Tom and Brooke are way up in the audience, except the audience has been instructed not to turn around and look at them, which just looks odd. DWTS is really proud of themselves they’re getting good ratings. They keep bringing it up. Admittedly it really is due at least in part to Kate. The train wreck effect. Me, that would humiliate me. But when you have no shame, the show must go on.
Derek and Nicole are in blue and white sailor outfits that make him look at most four years old. There’s Kate and Tony and …. Lordy be, Kate is wearing an absolutely horrendous yellow wig with a long nappy pony tail down the side. $7,000 in hair extensions and she’s wearing a wig you could find in aisle five at CVS in October for maybe $21.99. Between that and the blinding stop sign red …. thing …. of a dress with the sparkly black trim and long black dominatrix gloves, my best guess for this Halloween costume is, um …. Dirty Rapunzle? Tony’s costume is exactly the same as last week, only this time the red trim is straight, not curly. Tony is literally gritting his teeth, like he cannot believe his life right now.
Well, Kate’s dance is, predictably, going to be about the paparazzi. Sob, she walks out her door and the paparazzi (or paparazzo, according to Werny Gal) follow her! Her life is controlled by the flashing light bulbs! Normal is no longer normal! Yeah, does this seem a little trite right now in light of this week’s reports about Erin Andrews receiving….death threats?
I don’t recall seeing this before, they bring out several of the professional dancers to show us how the Waltz, Quickstep and the Paso Doble are supposed to look. That’s helpful I suppose, since we already can imagine we’re not going to learn much from Kate tonight. Is it kind of insulting they actually have to show us how it’s supposed to look first before bringing out everybody else? I feel like they did this just for Kate and maybe Buzz, but they’re pretending it’s for “everyone.” Kind of like how my chemistry teacher had to explain the concept of a “mole” five times for the whole class. But really it was just for me. I hated chemistry, I had no business being there. Hey, kinda like Kate has no business being on Dancing With the Stars!
Evan is tired of being in second place. Ha, Kate wishes. This whole telling a story thing makes the show tonight slightly more interesting. Slightly. Evan is really making his rather lanky body work for him, he is totally vaudeville and all flexibility in his Quickstep. I think he could get a 10 for this! Evan worked so hard he broke a couple toes? Holy fuck. If Kate broke toes she would see to it CNN made that headline news. Two 9’s and an 8, 26 out of 30.
Buzz has an iPhone? I bet he’s always texting away on that and ignoring the grandkids! I actually don’t think the fact that he’s eighty is the only reason why Buzz is having trouble. Like he says, he has a hard time turning off his racing mind. The man is brilliant. He passed up a full ride to MIT and went to West Point instead. You know, MIT as in Good Will Hunting. When you’re choosing between MIT and West Point, you’ve made it. Problem is, smart people overthink things like ballroom dancing. The 1940’s theme is way overdone on this show, but it’s okay for Buzz since he actually did do his time in the military, I say he can do what he wants. Their story is he’s a father coming home from war to see his daughter. It works. But as usual most of the dancing falls to Ashley. The judges are rather harsh, calling it poor and simplified. Something is not right about two foreigners criticizing an American hero. At least we know with Buzz that Carrie Anne won’t be bitching about lifts, that ain’t gonna happen. There is an awesome part that was easy to miss where Ashley tells Buzz, “You should say something if you want to say something.” Meaning, he should talk back to the judges. But Buzz has way too much class for that, Ashley, and instead just brushes this all off and calls himself a patriotic geezer. He is who he is and that’s why he’s still here. 13 out of 30 and everyone boos.
Jake is doing a mummy theme. I don’t get what this has to do with him, but it does have to do with tonight’s Castle, coming up at 10/9PM central! This is full of all kinds of props and dry ice and such, it looks kind of like something you would see at Disneyland. She even puts him in a tomb at the end. Since ABC is owned by Disney, of course the judges claim they love this kind of thing. 21 out of 30.
Neicy’s up, and my opinion of her is changing daily. She was on Good Morning America Monday morning and did you see this interview? It was awesome. It was supposed to be about the three moms on DWTS, but it ended up being more sort of Pam and Neicy passive aggressively insulting Kate the whole time, and Kate having no idea that’s what was happening, which is the best. First Pam, who was oddly seated outside what looked to be my ex-boyfriend’s apartment complex in Burbank (Ryan, what have you been doing with Pam?), said she would never intentionally expose Dylan and Brandon to the paparazzi until they are old enough to decide for themselves whether they want the attention. Word. And then Neicy said that raising teenagers is a hell of a lot harder than just handing a popsicle to a little kid and putting him down for a nap. Also, word. And, OMG. Ha! Why do I get the feeling that there have been a lot of “discussions” (or, Kate picking fights) between Kate and Pam and Kate and Neicy about whether it’s bad for kids to be in the press, and whether raising teenagers is harder or raising little kids is harder? I love it.
Neicy’s boyfriend is a white dude, so she’s going to do a dance about interracial relationships. Yikes, that’s heavy. I’m still way up here with the mummies and you want me to go way down there? But I‘m game.
You read a lot of really boring court cases in law school, but once in awhile there is a case out there that really moves you. For me, that was Loving v. Virginia, a lan

So go for it, Neicy. This is an important topic and if I may say so, analogous to what’s going on with gay marriages right now.
Well, I’m not sure that this is really translating, and Crazy Anne is gonna bitch and moan about lifts, I just know it. I wish they would show Neicy’s white boyfriend in the audience, but oddly, they focus on that big black dude again. Who is he? Can’t be her bodyguard, no? The judges think she pulled it off. Crazy Anne had one crazy eye on all those lifts to make sure her feet stayed on the floor, of course! 21 out of 30. I don’t really like that they have to beat us over the head about how this is still going on today because gays can’t marry. I think we all got that way back ten minutes ago. Well, okay maybe Kate didn‘t. Maybe that was for her benefit, too. Incidentally, I always kind of assumed Kate was pretty conservative given her religious background. I would bet she doesn’t support gay marriage since most churches don’t, but I have no idea. I wonder what she thinks of all these liberal left-coasters?
Chad is up. It’s funny when he talks to himself, calling himself “son.” I think he and Cheryl are together, I don’t know why. Maybe it was the way he gripped her ass during the middle of their hot sexy Paso. This is Chad’s best dance yet. They focus on Chad’s family, and George Lopez. He’s an Ochocinco? Huh. Chad gets a 20 out of 30, and I think they could have been a little more liberal.
All right, it’s Pam. I thought she was amazing last week as Marilyn Monroe, but she was in the bottom two. She almost got voted out! Pam was funny last week when she quipped, “You’re supposed to vote?” Ha.
What was that about the boys being with their dad when they watched her last week? You mean she didn’t leave them with five nannies? Pam says she didn’t put a lot of effort into voting. Plus Pam, you only have two kids who can vote and Kate has eight, plus TLC robo callers! The deck is stacked, Pam, sorry!
And now it’s time for another Pam Anderson story. I would often see Pam in the grocery store. Not the organic grocery store. The one all the commoners go to with the shopper’s clu

Charo has had so much collagen pumped into her face she can’t even speak anymore. But she doesn’t need to speak, she can still show Pam some good moves. Pam kind of looks like a Real Housewife of Orange County, only sans total narcissistic bitch. I feel like Pam’s Paso is selling herself short. I feel like this could be more complicated. But it’s good, she doesn’t miss a step and she’s completely in character again. Bruno is spot on: Underneath the blonde exterior she is a real performer. Yes, yes. She could be Meryl Streep, I’m serious. She simply stepped down a different path. Meryl went Oscar’s way, Pam went …. Hugh’s way? 21 out of 30.
Aiden. I’m still bored with him. So he threw up after his dance, I threw up too after my doctor put me on Cipro yesterday, show me something interesting. It’s not often the husband is better looking than the wife, for some reason it’s usually the other way around. I can’t make heads or tails of their story, other than he’s an artist painting. It’s kind of a shame Aiden is a total nobody, in my opinion (who watches soaps anymore, truly?), because he is what Dancing With the Stars should be about. He’s not a dancer, but he’s learning and improving week by week. His quickstep was decent, he’s gaining confidence, it’s a shame he just has one cute little baby to vote for him and not eight. 20 out of 30.
Erin Andrews. I cannot imagine how frightening it must be to know there’s death threats going around about you. Steve is carrying Kate's purse and walking around with his hands in his pockets and Erin is getting death threats. Seriously, Kate thinks her life is rough because an INF photographer is hanging around by the McMansion’s fence. During the middle of the dance Maks ties a blindfold over Erin's eyes. A blindfold covered in sequins of course, as this is DWTS. It’s mildly interesting to watch someone dance a waltz blindfolded. Excellent score of 23 out of 30.
Kate’s finally up, second to last. Tom says last week she danced a “jumbled jive.” Ha, that’s putting it mildly. Also don’t forget, Tom, Bruno called the routine a nightmare and said she was a Stepford wife! Predictably, they are dancing to “Paparazzi.” Kate says Lady Gaga speaks to her. I’m trying to think in what context a 35-year-old woman would ever find an occasion to say out loud that Lady Gaga speaks to her. I guess this is it. For some reason this kind of reminds me of Barbara Walter’s recent interview with Ms. Gaga, where clearly to her credit she had done a ton of research on her and really tried to get up to speed about what exactly she was all about, what do all the young'uns like these days, and yet still had no clue. When Lady Gaga could be your granddaughter, it just doesn’t work.
I love how Kate makes it seem like just one day she was stepping outside her home with her cup of coffee to get the morning newspaper and she was suddenly besieged by a bunch of evil menacing photographers. Not in fact that she actively put herself in the public eye for the past six years, made herself as controversial as possible, then refused to take herself out of the public eye when she easily could have at any time, and that’s when the paparazzi showed up. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? In this case, the Khicken. I also find it amusing that Kate let an entire production crew in her own children’s bedrooms filming everything including their dirty diapers, yet now has a problem with one lone photographer taking a couple telephoto shots from the fence a football field away. Ha, hypocrite, much?
They show a couple said paparazzi photos and there’s her boyfriend. I mean Steve. Holding his hand up to the lens all Princess Diana-y. Please. I cannot imagine Kate ever marching up to a photographer on a ski trip and saying, Excuse me I’m trying to have a private family vacation with my sons do you mind buzzing off? Because that’s what Diana did, often. That would be the day. In FACT, Kate invites them into her limo and Tony takes them out to lunch and pays!
Tony has to resort to bringing in an acting coach Kate is having such trouble with the routine. And it’s no wonder Kate is having trouble, she can’t act. Bruno said this, she’s said it, and we all know it. She simply loves the paparazzi, you can’t expect her pull a Sophie’s Choice kind of performance out of this.
Typical Kate rehearsal, Kate is crying, whining, playing victim again saying ridiculous nonsense like “it’s not only survival for me it’s survival for my kids.” She is barking mad, she really is. Kate, Jon just filed for custody from you because you’re never home. As well, he is paying you $20,000 a month in child support. Busted, again! What’s up now?! Not only is Kate a narcissist, I also think she is a pathological liar. If the veneers are moving, she’s lying. This should be funny, but it’s kind of sad, because the majority of her lies lately involve trashing the children’s father. He finally couldn’t take it anymore. At least Jon can go to court. Tony doesn’t really have that option.
This is the Paso Doble? It could be the waltz, it could be th

If Carrie Anne could say what the fuck on network TV, she woul

Back with Brooke, Kate is still going on about how hard the paparazzi make her life over the “years.” Years? Well, actually, this only started about a year ago when Jon just couldn’t take it anymore and was spotted out with someone else. Up until then, you lived on Andrews Ave., a normal block, and it was rare you were ever in the tabloids. You did have cameras around, but you invited them into your home yourself! So don’t pretend this is the bane of your existence. Tony mutters something about how she did an incredible job, and he can’t even look her in the eyes. If you roll the tape backwards he actually says “Help me save me get me out of here I cannot believe my life!” Straight 5’s, 15 out of 30.
Finally Derek and the Pussycat. Linda Holmes from TWOP wrote an excellent article this week about why Nicole shouldn’t be here, basically because her profession, her college major, everything about her is dancing. That’s completely different than having some dance experience, as almost all well-rounded celebs do. They try to cook up some drama with Nicole pretending she’s worried she’ll look stupid. Look at Derek’s peach fuzz mustache, ha. As usual their Quickstep to “Anything Goes” is wonderful. They should be on Broadway or something, not here. I love Kate Capshaw’s version of “Anything Goes” in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The judges grapple to criticize them, overdoing it. Bizarre scores of 8, 6 and 9, 23 out of 30.
Results show: At least someone with higher scores than Kate wasn’t voted off. Buzz and The Bachelor are in the bottom two. I wouldn’t care if The Bachelor goes, but I’m also starting to feel like it’s really Buzz’s time, and he knows it. The criticism is getting mean. Buzz goes, and we salute you as one of the few celebs on this show actually worth admiring!
49 sediments (sic) from readers:
Remind me to use you for my attorney in any future actions. Your recap was dead on and your recall was amazing. Your argument was as good as they come and your intense, factual recall would serve any client of yours to recommend you to others. GREAT job.
Too long.
Nice recap!
Wow, you are my new blog hero. Insightful, hilarious and smart. I have to go back through your entire blog and read everything. Now how the hell am I ever going to find the time to do my own blog?
I'm so glad Werny Gal & Administrator finally met. I love both your blogs very much!!
Hey, WG, I'm glad you made it over here. It's been a crazy couple of days with all the new Gosselin news. Your insights will be welcomed!
Kelly it's called tivo haha. I watch it in 2 minute chunks then recap. Werny girl welcome and look forward to more first hand accounts from you!
Great Recap! I'm really enjoying your Pam stories. She sounds very earthy. Buzz reminded me of the way my grandfather danced, so I totally understood his bones are little stiff and his steps aren't as quick and limber as the younger dancers her. I loved watching him in spite of it all. I really came to admire Ashley the last three weeks. She defines dignity and of course she's a beautifully graceful dancer.
Kate can't stay much longer than next week, even though I heard her say she's over the nerve thing and next week she's going to rock it. bwa hahahahahaha. Her dances have been bad, badder and baddest. The only thing left worse than baddest is horrendous and that makes four so she's gotta go. To me she looked like Bette Davis's Baby Jane Hudson. I don't know if anyone here remembers the movie Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, but that's just who Kate looked like. Tony is starting to piss me off by praising SBFH, telling her how well she did, how proud his of her, blah blah blah. I think he's suffering from folie a deux, which just means her psychosis has spread to him. Either that or he's given up because his dancing sure looked like he has. Can't blame him for that. Anyway when Kate said she's proud of herself I had to do an Aiden and go hurl in the planter.
Love this blog admin. I hope you're not planning on shutting it down anytime soon.
The new TLC show for Kate:
'Twist of Kate': Gosselin's new TLC series
Kate Gosselin will use fan letters as the basis for profiles of women facing their own challenges.
I hope she reads the letter I'm going to write her.
I have a challenge, not to spit in her face if I ever see her.
Why is Kate's head the largest out of all the DWTS contestant photos? I've always wondered about that. She is truly obnoxious.
LoL @theotheranonymous 10:12.
OMG, I'm so going to write Kate a letter so she can visit me on my "everyday people" job. How completely insulting to the "everyday people." Ya know those "everyday people" can determine whether or not a television show, like Twist of Kate, will be successful or not.
Don't make fun of the "everyday people" TLC.
theotheranonymous, you'll enjoy this link
It's a baby jane hudson clip
Woman with Challenge said...
I have a challenge, not to spit in her face if I ever see her.
LMAO! Good one.
Doncha no we jus the common folk?
Gee if we're not fame whores, we're just 'everyday people'? WTF?
Dear Twisted Kate.....
So was slinging hash down south her practice run? And how are they going to work Stevie into the picture? I can just see him now following her around in someone's work place. yeh, way cool! LOL
Ya'll think shey'l cum ta ma kneck uf the woulds? I is bigist phayn.
IATK - Baby Jane dances better though, you think? Still, the resemblance is uncanny. DWTS makeup peeps must have had a good laugh slapping that plaster on her face.
EVERYBODY dances better than Kate. How many lessons has she had now? And from an award winning pro. sad.
Everyday Folk - lol, That does seem to be the mentality of her fans.
Love Eileen O'Neill's disclaimer "she has boundaries and limitations". Damn right she does. Unless it involves a spa treatment Kate won't touch it.
I guess this is one gig Kate's not going to get. Smart man.
Hugh Hefner on Kate Gosselin in Playboy: "No!"
Today 6:26 PM PDT by Marc Malkin
Michael Caulfield/Getty Images; James Devaney/Getty Images
Who wants to see Kate Gosselin strip down for Playboy?
Not Hugh Hefner, that's for sure.
"No! No!" Hef said when I asked him about the possibility of the controversial reality television mom posing in the pages of the legendary men's magazine.
In fact, Hefner doesn't understand why Gosselin is even on Dancing With the Stars…
"I don't think she's a celebrity," he said.
In fact, Hefner doesn't understand why Gosselin is even on Dancing With the Stars…
"I don't think she's a celebrity," he said.
Oh Snap! Slam on Kate.
They mispronounced the title. It's really called TWISTED KHATE!
Crappy dancing done by a crappy human being, IMO.
Admin., I like how in your post you mention that Kate INVITED cameras into her home filming her and her kids' private lives--yet she complains about the paps "hounding" her. How does anyone not see the absurdity of it all?
She gives interviews to People and Vanity Fair (and on TV--Natalie Morales, Larry King, Jay Leno, Ellen DeGeneres, The View, Barbara Walters, etc.), her PR team alerts the paps where and when she will be running errands with the kids or in the driveway--yet she complains about the media attention?? Laughable--what a crock.
She gets paid a reported $1.2 million dollars per year by TLC and has a judgement against Jon for $250,000 per year in child support (plus book royalties and speaking/appearance fees)--yes she has to do DWTS to support her kids? WTF?
It's a bizarro world in Gosselinland, folks.
I didn't watch Nancy Grace...I don't know who I dislike more, her or Kate...but I truly don't understand why any attorney in his/her right mind would willingly go on her show and tolerate her abuse.
And it concerns me that Jon's lawyer would have chosen this particular show to appear on. I question his judgment, to be honest.
I have questioned the judgment of Jon and also of his various lawyers many times but have to say that I am appalled that he agreed to this divorce agreement.
This situation just throws lighter fluid on the rage many men feel about the concept of being taken to the cleaners by the wife during a divorce and is very damaging to the cause of equality of the sexes, IMO.
And when I read many of the sheeple comments spewing their rage towards men, it makes me embarrassed (as a woman).
I am really upset that most news personalities such as Nancy grace are putting Jon down so so hard. How dare he go after poor Kate for more time with his kids. They all say he is just jealous n that he isn't sincere. This really is making me crazy! Why does she always come out looking so great compared to Jon? When will everyone see her for the true hateful bitch she is? We see it here but even jon's lawyer on NG couldn't make him sound better than her. I am so annoyed . Zoe
GO VOTE! is taking a poll on Kate's new show:
Yes, Kate and her kids make great TV
No, I'm not interested
NO 60% YES 40% so far with 19,433 votes.
Many negative comments. People are tired of her.
"Twist of Kate"??? lol
How Kate twists the truth? Anyone think it will sink like a lead balloon?
Twist of Kate is a HORRIBLE name for the show. That is going to be used for fodder for jokes big time. We've already heard Twisted Kate. How about The Truth: Twisted By Kate. Stupid name for a show.
The premise isn't so great either. What does Kate have to offer these families as far as advice? Usually people who give out advice have their own personal lives and "career" in good standing. Kate doesn't have a "career" (being on reality tv is not a career) and her personal life is a mess right now.
I think Twisted Kate is perfect. It truly describes that leech of a woman. Everything she says she twists around to make it "her truth" when, in fact, it's so far from the truth it's pitiful.
Maybe she's going to teach the commoner how to dance. She indicated to Tony she knows more than him. Snarky, I know but I couldn't resist. Crazy Twisted Kate!
Do you suppose they picked the title on purpose? To make it fodder for discussion and keep it out there?
Anonymous said...
I am really upset that most news personalities such as Nancy grace are putting Jon down so so hard. How dare he go after poor Kate for more time with his kids. They all say he is just jealous n that he isn't sincere. This really is making me crazy! Why does she always come out looking so great compared to Jon? When will everyone see her for the true hateful bitch she is? We see it here but even jon's lawyer on NG couldn't make him sound better than her. I am so annoyed . Zoe
As long as List can convince a judge I don't care what tabloid shows put out there. Fair isn't their goal. They're just in it for the money like everyone else. I do think this will dispell a lot of rumors about the facts although those who've dug in and taken up Kate's cause will never admit her lies. It doesn't matter as long as Jon gets more parenting time and a more equal distribution on child support. And as long as the kids are better off than they are now having nannies as their primary care givers.
Twist of's going to be a comedy, right?
"Thought watching Kate dance was funny? Did it make you cringe in embarrassment? Well, then tune in to Twist of Kate, coming soon on TLC! Nothing is funnier than watching a narcissist attempt to pretend that she CARES! Nothing will make you cringe more than watching Kate struggle to pretend that she can relate to regular people! Be sure to watch!"
Dee3 I wasn't going to watch just because it's Kart's show. However, I just may take in an episode or two for the sheer comedic value of her trying to look empathetic. Kart just doesn't get it for sure.
2. Why might Gosselin's Dancing days be numbered? And, sorry, "because she cannot dance" is not an acceptable answer (even if it is true). Last night, for the first time, ABC's strategy of saving Gosselin for last or next-to-last did not work like black magic. Viewership dipped from 9 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Even the 8:30 p.m. half-hour outdrew Gosselin's hardly passable Paso Doble at 9:30 p.m.
Read more:
Hi everybody, Maybe, Sherry's idea on Z's blog worked. People turned the channel and did not watch Katie! Awwwwwww
another review from a DWTS judge.
Nancy Grace - the other square-headed bitch from hell - lit into Jon's new lawyer with a vengeance. Is she Kate's BFF or what? I was waiting for him to shoot back at her that being photographed with women "under 30" wasn't as horrific as it sounds. Jon just turned 33 and he isn't dating teenagers. He's not a pedophile. Kate was the older of the two and went after him, but no mention of that. And I wanted to hear him tell Grace that Kate's been photographed running around the country, going to nightclubs, etc. too, locked arm in arm with a variety of men, but NO, he didn't. Then that Malkin idiot said Kate had "a nanny at home helping out" but that Kate is home most of the time, I couldn't believe List didn't step in and shout A NANNY?! I hope Jon clues him in on a few things before they step on Grace's turf again.
I think DWTS misplayed their strategy horribly this week; they insist it's Kate that brings the viewers so always place her at the end of the show, however...last week all the buzz was about the shock that Pam had been in the bottom 2, Erin's death threats and Evan's broken toes. Personally, I don't think the trainwreck factor plays as big a role as the producers seem to think. bring up a very interesting topic regarding the ratings. The entire Kate issue has taken on a life of its own...the internet battle between the "haters/haturz" and the "sheeple". I've seen that many of the anti-Kate bloggers are saying that they've been voting for Kate on DWTS because they're enjoying watching her embarrass herself with her lack of dancing skills (translation: enjoy watching her make an ass out of herself).
I have also frequently seen internet articles regarding Kate getting multiple comments...often many more than other articles...and someone will come along and post something like "if you really want her to go away, why did you read this article and comment on it?"
And I often find myself reflecting on all of our anti-Kate interest and sentiment feeding her popularity? Are WE preventing, by our interest and actions, what we'd like to see happen?
I stopped watching TLC quite some time ago, after I learned what was going on. And I'd love to see their clones of A&E's Intervention and Hoarding shows, but refuse to watch that channel anymore. I also don't watch DWTS but know I can see clips of Kate's dances on the internet the next day.
But I really do enjoy the blogs and the discussions...and participating in them. Am I, therefore, contributing to keeping her in the limelight?
Hi dee3,
I have wondered that as well. I have even stopped blogging for a while a few times now. I have not watched TLC in about 18 months. I quit watching Disc, disc health, animal planet, any of their channels.
At first, I bought into all of it and then one day, something did not make sense and opened my eyes. I stopped watching and never went back. I even quit using Tide because they were a sponsor. I wrote to them and told them and got a very nice note, saying they were sorry to lose me. The problem with that was I did not know when they stopped being a sponsor. When I wrote to TLC, no response. Nothing. So, why should I watch them?
Kate just brings out the mean in so many people. Me included. My kids laugh about it. They are grown, tho.
My oldest son told me that there are face book groups that vote for Kate because she is the worst and want to keep her on, like Sanjaya on AI. He sent me a link and there are a ton of them.
Every time I quit blogging, I missed the other bloggers so much. I always came back. Like Kelly and others. Have a good day dee3. TTYS
dee3 - I also questioned that and then came to the conclusion that whether or not I pay attention to her has nothing to do with her longevity in the tabloid headlines and television appearances. Kate is her own worst enemy and eventually she'll bring herself down. Her self-obsessiveness and deception (doin' it for the kids bs, to name one) will catch up with her. She's over exposed herself and that will be her demise. It might take a while but it happens to all narcissists.
Twist of Kate is a HORRIBLE name for the show. That is going to be used for fodder for jokes big time. We've already heard Twisted Kate. How about The Truth: Twisted By Kate. Stupid name for a show.
The premise isn't so great either. What does Kate have to offer these families as far as advice? Usually people who give out advice have their own personal lives and "career" in good standing. Kate doesn't have a "career" (being on reality tv is not a career) and her personal life is a mess right now.
Ya'll think shey'l cum ta ma kneck uf the woulds? I is bigist phayn.
Woman with Challenge said...
I have a challenge, not to spit in her face if I ever see her.
LMAO! Good one.
Great Recap! I'm really enjoying your Pam stories. She sounds very earthy. Buzz reminded me of the way my grandfather danced, so I totally understood his bones are little stiff and his steps aren't as quick and limber as the younger dancers her. I loved watching him in spite of it all. I really came to admire Ashley the last three weeks. She defines dignity and of course she's a beautifully graceful dancer.
Kate can't stay much longer than next week, even though I heard her say she's over the nerve thing and next week she's going to rock it. bwa hahahahahaha. Her dances have been bad, badder and baddest. The only thing left worse than baddest is horrendous and that makes four so she's gotta go. To me she looked like Bette Davis's Baby Jane Hudson. I don't know if anyone here remembers the movie Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, but that's just who Kate looked like. Tony is starting to piss me off by praising SBFH, telling her how well she did, how proud his of her, blah blah blah. I think he's suffering from folie a deux, which just means her psychosis has spread to him. Either that or he's given up because his dancing sure looked like he has. Can't blame him for that. Anyway when Kate said she's proud of herself I had to do an Aiden and go hurl in the planter.
Love this blog admin. I hope you're not planning on shutting it down anytime soon.
Remind me to use you for my attorney in any future actions. Your recap was dead on and your recall was amazing. Your argument was as good as they come and your intense, factual recall would serve any client of yours to recommend you to others. GREAT job.
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