I think she'll bomb again and I'm looking forward to watching her do it. These dances are tough for everyone, not just her. She's making excuses already, admitting to a meltdown in rehearsal because she heard the kids upstairs and decided she missed them so much. Please. I don't think they had much time to practice and when they did she's having meltdowns? Poor Tony drew the short straw with this one.
I wonder if she realizes GMA made an ass out of her this morning. They showed the clip of Tony heaving her around like he was spreading a sack of manure on the back lawn. Then they show both Pam and Neicy dancing very elegantly, so you know they're exploiting the absudity of her being on DWTS while they can. The interview with was nothing new. She said she's doing it "ForTheKids". I didn't expect she'd say anything different.
Niecy got Kate right below the belt & Kate didn't even see it coming. Teenagers Kate has no idea what she has to look forward too.
Well, I think the whole reason Kate doesn't try is she is just a prop for ratings. She doesn't have to try they are giving her a free pass. I think also Kate spends more time flirting, going to get nails, riding around with the partner. Blogging now on her Kate does a fake take...She just wants the money and ABC is giving it to her.
Musings from the Moon was the first blog to ever link to me. I haven't been in awhile so I don't know if she's stopped talking about the Gosselins but there's a lot of stuff about them in the archives that would still be helpful.
For that matter why am I still linking to GWOP? You got me! All they do is post "discussion threads," rarely real content, and their administrator Sharla continues to come here to harass me with my real name and personal info about me. I know it is GWOP (and I know it's YOU Sharla/Abacus!) because she is the only person who knows my real name (after I graciously gave her permission to post a letter to the editor of mine which featured my real name, on the condition she did not identify that was me--yeah never trust HER). She continues to post my real name here and harass me. I don't harass them or even visit there, so I guess GWOP is jealous of this blog? I love it!
Compare the importance and substantialness of Niecy Nash's story in her dance to Kate's. Niecy's is about the struggles of a mixed race romantic relationship and she's doing beautifully. Kate's is about oooh ohhh the paps! They take my pitcher too much!
Admin, I am sorry to hear that "Sharla" woman is harrassing you. She's a real treat isn't she? I could go on, but I wont....anyway, GWOP is a bore and they know it. This is a great blog and thanks for running it!
Thanks Marnie! When I don't like a blog, I simply left it and started my own. Those nutty cat ladies tracked me down at my own blog in my yard and continue to harass me....wtf, I have not spoken to them since SEPTEMBER! Seriously cat ladies, it's APRIL! Anyway it feels good to just expose what is going on. Thanks to 98 percent of you for not causing any kinds of problems and making this a great blog!
I love your blog also. I think I saw something before about Gwop being upset with you but I can't really remember why. Was it just because you started this blog?
Ok well, that was THE worst dance she has done. In fact, I'm not sure that qualified as a dance. Like Bruno said, she sort of walked all over the floor and Tony lifted her leg a few times, etc etc.
That was so awful, I almost couldn't watch and I LOVE seeing her screw up and embarrass herself.
Even Carrie Ann had nothing positive to say. She just ended with "I'm sorry..."
But here's the thing, folks: who choreographed that? Whoever choreographed that didn't even give her any dance steps! That wasn't a paso doble! TONY hardly had to dance! He's having to dumb down his own moves times 1000. If Tony choreographed that, then I KNOW he wants to be eliminated and put out of his misery. Because there's no way that was going to get good scores with her just walking all over the floor. Someone KNOWS she can't dance and isn't even giving her dance moves anymore.
I almost want to see her survive because I want to see how much worse it can get!
Cella, it was just a difference of opinion as to how GWOP should be run. No big deal and I decided that was enough for me and left ... until the cat ladies TRACKED ME DOWN AND STARTED POSTING MY REAL NAME AND OTHER PERSONAL INFO about me in comments HERE and I even had to go to moderated comments for awhile to stop it.
Kate can't dance. Period. She needs to go home and take care of her babies and thank a Higher Power that they are all healthy and well. I wish she would see what she's missing. She's tried dancing. Now it's time to put it to rest and tend to the kids needs. They've waited long enough.
Yeah, seriously. If you aren't even being assigned dance moves anymore, you really need to stop. If I were her, I would pray they eliminate me tomorrow just to avoid further humiliation, but I'm normal and not an attention whore.
It's almost like Kate isn't even trying. But, I agree that for this dance it may be Tony's fault if he did indeed do the choreography. It was terrible all around...not just Kate's zombie-like movement.
And why did they not show more of the teaser with Kate crying again during practice? Bringing in the acting coach was a big waste, by the way.
Folks, of course Kate's not trying! She KNOWS she's got it in the bag for at least another week because TLC is paying ABC to put up with her sorry a**. And if (huge IF) TLC is not behind the payoff then it's the ratings. (I swear, I have lost so much respect for ABC.) Kate never works at anything, she always expects it to be handed to her.
Admin, you're doing an awesome job with this blog. I never frequented GWOP because I heard they were a little too full of themselves. Evidently my source was right on.
Tony had no choice. I don't think there's anything he could have put together that she would have been able express with feeling. Going through the motions just doesn't get it and she's done that for three dances now.
I have never taught ballroom, but I taught tap, jazz and ballet to children for over 20 years. Tony obviously had to dumb down that routine to a level she could perform and what you saw was the best he could drag out of her. I can just picture him re-working the routine over and over so it would be simple enough that she wouldn't forget the steps AGAIN. Poor Tony...there is nothing else to say, just poor, poor Tony.
I don't get it: I agree with you. He probably came up with a "normal" medium ability paso doble and then had to re-work it and re-work it and re-work it.
Remember how he twittered earlier that the paso would be her best dance yet? Wow. Now that seems rather cruel! LOL!
Ahhhhh! I just watched Kart's dance on youtube! What the ??? She has NO dignity or self respect! I feel embarassed FOR her & I don't even like her!
Poor Tony had to dumb his dance down, so he can teach her the way she learns. Apparently she didn't get it so he had to push the Kart around again & swing the buffalo's leg up and around, AGAIN & AGAIN! Is DWTS / ABC promising weekly hazardous bonus' to Tony so keep the comedic show rolling? After all, its cost effective for her to continue shaming herself, oops so sorry, working for the sake of her kids.
(Sorry Admin, posted this on the Kart interview thread)
Oh my, Tony dumbs down the dance. Hair & makeup slap a scarecrow wig on her. Wardrobe recycles the weirdest dress I've ever seen to make her look ??indescribable??
Seriously, I feel ashamed for her. Where is her dignity to pass off this freaking Frankinstein interpretation of her life as a Paso Doble??!!
Please go home! Go on your book tour! Anywhere BUT DWTS. PLEASE!
Did anybody else notice that Tony grinned happily when their scores were announced? I thought he believed that meant they might be gone tomorrow night and he could get his life back.
To Admin: When you write up your great review could you please include all the comments that the different judges made about Kate. The comments were bad and should be put in writing as a testament to THE GREAT KATE (lol)!
Last week in an interview Kate said that she wears her emotions on her face. She can't hide how she's feeling. This week she says she's not allowed to show emotion. Which is it?
I wish Tony would say nothing at all instead of this hype, Kate rocked? Also, I wonder now if Tony had lunch with the paparazzi to get some insight into his role...hmmm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
TonyDovolani In the story I did say that the press photographers are the good guys and I definitely appreciate them!!!!! :-)
about 1 hour ago via UberTwitter
TonyDovolani I am very proud of Kate tonight she rocked
I just finished watching the show and purposely avoided reading anyone elses opinion until I watched it. Oh dear what can anyone say except Check Please.
Kate, get your belongings together and go home. Go get a degree in nursing that pays well and reconcile yourself with the fact that being a real mom is hard work but so more rewarding and (and so much less embarrassing) than what you're doing now. If you cared you'd balance nursing with raising eight lovely children. Honey, you're not cut for stardom and tonight you proved it.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha....I can't stop laughing! Kart's stomping around like a bull, no wait, bulls are so much more graceful. Ok, I take it back!
She is ridiculous, has no dignity, continues to embarass herself, her children, her family (whomever has NOT been ostracized by her heinous), and me. Oh, did I say that. YES, I'm embarassed for her.
Kart, please fill your wagon with your bags, your tissue box, your cost effective $$ earned for your comedic act and PLEASE, PLEASE go home to your kids. No wait, you still have your book tours to take you away from your kids. Guess the kids will just have to wait until you're good & ready to go home.
Wait, I just saw the part where she had an acting coach to help her with her bottled up feelings. AND she uses a punching bag to expressed her frustrations. AND she blames everyone else for WHY PEOPLE LEAVE HER! Don't they know she's just reinforcing her aggression. NO, NO, NO!! She desparately needs to go into therapy to discover WHY she destroys everyone around her just to make herself feel better.
For a brief moment, I wanted to feel sorry for her then I saw her stomping down the stairs. I was afraid, REALLY afraid b/c she looked like a freak from a B-rated horror film. Carrie Ann, "You looked odd." Len, "You looked pedestrian." Bruno, "You looked like a Super Bitch from Hell!" Tom, "...and that was a compliment!" Bruno earns a 10 from me!! Woo Hoo!
OOoo, Jake is nodding to support Kart! WTH! Tony looks happy. Maybe he really wanted to say, "NO, don't phone!" Kate gives Tony the same glaring look from last week.
She's a Super Bitch, Super Bitch, she's SUPER BITCHY! (sung to the tune of Super Freak)
Kate acts as if she does it all.forget the nannies, chef, house cleaners, etc. Why, why, why doesn't the press really investigate how much time she spends Away from ". .the kids."
BTW - I am voting for Pam. Tried last night and kept getting rejections on laptop. Used land line and cell to register. This morning [6:35 a.m. I check time as I have medication that needs 30-minutes to work] I began voting for Pam, and voting and voting. A neighbor interrupted me. When I resumed voting the counter kicked in for 10 votes. Now If I could do it and I am a first time voter/watcher how many of Kate wannabes are doing the same thing. FYI I voted for 15-minutes.
I thought it was hilarious that the routine ended with Kate desperately clutching the 'Papparrazo's' leg ... My Reading of the body language sees 'please don't leave me, I need you'. A really strange way to end a dance that was supposed to be about her needing power over them! I live in Australia, been following this trainwreck online. Is the only way to vote by phone or can I vote online? Would live to see Nicey win!
Well, Kate has no shame! I really feel bad for her kids. I'm sure their fellow students are having a lot of fun with mommy dancing.
If Aiden Turner goes home tonite, I will be very suspicious of this show. He has a previous commitment to a soaps cruise from April 9th thru the 12th. In an ABC soaps in depth article, it said if he was still in the competition they would have Edyta go with him on cruise and video from there.
If that happens, I think I will vote for Kate next week just to see if we can manipulate the system. She is probably scheduled to finish next week, so she can do her book tour. I wonder if we could make her stay longer than she wants?
ABC has to defend DWTS against accusations of vote rigging the longer Kate stays in the competition. The judges seem to be saying they are not going to bother judging her anymore,too stupid for words
She looked awful, danced even worse. They're making a mockery out of her and I'm loving it. Karma is starting to kick in because up until now everything has been handed to her courtesy of her kids. She has to work without her eight little money makers doing it for her and it's killing her. I hope her fans keep her on.
Jon now wants primary custody and Kate to pay spousal support. What kind of person needs $20,000 a month to support their kids and still can't afford milk? http://www.tmz.com/2010/04/06/jon-gosselin-kate-gosselin-child-custody-/#comments
Jon Gosselin thinks "Dancing with the Stars" is damaging his kids, thanks to Kate Gosselin ... and Jon now wants primary custody as well as spousal support from his ex ... TMZ has learned.
Jon's new lawyer, former assistant U.S. Attorney Anthony F. List, tells TMZ he's going to court to ask for primary physical custody. List calls Kate, "an absentee mom," which he says is no surprise to anyone.
List expects to use "DWTS" as evidence that Kate does not spend "quality time with the 8 kids."
List also thinks Jon is getting screwed in the child support department, claiming "$20,000 a month is ridiculous."
In addition to primary custody, List says he's considering asking the judge to reverse the support obligation and make Kate pay Jon. He did not specify the amount.
Anthony List is a top-notch attorney. I don't know him personally, here's the but, I worked 3-years as a paralegal in Media, PA and the talk was how well presented List's work was. Go Jon.
Didn't want to overload my first comment, here's my take on Kate. She has her following of 'wannabes'. Watching her reaction[s] to Pam I have concluded that she is a "Pam wannabe" . Kate is wearing red, sitting in the stands before her pasa doble doing a mean face as a prelude. I have put my support in for Pam. Pam does a great dance, lots of energy And she is liked by the other contestants. Well, Erin not so much. Erin stated that she and Kate twitter each other! Oh,yes the bent arm salute was in front of Pam's face. Not the way to treat a fellow contestant. Pam will not get mad she will get even. Niecy has Kate's number good for her. BTW an interviewer on ABC asked Kate how she felt about not being invited to the after dance get togethers. Yah, Kate said that she was too tired taking care of the kids, etc.
Well, Kate has no shame! I really feel bad for her kids. I'm sure their fellow students are having a lot of fun with mommy dancing.
If Aiden Turner goes home tonite, I will be very suspicious of this show. He has a previous commitment to a soaps cruise from April 9th thru the 12th. In an ABC soaps in depth article, it said if he was still in the competition they would have Edyta go with him on cruise and video from there.
If that happens, I think I will vote for Kate next week just to see if we can manipulate the system. She is probably scheduled to finish next week, so she can do her book tour. I wonder if we could make her stay longer than she wants?
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha....I can't stop laughing! Kart's stomping around like a bull, no wait, bulls are so much more graceful. Ok, I take it back!
She is ridiculous, has no dignity, continues to embarass herself, her children, her family (whomever has NOT been ostracized by her heinous), and me. Oh, did I say that. YES, I'm embarassed for her.
Kart, please fill your wagon with your bags, your tissue box, your cost effective $$ earned for your comedic act and PLEASE, PLEASE go home to your kids. No wait, you still have your book tours to take you away from your kids. Guess the kids will just have to wait until you're good & ready to go home.
Last week in an interview Kate said that she wears her emotions on her face. She can't hide how she's feeling. This week she says she's not allowed to show emotion. Which is it?
Want to see your comment published? Follow a few simple rules:
1. Do not use Anonymous. Pick a name (click Name/URL to type in a name) and stick to the same name. 2. Anonymous insider stories should be emailed to us directly (in confidence). They will not be posted here unless we can verify the validity, such as with photos. This is not to discourage legitimate insiders from speaking out, but to guard against all the fake stories out there. 3. No insulting other posters or picking fights, refusing to let things go and move on. Stop with the snotty comments--they will be rejected. Treat people here like how you would talk to the person you most respect in your life, it's just pleasant that way. 4. No trash talking other blogs/bloggers here.
62 sediments (sic) from readers:
I think she'll bomb again and I'm looking forward to watching her do it. These dances are tough for everyone, not just her. She's making excuses already, admitting to a meltdown in rehearsal because she heard the kids upstairs and decided she missed them so much. Please.
I don't think they had much time to practice and when they did she's having meltdowns? Poor Tony drew the short straw with this one.
I wonder if she realizes GMA made an ass out of her this morning. They showed the clip of Tony heaving her around like he was spreading a sack of manure on the back lawn. Then they show both Pam and Neicy dancing very elegantly, so you know they're exploiting the absudity of her being on DWTS while they can. The interview with was nothing new. She said she's doing it "ForTheKids". I didn't expect she'd say anything different.
I thought the GMA interview was hilarious.
Niecy got Kate right below the belt & Kate didn't even see it coming. Teenagers Kate has no idea what she has to look forward too.
Well, I think the whole reason Kate doesn't try is she is just a prop for ratings. She doesn't have to try they are giving her a free pass.
I think also Kate spends more time flirting, going to get nails, riding around with the partner. Blogging now on her Kate does a fake take...She just wants the money and ABC is giving it to her.
Hi Irene - you forget tanning! LOL.
Why do you still have a link to Musings from the Moon? That blog no longer is a Gosselin blog. Just curious.
What did Niecy Nash say to Kate? Niecy is my FAVORITE dancer! I vote for her every time.
Well, she looks absolutely awful with that cheap wig on. Ug.
Musings from the Moon was the first blog to ever link to me. I haven't been in awhile so I don't know if she's stopped talking about the Gosselins but there's a lot of stuff about them in the archives that would still be helpful.
For that matter why am I still linking to GWOP? You got me! All they do is post "discussion threads," rarely real content, and their administrator Sharla continues to come here to harass me with my real name and personal info about me. I know it is GWOP (and I know it's YOU Sharla/Abacus!) because she is the only person who knows my real name (after I graciously gave her permission to post a letter to the editor of mine which featured my real name, on the condition she did not identify that was me--yeah never trust HER). She continues to post my real name here and harass me. I don't harass them or even visit there, so I guess GWOP is jealous of this blog? I love it!
Compare the importance and substantialness of Niecy Nash's story in her dance to Kate's. Niecy's is about the struggles of a mixed race romantic relationship and she's doing beautifully. Kate's is about oooh ohhh the paps! They take my pitcher too much!
Admin, I am sorry to hear that "Sharla" woman is harrassing you. She's a real treat isn't she? I could go on, but I wont....anyway, GWOP is a bore and they know it. This is a great blog and thanks for running it!
Thanks Marnie! When I don't like a blog, I simply left it and started my own. Those nutty cat ladies tracked me down at my own blog in my yard and continue to harass me....wtf, I have not spoken to them since SEPTEMBER! Seriously cat ladies, it's APRIL! Anyway it feels good to just expose what is going on. Thanks to 98 percent of you for not causing any kinds of problems and making this a great blog!
I love your blog also. I think I saw something before about Gwop being upset with you but I can't really remember why. Was it just because you started this blog?
This week the Stepford Wife Shopping Kart is the Super Bitch from Hell.
Way to go Bruno.
BRUNO!!!! LOL. Super bitch from hell omg.
Ok well, that was THE worst dance she has done. In fact, I'm not sure that qualified as a dance. Like Bruno said, she sort of walked all over the floor and Tony lifted her leg a few times, etc etc.
That was so awful, I almost couldn't watch and I LOVE seeing her screw up and embarrass herself.
Even Carrie Ann had nothing positive to say. She just ended with "I'm sorry..."
But here's the thing, folks: who choreographed that? Whoever choreographed that didn't even give her any dance steps! That wasn't a paso doble! TONY hardly had to dance! He's having to dumb down his own moves times 1000. If Tony choreographed that, then I KNOW he wants to be eliminated and put out of his misery. Because there's no way that was going to get good scores with her just walking all over the floor. Someone KNOWS she can't dance and isn't even giving her dance moves anymore.
I almost want to see her survive because I want to see how much worse it can get!
Cella, it was just a difference of opinion as to how GWOP should be run. No big deal and I decided that was enough for me and left ... until the cat ladies TRACKED ME DOWN AND STARTED POSTING MY REAL NAME AND OTHER PERSONAL INFO about me in comments HERE and I even had to go to moderated comments for awhile to stop it.
Kate can't dance. Period. She needs to go home and take care of her babies and thank a Higher Power that they are all healthy and well. I wish she would see what she's missing. She's tried dancing. Now it's time to put it to rest and tend to the kids needs. They've waited long enough.
I watched Kate's "dance" over on rickey.org, link posted above. What a joke, simply ridiculous.
Yeah, seriously. If you aren't even being assigned dance moves anymore, you really need to stop. If I were her, I would pray they eliminate me tomorrow just to avoid further humiliation, but I'm normal and not an attention whore.
It's almost like Kate isn't even trying. But, I agree that for this dance it may be Tony's fault if he did indeed do the choreography. It was terrible all around...not just Kate's zombie-like movement.
And why did they not show more of the teaser with Kate crying again during practice? Bringing in the acting coach was a big waste, by the way.
Ha! Watch it with the sound off and it's even worse, if that's possible.
I'm only seeing 3 comments and the comment link says there are 20 comments. What's up with that?
Try refreshing Lauren.
Folks, of course Kate's not trying! She KNOWS she's got it in the bag for at least another week because TLC is paying ABC to put up with her sorry a**. And if (huge IF) TLC is not behind the payoff then it's the ratings. (I swear, I have lost so much respect for ABC.) Kate never works at anything, she always expects it to be handed to her.
Admin, you're doing an awesome job with this blog. I never frequented GWOP because I heard they were a little too full of themselves. Evidently my source was right on.
Kart should do the right thing and volunteer to leave.
LMAO at the old cat ladies. ;)
Tony had no choice. I don't think there's anything he could have put together that she would have been able express with feeling. Going through the motions just doesn't get it and she's done that for three dances now.
I have never taught ballroom, but I taught tap, jazz and ballet to children for over 20 years. Tony obviously had to dumb down that routine to a level she could perform and what you saw was the best he could drag out of her. I can just picture him re-working the routine over and over so it would be simple enough that she wouldn't forget the steps AGAIN. Poor Tony...there is nothing else to say, just poor, poor Tony.
Here's a video of Tony and seven other pros doing a Paso. I hope he's getting a bonus for having Kart as a partner.
I don't get it: I agree with you. He probably came up with a "normal" medium ability paso doble and then had to re-work it and re-work it and re-work it.
Remember how he twittered earlier that the paso would be her best dance yet? Wow. Now that seems rather cruel! LOL!
I found this from DWTS 2008: Tony with Melissa Rycroft (one of the contestants) doing a paso doble.
Wow. The difference is AMAZING.
What Tony did tonight with Kate wasn't even a Paso Doble at all. And the great thing is, that link above to the 2008 dance has another Lady Gaga song!
Ahhhhh! I just watched Kart's dance on youtube! What the ??? She has NO dignity or self respect! I feel embarassed FOR her & I don't even like her!
Poor Tony had to dumb his dance down, so he can teach her the way she learns. Apparently she didn't get it so he had to push the Kart around again & swing the buffalo's leg up and around, AGAIN & AGAIN! Is DWTS / ABC promising weekly hazardous bonus' to Tony so keep the comedic show rolling? After all, its cost effective for her to continue shaming herself, oops so sorry, working for the sake of her kids.
(Sorry Admin, posted this on the Kart interview thread)
Oh my, Tony dumbs down the dance. Hair & makeup slap a scarecrow wig on her. Wardrobe recycles the weirdest dress I've ever seen to make her look ??indescribable??
Seriously, I feel ashamed for her. Where is her dignity to pass off this freaking Frankinstein interpretation of her life as a Paso Doble??!!
Please go home! Go on your book tour! Anywhere BUT DWTS. PLEASE!
Did anybody else notice that Tony grinned happily when their scores were announced? I thought he believed that meant they might be gone tomorrow night and he could get his life back.
To Admin: When you write up your great review could you please include all the comments that the different judges made about Kate. The comments were bad and should be put in writing as a testament to THE GREAT KATE (lol)!
Last week in an interview Kate said that she wears her emotions on her face. She can't hide how she's feeling.
This week she says she's not allowed to show emotion. Which is it?
I wish Tony would say nothing at all instead of this hype, Kate rocked? Also, I wonder now if Tony had lunch with the paparazzi to get some insight into his role...hmmm.
TonyDovolani In the story I did say that the press photographers are the good guys and I definitely appreciate them!!!!! :-)
about 1 hour ago via UberTwitter
TonyDovolani I am very proud of Kate tonight she rocked
about 1 hour ago via UberTwitter
I just finished watching the show and purposely avoided reading anyone elses opinion until I watched it. Oh dear what can anyone say except Check Please.
Kate, get your belongings together and go home. Go get a degree in nursing that pays well and reconcile yourself with the fact that being a real mom is hard work but so more rewarding and (and so much less embarrassing) than what you're doing now. If you cared you'd balance nursing with raising eight lovely children. Honey, you're not cut for stardom and tonight you proved it.
Corrections, lol. Hit post instead of preview
so much more rewarding
you're not cut out for stardom
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha....I can't stop laughing! Kart's stomping around like a bull, no wait, bulls are so much more graceful. Ok, I take it back!
She is ridiculous, has no dignity, continues to embarass herself, her children, her family (whomever has NOT been ostracized by her heinous), and me. Oh, did I say that. YES, I'm embarassed for her.
Kart, please fill your wagon with your bags, your tissue box, your cost effective $$ earned for your comedic act and PLEASE, PLEASE go home to your kids. No wait, you still have your book tours to take you away from your kids. Guess the kids will just have to wait until you're good & ready to go home.
Wait, I just saw the part where she had an acting coach to help her with her bottled up feelings. AND she uses a punching bag to expressed her frustrations. AND she blames everyone else for WHY PEOPLE LEAVE HER! Don't they know she's just reinforcing her aggression. NO, NO, NO!! She desparately needs to go into therapy to discover WHY she destroys everyone around her just to make herself feel better.
For a brief moment, I wanted to feel sorry for her then I saw her stomping down the stairs. I was afraid, REALLY afraid b/c she looked like a freak from a B-rated horror film. Carrie Ann, "You looked odd." Len, "You looked pedestrian." Bruno, "You looked like a Super Bitch from Hell!" Tom, "...and that was a compliment!" Bruno earns a 10 from me!! Woo Hoo!
OOoo, Jake is nodding to support Kart! WTH! Tony looks happy. Maybe he really wanted to say, "NO, don't phone!" Kate gives Tony the same glaring look from last week.
She's a Super Bitch, Super Bitch, she's SUPER BITCHY! (sung to the tune of Super Freak)
"you looked odd" I spit up my water on that one.
Kate acts as if she does it all.forget the nannies, chef, house cleaners, etc. Why, why, why doesn't the press really investigate how much time she spends Away from ". .the kids."
BTW - I am voting for Pam. Tried last night and kept getting rejections on laptop. Used land line and cell to register. This morning [6:35 a.m. I check time as I have medication that needs 30-minutes to work] I began voting for Pam, and voting and voting. A neighbor interrupted me. When I resumed voting the counter kicked in for 10 votes. Now If I could do it and I am a first time voter/watcher how many of Kate wannabes are doing the same thing. FYI I voted for 15-minutes.
I thought it was hilarious that the routine ended with Kate desperately clutching the 'Papparrazo's' leg ... My Reading of the body language sees 'please don't leave me, I need you'. A really strange way to end a dance that was supposed to be about her needing power over them!
I live in Australia, been following this trainwreck online. Is the only way to vote by phone or can I vote online? Would live to see Nicey win!
Well, Kate has no shame! I really feel bad for her kids. I'm sure their fellow students are having a lot of fun with mommy dancing.
If Aiden Turner goes home tonite, I will be very suspicious of this show. He has a previous commitment to a soaps cruise from April 9th thru the 12th. In an ABC soaps in depth article, it said if he was still in the competition they would have Edyta go with him on cruise and video from there.
If that happens, I think I will vote for Kate next week just to see if we can manipulate the system. She is probably scheduled to finish next week, so she can do her book tour. I wonder if we could make her stay longer than she wants?
Isn't it amazing how awful Kate is?
ABC has to defend DWTS against accusations of vote rigging the longer Kate stays in the competition. The judges seem to be saying they are not going to bother judging her anymore,too stupid for words
She looked awful, danced even worse. They're making a mockery out of her and I'm loving it. Karma is starting to kick in because up until now everything has been handed to her courtesy of her kids. She has to work without her eight little money makers doing it for her and it's killing her. I hope her fans keep her on.
Jon now wants primary custody and Kate to pay spousal support. What kind of person needs $20,000 a month to support their kids and still can't afford milk?
Mosbius! Where have you been??!?!?!?!?!
Jon Gosselin Goes After Kate in Court
Posted Apr 6th 2010 12:40PM by TMZ Staff
Jon Gosselin thinks "Dancing with the Stars" is damaging his kids, thanks to Kate Gosselin ... and Jon now wants primary custody as well as spousal support from his ex ... TMZ has learned.
Jon's new lawyer, former assistant U.S. Attorney Anthony F. List, tells TMZ he's going to court to ask for primary physical custody. List calls Kate, "an absentee mom," which he says is no surprise to anyone.
List expects to use "DWTS" as evidence that Kate does not spend "quality time with the 8 kids."
List also thinks Jon is getting screwed in the child support department, claiming "$20,000 a month is ridiculous."
In addition to primary custody, List says he's considering asking the judge to reverse the support obligation and make Kate pay Jon. He did not specify the amount.
Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0kLQE3ysw
And lets not forget her mentioning her kids AGAIN last night !
Does Kate have any children? I haven't heard her talk about any. And just who is she? What did she write a book about? Is she someone important?
The Tango and Rumba are on tap for next week.
Anthony List is a top-notch attorney. I don't know him personally, here's the but, I worked 3-years as a paralegal in Media, PA and the talk was how well presented List's work was. Go Jon.
Didn't want to overload my first comment, here's my take on Kate. She has her following of 'wannabes'. Watching her reaction[s] to Pam I have concluded that she is a "Pam wannabe" . Kate is wearing red, sitting in the stands before her pasa doble doing a mean face as a prelude. I have put my support in for Pam. Pam does a great dance, lots of energy And she is liked by the other contestants. Well, Erin not so much. Erin stated that she and Kate twitter each other! Oh,yes the bent arm salute was in front of Pam's face. Not the way to treat a fellow contestant. Pam will not get mad she will get even. Niecy has Kate's number good for her. BTW an interviewer on ABC asked Kate how she felt about not being invited to the after dance get togethers. Yah, Kate said that she was too tired taking care of the kids, etc.
Please tell me what Niecy said about Kate. Sounds like Kart isn't the ducky her PR team is trying to make her out to be.
I'm so happy to have discovered this site!
Does Kate have any children? I haven't heard her talk about any. And just who is she? What did she write a book about? Is she someone important?
Well, Kate has no shame! I really feel bad for her kids. I'm sure their fellow students are having a lot of fun with mommy dancing.
If Aiden Turner goes home tonite, I will be very suspicious of this show. He has a previous commitment to a soaps cruise from April 9th thru the 12th. In an ABC soaps in depth article, it said if he was still in the competition they would have Edyta go with him on cruise and video from there.
If that happens, I think I will vote for Kate next week just to see if we can manipulate the system. She is probably scheduled to finish next week, so she can do her book tour. I wonder if we could make her stay longer than she wants?
Isn't it amazing how awful Kate is?
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha....I can't stop laughing! Kart's stomping around like a bull, no wait, bulls are so much more graceful. Ok, I take it back!
She is ridiculous, has no dignity, continues to embarass herself, her children, her family (whomever has NOT been ostracized by her heinous), and me. Oh, did I say that. YES, I'm embarassed for her.
Kart, please fill your wagon with your bags, your tissue box, your cost effective $$ earned for your comedic act and PLEASE, PLEASE go home to your kids. No wait, you still have your book tours to take you away from your kids. Guess the kids will just have to wait until you're good & ready to go home.
Last week in an interview Kate said that she wears her emotions on her face. She can't hide how she's feeling.
This week she says she's not allowed to show emotion. Which is it?
Corrections, lol. Hit post instead of preview
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