Dr. Mintle sticks by her negative comments about Kate

The highlights:
- Their lives are a media spectacle. That is a fact. I do not believe it is healthy for Kate to stay in the limelight of Hollywood at this time
- I do not hate Kate. There is no place in the heart of any Christian to hate anyone. On the contrary, I am concerned about the choices she is making and the impact they are having on her family. (We don't hate Kate either--we hate her choices. Big difference.)
- For those of you who think she has to be a celebrity to make money to feed her children, I want to ask, is God limited to this as a provision? There are so many other ways that God could provide that wouldn’t exploit her. (Excellent points again, especially about Kate herself being exploited. The children aren't the only ones being taken advantage of, Kate is being exploited as well.)
- I can judge what she does against the Word of God and against what I know to be true to raise a healthy family. (Couldn't have said it better ourselves)
- Confronting behavior that leads someone down an unhealthy path is not hate. It is actually something we seem to have lost in the name of tolerance. (Again, well said.)
70 sediments (sic) from readers:
This is another interesting read about J & K found in Christanity Today a year ago.
Thank-you for this post. I am so glad that you posted this front and center. She is brave and IMO also happens to be on the right side of this issue and has told the truth about Kate's fame quest behavior being a very unhealthy lifestyle not only for herself but for her 8 children.
It's awfully telling when you as celebrity and a Christian go around wearing it on your sleeve only to have Christians THEMSELVES turning on you. It's one thing to have people who aren't Christians criticize, but people of your own faith are now saying Kate, wake up. When will Kate get it?
Nancy, she is on the right side. Absolutely.
Wow, the article listed in the first posting above is spot on. I don't remember having seen it before.
Great response she wrote!
Got this from Fox 5 online.... What is his family memorial fund? So only some of it went to the soccer team....
Will Thomas
Apr 29, 2010 11:33 p.m.
Former "Jon and Kate Plus 8" star Jon Gosselin made an appearance Thursday evening at a Frederick, Md. pub called The Greene Turtle.
Gosselin's brother is the coach for the Mount Saint Mary's University women's soccer team and he showed up at the pub for a fundraiser.
"People pay a $10 cover and take as many pictures as they want with me and all of the money goes to my family's memorial fund, which will donate much of it to the soccer team," Gosselin told FOX 5's Will Thomas.
A university spokesperson told reporters that Mount Saint Mary's University has no official connection to the charity featuring Gosselin.
Way to stand firm Dr. M.!
"...is God limited to this as a provision? There are so many other ways that God could provide that wouldn’t exploit her. "
I'm so sick of the free pass that self-professed Christians get.
Look at the actions, not the words, fans!
Really, Jon? You didn't get enough blood money from TLC to film those kids that you need to scam a portion of the money donated to the soccer team? Were people told that not all the cash is going to the team? What a bunch of two-bit grifters.
Great follow-up article by Dr. Mintle. I really admire her for not giving Kate a pass for bad behavior just because she's a Christian.
I'd also like to address the issue of "hater sites" which is mentioned in both the article and the comments after the article.
1. THIS site is quite different from a site like RWA. But more importantly:
2. WHAT in the world does the existence of sites that hate Kate have to do with Dr. Mintle's professional opinion? By telling her of their existence, is this going to change her professional opinion? No.
And what does informing advertisers of these so-called "hate" blogs accomplish. ALL they care about is how many people are letting them know that they will boycott their product....and why. They could care less about the existence of these blogs.
And what does informing Rep. Murt about these blogs accomplish? Rep. Murt is not really concerned with Kate. He is concerned with the children....and all children on reality TV and on amending the state laws regarding this.
Frankly, it's like a little kid running and tattling to mom and mom says "I don't care what he/she did. I'm concerned about what YOU did."
This is a total lack of critical thinking skills and obfuscation. Running and tattling about the so-called "hate blogs" accomplishes nothing. This is not Romper Room. This is behaving like children AND missing the entire point. OUR blogs in NO way factor into what Jon and Kate decide about their children. Just because you don't like US...that is TOTALLY unrelated to what Jon and Kate (and TLC) are doing to those children.
Blog Administrator, I need to contact you about something but when I click on email us on your side bar it takes me to Outlook and I don't use that. Do you have an email address that you use just for blog purposes?
And as far as this fundraiser goes, I will hold judgment until I see if Jon does indeed donate most, if not all, of the proceeds to the Mount St. Mary's University women's soccer team.
It sounded to me like Jon and his brother (who coaches the team) had set this up but later, the University did not want to sign-on as any sort of sponsor....probably because it was in a place that serves alcohol.
BUT...I am sure that they will have NO problem if Jon and/or his brother independently donate the money to the team. So I will wait and see if they actually do it. Hopefully, they will. Jon is going to look like a real ass if he doesn't and I hope he realizes that.
You could copy her adress and paste it in your @mail account
Email for the blog is 15minutesgosselin @ gmail . Com
This is not a hate site! Pointing out there are some people out there have said mean things about Kate has nothing to do with what this dr. is saying and is a tactic meant to distract from the real issue. It is a diversion.
I believe Kate and Jon have lost their first love.The world has gotten a hold of them and they don't know how to get loose. The love of money IS the root of all evil.
I also want to make it clear that I don't have a problem with RWA. I often read there. The women there are extremely witty and clever. And it is totally off-limits to criticize the children there.
BUT....this blog does have a different tone and ambiance to it....and I would absolutely not call us a hate blog. We don't hate Kate, we have a problem with much of her behavior...that subsequently affects her children in a negative way. JUST because we don't agree with the fan sites does NOT mean that we are haters.
To me, that's like calling "pro-choice" folks "anti-life"....which is just as ridiculous.
And I totally agree with Anonymous....calling us a hate site is simply to distract from the real issue and it IS a diversion.
So Tony is having a meeting with TLC?!?! For what? Hmmm. See, now that really makes me question his support of Kate. If he's getting anything out of their relationship then I would expect him to rave about her.
Okay,I know this is off the topic,but makes me wonder how many people really read this and other blogs! Sometimes I watch the 30 minute soap,called "Bold and Beautiful", and today Taylor's husband came into the sauna room to be with her,and he walked in with painted-on ab muscles! Just like kate's!! Okay, I thought it was funny!
I read recently that the 700 Club on CBN canceled a Kate appearance they had booked. I say BRAVO to CBN and I'm beyond thrilled to see Christians NOT giving her a pass just because she says she's a Christian. She's played the "I'm a Christian" angle/card simply as a way to flim-flam and scam well-meaning and caring Christians and I'm thrilled they're starting to see what's going on.
Schmecky Girl don't the kicked off contestants come back and dance in the end. Maybe TLC wants to shoot him practicing with Kate for one of her shows? They can only clean out the garage once a season!
Where did you learn of this meeting between Jon and TLC?
My perspective is that due to numerous recent events, TLC has realized that Jon is much more valuable to them than they thought. 1) they need his approval to film the children and 2) much of the success of the early J&K plus 8 was attributed to viewers liking the interactions between Jon and Kate, esp. on the couch. The numbers really fell when Jon left the show. It just wasn't all that interesting any more and Kate has none of the charisma that would have been needed to be able to pull the viewers in even without Jon.
As badly as she treated Jon on the show, he did seem to act as some sort of a buffer for her. But with him gone, all her narcissism and arrogance shone through brightly and she turned viewers off. Not only that, but Jon showed true heart-felt love for the children on the show...whereas she didn't...which also contributed to decreased viewership, IMO.
It is my opinion that the HUGE majority of their earlier audience watched the show because they loved to see a nice family show that showed how a couple managed to care for twins and sextuplet toddlers. With the divorce, the tabloid stories, etc....I think they have lost a huge percentage of those viewers.
They initially, IMO, thought they could go for the "single mom with 8 kids making it" angle for the new shows.....but recently realized that their chance for success increases significantly if they can get Jon back on the show.
Whether that will actually bring in the big numbers is yet to be seen. I do predict a huge spike for the premiers...just the curiosity factor....then I see Twist of Kate totally tanking. BUT the specials with the children...plus adding Jon back in....that, I can't really predict. We'll have to wait and see.
Hey, where's Kelly? Anyone hear how his visit went to where Jon was selling photos for charity? He said he was taking his camera, and would report back to us.Hope he's okay.
Sorry, SchmeckyGirl, I mis-read your post and see that it's Tony who is meeting with TLC, not Jon....though I'm sure Jon has also had numerous meetings with TLC also recently.
IMO, this is TLC scrambling in emergency/damage-control mode...due to the new shows starting very soon. I think one starts in May and the other starts some time in the summer.
They are probably offering Tony something to get him to portray Kate in the most flattering "Mommy" way. They are quickly trying to re-make her into the original Kate and do damage-control for the damage caused mainly by her being on DWTS.
However, IMO, anyone with half a brain would be able to see that Tony would be speaking the party line.....especially since they got to see plenty of examples of how frustrated and aggravated he was with her. So not really sure how much damage this is going to control.
I appreciate what Dr. Mintle has written, but does she understand that Kate is only being exploited by the media because that is what Kate wants? Attention is what makes her tick and preaching to her or about her isn't going to change how she behaves. Kate's not about anyone except herself otherwise she would never use her kids the way she does. She's not interested in working with childrens groups or hospitals or foundations because in an endeavor of that nature she wouldn't be the central figure. Her biggest problem isn't about religion or what's right or wrong in the eyes of God, it about her narcissism. IMO Dr. Mintle, as a therapist, should see that and address that issue on her blog.
Tony: Dancing With the Tups?
TonyDovolani Its just a general meeting ;)
That was his latest tweet.
I don't know... I think ABC and/or DWTS would own the Tony footage since it was on their dime. Maybe Tony is giving the kids dancing lessons on the show?
SchmeckyGirl said...
So Tony is having a meeting with TLC?!?! For what? Hmmm. See, now that really makes me question his support of Kate. If he's getting anything out of their relationship then I would expect him to rave about her.
On the last thread, there IS a post w/Tony going on about how wonderful Kate was/is.
As I said over at that thread, so Tony is now making money off the G8....those little money make..., I mean kids, are making their mama proud!
Yes, Dee3 I agree. Tony was on an article trying to offer some good PR. I think Tony is great. But, Khate well that is a whole other story.
#jimmyfallon tweeted:
Dancing w/ the Stars doesn’t know how they’ll manage without Kate Gosselin. But her kids said “Eh, you figure it out eventually”
Sounds to me like we'll either be seeing Tony giving the kids dancing lessons in their new basement dance studio, or they want Tony to talk Jon into doing DWTS.
I use the word "we'll" figuratively. There's not going to be anything on my TV pertaining to Gosselin.
Apparently, this reality show with Tori Spelling and her husband is also showing her children bathing naked, etc. I truly do not approve of this. I do not think naked children should be shown on TV.
And the ridiculous thing is....people have gotten in trouble for filming their own children naked in the bathtub and gotten in trouble for it...when they are only for their own personal use. Yet...filming it for TV and having it end up on you-tube, for literally millions to see is okay?
I don't get that. And this is the reason why I am mainly looking for laws to be enacted that protect children on reality TV...ALL the reality shows that show young children, on ANY channel.
Also....just think about this. Let's say that one of the tups wants to be a teacher. Could those naked and pooping videos cause her problems getting a job? Not because they are questioning HER/HIS values.....but that they might question how effective a teacher she/he might be if all her students learned that there was naked/pooping/poop pictures of her as a child on the internet?
What other consequences to these children could occur, when they become adults, due to them having been filmed without the ability to give legal consent? Children are not property/chattel JUST like a wife is NOT a husband's property/chattel. A husband canNOT volunteer his wife to pose naked in Playboy without her consent, for one example. Fair is fair.
Another article that is very insightful, also from a year ago, written by a neighbor of the Gosselins. Many of you may have read it already. I reread it today and thought this guy was "right on" in his accessment of the situation--much of which has come to pass.
Remember when the parents were arrested after they had some pictures of their children in the bathtub developed at Walmart and Walmart turned them into the police? What is the difference here?
Exclusive: Jon Gosselin Debuts His New Girlfriend!
Why Did Kate Gosselin's New Book Flop?
By Donna Kaufman ON Apr 30, 2010 at 1:13PM
John M. Heller/Getty Images
Apparently, Kate Gosselin's fans like her enough to keep her on Dancing with the Stars for three weeks -- but not enough to buy her book.
Gosselin's newest tome -- I Just Want You to Know: Letters to My Kids on Love, Faith, and Family -- has sold only 10,000 copies since its April 13 release. Not bad, but hardly the half-million sales that her first book, Multiple Bles8ings, racked up in its early weeks. The 35-year-old mother of eight is a bigger star than ever... so why the sluggish book sales this time? Three theories:
1. The cracks are showing. Perhaps the appeal of Gosselin's previous books came from everyone wondering, "How does she do it?" Moms everywhere wanted to know how Kate handled eight kids when we could barely handle one or two. But now that the Gosselins' marriage has fallen apart, we know she doesn't have it all figured out, after all -- and we're just not as eager for her pearls of parenting wisdom.
2. Where are the kids? The book jackets for Multiple Bles8ings (2008) and Eight Little Faces (2009) both featured adorable portraits of the Gosselin kids. I Just Want You To Know, on the other hand, looks like a cover of O magazine, with Kate instead of Oprah. Kate alone is a lot easier to pass over than those eight little smiles.
3. Kate overload. Sure, Jon & Kate Plus 8 was cancelled -- but between Kate's magazine covers, news coverage, and network TV appearances, we've barely noticed. And now she has two new reality-TV projects in the works with TLC. Is this really the moment to ask fans to fork over $23 for more Kate? How about we pay $23 to make her go away for a few months, so that when she returns, we'll be happy to see her again?
Read More http://www.ivillage.com/kate-gosselin-book-bombs-why/1-a-154922#ixzz0mciL7r6r
Kelly, did you happen to see them there?
Jon Gosselin made his first public outing with his new arm candy. On April 29, Jon showed up at the Greene Turtle bar in Frederick, Md., with his new girlfriend, Ellen Ross, a 23-year-old brunette who works for the Pennsylvania government.
“They’ve only been dating a few weeks now. They met through a mutual friend who works for the government,” a close friend of Jon’s tells Star. “They were at the Green Turtle bar to support a fundraiser for a local soccer team that Jon’s brother coaches.
“They were set up on a date by their friend. They met at a local coffee shop near Reading, Pa., for their first date. Jon was instantly attracted to her and says she’s sexy, funny, and smart. Ellen’s very down-to-earth and just fun to be around. She’s not a fame seeker and Jon really digs that about her.”
The friend says that Jon’s taking it one day at a time and just having fun. “Jon’s taking this one slowly. He’s very into Ellen and finds it much easier to date someone who’s also from Pennsylvania and lives near his kids. He’s hoping this one works out!”
If the article in Star Magazine is true, I sense that Jon is afraid to be alone. He jumps from one relationship to another without giving himself time to just enjoy his kids and his own company. Not that I'm an expert but I wonder if this is just a sign of low self-esteem. He doesn't feel strong being on his own. Maybe he has always had someone there to take care of him (even tho Khate bullied him) maybe he just can't rely on himself to make decisions so always need someone there to help him. Both Khate and Jon have issues and its unfortunate that either one of them is smart enough to realize it. If one of them will just step back and go for the help that they need, then maybe the kids will have the best chance in an already volitile (sp?)environment.
Odd that Kelly hasn't been online today...missing his usual postings full of sarcastic humor and telling it like it is. Kelly, I hope everything is ok...was he getting his results back today re. his biopsy? I hope its all positive :)
GKWay, I get the feeling Jon just likes having a steady young piece of a**, nothing nore. These young girls are craving the attention.
Part of Tony's responses. So maybe this is why he had aa meeting with TLC?
TVGuide.com: You're doing some acting now?
Dovolani: Yeah, I'm taking some meetings for a few things. I'm really excited. ... People are starting to realize that I have acting experience. It sets me a little apart because I've actually studied it. I'm kind of glad they're trying to recognize that. We're working out which direction we want to go. As long as I'm performing and providing entertainment, that's all I care about. I'm not afraid to make fun of myself.
One day I think, John will find the woman for him, maybe it is the one. She seems young but not that much. I don't care if he dates young woman, why not? She's not eightenn...she could be smart, funny, etc...even at that age.
He had a hard time with Kate, I do beleive that he needs someone, he's like that, it doesn't mean his a bad boy.
What is important is that we do or best so the kids don't film anymore. For my part, there is no more tlc in my home.
So Tony is an actor too? Hmmm. Maybe that's why he is able to act like Kate is the greatest... I wonder if he was acting when he said "I quit!"
Yuck! If my daughter who is almost 22, told me she was dating Jon (which I believe she is too smart to even give him a 2nd look), I would be pretty upset. First, as a mother who is also a step-mother with one stepson, I know how difficult a blended family can be -- now think about how difficult it would be for a very young girl to deal with 8 (count 'em) step-children and also have to deal with their mother! Second, Jon keeps jumping from one YOUNG girl to another -- he must think he's a 'stud'. He also comes with so much drama. What mother would want her daughter involved with him? As a mother, I would certainly not think of Jon as dream date/match! I wonder what these girls' moms are thinking?
Regarding the Star girlfriend report... I think I will wait to see if he's seen with her in public. That looks like it could have been one of the pics someone paid to take with Jon at the bar for charity.
If it is his girlfriend, I wonder if she had to pay the $10 for the picture.
Tony was in "Shall We Dance" with Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez.
LOL! That Jimmy Fallon tweet was soooooo funny! Thanks for sharing it.
GKWay said...
Odd that Kelly hasn't been online today...missing his usual postings full of sarcastic humor and telling it like it is. Kelly, I hope everything is ok...was he getting his results back today re. his biopsy? I hope its all positive :)
Thanks for thinking about me. DAMN, you guys are GREAT. I didn't think anyone actually cared considering that I go off on tangents with my opinions that no one actually asked for.
I'm here and thanks for the consideration. My biopsy results were negative, THANK GOD. I was out to dinner tonight with my girlfriend and just got home. We were enjoying the 88 degree temperature here in Baltimore and wanted to dine out in the open air.
Slow news day with the Gosselins, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Looking forward to going out on the boat tomorrow on the Chesapeake Bay and hoping like hell that the delivery person will bring all the food and beer we need, based on our GPS coordinates, just like they did with Jon Gosselin in the woods. Have a great weekend everyone.
Bbsak, Jon showing up at the Green Turtle with ANOTHER girlfriend is hilarious. Another 23 year old college aged girl that knows nothing about Jon but wants to hang with a 32 year old fat, balding father of 8......well, he brings alot to the table.
“They were set up on a date by their friend. They met at a local coffee shop near Reading, Pa., for their first date. Jon was instantly attracted to her and says she’s sexy, funny, and smart.
Jon would find anyone who wears a skirt, and is still doing final exams funny sexy and smart. I can't imagine any girl finding Jon, funny sexy and smart. In fact, if Jon performs on a date like he did on the "Jon and Kate Couch", I'm sure the girl he is with would rather pull olive pits from her teeth instead of trying to pull an interesting conversation out of old Stubby.
Speaking of Old Stubby, wait till she see's that!!! As Gomer Phyle would say....."SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE!
I'll give this new fling about six weeks before she finds out that Jon has about as much money as a 12 year old on their First Holy Communion and then she is a witness to the horror once Jon takes off his shirt. She'll be pissed that Jon's boobs are bigger than hers.
I appreciate what Dr. Mintle has written, but does she understand that Kate is only being exploited by the media because that is what Kate wants? [snipped] Her biggest problem isn't about religion or what's right or wrong in the eyes of God, it about her narcissism.
I agree 100%, Auntie. But, let's not forget that TLC and the tabloid media are complicit in the manipulation/exploitation of Kate because they are purposefully preying upon Kate's "illness"/"addiction"/whatever you want to call it. They know Kate will lick up every drop of spotlight they offer her -- because that's what motivates and sustains her. Kate subsists on the high of being the center of attention. They've all got her number, and will continue to feed her addiction so long as she's bringing in the $$$$$.
The irony to me, though, is that Kate sees herself as "a victim" because "she's a single mom; she's got 8 kids; the paps hound her; nobody knows how to help her; boys are icky; Dr. Tummy-tuck wouldn't give her a boob-job; she had to leave DWTS and go back to her self-proclaimed 'ghetto'-ville, PA" ... and the list goes on. In reality, Kate IS a "victim" -- but ironically NOT for the above reasons, but because she's being USED by the very hands that feed her. The media and TLC ARE using Kate, although her "disease" prevents her from seeing the truth that's right in front of her eyes.
This is in no way a defense of Kate or any of her horrendously horrendous behaviors, BTW. Anyone who reads my posts on another blog knows I think Kate's a complete waste of skin. Or, in Kate’s case, an overly-tanned, faux-six-packed waste of skin.
I just find the unfoldig irony so telling. So ridiculous. And so sad.
Paul Peterson posted this on Facebook:
"Needless to say that we at AMC will be watching VERY closely as the Gosselin children enter another production process...and this time our concerns will be announced BEFORE the horse leaves the barn. We have some solid friends in Pennsylvania now.
Paul Petersen
April 26 at 6:54pm"
French Canadian said...
Paul Peterson posted this on Facebook:
"Needless to say that we at AMC will be watching VERY closely as the Gosselin children enter another production process...and this time our concerns will be announced BEFORE the horse leaves the barn. We have some solid friends in Pennsylvania now.
Paul Petersen
April 26 at 6:54pm"
This is great to hear, that they're going to stay on top of it and watch this filming every step of the way. At least the kids will have an advocate this time.
Kelly came back with a "Bam!"
So glad to read the good news re: your biopsy.
Hey Schmecky, I posted about this girl a few days ago.
Hey Kelly,
So glad to hear that your test came back negative...I re-read my post and I meant that I hope things are positive for you, NOT that your test was positive. Anyways I'm sure you knew that but wanted to clarify.
As a cancer survivor, the worst thing was waiting and the unknown. Once I knew what I was dealing with, even though my biopsy came back 'positive' at least I knew what course of action to take and was easier to deal with. Dealing with stage 3 cancer at 24, it really forces you to think about what is truly important in your life and all the material stuff just isn't relevant. What is relevant is your family, your friends and having a positive outlook on life. It has been over 10 years and I have 2 wonderful boys and they are the light of my life (as well as my husband who stuck with me).
That is one reason why I can't understand J&K and their lack of vision when it comes to their beautiful kids, family and any true friends they might have had. At the end of the day, all that material wealth they have acquired can't be taken with them but their legacy will live on in their children and grandchildren. Unfortunately they probably won't leave their children with much of a loving memory or lasting positive legacy.
Hooray Kelly that is great news. We take great news especially like that.
Fallon has given us some of the Komic relief we need too. This whole thing is really a bad joke on Khate. Well, and the kids. I wonder how proud these kids will be when they grow up & realize the tabloid eklipse of this family really kaused their parents to become the butt of the joke.
Khate made People this week. There is a tiny article, she is not on of the World's most Beautiful for the issue (wonder why), & People did use her. They took a previous issue and used a page to advertise. They also made Khate the joke by offering the Khate Koupon Extravaganza and if you kut out the koupon the next issue is $1.00 off. Lordie bee!
I understand your point, and I might be wrong, but I think Kate is very savvy about how she is being portrayed. She's well aware that she is being used by TLC to exhibit her "peculiarities" (to put it mildly) and doesn't mind them doing that, as long as there's money and exposure in any way shape or form attached to it. Narcissism is a disorder without a resolution unless the person seeks help. How does a narcissist recognize that they are a narcissist? It's a definite catch22.
Personally, I don't think Kate is ever going to write a book entitled "I Just Want to Apologize".
I think I followed a link in one of the two articles from Linda and visited one of the blogs (I don't know which). I think it was a hate blog (gee, I thought they were talking about us -15 min or Werny Gal or Z or even GWOP but the site I ended up at was quite extreme. The posts seemed so rude, I thought I was on the other side. Eek.
IMO: The Tony acting / TLC thing is the payoff for not walking out when he quit.
Hi all. I haven't yet had time to catch up on the posts and comments here, (I'll get caught up soon), so forgive me if this has already been posted.
Khate's "book" went from #11 to #22 on the NY Times Best Sellers list:
NY Times Best Sellers - Hardcover Nonfiction
Damn, that was the most heartfelt statement I have ever read on any blog. God bless you, your husband and your kids. You've endured more in your short time on this globe than many people. You kept on fighting and hopefully, you'll get to the finish line. Thank you for sharing that with me, (us). It meant the world to me when I read it because I was feeling sorry for myself when there was a chance that I had cancer, thus the biopsy and the struggle, the tears and the fear of the final opinion.
I was fortunate. After reading your response, I felt selfish for having shared my potential outcome, yet you, having been through all of it, came out stronger and beat it, 10 years ago.
I'm humbled by your strength and all of us could use this lesson from your horrible diagnosis at state 3 yet you had the will, the strength and the support network to bring you through it, thus your testament to the future, your kids.
I hope you are doing well and thank you so much for sharing that.
Warmest personal regards,
Thanks! I'm just glad to hear that everything is fine with you. Best to you and your family!
Now, the battle to save those precious kids from their own greedy parents!
Somedays GKWay it seems like the laws protecting children in reality shows is so far away but then you just never know. People are genuinely seeing this whole thing for what it is.
Somedays GKWay it seems like the laws protecting children in reality shows is so far away but then you just never know. People are genuinely seeing this whole thing for what it is.
Hi all. I haven't yet had time to catch up on the posts and comments here, (I'll get caught up soon), so forgive me if this has already been posted.
Khate's "book" went from #11 to #22 on the NY Times Best Sellers list:
NY Times Best Sellers - Hardcover Nonfiction
Kelly came back with a "Bam!"
So glad to read the good news re: your biopsy.
Regarding the Star girlfriend report... I think I will wait to see if he's seen with her in public. That looks like it could have been one of the pics someone paid to take with Jon at the bar for charity.
If it is his girlfriend, I wonder if she had to pay the $10 for the picture.
I appreciate what Dr. Mintle has written, but does she understand that Kate is only being exploited by the media because that is what Kate wants? [snipped] Her biggest problem isn't about religion or what's right or wrong in the eyes of God, it about her narcissism.
I agree 100%, Auntie. But, let's not forget that TLC and the tabloid media are complicit in the manipulation/exploitation of Kate because they are purposefully preying upon Kate's "illness"/"addiction"/whatever you want to call it. They know Kate will lick up every drop of spotlight they offer her -- because that's what motivates and sustains her. Kate subsists on the high of being the center of attention. They've all got her number, and will continue to feed her addiction so long as she's bringing in the $$$$$.
The irony to me, though, is that Kate sees herself as "a victim" because "she's a single mom; she's got 8 kids; the paps hound her; nobody knows how to help her; boys are icky; Dr. Tummy-tuck wouldn't give her a boob-job; she had to leave DWTS and go back to her self-proclaimed 'ghetto'-ville, PA" ... and the list goes on. In reality, Kate IS a "victim" -- but ironically NOT for the above reasons, but because she's being USED by the very hands that feed her. The media and TLC ARE using Kate, although her "disease" prevents her from seeing the truth that's right in front of her eyes.
This is in no way a defense of Kate or any of her horrendously horrendous behaviors, BTW. Anyone who reads my posts on another blog knows I think Kate's a complete waste of skin. Or, in Kate’s case, an overly-tanned, faux-six-packed waste of skin.
I just find the unfoldig irony so telling. So ridiculous. And so sad.
Odd that Kelly hasn't been online today...missing his usual postings full of sarcastic humor and telling it like it is. Kelly, I hope everything is ok...was he getting his results back today re. his biopsy? I hope its all positive :)
Sounds to me like we'll either be seeing Tony giving the kids dancing lessons in their new basement dance studio, or they want Tony to talk Jon into doing DWTS.
I use the word "we'll" figuratively. There's not going to be anything on my TV pertaining to Gosselin.
I appreciate what Dr. Mintle has written, but does she understand that Kate is only being exploited by the media because that is what Kate wants? [snipped] Her biggest problem isn't about religion or what's right or wrong in the eyes of God, it about her narcissism.
I agree 100%, Auntie. But, let's not forget that TLC and the tabloid media are complicit in the manipulation/exploitation of Kate because they are purposefully preying upon Kate's "illness"/"addiction"/whatever you want to call it. They know Kate will lick up every drop of spotlight they offer her -- because that's what motivates and sustains her. Kate subsists on the high of being the center of attention. They've all got her number, and will continue to feed her addiction so long as she's bringing in the $$$$$.
The irony to me, though, is that Kate sees herself as "a victim" because "she's a single mom; she's got 8 kids; the paps hound her; nobody knows how to help her; boys are icky; Dr. Tummy-tuck wouldn't give her a boob-job; she had to leave DWTS and go back to her self-proclaimed 'ghetto'-ville, PA" ... and the list goes on. In reality, Kate IS a "victim" -- but ironically NOT for the above reasons, but because she's being USED by the very hands that feed her. The media and TLC ARE using Kate, although her "disease" prevents her from seeing the truth that's right in front of her eyes.
This is in no way a defense of Kate or any of her horrendously horrendous behaviors, BTW. Anyone who reads my posts on another blog knows I think Kate's a complete waste of skin. Or, in Kate’s case, an overly-tanned, faux-six-packed waste of skin.
I just find the unfoldig irony so telling. So ridiculous. And so sad.
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