Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kate responds to Jodi and Kevin's testimony with more lies

Kate says: Jodi and Kevin are "making money off of lies."

We say: What part of their testimony was a lie? Please be specific. Witnesses at Congressional hearings are not paid. It's unethical, improper, and a conflict of interest. Representative Murt stated they he sought out Jodi and Kevin to come speak, they didn't contact him. If they're lying, I expect a defamation lawsuit from Team Kate then.

Kate says: "My brother has made a lot of money off of saying things that are untrue about us. I've not allowed them to see my kids for two years. So I'm not quite sure what information they think they may have."

We say: Actually, they have seen the kids, just last fall. You might know this is you actually knew what was going on in your own children's lives. See picture proof at right (At the McMansion, and baby Benny is a toddler now, proof that it was recent). It has not been two years, try a few months. And you're proud of estranging your family members? Jodi was CRYING today every time she had to say the eight children. Her heart is breaking she doesn't see them because of you. Again, please tell us what Kevin or Jodi said that was untrue. And wait, isn't that what you're doing, making money off the kids? Again, just so you know, Congressional witnesses are not paid.

Kate says: "Every single time they were visiting my kids they would turn around and be on some sort of a show the next day talking about, you know, what it is that they saw inside our house."

We say: Hold on, I thought you just said they haven't seen you in two years? So two years ago they were coming to your house, then doing an interview? No one from the tabloids even had any interest in you then, that was before your marriage broke up! That's interesting you claim that's how it's gone down, because Jodi and Kevin only ever did one EXCLUSIVE interview with your very own Radaronline, followed by a very few sporadic interviews regarding the exact same topic. The only other public speaking they ever did was today at a Congressional hearing, a hearing they were summoned to. Please show examples of Jodi and Kevin coming to your house, then doing an interview. And even if they did do that, which they didn't, maybe it was because they were seeing bad things happen (such as your kids being tricked into thinking it was Christmas morning--are you disputing that ever happened?).

Kate says: "I just know that in the end the truth will prevail, so I honestly don't spend a whole lot of time worrying about it."

We say: Same here!

180 sediments (sic) from readers:

Wiley C said... 1

Oh what a tangled web we weave......

Kate and TLC spinning their tales already. Man that was quick. They were up on ROL within what, an hour after the hearings ended?

Admin, do you think Jon was really the one tweeting those responses? Personally I don't buy it; they were much too eloquent.

Emptynester said... 2

Admin, I do remember seeing Kevin & Jodi on the CBS Early Show - Looks like it was on or about May 28, 2009. Here's the link: said... 3

Teflon Khate imagines she'll never face the music.

dee3 said... 4

Quick question:

On some legitimate news sites I'm seeing articles making it sound like the fact that TLC was not fined, somehow means that the hearing today came to the conclusion that no fines were warranted, etc. In other words, the articles are being worded in a way to imply that TLC was not fined and therefore, technically within the law and that THIS was the ultimate finding of this hearing today (as if they came to this decision right after the hearing concluded).

But my impression was that this was the info obtained AT the hearing. And that this is not the final and ultimate resolution to this PA dept. of labor investigation issue....because there may very well be investigation OF the way the dept. of labor handled the investigation, etc. My impression is that this was fact-finding and ONLY a first step in coming to a conclusion...which will at the very least, include new legislation. And that the next step will include further investigation...and that NOTHING was specifically determined by the panel YET. Just that a whole lot of info came out.

I'll try to find an example of one of the articles and how it's spun/parsed to make it sound like they are referring to the conclusion of the HEARING rather than just what was learned from the PA dept. of labor AT the hearing.

Do I have this correct? Or did I misunderstand? Has anyone else seen these articles? I'm pretty sure I saw one of them on the CNN site.

dee3 said... 5

OK, here is the link to the CNN one:

And it's titled:

State: 'Jon & Kate' broke child labor law, but no charges

Actually, now that I study it, it actually does say it was the dept. of labor's findings from the investigation they did. So it's not egregious spinning....but I'm noticing that lots of those commenting on multiple sites seem to think that this article (on multiple news sites) is referring to the conclusion reached by Rep. Murt after the hearing was completed.
It may just be due to the timing so people are assuming they are referring to the actual hearing...not just what was learned AT the hearing from the representative from the PA dept. of labor regarding their investigation...not totally sure...but clearly, people are not interpreting it something about it must be vague.

Did anyone else initially think that article was the conclusion of the hearing, rather than just what was learned AT the hearing?

LifeinOH said... 6


I think a lot of people may read it that way. And it will certainly be spun that way.

Emptynester said... 7

dee3 - I saw the same types of articles you are talking about. And I agree, the way they are wording them is cosmpletely misleading.

My understanding is that the reason fines for the violations were not levied is because that was a term of the settlement agreement. In lieu of paying the fines, TLC agreed to obtain permits for all FUTURE filming and the Gosselins would be required to set aside 15% of FUTURE earnings for the children. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Lauren said... 8

Kate is simply pathological. She must believe her lies.

dee3 said... 9

Thanks cherier1 and Emptynester.

The more I think about it, I think it's not so much spin as it's more sort of a lie of omission. Nowhere did they state that this info. was learned AT today's hearing. They simply stated it as fact, more or less, without any sort of clarification. No explanation that this was NOT the actual announced result of the PA dept. of labor but only info learned AT the hearing when their representative was questioned by the panel.

As far as I know, there is NO official report that has been released by the PA dept. of labor. This was just what was learned from answers to questions asked of their representative.

But this article NEVER mentions this...just states it as fact...not where it came from, etc.
Lots of people seem to be misunderstanding it.

SG said... 10

I have so much to catch up on.

Dee3... Yes. I got the same impression about the Hearing and the Labor Dept.

French Candian said... 11

I dont't know how to say what's on my mind in English but I will give it a try.

Today, Kevin clearly said that he did not want to talk about Kate, I thought he was respectful towards Kate. How could she be so hateful?

NancyB said... 12

On Showbiz Tonight AJ Hammer mentioned the Hearing today and then stated: PA 0 Kate 2 The way he slanted the truth he made it sound like the State of PA lost and that Kart was victorious! I'm thinking of giving up all of these sleazy shows--I get very upset listening to all of the lies.

Ya know, I do still wonder if the Labor Board was paid off in some fashion by TLC to have just laid down for them. It seems somewhat odd to me. They could have fined TLC anywhere from $80,000-$160,000. ($200-$400 per event, if it took 4 days of filming to get a 30 min epi. 100 episodes x 4 days filming = 400. 400 x 200 =80,000 or 400 x 400 =160,000.) In the scheme of things that is not very much money to TLC, BUT the publicity of the State fining them they may have perceived as more damaging. I don't know- but I sure do hope that some of those knuckle heads at the Labor Board lose their jobs. Did anyone else notice that the man who sat in the middle of the woman and the other man, was higher up the food chain yet he could not answer seceral of the Reps questions and deferred to the Assis. Dir. man and the ?female attorney. He looked ridiculous, IMO.

I saw List on Jane Velez Mitchell show today and I don't know...both panelists were making excuses for poor 'lil Katie -- saying Kart must work, Jon doesn't and that DWTS will end soon and then she will be home and not absent. Why List did not counter with the facts of her true financial status-1 million advance for SELLING her private letters to kids, $100,000 per month TLC. He did mention payment from all the talk shows but left out the biggies. Why didn't he counter that once Twisted Kart show begins that she will be gone atleast 1/2 each week again. I don't know--we all know that Momijan and Cheryl Young will work with that fat cat high powered legal firm of TLC's from Los Angeles, just like they did last fall. I sure hope he can do better in a court room then he did on TV today.

One thing is obvious...TLC's image consultants and acting coach etc have improved her performance when she is being interviewed--no uhm ummm umm and softer fake Kate voice. Blech. I nearly became ill on one of these shows (can't remember which one) where the host showed Kart + Tony and the comment that he made about Jon. Then the host asks Kart if the children know about Jon's custody suit. Kart responds by saying something like, Oh No, I protect them from any negativity between us. And the stupid stupid host nods and agrees and says good for you, Kate! Are they both Brain Dead???? All 8 kids saw that package of her + Tony several times on Monday night's show.

NancyB said... 13

French Canadian- Your English is quite good! :) said... 14

French Canadian,

Your English is far better than you give yourself credit for.

I'm so glad you're here with us! ~ Administrator said... 15

This is what happened today as I understand it (i.e. the TRUTH):

Hearing at 10AM in which it was revealed that the PA Department investigation was completed. Panel demanded to know the results.

Shortly after, the PA Department released a "letter" indicating that they chose not to fine TLC and instead worked it out with permits and Coogan funds.

Right after that, the media started spinning it that the Congressional hearing had decided not to fine TLC. NO, NO, and NO. The Hearing panel demanded to know what on earth became of that investigation. The Dept. decided not to fine, and the Hearing panel raked them over the coals for that pretty much saying that their own investigative department needs to be investigated.

Are people so stupid they don't know what a Congressional hearing is? As others have explained, it's a fact-finding mission to gather information and evidence to then decide what is the next step--an investigation, laws, etc.

The media spin on this is just outrageous, truly, truly outrageous. This is not stuff that is hard to understand, as Kate would say, I don't get it!

AuntieAnn said... 16

One rep said the industry will take it right up to the line of what they can do, that they do it all the time, and seemed perturbed that Jon and Kate allowed the camera crew to be alone with the children at certain points of time when filming them. Allred's final comment seemed to infer that they should investigate this deeper, in an or-else tone of voice. Larry, Moe and Curly from the DoL looked worried.

Emptynester said... 17

NancyB - If your math is right (and I think it is) with regard to the fines TLC would have had to pay, isn't is a coincidence that Kate said she put away $80,000 for the kids? I vaguely remember her on the Today Show saying something like that. It kind of makes me wonder if TLC agreed to put that amount into the trust funds instead of paying the fines.

AuntieAnn said... 18

Slightly off topic but in the Joy Behar clip above it's sure obvious that Kate is still fuming mad about Jodi being offered money way back when. She's trying to shrug it off and act smug but man is she pissed that someone else could make money off her 'belongings'. But hundreds of thousands Kate? really, I think she exaggerates.

And I notice she has to preface a lot of her statements with "honestly" and "to be honest" and "truthfully" in all her interviews. Is that some sort of Freudian quirk to convince herself that if she says it often enough it will make her lies acceptable?

NancyB said... 19

ADMIN-Emptynester is correct. Jodi & Kevin appeared on the CBS Early Show, They appeared with Gloria Allred in the end of Oct 09.

NancyB said... 20

Auntie Ann-- Oh my Gosh!!! Thanks so much for the Larry, Curly, Moe line--made my day -Big Laugh and I neeeded that. :)

NancyB said... 21

Oh AuntiAnn @11:20PM You are so smart and a careful listener. Dr. Lillian Glass says that when someone repeatedly starts sentences with Honestly, Truthfully, that is a dead giveaway that they are LYING! Thanks for sharing, I had missed that.

NancyB said... 22

OH on one the myriad of shows that Kart was on today-I think it may have been Behar's -- Kart told her that she would be on DWTS for a couple more weeks!!!!!! How would she know that?????

AuntieAnn said... 23

Nancy, the guy in the middle looked, well, sheepish, and had dry-mouth. He started out all right, but I noticed at the end when being questioned he had shrunk considerably lower in his seat. lol.
What Dr. Glass says makes perfect sense then. Kate consistently begins her sentences like that when she's confronted with a question she would rather avoid.

AuntieAnn said... 24

I doubt if she consulted a psychic in CA so the only other possibility is they promised her that many shows, or she wouldn't have bothered doing it in the first place.

2exhausted2name said... 25

Even after hearing Kate's lies for the past few years my jaw still dropped when she made those comments about her brother. "He must be broke" "He made hundreds of thousands of dollars lying"... is she talking about Kevin or Jon or herself?

And then that quote in People magazine stating if she had the finances we'd never see her again... how much does it take to raise 8 kids? I would think a few million would be more than enough. But apparently not. Anyone else want to chip in a few bucks to pay Kate to stay home and shut up?

Her comment to Joy about any working parent wouldn't be able to be with their kids was laughable. Really? The average working parent spends 9 hours each day at work, 15 at home with their family. So out of 168 hours in a week 123 hours are spent with the kids. Assuming Kate would work 12 hours a day nursing (ha!) that would still mean 108 hours a week with her kids. 108/24 is 4.5 days a week. Granted they sleep half that time but Kate would still be in the home with them and it's twice as much time as she's spending with them now. Not to mention the fact she'd be a few minutes away instead of hours by plane away.

And that doesn't even address the parental issue -- the fact that while she's away 5 days each week the children are PARENTLESS. While a nanny (or five) can take care of their physical needs they cannot take the place of an actual parent. A nanny is there to HELP the parent, not to take over.

It irritates me to no end that there are people who believe the kids are better off with Kate as the primary parent even though the kids spend the majority of their time without any parents at all. In Jon's custody they would have BOTH parents 100% of the time (Kate when she's home and Jon when Kate's away) as well as the extended family Jon has reinvited into their lives. Wouldn't that be in the KIDS best interest?

NancyB said... 26

Kate will be at the Santa Monica Barnes & Noble bookstore this Friday, April 16th at 7 p.m. for a book-signing of “I Just Want You to Know.” The signing will take place in the store’s second-floor event room. For more information, contact the store at (310) 260-9110.
Is Khate NOT going to PA this week???

NancyB said... 27

Kart said on E! that she would like to be a co-host...

bbsak said... 28

PA Dept of Labor letter @ TLC/Discovery/J&K+8

Linda from NS said... 29

UGH!!! I watched ET last night and I admit it's like being drawn to watch a car wreck; you just cannot help yourself. Having said that Kate FINALLY spoke the truth and I nearly dropped my glass of wine. When Mary welcomed Kart, Kart said she was "thrilled" to be there. You know she was thrilled - she's in the limelight again. Will this woman ever go away? I had to laugh when I saw Mary and Kate sitting side by side. Mary so slim and svelte and Kart's calves were, well cows, compared to Mary. Good God no wonder poor Tony has such a hard time with her dancing. She has one huge set of legs.

French Canadian good to see you here. Are you from QC, ON, NB or here in NS?

dee3 said... 30

"Are people so stupid they don't know what a Congressional hearing is? As others have explained, it's a fact-finding mission to gather information and evidence to then decide what is the next step--an investigation, laws, etc."


Thank-you, thank-you. I thought it was just me or that somehow I was getting the wrong impression. I saw all these comments out on the web referring to what sounded like exoneration-type conclusions of the hearing that occurred yesterday...and was concerned. So went looking for the source...followed some the articles...and was sure this was NOT any sort of conclusion come to by Rep. Murt. as a result of the hearing.
But could not quite figure-out where the disconnect was. the final report of the investigation of the PA board of labor was actually released after Rep. Murt's hearing yesterday....and THAT is what they were referring to in the articles...but with lack of necessary clarification (IMO), many were reading the articles as saying that this was the ultimate finding and conclusion reached after the hearing yesterday (that TLC was basically within legal parameters, not fined...and therefore, exonerated, more or less).

When I went back and studied the articles...they had not actually lied in them. It was, I think, lack of clarification...that led to rumors...that took on a life of its own.

Thanks again so much. I'd gone into a "is this just me or are they getting this wrong?" mode and was questioning myself for a minute there.

Paula said... 31

What is even sadder? The fact that the rest of Kate's family, parents and siblings, are doing nothing with regards to these children and letting Kevin take on all of the TLC venom.

dee3 said... 32

"On Showbiz Tonight AJ Hammer mentioned the Hearing today and then stated: PA 0 Kate 2 The way he slanted the truth he made it sound like the State of PA lost and that Kart was victorious! I'm thinking of giving up all of these sleazy shows--I get very upset listening to all of the lies."


I'm a news and political junkie and you do see quite a bit of spin and incorrect info even in the mainstream media. So to see this happening on these celebrity interview shows is not at all surprising...though pretty appalling.
Most of the hosts seem completely misinformed, then top that with spinning info...watched and read by many who are also misinformed. Critical facts are either omitted, spun, or just flat-out incorrect.

It's very eye-opening to learn just how much of the news and info we thought was actually not. It's extremely disheartening, not to mention, extremely frustrating.

Two tidbits of info I learned while reading around on the net last night (which I'd not known):

1. The TLC upcoming Sarah Palin show about Alaska is apparently a dud and not expected to do well. And TLC is paying a small fortune due to what they're paying Palin and the cost of producing the show. They're expecting to take a loss on this. And...

2. Kate was sent hand-made gifts for the person had sent hand-made quilts for each child and another had sent hand-made Christmas stockings for each child (she ran a business making these and there was intricate bead-work involved and they're relatively expensive)....and Kate refused to accept them, telling them she would only accept "cash and/or gift cards".

Surprised? No. Disgusted? Yes...rather ungrateful, IMO.

dee3 said... 33

"What is even sadder? The fact that the rest of Kate's family, parents and siblings, are doing nothing with regards to these children and letting Kevin take on all of the TLC venom."


I have observed that on certain sites (blogs, etc.) the Administrator here is really taking a beating also. It just takes a huge amount of courage to put oneself out there and take a stand on what you think is right. Jodi, Kevin and the Administrator here are getting slammed relentlessly on certain sites. I give them a huge amount of credit for refusing to back down.

Paula said... 34

dee, at some point, all of this Kate Gosselin "hysteria" will be over. She is just a creation of TLC - she has no talent and she is not a likeable person. She is only getting attention because of her negativity and the public's attention will turn to the next train wreck. My only fear is what those children will endure when their Mother's current life disappears. Kate has become used to it and expects it and when she does not have that life anymore, how will this clearly disturbed woman act? Scary thought.

dee3 said... 35

Here is another example of the results of spin.

On a particular blog, one comment was:

"According to CBS news, "Lawmaker found no wrong doing by the producers of Jon & Kate Plus 8 and will not be pressing any charges. The only thing they require is that the kids have work permit. If the kids are to appear on Twist of Kate, they must have a work permit."

The actual article on the CBS website said, in the first paragraph:

"(AP) HORSHAM, Pa. (AP) - Child-labor permits should have been obtained for children appearing on the TLC television show "Jon & Kate Plus 8," but the state will not take legal action against the producers, Pennsylvania regulators have concluded."


Now, if you read closely...the CBS article says that "the STATE (of PA) will not take legal action against the producers".
The critical word here is STATE...which could imply the Rep. Murt (when it was actually the findings of the dept. of labor).

And the critical word in the comment on the blog is "LAWMAKERS".....but while Rep. Murt WOULD be a lawmaker, the PA dept. of labor would NOT be a lawmaker.

But the confusion, IMO, was a result of the way the CBS article was written...and by using "the STATE", they were vague and could have easily been misinterpreted....which it was, in many, many comments all over the internet (and also, apparently, on some of the celebrity news shows on TV).

How spin happens...just one little example.

lifeoriley said... 36

Kate's tactics are classic NPD-- accuse the other party of doing exactly what you are doing--making money from lies. Kate has repeatedly lied and spun the truth for monetary gain.
Except for 2 interviews, Kevin and Jodi have basically remained out of the media in the last year or so. As mentioned, they were not paid for this hearing.
What is so wrong about being concerned about the working conditions of your nieces and nephews? Why should Kevin and Jodi be criticized for that?
They really have no reason to lie at this point.
Kate, her PR firm, the production company and Discovery/TLC have a HUGE reason to lie and spin the truth--money--lots of it--is at stake.
I guess if fame and money are your gods you will defend Kate.

dee3 said... 37


I agree with you. When it comes to the Gosselin situation, there are several issues occurring simultaneously and a great deal of "failure to communicate", especially between the blogs and the zlogs and the fans and the non-fans.

There is:
1) the issue of Kate herself
2) the issue of the Gosselin children
3) the issue of protecting all children in reality TV
4) And the issue of the behavior, power and influence of TLC.

My main interests have been items 2, 3 and 4. I have NOT written comments intentionally hateful towards Kate...not commented on her body (not her fault), etc. To me, that stuff is irrelevant. I HAVE given my (medical) opinion (as an RN) that Kate appears to me to have NPD. That is my objective opinion and not in any way meant to slander her specifically. I also said I felt embarrassed for her during the initial dances on DWTS (esp. the jive and paso doble) but openly said that I thought she did well in the latest episode where she did the tango. And if she wants to be successful on TV on her own, that's perfectly fine with me.

Hold on...gonna split this comment up or it might not post. Will continue in a second here.

dee3 said... 38

To continue:

I DO totally realize that 1) there are millions of children in the world who are far worse off than the Gosselin children are and that 2) much of the damage has been done and only damage-control remains when it comes to the Gosselin children.

I feel very badly for the Gosselin children but have no delusions about saving them.

The bigger issue for me is the one of TLC's behavior and of protection of children on reality TV. Laws were passed on behalf of least a century ago, to protect children in the workplace. Much effort has been made protect children from abuse, from sexual predators, from child pornography. This is the 21st century. Are we to move backwards?

For me...NO, this is NOT right. As a society, we have an obligation to protect the most vulnerable...and this includes children...who are powerless and helpless. Like Hillary Clinton takes a village. And IMO, WE are a village.

Kelly said... 39

Joy Behar is a huge gas bag. This ginger hag is all over the media trashing Kate, whenever she gets a chance and then when she gets a chance to have her on her show, she softballs questions and gives kate another free pass.

If she had any talent, she could have/ would have asked Kate the tough questions instead of hide behind her sarcastic comments on the View. Seems when Kate shows up, everyone looses their balls.

Fed up with this family! said... 40

Hey Admin.
I have another big red zero to add to your Kalendar for Friday Apr.16. Our little Miss Eliza DoLITTLE will be at Barnes and Noble in Santa Monica peddling her wares (book signing).

New Hampshire said... 41

Hello to all. I watched the hearing live yesterday. Now, after Kate spewing more lies about her own brother and his wife, I decided to find this information again and share this with you.

I believe Jodi, Kevin and Jodi's sister Julie. They truly care about the care and protection of the children. They have consistantly conducted themselves in an honest and dignified manner.

Lies are always uncovered, truth prevails.

Please note as you read through, Re: Deleted Jodi Blogs
Reply #1 - 11/10/08 at 09:10:53 that the bolding
was lost in the transfer with regard to whom Julie was responding to.

Kate Gosselin and her evil lies know no boundaries.

I will be posting in the calendar section momentarily with another url.

Adminstrator, this is the most intelligent, truthful blog I have ever found. I want this vile Mother exposed. Her children need help.

J. Heather Leigh said... 42

I know that nurses work a lot of hours but do they really work 12 hour shifts, six days a week? And, isn't Jon willing to help out with child care?

Katesucks said... 43

A bit trivial, but re: Kate's Kalendar, would you be amenable to giving her a slash (like a half-day slash) or some other symbol for the days she's only partially in PA? I have issue with giving this woman any form of the 'benefit of the doubt'. She doesn't deserve it. Especially after this week. Thanks! :-)

mama mia said... 44

Well done! This blog entry summarizes what a lot of us felt seeing Kate blame the Kreiders for selling out her kids.It has been mentioned by other posters that Kate only lets people in who sign confidentiality agreements with TLC, and that none of her immediate family members, save for a sister she once referenced during a DWTS piece, is allowed to see her kids. More troubling is that the Dept of Labour did not go into the home to check on the kids. Kate can spew all she wants about how people in her home are amazed by her kids but all those people are there to make a buck off the kids. Like Emeril, and the Solar panel crew and even the dog breeder, I think if people who were not profiting off the kids saw the lighting and sound equipment and the dysfuntion of these kids attaching themselves to the legs of total strangers for affection, there would be some alarms raised.

J. Heather Leigh said... 45

It's interesting the the investigation stared in 10/08 and went to last month. In the midst of being investigated they G's relocated, took down the studio lighting and stopped filming in the bedrooms. Coincidence?

dee3 said... 46

Hi NewHampshire~
So nice to meet you.:)

"I know that nurses work a lot of hours but do they really work 12 hour shifts, six days a week? And, isn't Jon willing to help out with child care?"

Jupiter~NO. A full-time work week for nurses is 40 hours, the same as with most other jobs. What they usually do is to work 3 of the 12 hour shifts and then a half shift (approx. 40 hours) on a fourth work day. This is so that they can get more days off every week...esp. helpful for nurses who have young children.
You are often ASKED if you can stay over-time if someone calls out but you are not obligated to do this. However, most nurses will do this, esp. if there's a last-minute call-out and they next shift would have to work short. They often may just stay a few extra hours to help-out...depending on the situation.
The one time when you pretty much HAVE to stay over-time is during huge snowstorms, state-of-emergencies....but they usually take turns sleeping in shifts until reinforcements arrive...brought in by the National Guard during states-of emergency.

"Joy Behar is a huge gas bag. This ginger hag is all over the media trashing Kate, whenever she gets a chance and then when she gets a chance to have her on her show, she softballs questions and gives kate another free pass."


To be honest, I'm not quite sure what the heck is going on with this. There are many others on TV who give subtle indication that they don't think highly of Kate....yet always the softball questions, the spin and the false front.
I'm not sure if this is 1) intimidation/pressure originating from Discovery/TLC..extending to their own entertainment industry employer OR 2) whether or not they are simply doing this intentionally just to keep the interest up, keeping her in the headlines and having the blogging wars continuing....just to ride the train-wreck for all it's worth.

I mean, if everyone started exposing could derail the train-wreck quite quickly and cut off the huge money flow much more quickly.

Not sure what's actually going on here. Something fishy, for sure.....but difficult to pin-point with any accuracy, IMO.

It's just like with this Jon twittering yesterday. I think to myself, hmm....

1. Is Jon that stupid that he actually may have done this himself? Yeah, I think he might be.

2. Wouldn't Jon's new attorney have told him not to do this? Yeah, I would THINK so.

3. Could TLC or some other person have blogged under Jon's twitter account? Yeah, that's possible.

Again, difficult to pin-point with any accuracy.

New Hampshire said... 47

I decided to put this here instead of the calendar comments.

Scroll down to Speaking Engagements, Book Signing Engagements

dee3 said... 48

Shoot, I wrote a comment, it said it was published...but then it never showed let me summarize what I'd written quickly.

Jupiter~the simple answer is NO. Nurses work regular 40 hour weeks (or they may set it up as 80 hours in 2 weeks in order to accommodate the every other week-end off). But generally, they will work 3 of the 12 hour shifts and then one approx. 4 hour that they can get 3 1/2 days off, rather than the usual 2 days off.
They are NOT obligated to work overtime...with the caveat being huge snowstorms, states-of-emergency, etc....where they can't get home and the next shift can't get in to work the next shift. But they often take turns sleeping and rotate in these situations.

I'd also said so nice to meet you to New Hampshire.

And had also addressed Kelly's comment about Joy Behar, saying I'm not altogether sure if the explanation for this is 1) intimidation and pressure originating from Discovery/ their own entertainment industry employer OR 2) they actually think one thing and are pretending/acting another order to maintain the interest and the blogging of the train-wreck hurtling along.
I'd imagine that if she were to get exposed, the train-wreck ride would end quite a bit more quickly...and the flow of money along with it.

Not totally sure what to make of it....because I'm getting the impression that there are many other celebrity show hosts that are doing the same thing, though maybe not as overtly as Joy Behar. But you can pick up on the subtle clues with several of them.

OK, let's see if this shows up. :)

J. Heather Leigh said... 49

Kate has definitely been coached and is starting to LISTEN to her PR people. She came off better on Joy B's than she has on shows in the past.

dee3 said... 50

OK...sorry for what looks like double posting. I'm guessing that this site is getting SO many hits that it's slowing things down....and lots of hits is a good thing, IMO.

Also...made an error in the first comment. Nurses will work 3 of the 12 hour shifts and then an approx. 4 hours half shift on a fourth day (not the 40 hours I wrote but was a typo...sorry about that)....if they prefer to do the 12-hour shift option in order to get more days off.

For many nurses who are mothers with young children,'s just a heck of a lot easier...with factoring in taking/picking up child(ren) to/from day care, driving back and forth to work, extra time for do the 12 hour shifts plus the half-shift option in order to get more blocks of time off with the children (and for housework, errands, etc.)

dee3 said... 51

"Kate has definitely been coached and is starting to LISTEN to her PR people. She came off better on Joy B's than she has on shows in the past."

Jupiter~it may finally be dawning on her/sinking in...that things are getting serious and that listening to the PR people just might be getting critical.

Because with would normally be classic to not listen to others and to think you know better. So this may be an indication that Kate and her handlers are feeling more pressure lately (the hearing, the filing, Jon's new attorney, etc.)

IATK said... 52

Do you think Jon had a choice, or even composed this tweet? It sounds more like a press release, a pretty feeble yet formal denial. It's almost as if TLC just wanted something on the record.

Quote marks around the show name? Who bothers to do that in a tweet? And he even signed his full name on the second one. Why sign your name on a tweet that already includes your name? Strange...


The allegations made today by Kevin and Jodi Kreider have not been my experience at all during the production of “Jon & Kate plus8.”


Kate and I were doing what was best for our family. And it gave us an opportunity to spend quality family time together. Jon Gosselin

J. Heather Leigh said... 53

Dee- you are spot on with the NPD. That is exactly who she is. I am sickened that she asked her children to read her book.

I was raised by a woman with NPD. She thrived on conflict and crisis and loved painting herself as a victim. When each of her children reached an age of reasoning, she turned on us and started painting us as her adversaries. She wanted the world to think that she was a victim of her own children. She still does this today.

Another notable element of this personality disorder is that the children are only an extension of the mother (in her mind.) For example, *I* was not a cheerleader, but HER DAUGHTER was a cheerleader. Every accomplishment I had was framed in a way to reflect on HER. My brother has not spoken to our mother in nearly 20 years because he refused to play along.

Paula said... 54

Just look at it this way - every new day is a day closer to Kate Gosselin becoming irrelevant.

dee3 said... 55


You are absolutely right. If you research NPD, you will see that Kate qualifies for almost every single feature of it. I would think that anyone who has dealt with a narcissist in their life, esp. as a child, recognized this in Kate fairly quickly. And having to be raised by a narcissist can cause some serious issues and damage for the child/children.

And speaking of what WE are able to see....the more I think about it...I'm just not buying that almost every single TV personality is totally falling for the "poor me" tour. There HAS to be quite a few who are seeing one thing but saying another in order to keep the controversy raging...and thus the money flowing in and the high ratings. There is just NO way every single one of them is totally falling for this. Because there is NO way that a significant percentage of the bloggers and audience see it yet NONE of the TV personalities/hosts see it? Not possible...not in the real world.

mama mia said... 56

Everyone write into the Boston paper there is an article online called They should be playing Taps for Kate Gosselin, the sheeple own the comments board there.

dee3 said... 57

"Just look at it this way - every new day is a day closer to Kate Gosselin becoming irrelevant."

One would think...but isn't it amazing how long these things can stay in the headlines and remain relevant? And I think that the internet is also a huge factor in this.


Another significant issue related to being raised by someone with NPD is that they can be extremely charming and fool people. So here you are, a child...and everyone seems to think this woman is great and a great mother....and you feel totally invalidated and question your own ability to know or to recognize anything...and a great deal of self-doubt (and lack of self-esteem can result).

Because even with therapy as adults, we can learn how to and attempt to alter our reactions and behavior patterns....but those tapes from childhood are playing in our heads....and they NEVER totally shut matter how hard we try to stop them.

J. Heather Leigh said... 58

I am fairly new to posting here. My opinion about the media and Kate is that I strongly believe she is being played and exploited by many people. She thinks she is so smart and she plays right into their hands. They (various media outlets) are making a lot of cash on people disliking Kate. TLC purposely displayed her horrible behavior. People magazine posted her on covers where she looked bad and the headlines were controversial. Information was "leaked" that would inflame public opinion ($7K on hair extensions!) Kate is being used to create ratings and she thinks that is a compliment.

I honestly think most of the media is in on this joke. For example, Joy can't stand Kate but she plays the game. I think many of the media personalities are aware of Kate's ridiculous behavior but they are trained to play the game and their jobs depend on it.

HI 50 said... 59

I don't get it, honestly...WHAT has our society evolved into? The media, fans, stupid people believe in...

A woman who dreamt of fame from a very young age with her twin dolls.

A woman who told her mother she had "too many children."

A woman who went on the prowl for an easy target, someone to manipulate, someone who came from $$.

A woman who, bragged about, stealing her husband from another woman at a picnic.

A woman who claimed she had a medical disorder, sought fertility treatment for her 1st set of multiples BUT wasn't fulfilled because she only had twins.

A woman who, went against her husband's wishes, decided to pursue another fertility treatment, couldn't get the treatment from her 1st doctor (humm, wonder why), went to another doctor, during the fertility treatment was cautioned to NOT HAVE SEX because the follicles were over stimulated, was elated she was having sextuplets.

A woman who was proud of herself for her treatment of her husband & children.

This is the kind of woman the media, fans & stupid people admire? I don't get it.

Paula said... 60

Jupiter...I agree 100% with you. I really believe all of this negative stories about Kate were planted by her PR people to put and keep Kate's name in the news.

J. Heather Leigh said... 61

We teach our children not to question our parents. It's taboo to criticize a mother. It's confusing when your mother is the one that is hurting you, telling you that you are a terrible person, and no matter what you do it turns out to be the wrong thing...according to her. As a child no one would tell me that my mother was wrong to do the things she did. Are all mothers sainted?
Newflash: even mean people can give birth!
Even today (age 41) I have a hard time on Mother's day.

What is intersting is that Kate's behavior bothered me for a long time. My mother ADORES Kate.

IATK said... 62

Every time the press, the hosts, or any media story affirms and feeds into Kate's behavior, they are in essence not only denying the truth, but also enabling and facilitating the damage being done to the children. I wonder if they are aware or even care about that? It's all money, money, money. And it's the children that pay the price. That may be just the way it is, but it doesn't make it right.

dee3 said... 63

Jupiter~very good observations and I think your conclusions are accurate regarding Kate feeding right into it. But then...narcissists are easy to manipulate if one knows how to appeal to their ego.

It's so interesting...we see SO many commenting and blogging, just appalled that nobody in the media is catching on. But then...another part of your brain tells you this can't possibly be reality....and that something is very fishy here. Your gut starts telling you something is very wrong with the appearance being presented...and begin to suspect it's intentional...for ratings and money.

One thing that REALLY saved me as a child (and also several of my siblings) was that a family would literally adopt one of us. For me, it was the family of a friend from school. But it never occurred to me that it was related to my mother....just somehow thought they just liked me and were very different from our family, with the scary world inside the they literally took me everywhere and I practically lived at their house.

Then years later, when this friend had moved across the country, I was so happy to see her at a HS reunion. So I went to meet her the next day at her mother's (her father had died) and my children played with her children, etc. And when I left...her mother said to me, "I will never forgive what your mother did to you kids"....and I remember being stunned....and continued to be stunned all the way home....because I'd somehow thought she'd never known.

And I will be eternally grateful to this family.

dee3 said... 64

And regarding Jon and these tweets.

First, it is unlikely that a non-dysfunctional person would marry one with NPD. It would much more likely be one in the group ranging from co-dependent to passive/aggressive. So already most likely a person who would allow someone to push him around.

Also, I don't think Jon is exactly a rocket scientist.

And then to boot....I think he's been put in a strangle-hold by TLC and the contracts/subtle threats, etc. And he's likely one who easily caves to abuse, intimidation, fear.

Plus...he could be worried how anything negative about him could affect his custody hearing.

So...I agree with itsaboutthekids that the way the tweets were written does look very suspicious. And I would also think that Jon's lawyer would have advised against doing anything like this.

BUT...since I'm not a lawyer, there may actually be some valid reason why Mr. List might not have had a problem with Jon tweeting what he did.

And it's possible Jon thought this would help him in the custody case and was worried that info from the hearing could hurt his chances (though why he'd think tweets were terms of refuting what was said in the beyond me).

But it's also possible someone else tweeted under his name....because from what I've read, TLC apparently has access to his twitter account(?)
Not sure if this is accurate, though.

J. Heather Leigh said... 65

Dee- I love that you had that family!! I had a grandma who I loved like a mom. She was my safe and stable place during my childhood.

To this day almost no one admits that my mother was wrong to do what she did. I can recall exactly ONE conversation with a family friend who said 'I remember that your mother hit you often and created reasons to punish you.' I was surprised that she knew and even more surprised that she shared her thoughts with me. No one ever did that. It was validating.

There are good people in the world that can act as lamp lights to those who are lost in a stormy sea. I had a few and I thank God for each of them.

J. Heather Leigh said... 66

Re: the tweets

I don't think Jon personally wrote them but that doesn't mean he did not agree to them. Jon is easily manipulated by whoever is near him. Kate even said that. I agree. His backbone is rubber.

Whatever negative results came from that hearing will reflect on BOTH parents. Jon is trying to save face for his hearing that is coming up.

Wiley C said... 67

I used to like Meredith Viera but not so much anymore. She is such a hypocrite! Today's been showing her fluff interview with Kate, supporting Kate in every way possible (without hearing Jon's side! How's that for impartiality?) But I just watched it this morning's story about Whitney Houston. Meredith had the audacity to state someone should be looking out for Whitney's best interest! So lemme get this straight.... she thinks a 'guardian' should be looking out for an ADULT's best interest but not 8 innocent children at the mercy of their narcissistic mother? PULEEEEEEZ, Meredith. Listen to yourself!

dee3 said... 68's another great example of spin:

This is what is on TMZ today:
Kate Gosselin - Jon Must Pay!

Originally posted Apr 15th 2010 12:55 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned Kate Gosselin wants ex-hubby Jon Gosselin to pay child support until the kids are adults -- no matter how much money she rakes in.

Kate's lawyer, Mark Momjian, tells TMZ ... although Kate is making good money now -- we're told hundreds of thousands of dollars on "Dancing with the Stars" -- "she won't let him off the hook for child support, no matter how much money Kate makes."

Momjian says Jon has a responsibility to work and must pay child support commensurate to his salary. If that means getting a job at a restaurant, some of his paycheck should go to the kids, regardless of what Kate makes.

Momjian says, "He will have to contribute. It's every parent's responsibility."
------------ TECHNICALLY, the info is correct...BUT, the implication and insinuation is that Jon is asking to NOT have to pay ANY child support. Which is completely incorrect.

He's seeking a more fair child-support requirement.
Of course he's going to pay his child-support. He's shown NO evidence of not paying it since the divorce. But the whole spin is that he's trying to totally get out of paying ANY child support. therefore, inaccurate regarding intention. Intention to imply something that is not in what I would think this is.

Paula said... 69

That article is so bogus.

Here's the kicker:

"Momjian says Jon has a responsibility to work and must pay child support commensurate to his salary".

Jon is already paying $22,000/month in child support. How is that commensurate to his current salary, which I believe is $0?

Anonymous said... 70

I am sure there are people being paid to defend Kate fulltime on blogs and comments sections.

They are operatives.

dee3 said... 71

I could be totally wrong here...but I could swear I read that TLC is still paying Jon $5,000 per month....which would be less than a quarter of what he has to pay in child-support.
And what I also read was that he's making payments with what he received in equitable distribution from the divorce...and that this will run out rather quickly.

But boy, the spin! Unbelievable. If it wasn't true, you'd hardly be able to believe it. You couldn't MAKE this stuff up.

So regardless of what Kate makes or doesn't, Jon's ABILITY to pay that amount is going to become unrealistic and the courts would have to alter it anyway, I would think. They can't demand that he get a job in the entertainment industry. They could possibly expect him to pay what he'd make as an IT support guy (like he was in the past)....but that sure as hell is not gonna be anything close to over $20,000 per month!

"To this day almost no one admits that my mother was wrong to do what she did."

There's no way to really no who knew and who didn't. There were probably others who did know but have never said anything.
But for sure, as children we somehow thought the dark secret stayed inside the house and that nobody else knew. We never even spoke about anyone or each other...until we were adults.

Wiley C~
I have never thought of Meredith Viera as being any sort of hard-hitting journalist. To me, she's maybe one rung above the celebrity show hosts. So I'm not all that disappointed in her because I didn't expect much.

Justice for All said... 72

I am a new poster here. The following article appeared today in The Philadelphia Inquirer.

The absolute gall of Laurie Goldberg saying that "our formal position is that [permits] are not required as a matter of law, but as part of the resolution we agreed to obtain permits" is maddening.

Excuse me, honey, the PA DOL said permits WERE required. Your formal position is meaningless, except to try to make yourselves look less culpable in the eyes of the public!

I am going to write to urge the author of this article to do some further investigating, especially regarding claims by TLC about the number of days and hours they filmed. There needs to be a full-blown congressional or news investigation where TLC execs, Jon & Kate, the Gosselin neighbors, and every member of the film crews are questioned. The truth is percolating just below the surface.

And I am going to ask the reporter to find out why the FCC has not gotten involved. They launched a very loud investigation when an adult breast was shown on TV for a nanosecond, but have done nothing to protect children from being filmed naked.

If anyone here has detailed information, or is willing to compile information, about the exact dates and times shows were aired showing the children fully or partially naked, PLEASE post it here. Then people can go to the FCC website and file a consumer complaint (there is an online form to fill out). It's time to turn up the heat in our efforts to help these children.

Paula said... 73

Hey, all, did you know there is a Facebook page for "A Minor Consideration"? Also, might be worth our while to invest some time and effort there.

Lolly said... 74

Hi everyone, Some allegations that Jodi and Kevin made are on the very DVD's that TLC sells. THE CHILDREN WERE OFTEN FILMED WHEN THEY NO ADULT SUPERVISION. One incident, where the children were without adult supervison, only the film crew, was when one of the boys hit another on his head with a hard toy of some sort. Even Kate admitted ON FILM she didn't see it, the crew had to tell her. Another scene I remember vividly, after many complaints that the children were filmed in their bedrooms, Kate made the incredible declaration they were NOT filmed in their bedrooms. This was when they were still in the last home that just sold. Immediately after she declared this, a scene from the GIRL'S bedroom was played. I was shocked, it was as if TLC was saying screw you, we film where we want. Another when the kids were hitting each other, (as usual) and Kate said she finally looked at the tape, and declared "boys are so rough". LOL She didn't watch the entire clip, as the girls were shown hitting also, as they always have. This woman had no idea what her kids do. Sad, sad, sad.

My thought on Jon's twitter. Jon HAS to deny any wrongdoing to protect himself if this gets any bigger and some charges are filed. On the other hand, The most recent twitters do not match his style AT ALL. Why say he is happy for the DWTS show and he is voting for her, and a week or so later file for custody? It makes no sense. I am beginning to believe he had to turn over the account to TLC as a condition of the settlement. Something IS fishy with the entries.

Anonymous said... 75

good luck....I tried finding the potty training episode on youtube...TLC has pulled it? Guilty much?

Lolly said... 76

Hi Justice for All, I do not remember exact dates, BUT everything is well documented on the DVD's that TLC has been selling. I never purchased a thing with the Gosselin name on it, but they are out there, everywhere for sale.

Unknown said... 77

Boys Potty Training at Kevin and Jodi's (12:04):

Girl's Potty Training with Kate (8:11)

Don't forget the two weeks Kate took Mady and Cara out of school for her NC trip.

Wiley C said... 78

Vallonio, it wouldn't be too hard to find original DVDs of the early episodes. Ebay for one...

Kate's hitting the all of the press outlets promoting her book and pleading her case in the court of public opinion whilst Jon reportedly can't say a word thanks to TLCs 'settlement'. I wish there was some kind of gag order on her. A permanent one please.

AnnaBanana said... 79

Here's the potty training episode:

Don't think there was fully nudity; was that edited out or was there a different episode? It did show the part where Kate left Collin on the potty and turned the lights off.

Denise said... 80

This one seems to still work. I sent it to Rep Day who was so upset at the hearing about potty scenes.

just wondering said... 81

"And I am going to ask the reporter to find out why the FCC has not gotten involved."

It is my understanding that the FCC does not have jurisdiction over cable TV, only network. (ABC. NBC, CBS)

A lot of us wrote letters when the divorce episode was aired and never heard a word back, but someone mentioned the jurisdiction problem to us.

uneasy said... 82

You know, kids aren't stupid. And Mady and Cara are old enough to be fully aware of their mother's lies. Even if they are shielded and protected from the media tabloids, they have to hear their mother talk to the abundant help around the house, or even overhear telephone calls. They know their own reality and they can judge when what their mother says is false. So if Kate punishes the children for lying, as is documented in her book, there must be a lot of resentment and confusion building up. Either the kids become narcissist little liars in imitation of Kate, or pre-adolescence is going to become very, very interesting.

Those poor kids.

AMD said... 83

Denise said...

This one seems to still work. I sent it to Rep Day who was so upset at the hearing about potty scenes.
It appears from the video that the children were left alone with the camera crew with the door closed. You see Mady opening the door from inside and Kate coming in. If that is the case,Kate put a lot of misplaced trust in the crew. Who knows what was filmed with neither parent present. As someone asked, were background checks done on the crew?

Justice for All said... 84

Hi just wondering. Thank you for your reply. While the FCC does not have complete jurisdiction over many aspects of cable networks, they do become involved in certain areas, one of which is indecency and obscenity. The following is a link to an FCC fact sheet.

In part, it says that the FCC and local franchising authorities are responsible for enforcing a variety of cable television regulations.

It further states regarding cable concerns:

"You may contact the FCC at 1-888-CALLFCC (1-888-225-5322). This is a toll free call. Or, you may submit a written inquiry. You should contact the FCC if you have complaints or questions about the following issues:

- Indecency and obscenity. Generally, the rules concerning the content of programming on cable channels are not as strict as the rules concerning programming content on non-cable channels. If you object to programming on a cable system, you may contact the FCC to determine what rules may be applicable and what action may be appropriate."

Even though the cable rules are "not as strict," I imagine that there are still some serious rules regarding showing compromising images of children.


dee3 said... 85

The issue of the children being filmed naked or in states of undress...and going to the potty...are VERY CRITICAL here....and why I told mommyinca yesterday that IMO, there's no way this will result in the same old, same old.

IMO, this IS the one issue that WILL make all the difference. Very difficult to spin what many will see as child pornography.

It's basically called CYA (cover your ass). ONCE the public official who called the hearing (Rep. Murt) was informed of this...he now MUST follow-up on it and deal with it, IMO.

It's one thing to not have known. It's quite another to have most of your constituents now quite aware that you were clearly told.
Ergo...the "sorta" warning/hint given by Gloria Allred which IMO, was directly related to this specific issue.
The Pandora's box has been opened.

And it's a huge hot-button issue...child pornography. As it's been said already, many have had to deal with severe consequences for nudity/child pornography that was much less egregious than what was taped of the Gosselin children.

So IMO...this specific issue is NOT going to go away anytime soon. And to boot...I think there may very well be consequences imposed on TLC/Discovery due to this.
Just my opinion.

French canadian said... 86

Linda from NS

I'm from Qc, near Montreal. I learned English when I was a little girl ( in the street) and every year I am loosing it because I don't have the opportunity to practice. I understand almost every thing I read except words like douchbag ... On time a dancer was calling Kate something I don't remember, it wasn't diva but something else..for the rest, I manage

dee3 said... 87

"Even though the cable rules are "not as strict," I imagine that there are still some serious rules regarding showing compromising images of children."

I would certainly hope so and expect so.

The whole showing them on the potty and showing what was subsequently in the potty was just as bad as the nudity, IMO.
There are people out there with fetishes that would get off on this sorta stuff....many of them on the internet trolling for just these sorts of things.

I will NEVER forget Kate showing what was in the potty. That may have been the thing that horrified me more than anything else. I was stunned.

Linda from NS said... 88

French Canadian your English is very good so don't make any apologies to the rest of us. The word "douche bag" translated is shower bag. Sure loses something in translation doesn't it. However, you know what a "douche" is in French when women need to be fresh if you follow what I'm delicately trying to say. I LOVE Quebec City; I think it's the prettiest city in Canada.......and Edmundston, N.B. is second to that in terms of history, architecture, etc.

AuntieAnn said... 89

AMD - it more than appears as if they were left alone , it is clearly stated in the video: Off camera Jen(?) remarks that - one Saturday that we were here Joel tried to sit on the potty and Mady was trying to help him - Kate asks - Were you filming this? She replies - Yes.
Not only was there a crew member or members in the bathroom, Kate didn't even know they were in there filming. The clip is quite disturbing in more ways than one.

dee3 said... 90

I also think that the 2nd biggest issue that will contribute to the hearing yesterday making a difference is.....that they learned that the labor dept. of their own state did not do a very adequate investigation.

These 2 issues,...the nudity/potty/very young children and the eff-up of the PA dept. of labor....I don't think they can just sweep under the carpet.
Once it was revealed at the hearing yesterday, Rep Murt then had a duty, more or investigate further and to deal with this head-on in some way.

Oh...and to French Canadian...I think your English is just fine.:) said... 91

I was just watching the ET clip, where Khate AGAIN says she spends three days a week away from the kids, and is with them the rest of the time. It's just a blatant lie, but no one EVER questions her about it.

Sorry, just venting...

NancyB said... 92 I don't get it either--she is not going home at all this week-tonight she's on Leno & Friday night book signing in Santa Monica--Boy would I love to know the amount of turn out that she gets there!

Lolly said... 93

Just me, I know how you feel. I accidently saw Kate on the Insider last night (what, her THIRD or FOURTH TV talkshow appearance for the day??) Neicey asked her about her being mean on the show, Kate tilted her head back and with this "new personality" of hers laughed softly, and said "I wish I WERE mean". I almost choked. I had to turn the TV OFF at that point. No matter what station I had it on, SHE was on it, saying the same thing over and over. I heard "single mom" yesterday at least 3 dozen times. grrrrrrrrrrrr amazing

mommyinca said... 94

I'm about 45 minutes from Santa Monica but I'd rather eat cat dirt than go see the kind of people that worship Kate Gosselin.

mommyinca said... 95

People mag. has some snippets of the letters from Kate's book. This one to Joel I think is the most telling of Kate's narcissism. (from Preesi's scans)

"You have already shown the ability to protect me and your sisters and that makes me very proud"


Irene S said... 96

Now, that is the laugh of the day Paul Peterson & 15 Minutes Gosselin style in Ka hoots. Lordie bee, you cannot help but laugh at a flogger.

This is an article about Kate. She is on a media blitz and this is one response to it.

Has the fl's ever answered our basic questions of When would be a good time to discuss children being used & exploited, etc. Seems like a lot of hot air is flying around no substance.

Troy Chula Vista said... 97

I am really getting tired of the PR machine on Kate. Every friggen single show, website, magazine, etc is on the team kate krap. Why, oh why is no one disputing Kates claims that the fans "really love" me thats why I am still here. Everyone knows she had a negotiated length and amount to be the ratings ho she has become.

It doesnt matter how many people vote for her, she will be where ABC wants her to be. I hope fans of DWTS stars revolt against the obvious fix and manipulation of the show. It should be about dancing, not ratings. But then we all should be able to work 2 days a week and relax the rest of the week.. not going to happen.

dee3 said... 98

I would like to say to the fans:

Again..the hearing yesterday was not a court of law...and was unrelated to the legal system. It was a political hearing...similar to a federal Senate hearing...but on a smaller scale for the state of PA. Hearings are held to gather information.

And...I'm not guaranteeing this will happen...but when I went to state hearings on a different topic several years ago...they DID have both sides...but on different days. So it's not totally outside the realm of possibility that they will hold a hearing to hear from the other side.

Also...I don't think anyone related to this hearing is interested in prosecuting Jon and Kate....or anything of that nature. The ones on the hot seat would be TLC/Discovery....and also their own dept. of labor. I believe that THEY would be the ones bearing the main responsibility if it is determined that there were any serious problems/infractions/wrong-doing (as a result of info obtained at the hearing and subsequently investigated)

This hearing was about reality TV and they used the Gosselin children as the primary example....possibly because they continued to film them when their parents were getting a divorce and many think they should have stopped at that point. It was not really about Jon and Kate specifically.

Of course, the hearing does not HELP Kate's reputation but I don't think anyone (directly related to the hearing) was/is out to get Kate in trouble or anything. The burden was on TLC...and then later, on the PA dept. of labor for possibly looking the other way and/or granting favors.

How the custody hearing goes is another story and the outcome could go either way. Family court IS a legal process...and not a political one.

This is just my opinion...but if I'm incorrect, I don't think I'm too far off. And to the Administrator...please feel free to correct anything I've written that is incorrect.

And the reason I wrote this is that I'm reading lots of fan comments with incorrect info and this leads to all sorts of incorrect conclusions and rumors.....and further inflames these blog wars.....which quite frankly, mystify me quite a bit and I'm not all that sure they're even about Kate Gosselin anymore. For me, the issue is protecting the Gosselin children and all other children on reality TV. And the other issues (Jon, Kate, TLC, etc.) are peripherally related to that issue because they strongly impacted whether these children received adequate protection or not (from the day they started filming...heck, maybe the day the parents signed the contract).

mommyinca said... 99

I emailed the author of this article and thanked him for his reporting. ~ Administrator said... 100

Should I go to the booksigning for Kate? I'm not far from Santa Monica!

Pros: Heckle Kate, get up there pretending to be a fan then ask her how much she makes each month in child support.
Cons: Give up a Friday night

IATK said... 101

I don't usually use ROL as a source but there are several quotes in here from Jon's attorney, Anthony List.


EXCLUSIVE: Jon Gosselin Finds A New Place To Live

Posted on Apr 15, 2010 @ 02:06PM

Jon Gosselin is moving into his own place near the home he used to share with Kate and their 8 kids, has learned exclusively.

In an exclusive interview, Jon’s lawyer Anthony F. List told that Gosselin has “rented a large apartment in Reading PA with several bedrooms” and that “he signed the lease just the other day.”

“He’s secured a property in Reading. There’s a lot of room with lots of open space. It’s really beautiful,” List told

Last week Jon filed court papers requesting physical custody of the Gosselin kids as well as the right to live in Kate’s guest house. As reported, Jon has been living with his brother since breaking up with girlfriend Morgan Christie.

Kate’s attorney, Mark Momjian called the filing “procedurely flawed” and told that, among other things, Jon hadn’t even listed a current address.

Jon’s attorney, clearly annoyed, responded to Momjian’s statements, saying: “Grow up. For obvious reasons, we did not want to put down Jon’s address. It would have created havoc for him, his neighbors and his brother. I think it was an unfair comment for Momjian to make when he knows full well that it has nothing to do with the merit of what I filed.”

On Thursday, Momjian continued to articulate his position, saying that Jon should continue to pay child support no matter what Kate is earning now.

“I would agree that Jon needs to pay child support,” List told “There’s no question about it…it’s an obligation of both parents. But it has to be based on what their ability to pay is, what their income is. Throughout the entire proceedings with Jon and Kate, there’s never been any information put on the table about either one’s income or expenses.

“Kate has tremendous sources of income and as long as she’s portrayed as this wonderful mother and this flawless golden girl then her value continues to rise.”

List says that overall Jon is just trying to “be a good guy.”

“He’s not trying to take the kids away from Kate, he’s not trying to destroy the relationship they have with them,” List told “The nice thing is that there have been nice compliments going back and forth with both of them. Kate has said that Jon really loves their children and is a good father.

“But they need to get to the issues at hand and stop fighting over things that are tearing them apart and most importantly, tearing the kids apart.”

TVSnark said... 102

hee hee, that's my friend!! Yes, no gifts, cash or gift cards only.

dee3 said... 103

Hmm...give up a Friday night. That's a tough one.

But then you WOULD get her signature and that could make your book valuable one day (if this entire chapter goes down in the annals of infamy).

If I went there, I think my main goal would be to watch Kate and see how she treats the fans. I've heard quite a bit of conflicting info (though most of it negative) on I would be wanting to validate it for myself. said... 104

Admin, you should definitely go!

I would love to hear your first person account of the experience.

French Canadian said... 105

If that is true, I think it is a good idea. The children maybe could have friend near to play like normal kids

Jon Gosselin has been the center of the media, following the divorce of Kate and all of his new young girlfriends that seem to go in and out of his life faster than he can count them. While there has been controversy over their children and how they were treated on the set of the TLC show, “Jon and Kate plus 8,” Jon continues to fight Kate over physical custody of them. Earlier reports stated that he was broke following the divorce, but apparently now he has money coming in from somewhere.

Radar Online reports that Jon’s lawyer told them that he has “rented a large apartment in Reading PA with several bedrooms. He signed the lease just the other day. There’s a lot of room with lots of open space. It’s really beautiful.” So, where did he get the money to rent this now?

Ever since the divorce he has been living with his brother following the breakup of girlfriend Morgan Christie. The house is reportedly right down the street from where he used to share a house with Kate. His lawyer also told them that “He’s not trying to take the kids away from Kate, he’s not trying to destroy the relationship they have with them. But they need to get to the issues at hand and stop fighting over things that are tearing them apart and most importantly, tearing the kids apart.”

NancyB said... 106

mommyinca- I'm an hour grom Santa Monica--and ditto that but I am so curious to see if she will have 4-7 hr lines again. ~ Administrator said... 107

Cons: Traffic Friday night in Santa Monica is a biiitch ~ Administrator said... 108

I can't get there until at minimum 6pm so I don't want to get out there and find you're never going to get in.

dee3 said... 109

"Jon’s attorney, clearly annoyed, responded to Momjian’s statements, saying: “Grow up. For obvious reasons, we did not want to put down Jon’s address. It would have created havoc for him, his neighbors and his brother. I think it was an unfair comment for Momjian to make when he knows full well that it has nothing to do with the merit of what I filed.”


"“I would agree that Jon needs to pay child support,” List told “There’s no question about it…it’s an obligation of both parents. But it has to be based on what their ability to pay is, what their income is. Throughout the entire proceedings with Jon and Kate, there’s never been any information put on the table about either one’s income or expenses."


“He’s not trying to take the kids away from Kate, he’s not trying to destroy the relationship they have with them,”

“But they need to get to the issues at hand and stop fighting over things that are tearing them apart and most importantly, tearing the kids apart.” I'm really loving this lawyer. Great quotes from Mr. List. Finally, a good attorney. Very impressed with what he was quoted as saying.

Thanks for providing that, itsaboutthekids. :)

IATK said... 110

You're welcome, dee3. I got the same impression of List as well. He doesn't play games, gets down to business and is also keeping an eye on how all this is affecting the children. I was glad he called Momjian out on his idiotic drama.

Troy Chula Vista said... 111

The reason NO ONE says anything bad about Kate is that she is owned by the Mouse House and only a fool would cross Mickey and his pals. Plus most of these outlets are in LA, Mickeys home. The View normally is all over DWTS stars and good or bad behavior, this season they have been mum. I wonder why..... oh yea that darn mouse again.

TVsnark said... 112

Quote marks around the show name? Who bothers to do that in a tweet?
This post made me laugh. I'm a stickler for putting quotes around TV show names but NOBODY else does it but me. That's probably why this made me laugh.

Irene S said... 113

Your right Jon & Kate might have thought they were doing the right thing and before you know it it morphed into something bigger & at the expense of the kids.
You are right on the target with what you are saying. I think though that the industry is sometimes going so fast and furious it takes awhile before people stop, drop, and realize it has spun out of control.

Administrator, don't waste your Friday night we are gonna need you for the long haul. ;-) The more that stand in line the more she is gonna think she is the next best thing to monkey munch.

TVSnark said... 114

Hey Troy, I'm just down the road (well, more than the road) from you. I'm staying near Friars road in San Diego.

DZ Akins . . . .

NancyB said... 115


AuntieAnn said... 116

dee - I think you are correct. There is a likelihood Kate and Jon will be invited to speak to the committee and soon. The panel dwelled on the Gosselin's show even though they did reiterate many times that it wasn't specifically about them. Kevin and Jodi said, in light of Kate's upcoming new show that may include the children, there was an urgency to get some sort of legislation passed and in place before filming starts again. TLC might have anticipated this hearing and could have something in the can already.

NancyB said... 117

ADMIN-OH forgot about traffic on Friday night --I change my mind...I used to work in Santa Monica-I would not on purpose get into Friday traffic there for all the tea in China! Maybe you could call the store about 5:30 nd see if there is a long line. ~ Administrator said... 118

Hmm, I wonder if I can get some kind of press pass to cover it for the blog.

Emptynester said... 119

I'm not too terribly far from Santa Monica either. A friend and I are also contemplating going to the book signing. For me, it is the curiousity factor - I really want to see how large a fan base this bitch has.

IATK said... 120

AuntieAnn said...
dee - I think you are correct. There is a likelihood Kate and Jon will be invited to speak to the committee and soon. The panel dwelled on the Gosselin's show even though they did reiterate many times that it wasn't specifically about them

Would Jon and Kate be allowed to testify while under TLC contract? And with gag orders? Quite frankly, I think the production people on site would have the wealth of information as far as the production side and what was filmed when, but would they be allowed to speak? I don't know. I just wonder who trumps who TLC or the state of PA?

mommyinca said... 121

Holy pile of crap, Batman....

Kate says: Kate told Inside Edition, “I do actually because he has four children of his own…Spending time in court and gallivanting to New York to complain about me…couldn’t he be at home with his kids?”

Read more:

NancyB said... 122

She's 'lookin to round up the Christian constituency again, IMO. Video clip with Kart & Mary Hart

dee3 said... 123

Thanks for the input IATK, DeKon and Auntie.

Yes, I distinctly remember them allowing each side to state their case, answer questions, etc. when I went to hearings in my state. But they did not have both sides on the same day....and the hearings were not on consecutive days, either. The politician(s) who sponsor/call for them have to fit them into their schedule...and fit the experts and all others involved into the schedule also.

I also sense that if any wrong-doing is determined, that they would be after bigger fish than Jon and Kate Gosselin. And in all honesty, I don't think it would be entirely fair to do so...especially in regard to things that were done at the beginning. I'd imagine in that situation one would have to plead "starstruck with visions of riches and not thinking straight".

And although some consider Kate to be a major celebrity....she would not be considered to be a big fish...but TLC/Discovery would.
And regarding the PA dept. of is always a concern of politicians regarding whether their state agencies are doing their jobs adequately. And appearing to be monitoring/interested in that can be very helpful with ones political aspirations/future.

And I'm still feeling relatively confident that they will not just sweep the nudity/potty/unattended issue under the carpet....nor can they really do this with the PA dept. of labor...but with this one, it's going to depend on how MUCH they diverged from their policies and procedures...and how egregious the wink/wink thing is perceived in general.

But, in light of all the penalties imposed in recent years for anything related to child pornograpy, I don't really see how they could possibly spin this to make it go away.

AuntieAnn said... 124

IATK - good question. I think Paul Pedersen might have info on that on his website. I was sure someone asked that question over a year ago on another site. Research time.

mommyinca said... 125,,20361234,00.html

"I'm not afraid I'll lose my kids," she tells PEOPLE in this week's issue, on newsstands Friday. "I won't lose my kids. We're glued together, as a package, and nothing, nothing, will stop me from being with my kids."

"A law?" she continues, "Yeah, right. Don't mess with me when it comes to my kids. You are never, ever going to win."

Nice to know Kate thinks she's above the law.

mary said... 126

Is Kate talking about list with that just Jared comment? Pathetic, and scrapping the bottom of the barrel. Is she going t
o make fun of his family and religion next?
Hard to comment via my phone...sorry.

Irene S said... 127

Well, this discussion got me thinking about photo shoots in particular the one where they had to wear sweaters in 90 degree weather. Does anyone remember that?

IATK said... 128

Thanks, AuntieAnn. I'll check his site.

DeK, was that when they were doing the photo shoot for the GH cover?

TVSnark said... 129

And I am going to ask the reporter to find out why the FCC has not gotten involved. They launched a very loud investigation when an adult breast was shown on TV for a nanosecond, but have done nothing to protect children from being filmed naked.
GREAT POINT! That Janet nipple just ruined the youth of this country, didn't it? I like violent TV but it amazes me that nipples and sex are bad but chopping off heads and violent shoot outs are fine.

Paula said... 130

Kate, 3 things:

#1. Kevin was not in court, it was a hearing
#2. It was not in NY, but in PA.
#3. They were not complaining about you.

Kate, you have no clue what went on yesterday. You just fed the lines that your "people" told you to say. How pathetic.

Gosselin Kids all the way said... 131

I found this interesting article and not sure what to make of it. Should we feel sorry for Queen Khate? Read it for yourself and see.

dee3 said... 132

'I also sense that if any wrong-doing is determined, that they would be after bigger fish than Jon and Kate Gosselin. And in all honesty, I don't think it would be entirely fair to do so...especially in regard to things that were done at the beginning."

Sorry....this section meant that I would NOT think it would be entirely fair TO go after Jon and Kate for wrong-doing, especially in regard to things that were done in the beginning....without a lawyer, without really understanding what was going on.

Re-reading it, I realized I did not make that clear. Sorry about that.

Boy, you know, I really have no idea if they can compel anyone to come to/speak/answer questions at hearings, like they can in a court of law with subpoenas.
I'm sure the Administrator would know the answer to your question, though.

My 84 year old father, with extreme short-term memory loss but long-term memory telling me that he's pretty sure that they swear in those giving testimony (though not sure if that's the correct term for a hearing) when it's a federal hearing. But he's not sure about a state hearing.

Emptynester said... 133

Admin, if Kate's new show, K+8, is filmed in other states, would TLC & Kate be subject to whatever child labor laws exist in that state? And what about all the trips they took in previous seasons? What is the statute for filing a complaint with the Labor Board?

Gosselin Kids all the way said... 134

I wish Michael Moore could do a film on reality TV and expose TLC/Discovery Channel for the greedy, children exploiters that they are. Big corporation who take advantage of stupid, also greedy parents. I'd pay tons to see that!

dee3 said... 135

Gosselin Kids all the way~

No, I do NOT feel sorry for Kate in that specific article in the Huffington Post by Megan Carpentier. Mainly because Carpentier has much of her information wrong....especially related to Jon and her marriage. She's made all sorts of assumptions that are not corroborated.

BUT...would I EVER feel sorry for Kate? Well, I tend to be a very sympathetic sucker who can't stay angry for long and easily forgive people. So it would all depend on whether she could change her behavior to ever not so unlikable and arrogant. The fact that she has NPD (IMO) and therefore, no real insight into her own behavior...could also be a mitigating factor, so to speak.

TVSnark said... 136

Kate says: Kate told Inside Edition, “I do actually because he has four children of his own…Spending time in court and gallivanting to New York to complain about me…couldn’t he be at home with his kids?”
OMFG! Did she really say this? If this statement doesnt bury her, what will? I'm disgusted. said... 137


YES! She really did say that!

just wondering said... 138

Pot meet kettle. When was the lasst time Kart stopped by the orphanage? Didn't she stop in last week for 24 hours or so?

TVSnark said... 139

I swear, this woman gets worse and worse. So, Attorney List should be home with his kids but her 8 are fine without a mother or a father? I knew she was dumb but now I'm thinking she's touched in the head. What a stupid freaking statement to make about a lawyer.

TVSnark said... 140

Well, I've learned (for about the 5th time) that I need to keep my rants online. I'm trying to believe that truth will prevail and those kids will be released from the TLC shackles.

Will Murt turn me into a republican? I doubt it but I will be very pleased if he follows through and enacts new laws for ALL CHILDREN.

AuntieAnn said... 141

IATK, dee3 - I've been reading at his site, I can't find anything that answers that directly so far. It didn't appear that anyone who spoke at the hearing was sworn in at least on camera, but earlier perhaps? They would show that wouldn't they? As Admin says it's not a court of law so maybe not. Just thinking though if people are invited to speak, would it not be voluntary to be there? If Kate was asked to come, I doubt if she would come without her army of TLC reps, lawyers, and of course BG Steve. If she didn't show up that wouldn't speak well of her either. A bit of a Catch 22. This scenario might not even happen though.

AuntieAnn said... 142

mommyinca said ~
"A law?" she continues, "Yeah, right. Don't mess with me when it comes to my kids. You are never, ever going to win."

Nice to know Kate thinks she's above the law.

Whoa. Undertones of Leona Helmsley or what?

Anonymous said... 143

People need to confront her with hard questions at her book signings.

What ever happened to her statement that one parent would always be at home with children when she was traveling the country with her soulmate bodyguard.

She forced Jon to stay at home after telling him it was over so she could rationalize whatever she did on the road.

TVSnark said... 144

Keep talking, Katie Irene. Keep those lips flapping. In a few months you won't have anything to worry about. Keep talking. Never stop. said... 145

Okay, we all need a smile moment.

Close your eyes and picture Kate at a hearing, attempting her non-answers to specific questions, and NOT getting away with it!

Imagine a panel, similar to what we saw yesterday, but let's add Pederson and Allred, just for fun. ALL those people, hitting Kate with question after question, and NOT accepting her evasive or sugar-coated trite little answers!

Yes, it's ridiculous. But sometimes a light moment in the middle of of a nightmare can be good for you!

TVSnark said... 146
I'm trying . . . said... 147


Good idea. The more she talks, the more lies she tells, the deeper she's burying herself when/if this ever gets the negative attention it deserves.

AuntieAnn said... 148

TVSnark -- TOTALLY agree!!

Anon & - even asking questions like - Why did you trick your children into thinking it was Christmas when it wasn't?

How would she even begin to answer that? said... 149

Off topic, but kind of funny.

One year, when my kids were toddlers, they were both sick as dogs on Christmas. We decided, since they didn't know any better, to wait a few days, and said it was Christmas on the 27th. They never knew (still don't) but it has bothered me for almost twenty years! I can still remember exactly how it felt to lie to my children, and the holiday was very artificial to my husband and I. It was done out of kindness, and consideration for the kids. But it never felt right and we learned a lesson.

I cannot fathom how any parent could lie to their children about something like this and not feel like dirt about themselves afterward. I did, and my reasons are a heck of a lot more rational that Khate's.

Janie said... 150

I went and checked the link to that quote of Kate's "shouldn't he be at home with his kids?" and she is referring to her brother, Kevin - not the attorney. She also refers to New York and "in court". Unbelievable - the hearing was in Pennsylvania and it wasn't a court. She doesn't even know what's going on! During the hearing Kevin refused to talk about conversations he'd had with Kate, saying it was private. But she has no problem throwing him under the bus.........what a great sister. NOT! said... 151

Kevin went out of his way to be respectful of Kate's privacy during that hearing. In doing so, he gained further respect from me.

TVSnark said... 152

Ah, she said Kevin should be home with his 4 kids, not list. STILL, Kevin and Jodi are away from their kids for one, count it, one DAY! Kate? Weeks at a time. That's the worst thing she can find to say? Piece of work. NEVER stop talking Kate, NEVER.

Gosselin Kids all the way said... 153

This is a really interesting article on CNN re. why there is so much hate for Kate...even GWOP was mentioned so people are scanning the blogs.

bbsak said... 154

"I'm not an absentee mom. I'm on the phone, texting back and forth with whoever is taking care of my kids," said Gosselin.

I don't think texts and calls to the babysitter qualify as hands on parenting. And, I don't think her kids think that either. But, she does and that's appalling, imo.

mommyinca said... 155

bbsak~ I thought you were being sarcastic...she really said that?

Oh and the CNN posted above had a few good points but as always they turn it into a SAHM vs. WAHM issue which this is NOT.

It's NOT that Kate is a "single working mom" at all. It's that she talks out both sides of her mouth. "I want to be home baking pies" then the next interview she says "I love my work" and hints for a job in Ca. (IN the spotlight). You know, she HATES the spotlight but she also LOVES it. said... 156

Khate is burying herself with these statements and she doesn't even realize it.


To quote her comment to Jon about the under the counter refrigerator,

"What planet are you on?"

mommyinca said... 157

woops, got too excited. I meant SAHM vs WOHM

Which for the record, if you have 8 children who have just gone through a huge trauma (divorce) and you have the ability to stay home or at least work shorter hours, then yes, I think you should do that. (40 hours a week would be fine...but Kate's gone 50% of the time at least)

bbsak said... 158

It took me a long time to read thru everyone's comments - whew.

I don't think J&K will be called to a State hearing at any time. The hearing was for fact finding to hear the examples of and reasons for laws to protect children in reality tv and not whether J&K or TLC did anything wrong (although they were used as examples and they were the reason Kevin and Jody were called).

imo, there is no need for J&K to rebut any of the testimony because it's all easily verifiable via dvd. I doubt very highly that neither Jon nor Kate is foolish enough to testify that no child needs protections despite their denials that their children are exempt. Just a guess, but I think PA will use many of the laws CA already has on the books to frame their own - at least I hope they do.

As for why Kate got a pass on every show she did yesterday - she was originally booked to promote her book and I'd guess the hosts were very aware of the fact that she was not there to be put on the spot. They're playing along and toeing the company line; they get their info not long before they go on the air and generally have little personal knowledge of much background info).

I'm not saying I don't believe they've fallen for her bs, but just that they're doing their jobs - asking questions their producers have suggested and making the guest look good. Was she booked on shows that were sympathetic to her story? Heck yes. Even the DWTS judges are giving her a pass and look at how obviously horrible of a dancer she is. The tabloid hosts are doing the same thing, imo. said... 159

I'm irritated! Amazon had 19 reviews of the new book earlier today. They've removed two of them. The majority of the reviews are great, in other words they trash the book!

bbsak said... 160

mommyinca said...

bbsak~ I thought you were being sarcastic...she really said that?

She said that! There are more 'interesting' statements from her in that article.

bbsak said... 161

"'Jon and Kate Plus 8:' Kate Gosselin talks about personal faith"

Former "Jon and Kate Plus 8" star Kate Gosselin is in a busy time right now -- in between "Dancing With the Stars," promoting a book, and fending off a custody lawsuit filed by Jon, she doesn't always know what the next day will bring. In the second part of an interview with Mary Hart of "Entertainment Tonight," the reality TV mom talks about how she looks to higher power for guidance in her life:
"My faith has always been the reason that I can get up in the morning; that I can continue on; it's the reason I had my kids. Days can be dark. Days can be very depressing and upsetting and frustrating, but I can rest back and do the best that I can do in the things that I can do and leave the rest to Him."
Back in the earlier days of "Jon and Kate Plus 8" faith was a frequent topic for the reality TV mom. However, that has diminished in recent years as the Gosselin family became more mainstream and the majority of the family's headlines became about suspected affairs and then a divorce.
Kate probably will need some sort of guidance in order to keep herself going over the next few weeks -- it is very possible that the custody lawsuit will turn ugly, and even if it doesn't she will still have to handle dance partner Tony Dovolani and all of the rumors that the two of them don't get along.

There is a video for you on the page if you dare to watch it. said... 162

(CNN) -- It seems that all the good will that reality-TV star Kate Gosselin built during her divorce from Jon Gosselin has sunk lower than her scores on "Dancing with the Stars."

Kate Gosselin has always been a lightening rod for criticism, but these days she's getting slammed for everything from her look to her mothering skills.

Message boards have lit up with vitriol for Kate Gosselin's hair extensions, her seemingly rocky relationship with her partner on "Dancing with the Stars" and the time she spends away from her children in order to compete on the ABC reality show.

"Kate needs to go home and try to improve her mothering skills because her dancing skills are nonexistent," wrote commenter M. Moore in response to a CNN blog item about Gosselin's performance on the show.

"I think we are beginning to understand why Jon left to play elsewhere and not have to put up with this person," wrote another who identified himself as Danny.

Video: Kate: My brother made money off lies
Kate Gosselin
Dancing with the Stars
Reality Shows
The woman who once received kudos for taking the high road when now-former husband Jon Gosselin was being accused of infidelity, has been characterized online by some as a fame-seeking, money-hungry word-that-rhymes-with-witch.

"I wonder if the Kate we don't see, actually tosses and turns in the wee hours, knowing she's attained her notorious fame and substantial wealth on the backs of her eight children...admitting to herself in the quiet of night that she is truly Kate The Fake," reads a posting on the blog Gosselins Without Pity.

So why all the venom towards Gosselin who in recent interviews insists that she has no choice but to stay in the public eye if she is to support her children?

"I think there has been a new hate towards Kate now with 'Dancing with the Stars' because she plays this role of the victim," said Michael K. creator of the celebrity gossip site D-Listed where he said he receives hundreds of comments regarding his postings on Gosselin. "It's all 'Why are people so mean to me, why are the tabloids saying this about me' and yet she invites that into her home. True she needs to support her kids, but she doesn't necessarily have to be on TV to do that."

"People see her out and about playing the celebrity role and yet she constantly complains about having to be a celebrity," he said. "I think that really rubs people the wrong way."

Gone is the former nurse and mother of twins who spent days on bed rest to give birth to her sextuplets. Kate Gosselin now divides her time between being home with her kids and being at a rehearsal studio for "Dancing."

"I think the reason that she is so polarizing is mostly because she did not start out as a celebrity," said Toni Fitzgerald, who blogs about motherhood for The Sentinel newspaper in Pennsylvania, the home state of the Gosselin family.

"She was a regular mother like so many of us dealing with the things that we deal with," Fitzgerald said. "Now she has these special privileges that the rest of us don't. When you see someone who used to be somewhat normal going and getting these perks, it can be illuminating and troubling to see how they deal with it. " said... 163

Sorry, I tried to copy and paste the article, but it didn't quite work right.

Troy Chula Vista said... 164

Hi TVSnark. Just checked your site. Nice articles! ~ Administrator said... 165

I think Michael K.'s assessment is spot on. I mean it's not the only reason her playing victim, but it's a big one.

Why doesn't Kate get that people don't like whiney crying victims, they don't, period.

Katesucks said... 166

Admin-if you do decide to go to the book signing, are you going to have Kart personalize the book to '15 Minutes, Gosselin Style and its fans'?
;-) ~ Administrator said... 167

I'm leaning toward going even though traffic will suck.

I'm trying to think what is the best thing I could say to her without getting myself kicked out. I want to be sure she signs the book first before blurting something to her .... suggestions? Is it hard to parent through text messaging? When did you last see the kids a week ago?

gramma608 said... 168

Kate says: "I just know that in the end the truth will prevail, so I honestly don't spend a whole lot of time worrying about it"

So what was all that she said on DWTS to Tony about her having to check the news each day and what she has been dealing with for 2yrs. I kind of doubt it doesn't cause her worry. If she wasn't worried she wouldn't be whining/lying on every talk show that will take her.

Troy Chula Vista said... 169

I just saw a "interview" by Billy Bush. She said she needs to work because she has "majorly, majorly, magorly legal bills" She is SO FULL OF BS! Then they go onto explain "why the cover Kate" and they basically said because she is the hot topic of the moment and they cover where the ratings are. They even said the comments on email were 90/10 in favor or hating Kate. So I ask, who are the fans voting for her? More BS from ABC! I bet her votes still fall in the bottom 3 each week.

Troy Chula Vista said... 170

I just read the article in Huff Post. The writer is confused that Kate got all the work to lookk sexy for her husband...what? Kate did that for Kate. She is aware of what has to be done to be a marketable package, only you can't teach decency or remove scowels without a lot of work. The public isnt stupid, Kate just thinks they are.

AuntieAnn said... 171

Admin - Tell her you're not there for her autograph, you want Steve's. That should get you kicked out.

mommyinca said... 172

How about on the inside of your book (where she'll sign it) You write in huge bold letters:

"Thou Shalt not lie"

words to live by....(unless you're Kate Gosselin)

bbsak said... 173

I'd vote for your question "Is it hard to parent through text messaging?" except it might go right over her head, so... you may have to think of something just as snarky, but not quite as subtle. LOL

Take a camera. I have heard they run the line pretty strictly and you won't have much time, but try to have the person in line behind you take your picture.

We'll all be there with you in spirit. Good luck and drive safely!

Anonymous said... 174

I wish Kevin and Jody had addressed the renewed vows in Hawaii which was also a sham,what was that weding all about? a scripted story? Kate wanting another free trip?just don,t understand it,weren,t the kids, like a fake Christmas confused?

Anonymous said... 175

I wish Kevin and Jody had addressed the renewed vows in Hawaii which was also a sham,what was that weding all about? a scripted story? Kate wanting another free trip?just don,t understand it,weren,t the kids, like a fake Christmas confused?

gramma608 said... 176

Kate says: "I just know that in the end the truth will prevail, so I honestly don't spend a whole lot of time worrying about it"

So what was all that she said on DWTS to Tony about her having to check the news each day and what she has been dealing with for 2yrs. I kind of doubt it doesn't cause her worry. If she wasn't worried she wouldn't be whining/lying on every talk show that will take her.

Katesucks said... 177

Admin-if you do decide to go to the book signing, are you going to have Kart personalize the book to '15 Minutes, Gosselin Style and its fans'?

bbsak said... 178

"'Jon and Kate Plus 8:' Kate Gosselin talks about personal faith"

Former "Jon and Kate Plus 8" star Kate Gosselin is in a busy time right now -- in between "Dancing With the Stars," promoting a book, and fending off a custody lawsuit filed by Jon, she doesn't always know what the next day will bring. In the second part of an interview with Mary Hart of "Entertainment Tonight," the reality TV mom talks about how she looks to higher power for guidance in her life:
"My faith has always been the reason that I can get up in the morning; that I can continue on; it's the reason I had my kids. Days can be dark. Days can be very depressing and upsetting and frustrating, but I can rest back and do the best that I can do in the things that I can do and leave the rest to Him."
Back in the earlier days of "Jon and Kate Plus 8" faith was a frequent topic for the reality TV mom. However, that has diminished in recent years as the Gosselin family became more mainstream and the majority of the family's headlines became about suspected affairs and then a divorce.
Kate probably will need some sort of guidance in order to keep herself going over the next few weeks -- it is very possible that the custody lawsuit will turn ugly, and even if it doesn't she will still have to handle dance partner Tony Dovolani and all of the rumors that the two of them don't get along.

There is a video for you on the page if you dare to watch it.

mommyinca said... 179

woops, got too excited. I meant SAHM vs WOHM

Which for the record, if you have 8 children who have just gone through a huge trauma (divorce) and you have the ability to stay home or at least work shorter hours, then yes, I think you should do that. (40 hours a week would be fine...but Kate's gone 50% of the time at least)

mommyinca said... 180

bbsak~ I thought you were being sarcastic...she really said that?

Oh and the CNN posted above had a few good points but as always they turn it into a SAHM vs. WAHM issue which this is NOT.

It's NOT that Kate is a "single working mom" at all. It's that she talks out both sides of her mouth. "I want to be home baking pies" then the next interview she says "I love my work" and hints for a job in Ca. (IN the spotlight). You know, she HATES the spotlight but she also LOVES it.