Tony posted the view from their seats on his Twitter account:

Wonder if Kate knows about Taylor Swift's hysterical impression of her on Saturday Night Live last year. "The hardest thing about being a mom is having patience. Because sometimes the paparazzi say they're going to be someplace at 10, and they don't show up until 11." Watch the video!
55 sediments (sic) from readers:
So I guess the boys didn't get to participate in Kate's farewell party for L.A.? How much school did the girls miss to get to Philadelphia in time? They did have school today.
And was anyone really interested in rock concerts when they were FIVE? These kids are always forced to do things that Kate and the adults would enjoy too, they never do something just for kiddies anymore.
Why does anyone care about these people? The kids are the only thing that's important.
That's a pretty craptastic shot from their seats. Were they in nosebleeds or a loge? No side stage/laminate pass action this time, Kate?
They're probably box seats so the commoners don't interact with the royalty.
I've never found box seats to be the best seats in the house. I never understood it. If I'm going to pay big bucks for a concert or event, I want to be close to the front where I can see.
Dodgers stadium Club VIP seats, the most expensive in the house, are right behind home plate, which makes SENSE. They are still cut off from everyone else, but not crappy seats at all. But few other venues understand the best seats are right up front.
I don't get it.
In the pix at Gossip Center, Kate is coming out of the garage apt. door. I wonder who's been staying there?
In any other scenerio everyone would think it completely inappropriate to take two good looking, MARRIED men to a concert with your children, sans their wives.
But I guess it's Kate, so it's ok.
Watch what video? There is no video with this post. I'm confused...
Does taking them to the concert quell all your guilt for leaving them, Katie?
I wonder how many times the little ones complained they were hungry, tired, etc.?
She took two 5 year old girls, dressed in tutu's to a concert 3 hours away, with two married men and she was dressed like Blaze Starr with hooker heels and all. This woman just doesn't have a clue. So then, where were the other 6 kids? Don't tell me, let me guess. They were home with the nanny's peeking down the basement steps at mommy's dance studio. No wait, they were inside trying to get the deadbolt from mommy's bedroom door open so they could sneak in without the penalty of severeness. No.......wait......they were sitting in the first floor family room, watching reruns of Kate while they sipped from the free boxes of Juicy Juice and sneaking those triangular shapey things that the two nanny's snuck in the house, past the magnatometer and the airport body scanning devices.
It gets worse, Tony & Kate took the red-eye to LA last night.
Hope a babysitter went to the concert since I doubt Kate went to a concert in Philly, back to the orphanage, then back to Philly to catch a flight. I hope there was a trusted babysitter with the tups on the ride home.
This has become the best of all the Gosselin blogs. You information, comments, tact, and humor are to be commended.
So only 2 children got to attend.
What about practicing for your job?
What about not going to L.A. until Sunday and coming home Tues.
I am so Konfused.
It makes sense to me. The more we see Kate and Steve together the less it looks like a bodyguard/client relationship. Kate looks like she is going on a date with him, which would explain why she is dressed like that.
Kate doesn't care how this situation looks. She doesn't care how their wives will feel. Isn't it just more proof that Kate is a narcissist and that she will do what she wants, when she wants.
I wonder if Steve or Tony got to be the one to carry Hannah?
Thank you, longtimer. I started this blog when GWOP just wasn't updating often enough for me.
I always thought the Sun-Tuesday schedule was highly suspect. If I'm not mistaken, they rehearse with all the couples over the weekend with a dress rehearsal Monday before the show. She can't just pop in Monday morning and be up to speed. It's a show that doesn't just fall together without a lot of rehearsing.
Later in the program if she makes it that far there's group dances which will require her to stay and rehearse for those as well.
Why is Tony even there?why didn,t he take his wife and kids,seriously why did he have to be there?
Hmmm, for what it's worth...
Billy Bush phone in interview with Tony.
re: the Diva accusations
Tony thinks the media and especially the tabloids are being really, really mean to Kate. He says she's a sweetheart and he's having a blast with her. She's definitely not a Diva.
BTW, He also said they talked about the families spending a holiday together...sound familiar?
Tony has a lot of class. He's not going to publically trash her even if he wants to.
Tony is the flavor of the month. The kids will get attached to him, then he will move on to the next dancer on the next season and hardly ever see this family again. You shouldn't have such transient people popping in and out of the children's lives like this, I find this so unhealthy.
Billy Bush-along with A.J. Hammer of Showbiz Tonight and Carlos Diaz who appears on ST all have hard-ons for the wench. I suppose none of them have watched 'her'show and saw how emasculating she was. I just don't get it. Never will.
I agree that the professional dancers are probably supposed to be attentive to the partners they have at the time. And a class act like Tony doesn't trash their business (dancing) partner in public. Take a lesson from Tony, Kate. Your former marriage partner and father of your children deserves better than you're giving him. And for sure your children deserve to not hear your passive agressive insinuations about their dad.
I thought it was so sweet that Tony took his daughter to the store to see his picture on the People cover and surprise her. That's what was most important to him...what his young daughter thought of her daddy.
Between Steve and his family, and Tony and his, Kate should be able to finally fill up the house with enough people on Thanksgiving to give her kids a simulation of what it might have been like to have shared such a holiday with relatives.
Problem is Pat it is March. Tony won't be part of the kids life by summer much less next Thankgiving. :-)
Transient is a good word for the revolving relationships the gosselin children have been through since they were born.
I don't know what this is teaching the kids about friendships, that a friend is only there if it benefits them. The camera crew was there until the show was over. Steve will be here until they have a fight and Kate fires him. Tony is there until the next season. TLC will be there until this family is of no more financial use to them. I don't know how they can have any kind of trust in anyone knowing they have clear ulterior motives. I'm not saying these are bad people, but facts are facts. Tony would not be in their lives without Dancing With the Stars and a paycheck, he is not a charity.
There is NO family for these kids, other than the kids themselves. They have no active grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends or extended family in their lives and as they grow older, those connections will be that much harder to make. They've lost their Aunt Jodi, Uncle Kevin, Beth and her husband and kids, no cousins to hang with and when have you ever seen any neighborhood kids or school friends hanging out at their house on the stage called the "Garage"?
Anyone who comes into their lives will be for monetary purposes, when and if Kate thinks she can squeeze a dime out of the entire so called friendship. These kids are stage props for Kates and Jons greed and nothing will change this until they are old enough to run as fast as they can from this hell some people call a "family"
I found this earlier but I don't know much about this site.
Apparently the video isn't embedding properly, so I posted the link. Click the link to watch Taylor Swift spoof Kate!
The funniest is Kate has been to at least two of her concerts and met her family and if you search on Youtube there is a video from this past September of Kate gushing how much she loves her .... hahhaa, psyche!
The picture of Steve and Tony shaking hands is definetly photoshopped. Their hands are the same size, Tony is smaller than Steve in the picture, their feet are on top of each other, the frame is blurred out beneath their supposed shaking hands and Steve is looking down at the ground expressionless while Tony is all full of smiles looking in an entirely different direction. In addition, Tony is wearing a winter jacket where the temperature is 74 degrees and Steve is wearing shirt tails.
Furthermore, Tony would have taken an earlier flight to be back with his family that he hasn't seen for over a week and this would leave Kate and Steve alone to travel together without raising eyebrows. Notice how the paid Paps didn't show any pics of Tony, Steve, Kate and the tups getting into the limo. There were no pics of the car pulling out of the driveway. No pics of them pulling up to the Wachovia Center and no pics of Kate coming back home that evening or leaving for LA in the morning. The paps were called to the home to take the pics, probably told that the tups were going to gymboree or a dancing lesson and sent to a different area to deflect any attention to what really was going to transpire.
My theory...take it with a grain of salt. The concert with Kate and her girls AND Tony is a photo op for DWTS. They have shown clips with partners interacting with family in the past.
And, I bet the Gosselin children went home with a nanny in the limo, and everyone else went to the Philadelphia airport.
I tend to agree with you koopdedoo. Other than this photo, did anyone report that the children were actually at the concert? I don't think Tony mentioned names in his tweet, just that he was there.
"At the Taylor Swift concert. She is awesome! Love her to death :-)
5:44 PM Mar 19th via UberTwitter
I'm just wondering if a story was made up based on nothing but these photos and Tony's tweet. I've become so skepticle of "truth by tabloid". :o)
commenter on LimeLife article they MET Taylor Swift....they all had a terible time... anyone under 12 can not tolerate the noise level in the Wachovia center...I know 1st hand I spent 700.00 to take my step-grand daughter and the whole night was a guess is they were in a "club box"...which hopefully allowed them all a tolerable night. I could care less if they had a good time or not but would suggest to any "non celebrity" families out there to wait until the kids are OLDER!!!!!
kelly, one of my fav sites is photoshop disasters and I think you are right! I thought that was the strangest picture of those two.
I don't think it's photoshopped, I KNOW it's photoshopped. Look how close their faces are to each other. That goes against the grain that two men violate each others space like that when shaking hands. Notice also, the gravel they are standing on. The slight path ends at Tony's feet and nowhere to be seen at Steve's feet. Additionally, there hands clearly don't match in the picture and from what the picture shows, they aren't even near each others hands. This is yet, proof again, how Kate calls the paps to film her spin and deflect what she's really doing. People don't go to country music concerts dressed like Kate was dressed anyway.
Jeans, casual attire and comfortable shoes is the norm. I've been to plenty of them to know.
RE: Itsaboutthekids:
Tony's Tweet about being at the Taylor Swift Concert and how awesome she was, was tweeted at 5:44pm. Kellie Pickler and Gloriana were the opening acts and the concert started at 7:pm which would put Taylor Swift on stage at approx 8:30pm, not 5:44 pm as Tony tweeted.
Thus, again, another lie to protect Kate and her leaving PA two days early, not as she has stated on live talk shows, being with her kids from Tuesday's through Sunday's. There is no end to the extents these people will lie to protect her.
Why would they go to all the trouble of photoshopping? Plus that's unethical and could put INF out of the business. The path doesn't end, you can't see most of it because there is a small rock blocking it in front of Steve's feet, but if you look between his legs you can see a bit of the path continuing.
Tony's tweet that Taylor Swift rocks was tweeted at 6:45. His twitter account is based out of Utah for some odd reason, making the time zone two hours behind the east coast. Which puts his tweet at 8:45 east coast time. That adds up perfectly with her being on stage. Also adds up perfectly with bedtime for the girls who were dragged along.
I'm always sniffying for a conspiracy, but I don't see one here.
There is nothing ethical about what Kate and her Pap's do to cover her poor parenting skills. The reason this is being covered up is to protect Kate's lies on the View, Jimmy Kimmel and Leno, talking about how she is going to be practicing from home, cooking dinner for the kids and leaving for LA on Sundays, coming back on Tuesdays.
They want to show that Steve is really her body guard, thus his being at the house and then photo shop Tony at the house with them. There is no photo of Steve's car in the driveway on any tabloid site on this day and no proof he was actually there.
Kate and Steve were leaving for the Philadelphia Airport on Friday to fly to LA and they wanted to use the Taylor Swift concert as a ruse. It's all PR spin.
Correction, his tweet was at 5:44 pm, nearly two and a half hours before Taylor Swift would have taken to the stage.
No, if we're going to be anything on this site it's accurate. His tweet was at 6:48 and here is the tweet, go look at his page:
Taylor Swift rocks
6:48 PM Mar 19th via UberTwitter
His location is UTAH, whose time zone is TWO HOURS behind the east coast, making his tweet 8:48. Location ÃœT: 34.069662,-118.366727
In addition, it's not like he said I'm watching Taylor and she rocks. He just said Taylor Swift rocks. I don't see a problem with tweeting that ahead of time if you're excited about it. There is nothing about the tweet that pretends to be at the concert.
I have no problem with conspiracy theories, but let's be accurate about them.
There were also tweets from other people which put Tony at Taylor's concert. I saw at least two or three tweets about it.
There is a tweet at 5:44, which is 7:44 EST, when the opening acts would be on, saying he's at the concert. He doesn't say he is watching HER or anything just that he's there. Plus he posted a pic of their craptastic seats!
My question, how do we know the girls, or anyone else was at the concert with Tony other than what the tabloids reported? One rag said two tups went and one said the three girl tups went so there's conflict even within the tabloid stories. From the pictures, all we know is the girls were in the driveway standing by the car, unless there's more photos I haven't seen. Not that it really matters, but there's something fishy about all of this.
I love this site! The more I look at that picture it doesn't seem feasible. I think someone sold that pic to the gossip site (think TLC)They are practically on top of each other and I don't think Stevey is the "come here let me hug you big guy type" Also, most men don't shake hands that way. I could see a hip college jock doing that handshake thing, but not the men I see in daily life. They are both in movement so they would run into each other. It's a really awkard picture.
Now I have no idea why they would photoshop it. What's the end game? It's really warm here on the East Coast. Tony must be sweating in that outfit. Then again, Tony has probably been here since our lousy, wet cold weather so maybe he didn't watch Action News that morning. They can't stop talking about the weather. LOL.
If it's photoshopped, why didn't they go ahead and photoshop out Tony's hightops too? He looks like a 2nd grader.
I should probably answer the question about rock concerts at the age of 5.
I grew up on a street with a batch of kids at least 4 years older than me. We were really into the Beatles. So yes, if I had been able to go see the Beatles at age 5, I would have wanted to. However once I got there I would have had the same reaction I did seeing them on Ed Sullivan: The girls are screaming so loud, I can't hear them sing!
I saw on another blog that Tony tweeted that they were on their way to LA the same night as the concert--WTF? Did Kate drop the girls off on the way to Philly airport? And, did only 2 girls get to go--presumably Hannah and Leah?
While it was warm in PA lately, the temps go way down in the evening--I hope Ms. Super-Organized took sweaters or jackets for the girls. And it was not sandal weather--their little feet must've been freezing that night.
One more snark--Kate should know that chunky straps on shoes make her ankles look bigger.
I don't understand. Why does it not make sense that they really went to the concert? If they took a redeye flight that would mean it was a late flight AFTER the concert. Maybe they didn't stay for the whole thing. I don't think it's an issue.
I do understand 5-year-olds liking Taylor Swift, there's nothing wrong with that. But I do find it odd that only two went and that they went to such a late concert and would then have to travel back home with a nanny.
oops--I guess that is Alexis and Leah, not Hannah as I had assumed (anon. 5:59)--I forgot that Hannah has super-long hair.
Anyway, not to belabor the point--but most flights out of Philly to LAX (at least direct flights) leave by 7:30 pm or so (my brother is a commercial airline pilot based on the east coast--he knows these thing because he takes different airline's flights sometimes to commute home).
Even if one is a VIP (Kate?)--she still has to go through security, so she'd have to arrive at least an hour beforehand. So it just makes no sense that she would have stayed for Taylor Swift's performance and had any time to catch a flight to LA. Unless, of course she had a special charter flight lined up or a private plane.
Kate could have, of course, taken a later flight with stops or an indirect flight--but that would mean even more travel time--and probably not getting to LA until the next morning. Assuming she'd have to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for rehearsal on Sat.--why would she do this?
It makes no sense to me, unless of course it's all a PR ploy.
I saw on another blog that Tony tweeted that they were on their way to LA the same night as the concert--WTF? Did Kate drop the girls off on the way to Philly airport? And, did only 2 girls get to go--presumably Hannah and Leah?
While it was warm in PA lately, the temps go way down in the evening--I hope Ms. Super-Organized took sweaters or jackets for the girls. And it was not sandal weather--their little feet must've been freezing that night.
One more snark--Kate should know that chunky straps on shoes make her ankles look bigger.
If it's photoshopped, why didn't they go ahead and photoshop out Tony's hightops too? He looks like a 2nd grader.
I should probably answer the question about rock concerts at the age of 5.
I grew up on a street with a batch of kids at least 4 years older than me. We were really into the Beatles. So yes, if I had been able to go see the Beatles at age 5, I would have wanted to. However once I got there I would have had the same reaction I did seeing them on Ed Sullivan: The girls are screaming so loud, I can't hear them sing!
Tony's tweet that Taylor Swift rocks was tweeted at 6:45. His twitter account is based out of Utah for some odd reason, making the time zone two hours behind the east coast. Which puts his tweet at 8:45 east coast time. That adds up perfectly with her being on stage. Also adds up perfectly with bedtime for the girls who were dragged along.
I'm always sniffying for a conspiracy, but I don't see one here.
RE: Itsaboutthekids:
Tony's Tweet about being at the Taylor Swift Concert and how awesome she was, was tweeted at 5:44pm. Kellie Pickler and Gloriana were the opening acts and the concert started at 7:pm which would put Taylor Swift on stage at approx 8:30pm, not 5:44 pm as Tony tweeted.
Thus, again, another lie to protect Kate and her leaving PA two days early, not as she has stated on live talk shows, being with her kids from Tuesday's through Sunday's. There is no end to the extents these people will lie to protect her.
My theory...take it with a grain of salt. The concert with Kate and her girls AND Tony is a photo op for DWTS. They have shown clips with partners interacting with family in the past.
And, I bet the Gosselin children went home with a nanny in the limo, and everyone else went to the Philadelphia airport.
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