Move over Victoria Beckham! Thoroughly enjoying the high life, Kate debuted a new bob last night in New York City. Her extensions were to come out Wednesday and new ones put in today. She and Tony went out to sushi at expensive restaurant Nobu for dinner. In an infamous Vanity Faire article last October, Kate told her TLC handlers: "Nobu, Nobu, I want Nobu!" TLC exec Laurie Goldberg however said she couldn't go, because it wouldn't look right after just crying about her divorce on the Today show that morning.
76 sediments (sic) from readers:
I'm starting to picture what it would be like to fling a shoe at this woman, is that bad?
I am thinking of flying to Indiana for the weekend just to stand out with signs protesting about this not a mom.
Thanks for the idea administrator. I will pack a high heel!
I just want to be around the day she gets her comeuppance. Hopefully that's soon.
Any bets on how long she will have THIS hairstyle?
24 hours
Kate looks great, Living well is the best medicine.
How wonderful for Kate, too bad she's not doing what's best for her kids. I read where Cara and Mady asked her to stay home and not do DWTS.
Kate does look good. It's too bad she is rotten on the inside.
itsaboutthekids, Lauren, Is Z alright?
re: Z, I haven't heard. I was wondering that too.
Thanks itsaboutthekids,
I have seriously been worried about him. He hit his head last week. I even checked the obits. Yikes!
Kate is wasting so much of her practice time on her outside. Hair extentions are not going to make people vote for her. Flying back and forth wastes enough of her practice time. I hope anonymous is a good shot with that high heel. :)
Diane, I read something about him hitting his head and wondered if he was okay. I tried to find something on line at the Sun this morning that would explain his absence but didn't see anything. You'd think there would be an explanation. Might have to email them. Irene, are you around?
Hey guys. Put out an AZB (All zloggers bulletin) on David Zurawik who has not been seen on the zlog for a couple days. I emailed the Sun. I think from their response he is just has some days off and is taking a break. Poor guy is probably gonna have 700+ posts waiting for him when he gets back on.
So, is this what Kate says is doing right by her kids? Lordie Bee help them from their own mother.
Thanks Irene, I was checking the paper, too. My husband is even concerned for Z's well being. :)
Thanks, Irene. That's very good to hear.
Would you fill in to people what Z is? Just curious after all you make it out to be in your personal conversations?
Thanks for the update Irene! :0)
In response to Anon @ 11:54....
This is Z's site: http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/zontv/
He is a tv critic for the Baltimore Sun and he has amazing insight into all things T.V. He can also see right through the games that Kate and TLC play. He's a nice guy too.
Deborah said...
Kate looks great, Living well is the best medicine.
March 11, 2010 9:53 AM
What about doing right by your children and living well. What about putting your children ahead of yourself. Sorry Deborah, you are way off base. I would rather have morals and do right by my family than live in pursuit of fame and fortune - which is exactly what Katie Irene Kreider is doing.
"Any bets on how long she will have THIS hairstyle?"
Oh, 12 hours max! The extensions are going back in today.
Living well is the best medicine? Excuse me, Kate is a selfish cow who has abandoned her kids to live like a rock star with her hair extensions and her 100 dollar a piece Nobu Sushi and going on dates with celebs like Tony and being a star on Dancing With the Stars. This is all...about...Kate's narccisism. It is feeding it feeding it feeding it.
What's so wrong in reaching for your dream. (I'm not saying Katie is star material we will have to wait and see)
Is she the only single mother with children that wants to be a star ? why all the hate ?
Don't think I didn't cringe a few times watching J&K+8 but as a mother & now a grandmother I know just because you are older in years doesn't have anything to do with how grown up you are.
I think Kate may well be a diamond in the rough.
Maybe not...
Are all the mothers going for their dreams bad mothers ?
Are all the mothers going for their dreams bad mothers ?
No, of course not, but mothers who don't put the needs of their children first fit that description. Those kids just went through a horrible, PUBLIC divorce, on top of having to adjust to a move, and being photographed by the p-people. They just started school, and have no family support around them and they are now in therapy. What those kids need is a stable, secure environment where mom and dad are both home so that they start believing that they are not going to be left behind by their parents too, which is probably how they are feeling now. What they don't need is a mom who is paradeing herself all over town, getting her picture splashed on mags that show her fawning all over another man. They won't understand that its just tv or dancing, plus, it is embarrassing. She should lay low for a year and let those kids re-balance. Instead, she has to ride the "fame" while she has it. Just MHO.
Any dream that wrecks your marriage, causes your children undo heartache & absenteeism is crossing the line. Many mothers achieve their dreams without doing those things.
I fault Kate not for having dreams, but for executing those dreams to the detriment of her family. She says this is all for the kids, and nothing but for the kids BUT her actions on a daily basis prove to be self serving, fake and disengious.
A magazine cover the week accuses Kate of putting fame before family. That is dead on! And, as long as TLC is backing her this is gonna be the road Kate takes but if it is an example of a High Road. Well, I will settle for driving a Yugo, shopping at Walmart and working the job that keeps me with my kids & spouse.
Kate has to answer to no one but herself and her god.
Makes no difference how you judge her. Where any of you in her marriage ? Are any of you in her home to see her interacting with her children ?
Can't you see hating and calling her names is worse for Her children than anything she is doing?
Look inside yourself please.
I hate to say it, but Kate looks MUCH better in that pic than with that lousy, hard-to-manage weave.
Deborah, you know God is capitalized, right. Or unless the sentence should read "Kate has to answer to no one but herself and her bank account".
Why am I seeing Kathie Lee Gifford in that picture instead of Kate Gosselin? I know it's Kate, but still....
So, how is this benefitting the children? Nobu,
a trip to the hairstylist and hanging out with Tony? This woman and all the people around her are vapid. They are perpetuating the fallacy that Kate Gosselin is worthy of public attention.
Go home to your babies, Kate.
Deborah said...
Kate has to answer to no one but herself and her god
Deborah, as a mother and grandmother you should know that Kate has to first and foremost answer to the children she chose to give life and by so doing should have also committed to always put them and their needs first. That's the definition of "mother". Kate is failing her children.
And what's worse, she doesn't see it or doesn't care because she's too wrapped up in what she wants for herself.
TLC would like to "thank you" for all the free publicity your giving Kate! It's not costing them one penney; keep up the great work!
How can you know that itsabout? You can only assume.
I do know where your heart is tho. I used to spend my time hating on Jon.(He just made it so easy) Until I searched my heart and found what I really wanted was for those eight sweet little faces to have peace and love and felt shame that I added to the hate spread on the net for them to one day see. The twins could be reading it now. If not them their classmates.
Jon and Kate both have to answer to their children and its not for us to judge what is right or wrong for them.
If you care about the kids how can hating their mother or father be helping them ? Please tell me
I for one have to say, I don't hate Kate, I feel sorry for her and I am frustrated by her inability to "get it". The best moment of my day is listening to my children laugh, or come give me a big bear hug and say I love you. What I want for those children too is a life filled with peace and love. That is not what Kate is giving them. She has enough money, she needs to be home right now, those kids have been through enough. What peace is the People articule going to bring them? None. Those kids need her and she just does not see that providing that need would give her the most fullfillment ever. Instead she wants the public to love her, rather then her kids. That is tragic.
Hi Deborah,
I do not hate Kate, but, I do dislike her choices. I guess, I don't feel like we are hating on Kate. I am always hoping that maybe, she will read something and that she will wake up and realize what mistakes she has made....and change herself on the inside.
We don't know that.
As their mother she has to know in her heart what is best for HER family. If she finds she took the wrong road she will have to own it. But all the name calling and hate is not going to change one thing for the kids.
To say Kate doesn't love her children is just sick and the meanest thing you could be telling the children.
Who said Kate doesn't love the kids? I think she loves the kids. That alone doesn't make you a good parent. She loves the kids, but loves herself more. That's the difference.
Hi Diane,
Why not just pray for Jon and Kate instead. Have faith that they will do right by the kids, wish them well. And try to remember what is right or wrong is not up to us.
Doing this to this family is just mean and cruel.
Hi Admin.,
I was just going to say that same thing. I don't think any of us think Kate does not love her kids. I actually went back and read the comments. None of us say that. But, we do think Kate loves herself more. We base our opinions on Kate's actions, not just her words.
Administrator said...
"Any bets on how long she will have THIS hairstyle?"
Oh, 12 hours max! The extensions are going back in today.
Living well is the best medicine? Excuse me, Kate is a selfish cow who has abandoned her kids to live like a rock star with her hair extensions and her 100 dollar a piece Nobu Sushi and going on dates with celebs like Tony and being a star on Dancing With the Stars. This is all...about...Kate's narccisism. It is feeding it feeding it feeding it.
This just sounds like hate to me and calling the kids mother a cow, saying shes abandoned them sound like you're saying Kate doesn't love them very much to me. I don't know maybe I read it wrong. I'll try again.
Deborah said...
"Jon and Kate both have to answer to their children and its not for us to judge what is right or wrong for them.
If you care about the kids how can hating their mother or father be helping them ? Please tell me"
If you believe what you just said, why are you posting here and thereby continuing the conversation and debate that you contend is so harmful to these kids? In your own way you are contributing to what you say you are opposing. Wouldn't it be better if you said nothing so there is less for them to read?
I do not hate their mother or father. If Jon, Kate and TLC are going to put these children on display and in the public eye then I will continue to protest their actions for doing so. As long as Kate uses her kids as a means to an end for her so-called career, I will call her on it. Your insistence that somehow the public is contributing or at fault for how these children are being harmed is IMO, misguided. The parents, and TLC who has this family under contract, are the ones you should be addressing. They are the ones, for instance, that felt it would be "great television and wonderful ratings" to announce a real life divorce on their weekly show. How tragic is that? These children are being used and hurt a thousand times more by the actions, or inactions of their parents and TLC, than they will ever be "harmed" by public opinion. And the fact of the matter is, as long as they trot them out in public, there will be opinions.
And respectfully, you do not know my heart so please don't presume that you do. You've chosen to post what, six or seven times here and yet you want everyone to not discuss this topic because it's bad for the kids. I think you just want everyone to become a Kate lover and that's not going to happen. At least not with me.
No itsabout not at all.
Just trying to help you to see that what your posting about is harmful to the kids and since your s/n is itabouthekids maybe you should change you s/n cuz its not about the kids.
Try having the kids in mind every time you post and ask yourself if that is what you want them to hear.
I can't change Jon, Kate or TLC or what has already been said or done I'm just asking you to search you heart before you post.
Deborah said...
No itsabout not at all.
Just trying to help you to see that what your posting about is harmful to the kids and since your s/n is itabouthekids maybe you should change you s/n cuz its not about the kids.
Try having the kids in mind every time you post and ask yourself if that is what you want them to hear.
I can't change Jon, Kate or TLC or what has already been said or done I'm just asking you to search you heart before you post.
Deborah, what you say is only your opinion, it is not fact or necessarily right. You don't know that this is harmful to the kids. That is just your opinion and you can only assume so. You seem to think you have the corner on being right.
What I say and do is based on my opinion and my beliefs and I will continue as I have. You've made your point and I disagree. That doesn't make either of us wrong or right so please don't be so arrogant as to suggest I change my s/n.
Well than will you at least think about the kids reading what you post before you post it? And if not see if you really feel good about.
Do you really think the kids are going to read the words written on blogs on the internet? The tabloids are ten times worse about exposing these parents and their antics, and their parents are WILLINGLY giving interviews and sexy photos in many cases. And these magazines are on every rack in every grocery, drug and bookstore in the country. Do you go to the stores and chastise the owners for the magazines they sell and how it's harmful to the Gosselin children? That's the reality you're talking about trying to keep from the kids. The only way to get it to stop is for the parents to go private with their family. Tell that to Kate.
No, really Kudos to you, your doing a great job of free publicity; Good or bad it certainly is keeping her name out there! Keep up the great job! TLC is forever greatful
itsaboutthekids said...
Do you really think the kids are going to read the words written on blogs on the internet? The tabloids are ten times worse about exposing these parents and their antics, and their parents are WILLINGLY giving interviews and sexy photos in many cases. And these magazines are on every rack in every grocery, drug and bookstore in the country. Do you go to the stores and chastise the owners for the magazines they sell and how it's harmful to the Gosselin children? That's the reality you're talking about trying to keep from the kids. The only way to get it to stop is for the parents to go private with their family. Tell that to Kate.
Nine yr olds are whizzes when it comes to computers and doing so in secrecy especially when the parents are not there. Of course they are going to google their names and see what comes up! It is quite ignorant to deny that this will not be seen by them.
Don't try to turn this site into a "benefit" for the well being of the children. That's getting old. All of this hate will certainly contribute to their therapy thanks to you!
I already said I can't change all that. And yes I do believe the twins could and will read the blogs so do you get some kind of high from all this. I wish Kate and Jon would do things differently but only they can change it and since they're not maybe just maybe you could find it in your heart to think about the kids before you post and ask yourself if its really abouthekids
Deborah said...
I already said I can't change all that. And yes I do believe the twins could and will read the blogs so do you get some kind of high from all this. I wish Kate and Jon would do things differently but only they can change it and since they're not maybe just maybe you could find it in your heart to think about the kids before you post and ask yourself if its really abouthekids
I do not believe in posting hate in such a public manner, that is inexusable when it will be seen by the Gosselin children. I hope you can sleep at night knowing you are contributing negatively to their emotional well being.
No, I don't. As a matter of fact, why would you ask such a thing when it is all of the contributors of hate who think they are holier than thou and are saying this is all being done for the welfare of the children. Your the ones who are getting a high from it.
I didn't say they weren't capable, I'm saying why would they want to. For one thing, kids are more into games and fun stuff on the computer, and for another, these kids are living this existence, they don't have to google it. They've heard the screaming and yelling and fighting between their parents. They know all the hateful comments made by and to each other. But if they do google, they are also going to learn there are people out there that cared about what was happening to them.
I'm not turning anything into anything, just answering Deborah's questions. I don't hate, and you can say it from here to eternity, but that doesn't make it so.
Deborah, I just read your last remark before I hit post, something about getting a high from this, so I'll just quickly say I'm done discussing this with you. Now you're just reaching and saying stupid things.
Now, I have a grandson's hockey game to attend so I'm outta here. Have a good evening everyone!
Children are very resiliant and quick to forgive and forget. What is not easy is when they google their name and actually see all the hate written about their parents. This sight and the comments are forever to be documented on the internet and in their minds.
Name me one child who has forgot their parents' divorce, much less a public divorce played out in the tabloids.
Children are resiliant, therefore it's okay to neglect them, leave them back home all the time to be raised by nannies, live off their money, use them to get famous then abandon them, play out a divorce to their father in the tabloids and continue to insult their father, and pose for pictures knowing full well they will be in every single tabloids every time you take your kids to the store? That's some logic.
And its logic to make blogs about it so the kids can read so much worse from the public.
I know you have to know better than this.
Its mean and cruel to the children.
The topic of whether blogs should talk about the Gosselin children has been thoroughly discussed and beaten to a pulp. Any further comments as to this issue will be deleted. If folks can't comply, we will go back to moderated comments.
Deborah said And its logic to make blogs about it so the kids can read so much worse from the public.
Easier to keep the children out of a grocery store checkout-- with all the magazines than to police them on the internet with all the information about them.
I hope you can all sleep well with so much hate and resentment.
Anonymous 7:39
I hope you can all sleep well with so much hate and resentment.
Hummm, is this the same as the hate and resentment Jon receives from Kate supporters?
Not from me I support Jon, I support the family.
Deborah said...
And its logic to make blogs about it so the kids can read so much worse from the public.
I know you have to know better than this.
Its mean and cruel to the children
If Kate didn't parade her children around to the public, or give interviews saying that she can not rely on their father to support them, the blogs discussing her and her family would not exist. Kate is the one who should be ashamed and stop talking, not us.
Kate was very quite for a few months but it didn't stop.
What happened to being a "Mom First?!" Sorry, US magazine published a timeline of Kate's time spent away from the kids.
Kids don't have a great grasp of time. All they know is "when is Mommy coming home?" If anyone has spent a day away from their child/ren, most children will say, "Mommy/Daddy, I really missed you!" Some children actually believe that Mommy/Daddy might not come back if they are gone longer than a few days. Did that ever cross her mind?
She can NEVER get back the time she spent AWAY from the kids. I believe she is chasing the dragon...
Kate's priorities
Fame 1st
Money hide it
relatives too famous to bother with
church too famous to attend
friends small group only people that can help keep Kate 1st priority of fame allowed
Kids- Oh btw Kate has 8 kids. She probably doesn't even know their favorite friend at school, their favorite pair of shoes, what story they like to hear at night. Kate must stay on track Fame 1st.
Hater of Kate
Deconstructor of a mom that needs to be horse whipped and put in her place!
As far as publicity. This is my story and I am sticking to it. If the controversial things I say are gonna make or break whether Kate has the level of Fame she is hungry for. Then the stupid, ******* mom didn't stand a chance in heck of maintaining fame in the 1st place. Jon and Kate success was not only about Kate Gosselin. In fact, many times she was the butt of the show.
Do not make the assumption that because one disagrees with your philosophy of hate that one hates on Jon.
You really need to give people the benefit of the doubt.
Before you judge and make assumptions.
Hummm, is this the same as the hate and resentment Jon receives from Kate supporters
Good or bad publicity is just helping to keep her in the spotlight. TLC loves you~
Deborah, March 11, 2010 8:57 PM
Kate was very quite for a few months but it didn't stop.
You mean "Kate was very quiet..." right?
No, she wasn't quiet, there were photo ops of her coming & going, dragging the kids around to bump up the mommy image for her upcoming book & image building for DWTS. How convenient there were always photogs to snap up the pictures of Mommy Dearest. Kind of like the photogs who jumped into the car with Kate & Tony...remember that image?
Deborah, are you the same Deborah who ran to Sage's blog to post negative remarks about this blog? Sure sounds like you.
Deborah said...
I spent the last few hours at a hate site and was received like I was preaching A.A. In a bar.
March 11, 2010 8:06 PM
So you're preaching on this site about supporting Kate but participate in a blog that bashes Jon...good one!
It is ignorant to assume one supports the blogs that bash Jon. This is what I mean by your ignorant attitude.
Anonymous, 2:07pm
Hummm, I see I hit a sore spot. The definition of ignorance is "to lack knowledge or comprehension." No, my statement was not ignorant, the proof is in the statement. If you post here then run over to another blog to whine about 'preaching A.A. In a bar' what would that be? Is that comic relief? Ok, I'll laugh at that...ha, ha, ha!
Really, I'm not, take my word for it. Just makes my ignorant point even clearer.
Hummm, I see I hit a sore spot. The definition of ignorance is "to lack knowledge or comprehension." No, my statement was not ignorant, the proof is in the statement. If you post here then run over to another blog to whine about 'preaching A.A. In a bar' what would that be? Is that comic relief? Ok, I'll laugh at that...ha, ha, ha!
You do not even know who your talking to before you respond? Maybe you should.
Sages blog does not bash Jon. I want him to be in the kids life. They need his love and support.
My last comment here I said it was like preaching AA in a bar but it was deleted.
All I want is for you all to know that the twins and/or their classmates can google their name and find all this. That it is a mean cruel thing to do to the children, that is all
Because a site supports Kate does not mean it has to hate Jon, Jon's name is hardly ever spoken.
Also if it helps I went to ROL today and begged the same thing that I begged for here.
Kate's priorities. 1st, her contract with her savior, TLC. 2nd, her new boob, sorry, bob. 3rd, Nobu. 4th, DWTS. 5th, clubbing with the guys, whomever is the new flavor of the night that will further her star search. 6th, spa treatments. 7th, did I forget something. Oh, that's right the kids. Oh never mind, they are in the capable, loving care of their 5 nannies. Double check on that list.
Kate's priorities
Fame 1st
Money hide it
relatives too famous to bother with
church too famous to attend
friends small group only people that can help keep Kate 1st priority of fame allowed
Kids- Oh btw Kate has 8 kids. She probably doesn't even know their favorite friend at school, their favorite pair of shoes, what story they like to hear at night. Kate must stay on track Fame 1st.
Hater of Kate
Deconstructor of a mom that needs to be horse whipped and put in her place!
As far as publicity. This is my story and I am sticking to it. If the controversial things I say are gonna make or break whether Kate has the level of Fame she is hungry for. Then the stupid, ******* mom didn't stand a chance in heck of maintaining fame in the 1st place. Jon and Kate success was not only about Kate Gosselin. In fact, many times she was the butt of the show.
Kate was very quite for a few months but it didn't stop.
The topic of whether blogs should talk about the Gosselin children has been thoroughly discussed and beaten to a pulp. Any further comments as to this issue will be deleted. If folks can't comply, we will go back to moderated comments.
And its logic to make blogs about it so the kids can read so much worse from the public.
I know you have to know better than this.
Its mean and cruel to the children.
Name me one child who has forgot their parents' divorce, much less a public divorce played out in the tabloids.
Children are resiliant, therefore it's okay to neglect them, leave them back home all the time to be raised by nannies, live off their money, use them to get famous then abandon them, play out a divorce to their father in the tabloids and continue to insult their father, and pose for pictures knowing full well they will be in every single tabloids every time you take your kids to the store? That's some logic.
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