Kate, we don't think you're crying because you're sad. We think you're crying because you've been caught.
Kate says: The potty training episodes actually occured at Aunt Jodi's and Uncle Kevin's
We say: Kate has actually tried to refute something of substance that Jodi and Kevin said! How refreshing! Only she refutes it with more lies. The facts are actually that, yes, potty training was discussed in an episode at Aunt Jodi's. But the only clip ever shown was Jodi opening the bathroom long after the boys had used the bathroom. They were fully clothed as she passed out candy corn as a reward. They were never shown on the potty at her house. The kids were naked and on the potties in Kate's house, not Jodi's. In addition, isn't it worse to allow your kids to be filmed going potty at someone else's house? That's Kate's excuse, it wasn't at her house? We won't post the potty videos as proof here, but they can easily be found if you don't believe us.
Kate says: Kevin "has four children of his own and spending time in court and gallivanting to New York to complain about me, couldn't he be at home with his kids?"
We say: The hearings were in Horsham, Pennsylvania, not New York, a mere 90 miles from their Elizabethtown home. They could get there in an hour and a half. Three of their children are school age, only the youngest, Benny, isn't in school. So they only needed a babysitter for their youngest. The hearing was only a few hours long. They probably were able to get back home in time before anyone even got home from school. And seriously, Kate, you're calling Kevin an absent parent? You haven't been home in a week. And by the way, Jodi is a stay-at-home mom, home every day. I think she's allowed one morning away from her toddler if you're allowed weeks and weeks away from your children. The hearings were not "court," but a congressional fact-finding mission to determine whether laws, regulations, or other protections are needed to save children from greedy parents like you.
Kate says: "I'm not an absentee mom. I'm on the phone, texting back and forth with whoever is taking care of my kids."
We say: New book idea! "Text messaging: Parenting with your thumbs alone."
130 sediments (sic) from readers:
We say: New book idea! "Text messaging: Parenting with your thumbs alone."
Ok I am laughing so hard my fake boobs hurt!
Keep hitting them out of the ballpark.
It's actually very sad that Kate believes texting equals parenting.
This REALLY bothers me.
And I love her line about wishing she could have her babysitter's job.
Guess what, Kate. You can.
Also, she's not even talking to the kids, she's talking to the nanny! Obviously you need to communicate with the nanny but what about actually calling the kids themselves? Does she just check "kids are ok" nanny texts back "everything's great eating dinner" and Kate leaves it at that? This woman is horrendous.
Kate has been caught off guard several times in recent weeks when asked how her kids reacted to a certain event. Like dwts.
She's blurted out replies that indicate she hasn't spoken to the kids (in several days?) but then goes on to explain how she thinks they're reacting.
This has gone so far beyond anything I could ever imagined.
WHO is raising those eight (count 'em eight) children?
There are NO words.
Kate says: "I'm not an absentee mom. I'm on the phone, texting back and forth with whoever is taking care of my kids."
This woman is handing you proof of her absenteeism on a 'golden platter'.
I sure do hope List's office has a full-time Kart documentarian on this case! If I lived closer I'd do it voluntarily.
I'm in 'agreeance'. Keep that piehole flappin' Kart. You're doing a mighty fine job.
I'm thinking we start our own newsletter. "I just want you to know.....the truth". We commission everyone here to stand on their local street corners with a sandwich board and bell handing out these newsletters. Then we find a sky writer, hire a blimp, see if any local pilots want to drop fliers out of their planes.
(dh often remarks that I think like "Lucy")
(i'm kidding of course but wouldn't it be sort of cool...lol)
I like it!
I'm going to use a word someone used here earlier...gobsmacked. I am just gobsmacked. I've seen politicians lie but they are savvy...half-truths, spin (like confusing Saadam and Osama) but I don't think I've EVER seen anyone blatantly lie like this...esp. regarding some of the things I've read today.
This is bordering on pathologic. She doesn't even seem to recognize the truth...or just doesn't even care. I suspect even TLC has their hands full with her. A person with this degree of narcissism does NOT take "no" for an answer. And this having NO fear related to the custody hearing and being above the law types of comments...shows a high level of grandiosity. And she's already been made to feel like she's omnipotent. She thinks she's totally untouchable....because she literally HAS been for so long.
Well....this is gonna be really interesting to see just how far they let this go. How far into bizarro world we have to go....before they finally declare that this emperor has no clothes.
Why can't she get it through her weave that she can have it all. Let Jon be with the kids while she travels the talk show circuit and embarrass herself on dancing with the stars. Give them the opportunity to have a parent with them at all times. She wanted the fame, she's got it now she needs to deal with it. There is more than one way to "support" your children. While she is fixated on the monetary part she is blind to the emotional support they need. Everything is for the children in Kates mind. This circus is directly her responsibility.She could have stopped it dead in its tracks if it wasn't for her greed.I am so sick of hearing about the 8 kids she has to support. There are hundreds of single working mothers who are raising their families.Some of them are "gasp" nurses. They work 50 hours a week and still manage to pay a mortgage, buy food and clothes, pay for medical and dental insurance and spend more time with their families than she does with hers. The solution is so simple, let Jon spend the time with the kids when she is not there. Lastly she needs to stop with the waterworks. She has got to be scaring the crap out of those kids. Any 5 year old cannot understand why their mom is on a tv show crying. If she cannot get through an interview without waterworks she should go with the print media. Remember Kate, it's all for the kids
OH PLEASE, Spare me. Kate with tears on her face is like looking at a clown at a 4th of July parade, looking for validation. First of all, Kate's lies are exposed, yet again. Kevin didn't travel to NY. He was asked to attend a hearing in PA, 44 miles from his home. Both he and Jodi attended after being asked.
Kate's pants are down, she doesn't like what people see and she's crying because while the pants are down, it's really really ugly. I'd cry too, if my pants were down on national TV. That would be a really really ugly sight to see as well.
Well, I'll have to say, in all deprecating humor, my pants being down would probably make me a contestant for DWTS but that's another topic on another day.
I'm checking right now and making sure my pants are up. YEP!!! I'm all contained. Just wish Kate was all contained.
"Well, I'll have to say, in all deprecating humor, my pants being down would probably make me a contestant for DWTS but that's another topic on another day."
Hahahaha! You just made me laugh out loud.
That's not the same expression on her face as the one she had on Behar's show yesterday. She shrugged it off and said she honestly didn't spend a whole lot of time worrying about it. Today she's wearing her false teardrops. What happened, did someone explain things to her?
Geesh, what next?
Not sure if you're going to post the Access Hollywood interview they aired today. Billy Bush flat out asked her if she had enough money now to stay home and she paused and said "Actually, I have huge legal fees, huge"! So now she's not dancing for the kids, she's dancing for her lawyers.
Omg ! " with whoever is taking care of my kids ."
it's an admission in her own words that she has
no involvement in her 8 childrens lives with that
statement I'm shocked how she sounds like
she doesn't even know who they are with. They are
left with so many different 5 not a nannies and
various babysitters with the occasional visit from
the $perm donor inseminator dad & her ex Jon.
Khate keep at it you are digging your own grave
with every syllable you say. What a stupid woman.
No surprise that her kalender will have many many red
circles soon enuf as she's not going home due to
her book signings in LA this weekend. It's ok kids
if u hear a lil beep from a text that's mommy saying
hi x8. She is despicable she really is evil right to
her inner core ! She already has enuf ca$h hidden
away to raise 18 kids ( like the duggars) never mind 8.
Still she cries poverty what the hell does she think
22k a month from Jon is chicken feed ?!?!?!!!
What a truely awful phony big fat liar & total bitch !
I'm utterly digusted by her lies upon lies and the
media outlets who are giving her a forum to
perpetuate her bs and spew her lies further.
Last night joy behar lost my respect by stooping
to her level and kissing khate ass what a hypocrite !
Really did the world and his mother get into a room
and have a private meeting to make this witch
a star ?!?!?! The joke must be on us ! But the kids
really will pay the price for all this in the end. Kiki :/
UPDATE - Regarding the hearing yesterday. I wrote an email to Rep Murt today and he called me just a couple of hrs. later. I have posted this at a couple of other 'pro the G kids sites', so hope you don't mind that I've copied and pasted the same msg. here. ADMIN - I have never been able to post at Preesi's site, I don't know what I am doing wrong, but if you have her email, can you forward the below to her?
Rep Murt is my new hero. I emailed him today at around 2:30 and he called me at around 4. (I included my phone no. in the email, but not my address) Not only is he very gracious, but he seems genuinely interested in enacting a law protecting children in reality TV in the state of PA. He thanked me for my email, and for “agreeing w/what they’re doing”. He said he appreciated it, as the state of Pa. is going to do “good things” re: the entertainment industry, most notably, reality shows.
I thought my email was well worded, brief enough and not ‘emotional’. I shared several instances w/the G kids that had bothered me as well as a no. of viewers. Those being Joel put on the laundry room floor sick, Colin’s trauma while shopping for beds, and when Leah got the #@%@ kicked out of her on the steps in the new house. I didn’t share who did the kicking, but other than that, I did share the childrens names that were involved in each incident.
He went on to say as a father of 3 young children, the incidents I wrote about were very “painful” to read.
At the end of the conversation, he asked if I would call him on his cell or office phone, or email him again, and share, if I remember any other “painful” scenes. (I was taking notes like CRAZY, (that shorthand finally came in handy). He said he is preparing testimony to give to the Labor and Industry board and so far, they have not been very supportive. I am very impressed that he called and take that as a sign he is sincere in his efforts.
I encourage you all to write to him, he is very gracious. Also, if anyone finds the Utube vids of these shows and they haven’t been cleaned up (though I think they have and I shared that w/him) perhaps you can shoot that link to him.
I just feel we finally have a sympathetic ear in him, and he seems genuinely intent in pursuing this.
IF you can get my email address from this post, also please send that to Preesi. Thanks!
For the record khate/kart we all know tlc pays
for all your legal bills and the house was gifted to
you by tlc there is no mortgage it's free and clear.
You lie with everybreath you take every syllable you
utter u are vile ! Utterly a vile vile witch ! Kiki :/
Kate seems to be rapidly burying herself in her own BS.
It gets worse each and every day.
Kate has huge legal fees like I have a huge Fred Flinstone foot. Kate won't stay out of the public eye until she has her own Boeing 737 to take her to the nearest Target.
Kate crying makes me sob steel wool globs of tears. Her sorrow makes my heart bleed peanut butter. Her horrible, tragic life of 1.2 million bucks a year in support and income makes me want to flail myself with the timing chain from my Audi. Her single mom status and her need to support her kids while traveling first class, eating first class and crying first class makes me want to go out and sign up all the other single moms with 401K plans.
Kate inspires me. She makes me want to give out my social security number, my bank accounts and my mothers maiden name so that all other single moms can fleece me like Kate is fleecing all of America with those ice cold tears.
How does Kate imagine everyone else in this country manages to get divorced? The divorce rate is over 50%.
You are truly the best :)
I said the same thing two days ago. 52 percent of America is divorced. We all aren't on TV crying about it. We all have kids, issues, obligations and somehow, we all manage. Kate uses this like an American Express Card. She won't leave home without it.
We, the divorced aren't buying her tired lines. At this point, we're just laughing at her fraud and her crutch sayings, "I'm a single divorced Mom".
She has more money than most of us will earn in a lifetime. WAKE UP PEOPLE!
Gee, it looks as if she had to stop and listen to her earpiece again in the video. That is exactly the same act she put on for Natalie Morales. The tears took a minute to come, the long pause, and then the sob story. What a piece of work.
Let's assume Kate's attorney bills an hourly fee on the high end--$350 an hour, the fee the attorney I worked with in Beverly Hills billed.
Let's assume he spends 40 hours on this custody matter .... which frankly should be PLENTY of time to prepare his case and be fully ready to defend it in court. That's still only a $14,000 bill. One episode of DWTS would cover her bill in full with plenty to spare!
Eventually people dare I say the celebrities who actually work for a living are going to get fed up with her crap. She has worked for nothing and yet big business has enabled her insanity. I am an avid media junkie and have never seen anything like this before..... I am sure in years to come they will be studying this case and specifically Kate Gosselin in University media classes
Kate is paying attorney bills like I'm paying Danica Patrick to drive her Indy Car up my driveway at Mach Speed.
Last summer, Kate was on the View and said she was asked to be in Playboy and she used her wonky eye and her piano key teeth and that HUGE PLASTIC body to shutter before she said, "No Way"
Yet, two days ago, the bathrobed God of Porn, Hugh Heffner was asked if he would consider Kate for Playboy and he said not once but TWICE....NO..NO.... She's not a celebrity.
Another Kate lie.
I don't subscribe to Playboy nor do I surf the net for porn. I'd be asking for immediate cremation if I EVER saw Kate and her Eric Cartman body in ANY male magazine.
I second what Nancy said! You truly gave me my laughs for the day!
Holy crapolini! She really said all that? Did her PR people approve that? I can't believe she blamed Jodi and Kevin for the potty training episode... Like that can't be refuted with the footage. I hope someone has that in DVD for Murt.
I haven't watched the video... Did she even attempt to wipe away her tears? I hate when people leave their tears running all over the place just for the effect. Most genuine criers wipe them away even with their hands if they aren't offered a tissue.
Wonky eye & piano teeth !!! LoL !!! Kiki :-))
Yes, SG she did. She of course didn't have her box of tissue and she used her fingers with those ugly long fingernails to wipe them away. It's getting old.
Here is the Access Hollywood video:
Thanks! Yeah it's like they purposely don't keep tissues handy on purpose... So we don't miss the tears.
kelly said...
I don't subscribe to Playboy nor do I surf the net for porn. I'd be asking for immediate cremation if I EVER saw Kate and her Eric Cartman body in ANY male magazine.
Oh dear jeebus, I think I just peed my pants a little. Keep 'em coming, kelly!
I swear, just when you think Kart can't get any more deplorable and vile - she rises to a new level.
oh and one more thing, looking at the kalendar, I don't foresee her going home at all this week. She certainly won't leave Friday night after the book signing only to return to LA on Saturday...
I hope she has unlimited text messaging!
Is there ANYONE in the media who would dare ask her tough questions and good follow-up questions? Anyone? I don't think Oprah would... She's a schmoozer sometimes. Too bad Whoopie doesn't have her own show. Anyone else? I can't think.
I'm going on a short sabatical (sic)
Leaving tomorrow morning for a long road trip to Georgia. I'll be Gosselin free for the next 4 days. I'll thankfully miss the DWTS fiasco on Monday as I'll be on the road. I'll check back Tuesday to hear what all of you have to share and hope we will all be Gosselin free at that point.
From her time on The View when Kated phoned in, I would say Lisa Ling.
Lol bearswife at the unlimited text messaging!
I do think we should acknowledge that Jon does seem to have custody the past few days. I'd hate to come across as an unreasonable group. There's nothing wrong with her being anywhere when she doesn't have custody. But I do feel those are also the days she should do her errands etc if she can't do them when the kids are in school. IMO.
I'd like to see Howard Stern give it a try?!
Have a great mini-vaca Kelly!
I hope you have a wonderful time away from all of this.
We'll miss you, though.
Lisa Ling?
Yes! I'd forgotten her until you mentioned her name. Great choice!
Mosbius! Great to see you.
Yes! Lisa Ling was great. Good one. Howard Stern! Lol! He'd never get past the boob job.
Any serious journalist would not even think of interviewing her because she is a sideshow nothing more.
I'd love to see Rosie O'Donnell interview Kart. Rosie is a true advocate for children/families and she isn't afraid to stand up to anyone.
You can ask Kate if she would let you interview her for your blog and hand her a business card with just your blog address in it. And tell her SchmeckyGirl says Hi!
So has anyone been to Inside Edition and watched the video?
Man, oh man, oh man. Kate can't muster the tears quick enough so she has to pause during the interview, look down for a few seconds until her fake tears start. SO FAKE.
I say let her keep talking.
I don't know if this was posted yet but they are spinnin' kate and getting no where. ABC is keeping Kate on the DWTS show. I will never believe this article. It quotes GWOP.
When you are desperate, you'll say or do anything
to wheedle your way out of your trouble. I think that's where Kate is finding herself - desperate. She is grabbing at straws and has convinced herself she is fooling everyone. The problem is, it's a house of sand. She has no legitimate defense of what she's done to her children so she pulls the victim card. It's Jon's fault, it's the paparazzi's fault, it's the naysayers' faults, it's Kevin's fault, it's certainly not her fault.
A desperate person doesn't stick with one story but jumps from here to there trying to use whatever might possibly work. It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to work for her in this one specific situation. In the next situation, she'll try something else.
Like her young children did when she confronted them with the broken drawer knob (remember that?), she will pass blame to anyone she can think of because there is a mean person holding something over her head and demanding accountabilty in a very loud voice.
Ah, the irony!
Khate demanding accountability?!
Yep, no way that she talks to all of the kids.
She told the world this very fact a 1 1/2 yrs ago. When she was on a book tour she explained that she doesn't call home--and one of the reason's that she claimed for IMO, this very odd behavior, was that all 8 would want to talk with her and that was not doable!
Just.me - yes, she has been caught off guard, I saw these interview slips too -- in one of them when she was stumbling she tried to fix it by claiming that the reason that she had not spoken with them was d/t "they're in school" and "the tme change". It was transparenting clear that she was lying again.
I am confused - on what show did Karp do her latest crying jag???
NancyB - Admin has the link to at the top of the page. The clip is on the website there.
Does anyone else think the interviewer sounds like Jimmy Kimmel? I know it isn't him, but he sure has a similar voice.
Does someone have the link for the video that Kate get caught in her lies?
I did hear Kate say that she never has been asked to pose in Playboy, I think it was on the view month ago
WOW. I'm texting WHOEVER is taking care of the kids?
What the HELL? I'm so baffled by that, I am struggling for words. That's parenting? Wow again. Just...wow.
And I agree, she sure is making it easy for Jon's attorneys. For anyone baffled as to why someone would say something so incriminating, you MUST understand the narcissistic mind: they are NEVER to blame. It doesn't matter what they say because they think they can just twist it around to suit their purposes at the moment. They're used to bullying people close to them so they won't question their lies, but Kate's problem is she's not just dealing with an easily bullied husband and toddlers anymore, she's dealing with the public at large.
People note what you say. People remember. And normal people hear her words as heartless and dishonest and she never will.
She's digging her own grave. Tipping her hand. I love it.
Hi, I was just told that the "kate defenders" don't like my latest post. Awww, too freaking bad.
SHEEPLE aka Pro-Abuse Advocates: What is wrong with protection for children? Will your entertainment be stifled if you are unable to see naked children, tantrums and parents insulting their kids? Yes, you enjoyed 5 seasons of watching these kids be humiliated, embarrassed, abused, neglected and treated like “possessions.” Do you really need more? Do you really believe that you have a RIGHT to watch these 8 innocent exploited faces grow up? YOU, Pro-Abuse advocates are just as guilty as TLC and Jon & Kate. It disgusts me that you continue to support this vile woman and overlook the fact that 8 kids are being raised by nannies. You should all be ashamed of YOUR part in child exploitation.
I just looked at the Kart Kalendar.
My daughter is now 16. In her life, there was one period of time when she was away from both of us (her parents) for 10 days and she was with her grandparents at the beach where they live.
That is THE single longest time she has been away from both her parents. And that happened once.
99.9999% of the time, I see her every single day. I can't imagine being away from my ONE child as often as she is away from her eight. I literally cannot even imagine it. I'd be worried the kids wouldn't even feel close to me anymore. All the memories they were making without me in them.
But they should at least be with their dad when mom is running around being a fame whore.
Guys, this Keep Kate Gosselin campaign by George Lopez is MAKING FUN OF HER. He is being facecious. I love it! He's on OUR side!
Look what he says: Do it for her kids. Do it for Tony. Do it for the United States of America. Times are tough, but when we see that, we feel better about ourselves When you see that, nothing can be that bad.
I happened to catch her Leno appearance, and it was the same old "I have to work to support my eight kids", blah, blah, blah...
"I take a plane right home as soon as DWTS is done", lies, lies, lies...
And when Leno consoled her about being the only one supporting the kids, she didn't deny it.
She's got her road act down pat and doesn't stray from it. It's been all so tiring to watch this over and over on every gossip show, etc.
Just what is her talent again that made her a "celebrity"? Sheesh.
OMG - Kelly... have a nice break, but I will miss you. And would rather see Eric Cartman than Kate. Just sayin'
Just another girl
I know-Very Funny!
What about DWTS? Is Tony texting her the dance steps?
schmecky girl: I've been on the fence about calling you out or not. Whose side are you on? Baby mama or the rest of us? Your post on BM's site: I thought Kate did really well answering questions on the various shows she was on. She seemed well prepared. I wish she was more forthcoming in her answers though. She answered a lot of them without actually answering them.
I also wish she was clear on what Kevin lied about. I'd like to know.
As for the footage of the kids in the bedrooms and bathrooms they must have hours and hours of footage that they can't show. They did have cameras set up in the bedrooms and they had camera men in the bedrooms and bathrooms at various times. We only saw minutes of the footage. Who reviews the footage and sees the kids at their private moments even if it's not aired? Who knows what they have on film... and TLC owns it all.
I used to read your comments on BM's site and just laugh at the irony of her misinterpreting your real meaning. Or so I thought. Which is it? '
I'm confused you play both parts so well. Pro or Kon(CON) for Kate?
Anonymous said...schmecky girl:I've been on the fence about calling you out or not. Whose side are you on?Baby mama or the rest of us?
I did go read on BM's site and I could assure you that she is not on Kate side, I don't know what you've read but she is on the kids side. I never post there but once a while I read what they have to say...
This crying jag clip is veryyy interesting. It is totally claculated and scripted by her "minders". Think about it and the history - TLC was totally "in the know" about the church scamming tour. They liked it so much that they decided to upgrade her and hired a PR Consultant who came out with a flashier game plan. That was the time frame when they began cancelling small churches at the last minute and booking at the mega churches & large seat capacity non secular venues. They increased the speaking fee from $3500 per event to $25,000. Her popularity zoomed and ratings for the show reflected that in mucho dinero to line TLC's pockets.
TLC would never let her loose without a very tight script. They know from previous experience the result when they have let her off the leash. Remember that Q & A episode last fall when she was tossing all the papers with total arrogance and the public was totally turned off. Sooo, TLC pronto subcontracted NBC & Morales & the ear piece to do major damage control. That script involved another pity partay and that fake prop deck of 8 cards on the couch (pics of her kids).
All of these interviews were booked many weeks ago to coincide with Karp's Book Tour. Every one of these appearances on these stupid shows had pre arranged questions and ofcourse her broken record scripts that are basically the same but for a little more Sarah Bernhardt effect, the 7th fetus and the last minute Wild Card of the "evil Kevin" required a last minute script revision. She is a very poor actress but she has improved her delivery of this new softer spoken fake voice Karp for these short clips and she also has improved her delivery with video feeds, thankfully. Lies are nooooo problem for Karp, TLC, NBC, or ABC, IMO.
What program was this clip from? Her body language and just everything is OFF and fake.
First of all what is "our" side. You're anonymous. You don't belong here.
Second, I'm not on any BLOGS side. This is about the Gosselin children not about blogs. I don't have to choose a blog. I post where I want... Where I enjoy the other posters and where I feel welcome to post.
Third, I think Kate did do great on the shows I viewed yesterday. I think she deflected all the questions that would make her look bad. I think she came across as likeable and nice and fun and like a whole new Kate. If I didn't know better I would have been fooled. I never said I agreed with her. She did great for HER purposes. I wish she was more forthcoming.
And I don't see anything in the rest of my comment that you copied that made me seem on a wrong side. I have no idea what else you could be referring to. next time you hesitate go with your gut and don't question my sincerity and loyalty.
I truly feel these eight children have been emotionally and psychologically damaged for life and as a result will have tremendous difficulty forming and maitaining relationships.
They have been continuously exposed to kate's emotional,verbal and physical abuse of each other but also their father whom they love.
These children are also going to be very conflicted in regards to the reality of what is fact and what is fiction.
I am shocked to say the least that Kate and the media see nothing wrong with this very overt display of alienating the children from their father and other family and friends who love and care about these children.
Carolina Gal here is a site of Kart's top 10 meltdowns. You should send this to your Rep. http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2009-06-07/kate-gosselins-top-10-angry-moments/2/
Kiki said...
For the record khate/kart we all know tlc pays for all your legal bills and the house was gifted to you by tlc there is no mortgage it's free and clear. You lie with everybreath you take every syllable you utter u are vile ! Utterly a vile vile witch ! Kiki :/
I just want to help dispel an oft repeated rumor that started last year about the McMansion. The Gosselins (or someone for them) purchased the McMansion for $1,200,000 in October '08 with a downpayment of approx. $250-300,000 and there is still a mortgage on the property. The deed shows the property owner to be a trust in the name of a local PA attorney. I think we're all speculating about Kate's legal fees and wondering what part of and how much TLC is involved because certainly there is an overlap in attorney 'jurisdictions' when discussing filming the children and the use of the property, etc.
NancyB said...All of these interviews were booked many weeks ago to coincide with Karp's Book Tour. Every one of these appearances on these stupid shows had pre arranged questions and of course her broken record scripts that are basically the same but for a little more Sarah Bernhardt effect, the 7th fetus and the last minute Wild Card of the "evil Kevin" required a last minute script revision. She is a very poor actress but she has improved her delivery of this new softer spoken fake voice Karp for these short clips and she also has improved her delivery with video feeds, thankfully. Lies are nooooo problem for Karp, TLC, NBC, or ABC, IMO.
What program was this clip from? Her body language and just everything is OFF and fake.
The interviewer is Jim Moret from Inside Edition. Boy oh Boy are you right that the interview was calculated and scripted. She went into this interview planning the emotions and HE knew to play to her. You're right, her delivery is improving, but she just can't seem to tell the truth and every time she opens her mouth the lies and exaggerations are exposed. I think people are tired of her whining and even those not following the J&K soap opera just want her to go away.
Do you think this week's overexposure and media-saturation is doing her any good or is it harming her?
Good morning!
Regarding SchmeckyGirl...First, there is no evidence of any sort of deception here because SG always uses her same screen name on the various sites. And she is always consistent...from everything I've read that she's written. She is clearly on one side...but tries to remain objective...fair and balanced.
And frankly, it's a real talent to be able to go into a mainly non-receptive environment/community and manage to get them to even listen willingly to you without becoming immediately hostile.
I also believe that going to fan sites just to argue does not accomplish anything and is a waste of time. The only thing it does is give the rest of us some more entertainment to read.
By doing what SG does, you at least have SOME chance of having them be willing to have any sort of objective discussion with you. If you don't take the approach she does, there's no point in even going there. The LAST thing you want to do...if you want to possibly get someone to even listen to you and even consider your side and your points...is to come across as being extremely partisan...and fixed in your beliefs. You want to sound fair, objective and willing to listen. She's one of the few I've seen (in the Gosselin blogosphere) who is able to pull this off well.
Shoot, I can't find it but someone earlier wrote that (I'm paraphrasing here) the mainstream media with the tough interviewers...would not be interested in interviewing Kate.
And I totally agree with that...for 2 main reasons.
1) Kate would never allow herself to be cross-examined seriously on TV. She would have to be forced...as in a court of law, etc. So...she would never agree to do this anyway.
And even if an interviewer decided to pull a fast one on her, she would do her usual obfuscating BS anyway, no matter how many times she was asked. And:
2) Kate truly is NOT herself relevant enough to even qualify for this. What IS relevant about this situation is how in the HELL an untalented narcissist managed to become a huge phenomenon. What factors contributed? What does it say about our society and our times?
But if this became newsworthy in a big way in the mainstream media, they would interview psychologists, historians, entertainment experts and historians, etc.............not Kate or even TLC....unless there was a possible TLC whistle-blower from whom they could get inside info....just to make it even more interesting.
I don't want to get into any sort of political argument or discussion here....and let me make it clear that I am not a registered Republican (though I'm REALLY liking Rep. Murt...and HAVE voted the other party on occasions and am not rigidly partisan).......one exception to the above would be, IMO, Sarah Palin.
She WAS interviewed by the mainstream media and given tough interviews...because she was running for office. Now IMO...this was a freakish colliding of two worlds...and not the norm....because Palin is a phenomenon herself...why she did so poorly IN those interviews (she really was just in the entirely wrong place, IMO...a hick at Harvard)
In fact, I think there are reasonable comparisons if you want to study Kate Gosselin and Sarah Palin in terms of how they freakishly became the phenomena they did. For me, it's extremely interesting to consider just WHY these two ended up WAY higher up the ladder than they reasonably should have. (again, just my personal opinion.
Just as an aside, though...IMO, when comparing Kate with Sarah...I find Sarah to come across as a nicer person (I know she did some not-so-nice things...but she just seems nicer and softer than Kate) and also seems much more motherly and in tune with her own children than Kate does. Again, my opinion.
If *I* HAD to work for one or the other, I'd choose Sarah. Kate scares the hell out of me and I'd imagine she'd be a nightmare to work for.
So...my point here is...I don't think you'll EVER see Kate cross-examined in any interview or see her answer the tough questions UNLESS it's on the witness stand. And even then...I think you'd see everything ranging from tears and sobbing...to being irate and arrogant...to lying, to spinning, massively contradicting herself and obfuscating...you name it.
Good morning,
I can't find it but someone earlier wrote that (I'm paraphrasing here) the mainstream media with the tough interviewers...would not be interested in interviewing Kate.
I wrote something like that in a different thread a day or so ago.
1. Agree. 2. Agree 3. Agree.
Sorry to keep bringing in the Access Hollywood interview but hearing the words from Kate herself speaks volumes to me about the kind of person she is. I just watched it again and in it she says that if she were to shut the show with the kids down, the paparazzi, the fan interference (not exactly her words but her facial expression suggested as much) would still be there and she wouldn't be getting a paycheck!!
So, she's delusional because if this family would go away, the paparazzi would dissapear! Sure, the occasional fan may come her way but maybe they could hand her a 10 spot to pay her for granting time with them (lol- couldn't help the snark there). She's all about the money (of course we all knew that right along). Everything she does, including selling her privacy (which she doesn't deny in the interview) is for cash. IT is her reason for being (in the public anyway).
There is the part about have monumental legal fees (Kate never exaggerates does she, never! ha)
Then there is the very uninteresting story about Mady calling her to see if she is getting voted off--very boring with no point to it (Billy is forcing himself to laugh). I wonder if it's true and Mady just wants her to come the heck home?
And why oh why do they end every interview with her in laugh (cackle) mode??? Did TLC demand that they catch her laughing at all costs to soften her bitchy first impression on DTWS?? First impressions count for everything and I'm not sure the "new to Kate" public is buying it. To me it just looks like someone who finally decided to take her meds.
Does anyone (maybe one of the California contributors!) have any insight into the entertainment industry and what sort of fee Khart would be paid for each of these tabloid interview appearances? Or do you think that they are freebies for her book, and current news usurped the book talk? Just curious.
Thanks, bbsak. :)
I have to go spend several hours of aggravation at the DMV...hope to see you all later today.
The media should start referring to Kate as an "un-reality" star. With her spin and pr, she is trying to change the reality that is her family and her life. The true reality is, as Paul Peterson aptly describes it, the "massive five-year saga of child abuse and conscious deception".
Not sure if there is an online link but there is a QMI article in our local paper today giving 10 reasons "Why Jon & Kate are easy to hate". The first one is:
Jon and Kate illustrate everything that's wrong with American culture right now.
Question for Admin: Kate stated she had major, major, major legal fees. I think she was referring to her divorce. What is your guess of her cost of her divorce legal fees? Wasn't the divorce settlement pretty straight forward and resolved in 7 months. Please give us your guess of her divorce legal fees. Thanks so much.
She is a disturbed individual lying on her brother and claiming they have made thousands of dollars and slandering them. She is truly evil and the sheeple will eat up any lie she tells. She is being used by the media and she's to blind or doesn't want to see it. I am sorry most of if not all of what comes out of her mouth is a complete lie. Jon is also an idiot if the rumors are true that he is wanting to appear on Kate plus 8 then I have no respect whatsoever for him either. I wish these 2 idiots would go back to normal jobs and take care of their kids.
I wish the grandparents would speak out. How could she attack them? They have been silent until now, never appeared on the show or in print anywhere (that I know of).
Schmecky, in my experience, is a sane and rational Gosselin blogger who has been able to add insight where it has been sorely needed in a way that doesn't alienate those who need to hear it.
That, indeed, is a significant accomplishment!
Anyone remember when Jim Moret made his name on Court TV during the OJ trial? I used to respect him.
"...All of her responses appear to be calculated promotional “burps” designed to manipulate interviewers and rustle up a squeaky-clean image sure to warm the hearts and minds (and sympathy) of viewers around the country. I pity Jon! Oh, she’s a monster alright, but most are in the dark about that right now. Wake up and smell the coffee, America!
Wonderful article! Finally ...
Hi all,
For what it is worth, I have always enjoyed your comments and, I for one, would truly miss your view point.
On another note, Why can't Kate really be an author? It took her 2 months to write her newest book. She could branch out and write 2-3 books a year and actually be home with her kids. Kate does not want to be home with her kids. I think, it scares her. I do. She could be home and not be a nurse and have plenty of money if she wanted to do that. She does not want to.
I agree with Cherier 1 @ 7:34.
Where are the grandparents? I thought Kate's father is a pastor. Surely among his cherished values are honesty, decency and integrity. Why would he not speak the truth and bear witness to the truth as he knows it? He doesn't have to trash his own daughter, I wouldn't respect him for that. But please just tell the truth. I can hardly believe that his values are not in conflict with what is happening to his own grandchildren who desperately need a voice.
Here are some more articles and one of them has a video of her being on Jay Leno last night...Jay said the last time he met with her it was the day her divorce was finalized and she cheered! What a disgusting woman she is! I'm sure her kids are very proud of Mommy!
http://www.theimproper.com/?p=6231 (this one has video of her on Jay's show)
Side note again, another Kate appearance, this time on Jay Leno. Did anyone catch it? She threw Jon under the bus again by being all coy and saying she doesn't know what he does for a living ie: has no job. I don't understand how information out there states that Kate never talks badly about Jon, she has to take the high road because....wait for it.....her children. She doesn't directly talk badly about him, but she does allude to and never discourages bad talk about him. She did so on the view too.
In the same interview, she said again (how many times now?) that she is a single mom. Then later in the interview, defending her traveling for her job, she says Jon is with the kids some of the time when she's traveling so it's not a big deal. My definition of a single mom must be wrong then.
Then Jay Leno, Terry Bradshaw (another guest) and her spent about 10 minutes talking about whether 6 or more slotted toasters exist (riveting television!). Of course Jay Leno offered to talk to his parent company, General Electric, to see if they can get a toaster for his poor guest (can he get a charitable tax deduction for that?-snark).
They then started talking about garbage and I had to turn the TV off...garbage talking about garbage!
Please, please let this nightmare "press junket" end soon so she can slither back into her TLC cave and I can get my TV programs back!!
Here's the link:
It's in two parts, the other part is along the side bar. Watch if you wish, but trust me nausea will follow.
Sorry admin. I know this post doesn't belong her but Kate's been on a media whirlwind and there isn't another place to put this.
Diane - She could also go back to her 26 acres in PA, start up a U-pick cucumber farm and sell autographed pickles to her adoring fans who think she is all that.
The book is another lie. She said she just thought of it a couple of months ago. No, a couple of months ago it was already written (if you want to call that writing).
It's funny how she went from boohoo & getting snot all over the place on Inside Edition to all perky and happy for her appearance on Leno inside of a couple of hours. I swear there's more than one personality lurking inside that woman.
fed up - She will an eight-slice toaster out of that interview - guaranteed. Whenever she wants something she mentions it on tv and voila it magically appears on her doorstep.
That should have read - she will get an ...
They also talked about the "Kate effect" -the fact that ratings for DWTS have shot up surpassing American Idol for the first time since AI has been broadcast. I wonder if that inflated her ego? What they don't know about the "Kate effect" is that it's kind of like an insulin spike, nice and high at first but after some time, sucks the energy out of you. It's already started to happen on DWTS. Regular viewers are sick of her and are threatening to boycott the show until she gets the boot. I hope it happens. Ratings seem to be the only language networks/ shows speak. Then the "Kate-effect" will be know as the "Kate-virus".
Schmeckygirl...you are one wise woman. I greatly admire you and always enjoy reading your posts.
Fed Up with this family-
Watched video of her appearance this morning on the NBC site. Made me totally sick with the multitude of facial jerks which were snide cuts of Jon-can not stand Leno for a long time- don't think he is at all funny--This was another totally scripted appearance. Leno making a point of saying, after DWTS you will be home and Karp agreeing. Sure she will--except for book tour and promotions for Twisted Kart show, which Jay, by the way, involves at least 4 days weekly travel--but she will be home.
Oh and I forgot this: Starts off appearance when Jay reminds her that the last time that he had seen her was the day that her divorce was final and her response was: YEAH! Very classy, Karp
"I don't get nervous on stage. I speak for (?) 25,000 people with no script, it's no big deal. I really can talk. It's probably one of my better qualities."
"Truly, the truth is ... I felt the love from the [DWTS] audience...."
I thought that was very weird, too.
Delusional is one of the kinder words to use when describing this woman...
Even when it's sarcasm, I'm surprised your computer is capable of typing the words "Kate" and "classy" in the same sentence.
just.me -
Look again, my new name for her is Karp as in smelly fish...
just.me, NancyB
LOL. She's absolutely out of control now. It's gone to her head more than anyone would have ever thought it could. She scored lowest on DWTS and she's still thinks she's the most wonderful thing that ever hit the tv screen.
They can put lipstick on the greedy sow and dress her in a negligee but she's still the same classless maladroit she's always been.
And for petesake, will someone please tell her to stop wagging that damn leg every time she sits down.
Kate is in some twisted, kind of fantasy world where reality does not exist. Clearly, she will have some type of breakdown when all of this attention goes away. I fear for those children.
I saw a bit of her on Leno and nearly choked when she stated she's "on a plane as soon as the show ends" and she spends only "three days a week" away from her kids. This said with a such a straight face that I nearly wondered when Leno moved from LA to Kate's living room in PA.
I mean seriously, if she's on a plane as soon as the live show ends how the heck can she be sitting next to Leno on a Thursday night?
Fed Up,
I was flipping channels and in my head I said, "I bet I'll see Kate" and, of course, there she was. I will admit, she looked better than I've ever seen. Toasters? What a ridiculous conversation. Restaurants have industrial toasters with 8 slots. Why is that a conversation? Then, I too, clicked when garbage started talking about garbage. Especially when she said she feels sorry for the garbage man and leave them "presents." what type of present, Kate? hair extensions? autographed books? pics of your kids for them to sell?
to 2exhausted2name:
which show was she referring to? Leno? Cause she lied again. She was filmed (see TMZ) at Discovery offices last night - IIRC Leno tapes in the afternoon. That TMZ story also references Kate mentioning "working" with her ex-husband. More freaking Kate-drama, no doubt
I wish Gloria Allred would issue a statement on behalf of Kevin and Jodi. She has a big enough voice that mainstream and entertainment venues would pick it up then maybe the truth would start leaking out instead of these blatant lies.
Wiley C, Kate was referring to the DWtS live show. She even had a "funny" story about getting through airport security.
I wonder if she meant she spends only three days devoted to DWtS. It would explain her dancing.
2exhausted, thanks for the clarification.
And IMO, there is no alibi for her dancing. It's a crime against humanity. ;/
I think Khate often runs on automatic.
She has a limited number of phrases and trite little stories, which she repeats over and over again.
The one about only being away from the kids three days a week has been used over and over again, so she just recites it on command. Khate has never been one to let a little thing like FACTS get in her way.
AuntieAnn said...
And for petesake, will someone please tell her to stop wagging that damn leg every time she sits down
Fidgeting is a sign of deception. As is overuse of 'ums' while speaking.
mommyinca- I love your idea--I think we should email Gloria and make that request. What do you think?
katesucks-thanks for catching that!! Excellent information and glad that you included the truthaboutdeception site.
I'm just catching up back here. This blog is SO popular and happening that one has to take time to catch-up when things slow down a bit.
And I wanted to say that all of you made some great comments here that I'd missed until this morning.
"fed up - She will an eight-slice toaster out of that interview - guaranteed. Whenever she wants something she mentions it on tv and voila it magically appears on her doorstep."
IMO...total impression I've had for some time. myself. And:
"The one about only being away from the kids three days a week has been used over and over again, so she just recites it on command. Khate has never been one to let a little thing like FACTS get in her way."
Good observation and well-written IMO. And:
"I don't get nervous on stage. I speak for (?) 25,000 people with no script, it's no big deal. I really can talk. It's probably one of my better qualities."
"Truly, the truth is ... I felt the love from the [DWTS] audience...."
Absolutely agree. I also tend to agree with the administrator too regarding almost seeing alternate personalities come out.
Just picked a few. They were all excellent. :)
She is so full of it. When are the stupid magazines going to stop printing all this crap she spews out.
Kate is so full of it. I seriously think something is mentally wrong with her.
To Admin: I posted this question a few days ago but it was not answered. I know you answered about the re-opened custody fee but what is your estimate on their divorce? Thanks
maggie said...
Question for Admin: Kate stated she had major, major, major legal fees. I think she was referring to her divorce. What is your guess of her cost of her divorce legal fees? Wasn't the divorce settlement pretty straight forward and resolved in 7 months. Please give us your guess of her divorce legal fees. Thanks so much.
Fed Up with this family-
Watched video of her appearance this morning on the NBC site. Made me totally sick with the multitude of facial jerks which were snide cuts of Jon-can not stand Leno for a long time- don't think he is at all funny--This was another totally scripted appearance. Leno making a point of saying, after DWTS you will be home and Karp agreeing. Sure she will--except for book tour and promotions for Twisted Kart show, which Jay, by the way, involves at least 4 days weekly travel--but she will be home.
They also talked about the "Kate effect" -the fact that ratings for DWTS have shot up surpassing American Idol for the first time since AI has been broadcast. I wonder if that inflated her ego? What they don't know about the "Kate effect" is that it's kind of like an insulin spike, nice and high at first but after some time, sucks the energy out of you. It's already started to happen on DWTS. Regular viewers are sick of her and are threatening to boycott the show until she gets the boot. I hope it happens. Ratings seem to be the only language networks/ shows speak. Then the "Kate-effect" will be know as the "Kate-virus".
Side note again, another Kate appearance, this time on Jay Leno. Did anyone catch it? She threw Jon under the bus again by being all coy and saying she doesn't know what he does for a living ie: has no job. I don't understand how information out there states that Kate never talks badly about Jon, she has to take the high road because....wait for it.....her children. She doesn't directly talk badly about him, but she does allude to and never discourages bad talk about him. She did so on the view too.
In the same interview, she said again (how many times now?) that she is a single mom. Then later in the interview, defending her traveling for her job, she says Jon is with the kids some of the time when she's traveling so it's not a big deal. My definition of a single mom must be wrong then.
Then Jay Leno, Terry Bradshaw (another guest) and her spent about 10 minutes talking about whether 6 or more slotted toasters exist (riveting television!). Of course Jay Leno offered to talk to his parent company, General Electric, to see if they can get a toaster for his poor guest (can he get a charitable tax deduction for that?-snark).
They then started talking about garbage and I had to turn the TV off...garbage talking about garbage!
Please, please let this nightmare "press junket" end soon so she can slither back into her TLC cave and I can get my TV programs back!!
Here's the link:
It's in two parts, the other part is along the side bar. Watch if you wish, but trust me nausea will follow.
Sorry admin. I know this post doesn't belong her but Kate's been on a media whirlwind and there isn't another place to put this.
Here are some more articles and one of them has a video of her being on Jay Leno last night...Jay said the last time he met with her it was the day her divorce was finalized and she cheered! What a disgusting woman she is! I'm sure her kids are very proud of Mommy!
http://www.theimproper.com/?p=6231 (this one has video of her on Jay's show)
kelly said...
I don't subscribe to Playboy nor do I surf the net for porn. I'd be asking for immediate cremation if I EVER saw Kate and her Eric Cartman body in ANY male magazine.
Oh dear jeebus, I think I just peed my pants a little. Keep 'em coming, kelly!
I swear, just when you think Kart can't get any more deplorable and vile - she rises to a new level.
Wonky eye & piano teeth !!! LoL !!! Kiki :-))
Holy crapolini! She really said all that? Did her PR people approve that? I can't believe she blamed Jodi and Kevin for the potty training episode... Like that can't be refuted with the footage. I hope someone has that in DVD for Murt.
Eventually people dare I say the celebrities who actually work for a living are going to get fed up with her crap. She has worked for nothing and yet big business has enabled her insanity. I am an avid media junkie and have never seen anything like this before..... I am sure in years to come they will be studying this case and specifically Kate Gosselin in University media classes
I'm going to use a word someone used here earlier...gobsmacked. I am just gobsmacked. I've seen politicians lie but they are savvy...half-truths, spin (like confusing Saadam and Osama) but I don't think I've EVER seen anyone blatantly lie like this...esp. regarding some of the things I've read today.
This is bordering on pathologic. She doesn't even seem to recognize the truth...or just doesn't even care. I suspect even TLC has their hands full with her. A person with this degree of narcissism does NOT take "no" for an answer. And this having NO fear related to the custody hearing and being above the law types of comments...shows a high level of grandiosity. And she's already been made to feel like she's omnipotent. She thinks she's totally untouchable....because she literally HAS been for so long.
Well....this is gonna be really interesting to see just how far they let this go. How far into bizarro world we have to go....before they finally declare that this emperor has no clothes.
I like it!
Also, she's not even talking to the kids, she's talking to the nanny! Obviously you need to communicate with the nanny but what about actually calling the kids themselves? Does she just check "kids are ok" nanny texts back "everything's great eating dinner" and Kate leaves it at that? This woman is horrendous.
We say: New book idea! "Text messaging: Parenting with your thumbs alone."
Ok I am laughing so hard my fake boobs hurt!
Keep hitting them out of the ballpark.
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