Despite a million-dollar home in beautiful rural Pennsylvania, Kate calls Wernersville "GHETTOVILLE" and scoffed when her new neighbors tried to bring by baked goods when she moved in, telling them she would sue them if they told anyone where she lived. She also goes out of her way to not drive through town to get to her home.
On the contrary, Wernersville is located in prestegious Berks County, where the average income is over $73,000 a year, well above the U.S. average and way above Pennsylvania's average of $47,000. Wernersville was founded as a resort town, and several sports stars, musicians and actors call Berks County home. If this is ghetto to Kate, she better start looking at palaces in Iran somewhere:

Eagerly awaiting more dirt....
229 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 229 Newer› Newest»What about Kate's racial preference for her worker bees? Her morals, values, & behaviors are disgusting. Can you imagine how Mommy Dearest will be treating her children as they become teenagers & adults? Can you imagine how she will impose her controlling, emasculating, abusive behaviors toward the Gosselin boys? Stupid Jon should have pushed through the custody hearing so the courts could appoint a guardian at lidem for the kids! Ahhhhhh
It struck me as rather odd that a Caucasian woman who was married and had children with someone who is half Korean would make a racist comment, but then I read further and found this bon mot: A source revealed that Jon hired the main nanny, but Kate also likes her a lot because “she’s Asian and she works 24/7 and she knows how to do hair and nails. Kate loves having Asians working for her. That’s why she frequents Planet Nails. It’s owned by Asians and she thinks they don’t get involved in other people’s business and they won’t gossip to reporters about her.”
Just love those Christian family values.
I read this over on WG's site and I was shocked! Her post was pretty explosive and so I don't want to comment further. These things need to be made known about Kate. I'm still shocked.
Really? I'm not shocked at all. Khate thinks she is so far superior to everyone and she treats all around her with contempt and disdain. I'm not surprised at all that she looks down - from her million dollar McMasnion sitting on 20 pus acres - on all the little people. The sad thing is that the kids have been exposed to her toxic personality and haughty attitude and with eight of them, odds are it's bound to rub off on at least a couple of them. Time will tell.
Nothing tastes worse than a big 'ol helping of crow.
Good for WG for posting the truth and exposing it to huge helpings of sunshine. Sunshine & truth have a positive effect on major toxic. And for same reasons, glad it is posted here!
Found on facebook
No mention of the Gosselin, only on her info page
So Angela has a Facebook page. I think just about everybody does these days.
Angela was interviewed by Geraldo Rivera last year when the Gosselin drama exploded. Unfortunately she refused to dish the dirt on Kate.
Lauren, Angela was probably required to sign a confidentiality agreement. Wouldn't be surprised because early on, J&K often tried to control the content of interviews, articles written, wanting only good press. Also, remember Kate was notorious for posting rules & post-its all over the house?!
Maybe because there was no dirt. Ever think of that.
To seeing dirt,
Maybe Angela's a professional. Just because someone doesn't talk doesn't mean there isn't dirt. It also means there's an equal chance there's no dirt to speak of. Given the dirt Kate herself has shown openly over the years I have no doubts there is much more to be revealed.
What does speak volumes is how few people who have known Kate over the years (both personally & professionally) have all shied away from supporting her publicly. If someone in my family was getting the kind of negative attention Kate is you can bet they'd be on the front lines with me fighting back. The only ones on Kate's "side" are the ones who make money off her.
Have you not seen how anyone that has been close to Kate and have spoken up have been crucified. They have family's and business. Kate has seen the dirty work first hand, she doesn't want that for her loved ones.
Read the post and the comments, Jodi's sister is : The Truth Will Set You Free said...
Do They Have Any Help?
Answer: A cleaning lady comes every other week, and a young woman occasionally helps with errands. Beyond that, "this is my personal chef," says Jon of Kate, "my personal housekeeper too."
The Truth: They have a cleaning service AND someone who also does spot cleaning/organizing in between. They have someone who irons and puts away their laundry. Jon has said that Jenny is on the payroll for 30 hrs/week to help with the kids and errands. If they don't have a personal chef, then I wonder who prepared the dinner that my parents ate (leftovers)when they were watching Jodi's kids when she was traveling for the show? Why were they told that the meal was prepared by their personal chef? Who made and delivered the food when Jodi and Kevin were watching the kids while J&K were away for the hair plugs? Who prepares a weeks worth of meals and delivers them along with wine and fresh cut flowers? Who brings bags of groceries/produce from the whole foods store?
As I said before, being a mother of twin and sextuplets would be a piece of cake if you didn't have to do any of the things that most mothers do. And now, just because Kate is the mother of 8, that makes her an expert on cooking and organizing? I have yet to see an original recipe or organizing idea from her. What a joke!
wasn't sure where to post this tid-bit from TMZ:
Kate Gosselin's 8 Kids -- Cleared for Spin-off
Originally posted Apr 25th 2010 1:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
Kate Gosselin's new TLC show "Kate Plus 8" is all systems go -- because the local Department of Labor says the kiddies have been cleared to continue their careers as reality TV stars.
A rep for the Pennsylvania Dept. of Labor and Industry tells TMZ the correct paperwork for the show was submitted and approved ... and said, "The proper steps have been taken and the kids are permitted for 'Kate Plus 8.'"
But according to the rep, nothing has been submitted for Kate's other TLC spin-off "Twist of Kate" -- which could mean the kiddies may not be joining Kate on that one.
That's probably a good thing ... because 5-year-olds shouldn't have to work two jobs.
Read more:
Jodi's sister
A mother's hurtful words can damage a child for a lifetime. One of the reasons I stopped watching the show was because I couldn't stand to see the way Jon and Kate treat each other and their children. We're not just seeing their worst moments all edited together. The show is a true depiction of their relationships and they have said that they are the same with and without the cameras. I know that their behavior is even worse than what is shown on TV. Eight children is no excuse!
seeing dirt,
I have seen Kevin & Jodi crucified for daring to take steps to protect their nieces & nephews. I have heard Kate speak of cutting off her parents because they "didn't know how to help". I have seen messages from Kate's own sister stating that Kate made her choose between being her sister and being a daughter to their parents.
I have NOT seen or heard any family members or "friends" speak up for Kate. If I missed those please feel free to post links to their interviews...
Seeing dirt where there is none~
A woman who is willing to show her children naked and show their poop to everyone on the planet YET insists that confidentiality agreements be signed by everyone who comes in contact with her/them...has PLENTY to hide, you'd better believe it. Use your common sense, if you have any.
It's well-documented that Kat fired at least 40 household staff in rapid succession...for minor washing their hands in the wrong sink.
She's an ungrateful, uncharitable, arrogant narcissist.....and the fact that you do not recognize it and the fact that you can't SEE the dirt right before your very eyes (unless you're blind)...speaks volumes about YOU.
Sorry...Kate, not Kat. Need more coffee. :D
Seeing dirt where there is none~
Take off the rose colored glasses. The dirt is EVERYWHERE!
And on the subject of the fans:
I cut them some slack back when the spin machine was so successful in hiding the truth, because it was reasonable for people with a lack of critical thinking skills to have not seen what was really going on.
But to not be seeing it NOW, IMO, indicates a major problem...unless you are under the age of about 16 or cognitively impaired....or blind. To be able to see something altogether different than what is clearly right before your very eyes indicates being delusional with almost complete denial of reality with complete lack of ANY critical thinking skills.
To not be able to see this NOW...seriously, I'm almost at a loss for words and can just shake my head. What is WRONG with them?
Hey MickeyMcKean! Glad to see someone else is up so early with me. :)
"The dirt is EVERYWHERE!"
EXACTLY!'s spelled hearsay, not heresay.
Definition = The Hearsay Rule, as outlined in the Federal Rules of Evidence, prohibits most statements made outside a courtroom from being used as evidence in court.
But since this is a blog and not a court of law, the Hearsay Rule does not apply.
Copying information onto a blog is not any different than taking Kate's word for what she put in her books. The Hearsay Rule is not applicable.
However, in case the word was supposed to be "heresy", that doesn't apply either.
Heresy = Heresy, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is a "theological or religious opinion or doctrine maintained in opposition, or held to be contrary, to the ‘catholic’ or orthodox doctrine of the Christian Church, or, by extension, to that of any church, creed, or religious system, considered as orthodox.
Very true about the confidentiality agreements all. Even though the gosselin tribe works for TLC and is owned by TLC. They probably had these agreements made before hand. Neverless these agreements I bet are set in stone for 20 years. They are probably more set for the children and Kate than Jon. Kate probably has it in her contract that NO ONE can speak badly about this mother. ( I wonder if she even takes these contracts with her when she tans, gets her nails done, hair and shops at target?)
I haven't read the Wern Girl blog but Ghettoville? I guess I will check it out because I'd like to know what her sources are.
Average income for Wernersville, PA-- $55,000
Facts are stubborn things.
SC - According to Werny Gal's blog her source "is a local friend who is a veteran news reporter was hired to gather fodder for a major tabloid/entertainment magazine/rag last summer, during the height of the hoopla, not to mention traffic snarls, on a certain country road in Wernersville, PA. I've always enjoyed listening to his tales of not only what he learned while he tailed Jon and Kate, but also about what it was like working for the tabloids."
As for checking it out, it seems this guy kept a detailed journal and I, for one, can't wait for his book to come out. No doubt his book will be on the NYT bestseller list for MONTHS!
Dee3 -
Yes I was awake because my dog had to squirt the dirt.
Seriously, the DIRT IS EVERYWHERE!!!!!
A real person -
According to
Estimated median household income in 2008: $55,704 (it was $45,605 in 2000)
Wernersville: $55,704
Pennsylvania: $50,713
There is no debate that generally speaking, in the entire state of Pennsylvania, Wernersville is a higher scale neighborhood.
Unless you are Kate Gosselin and you have your own set of standards and then to hell with the all the little people everywhere (no, I'm not talking the 8 here :)
Thanks for backing me up, Mickey McKean. Why do you think Administrator got the numbers so wrong?
I think anyone who tries to question Kate gets themselves estranged. I simply don't believe that ALL those people are in the wrong and Kate is in the right. She hangs the kids over people threatens to take them away if they question anything--and she'll do it, like she took them away from Jodi.
I said that in BERKS County the number is 70k. That number is not wrong. Wernersville is only 2000 people so the salary is not really representative of that general area, but yes it's around 55k.Means, medium, averages will all spit out different numbers.
I've been to Wernersville, so let me comment about the type of place they live. Yes, the main drag is basically a through-route that goes from the freeway (where I came in on) and then heads East through Wernersville. If you go West on that same road you'd hit Wyommissing where they used to live.
The main drag has many small businesses. It's a pretty busy road, actually since it seems to be the main way to cut across that area East to West. There are lots of "regular homes" near the main drag. We stopped at the local elementary school on a Sunday and let our kiddo play on the playground and it was a very nice school in a quaint neighborhood.
On either side of the main drag (North and South) are HUGE hills...I mean, huge! We drove up the South one and it had winding roads through the woods and it went up very high. The homes there were nicer, true.
Then we went to the North hill up where the house is. The area is more farmland-looking. Rolling hills, but you're still up quite a bit from the main drag. The houses there are really nice, but normal-looking. On the road that goes up the hill there are lots of houses that I would guess are less than five years old and probably 3000-4500 square feet. Typical suburban homes on larger lots (probably half acre to 2 acres in some areas).
How she can call this place a ghetto is beyond me! We took a video of our trip and recorded some of the scenery in Wernersville (very nice, green and rolling) and we loved it there.
If she's upset about the main drag, well, I don't see the problem there either. It looks like a working-middle class stretch of businesses to me. There's an ice cream shop where there were tons of people outside as we came into town. Seems like a great family place to me.
I don't get it.
I'm convined that Kate will never be happy no matter where she lives unless her zip code is 90210.
I don't think that Admin was posting anything incorrectly with regards to the average medium income in Wernersville or PA for that matter. Looking for averages isn't a science and can spill out different numbers for different data plugged in.
You can search all of the people in Wernersville who drive a Cadillac XLR and come up with an average income for these people, just like you can plug in data for grifters who ply their flesh and blood on national networks and get their average income as well.
Different data produces different facts. As the saying goes, garbage in, garbage out, this being synonomous with Gosselins in Gosselins out.
A bit off topic, but PLEASE vote for Pamela this week!
If you don't watch the show you can still vote, our Admin has posted the information on the front page.
I am very surprised to say that I've become a Pam Fan, she is great on the show. I'd hate to see this talented lady get voted off just because some people are threatened by her sexy persona.
More data for Berks County in the link in my screen name. It's better data (see Kelly's point above.)
You'll also see a chance to win $200 for your photo of Kate's home. It's a perfectly legal yet still creative way to raise some money for A Minor Consideration or whatever you want to spend it on. ;)
Administrator, you should really use the Wernersville number since that is what Kate supposedly called Ghettoville. Who do you think she said that to? I wonder how they all heard it?
I don't Care if the Wernersville average income is $400,000 or $40.00. The people make the town
wherever you live. The heart of the community is
what matters. I'm sure Wernersville, small as it is, is full of good, decent people. That makes it a great place to live, IMO.
We might see with our eyes, but the visions filter through our own expectations and limitations. Everything Kate sees is distorted by her own self importance.
Since Kate can't be happy in her own skin, she's sure not going to be happy in any community.
Sadly, she's probably rubbing her disgruntled
thoughts onto her children, and has determined they are too Gosselin to attend the local schools
or for any church or community opportunities in the neighborhood. This will, at some point, be
a detriment to them. I grieve for these children.
Mary Beth said...
When do you have time to be a lawyer? Just wondering.........................
This troll is just trying to get a reaction from me. My name is Mary Beth and you all know my avatar, I think. My husband's nephew has received a phone call from someone looking for me, and someone has threatened to blow up our house.
Admin.. I would appreciate it if you could give me the IP address if any further posts from Mary Beth should happen to appear.
Thanks so much!
I don't Care if the Wernersville average income is $400,000 or $40.00. The people make the town
wherever you live.
Me neither. I have no idea what the point of that was! Everyone knows the people make the town. Why all the focus on money? Very crass.
I am a Pam fan too. I think her acting ability really shines through on DWTS. First she was Pamela Anderson, then she channeled Marilyn Monroe, next it was Dolly Parton! Such depth! Such range! I bet she could play every single airheaded, big-breasted, bleached blonde bombshell ever. And they say Meryl Streep is good? Humph!
a real person ;)
I like Pam, but I couldn't vote for her...It has to be between Evan and Nicole. I'm guessing Nicole. But, it does 'bother' me some that they both have the background for them to excel in dancing, doesn't seem quite fair. LOL at your Meryl Streep comment!
Pa. Approves New Kate Gosselin Show
Pennsylvania labor officials have approved Kate Gosselin's new TV show with her children to be filmed outside Reading, Pa.
A state official told TMZ on Saturday that all the labor permits had been approved for "Kate Plus 8," the summer spin-off series from "Jon & Kate Plus 8" featuring Kate Gosselin and her eight children.
Kate Gosselin will be required to withhold part of the gross pay for the series in a trust fund for the children.
On April 14, the state said it found that filming was done on "Jon & Kate Plus 8" without proper permits, but no legal action would be taken against the show’s producers as long as they got permits for future filming.
Also, going forward, 15 percent of the gross earnings must be put into a trust for the children.
A filming permit was not either submitted or approved for "Twist Of Kate," a second TLC show set for Kate Gosselin.
That show features Kate Gosselin interacting with fans
The woman is an unpleasant beast. She'd bitch if her ice cream was cold. She started complaining the minute they moved there about how disgustingly vile & dirty everything was in the new house, so it doesn't surprise me the miserable germophobe would call that little town ghettoville. She's behaving more and more like Howard Hughes everyday with all her freaking mental disorders. Probably gets old ratboy there to test her food too.
Pa. Approves New Kate Gosselin Show
TLC is going to do all the filming they possibly can before any changes are made to the CLL.
Who owns the Gosselin home? Do both own it or Kate or TLC?
TLC is like 19 year olds running out and buying as many kegs of beer as they can fit in the truck before the new 21 drinking age goes into effect.
Margaret, I believe I saw somewhere that it is in a trust. Not sure who the administrators of the trust are...Jon & Kate or someone else.
LOL at "Get a Clue". There IS such a thing as "medium income". Haven't you been paying attention AT ALL to the economic issues of the past couple of years?
"Median income is the amount which divides the income distribution into two equal groups, half having income above that amount, and half having income below that amount. Mean income (average) is the amount obtained by dividing the total aggregate income of a group by the number of units in that group. The means and medians for households and families are based on all households and families. Means and medians for people are based on people 15 years old and over with income.
-US Census Bureau, Frequently Asked Question, published by First Gov."[1]"
It's 'median'.
Aced 2 stat classes.
Trust me.
I cannot find a definition for "medium" income.
Does anyone here see the similarities between WG and PennyMomm.
The style is so much the same. Even the screen name's. The way she gets you to just wait on pins and needles for her next "in the know post" I hope you all know your getting taken on a ride.
The only ones being "taken for a ride" are Kate's fans who send her "love offerings" and buy her books.
Why does the truth SCARE you all so much? Your queen is falling from her throne HARD, and there will be no soft place for her to land.
Actually administrator, Iran isn't ghetto. It's actually a very beautiful place and the people there are very well educated.
Just like Iraq was BEFORE the war.
Of course this isn't the news you'll be hearing from the US media...
It doesn't seem to matter what all you haterz try to do to Kate, she always wins. How long have you all been saying any day now, and that day just never seems to come. Could it be because good karma is on Kate's side and haterz never win. Think about it.
Good Karma? Really?
When those kids grow up all the karma will hit the bitch straight in the face.
Those kids will HATE her.
They will probably SUE her.
Yeah, I'll take my karma over Kate's any day of the fucking week.
If you weren't so worried about your Queen falling, why do you feel the need to monitor and threaten the blogs?
Life your life, love your queen and work hard and send her money. Your kids should do 'with out' so Kate can keep tanning.
Sorry, I'm breaking rules here, Admin but if they don't want THE TRUTH they need to click away and go read the PR hype. Attacking you is not the answer and it's pissing me off.
I've been to a couple of those fan sites, they spend more time talking about the 'haterz' then they do about the Gosselins.
I haven't attacked any one. I'm only trying to help you guys from looking to foolish when WG/Pennymomm gets all the admin good posters.
I would not send anyone my money and in my mind Kate is just a mother living her life and raising her children how she sees fit. Its is really none of anyone's business. Kate gets no praise from me other than the fact that in spite of all the hate she just keeps going. I do admire her for that.
It's nice that you admire a woman who is ruining the lives of her children
There are laws in place so parents can't raise their kids "how they see fit."
Can't you find a better cause? Kate doesn't even like you.
Nobody's business.
I hear that often when people are defending Kate.
I saw my neighbor kick the crap out of her 2 year old because he pooped in his underwear. I guess it's her business, not mine, right? She also allows him to drink sugary sodas and play with matches. No biggie, it's her kid and I need to keep my mouth shut.
Did I mention that her boyfriend is a registered sex offender? No big deal. It's her kid and if she wants her boyfriend to babysit while she's at work, this is her decision and none of my business, right?
There is no "Kate". There is the product that TLC created and manipulated to suit their quest for more money at any cost. Kate is their puppet and as long as they "let" her get her way and make sure she's happy and well pampered, she will continue to promote the cause on TLC's behalf, to the extent of using her kids once again as fodder for her "career". And Jon is just as culpable in all of this. If those kids are required to film again, both parents are guilty for allowing it to happen.
Its true Carolina Gal,
For most of us supporters its you twisted haterz that turned us into supporters. We know Kate isn't without faults but you haterz are over the top. What we all have in common is that hating and judging is not in our belief system.
So, the kids well-being is less important than "getting us haterz?"
Sad, really fucking sad. You all hate those kids and you don't even realize the harm YOU DO to those children every single day.
WG or pennymomm? said...
For most of us supporters its you twisted haterz that turned us into supporters. We know Kate isn't without faults but you haterz are over the top. What we all have in common is that hating and judging is not in our belief system
What does that say about you if our words caused you to "turn into a supporter"? You've just given all control of yourself to people that you call, "haterz".
We are a powerful group . . .
WG or pennymomm? said...
What we all have in common is that hating and judging is not in our belief system.
So what do you call coming here and judging the haterz? Is that what you would call sheeple logic. Any form of criticism is called "hating." Oh FU!
Anyone see this?
Well haven't you haterz just given all control of your self's to Kate Gosselin.
WG or whoever the hell you are,
Kate may be a 'winner' in your little world of make believe, but no matter how you slice it, her kids are the losers in this little game their parents are playing. The cost they've paid just for the sake of their parents' HUGE egos is phenomenal and can never be returned to them.
And FTR I don't hate Kate. I actually take the word "hate" itself as wishing harm on someone. So no, I don't hate her; I wish her no harm. I don't like what she's done/doing to her kids. And that goes for Jon too. Neither of them deserve what they so flippantly toss aside: the love of a child.
But to point fingers at those who are not necessarily her 'fans' - to the extent of calling another poster's family and make threats? Well, all I can say is who are the 'haterz' now?
Once again, for the millionth time:
We don't care about Kate. She could marry Hasselhoff, she could pose in Playboy (Hustler) and she could be a movie star. WE DON"T CARE ABOUT KATE.
However, she gave birth to 8 little people that NOBODY seems to care about. It has turned us into "haterz" because WE HATE WHAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING TO THOSE KIDS.
You don't care about the kids, goody for you but we do. Damn us, we care about the kids that NOBODY ELSE DOES. Shame on us, again, shame shame.
A bit more 'concise' report on the "drama" at the compound this wkend...who's Jon trying to suck up to or did he develop a conscience? Nah
anonymouse said... "Actually administrator, Iran isn't ghetto. It's actually a very beautiful place and the people there are very well educated."
Admin didn't say Iran was a ghetto, she said if Kate thought where she lives in a million dollar home is a ghetto than perhaps she should be looking to move to a palace in Iran or somewhere. In other words someplace Kate couldn't construe as being a ghetto.
Personally I think Kate's reference to ghetto refers more to the people (no offense to those who live there!). There was that quote from a week or so ago where Kate stated she felt more comfortable in NY because mothers there knew what it was like to work outside the home, unlike the ones where she lives in PA. And let's not forget the firestorm Kate started when the tups were a year old. It's much harder to live the TLC lie when everyone knows you & your past.
OK, I'll bite.
Is that some weird variant of "A to Z", as in she has shown me nothing admirable about her from start to finish?
Or maybe it's Hater Z, as in Z on TV who has little use for what the Gosselins have done to their kids.
WG or pennymomm? said...
Well haven't you haterz just given all control of your self's to Kate Gosselin.
Why is it all of Kate's fans have poor spelling and grammar?
WG or pennymomm, the word you're looking for is "yourselves". Just FYI.
"WG or pennymomm? said...
Its true Carolina Gal,
For most of us supporters its you twisted haterz that turned us into supporters. We know Kate isn't without faults but you haterz are over the top. What we all have in common is that hating and judging is not in our belief system."
Look up the word IRONY
"WG or pennymomm? said...
Well haven't you haterz just given all control of your self's to Kate Gosselin."
BTW, why is it that most fans of Kate's don't know how to spell or use proper grammar? Are you over 18? The word you're looking for is "yourselves" not your self's. Just FYI
Speaking of ghettos...let's really remember what a ghetto was and how they started.
I hope Kate wouldn't be foolish enough to refer to her area as a ghetto.
Also, as far as letting people know that she lives there...everyone on the internet had seen ariel photos of the residence right about the time that they were moving in. It's not a secret and hasn't been for some time.
Hmmm bad grammar and spelling.
Have you seen one of Irene's post? She seems to think every word begins with a "K".
"WG or pennymomm? said...
For most of us supporters its you twisted haterz that turned us into supporters. We know Kate isn't without faults but you haterz are over the top. What we all have in common is that hating and judging is not in our belief system"
LMAO...Do you know what the word "Irony" means. Look it up. It applies here.
What happened above? My pc is acting weird. Posts disappearing, and that long space???????
Its plain silly to say those children are not loved. How can you or anyone know how any of the kids will turn out. Kids from the best family's make poor choices and others from the same family don't.
Do I want laws looked into for all children on reality TV? You can bet on it. I don't want any child made to feel uncomfortable for my viewing pleasure.
There is a bit of a difference between supporters and fans. We support Kate's right to raise her children and work in whatever field she chooses.
Why doesn't anyone question the source of the Blogging Neighbor?
She could just be sitting there and making stuff up. Since it's negative you believe her. I would be asking for some proof.
I don't want any child made to feel uncomfortable for my viewing pleasure.
Really? But yet you still want your viewing pleasure, don't you. Kids are not OLD ENOUGH to consent to nude pictures or their tantrums being televised. Kate could do whatever she wants to earn money but WHY do the kids have to work also?
After witnessing their mother being booed and yelled at at Disney, I doubt they want to go on any other excursions.
She has created such a negative attitude with people and they suffer the consequences.
Babies and toddlers are cute and interesting; the Gosselin children may be charming but let's let them have some privacy!!
The kids haven't been shown in any form of undress since they were babies. At least three years ago or more, can you say living in the past. Again, Now that the kids are older I can't see them going along with anything unless they are enjoying themselves. Have you ever tried to make a child do anything for a camera that they didn't want to do. It just doesn't work.
Blogging Neighbor said...
Why doesn't anyone question the source of the Blogging Neighbor?
She could just be sitting there and making stuff up. Since it's negative you believe her. I would be asking for some proof.
If you would be asking for some proof, why aren't you asking WG? Why are you posting that question here?
WG or pennymomm? said...
"There is a bit of a difference between supporters and fans. We support Kate's right to raise her children and work in whatever field she chooses."
We support the children and we don't care what 'field' Kate works in, just don't drag her kids along for the ride. They deserve and should have privacy as kids. They also shouldn't be used to support their grifter parents, it's supposed to be the other way around.
Don't you find it curious that Kate keeps crying that she has to work for her kids, in spite of all the income she has? Do you think it's strange she never takes those kids on any 'vacations' unless 1. it's being paid for by TLC 2. it's being filmed? The kids couldn't see the Statue of Liberty because Jon halted production, you don't think Kate could have taken them anyway, on her own? Why do you 'supporters' not see how she is manipulating you, and how shamelessly she is using her kids.
Seems like Jon is having some kind of a break down. Saying he's going to shoot the pap's around his home.
I heard all the girls changed at gymnastics. In front of the cameras and the fans. I guess that 'doesn't count' as nudity? Please, to the pedophiles it counts.
Give it up,
You heard that or saw that? I watched that episode and don't remember seeing anything like that.
Wow. Step away for a few hours and come back to an invasion of stupidity.
I'm sure Jon is just kissing up to Kate/TLC..they are one in the same ya'know. He like Kate, is just trying to "raise his children and work in whatever field he chooses". (ie, use his kids also to earn a living)
WG or pennymom
Regardless of what age the kids are now, what matters is those nude shots are on the internet and DVDs FOREVER where any freak can look at them. Would YOU want pictures of YOUR kids bandied about on the net? Or the victims of 'I Hate (fill-in-the-blank)sites. This is what is happening and it's the PARENTS FAULT for allowing the filming to happen.
I don't watch anything on TLC or discover networks. Are you saying the girls did not get undressed in front of the cameras or the cameramen?
If that scene never happen, I apologize but I heard it from more than one person who watched the episode. They were changing into their leotards and there is no reason that had to be filmed.
Does anybody ever wonder about these cameramen? We all saw the disturbing video of Mady in the basement. She was NOT a toddler and it was very inappropriate, meanwhile, nobody thought to NOT air it. A child writhing on the ground with her legs wide open. ENTERTAINMENT?
I'm asking because the Administrator posted it here.
Why isn't anyone asking for proof?
Why doesn't the Administrator ask for proof?
Weren't any of you around for the PennMommy scandal?
Talk about sheeple!!
Carolina Gal said...
I'm sure Jon is just kissing up to Kate/TLC..they are one in the same ya'know. He like Kate, is just trying to "raise his children and work in whatever field he chooses". (ie, use his kids also to earn a living)
Carolina Girl, your point is well taken. If you argue on the theory that Kate can make a living however she sees fit, then you can't fault Jon for trying to do the same thing. Not that I think they're right, but the argument works both ways.
Paula said...
LOL at "Get a Clue". There IS such a thing as "medium income". Haven't you been paying attention AT ALL to the economic issues of the past couple of years?
MEDIAN. Not MEDIUM. Apparently, you need to get your hearing checked or bone up on those comprehension skills, as you certainly haven't understood what you've been hearing AT ALL.
Blogging Neighbor,
You have sounded the alarm and let us all know of your concerns. Now it's our responsibility to decide if we want to take action. I checked with myself and I don't. If you feel the need, go for it.
Look, the sheeple are delusional - we know that. They look at Kate Gosselin and see June Cleaver - except replace the pearl necklack with a diamond necklace.
WG has been blogging for awhile and I have no reason to believe she is not who she says she is. Do you want her FULL NAME and ADDRESS so BM and her minions could stalk and harass her?
I believe her. She has NO REASON to lie. She's not making money off Kate and she's not in the business to make Kate look good to enhance her wallet.
She's a neighbor and a therapist and I trust her way more than I trust anybody who gets entertainment by watching Kids self-destruct.
Give it up,
I never saw Mady doing that. If that was filmed and put on TV I find that VERY distasteful.
So often we all see the same things and what others make a big deal of I see as innocences and to see it any other way is just plain twisted.
Look on utube and you will see plenty of food for a pedo.
Yes, Youtube is filled of pedo material. Why don't you add your kids if you think there is nothing wrong?
You didn't see the Mady clip, I did. It was wrong on many levels but NOBODY, not even a PARENT complained. She was ALONE in the basement with a cameraman and he was filming her talking to him WHILE she was writhing, as if she had an itch in her crotch. Yes, she was wearing pants but it was VERY disturbing to watch.
obviously, not to film, edit, or broadcast. After all, pedophiles have money too.
"TLC is like 19 year olds running out and buying as many kegs of beer as they can fit in the truck before the new 21 drinking age goes into effect." Administrator
That is a a good comparison. I liken Tlc though to legal Pedophiles that are going to get every bit of films from these kids before Rep Murt stops their Pimping of children.
Is there a sheeple around who knows how much money the Gosselin, Hayes, Duggar or Roloff children were compensated last year to have their images slung from one internet site to the next, their private moments sensationalized for TLC's bottom line. This is pure child neglect on behalf of these parents. And, I hope the children have recourse some day to sue for punitive damages. We treat dogs better in this country than Jon, Kate, Figure 8 & TLC have treated the children.
WG or pennymomm? said...
Why are you defending a child exploiter? Their so called documentary is staged and a camera man is present for all the diaper changes, and poopy lessons. One of the boys could not make poopy, so the witch left him sitting on the potty with the lights off and she left. What kind of mother does that? Meanwhile the camera records all of that, what kind of parents allow that? Exploitive ones.
This crazy zombie only likes to talk about herself and what a BIG sacrifice she made for the kids, what talent is that? you and your supporters can gather your money and produce a show for her. You all just better be prepared for all of Zombie Queen's mood swings and temper tantums. And make sure you don't look at her.
Holy Cow, some people really do walk around brain dead.
PennMomm put herself right in the Gosselin home and no one questioned her, she had never even been to PA. I find her style so much the same. How many of you got scammed by PennMomm?
Sam, they admire her because she's a contract honorer. They admire her because she's pretty.
Sam Said...
Why are you defending a child exploiter? Their so called documentary is staged and a camera man is present for all the diaper changes, and poopy lessons. One of the boys could not make poopy, so the witch left him sitting on the potty with the lights off and she left.
Are you an adult? "Poopy" lessons? Making "poopy?" Are you kidding me?
NOBODY cares about Pennmomm. That is history and if we chose to believe WG, why does that bother you so much?
It seems the closer we get to "truth" - - the more TLC interns come out to play.
WHO CARES if we don't like Kate? Why are you so invested in OUR opinions?
Bowel issues, under any name, is not acceptable for public viewing.
Has anyone seen the latest with Jon? Seems he's fighting with the pap's.
Actually, I'm fairly new to all this Gosselin drama, having only paid attention to these people when I could barely escape them because of the constant media attention amid the divorce hoopla about a year ago. It's funny that we have someone here today who mentioned the PennMom stuff, because just this morning I finally took a little look around at some of the fan sites that I've seen mentioned and I saw references and links to info about that whole mess. I also have checked out WG's blog and from what I've seen, she is most definitely NOT the same person. I happen to be one hell of a great investigator, so I believe that I know exactly who she is. Just as I've been able to confirm that Admin is in fact a family law attorney in L.A., although the sheeple continue to doubt that.
But whatever. Clearly, the sheeple got bored at their sites so they came over here to cause trouble today. Yawn.
Truth, you call what you guys dig up and twist as truth, What a laugh. All your conspires are a joke.
WG or pennymomm? said...
PennMomm put herself right in the Gosselin home and no one questioned her, she had never even been to PA. I find her style so much the same. How many of you got scammed by PennMomm?
You're manfacturing doubt...another subtle diversion tactic. What's the end goal, smear the blog owner which tarnishes the whole blog and their opinions?
What is it you want? Us to suddenly believe that kate is a nurturing humanitarian? The TRUTH is that she's a reprehensible human being. She has no friends, no family and NO SHAME. She's not nice, friendly, civil or even likable in any way, shape or form.
I really wonder about the mental capacity of those who insist on defending her. You know she wouldn't even spit on you if you were on fire, don't you?
I don't need PROOF for any of this. I saw it with my own eyes.
I think I've seen the light.
Selling your children is admirable because you can have luxuries.
Shame on me for thinking that the psyche's of 8 little people were more important than nice things.
Where the FUCK are my priorities. Time to get my kid off the Game boy and put him to WORK.
Okay, moving away from Blog drama and onto yet another day of Gosselin drama.......
Carolina Gal, thanks for posting those links. I'm going to put both stories here:
(1)Gossip Center:
Gosselin Family Weekend Drama
Posted April 25th, 2010
Always bringing their fair share of drama, the Gosselin household turned into a bit of a spectacle on Saturday afternoon (April 24).
Now having more free time as she's finished with "Dancing with the Stars," Kate Gosselin paid a visit to the family house despite the fact that it was Jon's day of custody - with the TLC reality mom being turned away.
Meanwhile, two paparazzi staked out at the location ended up getting into a verbal fight over access - with one seemingly power-wielding shutterbug telling Jon to hide himself and the kids.
Listening to the directions, Jon proceeded to take the children into the shrubbery of a hunting forest at the Reading property - with a paparazzo alleging Jon as proclaiming, "If a photographer comes onto my property i have the right to shoot him."
After having lunch brought to the forest locale while waiting for the unexpected photog to leave, Jon and the kids finally emerged from their outdoorsy perch and headed inside to clean up.
Enjoy the pictures from the Gosselin home in Reading (April 24).
>>>> Link to photos: PHOTOS
(2)Radar Online:
PHOTOS: Jon Gosselin: 'I Will Shoot You.'
Welcome inside Jon's world.
In a series of bizarre antics at the Gosselin's Pennsylvania compound, the former reality television father -- on dad duties while Kate was out and about -- allegedly warned a paparazzo that he'd pop a cap if he got too close.
"If a photographer comes onto my property, I have the right to shoot him!" Gosselin threatened one photographer, who relayed the altercation to
In an apparent attempt to conceal his activities from the waiting shutter bugs, the father of eight even had take-out food delivered into a nearby hunting forest.
Then Jon proceeded to take the children into the shrubbery while waiting for the photographers to leave. Sound normal? Of course it is.
>>>> Link to photos: The Gosselins Hide in the Bushes as Photographers Get in a Fight
Give it up you sound very angry.
Be careful you don't want to give yourself a heart attack.
Wow, spend a lazy Sunday reading the paper and cooking and look what you come back to.
wow...I think the sheeple comments should stay on and we ignore them ( LOL, at least we can see what their new names are here, and apply that to other blogs) for that pennmom , wasn't she the one insinuating a while back there was drama to come...HELLO! we're talking Jon and Khate, of course there's drama to come, they live on it. Radar and other sources say the witch tried to see kids today, jon said no, 2 paps faught over pix, and jon "threatened to shoot one pap" then took the kids to hide in "hunting woods" sensationalist a bit?
Maybe this is some colossal social experiment..with 8 poor kids in the middle. I am proud to say we Canadians have not had such a blatant case of child-exploitation since the Dionne Quints..the media and gov't here learned from those poor children, and will never let that happen again.
American Law-makers..wake up!!!!! Someone protect the 8.
Michael Moore...are you taking notes yet?????
Carolina Gal,
no way those pictures of the kids were taken yesterday, it was very cool and the sky was gray. It was downright chilly.
Give it up said...
It seems the closer we get to "truth" - - the more TLC interns come out to play.
WHO CARES if we don't like Kate? Why are you so invested in OUR opinions?
The bigger question is why are you so invested in the lives of people who you do not know?
I'm angry that kids "don't count" to you people. Your entertainment is all that matters. 8 shattered lives are on NO CONCERN to you and yes, that makes me angry. I fear for your kids.
Once again, I care about the underdogs. NOBODY is representing the children. My question is WHY DON"T YOU CARE about the children? Are you another wooden-spoon carrying "mom"??
Since I don't "know" the little boy being watching by a registered sex offender, should I ignore it?
When I saw my neighbor whipping her little boy, should I have ignored it?
Child molesters and abusers are safe around you because you MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, right?
Blogging Neighbor said... "I'm asking because the Administrator posted it here. Why isn't anyone asking for proof?"
Why doesn't anyone ask Kate for proof about the lies she tells? She gave interview after interview stating she flies home immediately after the live show on Tuesdays (this being said while still in LA days later). No one asked her to prove otherwise.
I find it funny how anyone who has a dissenting comment or opinion about Kate is asked to back it up with proof, yet no Kate supporters ever question what Kate or her PR team churn out - even when it's so blatantly false as the example above.
Goodness, just taking Kate's comments alone should be enough for anyone with common sense to sit back and go 'huh?'. She constantly contradicts herself. Why don't you question her????
Kate won't be questioned because, to her fans, she can do NO WRONG. As much as they say, "I don't think she's perfect . . ." they show otherwise with their unyielding support.
Bottom line: The children are suffering and the FANS DON'T CARE.
Dear Admin: I just spoke to someone at the PA Governor's residence who shall remain nameless, however he was of the opinion that since the Gosslin 8 are fed and clothed, that we should not worry about them having to hide in the bushes because the paps were takin pictures. I asked him if he was father and he said yes. FYI. Lynn T.
I just thought of something...isn't there a law in France that prohibits photos of celeb children by paps unless given permission...that's why the Depps and the Jolie-Pitts moved there..anyone remember?
There. Now I set up my Google account. I feel better. :)
Give it up,
Are any of those things happening to the Gosselin children? If anything was happening to them that is against the law than by all means, but the things you make up is wrong. You have no idea how those kids feel or think, none at all. Its a big guessing game and meanwhile trash their mom. That's some big help. Come on, its a hate-fest you come here for.
By all means, I will join you in getting laws in place to protect children on reality TV. I'm all for that. Its the nastiness that you all enjoy so much
And we are all one?
So are the sheeple. YOU ALL are in debt and hiding cc bills from your spouses, right? ALL OF YOU?
Many of us have never criticized Kate's physical appearance but we are still "nasty" because we don't want kids working?
You wouldn't join us in getting laws passed because you don't care. The kids entertain you and that is all that matters. I'm glad you see the world as such a nice place.
If the stories of Jon and the paps are true, this is even more proof that these kids are not leading a "normal" life. How many kids do you know that have to scurry into the bushes to avoid cameras? This whole situation just makes me ill.
but the kids love the cameras . . . when they are TLC cameras.
True, Kate's kids are not being cared-for by a registered sex offender and I've never personally seen Kate beat the hell out of one of her kids.
You are right again. Leave them be.
Let them work. They'll get another childhood in their next life, right?
The ROL story looks like insanity to me. A rock wall would make more sense. It makes it look like Jon is going off the deep end. I hope that's not the truth.
What must those kids think? I don't care who said what, but just the fact, if it's true, that the kids were told to hide in the woods because of the paparazzi, that's just a sickening thought.
RUN, kids...RUN from the "bad guys".
Great imprint to leave on a kid's psyche.
Give it up said...
Since I don't "know" the little boy being watching by a registered sex offender, should I ignore it?
When I saw my neighbor whipping her little boy, should I have ignored it?
Child molesters and abusers are safe around you because you MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, right?
As someone already pointed out, there is no evidence that the things you mentioned are happening to the Gosselin children. Spare me the "it's about the kids" BS. It's always been about Kate and always will be. Posting your opinions on a blog devoted to obsessing over Kate does nothing to help any child. Your sanctimonious rants will never change that hard, cold reality. In fact, this blog and others like it are harmful to the Gosselin children. They will one day have the joy of reading all the vile crap that has been written about their parents courtesy of you "child advocates."
No, you are wrong.
I have never bashed Kate, EVER.
Find where I have and show me.
You don't care about the kids and that is more than obvious but don't try to bring your guilt to us, we don't have any because WE ARE RIGHT and YOU, my dear piece of SHEEP are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!
Moderation anyone?
Obviously, there wouldn't be one freaking word written about the Gosselin kids if their dumb-as-dirt parents hadn't decided that the best way to make money was to put the entire family on TV for everyone to watch.
There it is: the root of it all. My .02 doesn't compare to the initial selfish, poor decisions made by two such loving and thoughtful parents.
I can talk about them, the Lohan family, the Hiltons - any famous person who has put themselve out there for a reason: they want and need the fame and pray for the fortune to follow.
If you don't like the comments about them - too effing bad. Go defend Lindsey or her little sister - they need you too.
WG or pennymomm? said...
Give it up,
Are any of those things happening to the Gosselin children? If anything was happening to them that is against the law than by all means, but the things you make up is wrong. You have no idea how those kids feel or think, none at all. Its a big guessing game and meanwhile trash their mom
First off, did you see the pics of the kids when Kate breezed in and breezed out on Thur. They looked sad.
Kate has 'found' what she loves, and it's fame, $$$, attention....and she's getting sicker by the minute. Something is wrong w/her. Can you not see how all that would change a person? And not for the good?
Do me a favor...if you are married, have your husband follow you around the house, even for just one day, and film EVERYthing you do. Going to the bathroom, dressing, undressing, picking your nose, prepping dinner, etc. whatever it is, film it. Watch it back, then try to imagine it being not only on TV for 10 mil. viewers, but on YouTube for who knows how long. How do you think you'd feel? Do you think just because they are kids, they don't/won't mind??? Think again.
So many conspiracies...
so I gather everyone should shut up and buy the rags for the pix of the kids and not voice concern that this is harmful to them..Other child actors didn't have any problems down the road of life? (before laws some-what protected them, as in California)
Things do not get changed, especially laws, unless people cry foul enough to change them. I , personally am thinking about future kids down the road, they, and the G's should be free to play when it's time to play..not have to hide from paps at home. TLC started this mess..let them stand up to the plate and make it better, at least Jon is trying, a bit...
Give it up.
Read what the posters here post about and tell me YOU ARE RIGHT. If you never bashed Kate you are the only one. The children are always a afterthought. And than its futuring and guessing. Tell me how this helps the kids.
I've just decided to ignore. It's the same story over and over again. We are bad, they are good. Period.
Time to move on to what is important...
You call THAT bashing?
Well, she tells Mady that she's "mean and ugly" and her boys are "icky."
I stand by that "bashing" -- those kids only will learn what they are taught and they've been taught that parents are not important. Are Kate's parents important? No, and neither will Kate be when they are adults.
Pa. Approves New Kate Gosselin Show
A state official told TMZ on Saturday that all the labor permits had been approved for "Kate Plus 8," the summer spin-off series from "Jon & Kate Plus 8" featuring Kate Gosselin and her eight children.
franky said...
So many conspiracies...
so I gather everyone should shut up and buy the rags for the pix of the kids and not voice concern that this is harmful to them..Other child actors didn't have any problems down the road of life? (before laws some-what protected them, as in California)
Things do not get changed, especially laws, unless people cry foul enough to change them. I , personally am thinking about future kids down the road, they, and the G's should be free to play when it's time to play..not have to hide from paps at home. TLC started this mess..let them stand up to the plate and make it better, at least Jon is trying, a bit...
99.9% of the crap written here and on every other blog has nothing to do with advocating for laws to protect children. Any claims to the contrary are utter and complete bullshit.
I have no problem with laws protecting children on reality TV. In fact, I favor them. But all this drama about the horrors of child stardom is off-base. There are plenty of child stars who transitioned successfully to adulthood. The reality is that lots of kids -- famous and non-famous -- go down the wrong path. If you look at the child stars that have had issues, you'll find a common denominator...screwed up families.
WG or pennymomm? said... about Tori..
Didn't you already divert questions directed at you earlier today? does the name paul peterson and it takes time to change laws mean anything? I personally think there should be Federal laws across the board. That's it.
Give it up said...
You call THAT bashing?
Well, she tells Mady that she's "mean and ugly" and her boys are "icky."
I stand by that "bashing" -- those kids only will learn what they are taught and they've been taught that parents are not important. Are Kate's parents important? No, and neither will Kate be when they are adults.
Yes, I think calling the woman a bitch qualifies as bashing. Would you walk up to a Gosselin child and yell "Hey, your mother is a bitch?" If the answer is no, then you shouldn't be writing it in a public forum either. If the answer is yes, you need professional help.
I agree conspiracy..and that is one screwed up family those 8 are growing up in.
DON'T THINK papa following them around help the situation though, JMO.
Give it up said...
When those kids grow up all the karma will hit the bitch straight in the face.
Those kids will HATE her.
They will probably SUE her.
This is just you guessing, there is no truth to it. Can't you see that. And that mouth on you !!
Wow just wow. Are you someone's mom?
LOl, typo ( new keyboard) meant don't think paps following them around helps
So are you denying that Kate disowned her own parents?
Mouth on you? Oh, grow the fuck up. People swear. What are you doing trolling blogs if you can't manage to read "bitch" withour clutching your (Jewelry TV fake) pearls.
Itsaboutthekids...where's that Troll spray when you need it?
WG or pennymomm? said...
“its you twisted haterz that turned us into supporters. [snipped]... you haterz are over the top. What we all have in common is that hating and judging is not in our belief system.“
Sorry to nit-pick, WG/Pennymom, but I'm pretty certain that calling people "twisted haterz" and "over-the-top" IS quite “hateful” and most definitely “judgmental.” Hmmm. Looks like it’s time to re-acquaint yourself with your true “belief system.”
And if there’s one thing I DO hate and DO judge, it’s poor grammar/careless spelling. You might consider revisiting your 4th grade grammar textbook. Next time, try: “It’s you twisted haterz who turned us into supporters.” And, “… hating and judging are not in our belief system.” I’ll assume your creative spelling of haterz is your own cute and clever creation, and not an additional spelling/grammatical error. My “belief system” allows me to be that charitable.
If those kids find THIS forum they are being severely neglected.
franky said...
I agree conspiracy..and that is one screwed up family those 8 are growing up in.
DON'T THINK papa following them around help the situation though, JMO.
Agreed on both counts.
Moderation time? It appears some bad apples have decided to come on over to our sandbox today without ever having been taught how to play nice with others.
DeKonstruction Zlogger said...
Itsaboutthekids...where's that Troll spray when you need it?
LOL! They're really feeling their oats tonight, aren't they? I'm just standing back until they've run out of steam. Debate is pointless.
hope you agreed with the typo..PAPS following them around, not afreudian slip LOL keyboard
Yes, I am responsible for my words.
Sure wish Kate would take responsibility for HERS.
I've never called a child "mean and ugly" and I never would. I'm not bullied easily either so you are wasting your time trying to "school" me on how I'm supposed to behave, according you YOU.
Once again, GIVE IT UP. I don't care what YOU think and I don't care if it offends you that I called Kate a bitch.
Bruno did it on National TV. Why aren't you all up in his ass?
Didn't Bruno call Katie "the bitch from Hell". I bet the kids will see that eventually!
BTW, Kate is a bitch. I think I'm changing my screen name to Kate is a bitch.
April 25, 2010 4:46 PM
Kate is a Bitch said...
So are you denying that Kate disowned her own parents?
April 25, 2010 4:47 PM
OMG, this cracked me up! LMAO
WG has a new post up.
The new post at WG doesn't come up for me clicking on the link above. Use this...or maybe it's my pc.
Please stop bickering or it's back to moderated. You're giving me a headache.
Also please don't use other people's names as your screenname or refer to other posters in a screenname. Choose a new name or you're deleted.
The thing that I do find, well funny and interesting is that @ the trolls blog 90% of the posts are all about us and this admin. and wg. 90% - That is remarkable. On this blog & wg's the only time that conversation revolves around these trolls is when they come here with their own agenda. We don't spend any time posting about them but they are literally obsessed with posting about bloggers here and this site and admin. Very strange behavior, IMO.
Tori Spelling didn't have HOM (High Order Multiples) and then proceed to put them on reality tv as her only means of income like Kate (and Jon) Gosselin have done.
It doesn't matter what Tori did, Kate's fans want us to get off Kate and get on someone else. We must be doing something right if they are so aggravated by our existence.
I can't condone Tori and Dean's choice to put their children on reality television. I think what they're doing is wrong. I've never seen their show so I don't know if the kids are the main focus.
However, this tact is just being used to draw our attention away from THIS situation.
Kart has never (well, back in her nursing days) made a dime that was not directly because of her "fame" as a mother of eight. Normal parents do not expect their children to financially support them, or pave THEIR way to stardom.
Since President Obama and Michelle are so pro-kids..I really hope that some law-maker puts forth a bill to protect all aspects of kids' private lives..there really ought to be something someone can do.
I remember when I was younger and the world was scary, but to have to live with being in a fishbowl on top of everything else, I can't even imagine.
If everybody is truly interested in advocating for those kids, they should take a minute, go to the PA Dept.Of Public Welfare site, and see their definition of Child Abuse.It is the narrrowest, most retrograde piece of child protection legislation I have ever seen. It requires the abusive incident to cause SERIOUS physical harm, NON ACCIDENTAL Mental Harm, IMMINENT danger to the life of a child- in other words, most of the things that we see as being abusive are not abusive in PA. Please read this definition. It explains why nothing has been done about our concerns: the children are NOT being abused in PA.In Ontario, Canada, they would be, and investigations would take place. I have written Rep.Murt about this but as a Canadian I'm sure my voice will not mean much.
If everybody could only stop bickering and bashing each other long enough to look at this legislation and perhaps write a few words to the PA state government about the need to broaden their definition, maybe some good would come of it for the kids of PA. We are all wasting a lot of what could be positive energy, beating each other up.
Is this blog about Tori Spelling?
"That’s why she frequents Planet Nails. It’s owned by Asians and she thinks they don’t get involved in other people’s business and they won’t gossip to reporters about her.”
LOL!! EVERY nail salon in Pennsylvania is owned and run by Asians. She'd be hard-pressed to find one that isn't!!
The one thing that I have learned from TLC is that I no longer watch any *reality* TV shows with children in them.
I do not think that I should be "entertained" by watching real kids live their young lives. I am not related to them; I should not know their home address or to be able to track them down at their school. They have a childhood and I don't need to intrude. I am NOT family.
Besides, watching a TV show should not make me feel guilty in any way. But that certainly was the case after I watched J&K+8 after the end of season 4. Yes I stopped watching the show and started to write letters behind the scenes to get the show off the air.
However, watching child actors playing a part of a child in a family sitcom for instance is a different matter. I had no problem whatsoever Michelle Tanner (played by the Olsen twins) grow up until that series ended but again, this was an acting part, I was not watching their real life in their real home.
I believe everyone needs a sanctuary, home is usually that place and it should be off limits to the viewing public. Period.
Franky is right; no child should live their live in a fish bowl where every move is dissected on the Internet or in the tabloids. Let the child be a child and have a childhood!
As far as I'm concerned, Jon and Kate both are welcome to make their money in any way they want. Just keep the cameras OFF THE CHILDREN DAMMIT!
Hi everyone, I am not caught up on this blog because I've had a busy day at home, but someone came over to my blog and informed me that there is some confusion here between "WG" and others called pennamommy, pennmommy, or names something like that. So I just wanted to clarify that I have never used any name other than Werny Gal. So if by "WG" anyone here is referring to me, I am ONLY WG, and have never written any other blog related to the Gosselins or used any other name or nickname when commenting on other blogs, other than the one I am doing now, Small Town Gosselins. Thanks,
Werny Gal (or WG, as some of my readers have come to call me.)
Kate is not just a bitch, she's a crazy bitch. Her ex-husband, much to my dismay (I had been holding out some hope), appears to be crazy as well.
Please, for the love of God, get those children out of that mausoleum and into a safe and loving
@IDModo: regarding PA's definition of child abuse, that explains a lot. In California, where I live, Children's Protective Services would have been interviewing the Gosselins the day after the episode with Joel on the laundry room floor aired.
A friend of mine does those interviews for a living. The kids wouldn't have been taken away, but a file would have been started, as I understand it.
Okay, this is not a Tori Spelling blog, I know, it was pointed out above. I also admit to not having followed Tori's career, nor have I seen her reality show.
HOWEVER, regardless of whether or not Tori Spelling is out of money (I tend to believe she is) she is NOT famous due to having birthed her two (?) children. The children are known to some because of their famous mother, and grandfather. Kart's case is the opposite. Her children aren't money-makers because they're the children of KG, she's famous because she's their mother. Making money by selling your young children is repulsive.
MickeyMcKean said,
As far as I'm concerned, Jon and Kate both are welcome to make their money in any way they want. Just keep the cameras OFF THE CHILDREN DAMMIT!
I agree. If Führer Kate wants to get extensions down to her ankles and ride naked on a horse through Wernersville, no one gives a damn. The trouble is neither she nor Jon can do anything without riding on the backs of their kids because the kids are their only source of income. Without those eight to shill, they are a couple of nobodies and they know it.
You're correct. I lived in Cali all my life (just moved to a different state) and CPS was something every parent feared! They take complaints SO seriously, that bratty kids can get their parents in trouble for anything they choose to make up. It happened to a friend of mine, and the onus was placed on her to prove herself innocent. It was about ten years ago, and I can't even remember what her daughter claimed ( I think she got a spanking?) but CPS was immediately and persistantly involved. In this case they had made the wrong call, but I can remember even my friend saying that she was happy we had this system in place to protect children. By the way, they call it CPS in Cali anymore, that changed several years ago. I can't remember the new name for that agency.
StoryLady, I hear you. A friend of mine was reported for having taken pix of her child in the tub ( baby)..was investigated and warned it could be considered child porn. The laws here in Canada are very strict, no spanking even allowed.. Khate would have been investigated in a heart-beat a couple of times..The laws need to protect the Kids more.
I posted my last comment in haste before Story Lady, Just Me and Franky got their comments up. Now I feel foolish for spouting off without giving people the time to respond.I must have sounded anti-American, which I'm not,and kind of holier-than-thou, which I can be sometimes if I get really upset. If I insulted anyone please forgive me, it wasn't my intention.I will continue to look for information that might be helpful in advocating for the kids.
Let the trolls speak. They demonstrate perfectly whats wrong with children being put on reality shows.
We had the Dion here in Ontario, Canada, that was a real circus. The parent did not choose to put them in the public eye but our governement did. The only reason I follow the Gosselin is that I don't want those kids to be in the public eye anymore, I don't care what Kate does, all I care is that her chidren paid for her everything she has today and it's not fare. 15% for all of them, that a shame.
WG has a new insider post up!
AuntieAnn said
I agree. If Führer Kate wants to get extensions down to her ankles and ride naked on a horse through Wernersville, no one gives a damn. The trouble is neither she nor Jon can do anything without riding on the backs of their kids because the kids are their only source of income. Without those eight to shill, they are a couple of nobodies and they know it.
I totally agree. But this is why they have to run this idiotic show Twist of Kart along with Kart+8. They know her show alone will flop. They have to have the show with the kids running too to drum up any interest in hers. If Karts does (will) flop, at least, she'll still make $$$ thanks once again to the 8 little moneymakers. That is, unless we can all band together and turn these shows off. That's the only way they are going to get the message.
My suggestion would be to ignore any troll like comments. Any conversation with a troll will be deleted along with the troll's comment.
I think we are all so passionate about the cause that it's easy to get caught up in the back and forth between both sides. The fact is there should only be one side: The Children's side.
Essentially what the pro Kate people are saying is that child abuse is excusable as long as they can rationalize it. Why would you want to argue with someone with that sort of mentality.
Essentially what the pro Kate people are saying is that child abuse is excusable as long as they can rationalize it. Why would you want to argue with someone with that sort of mentality.
NancyB said...
The thing that I do find, well funny and interesting is that @ the trolls blog 90% of the posts are all about us and this admin. and wg. 90%
Nancy, I noted the same thing above in a post. Why do you think that is? It's as if their agenda is just to be argumentative. It's the same way in all 2 of the fan/supporter sites.
Carolina Gal,
It IS rather amusing... they go into a cut and paste frenzy back at their fansites when they realize they're defending something that is so offensive.
You are right. I still say let them post to show just how warped their thinking is.
It doesn't mean we have to respond. Just ignore them, the same way Kate ignores the emotional well-being of her kids.
Sick of Karts...,
I agree, that was my point. Kate and Jon are helpless without their children to provide for them.
Just Wondering -
I agree with your suggestion to Admin. Sage doesn't allow people to trash up her blog --there is no anonyomous and must use google or similar to post. It definitely cut down on all the fake names. Admin had just posted
please don't use other people's names as your screenname or refer to other posters in a screenname. Choose a new name or you're deleted. They don't listen and continue to post using WG as part of their screenname. JMO
Dr. Glass' blog has a new entry:
Gosselin Children’s Body Language Show Sadness, Humiliation, Upset, and Distance Around Kate April 26, 2010
And, her recent entry about DWTS which another blogger mentioned earlier:
Kate Gosselin’s TOXIC Personality Comes Out On Dancing With the Stars as She Not Only Disrespects Her Teacher Tony Dovolani But the Other Contestants March 30, 2010
I am sorry, but IMO any post buy "DR." Glass comes after 2 days of fervent discussion on various blogs, and she as well takes the high road...she's a DR. right? why isn't she calling more Dr's forth to support her theories..I know my doctor does..even on a personal level..I equate her with Dr. Shill
riding the bandwagon is easy..setting the route safely for others takes courage..LOL....NONE of them are lone riders, except Kevin and Jody in my body. JMO
sorry..body translates to soul in french..oops, my bad
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