Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jon kowtows to Kate and TLC

List is fired. Jon is going to work with Kate and her lawyers. No words.

Rep. Murt really is their only hope.

137 sediments (sic) from readers:

Anonymous said... 1

Have we all been played? I am coming to that conclusion. That this has all been one gigantic drama coordinated by TLC.

Katesucks said... 2

Jon Gosselin: I Never Asked for Custody
Originally posted 35 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

Jon Gosselin is lashing out at the lawyer he just fired .... claiming the attorney filed legal papers asking for primary custody without Jon's permission.

Gosselin tells TMZ, "I never wanted primary custody, he [attorney Anthony List] filed for that. I only wanted a more flexible custody schedule so I could be with my kids."

But List tells TMZ, "Jon signed off on everything."

Jon, who is pissed that List spoke with the media, insists he wants to pay child support, adding, "I just can't afford the $22,000 a month right now. That is why I'm trying to find a job."

As for what type of job ... Jon says, "I would like a job in some aspect of TV, probably as a host."

Well, if Kate can dance ... ~ Administrator said... 3

This SCREAMS TLC all over it.

As a lawyer unless you are representing a child and must act in their best interest, you MUST always do what your client wants. It is unethical improper and subject to losing your LICENSE to act on their behalf without their permission. TLC is feeding Jon all the lines necessary to make this seem like it was all one big misunderstanding.

Never wanted full custody my ass how dumb does TLC think we are???? ~ Administrator said... 4

TLC bought him out pure and simple and now is feeding him what lines to say to make this go away. This is insane and Jon has the backbone of a slug. Screw him I regret ever supporting him!

Jennifer said... 5

Re Jon lacking a backbone--it was no accident that he was married to Kate for 10 years and also no accident that he took up with that ridiculous Heller. Jon may be a marginally better parent than Kate, but it's clear that the #1 priority for both of them is $. He could RUIN Kate if he really wanted (if he played his cards smart, I'm sure he could win primary custody as well as spousal support and in the process repair his image--what do you think, Admin?), but I guess all he really wants is a quick buck?

Canadian girl said... 6

Something stinks in Gosselin Land! what the heck is going on? there must have been some big time threats going on for Jon to just change wind like that,did TLC promise him a hosting gig? if he drops it all?I don,t understand anything about this turn of events,something is going on that is more powerful then we will ever know.

Paula said... 7

My guess is that TLC did not want this custody issue to go to trial - so they waved the BIG BUCKS in front of Jon and he caved. What a sorry excuse for a father. It's too bad he and Kate divorced - they deserve each other.

TVSnark said... 8

"A man who represents himself has a fool for a client." Abe Lincoln.

I just tweeted that to Jon. BFD.

Haily needs to shut the F up. If she waits, he'll have money someday, let him get his shit in order and STOP harassing him via twitter. She's smoking too much pot and not taking her proper meds.

I'm so sad for 8.

mollyhart said... 9

My goodness! After this, I am just as done with Jon as Kate.
TLC really found a couple of goobers in these two.
Dangle a bit of "gimme-cash" in front of them and they will do anything or sell-out anyone.
I used to think both of them were just provincial and ignorant (for which there is a cure). I have come to believe both of them are greedy and stupid (for which there is no cure).

TVSnark said... 10

Screw him I regret ever supporting him!


I hate the tin-foil hat crap but DAMN, somebody has SOMETHING to HIDE. This is not normal, is it Admin?

Lauren said... 11

It's just so obvious...

Jon Gosselin is letting Kate exploit his kids and he's also TLC's bitch. Just wave some dollar bills in front of him and he'll bend over and play TLC's bitch. Jon made a deal with the devil!!!!

Unknown said... 12

I think you have to be kidding yourself if you think Jon wanted Primary custody and Kate would lose it. The way I saw it was Jon asked for the moon but wanted something in between in terms of custody. Kate deciding Jon's custody time is kind of ridiculous and he wanted a fair agreement. Its like having a stay at home mom lose primary custody of her kids then to make huge child support payments. Yet somehow Jon is the bad guy for not being able to afford $22k, and wanting more time with his kids.

Lolly said... 13

Wow. It took Jon all this time to refute this? LOL What a JOKE. TLC must really think we are all as dumb as the loyal worshipers. What a total scam they are running on all of us. One thing Jon never did well was lie, he always made slip ups when he did. I wonder if List could sue him? This type of thing can damage a lawyer's rep. Another Gosselin/TLC victim. Both Jon and Kate is selling their very souls for the almightly dollar and TLC.

My God. Admin you are right.

Anonymous said... 14

Funny right? When Kate began DWTS, Jon petitioned for Primary Custody. Now that she's booted, Jon dropped his case and claims he and Kate are working things out "privately".

This was all a publicity stunt. And it worked. It stirred the media, the blogs and everyone fell for it. We are dumb-asses and we played into their game. TLC, Jon & Kate are all working together. Remember Jon SETTLED with TLC a month ago. I am having a strong suspicion that we are all being duped by all 3.

I also believe Jon told his Lawyer to make a statement to the media saying "Jon is going forward with the custody battle", then at the same time Twitter about NOT going forward. Just to make his Lawyer look like he doesn't know what he is doing. Making Anthony List lose any credibility in the case.

TLC is telling Jon what to do and say. Just like they are to Kate

Lolly said... 15

Admin, I just had another thought, Jon HAS not and COULD not make any statements to the press/paps AT ALL. Now all of a sudden he talks to TMZ?? Wow TLC, Jon and Kate have sure played us all.

Sick of Karts Krap said... 16

Where is that post that the Reality Insider made? It's sounding more and more like it was true. We have all been played. As long as everyone keeps paying attention to these 2 idiots, it will continue. Look at the events.

Kart goes on DWTS.
They need to drum up publicity and get the blogs buzzing, so Jon files custody.
Kart knows her contract for DWTS is coming to an end on the 20th.
Jon fires List on the 15th, a few days before Karts contract is up.
I think I might be done with this charade.
These 2 idiots deserve each other and the kids deserve better parents.
Nothing will be done about any of this.

Chrissy said... 17

Just wait for it... in a month Jon will announce that he's either hosting a new TLC show or rejoining Kate plus 8. Remember Kate on Leno talking about wanting to be on DWTS and singing Paparrazzi? Remember the little aside to Beth on the show about wanting to go to Hawaii for a vow renewal? How about all those complaints about how small their house was? The little throwaway conversation on the couch about getting a dog? Everything these two do is foreshadowed - they always leak out little tidbits to their public. I just can't figure out if it's a deliberate pr strategy or if these two morons are just too stupid to keep a secret.

prairiemary said... 18

I think that kids today are smarter than they used to be,and I think Maddy knows alot more than we think she does, as she is not a dumb kid,and at the age of 9, will be able to find info,somehow.I remember the first time a family member of mine watched the jk8 show, and said to me that the child I lost to cancer reminded them of bratty-Maddy, broke my heart,but since that was said to me, I will love little maddy forever.

IATK said... 19

I'm at a loss for words and don't know what to think. What I HOPE for is that Rep. Murt goes after TLC with a vengeance, but even that seems a long shot. No corporation should EVER be able to exert that much power over children and destroy their lives. I'm ashamed of our society if it's come to this and TLC is truly the devil.

SG said... 20

So Jon is now talking to the media/TMZ. I think this proved TLC is behind it all because they had to give him permission to speak. Last time he just nodded his head and grimaced because he was not allowed to talk!

mommyinca said... 21

My heart is breaking for those kids. I thought at least ONE of their parents were looking out for them. They both make me sick! I've seen parents lose custody of their children for less heinous acts than Jon and Kate are pulling. Sick. sick. sick!!!!!

IDModo said... 22

One of the stipulations prior to the custody hearing was that Jon, Kate and the kids would be seen by a mental health professional to help the children cope with the divorce. My guess is that for some reason, TLC doesn't want those kids within 50 miles of a mental health professional, particularly if they were to be interviewed on their own as is part of the protocol in custody hearings.Something very big is being covered up here; otherwise, why would TLC continue to promote Kate when everybody knows she has no discernible talent, and why would they continue to buy off Jon? IMO they (TLC) don't want any embarrassing disclosures about anything abusive or unethical that may have happened during the filming of the kids.An experienced mental health professional would be able to discover the truth in a New York Minute!

SG said... 23

Jon Gosselin is lashing out at the lawyer he just fired .... claiming the attorney filed legal papers asking for primary custody without Jon's permission.

Gosselin tells TMZ, "I never wanted primary custody, he [attorney Anthony List] filed for that. I only wanted a more flexible custody schedule so I could be with my kids."

But List tells TMZ, "Jon signed off on everything."

Jon, who is pissed that List spoke with the media, insists he wants to pay child support, adding, "I just can't afford the $22,000 a month right now. That is why I'm trying to find a job."

As for what type of job ... Jon says, "I would like a job in some aspect of TV, probably as a host."

Well, if Kate can dance ...


Read more:

IATK said... 24

I wonder, does TLC think antics like this endear Jon and Kate to the public so that they will watch a show that either of them are on? There might be a few die hard fans, but most people have an aversion to shams and being duped by corporate america. Incredulous.

prairiemary said... 25

Chrissy-I totally agree with you about jon getting his own show on tlc! Just wait and see, especially since jon has just said, he would like to be the host of a program himself. Soon jon,kate,and all 8 will be back, shouldnt take too long to see it,though it would be the worst possible thing for those 8 children.

Amanda, Iowa said... 26

Why did it take Jon till after DWTS to figure out that HIS lawyer filed for something Jon didnt ask for. Really? Sounds suspicious.

nanb said... 27

Jon says he wants a hosting job. Didn't Kate say she wasn't interested in the bachelorette show but maybe co-hosting a show. I don't remember which after DWTS clip I saw it on. I just thought it was odd since, she has two shows coming out. I fear a another "Marriage Ref" show, co-hosted by these two fame whores! I'm sick of both of them and I'm going to spend some time away from these fools.

Anonymous said... 28

Wow, I'm sure Jon's Father would be so proud of his son right now. Jon reached out to this man, a friend of his father's and now Jon has just stabbed him in the back. Geez, Jon, be glad your Dad is not around to see this.

Nancy said... 29

I think i'm done.

Anonymous said... 30

I reported this earlier today. I have a legal background too. Jon did not talk to TMZ...they reported on a "tweet"--something else I don't do and find infantile. TLC is all-powerful and manipulates people like puppets on a string. The corruption is mind-boggling.

SG said... 31

Jon and Kate should tattoo on their and their kids foreheads: IF FOUND PLEASE RETURN TO TLC

Anonymous said... 32

And, P.S., yes, TLC has "bought" Jon. Despicable.

PJ's momma said... 33

Those poor, poor kids.
Admin, time to update the Kalendar. ROL has a video of Kart leaving home about an hour after she arrived with the kids. The two little girls standing in the doorway while their so-called mother is squired away in a town car is very sad.

GKway (aka Gosselin Kids all the way) said... 34

As much as I love being part of this blog and have 'met' so many like-minded, reasonable, honest people, I feel that this 'drama' and 'scam" of J&K is consuming too much of my time and effort (especially since both parents are worthless, pieces of S***T who care only about themselves). I really hope Rep Murt do what J&K will not and that is too protect children in reality TV everywhere, starting with the Gosselin Kids. I hope and pray that they all get the help and therapy they need.

*Sugar&Spice* said... 35

This is the most disgusting, horrible and degrading family vs children. Every moment the gosselins start the war with each other. Who is always in the middle the kids. They play with the kids feelings and hearts all the time. They use them as puppets, tabloid fillers and publicity. Its disgusting to the point its madding.

Once again Kate has a stupid bargain book tour coming up again. Than we have the 2 TLC show this summer. So the gosselin tabloid maker has to be working 24/7 to keep people attention on them. So we don't forget how much this family is a train wreck.

I will be so thankful when the gosselins are yesterdays trash. No one will even speak about them. It will be over with. No more shows or books. It was all a bad dream that is finally over with.

They are both liars and cheaters who don't deserve one thing.

LifeinOH said... 36

What a couple of complete and utter losers.

God help the kids.

We need to really throw our support behind Mr. Murt. He's the only hope these kids have.

Kelly said... 37

I'm sure Anthony List is Pissed right now, having his good name dragged through the press by a ner do well, like Jon Gosselin. First of all, why did he fire him on the 15th of April, only to come out in the press 1 week later, AFTER Kate was off the DWTS and tell the world he fired him.

Secondly, Jon DID have to sign the papers prior to List filing them with the Berks County Courthouse so he KNEW what was in them.

If Jon fired him on the 15th of April, Kate is on record, after the fact, that she was going through a custody battle. If Jon and Kate were working things out amicably, why did SHE lie about that?

Something smells pretty gosselin right now and if I were Anthony List, I'd be out there front and center clearing my name and not letting a douchebag like Jon Gosselin drag it through the mud.

Jon hosting a television show would be as interesting as watching Barney the Purple Dinasour hosting one. When will these two grifters figure it out that they have no talent other than an insatiable urge to lie?

Sue Buddy said... 38

Admin, it seems that Jon is implying that his ex-attorney, List, filed a complaint that Jon was not aware of. That sounds pretty fishy to me. I can't imagine an attorney filing a complaint without the client being completely aware of what's in the complaint. Could List sue Jon for saying such a thing publically??

Wiley C said... 39

I'm done with the Gosselins. Kids, all the best to you. You're gonna need it.

I wish the only 2 shows I like on TLC would move to Bravo. Hear that What Not To Wear and Say Yes To The Dress? Because as of now, I am no longer watching your shows. TLC is dead to me.

"The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants."

LifeinOH said... 40


Get the Kalendar out....she's off again for a 'media event':

LifeinOH said... 41

Is THIS why Jon settled w/TLC?

Hailey's Tweets:

@jongosselin1 Since u now have NO Legal Representation U NEED TO CONTACT either my Lawyer Stephanie or ROB to settle the money YOU owe me!
about 1 hour ago via web in reply to jongosselin1

@jongosselin1 You signed a contract and promised my 200k would be payed back to me by the en of ur divorce.Then U cried to me bankrupt. So I
about 1 hour ago via web

@jongosselin1 gave you until May 1.Contact Rob if you'd rather so we can settle this!Ur not going to b able to run from this too much longer
about 1 hour ago via web said... 42

I have really tried to hold on to SOME hope about Jon.

I understood and forgave his awful behavior for a long time. Now he has shown himself to be no better than than Kate.

I keep thinking about those poor children. Can anyone offer any positive thoughts as to how the kids can ever be okay? I can't seem to paint any positive picture in my mind.

Anonymous said... 43

Just posted this on TMZ: "73. Good grief, people. Jon has been bought by TLC. TLC is doing major damage control. I've seen pictures of Kate's book signing last Friday night where only about 30 people showed up and where her "bodyguard" manhandled a female attorney for asking about child labor laws. Kevin and Jodi testified recently at a child labor law hearing and another hearing is in the works. TLC has to act quickly to save their "cash cow Kate" from bad publicity to protect their newest investment in her two new shows for them. Fortunately, a few people can connect the dots."

Katie said... 44

Yep, I also want to say that reading this, I'm done with this entire thing. I want BOTH of them to go the hell away and NOW, so I'm going to do my small but meaningful and effective (if I'm joined by others) part in making that happen: they no longer exist to me.

Great blog, I LOVE it. But I've got to move on from these idiot grifter assholes AND the horrible network bankrolling them.

(By the way, TLC is NEVER turned on in my house, ever. On any TV. That's been true for quite a while now. I am boycotting any and all things about or showing these two or their kids. Not even clips on line.)

Bye y'all! Take care!

Anonymous said... 45

Kate and Steve are 'matching' again...

SG said... 46

I'm sorry but this moderation is driving me bonkers. Are things still bad that you can't take it off Admin?

SG said... 47


There is a video of Jon TALKING to them! It's on TMZ.

Emptynester said... 48

This is quickly snowballing into a scandal of major proportions - hopefully someone from mainstream media will pick it up and do some REAL investigation. Wouldn't we just love to see TLC exposed!

NancyB said... 49

I feel very stupid for supporting Jon. When I 1st became involved in this mess I was Team 8 only and then during the divorce proceedings last year, the full out assault by Kart & TLC & TLC's lawyers I placed my support on Jon's side. I am sorry I ever backed this spineless slug. Kart & Jon deserve each other. My heart breaks for the 8.

NancyB said... 50

Can parents amicably and independently submit to the court a revised or modified monthly support agreement and can the court agree to to such a modification? My questions refers to CA courts since your licensed here. I am wondering if TLC's agreement with Jon could have involved such a scenario.

SG said... 51

No one should feel stupid for supporting Jon. We gave him the benefit of the doubt until he proved us wrong.

We knew Jon was in with TLC and the covering up of their failed marriage until he stupidly blew that cover. He was also responsible for exploiting his children for money when they were on the show together. We knew all that. We knew he was capable of it. We hoped he realized the error of his ways when he seemed to go up against TLC and Kate but alas, he hasn't. Jon is being controlled by TLC, whether he is fine with that... or whether he feels he has no other option, we don't know.

Anonymous said... 52

Thank you SchmeckyGirl--don't know how I missed that--and Emptynester, I would LOVE to see TLC exposed.

AuntieAnn said... 53

If the joke is on us,fine, but in the process all they [Kate, Jon, TLC] have done is mindfucked eight kids. I pity those children more than ever now.

escrow said... 54

A long long time ago I posted over at Moon's old site that this whole J&K debaucle was planned. I said the divorce was fake. I said that Eileen O'Neil was indeed conducting some kind of weird and sick social/media experiment. My opinion was poo pooed because no one could believe anyone would be that warped to put a family with small children in a position to be so harmed. It's starting to look like it might all be true. I don't post often on because I refuse to add my voice to frenzy. As long as we are all talkin and watchin the corporate agenda is working for them.

2exhausted2name said... 55

Fool me once... I'm sickened by this. Either TLC has something on Jon beyond a death-grip on his balls, or he's part of the twisted game they're playing. Either way he's lost any respect or support I might have thrown his way.

My hopes now lie solely with Rep. Murt, Kevin & Jodi. I could give a rats @ss what publicity Kate & Jon seek for themselves but I have all fingers & toes crossed that these three champions will squash any chance of J&K dragging the 8 kids in & out of the spotlight.

Kelly said... 56

Jon's Lies:

1. He didn't remove any money from the bank account
2. He didn't have an affair with Stephanie
3. He didn't have an affair with Deanna
4. Hailey and he are just friends
5. He removed only 150,000 which was his pay
6. He didn't ask for custody
7. He fired his first divorce attorney
8. He wants more time with his kids
9. He's leased an apartment in PA

He's living with his brother Tom in Boyds Maryland which is a tiny suburb in Westminster MD.

All the rest are easily googled for proof

NancyB said... 57

Kelly your post is a real good one and you have uncovered the timeline of lies as well that do not add up. The video on TMZ of Jon is disgusting. Jon had the audacity to actually say that what lawyer List did was illegal. If List does not come out front and center to defend his honor and reputation, either in the court of the public opinion (The Media) or else in a real court then I will have to deduce that he was in on the scam from the beginning. That would be a very sordid end note for a former US attorney to add to his resume. $$$$$$$$$

marnie said... 58

Kelly - all great points. Kate surely knew on the 15th that there was no custody case and that she and TLC had Jon by the balls, again.
Unless - this whole case was a huge creation by the TLC pr to up sympathy for Kate during DWTS. Cry, play the single mom being sued for custody card. Get more votes. Then Jon 'drop' the case as soon as Kate is off the show. Normally, I laugh at some of the conspiracies relating to TLC, but this just seems too obvious to deny.

dee3 said... 59

Administrator said...

This SCREAMS TLC all over it.

As a lawyer unless you are representing a child and must act in their best interest, you MUST always do what your client wants. It is unethical improper and subject to losing your LICENSE to act on their behalf without their permission. TLC is feeding Jon all the lines necessary to make this seem like it was all one big misunderstanding.

Never wanted full custody my ass how dumb does TLC think we are????

To the administrator~


I had read the latest tweet info. regarding Jon dropping his lawyer but had to go to a lengthy dental appt. and was gnashing my teeth until I read what the administrator wrote here.

I am NOT necessarily blaming Jon here. I AM 100% suspicious of TLC here. I am absolutely suspecting undue influence here...if not outright coercion, arm-twisting and threatening. Don't be so fast to blame Jon here.

This is yet another example, IMO, of the lengths TLC will go to in order to hide whatever the hell it is that they're trying to hide. And it's despicable.

I'm not giving up on Jon....but I DO want to know what the hell is going on and what the hell TLC is up to here.

Now let me go and finish reading all the rest of the comments here.

IATK said... 60

"I keep thinking about those poor children. Can anyone offer any positive thoughts as to how the kids can ever be okay? I can't seem to paint any positive picture in my mind."

On the positive side.

First, children are more resilient than we often give them credit. Many adults come from horrendous childhoods and yet manage to survive and even thrive when they realize there's a better world than the one into which they were born.

Secondly, hopefully the nannies are kind and loving and after all this time, have grown to see these children as their own when it comes to nurturing and providing them with warmth and affection. If this is the case, they're better off with them than they are with a mom who is, as we're lead to believe, so frazzled and fame driven that she deems only brief hugs and a peck on the forehead quite enough before she's off again on her quest...again.

And lastly, Cara and Mady are old enough to express displeasure at being filmed and I would guess if that's the way they feel, they will do just that. I guess only time will tell how they have been and will be affected. If nothing else, let's hope new laws will be written to protect all reality TV kids to prevent them from being controlled by the same greedy corporate giants that have so boldly exploited the Gosselin children.

And Kate, Jon and TLC...shame on all of you.

Irene S said... 61

Jon is a tool

Tlc is nothing but a company of pimps who traffick children by stupid, willing parents who have no regard for the best interests of their children.


mama mia said... 62

List is the man to watch now. If he doesn't say anything in his defense we can conclude TLC paid him off.
As for the drama, what else can Jon and Kate do? One has to get pregnant and impregnant someone because so far they have used up the cheating/affairs and divorce scandal,they battle over money and kids, the dogs are on and off, back and forth, I think all that is left is a love child or an addiction.

Anonymous said... 63

Not many people could stand up against TLC/Kate/ABC. I am surprised he lasted this long.

They would have had him digging in garbage cans in a couple months.

He needs the right lawyer.

mommyinca said... 64

Can we/someone/anyone file a class action lawsuit against TLC for "false advertising"? They claimed the show was reality and yet, now it's being proven that it was NOT in fact reality. TLC has snowed so many people. I for one would like to see them brought to justice!

dee3 said... 65

Anonymous said...

"TLC is all-powerful and manipulates people like puppets on a string. The corruption is mind-boggling."

Jon drops the custody case, fires his attorney and is working this out amicably with Kate...reportedly.

What I'm not understanding is...if Jon (theoretically) so easily accepted money to drop the custody suit, wouldn't he have reasonably also have accepted money in order to allow the children to be filmed again? Even if he did win custody?

WHY would TLC be willing to either pay, coerce or threaten Jon JUST to drop the custody suit? What result of the custody suit were they so worried about? Or what piece of info that could come out during a custody hearing were they so worried about?

If it's so easy to buy Jon out, why not just buy him out to film the children again? If he's so willing to do almost anything for enough money? What was so critical about this custody hearing?

alana said... 66

Once again I'm reminded of that little tidbit posted on Blindgossip MONTHS ago. It said, paraphrasing, that "an insider told a 'source' that they had seen a list of carefully planned P.R. stunts (for a reality show that was obviously J&KPlus8) designed with one purpose: to keep this gravy train going. Everything, from the Deanna Hummel 'fiasco', through the divorce proceedings, to Jon 'taking' money he wasn't supposed to, to ALL 'jobs' Hate has worked since - ALL of this has been/is carefully and consciously planned and WRITTEN OUT..." on this list.

I believed it then and I still believe it; whether or not there is an actual list, who knows? I still believe it's all one big, UGLY, child-abusing HOAX.

Sue Buddy said... 67

Anonymous said:He needs the right lawyer.

He had a media grabbing lawyer, then one who seemed reputable. So who should he try next?

dee3 said... 68

IDModo said...

One of the stipulations prior to the custody hearing was that Jon, Kate and the kids would be seen by a mental health professional to help the children cope with the divorce. My guess is that for some reason, TLC doesn't want those kids within 50 miles of a mental health professional, particularly if they were to be interviewed on their own as is part of the protocol in custody hearings.Something very big is being covered up here; otherwise, why would TLC continue to promote Kate when everybody knows she has no discernible talent, and why would they continue to buy off Jon? IMO they (TLC) don't want any embarrassing disclosures about anything abusive or unethical that may have happened during the filming of the kids.An experienced mental health professional would be able to discover the truth in a New York Minute!

Now THIS makes a LOT of sense to me. Great observation, IDModo! I didn't even think of that.

PatK said... 69

Oh, what a tangled web we weave...

Okay, Jonny-boy, you go for it. We'll all be anxiously waiting to see what gem of a tv "job" you end up with--AND how long it lasts.

Mark my words, only divine intervention from God himself will make these two fraudulent, no-talented hacks successful in any long-term venture.

I'm just going to sit back and enjoy watching their slow, painful demise. Because it WILL happen. Oh, yes, it will.

Sorry kids--you lose.

NancyB said... 70

dee3- I enjoy your many posts and often agree with you. This time I do not. Jon is not some borderline MRDD (mentally retarded developmental disability)person. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to realize that he is complicit and accountable for the decisions that he makes and the behavior that he exhibits.

I definitely believe that TLC has very effectively used major coercion with Jon but this does not absolve Jon of the responsiblilty to independently decide to be or not to be his children's protector. Jon's motivation is no different than Kart's.

When Jon 1st appeared on Larry King's show last fall with that sleazy lawyer Heller and announced that he now believed that the filming of his beloved children was very detrimental many people questioned his motives. Personally, I did not care if he truly believed that or not. All that I cared about was that for whatever reason, he had FINALLY acted on behalf of his children's well being as a father is surely willingly obligated to do, IMO.

I no longer will give any credence to this poor excuse for a father. I felt embarrased for Jon when he was befriended by Micahel Lohan and when Jon reciptrocated, as short lived as the "friendship" proved to be. I now am of the belief that that was the real Jon. Superficial, self centered and grifter extraordinaire.

Anonymous said... 71

Jon will be filing his own papers? He must be CRAZY, or a wet noddle when it comes to Kate. She still has him wrapped around her finger.

His lawyer had his best interest in mind. What a wimp Jon has turned out to be. What Kate wants, Kate gets.

She is a master manipulator.

IATK said... 72

There's a nagging thought that keeps crossing my mind and it's Kevin and Jodi's statement that sometime early on in the show, some members of the production crew came to them and said that they were morally conflicted about something that was taking place during filming or in the home. What could have been so bad that production people felt it necessary to share their concerns? I wouldn't want to speculate, but I think it's a question that needs to be asked by the proper authorities.

Kelly said... 73

If Jon and Kate were really working this out amicably, Why is Kate seen leaving her home for a trip to New York today with a nanny standing at the doorway with the kids. On the other hand, we have a picture of Jon going into a convenience store today, being asked questions from a tabloid reporter.

Why wasn't Jon at home with the kids?

Anthony List also stated in an interview that none of the children have been in counseling to this date and that was an issue. Kate stated in many different on air interviews that the children were getting counseling. She further stated that the children had a counselor coming to the home.

Having a counselor coming to the home would be an easy excuse because there would be no photo evidence of Kate taking the kids outside the home for counseling. In fact, the only time we ever see Kate take the kids outside of the home is when she's making a trip to get her nails done, to the Kinkos, Fedex, Starbucks or Tanning salon.

Those kids are kept at that home like indentured servants.

Jon is as guilty as Kate is for not seeing that the emotional needs of these kids were being taken care of in the form of counseling. Furthermore, there is no evidence that any of these kids do any normal activity outside of the home like T-Ball, soccer, dance, cheerleading or any other physical activity other than being photographed riding a bike in the driveway near the garage.

Anonymous said... 74

Don't feel sorry for Jon! He is a part of this high profile drama. Why do you think TLC still has him on their payroll? Why do think that he has NOT retaliated against Kate or TLC? Human nature is to defend yourself when untruths are being told about you. Not once has Jon defended himself about the horrible things that have been said about him.

This has been planned from the very beginning, and they are ALL in on the joke. I can't think of any other A listed star that has had as much media attention as Jon & Kate has had over the last year. Why do you think that is?

Eventually, the truth will be exposed and I hope that the public will bring them all down!

dee3 said... 75


I'm not saying that I am siding with Jon here. What I am saying is that until I can learn for sure that he was not so seriously threatened or coerced that he had little other choice...I can't just jump to the conclusion that he was easily bought out.

In other words, I can't go all out and 100% blame him until I can know for sure that TLC did not cause a situation for him that made it literally impossible for him to do otherwise. And I say this because my suspicions and loathing for TLC is so great, that I would not put ANYTHING past them.

I have suspected for some time that TLC would literally go to criminal lengths to get what they want and to protect what they don't want to be revealed. And because of that, I feel there is some chance that they could have pressured, threatened, and/or coerced Jon to the extent where the situation was so dangerous or unbearable for him that he had to cave.

Until I know for sure that this wasn't the case...I can't just go all out and completely blame him and completely turn my back on him. If, however, this was not the case...then yes, I'd feel totally disgusted with him and consider him to be beneath contempt.

But right now...the way I see TLC..I would not put ANYTHING past them. said... 76

Thank you for replying to my post about looking for something positive.
You're correct that lots of children are able to overcome their awful upbringing and go on to live happy and productive lives.
I sent Rep. Murt an email, and would like to encourage everyone who has not done so to do the same.
Oh, and I really agree with the poster who is tired of all the comments having to be moderated. My guess is that the Admin. must be dealing with nutty people? If that's the case, we're lucky to have her checking the posts!

bbsak said... 77

Dee3 said...If it's so easy to buy Jon out, why not just buy him out to film the children again? If he's so willing to do almost anything for enough money? What was so critical about this custody hearing?

They already bought Jon out to film the children. That's what the settlement was about; it's why TLC resumed his contract and paying him his $5000/mo salary and the gag order was placed on him. Soon after he accepted that offer word leaked that the kids would be filmed again and there we were a 2 months ago with news that the show Kate+8 was a go.

I don't think the custody fight was about filming the children - he'd already acquiesced to that months ago. IMO, the custody fight was about his child support and Kate not letting him see the kids when she was gone. I really don't believe TLC played a direct part in that.

IATK said... 78

Kate Gosselin Returns Home, Then Leaves Her Eight Kids Again

Thursday – April 22, 2010 – 2:06pm

Mommy's home ... sort of.

Two days after being booted off Dancing With the Stars, Kate Gosselin returned home Thursday.
Wearing glasses and accompanied by her bodyguard Steve Neild, the reality TV mom, 35, popped by her $1.1 million home in Wernersville, Pa., to spend some time with her eight children.

But she wasn't there for long.

After a 20-minute visit, she packed her suitcase, hopped into a waiting limousine outside and took off with her bodyguard, leaving her kids with a nanny.

She is set to appear on Live with Regis and Kelly Friday. The show tapes in NYC.

Ironically, Gosselin said that now that she's off DWTS, she can spend more time with her kids. "They'll be glad to have me back," she told Entertainment Tonight Tuesday. "I'm thrilled to have been here and obviously going back to my kids is always a wonderful thing."

Gosselin made no mention of her DWTS ousting in a new TLC blog post. The night after her elimination, she claimed she "spent an exciting evening" packing her kids' school lunches using "piles of Ziploc snack bags."

Jen K said... 79

If the crew was morally conflicted enough to quit, it would seem that what the were witnessing was pretty bad. Perhaps even bad enough that a confidentiality agreement couldn't even be enforced. Admin, do you know anything about that aspect? If they were witness to abuse of any kind, couldn't they report it and be free of retribution?

Sick of Karts Krap said... 80

How can anyone not be holding Jon responsible? Sure TLC has their dirty mitts all over this, but all Jon would have to do is contact Rep Murt, Gloria Allred, or Paul Peterson or any reputable new outlet and say "Hey, this is what they are doing to me and my family, HELP."

Instead he stewed for a while and saw what it was like not to have a big fat paycheck coming in and he didn't like it. He has sold his soul and his kids soul to the highest bidder, (which happens to be TLC.) He may not be much of a fame whore as Kart but he sure doesn't like being without those greenbacks. It's all about the money to both of them. They BOTH make me sick to my stomach. Jon doesn't deserve anyones support or sympathy and he ISN"T a good father. Good fathers protect their children. He has thrown his to the wolves. All for his own selfish reasons. The kids don't figure in anywhere in this scenario except for how much more money these 2 low lifes can make off them.

Escrow, I too said the same thing over at moons. We were being played, but nobody listened.

IATK said... 81

bbsak: I don't think the custody fight was about filming the children - he'd already acquiesced to that months ago. IMO, the custody fight was about his child support and Kate not letting him see the kids when she was gone. I really don't believe TLC played a direct part in that.

bbsak, why would Jon fire his attorney, even if he wanted to settle out of court?

dee3 said... 82

bbsak said....

"I don't think the custody fight was about filming the children - he'd already acquiesced to that months ago. IMO, the custody fight was about his child support and Kate not letting him see the kids when she was gone. I really don't believe TLC played a direct part in that."


Then why would TLC go to so much trouble to get Jon to drop the custody suit? If they're allowed to film the children now, per the previous contract settlement....why would they care how much child support he pays or whether or not he cares for the children when Kate is out of town...or if he has more liberal visiting privileges? Why would this even matter to them? And matter enough that they would have paid Jon to drop the entire custody suit?

Or was I misunderstanding something? Why was TLC having such a big problem with this custody suit? That they apparently paid him enough to drop it (as we are all speculating)?

IATK said... 83

Also, admin has just started a new thread.

IATK said... 84

Sorry, this is the link to the above article I posted.

Anonymous said... 85

TMZ has a picture of Kate and the kids at the NYC airport. Those children look beaten down and miserable.

dee3 said... 86


A wrote a response to you about a half hour or so ago but it does not seem to be showing up let me try again.

My position on Jon is this....I am currently SO suspicious and distrusting of TLC at this point, that until I know for sure...that they did not threaten or coerce Jon to such a degree that he had NO other reasonable choice BUT to acquiesce...I won't be able to 100% put the entire blame on him and completely turn my back on him in disgust.

At this point...I would not put ANYTHING past TLC, including criminal behavior. That means that I think it's not outside the realm of possibility that they exerted the type of threats and pressure upon Jon that he had no other choice than to buckle.

BUT...if I learn that this was NOT the case...then I will 100% agree and consider him beneath contemptible. I hope that made sense.

MickeyMcKean said... 87

In the middle of kate_in_cali's post on GWOP, as well as this blog, was this tidbit:

"...Also, every single segment of her being interviewed or talked to on that show is completely scripted. Nothing spontaneous whatsoever. We should probably assume this is true of Kate and her media team on whatever media outlet they are on. There were rules regarding what verbage one could use when interviewing her - no refrences to any of the children by name, Jon by name, the old show, and of course TLC. By doing this they are severing her image from the past and pushing her forward relabeled in vague terms like "America's favorite mom" or "single, working mom", etc. ..."

One thing is for sure: Jon filing a petition for primarly custody of the 8 kids, even if he does not want it and will settle for less, his action certainly does muck up the new and revised image of Kate being the super single mom TLC is so desperately trying to put forth to the public before the release of her two new shows.

So when I first read about Jon's tweets this morning my first thought was this was all calculated blackmail by Jon. He knew TLC would react.

Whereas I am pissed off to hear that Jon has sold out his attorney - and I believe Attorney List had Jon's knowledge and approval before anything was filed with the court - I am not surprised that Jon could be bought off by TLC.

Jon wants the easy money. Jon also wants fame just like Kate. But he also knew that TLC does not want Kate to lose primary custody or to even go to court over custody. It does not help this new image that TLC are working hard to create for Kate.

Now I was starting to suspect that *SOMETHING* happen to one or more of the kids during filming, and it was mentioned in the hearing by Jodi and Kevin re morals. Whatever it is, Jon knows it, Kate knows it, TLC knows it ... the world does NOT and probably never will until the kids get older and tell the world what happened.

Then IDModo said ...
"One of the stipulations prior to the custody hearing was that Jon, Kate and the kids would be seen by a mental health professional to help the children cope with the divorce. My guess is that for some reason, TLC doesn't want those kids within 50 miles of a mental health professional, particularly if they were to be interviewed on their own as is part of the protocol in custody hearings.Something very big is being covered up here..."

The kids have not seen a therapist even though both Jon and Kate acknowledge the kids are acting out after the divorce. Even Kate admits this in her new book.

It seems to me that ANY loving and caring parent would absolutely seek the mental help the child needs, unless of course your last name is Gosselin and it benefits your bank account not to seek help for your child[ren].

Something does not smell right and sooner or later someone in the media is going to start to dig into this mess. Especially now that all of a sudden Jon has fired his attorney and he is working with Kate's attorneys. HELLOOOO!

Surely there has to be a journalist out there who wants to make a name for him/herself and will start to uncover the truth.

In the meantime I will NOT watch any new show Jon, Kate or the kids are on and I hope all viewers - lovers (you have to admit something stinks here!) and haters - will do the same.

The ONLY way these people will go away is when no one gives a rip about either one of them. To watch their show is to give them power. Watch something else people, or spend the time with your loved ones instead. Do anything but turn on your TV because by doing so you continue to be used and abused and to be made a fool of by TLC!


Markiesnana said... 88

When the crew was conflicted about something happening in the home...I think at first we all thought of maybe the red spoon. Maybe forcing the kids to act when they didn't want to.
Now I'm wondering if maybe it had to do with drug/alcohol use.
Remember some of those latter couch interviews? You could tell that they were a little bizarre in their speech with one another, and their attitudes.

Anonymous said... 89

Wow, another "Anonymous" posted what I was just getting ready to about the kids with Kate the Monster at the NY airport. IT IS HEARTBREAKING. I am posting all over TMZ today. Judy

bbsak said... 90

One of the stipulations prior to the custody hearing was that Jon, Kate and the kids would be seen by a mental health professional to help the children cope with the divorce.

I remember that J&K were required to attend a "Children in the Middle" program but I don't remember anything from the recent documents regarding the anyone being required to see a mental health professional (although I personally wish it was a requirement).

Lauren said... 91

Jen K said...
If the crew was morally conflicted enough to quit, it would seem that what the were witnessing was pretty bad.

Kevin and Jodi talked about an incident where Jon and Kate were arguing and Kate was throwing oranges at Jon. The crew had to step in and stop Kate. I've heard it was so bad that they filmed for days to get 30 minutes of footage.

Anonymous said... 92

Hailey, STFU.. If Jon's owes you money you take it to court. You don't tweet about it to get you 15 minutes back.

Sick of Karts and Jons Krap said... 93

I just watched Inside Edition and they showed a shot of the kids at the front door as she was getting into the limo to leave again. I'm not sure if any of the on line rags have these pics because I refuse to give them hits. It is the most pitiful pic I have seen in a while. The look on their faces is pure abandonment. It looks like they are thinking, "Why is she leaving us again?" It is such a sad shot. Not a smile in the group. Just a look of bewilderment. Who is watching out for the mental health of these kids? Rep Murt is their last hope.

laurajean said... 94

I'm out, done, finito !! The both of them should have never been blessed with children, I hope God DOES have a plan for them and I bet it ain't a road paved in gold.

CJ said... 95

Jon never specifically said he wanted filming of the kids to stop. He said, Not During The Divorce.

"After four years of "Jon & Kate Plus 8," Jon Gosselin said he's decided it's not healthy for his children to be on a reality show.
"The reason I don't think it's healthy for them is that we're going through a divorce right now, and I don't think it should be televised and I think my kids should be taken off the show," Gosselin told CNN's Larry King on Thursday night."

For a stroll down Memory Lane, read the entire article:

Sick of Karts and Jons Krap said... 96

If you go to Preesi's site you can see the pic of them standing there as Kart leaves. Look a poor little Aiden.

Watching said... 97

Delurking . . .

I'm sad to say that nothing either of these two (IMO poor excuses for) parents do surprises me anymore. I just hope that the ink was dry on Jon's new contract/custody and visitation/child support agreement, and the check for Jon's 30 pieces of silver from TLC cleared before he fired his latest attorney and chatted (with TLC permission) to TMZ. List is yet another attorney who will not represent Jon again.

Rep Murt is the best hope for the kids. Please support his efforts.

prairiemary said... 98

I am beyond confused.How can she claim to be back home THE NIGHT AFTER BEING ELIMINATED FROM DWTS,which would be wednesday,using tons of Ziplock bags to pack all the kids school lunches,but then the picture of her with all 8 sad kids at the airport was today,Thursday? What is the truth? In the pic at airport,all 8 faces are staring at the ground,and they all look so sad.I just can't believe that no one can do anything to change the lives of these 8 little innocent children.

IATK said... 99

Something pleasant to read. A tweet from Tony:

I am spending a day with Luana :) it is amassing how fast kids grow we have talked non stop a kids mind is so pure I am loving it

about 1 hour ago via UberTwitter

Sue Buddy said... 100

Kate's blog on TLC is a fake. She doesn't write that stuff. She doesn't talk like that. It's another way to keep her adoring fans adoring her, and they eat it up, actually thinking they're talking to Kate. They even ask her for advice and for her email address.

Anonymous said... 101

Claire, I have ALWAYS said that. It's easy to spot for anyone who studies writing styles. It is NOT KATE. Even her blog has a ghostwriter. Judy

bbsak said... 102

Until Jon petitions the court to drop his suit, the custody/support case is still active. We've only heard they're working privately - which is what List wanted from the beginning.
In other words, I can't go all out and 100% blame him (Jon) until I can know for sure that TLC did not cause a situation for him that made it literally impossible for him to do otherwise. And I say this because my suspicions and loathing for TLC is so great, that I would not put ANYTHING past them.
I have suspected for some time that TLC would literally go to criminal lengths to get what they want and to protect what they don't want to be revealed. And because of that, I feel there is some chance that they could have pressured, threatened, and/or coerced Jon to the extent where the situation was so dangerous or unbearable for him that he had to cave.

Dee, I agree with you in theory.

I don't think TLC tied Jon up while they beat him until he cracked and allowed the kids to be filmed. IMO, if Jon allowed TLC to influence his decision to fire List (the custody case is still active) he must have seen an opening to get something from Kate thru them. Get what? M-O-N-E-Y and/or more liberal visitation. IDK how that works because support is still governed by the courts.

With Steeeve in Kate's ear 24/7 and managers hovering I'd imagine they worked hard to get her receptive to working out their differences. Despite Kate's personal opinions about her rights to custody and full decision making (and the wacky support amount), she was out in left field and I don't think it would have been all that hard to get her to see what she could lose if the case went to court.

As far as TLC's direct hand in Jon's custody and support case, I just don't see it. Do I think they've played a HUGE part in it indirectly (by working hard to keep Kate happy and Jon quiet and content)? Absolutely.

Dee3 said...
Then why would TLC go to so much trouble to get Jon to drop the custody suit? If they're allowed to film the children now, per the previous contract settlement....why would they care how much child support he pays or whether or not he cares for the children when Kate is out of town...or if he has more liberal visiting privileges?

We don't know if TLC was behind Jon wanting to discuss custody/support privately or that they even care how much support he pays or what visitation he gets. What TLC does care about is Jon not making trouble for their goldmine of 9. TLC paid Jon $5000/month - his original J&K+8 contracted amount - not much in my book, but their overall bill for the J&K 'settlement' included them keeping Kate on the payroll, bankrolling her quest for fame which has to be a considerable amount, as well as costs associated with the new shows - it's all tied together.

Jon's a thorn in their side and they want him to be quiet. How to easily accomplish that? Get J&K to work things out privately so that Jon gets what he wants and still keep Kate happy. I just don't see a big conspiracy.

BUT...if I learn that this was NOT the case...then I will 100% agree and consider him beneath contemptible.
Any decision, made by any party, not based on what is best for the kids is contemptible, imo.

....why would Jon fire his attorney, even if he wanted to settle out of court?
Who knows why Jon fired List. I personally don't think it was ever Jon's intention to have any of this heard in court.

By the way - does anyone like this tiny little box we use to type our comments? I have a heck of a time going back and proof-reading. :0)

Sue Buddy said... 103

Have you used the "Preview" button?

Aunt Jill said... 104

Something is very, very fishy in all of this publicity in the last year on Jon and Kate!!!

Why would Jon wait until today, April 22nd to tweet that he fired his lawyer on April 15th? That was over a week ago.

I don't quite understand that!!! I think that the media would have picked up on that by now. TLC must still have some type of media gag order on him.

Also, is "jongosselin1" really Jon's Twitter account or is it one someone else set up (possibly TLC -- just like Kate's Takes blog)?

Is it possible that this is all made up to get the media away from Kate for a while so that she can do her own thing without everyone following her? Or, she has put her magic spell on Jon and told him to back off and he does not have a leg to stand on, and he is now running scared.

Also, something is telling me that Kate and Jon will be back together soon and that TLC is going to make a big deal out it!

Anyway, I am beginning to smell "rats", not just one (Kate) but many, many rats (Jon and TLC)!

A little over a year ago, I was watching TLC almost every night from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. ALso, even some of their daytime shows. Anymore, I can't stand to watch anything on TLC because of the BS with Jon and Kate.


laurajean said... 105

We've all been played, I don't know about you guys but I don't like being made a fool. I'm disgusted over this whole debacle.

NancyB said... 106

IATK's- Very Interesting and I agree and wish that the proper authorities would inquire.

itsaboutthekids said...
There's a nagging thought that keeps crossing my mind and it's Kevin and Jodi's statement that sometime early on in the show, some members of the production crew came to them and said that they were morally conflicted about something that was taking place during filming or in the home. What could have been so bad that production people felt it necessary to share their concerns? I wouldn't want to speculate, but I think it's a question that needs to be asked by the proper authorities.

NancyB said... 107

dee3 - Thanks for your explanation and your restraint is admirable. I just can't fathom anything that TLC could do to Jon that would "make him" sell out his children's well being. JMO

NancyB said... 108

Mickey McKean Excellent post.

IDModo said... 109

IATK:I am concerned about the crew's moral dilemma too. Maybe the production crew wasn't aware that the duty to report actual or suspected abuse supersedes any confidentiality agreements that might be in place.They could have made a report without repercussions. They STILL could, it's never too late to do the right thing, and likely they would be applauded and not penalized by the authorities.This goes for anyone else with direct knowledge of real or suspected abusive behaviour. The evidence is likely on videotape unless TLC has destroyed all the out-takes; however, it's up to CPS to make the investigation and come to the conclusions. All a reporting person has to do is make the initial report.There does not have to be clear evidence.Anyone can call CPS and ask for a consultation as to whether something is reportable.At least that's how it is here in Ontario and I believe the laws across the US are similar.
I know this because I worked in Child Protection and Children's Mental Health for 33 years until I retired 2 years ago.

Sick of Karts and Jons Krap said... 110

The fact that most of the crew transfered to the Duggars, I doubt if they would still have a job if they blew the whistle on TLC and the Gosselins. I'm sure TLC would probably make it difficult for them to work anywhere if they opened up about what they saw.

IDModo said... 111

CPS would not have to tell TLC or the Gosselins where they got the information.A thorough investigation of the allegations would take place, and CPS could interview them as part of that, without disclosing who had made the report.I believe they would have a civil rights issue if they were denied work opportunities as a result of reporting abuse in good faith.

HollyMo said... 112

IDmodo said,
Something very big is being covered up here

I can't agree more.

I am so sorry I even checked in tonight. I can't even read all the posts. I am so disgusted.

This REEKS of sh*t and I can't believe that these kids are tossed to the wayside again!

Carolina Gal said... 113

Or was I misunderstanding something? Why was TLC having such a big problem with this custody suit? That they apparently paid him enough to drop it (as we are all speculating)?
TLC feared w/a custody suit they might interview each of the children separately???

As for TLC paying off List, I don't buy that...but I do wonder if they paid money to PA's Labor Board, who is dragging it's feet about revisiting the violations. Rep. Murt called me the day after the hearing in response to an email I sent him...he stated that the board was being resisitant to revisiting the violations..

dee3 said... 114

"...he stated that the board was being resisitant to revisiting the violations.."

Carolina Gal~

If I remember correctly, Twist of Kate is supposed to start in the late summer and the specials of the children are supposed to start being shown in June. Does anyone know if they've begun filming the children for these specials (Kate plus 8) that are supposed to start being shown in early summer?

Because I'm wondering if the PA labor board can even revisit the violations unless and until they are actually filming the children again.

dee3 said... 115

"...he stated that the board was being resisitant to revisiting the violations.."

Carolina Gal~

If I remember correctly, Twist of Kate is supposed to start in the late summer and the specials of the children are supposed to start being shown in June. Does anyone know if they've begun filming the children for these specials (Kate plus 8) that are supposed to start being shown in early summer?

Because I'm wondering if the PA labor board can even revisit the violations unless and until they are actually filming the children again.

Sick of Karts and Jons Krap said... 116

The fact that most of the crew transfered to the Duggars, I doubt if they would still have a job if they blew the whistle on TLC and the Gosselins. I'm sure TLC would probably make it difficult for them to work anywhere if they opened up about what they saw.

NancyB said... 117

dee3 - Thanks for your explanation and your restraint is admirable. I just can't fathom anything that TLC could do to Jon that would "make him" sell out his children's well being. JMO

NancyB said... 118

IATK's- Very Interesting and I agree and wish that the proper authorities would inquire.

itsaboutthekids said...
There's a nagging thought that keeps crossing my mind and it's Kevin and Jodi's statement that sometime early on in the show, some members of the production crew came to them and said that they were morally conflicted about something that was taking place during filming or in the home. What could have been so bad that production people felt it necessary to share their concerns? I wouldn't want to speculate, but I think it's a question that needs to be asked by the proper authorities.

laurajean said... 119

We've all been played, I don't know about you guys but I don't like being made a fool. I'm disgusted over this whole debacle.

Emptynester said... 120

This is quickly snowballing into a scandal of major proportions - hopefully someone from mainstream media will pick it up and do some REAL investigation. Wouldn't we just love to see TLC exposed!

SchmeckyGirl said... 121

I'm sorry but this moderation is driving me bonkers. Are things still bad that you can't take it off Admin?

Anonymous said... 122

Just posted this on TMZ: "73. Good grief, people. Jon has been bought by TLC. TLC is doing major damage control. I've seen pictures of Kate's book signing last Friday night where only about 30 people showed up and where her "bodyguard" manhandled a female attorney for asking about child labor laws. Kevin and Jodi testified recently at a child labor law hearing and another hearing is in the works. TLC has to act quickly to save their "cash cow Kate" from bad publicity to protect their newest investment in her two new shows for them. Fortunately, a few people can connect the dots."

cherier1 said... 123

Is THIS why Jon settled w/TLC?

Hailey's Tweets:

@jongosselin1 Since u now have NO Legal Representation U NEED TO CONTACT either my Lawyer Stephanie or ROB to settle the money YOU owe me!
about 1 hour ago via web in reply to jongosselin1

@jongosselin1 You signed a contract and promised my 200k would be payed back to me by the en of ur divorce.Then U cried to me bankrupt. So I
about 1 hour ago via web

@jongosselin1 gave you until May 1.Contact Rob if you'd rather so we can settle this!Ur not going to b able to run from this too much longer
about 1 hour ago via web

Kelly said... 124

I'm sure Anthony List is Pissed right now, having his good name dragged through the press by a ner do well, like Jon Gosselin. First of all, why did he fire him on the 15th of April, only to come out in the press 1 week later, AFTER Kate was off the DWTS and tell the world he fired him.

Secondly, Jon DID have to sign the papers prior to List filing them with the Berks County Courthouse so he KNEW what was in them.

If Jon fired him on the 15th of April, Kate is on record, after the fact, that she was going through a custody battle. If Jon and Kate were working things out amicably, why did SHE lie about that?

Something smells pretty gosselin right now and if I were Anthony List, I'd be out there front and center clearing my name and not letting a douchebag like Jon Gosselin drag it through the mud.

Jon hosting a television show would be as interesting as watching Barney the Purple Dinasour hosting one. When will these two grifters figure it out that they have no talent other than an insatiable urge to lie?

*Sugar&Spice* said... 125

This is the most disgusting, horrible and degrading family vs children. Every moment the gosselins start the war with each other. Who is always in the middle the kids. They play with the kids feelings and hearts all the time. They use them as puppets, tabloid fillers and publicity. Its disgusting to the point its madding.

Once again Kate has a stupid bargain book tour coming up again. Than we have the 2 TLC show this summer. So the gosselin tabloid maker has to be working 24/7 to keep people attention on them. So we don't forget how much this family is a train wreck.

I will be so thankful when the gosselins are yesterdays trash. No one will even speak about them. It will be over with. No more shows or books. It was all a bad dream that is finally over with.

They are both liars and cheaters who don't deserve one thing.

PJ's momma said... 126

Those poor, poor kids.
Admin, time to update the Kalendar. ROL has a video of Kart leaving home about an hour after she arrived with the kids. The two little girls standing in the doorway while their so-called mother is squired away in a town car is very sad.

SchmeckyGirl said... 127

Jon and Kate should tattoo on their and their kids foreheads: IF FOUND PLEASE RETURN TO TLC

Amanda, Iowa said... 128

Why did it take Jon till after DWTS to figure out that HIS lawyer filed for something Jon didnt ask for. Really? Sounds suspicious.

prairiemary said... 129

Chrissy-I totally agree with you about jon getting his own show on tlc! Just wait and see, especially since jon has just said, he would like to be the host of a program himself. Soon jon,kate,and all 8 will be back, shouldnt take too long to see it,though it would be the worst possible thing for those 8 children.

mommyinca said... 130

My heart is breaking for those kids. I thought at least ONE of their parents were looking out for them. They both make me sick! I've seen parents lose custody of their children for less heinous acts than Jon and Kate are pulling. Sick. sick. sick!!!!!

itsaboutthekids said... 131

I'm at a loss for words and don't know what to think. What I HOPE for is that Rep. Murt goes after TLC with a vengeance, but even that seems a long shot. No corporation should EVER be able to exert that much power over children and destroy their lives. I'm ashamed of our society if it's come to this and TLC is truly the devil.

Sick of Karts Krap said... 132

Where is that post that the Reality Insider made? It's sounding more and more like it was true. We have all been played. As long as everyone keeps paying attention to these 2 idiots, it will continue. Look at the events.

Kart goes on DWTS.
They need to drum up publicity and get the blogs buzzing, so Jon files custody.
Kart knows her contract for DWTS is coming to an end on the 20th.
Jon fires List on the 15th, a few days before Karts contract is up.
I think I might be done with this charade.
These 2 idiots deserve each other and the kids deserve better parents.
Nothing will be done about any of this.

Lolly said... 133

Wow. It took Jon all this time to refute this? LOL What a JOKE. TLC must really think we are all as dumb as the loyal worshipers. What a total scam they are running on all of us. One thing Jon never did well was lie, he always made slip ups when he did. I wonder if List could sue him? This type of thing can damage a lawyer's rep. Another Gosselin/TLC victim. Both Jon and Kate is selling their very souls for the almightly dollar and TLC.

My God. Admin you are right.

Lauren said... 134

It's just so obvious...

Jon Gosselin is letting Kate exploit his kids and he's also TLC's bitch. Just wave some dollar bills in front of him and he'll bend over and play TLC's bitch. Jon made a deal with the devil!!!!

Paula said... 135

My guess is that TLC did not want this custody issue to go to trial - so they waved the BIG BUCKS in front of Jon and he caved. What a sorry excuse for a father. It's too bad he and Kate divorced - they deserve each other.

Administrator said... 136

This SCREAMS TLC all over it.

As a lawyer unless you are representing a child and must act in their best interest, you MUST always do what your client wants. It is unethical improper and subject to losing your LICENSE to act on their behalf without their permission. TLC is feeding Jon all the lines necessary to make this seem like it was all one big misunderstanding.

Never wanted full custody my ass how dumb does TLC think we are????

Anonymous said... 137

Have we all been played? I am coming to that conclusion. That this has all been one gigantic drama coordinated by TLC.