was 51-49 or any other combination we don't know. Cleary things are changing now since Jon is around a lot more. Although last time Kate went away like this Jon went stir crazy, don't know why he thinks this time will be different.
Nyc is about 150 miles away from Reading.
It's a 2 1/2 hour drive but that's if it's not rush hour and you have to go in really, really early and leave NYC really late. I know what the commute to Manhattan is. That's why people were upset that Jon moved to Manhattan. It's a hike.
I lived in PA three years and did this commute from not too far from Reading. Driving the armpit state is not fun and full of tolls. It's no picnic of a commute.
Easy Pass!!!
It's not a fun commute, but it's not 3 hours and it's only 150 or so miles away. Getting to NYC is not that bad. People do it all the time. Jon said it was 2 hours. I believe him. The estimates are 2-1/2 hours based on speed limits no one obeys.
Does Jon still live in NYC?
I understood that they split the custody 50/50. Always have. Primary custody means the house is her primary residence, not his. I thought I read that here. Maybe not. I'll look for links.
So if Kate trucks the kids to DWTS who will they be sitting with? Steve?
Kids usually sit with other relatives, but they don't have any. (that are talking to them...)
I couldn't find anything definitive about custody except quotes that they have worked it out behind the scenes. Maybe they said something about it on the final show? I wish I could remember where I read or heard that Jon had the kids 50% of the time? Anyone else?
So if Kate trucks the kids to DWTS who will they be sitting with? Steve?
Kids usually sit with other relatives, but they don't have any. (that are talking to them...)
New York City is not "several hundred miles away" from Reading, PA.
LOL at "tying a man who was born in 1930."
I don't know how you can expect to be competitive with all that travel. The other stars will be in LA with what an hour commute to their studio maybe? So in one day they can practice for say, six hours comfortably, put in an eight hour day and be home enjoying their life/families too. Kate can spend what? two hours with a six hour commute in an eight hour day? Not gonna make you win it! Not to mention the jet lag and exhaustion that you feel from that much travel. Donny Osmond felt it when he was only commuting from Vegas to LA.
Found this on TMZ--
Kate Gosselin at Odds with 'DWTS'
Kate Gosselin isn't favored to win "Dancing with the Stars" -- in fact, according to an online bookmaker, she tied 80-year-old Buzz Aldrin for least likely to succeed.
According to Bodog.com, the mother of eight's odds to win the prized mirror ball trophy are 15 to 1 -- tying a man who was born in 1930.
The favorites aren't exactly surprising: Leading the pack is 2010 Olympic figure skating champion Evan Lysacek with 3 to 1 odds ... followed closely by Erin Andrews and NFL superstar Chad Ochocinco.
jw, so no dancing practice on these days? tsk, tsk. That might not make Tony very happy. It's his paycheck too. Everyone says he's very nice so I feel sorry for him that he's strapped with her and her baggage. Does anyone have any idea who she told them she wanted? Someone quiet she said. I wonder if that's when she realized she was no longer calling all the shots. Karma is coming around. What is it they say, be careful what you ask for because you just might get it...
So, jw will you be attending the expo?
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