Just before Kate is set to take off for New York, she squeezed in some practice time with Tony at the house on Tuesday. Afterward, Tony said goodbye to the kids with high-fives.
22 sediments (sic) from readers:
Just as I thought, the children all match, let the cameras roll!
The kids are on vacation from school so it is back to work.
Although, I've read some of Tony's tweets and I don't doubt he'll be great with them. You can see the love for his kids in his tweets.
Wait until you see this weeks People. Kate has her legs and all wrapped all over a married man!
I wonder if the kids will make fun of her children at school after spring break. The woman is certifiably a tabloid mother of all mother.....
This is why people will soon learn about the real Kate. The more appearances she has the more she exposes her true personality. From Eonline.com:
Kate Gosselin and Johnny Weir's Family Ties
Today 10:58 AM PST by Marc Malkin and Dahvi Shira
Kate Gosselin and Johnny Weir are like family.
OK, not exactly. But who would have thought they sorta run in the same circles.
We'll let the Olympic figure skater explain...
"My cousins' house backs up to the house Jon and Kate lived in," Weir, 25, told us at Elton John and David Furnish's AIDS Foundation benefit.
Weir spent his younger years in Quarrysville, a small Pennsylvania town about 50 miles from his family and Gosselin's neighborhood in Wyomissing. "It's a very small and quiet area," the Olympian explained. "Everyone's like, 'What are paparazzi doing in the middle of Amish country?' It was really annoying for everybody."
Weir has met the world's most famous mother of eight and he is not rooting for her on Dancing With the Stars. "She was a terror," he hissed. "She was rude to everyone at this charity show, and showed up very late. She's not a film star. She's not a singer. And it's not really acceptable in those cases either, to be a nasty person." (FYI: Weir has thrown his support behind moon man astronaut Buzz Aldrin.)
In other words, don't expect to find Weir stopping by the Gosselin household when he visits his cousins. "The only thing I want to be on right now is Real Housewives of Atlanta," he said. "I want to be on the third season and be friends with Nene Leakes so badly."
Join the club, Mr. Weir.
BTW, I think this is probably the Stars & Stripes benefit that we heard about last September when Kate was so rude, but the fact remains her past behavior is catching up with her. This article was released today.
She stayed home all winter while Jon was running around here and there. I don't see what the problem is.
*Sigh* Julie, please take your blinders off.
Staying home one winter does not make up being away on book tours for weeks/months on end.
Staying home a few weeks in the winter does not make up for weeks/months of year-round absence on her book tours.
Admin-I'm having difficulty submitting comments so I shall go under anonymous
Admin-things are a little screwy. Please delete the comment under my9cats. and keep the anonymous one. I'll figure it out....lol.
Having a blonde-senior day here and at work.
or splashing your picture on the cover of tabloid magazines just because being famous means more to you then the welfare of your children. This woman makes me realize daily the important things in life are not the commandments that Kate lives by. 1.Thou shall do anything for TLC 2. Thou shall love and covet only TLC. Yuck!
Actually, for what it's worth, I just read from a local that Jon was always active with the kids during his visitation times this winter even when he was traveling around the country. It was said he could be seen outside with them when the days were nice enough.
I think saying she was gone for months is stretching it a bit. Unless you kept a spreadsheet tracking her time away from home I don't think any of you know exactly how long she was gone.Sometimes parents need to be gone to make a living. Lots of mothers work outside the home and it doesn't make you a bad mother.
I'm not an outdoors person. Just because you don't spend a lot of time outside playing with your kids doesn't mean you're not spending time with them. I spent time with my kids outside during the summer, swimming, the park, etc. I don't like spending a lot of time in the cold doesn't mean I'm a bad parent.
I don't think I'm the one who need to take the blinders off.
Julie~ please use your rationale where Jon is concerned too. Just because it isn't reported on ROL or pictures of him playing outside does not mean he hasn't seen them in months as is rumoured.
Maybe you don't need to take the blinders off but you do need to widen them.
Usually blinders don't come off willingly. Something, or several somethings happen that makes denial no longer possible. I know I was there in the past.
I never said he hadn't seen them in months. I'm sure he has spent time with them that we don't know about.
I just don't understand why everyone is so quick to jump on Kate.
The fact that Kate ALLEGEDLY stayed home all winter while Jon was with girls (I recall quite a few trips to NYC for Kate in there) doesn't mean it's okay to leave the kids now. It's not some kind of just keep the bucket full game where if you clock enough time with your kids in the past it's okay to abandon them at a later date, because you used to spend a lot of time with them. Also don't overlook the fact that one of the big reasons Jon felt so trapped was, in his own words, he was a stay at home dad while Kate went on her book tour pursuing her career in show biz. We will never know how much time either of them has truly spent with them, but it's completely fair to say that they have both abandoned the kids for days and weeks at a time--REPEATEDLY. It's fair to say the kids have been raised just as much by nannies as either one of them--video and photographic evidence as well as the parents' own admissions CONFIRMS THIS.
As for supporting the kids, I have an idea. Get a nursing job. In your own town. So you can be home with the kids every day. Somehow millions of single mothers manage to support their kids without doing a gig on Dancing With the Stars.
A nurses hours are not the greatest, a nanny would still be in place at home.
I think its the fact she continually says she will do anything for her children and acts as if she is struggling to survive as a single parent. Not very many 'struggling' parents can leave their kids for weeks just to get their hair done and promote themselves. I find it interesting that many people like to point out all of Jon's flaws and criticize him as absent father. Even counting the number of days that he was gone in "Hawaii", yet when someone does the same for Kate they are somehow disgraceful. The hypocrisy in the treatment of the two, is quite obvious and a main reason why people don't take statements for Kate supporters seriously.
Hi all,
One of my issues with Kate is the fact that she does not provide a consistent nanny for her children. I understand that she may need to go out of town for work, but, can she not keep 1 nanny consistently? She is always changing nannies. She recently hired a new one for her DWTS gig.
If Kate wants people to believe that she is a good mother, then, I think she has to prove it. Being with their Father is the next best thing. Prove you are not a selfish control freak Kate. It is not in your children's best interest to be raised by strangers. If you cannot be there , then, let their Father be there.
Just saying that you are good mother is not enough. Prove it.
An unnamed source said Kate wouldn't let Jon spend extra time with the kids.
Kate stated in her People interview that Jon was welcome to spend time with the kids while she was out of town. She said she was gone for 12 days and Jon spent 9 of them with the kids. She said she encourages him to spend time with the kids.
I'll believe her before some unnamed source in a tabloid magazine.
I never believed that story that Kate won't let Jon see the kids, and said so. It made absolutely no sense. All he would have to do is get his butt to family law court if Kate was denying him his visitation and stop being such a baby about it. This blog never published that reported--we sniffed it out and it smelled foul.
I think its the fact she continually says she will do anything for her children and acts as if she is struggling to survive as a single parent. Not very many 'struggling' parents can leave their kids for weeks just to get their hair done and promote themselves. I find it interesting that many people like to point out all of Jon's flaws and criticize him as absent father. Even counting the number of days that he was gone in "Hawaii", yet when someone does the same for Kate they are somehow disgraceful. The hypocrisy in the treatment of the two, is quite obvious and a main reason why people don't take statements for Kate supporters seriously.
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