Live! This is Dancing …. With the Stars! I still cannot believe Brenda went home first, and before Kart. The set’s been transformed into a real movie theater! Sort of. They’ve got a couple really bright giant fake reels, “Movie Night” in giant white letters across the stage, and something that sort of looks like red curtains. Where’s the cute turn your cell phones off cartoon? I guess this is maybe what people think theaters looked like in the 1920’s when my great-grandmother used to play piano for silent films. It was sort of a bad investment for her, obviously.
Here comes Kate and the stars. Derek looks like he’s taking his teacher to the prom. Man, is Tony checked out. If he could dial in his performance like we dial in votes he would. What’s this, is Kate’s dress tie-dye? It’s this ugly mess of cotton-candy pink, purple and blue sparkles, and looks like it was pieced together by My Little Pony and the Carebears. This is not what Mommy Dearest usually wore, I am confused. Where is the cold cream? The headband? I know immediately that Pam Anderson is supposed to be Dolly Parton, she is that good of an actress.
Why is Louis pointing wildly at Niecy’s boobs? Kate is doing that obnoxious “I heart you” crap to the camera again--really, really aggressively, sort of like, you better believe your mama loves you damn it! It’s scary. And it doesn’t even make sense, because she later said the kids weren’t even watching tonight. So we know that was for Steve then!
Niecy Nash. She is just one stupid joke after another, and this segment is proof why she irritates me. Even Louis is getting annoyed and just wants her to be serious for once. I don’t think this kind of yellow looks good on anyone except maybe a banana. La Bamba is their movie and song to the jive. The jive is difficult for her but at least she is A. trying and B. having fun. Brooke is wearing a tube top that makes her look like a keyboard. A skinny, hairy keyboard who doesn't know how to work a microphone. Scores of 6-6-6.
Chad. Quickstep to Bare Necessities from The Jungle Book. Chad would be a really annoying boyfriend, he is always up in Cheryl’s face wanting to know what she‘s thinking and feeling. He is basically like how some needy women are in relationships. “If I’m not constantly laughing with him or cuddling him he thinks there is something wrong with me,” Cheryl says with exasperation. Been there, wanted to chew my arm off. Any relationship between someone like Chad and myself would last at most a week and a half before I change my phone number, e-mail address, and if I have to, enter the witness protection program so I never have to make contact with him ever again, I don’t care how big that rock was he gave her last week. This is a Disney movie, so of course the set designers went all out, completely covering the stage in vines and green. I don’t think this is half bad, I can tell it’s a Quickstep, I think Chad is one of those dancers where if he had a couple more days for this it would have been totally solid. Scores of 6-6-6.
Erin Andrews. Their entire segment is the two of them fighting. I’ve heard people say Kate and Tony are not unique--everyone fights. I disagree. Number one, Tony historically hardly ever fights with his partners and has certainly never walked out on anyone. And number two, Erin’s fighting is not the same as the way Kate constantly disrespects Tony. It’s those flirty opposites attract quarrels that just mean the two of you are actually doing it. Kate and Tony are doing it when pigs fly or perhaps Kate voluntarily takes herself out of the limelight. But Erin and Maks are definitely doing it. Pulp Fiction is one of the greatest films ever, I‘m just putting that out there. Erin can’t act and her legs look like toothpicks and she’s no Pam and messes up her split, but their jive moves along. Scores of 7-7-8. Brooke basically asks if they’re doing it, and they totally avoid the question. Which means they’re probably doing it.
The Bachelor. I think it’s conceited when people say stuff like, everyone always tells me I look like Tom Cruise but I don’t see it. Shut up. Cha-cha-cha to Old Time Rock and Roll from Risky Business. Jake actually slides out in his underwear, then puts on a pair of pants while Chelsea wiggles around. This looks more like freestyle than Cha-cha-cha. The judges really like it, they thought he had great energy. What with how Kart behaves, simply acting like you want to be here gets you points this season. Scores of 8-7-8, wow they weren’t kidding.
Pam Anderson. It’s appropriate that I’m pretty sure that’s Pam

You know what I don’t get? Pam hardly ever wears makeup in the rehearsal videos, and she certainly never wears makeup around town--I have never even seen her with makeup on outside TV. So why has she insisted on the Vaseline mood lighting for her interview segments? It’s obvious she has special lighting, she looks so different than everyone else. If you don't care who all sees you without makeup elsewhere, why care for the interviews? A multifaceted, mysterious woman she is!
Nine-to-five to the Quickstep. There’s lots of props like a table and typewriter and a clock on the floor, Len ain’t gonna like this. I think her character acting is phenomenal again, especially the way she waddles out at the beginning, but I don’t think the Quickstep was quick enough. Scores of 7-6-8.
Kate’s up. Last week, she managed to pull off a Tango that wasn’t completely mortifying. This week they’re dancing the Foxtrot to Don’t You Forget About Me from The Breakfast Club. John Hughes never went Hollywood, he lived in Illinois, and my cousins who live outside Chicago used to see him pumping his own gas there.
Kate looks exhausted. I don’t blame her. This week she didn’t even go home, she was busy promoting her book I Just Want you To Know (How to Make Millions off Your Kids) with interviews and poorly advertised book signings. At some point the kids came out to see her with their entourage o

Wait a second. Has Kate … seen The Breakfast Club? You know, the movie she’s supposed to be embodying? I would have thought she fancies herself a modern-day Mollie Ringwald, but apparently, one of the greatest films to come out of the 1980’s somehow escaped Kate. I’m guessing this will somehow be her parents’ fault. They didn’t allow her to go see it because it wasn’t Christian enough or something. One of their many failings on her part. You would think if she hadn’t seen it she would at least rent it this week and watch it in the hotel. Heck, even I watched it this weekend to brush up, you can see it streaming for free on Netflix.
Kate is yawning and not even trying. Tony is fed up. She has no motivation, he explains. He has to push her every single week and “it gets exhausting.” His whole face is pulled back all tense like a sling-shot about to fire. You can tell he is so over trying to fight with her. She is what she is, he’s just doing his job and counting the days until they’re off. Other partners, Tony has had to tell them to stop practicing. But with Kate, it’s like pulling veneers to even get her into the dance studio. Oscar winning actors who have been on this show have shown infinitely more gratitude to be here than she ever has. Seriously, there have been deaf stars on this show, stars with one leg, and Kate just can’t get out there and even try. She is simply pathetic. The audience is laughing throughout this segment. At her, not with her. Kate says they’re the underdogs. Yeah, no. She doesn’t understand what an underdog is. An underdog is someone you would expect to stink, but then actually gets out there, busts balls, and ekes by for a win. Kate has the first part, we all expected her to stink, but none of the second part which make people actually get behind underdogs. See, underdogs who you expect to suck and then actually do suck are no fun at all. The 1980 U.S. Hockey Team was an underdog, not Kart.
The only part remotely cool about their um, “dance” is the chalkboard that says Tony hearts Carrie Ann. Because he so does not. Kate looks like she’s trying to foxtrot on ice, like she’s going to slip at any moment. It’s a lot of walking around, waving arms, even Tony isn’t even trying, he looks like he was awake the past forty-eight hours, or just perhaps being dragged along for no apparent purpose to all of Kate’s media events, book signings, only to just have to stand there like a doofus the whole time while Steve escorts out with his rat claws anyone who dares to assault Kate with phrases like “child labor laws.”
The best part is when it’s over when they show the other stars up in the fish tank golf clapping, Chad is muttering something mischievously, and Erin slaps him on the leg! Ha. I so want to know what he said. Something about text messaging your kids? Child labor laws? Oh, why couldn’t Marlee Matlin be on this season?
I suppose I’m sort of looking forward to Bruno, not really. Kate sucking the first couple weeks was fun. But now it’s just getting tiring. And sad. Despite Rep. Murt’s efforts, this has been one of the saddest weeks for the kids and we all know why. Because their father fired a perfectly awesome lawyer and has no backbone. Enough said.
Let’s start with Carrie Ann, Tom says happily. Except Carrie Ann is pretty much speechless. Awkward! Gimme a sec I’m gathering my thoughts, Carrie Ann explains. Ha. Finally, Well, Kart, I guess you have “itty bitty bits of” grace developing. Of course stupid Kart thinks this is a compliment and smiles wildly. In the background, the audience is totally laughing and nodding throughout this entire thing. Looking to top a Brunoism, Carri

Len says she was strolling, not dancing. Haha, the best is Carrie Ann sneaks in yet another “waa-waa-waa” as Len finishes up. Now on to Bruno. Can he top, Carrie Ann? He certainly tries. “Darling, I think Tony could have had more life out of a frock and a coat hanger.” She was catatonic, he says. Tony looks like it’s the 19th century and he’s biting on a stick while an Army doctor saws off his leg because the supply wagon didn’t come in with the morphine and they didn’t have anything but whiskey to give him. I can’t tell who Tony’s more embarrassed for, Kart or himself. I want to know how DWTS plans to make this up to him next season. His partner better be Anna Pavlova or something. What is the point? Bruno demands. Bruno, I’ve been wondering that for about two years.
What’s been going on this week, Brooke asks? Ha, do you read our blog? Quite a lot, including a mean and nasty representative from PA who wants to stop her kids from being exploited a moment longer, how dare he! “I had a nice visit from eight little friends,” Kate says. Eight little friends? She makes them sound like lepricons, or unicorns, or gigolos or something. What a bizarre way to refer to your children. Kate basically blames her entire crappy coat-rack stroll on her children being in town. Way to play the kid card. And if you get voted off, way to be sure they know it was their fault. What’s hysterical about this, is we all know Kate is destined to go this week. She will be voted off. She thought the kid card would save her another week, but really, it just pissed people off, made people feel like she was not only using her kids but blaming them for her shortcomings, and they avoided voting for her in droves. Sweet justice. And shows how incredibly out of touch she is with what she says and how the public perceives it. See Kate basically thinks she can have whatever she wants when she wants it, sometimes it may take a few tears and several lies, but she gets what she wants. This is how she has operated since her twins were born and it worked for her. Only now, her MO isn’t working. This ain’t rural PA anymore, this is Hollywood. Everyone on this show has big commitments. Many have kids. Some don’t live in LA either or are hardly ever home. But the difference between them and Kate is everybody else shut up and busted ass, because that‘s how you fucking make it in Hollywood and that‘s why these people are where they are--because they worked hard and didn‘t cry. Kate cries and doesn‘t work. Kate is a fluke, she is only famous because of a fluke, the planets aligned just so. And Kate didn’t shut up nor did she ever once bust ass, and she’s getting voted out because she stinks and she‘s lazy and doesn‘t even try and lies and uses her kids to try to stay on another week. And America caught on quick and voted her off and rightly so. And it’s really sweet to watch that go down because I had hoped this is what would happen. I had hoped that America would get to know the real Kate so that no one ever tunes in to any of her other ridiculous projects again not realizing how she really is. For as hard as most of the tabloids tried to spin the entire past year in Kate‘s favor, across America most people are understanding just a bit where Jon was coming from.
Kate practically begs us to keep her on another week, she has to keep dancing for her kids they live for this! Unhealthy. And I know you made them feel that way. A few days later she will do a complete and utter 180 and claim she sacrificed herself so the other dancers could go on. How on any planet can she possibly claim that was the case when she’s standing right here right now begging us to keep her on even trying to use the kids so we‘ll keep her on? She isn’t saying anything about letting her go so more deserving people could go on. Is anyone else seeing this? My God, what a lie, and could she be any more conceited and delusional? Does she even hear herself? Scores of 5-5-5.
Haha Tony is all like, we TRIED to do a Foxtrot. Way to tell it like it is! Eight little friends just stripped Bruno’s car, Tom jokes. Ha.
Derek and The Pussycat. Pretty Woman? More like statutory rape. Derek and the Pussycat screw around Beverly Hills for awhile. Beverly Hills is fun enough for a day, but parking is a nightmare and it’s also really hard to get to. I interned at a firm there for a summer and I think I stuck around after work maybe like twice. It also took me at least an hour to get there every morning, which got irritating. Asking Kate to do what the Pussycat does would be like asking a kindergartener to take the GRE’s. With apologies to kindergarteners. Tango with scores of 10-9-10. Good Lord. To quote Whoopi, Vote … her…OFF! Kate, that is.
Evan dancing the Rumba to I Don‘t Want to Miss a Thing. Great song, stupid movie. The highlight of my sister’s most recent trip to see me in L.A. was running into Steven Tyler in the airport. He was really nice and was taking his picture with anyone who wanted it including her. You know, Evan travels with Stars on Ice every single week. He explains it’s Wednesday to Sunday. Talk about real exhaustion. And yet Kate? Is the only one complaining. And also she thinks she is the only one with a schedule. She honestly thinks the other stars roll out of bed maybe around nine, go dance for a few hours, come home and maybe take a nap, help the kids with homework and eat a sensible dinner. Her life is no different than anyone else on this show. These people are celebrities, commitments go on and no one gives a crap you have to do DWTS in the middle of something you already promised to do. Does anyone know if Evan has a girlfriend? It doesn’t matter, I’m just curious since he’s awfully flamboyant. And he is after all an ice skater. Another consistent performance, scores: 9-9-9.
Results show: Pam and Kate in the bottom two? Oh hell no. The audience boos. Me, too! Boooo! Why is no one voting for Pam? She is certainly better than Neicy or the Bachelor or Chad. Is it jealousy? I wish it were more obvious what an awesome person she is. Carrie Ann gets another chance to point out Kate is not a star. And then she calls her a housewife. Last time I checked, housewives stay at home with their children. And contrary to popular belief, the “haters” have no problem with the concept of being a housewife, including myself. Remember, Kate was a housewife a few years ago when the show was in the first few seasons. I still had a problem with her then. She only became a New York-LA jet setter in maybe the past couple years.
Mercifully, Kate and Tony are voted off. Dead air as Kate cries. Dead air, another reason she’ll never be a real celeb. Instead of letting them do a final dance, Tom really can’t help himself, he just lets Kate talk. And talk, and talk. He’s like a zoologist observing a new species for the first time, he is fascinated. Narcissists are kind of fascinating in that you cannot believe there really are people living their lives like this out there. Kate claims her gut feelings are always right. Well, if your gut feeling was to pop out eight kids, exploit them for millions, and then abandon them for the high life in LA, yes your gut was right. Pam pretends to feel sympathy but I KNOW Pam knows in her heart of hearts she is by far a much more involved and dedicated mother and raising infinitely more well adjusted kids then those poor multiples. If she doesn’t, she should. The last dance is just sort of Kate and Tony hugging. I HEART YOU Kate says one more time. Right back at ya. Not!
We’ll be back to recap possibly the finale if Kate is there, and Twist of Kate and Kate Plus 8 …. Unless Rep. Murt is able to stop it. Go Murt!
104 sediments (sic) from readers:
Whew! That was great. Now I have to go breathe.
I've been laughing out loud the past 10 minutes reading your recap. I don't think you missed a thing.
How is it that the recap is always better than the actual show?! I'm going to miss these! Thank you for suffering through it all so you could bring it here!
Why do you keep referring to Shannen as Brenda?
Dear ADMINISTRATOR- after getting a huge headache from reading what jupiter had to say, it all went away while reading your awesomely funny recap! I wish I was half as funny as you are, please, keep them coming!!
Your recap was a delightful read!
As I was tucking my Shih Tzu puppy into her bed tonight, I realized that the hairstyle kate had the last night she was there, was basically the same as the Shih Tzu topnot my dog, and others of the breed, wear, but it looks better on my mittsi!
For any child of the 80's who lived for The Peach Pit and 90210 and pregnancy tests found by your mom in the trash, Shannon will always be Brenda.
Thanks admin, this was worth waiting for. Hilarious recap and dead on.
My favourite part:
Dead air as Kate cries. Dead air, another reason she’ll never be a real celeb. Instead of letting them do a final dance, Tom really can’t help himself, he just lets Kate talk. And talk, and talk. He’s like a zoologist observing a new species for the first time, he is fascinated.
Perfect analogy! I actually enjoyed the dead air to observe this oddity, glad that he was stretching the awkwardness of it all. The only thing that could have made her look stupider would have been if she'd had a bow in her hair....oh wait...
Corine said...
Why do you keep referring to Shannen as Brenda?
Administrator said...
For any child of the 80's who lived for The Peach Pit and 90210 and pregnancy tests found by your mom in the trash, Shannon will always be Brenda.
That's funny and so true. LOL!
Wow. A lot to say and so little time....
First I want to say I love this blog. I love posting here with like-minded people.
Second I have to give Jupiter credit for posting with her name... while others chose to join in anonymously. No respect for that. I think Jen should have only posted that here first though. Not at another site. That didn't go over too well. Then they come from another site anonymously and that site dogs Jon all the time. Even has a picture of him and called it PLUG Hawk. Not complimentary so a bit of hypocrisy going on there.
That said, I have to agree with Jupiter that it seems like this site is turning into just another Kate bashing site (maybe not with all her comments about Kate, etc, but no time for that). I thought we were so much better than that.
It's one thing to comment on her hair and makeup and outfit on DWTS because it's a costume and her lack of grace etc because of the dancing aspect... but to start bashing her cankles and body shape is below us.
I want to continue posting here but not if it turns into another hating, bashing blog. I want to be seen as the reasonable bloggers.
I have a lot more to say... but a lack of time. I'm on my way out. I hope I haven't offended anyone.
Have a great day!!!
Great recap!
While I happily watched Carrie Ann throw "you are just a housewife" in her face each week, part of me cringed as well. I am "just a housewife" (although I call myself a "domestic facilitator" on my FB page), and I have contact with a lot of other "just a housewives" at the schools my children attend, and I have NEVER met one who did not put her ALL into whatever task she volunteered for (and we don't get paid for all of this volunteering - it is truly all for our kids).
I would love to know what Khate's "people" thought would happen with her appearance on DWTS...did they expect her to get voted off first, or did they expect her to go to the final 3? Or was there truly a contract for the number of shows we saw? She had to go this week because there was NO WAY she could learn 2 dances for next week OR perform with more than one other person on the stage. I do believe that "they" thought they could reimage her with this, but other than the rumored $30,000 of physical changes, Khate was Khate. Did "they" expect ABC to edit this differently...did ABC expect Khate's behavior to be as much of a train wreck as it was? TLC was playing ABC for the publicity, and Barbara Walters thinks Khate is one of the most interesting people of 2009, but I don't know if anyone related to DWTS got the memo that Khate was supposed to be shown in a favorable light.
koopdedoo said...
"...but I don't know if anyone related to DWTS got the memo that Khate was supposed to be shown in a favorable light."
Too funny. Think about it: how many shows got that memo but yet because Kate is Kate, there is no way she came off as "favorable"?
I swear Kate is her own worse enemy. She says she has the gift of gab, yet if she opens her mouth without being told what to say via an earpiece ... the blogs go crazy.
But one does not have to be on the blogs to remember how she cried poor on a morning show and then two months later is on the cover of People with a $7,000 weave. Insulting the intelligence of the public is not considered politically correct when one is trying to rebuild a new image.
BTW, I did notice the other day the her old shows are no longer on at 3:00 am PST ... TLC is definitely trying to repackage her image.
I really believe that Kate's time on DWTS has backfired. Big time. People who were clueless about her because they never saw J&K+8 and/or only knew her from the magazine covers now have a new POV. Not favorable by any means, unless nowadays being labeled a bitch who cannot dance because she has 8 kids is considered good.
I'm really having fun reading this. Great recap!
"He is basically like how some needy women are in relationships. “If I’m not constantly laughing with him or cuddling him he thinks there is something wrong with me,” Cheryl says with exasperation. Been there, wanted to chew my arm off."
Hahaha! BINGO!
"Kate says they’re the underdogs. Yeah, no. She doesn’t understand what an underdog is."
EXACTLY! Excellent observation.
"Tony looks like it’s the 19th century and he’s biting on a stick while an Army doctor saws off his leg because the supply wagon didn’t come in with the morphine and they didn’t have anything but whiskey to give him."
Hahahaha! You should become a writer.
Great recap! Hilarious and accurate. Astute observations. Thanks so much for taking the time to write this.
Great recap! The only thing I would have added, which for the record still cracks me up, is when Bruno said "a post mortem would be more in line than a critique".
The look Kate gave Bruno ... if looks could kill he would need a mortician :)
Admin, you have a gift for writing. That recap was priceless!
If anyone wants to follow Kart's lack of book sales at Amazon, here is the link to weekly or monthly sales. These numbers only reflect sales at Amazon, but they are truly dismal and I'm hoping they represent an average from other outlets. These numbers also include the Kindle edition. So far (as of 7:45 this morning) she had only sold 52 books in the US. HAAAA!!
Here is the link:
I'd also like to comment on what SchmeckyGirl wrote.
1. I much prefer it when the moderation is turned off too, even if we have to tolerate a few trolls temporarily. Any really obnoxious posts can just be deleted later. It's very difficult to follow a conversation going when comments either get held up or lost in the queue. I've wandered off several times when my comments are not showing up and I can't follow what's being discussed due to this.
2. I never criticize Kate for anything she has no control over...things like her ankles or her body shape. I totally agree with SG there and you won't find posts from me that do this. I criticize Kate for her choices and for her behavior.
3. I also feel that one of the things that makes this blog so great is the intelligent and astute comments written and I'm hoping it stays that way. It's one thing to slam someone for their abhorrent behavior but another to just slam someone for the hell of it on nit-picky minutiae.
4. Kate will NEVER get it and in fact, can't. Because she has NPD and it will always be all about her and anything negative will always be everyone else's fault. The administrator hit the nail on the head. Kate demands and expects to get every single thing she wants. It's the nature of the narcissistic beast.
Every single thing she's attained has been on the backs of her children. ALL 3 of her books are about her children. Without the children, there would BE no books.
The fans will never get it. Sure, other celebrities have nannies. But they did not become celebrities on the backs of their children and more importantly, did not become celebrities by claiming to be the mom of the century, role-model for all mothers. If you are going to be the role-model mom, you'd better damn well be a good one and spend plenty of quality time with your children.
She has NO talent and, in fact, is embarrassing and difficult to watch during her TV appearances. Just managing to not fall on your face is not the standard to use for being a success on TV or anywhere that's front and center in the entertainment industry.
Well the Book of lies is number 11 on the NY Times bestseller list.
Do you think now Kate can stop all the "I have to provide" Krap?
I don't understand. How can it be on the NYT bestseller list if it's selling so poorly? What criteria puts a book on the NYT bestseller list?
I have no earthly idea what's going on with these numbers. Makes no sense to me at all unless they are selling well in actual bookstores and selling poorly through Amazon. We can only hope that her first week of sales will be the only week of sales. I don't know...
And I was in such a good mood, too!!
I agree with with all of Dee3 points above.
I also prefer if the moderation is turned off. I don't know how many times I posted something on GWOP and then hours later even when the thread has been refreshed my comment is missing, and I'm clueless as to why. Was there a problem with the server or did a mod not like my post for some reason? I'll never know.
I really like this blog, especially with the legal twist to it.
I also have never (or if I did it was just once?) made a comment about Kate's ankles or body shape. Lord knows I'm no Barbie Doll.
Granted I don't like the woman but I do think she is pretty, but I was raised to believe that the outside packaging does not matter, it is what is inside that counts. Also there truly is truth to the saying, "you can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig".
So as for inside, I will always have a problem Kate. But the fact is I have a problem with both Jon and Kate regarding what they have done with their kids. The marketing started before the six pack was born, and proof of it was with the creation of the sixgosselins web site. The twins were not even included, and someday Cara and Mady will realize this tidbit and it will be a crushing blow.
Bottom line: if the six pack had never hit the ground, we would not be here today all riled up regarding the actions of a housewife who for some reason a network has decided to cram her down our throats at every possibility. Do I think she will be the next Bachlorette? Yep, and there will be bachlelors who will sign up because they also want their 15 minutes of fame. I won't watch, geez, I never have watched the Bachelor so Jake is new to me.
One more thing - Dee3 is right, everything Jon and Kate have attained has been on the back of their children. But one of my pet peeves is that I don't think they have realized how truly blessed they are that the kids are healthy. A lot of parents with multiples have health issues to deal with which is heart breaking. No, it is all about the money when it comes to the Gosselins. The more the children are exploited, the more the children are left to be raised by nannies so the parents can seek TV fame and fortune, the more it riles me up.
Kate said she doesn't let the kids watch the results show so who was she drawing the heart to at the end of the show? And I don't believe that her book is number 11. How could it go from 285 to 11 in 1 week? Where can we find how many books she has actually sold?
IMO if Kate's book is on the NY bestsellers list, then TLC is buying up a lot of books to use as door stops.
TLC will stop at nothing to cram Kate down our throats in her two new shows. Think about it, way too much money has been spent on her new image and a book that is not selling can easily be be bought and then shipped overseas to recoup their purchase.
This NYT bestseller list is yet again, to me, another example of "Is this bizarro world?"
According to the stats of today... Amazon has sold only 52 books including the Kindle uploads!
So we're to believe that for some reason, it's tanking on Amazon yet selling like hotcakes in the actual book stores? On what planet?
According to Wikipedia, the NYT bestseller list is based on a combination of 1) how well the book is selling and 2) some mystery criterion nobody knows.
Yet again,'s something that involves Kate and just does not make sense. How and why do these things keep happening that don't make sense when they involve her? Who is backing this woman and defying all the earthly laws of gravity? And WHY?
As of right now:
Amazon sales rank is 385
And Barnes & is Sales Rank: 732
??????? How is this possible?
Suddenly, everyone is buying books from book stores instead of off the internet? Really?
"So we're to believe that for some reason, it's tanking on Amazon yet selling like hotcakes in the actual book stores? On what planet?"
For me to go to a real bookstore like Barnes and Noble, I have to drive 30 miles. Trust me, in a bookstore I will open a book and look through it before I buy it.
No way Jose are people in bookstores picking up this book, skimming it and then buying it.
Especially in the last week when only 30 people showed up at her last book signing. Sorry ROL but I'm not counting the 20 or so camera people that were there like you guys did.
Nope, TLC is behind the sales. Plain and simple.
Dee I have no idea about how this fake/phoney keeps on griftin'.
Like you, we also purchase the majority of our books off internet. However, last week, we did happen to be in a local Borders Book Store and Kate's book was listed at full price there ($22.99), whereas at and Barnes& it's available for $13.44. So why would they (TLC) pay twice as much in a book store? Rather than buy in bulk off the internet?
I'm kinda going with the criterion #2 from Wikipedia. The "mystery criterion"...the one that nobody seems to know. I'm seeing the tentacles of TLC reaching into whatever that mystery one is.
But...just to be there anywhere you can find out just how many of her books have sold in actual bookstores?
Also...just to be sure...I just want to double-check that I AM actually on the planet earth here and not some other planet where TLC rules and controls everything....right? Just double-checking.
Great. No longer will I use the NYT Bestseller list as ANY sort of standard by which to evaluate books. Another thing ruined.
Probably the Kate fans are buying in stores because teenagers don't have a credit card to use on Amazon!
"Probably the Kate fans are buying in stores because teenagers don't have a credit card to use on Amazon!"
That's a very good possibility that I'd not even thought of.
I would really like to know how it's even ON the NYT bestseller list, much less #11 for non-fiction.
I was not a regular watcher of DWTS so was not as upset as DWTS fans were to learn some of the things they did about the show due to KG being on it.
However...I HAVE made assumptions about the NYT bestseller list and would really like to know if my assumptions were incorrect. At the very least, I thought it was a true reflection of how the book was selling (I mean, I DID know that crappy books can sell well too). But if one can actually buy influence with this list, I would consider it totally meaningless now.
So even if it was teen fans OR TLC who bought in bulk...or a combination of both...I would really like to find out what the total book sales are...just to see if it at least meets that particular criterion. To think that one can buy influence on that list just makes me sick.
Just Wondering
I guess you haven't checked out the NY Times Best Seller list this morning.
#11 is not too shabby!
To Administrator~
There is a "letter to Jon" written on by a Chloe Melas (it's more of an article...and not just a random comment. And in it she writes:
"You hired Anthony because he was a friend of your fathers’ but after he filed the custody lawsuit against your ex-wife Kate Gosselin which was filled with errors, you realized you’d made a poor decision. You tweeted Apr. 22 that you fired Anthony Apr.and a source close to you tells us you’re furious with Anthony. “Jon is really upset because what Anthony has been doing is illegal,” says our source. “He’s threatening to file a a suit with the bar association,” against Anthony."
I was wondering if you'd read this. What in the heck would she be referring to?
Here is the link to the entire letter:
I too, am a huge Pam Anderson fan... I read a column she wrote for a magazine some years ago and was charmed by her wit an her real-ness... I think that mate people are not voting for Pam because they are making a judgment call based on her most well known body of work (Playboy) and not stopping to see that she is fun, smart, and a great and loving mom. I do have a point, and the point is that from what I know of Pam she has never pretended to be anything than what she is, and I think she would freely admit that her fabulous body has certainly played it's part in getting her to where she is. (in one column she wrote something to te effect of "Everyone is so worried about how I will explain my nude photos to my children... Well that's for ME to worry about") Pam is real. Kate stands up and pretends to, in fact creates an entire career on the premise, that she is a housewife and a mom when we all know she isn't... That is far more disgusting to me than any photo in Playboy.
If List really did what Jon claims he did, Jon SHOULD file with the State Bar. I explained in another post how serious his accussations are.
But do I believe an experienced wealthy lawyer like him is going to put his whole career on the line for Jon? Doubtful.
Also, when a client accusses a lawyer of serious misconduct, the tendancy is to believe the lawyer. There are a lot more crazy clients out there than crazy lawyers. Angry clients will say anything, and clients being told what to say by TLC will also say anything. Are there lawyers who would do this? Of course. But it's rare.
I was once accussed of forging my client's signature. I found this so laughable that 1. my client actually thought I cared enough about her case to forge her signature and 2. she was so self-absorbed she actually thought I would put my whole career on the line for her.
Obviously I never forged anything and her complaint was promptly dismissed after looking at my record and her history.
So many things don't add up about Jon's accussations we've already discussed--not the least of which was if he fired him weeks ago why all of a sudden tell us now?
I've read that comment on another blog
Just an FYI Kate will be traveling now thru next week and beyond on her Book Tour: interesting that she was booted off the show last week. Georgia 4/24 - 4/25 Florida 4/26 - 4/27 Virginia 4/28 - 4/29 then PA/NY/NJ 5/2 - 5/7 Michigan 5/13 - 5/14
I would imagine the book's publisher makes available a certain number of books to use for promotional purposes such as the autographed copies Kate presented to the DWTS judges and most likely her castmates and the show's producers. Does anyone know if TLC is selling the book on their website either directly or through links to online retailers like Amazon?
dee3 -
I wouldn't put too much stock in the article written by Chole Melas. If you notice at the top of the webpage under Hollywood Life, it says "by Bonnie Fuller." IIRC, Bonnie Fuller is the one who wrote several glowing articles about Kate. If she is the one running the site, I would have serious doubts about anything she says.
Remember this little goodie she wrote:
And check out the other articles on Hollywood Life - just search Kate's name - I think you can get the tone of where they stand. IMO, just another version of ROL.
just wondering, I found a couple other sites that say differently about Kate's book sales:
#103 as of 4/18/10
#11 (this week)
Who wrote this, a ten year old? What is the point? You have issues. Who is Brenda?
Thank you so much for your response. I really appreciate it and also really appreciate being able to get a legal perspective from a practicing attorney.
If this had just been in a random comment in the comments section of an article, I'd have discounted it. But because it was written as an article...AND written in such a way as to make it sound like it was inside info. and legitimate fact...I was concerned about it...even though they took the "little birdie told me" approach with the "a source close to you (Jon) tells us".
To spin something like that as actual fact and inside info is just what the fans need to start vicious rumors about Mr. List....which could, in actuality, be totally unfounded, uncorroborated and just downright incorrect.
I had checked out the site ( just to try and make sure it wasn't actually a blog written by Bonnie Fuller. But it appeared to be more of an actual celebrity site rather than a blog.....was my impression correct? Just want to make sure. If the site is actually a blog of Bonnie Fuller's opinion, I would definitely take it less seriously.
To the Administrator~
I'd imagine this comes as no big surprise to you, but many of the fans seem to think that if a person is an attorney, they are not allowed to publish an opinion on something which they professionally have no connection with. That somehow, this is unprofessional conduct for a lawyer.
Perhaps a lesson/teaching/instruction post or topic is in order....just to clarify the difference between an attorney voicing/publishing an opinion (or even an entire blog) about something that the attorney has no professional connection with AS OPPOSED TO an attorney publishing an opinion related to an actual case they are handling or connected to professionally.
Many of the fans seem to think this blog is some sort of example of unprofessional if being an attorney disallows you from publishing an opinion on ANYTHING....which frustrates me every time I read any mention of this.
Jupiter made a few good points. Don't dismiss them over some blog rumor mill. I hope Schmecky stays here and posts too.
This blog is spiraling into a hate site. Admin, don't let it happen. There are enough of them already.
We get into dangerous terrority when we start talking about morals and ethics. We all know that this is subjective and there is no way to apply a concrete measure.
The focus needs to be on the children and their legal protection. It's not about Kate's shopping and book tour. It's about what the children are legally entitled to.
Actually there is no rule or law an attorney can't give advice OR opinion--you just have to understand when you are giving advice you are creating an attorney-client relationship and all that embodies--fees, confidentiality, liability, etc.
Hahaha oh sheesh. I don't feel like I need to do a separate blog post justifying myself. But obviously these people are ignorant.
An attorney may give a general opinion on something based on their understanding of the law and their experience--this law is all over the internet available to anyone. Anyone could do this! An attorney may not give legal advice to a specific person unless you are willing to take that person on as your client.
As an attorney I can say, I think Jon should file for full custody and he would win because of a., b., and c. But I shouldn't be contacting Jon, have him ask for my advice, and then give it to him without both of us understanding I just created an attorney-client relationship with him.
General advice--okay. Specific advice to a specific person--creates an attorney-client relationship. Put their money where their mouth is and report me to the state bar. Even though I haven't, I'm allowed to create attorney-client relationships wherever and whenever I want--it simply puts me on the hook for all that embodies. There's nothing improper about giving legal advice OR opinion.
Kate's book is available for purchase through the Discovery network store at $22.99.
Question: Does Discovery buy Kate's books in bulk and then resell them?
The problem I see with posts like Jupiter's is that taken at face value, they sound reasonable...but taken in context, it's a bit different.
For instance:
Something like "other celebrities have nannies"
Or "any mother has a right to go out shopping for clothing for herself"
Just to clarify, I am paraphrasing here...these are not direct quotes from Jupiter. I am simply giving examples of these types of statements.
The problem is...Kate has become a celebrity BECAUSE of her children and has promoted herself primarily as some some sort of role-model mother. This makes all the difference in the world, IMO, between her children being with nannies most of the time and the same situation happening with a another celebrity's children where the celebrity has absolutely nothing to do with being a mother.
So many of the things Kate does...while yes, other people do similar things...or taken alone, they may sound perfectly reasonable....can be seen from a totally different perspective when taken in the context of how she promotes herself and what she bases her celebrity on.
If you are going to promote yourself publicly as this role-model mom...then you should behave as a role-model mom. And if your celebrity and wealth is due to your children, your behavior is also scrutinized differently.
ROFLMAO! Check out the reviews/rating for Kate's book on Discovery.
Perfect Score (5.0) based on a whopping 3 reviews.
I_Want_Nobu!said....Question: Does Discovery buy Kate's books in bulk and then resell them?
Didn't the publisher say they printed 450,000 copies? If that's the case I would think there is more than enough for ALL retailers to purchase their own supply. I don't really think TLC is going to buy up a bunch of books just to try to make Kate (or anyone for that matter) look popular. They are a money making entity and when she quits making money for them, they will move on.
April 24, 2010 10:13 AM
Thank you so much for that clarification. It just really frustrates me when I keep reading these claims and accusations. It would be like me being called unprofessional because I'm an RN giving my opinion that Kate may have NPD. Kate is not my patient and is wholly unconnected to me.
It aggravates me that some seem to think that if you are any sort of professional, you are not allowed to publish any sort of opinion regarding anything related to the field you work in. Gahhh.
French Canadian said...
I've read that comment on another blog
Just an FYI Kate will be traveling now thru next week and beyond on her Book Tour: interesting that she was booted off the show last week. Georgia 4/24 - 4/25 Florida 4/26 - 4/27 Virginia 4/28 - 4/29 then PA/NY/NJ 5/2 - 5/7 Michigan 5/13 - 5/14
That schedule is from 2009.
There is an older but informative article about bestseller lists here,
which explains why Kart's book rating shows a big difference between the NYT (#11) and the USA Today (#103) lists.
What did Jupiter say about nannies? I must have missed the post.
Also let me add:
Because Jon and Kate have put themselves out there for public consumption (as opposed to being private citizens), ANYONE, whether it be a professional attorney or doctor, perfectly entitled to voice an opinion on them.
Why you see all sorts of opinions and comments all over the internet. This goes along with with the territory of allowing yourself to become a public figure or celebrity. And there is nothing unprofessional or illegal about voicing an opinion regarding them. (as long as they are not your personal client, patient, that case, there are certain restrictions on what you'd be allowed to publish...just as the Administrator explained).
I just don't want innocent readers to think these particular claims made by certain fans are true. They are not.
"Because Jon and Kate have put themselves out there for public consumption (as opposed to being private citizens), ANYONE, whether it be a professional attorney or doctor, perfectly entitled to voice an opinion on them."
Floggin' skippy!
I don't know if Kate is a nice person or not but what I do know for sure is that people who make nasty comments about her are not nice. It just shows they are nasty.
The only reason I even mentioned the name of Jupiter was that I was responding to an anonymous post that mentioned her name first.
The intent of my post was regarding many comments made by fans, whether they are Jupiter or not...that on their face, seem perfectly reasonable but when taken in context of what Kate bases her celebrity on, can be seen from a different perspective and scrutinized differently.
AND...I made it clear that the examples were NOT quotes from Jupiter.
On the previous topic (in a conversation regarding Kate shopping at Ann Taylor), Jupiter had made comments that again, on their face, seemed perfectly reasonable. I totally agree with this.
But taken in the context of it specifically being Kate...and what she bases her celebrity would ALSO be perfectly reasonable to scrutinize it differently.
If I've not explained this adequately, let me know. It had nothing to do with Jupiter specifically nor to do with Jupiter mentioning nannies.
The NYtimes list is from data from 4/17 to appear in tomorrows NY times book review. My guess is that the release of pre-orders and the original shipments to bookstores drove up the numbers.
What I want to see is the review NY Times does on this book. My fourth grade twins, know not to write a paragraph, let alone a whole book using I, I, I.
By the way, my local Target doesn't carry the book and it isn't even on You can however get the Kate Gosselin halloween wig and the two previous books (something tells me they have a lot left at the warehouse).
It was made to seem like Kate is just a woman strolling around town who just happens to wander into Ann Taylor and picks up a few things. How dare we criticize, we might as well go into our own local Ann Taylors and start yelling at all the moms in there.
We ALL know Kate isn't doing this in isolation, as was pointed out so well. It's all in the greater context of how she has presented herself.
Administrator said...
It was made to seem like Kate is just a woman strolling around town who just happens to wander into Ann Taylor and picks up a few things. How dare we criticize, we might as well go into our own local Ann Taylors and start yelling at all the moms in there.
We ALL know Kate isn't doing this in isolation, as was pointed out so well. It's all in the greater context of how she has presented herself.
EXACTLY! And thank-you. :)
Dee- thank you for clarifying.
If I understand the point correctly...what you are saying is that it's not how Kate spends money but rather HOW she acquired the money to begin with- right?
That is a much deeper issue. Would she be famous if she didn't have those kids? NOPE. I agree.
It's funny most people have at least one doctor or nurse or some kind of medical professional in their family or circle of friends. People always ask them, I've got this pain in my side what could it be? They'll say oh kidney stone or appendicitis, indigestion, muscle strain. Everyone knows they're not taking you on as their patient. They're allowed to talk to you about medical things! Same with legal profession, as long as you don't create the doctor-patient or lawyer-client relationship, there's no issue.
This is an off-topic post directed to Schmecky girl.
I see you've been getting a lot of flack on some Kate fansites for posting on this and other blogs. I feel that it is horrible and unwarranted because you always seem to add an informed and balanced POV, never harsh or critical at posters. From what I've read so far, you never make rash judgements, always ask questions in a non-threatening tone and give complements to the Gosselin family when you deem it acceptable. I feel bad that you're getting this criticism. Is it because you dare ask those questions about things regarding the Gosselin family that do not add up? I don't think you should be slammed for being a analytical thinker. In fact, just accepting things the way they are presented to you, without asking questions is a very scary way of thinking.
I hope you know you're welcome to post here whatever your POV is. Hopefully, you're taking it all in stride :)
As far as how *I* look at it, I have a bigger issue with the fact that her celebrity is based on being a role-model mother. So many of the statements regarding her time away from the children, the nannies, the traveling, etc....while on their face may be perfectly reasonable...when applied to Kate specifically, can be scrutinized differently.
Now, when it comes to her actually spending money..I have some difficulty having a necessarily specific opinion...due to the fact that I don't have enough information regarding her finances. I mean, IF she can easily afford it and the children are going to receive what they are entitled to...that's fine.
I actually had a bigger problem (regarding the Ann Taylor/NYC issue) with the fact that after she made such a case on DWTS and when she was interviewed on various TV shows around that time...about how much she missed her children and how much she wished she could be home with them...AND when you combine that with the fact that her celebrity is based on her children and on her promoting herself as a role-model mother....*I* was critical about her leaving for NYC earlier than needed (and that this included shopping at Ann Taylor).
I certainly agree that ANY mother should be perfectly able to go to Ann Taylor and buy herself some clothing. That is perfectly reasonable to me.
What concerned me/made me critical was the fact that after all this sympathy-evoking crying that she missed her children and wanted to be home with them....that she left for NYC earlier than she needed to (for her scheduled TV interview)...which I saw as hypocritical.
Her having shopped at Ann Taylor specifically was, IMO, incidental and not really relevant in terms of criticizing Kate. I agree that she's perfectly entitled to shop for clothing.
And I don't even necessarily have a problem with her spending some of the money on herself...because she DID, after all, have a role on the show, along with the children...and she DID dance on DWTS. Sure, she'd not have done/had those things without the children, but I don't necessarily think she's not entitled to spend ANY of it. It's more about 1) her claiming one thing for sympathy yet doing quite another and 2) that the children should at least get reasonable compensation for their own work/roles.
OK everyone, take a deep breath. There are reports that Kate was "contracted" to do a set amount of shows and got the highest amount per show. There is NO surprise that she is gone. It's all spin from ABC/Disney. She is smart enough (or is it greedy) to know that she would be promoting her book. Not ANY coinsidence that she is gone.
I don't know why some main stream media person doesn't just ask her why she was surprised/sacrificed herself for the "others" when she knew she would be gone! Probably because it doesn't make for good ratings when everyone else is "Team Kate". It's really sickening to hear her and others say that the fans kept me here..wah wah wah kids..wah wah..
The tide will REALLY turn when the other shows tanks and desperation sets in. TLC will try anything to prop them up but the American public will have already seen through the BS and Kate will show up on celebrity rehab for addiction to Stardom,Fame & Diva Treatment. Keep in mind these will be newly discovered catagories that TLC will be credited with and all the media will be at thier knees clammoring for an interview with rehab kate.
Time to read a book...where is that Old Man and the Sea?
Dee- I see your point. However, if it was Jon's turn with the kids then why was it bad for Kate to go to NYC?
Well, let's not forget the bigger picture here either. Khate wants the title, the perks, the money, the freebies, the luxuries, the time away from her kids....& she wants us all in the viewing public to BUY what she is peddling. Khate expects all this with no Kriticism, no bad reviews, etc. Well, I am not a Khate Robot. I am not the one who signed away & exploited my children for $$$$$$$.
If Khate doesn't like the KritiKism too bad! Do what you have to do...because I will speak about the hypocrisies, the lies, the inconsistencies until such a day that I decide to stop.
Not that it matters much, but how do we know it was Jon's "turn" with the kids? Last we knew for sure from the custody filing, Jon was allowed visitation but Kate determined when that would be. No one really knows what has been settled now, if anything. I'm glad Jon came in right after Kate left. It should always be that way, one parent there most if not all of the time. I also wouldn't be surprised if Kate told Jon when to arrive at the house which was based on when she decided to leave for NY.
It's great Jon is with the kids when Kate isn't, this is how is always should be. They should always arrange their schedules so they are never alone with nannies.
But let's not pretend that this is how it's always gone down, gimme a break! This is a BRAND NEW THING. The last 200 times Kate left the kids they were with the nannies and according to court documents she wouldn't LET Jon see them.
Admin., I have to think that one of the issues Jon insisted upon was that when Kate is gone he's allowed to be with the kids. There's no reason it shouldn't be that way.
Maybe Kate finally came to her senses and said fine you can have them when I'm not with them, just drop the lawsuit. In that case ... I suppose I would pick being with my kids NOW rather than waiting weeks, perhaps months, for a court to sort it all out.
I've been meaning to remark on this, Kate has made some comments about how Jon needs to get stable, have a place to live, etc. before seeing the kids. Actually, it's constitutionally illegal to discriminate against a parent for not having "stable" housing, for being poor, having no job, and all similar things like that. As long as you have a good, clean, safe place to have the children on your visitation time, even if that is a shelter (yes, I have had mothers get FULL CUSTODY OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A HOMELESS SHELTER), a court cannot discriminate against you. That argument would NEVER hold up in court and Kate's attorneys know it. Jon visits AT THE HOUSE, it is a perfectly appropriate place to have the children, and he could be living under a bridge the rest of the time, it's irrelevant.
"Dee- I see your point. However, if it was Jon's turn with the kids then why was it bad for Kate to go to NYC?"
If it was Jon's allocated time, then it was perfectly fine for her to have left when she did.
The only caveat I would like to add, that IF Kate would willingly agree to allow Jon to be with the children when she's away from home (be more flexible with the visitation), I would think she could have asked him to give her an extra day with them due to her having been so tied-up with DWTS for weeks...and that he would have reasonably agreed to that. When dealing with custody and visitation issues, it's really supposed to be about what is in the best interest of the children, not the parents.
And IMO, especially looking at the sad faces of the children, I'd think that the best interest of the children would be for Jon to be able to be with them when Kate is away, to have a more flexible visitation so that the children are with one or the other parent most of the time and so that Kate could spend some quality time with them right after she's been gone for any significant amount of time (and easily negotiate for that with Jon with a more flexible visitation schedule)
Dee- I agree. I don't think any of us know the visitation schedule at this point. Considering her upcoming book tour it would be in everyone's best interest to settle the issues outside of court.
As for the kids looking sad. I think all kids get sad when Mom leaves. They also just returned home from a long cross-country trip. Jet lag and all that. I am not minimizing it but I think there are many reasons for those faces. Dad got there almost immediately after she left so they were fine.
See the new rule number 3 in the posting guidelines--sidebar at right.
When do you have time to be a lawyer? Just wondering.........................
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this is a legit question. I'm not sure why everyone thinks lawyers work 80 hours a week. Some do, some don't. Most people I know who do are terribly unhappy and don't have any time to spend all the money they make. Me, I LOVE my job and I work a 9 to 5 job with weekends and all court holidays off. I get Martin Luther King Day off, do you?
I have a dream job, I have plenty of time for all sorts of hobbies, and a life.
Last time I checked, most courtrooms are open 9 to 5, and most lawyers who work in courtrooms, as I do, have the same hours.
It's the associates working for corporations that work real lawyer hours. It's a myth that all lawyers work like that.
Ya'll watch too much TV.
Oy vey!
My brother is an attorney in NYC and he has plenty of time to spend with his wife and two children, go to all the Eagles games and visit our father. He has just as much time off as any other full-time working person.
Lawyers don't necessarily work 24/7 and I don't understand why anyone would think they do...or that they have to.
I'm tired of getting this criticism and it's time to set the record straight. It IS Saturday! I'm not working today. I don't want to work today. I never wanted to work today. I never wanted a job that would require me to give up my Saturdays. Why would anyone want to give up their weekends?
Why is it a badge of honor or sign you are a good lawyer if you work Saturdays? Why is it not instead a badge of honor that you work regular hours and have time for family, friends, writing, surfing, whatever you like. Have a well balanced life is what you should strive for. Too many lawyers work too long, too much, and they're miserable. I never met a lawyer working more than me who was happy. NEVER.
To me, that's just inefficient if you're in the office today. That just means you didn't balance your workload properly. Or that you're being taken advantage of by a very greedy partner who only cares about billable hours. Or trying to impress a partner to get partner--and what the time you do all your eggs are dried up and you missed your chance to have a family and a life.
I'm salaried by the way, no billable hours. Not every attorney is required to bill hours (and many who do are billing more than they should...did you REALLY need to come in on Saturday or could you have done it Friday?)
By the way I got a promotion last Assistant Writ Attorney. No one my age has ever acheived that this young at my firm before. I am excited. I get to write appeals, argue in the appellate court, as well as do courtroom work that I've been doing at the trial level. I guess I'm doing okay with my normal 9 to 5 hours after all.
Congratulations on your promotion! I'm sure it's an honor.
Who me? I'm young? I'm 58, honey. I only WISH I was still young.
And no, my lawyer brother is not in the least bit interested in Kate. In fact, he probably doesn't even know who she is. But he does spend some time on an Eagles message board, along with my sons and many males in our family.
And to the Administrator~
Congratulations on your promotion!
Taking some time for a little pampering, Kate Gosselin was spotted leaving a nail salon in Reading, Pennsylvania on Saturday (April 24).
The mother of 8 did her best to avoid the paparazzi as she kept her head down and headed to her vehicle after a mani/pedi appointment while ex husband, Jon, tended to the kids.
In recent news, after being booted from “Dancing With the Stars” last week, Kate made a stop at “Jimmy Kimmel Live.”
When Jimmy threw out the suggestion for Gosselin to be the next “Bachelorette” on ABC, Kate simply responded, “No. I’m married to my kids and my career.”
Congratulations Administrator on the promotion. Last week was a great week for me too. I got a raise at work! I agree with the Work Smart not Hard approach to life.
French Canadian...I really laugh about the Bacholerette rumor. Neva is a good way to put it. This is a lady who doesn't hug & kiss her own children unless it is a photo opportunity. Could you see her in a Hot tub with 4 men? That water would turn to ice so fast. The Kate effect is what it is. I do remember her hinting on Leno about Grey's Anatomy. I think DWTS showed this woman she is what she is a stinkin' housewife & a pitiful one at that.
Congrats on the promotion! I'm excited for you!!
Now, we should recommend that Werny Gal do the very same thing as she has been experiencing this very same problem for about 2 & 1/2 weeks. That will de-stress this blog immensely!
Admin's post @ 12:40PM - AMEN!!!!
Admin - I am very proud of you!!! I bet the writing of appeals and appellate court work will be a good fit for you and you must be very excited. 3 CHEERS for you--it must feel quite satisfying to know that you are THE youngest person to achieve this at your firm. You are right--you must be doing quite a lot very right for the firm to have this level of confidence in you and your abilities. GREAT NEWS!!!!!!
Anonymous, guess what I don't care if you don't believe me. Also no anonymous allowed. Bye.
Congratulations Admin!
I finally had a chance to watch Pam on Joy Behar's show. Admin, she is just as sweet and down to earth as you have described her to be. What a breath of fresh air. For a part of her segment she was on with her Mom and that was really a pleasure to see! They were laughing together and it looked like they have a lot of fun together. It was totally evident what a close and loving relationship that they have. It made me feel jealous and sad because I miss my Mom so much, she died very recently.
Remember when Bruno told Pam that she could be on Broadway? I believe that he is absolutely right! I never realized how much real talent that Pam has until DWTS. I am really ticked that she has not gotten better scores from the judges. She is light years ahead in her finesse as a dancer compared with Neicy, Chad,Erin, and Jake IMO. I think she should be at #3. Must get Pam more votes. I will be so disappointed to see her go when other dances with less skill remain.
I was reading early this morning at a fan site and I was dumb founded to see the most vulgar,mean & foul mouthed comments directed toward Pam. They also made a point of claiming that she is no "Christian". This kind of small minded, hypocritical and delusional mentality is disturbing. These folks really believed all this crap. No cure for dumb. Pam also made a point of telling Joy that she has never used any nannies and was adamant that she never intends to.
I'm glad what I'm saying about Pam is being corroborated. Like I said, I've never seen her use a nanny.
When you insist on being able to pick up your kids from school after work, and have lots of support from your mom, friends, relatives, and the children's father, there's no reason you need a nanny.
Delightfully fun to read the recap - just got around to it after catching up on the comments on both threads. LOL at the surprise video and at your description of Kart's dressed being pieced together by My Little Pony!!! All of the attention to the details, a signature of your writing style, makes it really enjoyable to read. So glad that you mentioned Kart's extremely inapproprite comment of her "eight little friends". It really was quite a strange and unsettling description of her kids. laughing so much - and I needed that. Oh, anad comparing Tom to a zoologist ha ha ha. Actually, you really are a very talented writer. I would miss these weekly reading delights and I am hoping that you might still recap since we are now following Pam.
This is an off-topic post directed to Schmecky girl.
I see you've been getting a lot of flack on some Kate fansites for posting on this and other blogs. I feel that it is horrible and unwarranted because you always seem to add an informed and balanced POV, never harsh or critical at posters. From what I've read so far, you never make rash judgements, always ask questions in a non-threatening tone and give complements to the Gosselin family when you deem it acceptable. I feel bad that you're getting this criticism. Is it because you dare ask those questions about things regarding the Gosselin family that do not add up? I don't think you should be slammed for being a analytical thinker. In fact, just accepting things the way they are presented to you, without asking questions is a very scary way of thinking.
I hope you know you're welcome to post here whatever your POV is. Hopefully, you're taking it all in stride :)
"Because Jon and Kate have put themselves out there for public consumption (as opposed to being private citizens), ANYONE, whether it be a professional attorney or doctor, perfectly entitled to voice an opinion on them."
Floggin' skippy!
Also let me add:
Because Jon and Kate have put themselves out there for public consumption (as opposed to being private citizens), ANYONE, whether it be a professional attorney or doctor, perfectly entitled to voice an opinion on them.
Why you see all sorts of opinions and comments all over the internet. This goes along with with the territory of allowing yourself to become a public figure or celebrity. And there is nothing unprofessional or illegal about voicing an opinion regarding them. (as long as they are not your personal client, patient, that case, there are certain restrictions on what you'd be allowed to publish...just as the Administrator explained).
I just don't want innocent readers to think these particular claims made by certain fans are true. They are not.
ROFLMAO! Check out the reviews/rating for Kate's book on Discovery.
Perfect Score (5.0) based on a whopping 3 reviews.
Why do you keep referring to Shannen as Brenda?
The problem I see with posts like Jupiter's is that taken at face value, they sound reasonable...but taken in context, it's a bit different.
For instance:
Something like "other celebrities have nannies"
Or "any mother has a right to go out shopping for clothing for herself"
Just to clarify, I am paraphrasing here...these are not direct quotes from Jupiter. I am simply giving examples of these types of statements.
The problem is...Kate has become a celebrity BECAUSE of her children and has promoted herself primarily as some some sort of role-model mother. This makes all the difference in the world, IMO, between her children being with nannies most of the time and the same situation happening with a another celebrity's children where the celebrity has absolutely nothing to do with being a mother.
So many of the things Kate does...while yes, other people do similar things...or taken alone, they may sound perfectly reasonable....can be seen from a totally different perspective when taken in the context of how she promotes herself and what she bases her celebrity on.
If you are going to promote yourself publicly as this role-model mom...then you should behave as a role-model mom. And if your celebrity and wealth is due to your children, your behavior is also scrutinized differently.
I too, am a huge Pam Anderson fan... I read a column she wrote for a magazine some years ago and was charmed by her wit an her real-ness... I think that mate people are not voting for Pam because they are making a judgment call based on her most well known body of work (Playboy) and not stopping to see that she is fun, smart, and a great and loving mom. I do have a point, and the point is that from what I know of Pam she has never pretended to be anything than what she is, and I think she would freely admit that her fabulous body has certainly played it's part in getting her to where she is. (in one column she wrote something to te effect of "Everyone is so worried about how I will explain my nude photos to my children... Well that's for ME to worry about") Pam is real. Kate stands up and pretends to, in fact creates an entire career on the premise, that she is a housewife and a mom when we all know she isn't... That is far more disgusting to me than any photo in Playboy.
I've read that comment on another blog
Just an FYI Kate will be traveling now thru next week and beyond on her Book Tour: interesting that she was booted off the show last week. Georgia 4/24 - 4/25 Florida 4/26 - 4/27 Virginia 4/28 - 4/29 then PA/NY/NJ 5/2 - 5/7 Michigan 5/13 - 5/14
Just Wondering
I guess you haven't checked out the NY Times Best Seller list this morning.
#11 is not too shabby!
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