Thursday, April 8, 2010

Kate went to NYC after the Results Show ... And still hasn't seen the kids

The tweets don't lie, and neither does video evidence. But Kate does! Despite Kate's promise to go home to PA straight after every Results show, and fly back to L.A. at the end of the week, she was found in New York City instead this week, rehearsing with Tony.

Late yesterday, Tony outed her by tweeting that he was in New York. And E! News interviewed their rehearsal in the Big Apple. Kate says she doesn't have the time to rehearse six hours a day with Tony (I know, those manicures and pedicures really cut into the day don't they?). Does she realize that most of the competition on this show we have on good authority is rehearsing 12 to 16 and more hours a day? Of course you can't learn anything on six hours a day!

Meanwhile this week, Jon has petitioned for primary custody, saying that Kate being gone so much on DWTS is detrimental to the kids. You would think Kate would run home and call in the paps to dispute that. Instead, she continues to do exactly what Jon has accused her of and hasn't seen the kids since Saturday. We are so done with the lies at this point: Free Tony and give Jon the kids.

227 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Mary Beth said... 1

Oh no. This is so sad. The children love her and she loves them. My goodness. I think this post goes too far. I worry about her with this strange obsession people have to hurt her. How do you account for this desire you have to bring her down? It's really getting creepy. ~ Administrator said... 2

Mary Beth? I have no desire to bring Kate down, but I do have a desire to point out the lies she has made. Kate brings herself down. If she loves her children, go home to them like she promised. She BREAKS HER PROMISES to them! If she has no desire to see them and would rather be on DWTS and do all kinds of fun media DWTS things, just be honest about it.

Mary Beth said... 3

Administrator? You are lying to yourself, then. Why do you feel the need to "point out lies she made?" She doesn't even MAKE promises to you. Come on. It's just odd that you've answered for your behavior as if you think you are helping these children.

Belle said... 4

Well, Mary Beth, some of us think it's creepy that nannies are raising 8 kids. Kate manipulated fertility drugs for those kids and she loves the attention having 8 kids brings her.

The fact that she exposes their most intimate moments and hurt from the divorce is CREEPY to all of us who shield our children from public scrutiny.

What is also very creepy. WOMAN who support this person named Kate. She's an awful human being, mother, sister, friend and wife.

Also creepy? The fans who cannot wait to watch those kids again. Some of you fans think those are YOUR kids and that you have a right to watch them grow up. DID THEY GIVE PERMISSION? no, they didn't because they are MINORS and have absolutely no rights.

But I keep forgetting . . .the "haturz" are the bad ones for caring about the welfare of the 8 money-makers. HOW DARE US. I'm so ashamed that my concern for 8 innocent lives has caused me to see their mother as the evil, manipulative, abusive wench that she is. Poor kids.

Belle said... 5

Mary Beth, Admin. is dissecting her lies so the ignorant public can MAYBE see the truth. If you don't want the truth, or "can't handle" the truth, RadarOnline, TLC, and the lovely fan blogs might be more your speed. ~ Administrator said... 6

I always get creeped out when I read in comments all the time after articles about this family "I miss the kids" or "I miss watching them grow up" or "I want to see them again!" Which is creepier, calling a public figure on all her lies, or lamenting how much you miss that public figure's children who are total and complete STRANGERS to you?

Kate's lies DO affect the kids. She has spun the public against Jon and for her on a bed of lies--it does affect custody, visitation, everything. So actually, I do hope it's helping the kids to point out all the lies and not let their lying mother get away with this.

Throughout history people who expose lies are always told that they just want to bring people down or they have a chip on their shoulder or they should mind their own business. That's why whistleblowers are so protected, because everyone hates a whistleblower. I guess a lot of people like to live in a fantasy rose colored world and it's upsetting to see that distrupted. Me, I want to live in truth.

Mary Beth said... 7

Kate is obviously upset in this video clip.

Why would the ignorant public need to know any of this truth? How is any of it important to the ignorant public. She broke a promise to her children? It's so creepy that you think you know what she said to her kids.

Let me put it this that you have told us the truth about her, what should we do now? Would you like to see her lose custody of her children and be forced to look for another place to stay.

Just be honest abou it.

Anonymous said... 8

Kate is a public person, and thus her actions get questioned. Especially when eight children are concerned.
There are teen age girls out there who think that Kate is the role model they should follow in mothering...there are some women out there--I used to be one--who watched her show and felt inadequate about their own mothering skills. Cuz, you know, she does it with eight...all the laundry, the cleaning, the cooking, the marriage, raising the kids....But, that is all a lie. I could handle eight kids if I were in her situation with no problem! And I would be happy and having fun and grateful for my life while doing it. It was the people who questioned what she was doing and posted about the discrepencies in her life that helped me to see that and helped me realize that she is not the standard for motherhood everywhere. That's why posts like this one are important.
--MK ~ Administrator said... 9

Mary Beth, she said it to us. She told US she would be home. I'm not speculating. This is what she said!

And I have been honest, even in this own post. I said I want Jon to have custody. I'll say it again, Jon should have custody over this narccisist and pathalogical liar. Assuming even half of his court filings are true, give him custody. I've seen six years of Kate now, I've seen enough. Don't confuse the issue like Kate's lawyers try to do--I'm honest, it's Kate who's not honest. ~ Administrator said... 10

Looking for a new place to live shouldn't be too hard when you have hundreds of thousands of dollars in your back pocket.

Mary Beth said... 11

Administrator, I didn't do any of those things you find creepy. I can't explain them.

How did you pick the lies you decided to expose? In other words, can you explain why a young lawyer would feel compelled to expose the lies of a celebrity mom and to what end?

Peeping Toms are creepy.
Fifty-five year old men hanging around the college bar scene are creepy.
Middle-aged women dressing up plastic baby dolls are creepy.
And a young single lawyer with a promising and important career calling for Kate Gosselin to lose custody of her children because she promised she would go home after DWTS every week, but she went to NYC first, is really creepy.

I feel sad for Kate because I think you have a need to see her really harmed (legally, not in a stalker way) in her career or with her children.

I think you have crossed an ethical line.

Anonymous said... 12

Mary Beth,
Yes, she looks upset, no the public does not need to know anything about it, but SHE is the one putting it out there. SHE is the one who did the interview. SHE is the one on tv constantly. The only reason why people know what she says to her kids is because that is all she talks about!!!! She is going through a hard time right now and if she had said, I'm sorry I need a day to deal with some family issues, I can't do an interview right now...I but the network would have let it go, or used old different footage, etc...but she didn't. SHE chose instead of going home to comfort her kids who are probably upset too, to go to NY and do the interview.
By commenting on it, my hope is that someone somewhere (Kate?) will see it realize that this family needs some time and space and let them go. I don't want her to lose custody or her house or whatever...I DO wish that she would realize that she needs to focus on her children's needs FIRST.

Anonymous said... 13

You know what I think is creepy? When you crazy bloggers sit around and discuss someone you don't even know. What is even more creepy is when the posters on this blog go over to the Small Town Gosselins blog and discuss with the wack job how she drove past the Gosselin house on Easter looking for them. That is plain scary and if I was Kate or Jon and read that I would report her to the police because she has her name and her picture all over her blog.That is really creepy and scary.
Also, what does being a mother have to do with laundry, cleaning, cooking? That sounds like a housekeeper to me. You aholes need to get out of the 1950's stay-at-home mom mentality that exists in your own head. What works for you does not matter to anyone else.
Come on big shot lawyer, let's hear it.

Mary Beth said... 14

So you want her out of that house, too? You don't want to bring her down? You are telling the truth?

Kelly said... 15

Kate has been force fed down the publics throat like a bad spoonful of cod liver oil. I had no idea who this family was until last memorial day. I was in total shock after viewing the way she was treating the father of her kids and for that matter, sharing with the world, little pottys full of poop as if this was quality programing.

Then all the lies started coming out of her and Jon's mouth and nothing was done. Two people who fleeced thousands of regular churchgoers for love offerings when in fact these two people were living large.

That's just part of the problem that has people up in arms about these grifters. They push their kids in front of a camera and earn a living off of their backs and the public sits back and encourages this servitude of innocent lives that can't say no.

No politicians, no child advocates, no family services, no one comes to the aid of these children who are paraded in front of the cameras like circus show freaks. The parents continue to get away with it, continue to rake in the cash and do nothing to protect their children from the prying eyes of the world, including the eyes of pedophiles, sex offenders, stalkers and all the others out there who may want to get at the children, just because.

The fact that Kate travels with a bodyguard and leaves her children at home without protection speaks volumes as to her character and self absorbed mindset.

So, get off your high horse in criticizing the blog owner who earns nothing from this site but spends her own time bringing the truth to those who may not know otherwise

Anonymous said... 16

Mary Beth you raise a good question - why should the ignorant public request the truth... of anyone? Let's let Kate & her lies slide, and while we're at it, let our government reps slide, and anyone else who makes a public promise then fails to deliver (Toyota?). If you're so eager to let Kate off the hook I shudder to think who else you're willing to turn a blind eye to.

Personally I do care about the lies she tells because she's being held up as a role model for single mothers everywhere. This not only gives ALL good mothers (married & single) a bad name but it shames anyone truly struggling to keep their family afloat with honest hard work. After all if Kate can't support her family after making millions of dollars how can the common person do it?

Her persona is built on the life she claims she leads - if she's not truly living it she's selling lies and that is fraud. So yes, exposing lies IS important.

Anonymous said... 17

Don't like it? Don't read it.


Mary Beth said... 18

The Administrator here does want her to lose custody of her children and the house. she has stated that plainly, just after denying that she wants to bring her down.

Anonymous said... 19

Uh, how do you raise a kid to feel confident and sure of themself if they don't even have clean underware to wear??? Being a mother is EVERYTHING about the housekeeping tasks of laundry, cleaning, and cooking. Maybe, anon, you have the ability to hire someone to do those "1950s" woman's tasks, but most people don't and even if you can, you are missing out on a wonderful way to translate your love and affection for your kids into ACTION.

Belle said... 20

I saw her say to her kids, "Mommy and daddy will be together forever."

She lied. The ignorant public that supports her SHOULD know the truth. Would you support Jesse James if you knew he was a Nazi? OJ if you knew he was a murderer? M. Jackson if he was a pedophile? Knowledge is power. Ignorance is bliss. How's that bliss working out for ya??

Belle said... 21

WernyGirl needs to take that road to GO TO HER HOME. Should she not even drive by the Queen's domain because YOU think it's creepy?

Now go grab your copy of "8 exploited faces" and check out Hannah with her panties down and dressed pulled up!!

What a great mommy!!

Mary Beth said... 22

You cannot actually mean to compare Kate's "lies" with the lies of politicians or companies hiding life-threatening defects in their products. That would be just ridiculous.

Why don't you tell us why Kate's lies are worthy of being blogged about? Toyota's and most politicians I already can understand.

Who called the Gosselin children circus show freaks? Shame on you. ~ Administrator said... 23

I want Jon to have custody of the kids, and I want them to live in a more modest and normal house. If that means Kate is out of lucks, boo hoo go take your millions and buy another mansion.

Werny Girl exposed that there was only ONE photographer not a string of them, and that the kids usually play in back in private and are only trooped out for photoshoots. The TRUTH.

Lauren said... 24

Why doesn't Kate just bow out gracefully. I have a feeling that many people would appreciate the truth for a change. She could issue a statement saying, that her career is taking off in a new direction and out of the best interest for my kids I will let Jon have primary custody. I'm sure her SPIN DOCTORS could make it look flattering for Kate. Everybody gets what they want: Kate gets her career, Jon gets custody and child support and the kids get a loving, devoted parent.

Mary Beth said... 25

Why don't you blog about every single couple in America that divorced and in doing so broke vows? Why just Kate Gosselin?

I don't hold you to the same standard as I hold this young lawyer who works with custody issues. She should recognize the ethical line she has crossed by calling for Kate Gosselin to lose custody because she went to NYC today instead of Wernersville.

I would not want her involved in my case if she were to draw custody decisions so lightly.

If she is not a lawyer, and just a big mouth like Sharla of GWOP, fine. She is a bit more than that, or she is a liar.

Mary Beth said... 26

If you want her to lose custody and her house, you want to bring her down. Just admit it already.

just wondering said... 27

Why don't you blog about every single couple in America that divorced and in doing so broke vows? Why just Kate Gosselin?
Because not everyone else is selling the childhoods of their children to TLC.

Freedom AT LAST said... 28

Also, what does being a mother have to do with laundry, cleaning, cooking? That sounds like a housekeeper to me. You aholes need to get out of the 1950's stay-at-home mom mentality that exists in your own head. What works for you does not matter to anyone else.
Come on big shot lawyer, let's hear it.

OMG. You are so right. I'm done cooking for my kids and washing their clothing. I WORK FULL TIME. My 2 year old can change her own freaking diaper. My 12 year old doesn't need MEE to discuss her upcoming period or puberty issues.

Thanks for the enlightenment. My 6 year old just puked on his pajamas and I told him to wash it himself. I'm not his housekeeper. Oh, I feel so free. THANK YOU.

Anonymous said... 29

Hey, Mary Beth? Go crawl back into your hole.

IATK said... 30

"Why don't you tell us why Kate's lies are worthy of being blogged about? Toyota's and most politicians I already can understand."


Because Kate's lies have a direct effect on her own children and she displays these children in public for all to see and witness. You can turn away or you can call her out on it. We all have our individual choices to make.

Anonymous said... 31

Those who don't feel Kate Gosselin is worth blogging about should not be on here blogging, should they?

The truth is, in the public eye, you can't have it both ways. You can't have all the positive attention and admiration that will get you ratings and money without any of the negative criticsm and snark that goes along with it. You just can't.
So, as the old saying goes "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

Mary Beth said... 32

Knowledge is power? Is Kate a Nazi, murderer, or a pedophile? Can you please give me a better example that is actually in the same realm as what Kate Gosselin is accused of doing?

What great lie has been exposed about Kate Gosselin? She broke her promise to her kids? Got a job? Travels for work? Dances poorly? Yells at her husband? Has an irritating laugh?

And for this she should lose custody and her home?

Paula said... 33

Wow, this post about Kate being an absentee parent AGAIN must have hit a nerve with the sheeple. I have to give them credit, though, the sheeple have become adept at trying to turn the conversation from Kate to others.

Belle said... 34

Mary Beth, do the other couples continually lie on TV and expose their kids to danger?

Paula said... 35

Yes, Mary Beth, Kate should lose custody of her children as she is never home with them. ~ Administrator said... 36

It's absurd to assume I think Jon should have custody of the kids because Kate left the kids this week once. No, this is just the tip of the iceburg--it's the repeated absenses and lack of interest in them as well as all her narcisstic behaviors, all documented on this blog day after day. I draft custody orders at least once a week, I represent fathers all the time and you can bet when the mother, or any parent, has a track record like Kate has, I help him push for a favorable custody order. And sometimes I represent the "bad parent" as all lawyers have to do at some time, and I can argue it from that side to. You find all the good things they've done, you downplay the bad, and you try to salvage a decent order for them. I could represent either Jon or Kate on this, that is what a lawyer does--but if I were the judge knowing what we know, yes I would give Jon a better order. If I have to put witnesses on the stand, including the children's therapist, etc., sometimes it comes down to that. Usually thankfully, they can be worked out behind closed doors and presented to the judge without a trial.

I don't make the final custody decisions, the judge does. I can only present the case to her and hope she does the right thing. She does not favor a father or a mother, she is very clearly on team kids, which I appreciate. I've had DOZENS of fathers get out with FULL PHYSICAL AND LEGAL and MONITORED for the crazy mother. Happens all the time.

I do like empowering fathers because I feel that for many years the courts did favor mothers unfairly. If I see a good father stepping up and a mom not stepping up, I go the extra mile to help him get what's fair.

Sherry said... 37

The Duggars are, The Roloffs are...why aren't you hating on them?

Administrator - It is not your place to tell them they should live a more modest life style.

Being an atty you should know more than anyone this is a free country and we can choose to live however we want.

French Canadian said... 38

Sorry for my poor English...

Kate shows that she is not a quitter for work , she has personnal problem and she prefers beeeing in NY than going back where she soud be. She is showing to every one that the kids cannot count on her....Go for Jon, he will be there for them, I'm sure

Anonymous said... 39

No, Sherry, in this country a parent cannot choose to abandon and ignore one's children.

Diane said... 40

I wish Kate would have an epiphany and realize her kids need her. If she "needs" to be on the road working, then, she should allow her ex to be with the kids. Being with babysitters or nannies is not best for the kids. Being with their Dad would be better. Kate is always saying she always does what is best for the kids, and then, doesn't do it. Colin has abandonment issues, but, she won't let his Dad be there when she isn't. Kate is gone a lot.

Mary Beth, Kelly said "like" circus show freaks. He did not call them that. And, they are paraded all the time.

No politicians, no child advocates, no family services, no one comes to the aid of these children who are paraded in front of the cameras like circus show freaks.

Belle said... 41

Mary Beth, No, Kate is not a Nazi, murderer or pedophile but all of those people do have FANS and supporters.

Kate went into churches and cried poor. Churchgoers, who where in their church to worship (not see Kate) dug deep in their pockets to throw $20s in the "love offering" basket. Since their church featured this poor, exhausted, put-upon, haggard woman, the parishioners did what they could to help.

I wonder how many of those church goers clear over 100k a month?

just wondering said... 42

The Duggars are, The Roloffs are...why aren't you hating on them?
Because this is a Gosselin blog.

Sherry said... 43

Kate spent the majority of last year home with the children. Jon on the other hand was galavanting around the country.

DWTS is a temporary job. Lots of parent travel for work.

I really don't belileve Jon wants custody of the kids. I think he's just looking for a payday from Kate. He wants a piece of her pie without having to do anything to earn it.

Belle said... 44

Yep, I agree, Paula.
Now it's the bloggers fault.

Sherry said... 45

Just Wondering so you're on Duggar and Roloff blogs hating on them too. I didn't think so.

Kate has not abandoned or neglected her children.

Anonymous said... 46

Sherry, I think there is a blog that is exists especially for you. And, Kate did not spend the majority of last year at home. There was the book tours, the speaking engagements, the tv appearances, filming of the show until Jon put a stop to it. Jon was "galavanting" because Kate would not let him see the kids.

Anonymous said... 47

Sherry, why is Kate in NYC today rather than going home to see her kids?

IATK said... 48

DWTS is a temporary job. Lots of parent travel for work.

Did you not hear about her new show where she will be traveling again, her new book and book tour. I'm sure you know that so why do you throw out incorrect information to make an argument?

Sherry said... 49

Yes she was at home. Jon was galavanting around the country because he wanted to.

If she wasn't allowing him to see the kids he would have been shouting it from the roof tops. ~ Administrator said... 50

Kate has been doing tons of traveling since the kids were babies--this is all documented on the show and she admitted it. I do have concerns for all reality families, however I can't possibly run a blog for each one. The Roloff boys are now 18 and adults, able to decide for themselves whether they want a camera crew along. I think it's undisputed Jon and Kate is an extreme example of what reality TV can do to a family, and thus generates the most interest.

Well folks my UTI is now a kidney infection and after being hospitalized yesterday I'm home drinking fluids and taking meds. Glad I can be around for the spirited discussion...and thanks in advance for playing nice. Spirited dicussions can happen here without moderation as long as the rules are followed (see the sidebar).

Anonymous said... 51

Attorney for Jon Gosselin
113 North Olive Street
Media, PA 19063

Stand up for fatherhood. Children are not a commodity to be given to a parent to be used to further celebrity.

I am so tired of hearing the spin come from the corporate take over of this family. Kate clearly has an agenda & is using her children to fulfill it.

A friend once told me it can be legal for you to do what you are doing. But, does that make it right? All these plans, all these goals Kate has? What about the children? What about them?

Administrator I found the lawyers address on the court papers I wrote him to support his going back to court to have someone do something on behalf of these 8 children. The way this is spinning in the media makes me sick. These kids should be in the presence of a parent at all times. There is no reason when a dad is ready, willing and able that he should be pushed around like this.

I understand if you can't post this. I just had to say it.


NancyB said... 52

Question for you: Does the court on a regular basis appoint a Guardian Ad Litem for the children or does that have to be requested by one of the attorneys?

mommyinca said... 53

I can see how someone could think this and other blogs are just "hate" sites but honestly, unless you have followed this story from the beginning, you really are only getting half of a picture.

My issue with Kate is this: She sold her childrens privacy to TLC. She lied and let her PR machine attack Jon leading everyone to believe that HE left HER. This was not the case. Kate ended the marriage and yet continues to say she is not a quitter. She then goes on National television and presents herself as a role model for other moms. She abused her husband (evidence on J and K plus 8 show) and now wants moms to rally around her. I am a woman who believes in equality for women therefore I believe that she should be equally responsible for her domestic abuse as her husband would have been had HE abused HER on National television.
I don't expect Kate to stay home and be Donna Reed, but I DO expect her to walk the walk that she's talked for some time. That is my issue with Kate Gosselin.
If my daughters told me they thought she was a good mom, then I would have serious concern that I was not being a good role model for them.

just wondering said... 54

The last I heard, the Michelle Duggar and Amy Roloff were home taking care of their children and not our promoting themselves all over the country. Has Michelle Duggar signed on for American Idol and I just missed it?

Anonymous said... 55

Sherry, honey, seek help. You are so in denial about Kate Gosselin. I'm sure you also know that Jon'a lawyer notified the court yesterday that Kate was not allowing Jon to see the kids. But, you totally ignore anything negative about Kate.

Anonymous said... 56

I believe both Jon and Kate sold their kids privacy. Jon is just as guilty as she is.

Mary Beth said... 57

Poster, you see pictures of the children at tabloid sites and you are offended by KATE?

What has she done that = pedophile, murderer, or Nazi?

Kitchen heat poster, I am not against blogging about Kate or any celebrity. I am not against sites, like the Crown princess one that is snarky about celebrities, including Kate. Let me be clear:

This is a lawyer that contributes valuable work to deciding custody issues. This post calls for Kate to lose custody of her children and her home because she is in NYC today, but last week she said she would go to PA.

Is that ethical or even reasonable? It's really sad to me that because this is anonymous, she feels comfortable revealing this part of herself. It's creepy, and makes me wonder about the other attractive mothers she deals with. Do they get a fair hearing? Should they live in modest homes before seeking counsel with her? Put their kids in a public school first?

There is something very odd about this family law lawyer writing this blog.

I am not against blogging about celebrities, even if it's snarky. I am against campaigns to have them lose custody of their children. That's plain wong.

Sherry said... 58

I'm afraid Jon Boy is going to disappoint you once again.

As soon as he receives some money he will be gone again.

Anonymous, honey, seek help. You are so in denial about Jon Gosselin.

Anonymous said... 59

Mary Beth,
The Administrator here has claimed to be a lawyer, journalist, and a nanny for a family that was friends of Pam Anderson's kids.
She is the expert on anything that comes up with the Gosselin's.
But the only thing I've seen her do is spin story's of hate for the Gosselin children to read.
Much the same as the witches at gowp. ~ Administrator said... 60

As well, the Roloffs and the Duggars all made good money before their show, and continue to make good money in ways that have nothing to do with the show. Matt still has his own business, the Duggars get creative like renting out cell phone towers, running a used car lot, etc. The show is their life but their life is not the show. Even Kate said, the show is both their life and their lives are the show. That's where it crosses the line, where your life becomes the show. What exactly would Kate be about if her entire career wasn't based on being famous off her kids and the media attention? Absolutely nothing. She became it all, and that's when it got really disturbing.

Diane said... 61

Kate doesn't quit.

Now, I've heard everything. She quit her marriage, without even trying marriage counceling. She quit talking to her parents, or letting them see her kids because they did not know how to help her. She quit letting her children see Aunt Jodi and Uncle Kevin and their cousins because she could. Not because it was best for her kids. Kate quit her dogs, too. Thank goodness for that. My biggest fear is she brings them back. Kate quit nursing. Kate quits a lot of things.

just wondering said... 62

I am not against blogging about celebrities, even if it's snarky. I am against campaigns to have them lose custody of their children. That's plain wong.
Then you have not done enough research on Kate Gosselin. If there was ever a woman who should not have had children, she is the one.

IATK said... 63

BTW, Excellent letter Irene. Please let us know if you get a response.

Anonymous said... 64

Well, I guess it's the new sheeple line - Jon just wants money?

Anonymous said... 65

What campaign is taking place regarding Kate losing custody of her kids? All I've seen here are people expressing their opinions of who is a better parent. Custody matters are settled by courts. So what if Admin is an attorney? She's not entitled to have an opinion? All the attorneys I've worked for do!

Nancy said... 66

If Kate decided to disappear from the media attention she so obviously not only enjoys but encourages we would stop talking about her, as was said you can not have it both ways. Every one of us takes the good with the bad in life and ultimately it is our decision how we not only balance the 2 but how we deal with it. She wants to have her cake and eat it to and as I tell my kids on a regular basis Life ain't fair get over it and move on

Her mantra of All for the Kids is why people notice that she is rarely with them and when she is does not portray the "Loving Mother" persona that has been shoved down the publics' throat

Kelly said... 67

For those who didn't see the Nancy Grace interview of Jon's lawyer, here's a link to the transcript.

NancyB said... 68

Another extremely creepy thing is that Kate as a RN told her daughter Alexis, who had been sick for several days last week, not too worry and that it was just a cold. Actually, Jon took her to the local urgent care on Sunday and she had Strep Throat. Kate's a swell Mom???? Not at all! Kate, as a public figure has told all of the media outlets that she flys to SoCal Sat night and is home Tues night. Actually, that was true for ONLY the 1st week. She is gone more days in each week than she is home. With the money that she was already currently making before DWTS, she had NO financial NEED to do this, other than to further her quest for stardom. Shame on Kart.

IATK said... 69

What GOOD reason should Jon not be with the kids when Kate is gone? Even if he has nanny help like Kate does. Why shouldn't he be there? ~ Administrator said... 70

Annoymous, I am all three. My undergraduate degree is in journalism. I worked for a cable news organization first at their D.C. hub assisting a producer, then decided I liked the print side better so I worked for a D.C. newspaper as a copyeditor before deciding to go to law school. While in law school, which was in Pam Anderson's town, I was a nanny part time and a live in in the summer. Half the girls I went to school with were nannies that's how I found out about it--because in that town nannies are paid $20/hr plus free rent plus perks (Dodger games, trips, out to eat every day), way more than you can make hawking preppy clothes at J.Crew for $9.50. Because of the nature of how wealthy and small the town was, if you were a nanny chances are it was for someone famous or someone really rich or both.

Not so far fetched. Many lawyers switch careers. Though I don't really care if you don't believe me.

Mary Beth said... 71

Let me understand your position:

Kate must take the good with the bad.

It is YOUR job to make her feel the bad?

Crrrreeeeeeepppyyyyyy (and sad.) ~ Administrator said... 72

By the way it was a Christian school and people have had really good luck with nannies there, so it's sort of known in that town that if you want a good nanny go there. They even have a babysitting board you can register for online that celebs send their assistants on. Cheaper than going through an agency where you pay huge upfront placement fees, although for one part time job after the Bar I did go through an agency briefly called Westside Nannies run by an alum from my school.

Anonymous said... 73


Again another unnamed source. Tabloid rumor. You have no idea what Kate said to Alexis.

Sure Jon took her to the doctor but you or US magazine doesn't know how long she was sick.

Anonymous said... 74

Anonymous thanks for the address re attorney for Jon Gosseling.Administor,Thank-you so much for this site.

Paula said... 75

No, Mary Beth, what is creepy is that people like you really believe that Kate Gosselin is a good mother. NOW, that is scary.

just wondering said... 76

FYI. The snipers from sage's blog are here.

Anonymous said... 77

I don't believe anything the tabloids say good or bad. Creeple? Anyone?

Anonymous said... 78

I have a feeling that Kate would love to stay forever in LA,thank goodness for people who keep track of her absentness from her children,I am almost positive she would stay away from them alot longer,but she knows she is being watched!a good thing!

Anonymous said... 79

I find it creepy that PR firms & corporations want to slam their side of the story down our throats & think that everyone in America believes the monkey munch.

I am a mother. I have to balance everyday myself, my work and my home. Alot of people have to do it. It is the way Kate does it that is such a hypocrisy. And, why shouldn't people question it? It would be weird if people didn't.

Mom's out there know what that juggling act is like. The sacrificing. I sometimes think Kate is as much a victim. Tlc dangled a lifestyle right in front of her eyes. And, she is willing to maintain that lifestyle at any cost. It is sad to me. How much will be enough to send her home?

And, what's wrong with Jon taking care of them if she's not there. He did it for most of 2008-into 2009 and she did not object then.


IATK said... 80

Again, what's wrong with Jon being with the kids when Kate is gone? ~ Administrator said... 81

Question for you: Does the court on a regular basis appoint a Guardian Ad Litem for the children or does that have to be requested by one of the attorneys?

Depends on the court. I worked with GALs all the time and actually, I AM a GAL on about four cases right now, although half are adults (it comes up like say if someone in in a coma). As an attorney though, you often don't want a GAL on the case. They complicate things, you would rather want to control how the judge perceives the children and not their own rep. And once they get a rep, you can no longer talk to the kids but must be filtered through their rep. Minor's counsel is my greatest ally when they're on my side and my worst enemy when they are not.

I was going to mention earlier though these kids absolutely should have a GAL at this juncture and the judge should on their own initiative appoint.

Nancy said... 82

Mary Beth,

As she is holding herself up to be the model "single" mother every single day in the media, mostly the tabloid press then yes she better damn well be able to back it up instead of crying how hard her life is. If she can't stand the heat get out the kitchen. As a parent who's ex has decided not to pay child support I have no sympathy for someone who gets $20,000/month and has decided that's not enough.

It is certainly not my job to make her feel the bad I am saying that if she doesn't like people commenting on and talking about her life then bow out of the spotlight go home to your kids and re-evaluate your life.

We all make choices in life good, bad or otherwise she has chosen to do it in the public eye so people are going to notice and comment. That's exactly what she wants and she's getting it in spades

Anonymous said... 83

Irene you have crossed a line with contacting his attorney.

It is one thing to snark on a blog but to actually contact their attorney. Wow...that is too much.

You really should butt out of their business.

HI 50 said... 84

Tony hit the nail on the head when he said, "...right, this is all my fault?..."

When Kate doesn't get it OR she's DONE OR she can't control the situation OR she can't express her emotions appropriately OR she can't freak out like she normally does OR she can't use the wooden spoon OR, OR, OR... The list is too long when Kate is out to blame the world. NEVER taking responsibility for her LIE when she had the dance floor installed in the kid's basement playroom, so Mommy Dearest can work at home.

WOW! What a blog!! Mary Beth/Baby Mama/Sage/ROL blogger/Kate/TLC intern...whomever you really are, THANK YOU for making this blog even MORE fiery! No matter what you say, Kate's actions/inactions speak louder than your posting!


NancyB said... 85

Anonymous@1:27-Excellent and your comment speaks for another Mom-me.

Kelly-love your posts especially since you do not leave out the origins of her scam, which involved scamming the churches on a large scale--you're a guy after my own heart, my husband has read some of your posts and helped him to understand why I feel so strongly about all of Kate's lies, so thanks.

IATK said... 86

My son had a GAL appointed after years of ugly court proceedings with his ex. His lawyer had to request the judge to appoint one. Lucky for us, she saw right through the narcissistic moms tactics and things went much, much smoother after that. We felt that someone was finally supporting the child first and foremost.

Anonymous said... 87

Irene you have crossed the line by contacting Jon's attorney.

It's one thing to snark and blog but another to actually involve yourself in their personal lives.

Maybe you should step back and evaluate your motives.

WOW...I can't believe you really felt you had the right to do that.

just wondering said... 88

Anon.. Go back and play in sage's driveway.

Anonymous said... 89

Just Wondering if the Administrator doesn't want me to post here anymore I will leave.

I'm not like you. I don't continue to post at a blog when the owner asks me not too.

I'm wasn't aware this was your blog.

HI 50 said... 90

It was either last season or the season before, wasn't there a country western singer who left the competition because she was going through a divorce? The singer chose her FAMILY FIRST over DWTS.

So Kate wants the viewers to believe, "...I don't quit..." because the contract with DWTS is MORE important than the Gosselin 8?! She appears to be eluding the fact that she will NOT quit DWTS to place the kids 1st. I thought she was a MOM 1st?! Another lie.

IATK said... 91

Well, I tried a couple of times and I never got a response to, what's wrong with Jon being home when the Kate is gone, so I'm assuming everyone is in agreement on that point.

Kelly said... 92

You're my only fan. Thanks. I guess this qualifies me for next seasons "Dancing With The Stars"

Belle said... 93

The Duggars and Roloffs show something that kate never has. LOVE for their kids. I still don't approve of filming kids but I never once saw Michelle Duggar call one of her daughters "mean and ugly." Never.

IATK said... 94

Kelly, you are way too funny! LMAO ~ Administrator said... 95

The difference is, it's a job I was WORKING and freebies were part of the pay. I wasn't living off the backs of my kids! LOL, how is that similar at all?

I worked for three families, and then one other family on just a limited gig of six weeks when the mom broke her ankle and wanted someone to help. With the exception of one, I found all those families used the nanny the "right" a mother's helper, as a tutor, or when they were at work and couldn't be there. With the exception of one family, all the families I worked with were kind and good parents and well adjusted children, and one of the remains very dear friends. There is a right and wrong way to have a nanny in the household. I eventually quit the family using me the wrong way--as the substitute mother--and it broke my heart.

just wondering said... 96

BM and I get along just fine, thank you. We've been crossing swords for years. I know her name, address, and phone number. Do you?

Anonymous said... 97

Of course Jon should be with the kids when Kate is gone. No one would deny him that.

I just find it strange that he wasn't interested in custody until he broke up with his last girlfriend and is homeless.

I really question what his true motives are.

Anonymous said... 98

Hey I second that itsaboutthekids!

Why can't Jon be at the "residence" with the children when Kate is not there?

Kelly you definately get the lifetime blogging achievement award. I wish I had your wit.

Admin I hope you feel better soon.


just wondering said... 99

I don't think Kate wants pictures of Jon and the kids released very often. She wants the matchy matchy ones of her and the kids released to the public. I think she has tried to make Jon look like he didn't want to be with the kids that way.

Anonymous said... 100

Ok Just Wondering...if that's what you want to believe.

I have seen Kate show love for her children. You know she loves those kids.

How you could even think such a thing is beyond me. Kate is not perfect but I don't doubt for one minute that she doesn't love her kids.

What I find sad is you probably really believe that. Shame on you.

Anonymous said... 101

People are taking this soooooooooo seriously! These are just opinions folks, we're not staking out their house, knocking on their door or picketing them yelling at them to get a smaller house! We are just stateing our thoughts on a situation and circumstances presented to the public, especially the wellfair and wellbeing of eight little children.
As for "hating" on the Duggars and the Roloffs, I personally include them. I do not think that kids should be on tv. Period. Not on reality shows AT ALL! and under the age of seven at least, not even ACTING at all. But, this blog (thanks Admin) is where I get to express my opinion and thoughts on the Gosselins, not the others.

Kelly said... 102

I will say that from all outside appearances in the past, that it was a little odd that Jon was spending all his time out in Utah and California HOWEVER, How does anyone know that Kate exercised her sole discretionary power as was awarded to her in that lopsided custody arrangement and barred Jon from seeing the kids for those extended periods of time? ~ Administrator said... 103

Since everyone keeps mentioning Sage's blog I thought I would take a look and I must point out that Sage has misinterpreted Jon's custody filing, I assume unintentionally. Sage claims that Jon just wants a place to live and is asking the court to let him live at the house.

No, that's not what the paperwork says. The paperwork was outlining their PRIOR arrangement, doing a summary of it. In their prior arrangement, they had already agreed Jon could live at the house--he could live in the main house on his custody days and when it wasn't his days, he was permitted to live in the guest house. There is absolutely nothing in his filing that suggests Jon is pleading with the court to let him take over Kate's house.

fade2black said... 104

Refusal to acknowledge another person's right to an opinion and name-calling accomplish no more today than they did in grade school. This has gotten too juvenile and nasty for me...I'm out.

IATK said... 105

Anonymous said...
Of course Jon should be with the kids when Kate is gone. No one would deny him that.

I just find it strange that he wasn't interested in custody until he broke up with his last girlfriend and is homeless.

I really question what his true motives are.


I don't think anyone can know Jon's true motives, but we can hope he's doing it for the right reasons because those children need a parent in their lives. Kate is making her choices and many times she will be away from home. Jon should be allowed to be there and according to his lawyer, he's not.

Thanks for responding. ~ Administrator said... 106

Back to moderated folks, sorry!

just wondering said... 107

Kate loves her children because in her mind they are a reflection of herself. They must appear a certain way, act a certain way, and behave a certain way because to her they are mirrors of herself. She does not love her children as individuals, just as appendages of herself.

When they no longer reflect that perfect image she has in her head she will discard them from her life. Either physically, or emotionally, she will be done with them one by one. Because in the end none of them will be the perfect image she holds.

Anonymous said... 108

Mary Beth,
I can't speak for the Admin but I can speak for me...I want those kids to have a secure, stable, happy childhood, and a great relationship with BOTH parents and their extended family. IMO this is how you raise self-confident adults w/o mental issues. If that means that Jon should be home with them because Kate clearly wants to pursue fame and the spotlight, then why not? Kate can not have a jet set life filled with perks AND raise stable well adjusted kids without help and I can't imagine why anyone would think it would be better for those kids to be raised by nannies then their own father.
I guess I don't understand why you say that means that people who think that way want to "take Kate down". I don't care if she stays in the house. I don't care if she makes $40 million dollars. I don't care if she has twenty talk shows...if she does all that, then good for her! I just believe that she can't have all of that and raise her kids too and she should take advantage of the fact that they have a loving father who wants to be involved, to get all that she wants.

IATK said... 109

I dont get it said...
Refusal to acknowledge another person's right to an opinion and name-calling accomplish no more today than they did in grade school. This has gotten too juvenile and nasty for me...I'm out.

I agree. It gets annoying but usually indicates nothing more than a lack of a better argument to prove a point.

To Anonymous 2:05 said... 110

A nanny can't become a lawyer?

My best friend has been a seamstress, graphic designer and now she's a medical coder. Should I tell her that she's not allowed to change careers? ~ Administrator said... 111

Anonymous, it wasn't even a career :-). Although I think you can make a wonderful career of being a nanny. But for me it was a part time job to get me through school. I have always worked, I have always paid my way. I was taught that you should work to get through and not rely on others.

Actually, should I mention other jobs I've had through the years as I went through school? Dishwasher, factory worker for disposable cameras, card swiper in college cafeteria, pianist in a church band. I guess that's way too many "careers" to be believed!

Anonymous said... 112

"I can't speak for the Admin but I can speak for me...I want those kids to have a secure, stable, happy childhood, and a great relationship with BOTH parents and their extended family" MK


Yes, yes, yes

& a film free rest of their childhood.


Belle said... 113

I am a woman who believes in equality for women therefore I believe that she should be equally responsible for her domestic abuse as her husband would have been had HE abused HER on National television.

Bravo! I agree 100%!!!

If Jon smacked Kate (or Emieral, for that matter) the way she smacked them, the public would be OUTRAGED and demand he be arrested.

Troy C in San Diego said... 114

I predict Kate will leave this week. It won't matter to her as her book tour begins sometimes next week. She/TLC will spin it that "it's all good" becasue she has a book to support now (OMG, I hope the paps will leave her alone now).

Remember folks, we only see what the editors and ABC/Disney want us to see. Why else would all the ABC owned affiliates be so kind and slobber all over kate with accolades and shy away from bashing her or telling the "truth"?

Anonymous said... 115

Thank you for running this today, especially since you are not feeling well, and it'! It is nice to have a place to express oneself!

lisa k. said... 116

Administrator said...

Since everyone keeps mentioning Sage's blog I thought I would take a look and I must point out that Sage has misinterpreted Jon's custody filing, I assume unintentionally. Sage claims that Jon just wants a place to live and is asking the court to let him live at the house.
The Sagens only see what they want to see...they sit and talk about people hating Kate and then turn right around and hate, and say terrible things about Jon. They are very hypocritical there. The fans are the only people with opinions, don't you guys know that? If you are not for Kate, you are a hater and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law! HA HA HA HA! Seriously, they are warped in their way of thinking.

Anonymous said... 117

Admin, I have a question. As I understand from the papers filed yesterday, once the show was cancelled, Kate was given a paycheck from TLC contingent upon Jon not working for any entity other than TLC, correct? Since the whole family was technically still under contract with TLC, I can understand a non-compete clause. However, would this have precluded him from finding employment outside the entertainment/media industry?

SoCalGirl ~ Administrator said... 118

You're welcome MK.

You know on a completely different note, they showed us a little bit of Kate's tango and I have to say, it's looking better than the last few weeks of mess she's given us. And this was only Wednesday. I think the tango is one of the easier of the dances at least when it comes to the actual moves, maybe the emotion in it is harder, so maybe she will do a bit better.

mama mia said... 119

Tony tweeted to US Weekly that he never said anything bad about Kate, he asks them to stop the nonsense. Seems like everywhere Kate goes people have to deny hating her.

SG said... 120

How did I miss this huge thread!?!?! So much to catch up on.

Maybe Jon has custody the past few days? Anyone know?

Kelly said... 121

You are correct with what you said. Furthermore, If Jon threw a dirty diaper at one of the help, like Kate did, he would have been lambasted in the press and the tabloids as an abusive employer.

Anonymous said... 122

Where does it state that Jon wasn,t interested in custody of his children?I believe he was bullied and powerless,to make anyy move.Noone is saying Kate doesn,t love her kids/maybe she loves fame more.

Kelly said... 123

What do you mean a Nanny can't become a lawyer? Who would have ever thought a former cop would be blogging about reality television?

IATK said... 124

Anon, Jon not interested in the children is the media spin / and some pro Kate bloggers make that assertion from time to time. Of course they don't always come right out and say it but the implication is there. I've visited with a local and she seems to think Jon is there regularly when he's allowed visitation, even when he was flying around the country. But really, who can say for sure. Since apparently the schedule was at Kate's discetion it's really hard for anyone to know. It seems to me if Jon is seen anywhere OTHER than with the kids some spin that to mean he's not stepping up and doing right by them.

IATK said... 125

Kelly, you're right. LOL Some comments just make no sense, do they?

ms.anonymous said... 126

I don't think she lied! Life changes, plans change. I think she should devote at least 9-10 hours a day to dance practice. Most working moms and dads spend that much time, or more, at work 5-6 days a week. If you think she should just let Jon have the kids, you should think again! That would set a precedent that any and all unemployed fathers could be awarded custody of their children, no matter what! Is that what you really want for all children? He has partied, burned through what money he had, his latest fling kicked him to the curb and now he is looking for another free ride! He is far from being a good parent and setting a good example. He is showing his kids, that you don't have to be responsible, just take someone to court to get money to live on. Have you forgotten how "responsible" he was before when he was taking care of his children? Smoking dope, bringing home various girls for hot tub parties? All Kate's attorney has to do is wave a few dollars in his face, approach the court about lowering the child support and Jon will be gone, just like when he settled with TLC.

IATK said... 127


Do you think Kate should let Jon take care of the kids when she's traveling around the U.S.?

Anonymous said... 128

Nancy Grace is on again talking about JON

NancyB said... 129

Why does Kate continue to say: "I have 8 kids to support, essentially by myself".

Why in the heck does she keep telling these LIES?

Kelly said... 130

Ms. Anonymous,
You are correct in your statement that life changes, plans change and moms and dads spend that much time or more at work, 5-6 days a week. We all work to support our family's and some of us actually enjoy what we do for a living. In our life plans, our changes should always keep in mind the effect these changes have on our family and incorporate those changes with our family's best interests in mind.

Jon and Kate are no different than 52 percent of the population of this country. Their marriage ended in divorce. We all have our reasons why our marriages ended and we all have our own measure of blame and contribution to these failed relationships.

Unlike Jon and Kate, none of our relationships were televised each week for the world to see. What we saw was a henpecked husband, an abusive wife and mother and 8, COUNT THEM, 8 little kids who had their entire lives from sunrise to sunset filmed for the world to see, disect and comment on. You and I didn't grow up that way.

You and I didn't have to face the bully's on the playground that were either jealous of our prominence in the media or the malicious taunts of kids who made fun of us in the teen years regarding our poops in a potty chair, our fights with siblings and an overbearing mother, a wimp of a father and all of our crying, whining and insecurities filmed, cataloged and easily googled for years to come.

The damage to these kids was done five seasons ago after the documentary became a serial program in all the worlds homes each week. The real damage will be done as the kids hit the 12 year age mark and are ostracized, taunted, baited and abused by their peers.

These poor souls haven't even begun to see the fallout yet. Both of the parents actions have been horrible. Kates abusive, Type A, controlling nature. Jons submissive, then wild child behavior during the separation and their desire to remain in the public eye at any cost.

There will come a time when Jon and Kate will be forgotten like Ritchie and Joannie Cunningham but the one thing that will be constant is the tapes, the tabloid history, the book Kate just introduced to the world detailing the pain the children have endured and the Google hits these kids won't be able to hide from for the rest of their lives.

Kate said she wanted to do this show for her kids to film their lives for the kids memories. Best Buy sells video cameras for them to do this and they could have kept it in the family. So, you are right in your statement. Life does change and plans do change. Unfortunately for the kids, any of lifes plans they may well have in their teen years, won't change because there is a video history, forever online they won't be able to change or escape from. We all know why Jon and Kate did this and at this point, you just can't put the toothpaste back into the tube. God help those kids.

TVsnarkie said... 131

Wow. Another busy day at 15 minutes! Can't wait to read and catch up!

I guess Perez Hilton is no longer being paid by TLC or Kate's PR. Normally, I despise the man but here is his latest post (I'd rather copy it than give him the hits. I REALLY don't like him).
Ever since The Grand High Bitch of the Universe, Kate Gosselin, stomped her way onto Dancing With The Stars, we've heard horror stories of her diva antics and general cuntiness from the set of the reality competition!

We even bore witness to a DRAMALICIOUS throwdown during Kate's rehearsals with partner Tony Dovolani - but of course, we couldn't be sure if the scene was just staged or if the two of them really hate each other that effing much!

Luckily for us, some little sneak is spilling the deets on the true nature of the duo's working relationship, and it's even worse than we could have ever dreamed!!

Kate, who apparently flies Tony out to her Pennsylvania home to practice their numbers, forces the dancer to enter through a basement door instead of the front entrance, and just to keep him in check, reminds him "I'm the reason anyone knows your name, so give me a break!"

A source claims that Tony "can't wait to get rid of her, even if it means losing early," and "complains to producers about how impossible she is. He doesn't want her to be around her unless he has to."

Another insider agrees:

"They hate each other. Backstage, she will back him into a wall to talk, and he won't listen or look at her. Not only is Kate the worst dancer, but she's nasty. It's an ongoing joke how Tony got the short end of the stick when he was assigned to Kate."

Wow! No wonder the poor guy threatened to quit!

We can't imagine Kate that could possibly survive another week (unless they're manipulating the votes in her favor for ratings) so hopefully Tony will be put out of his misery soon enough!

Hang in there!! You are a god among men for enduring that hack's piss poor attitude!!

jupiter said... 132

If she is really devoting 9-10 hours a day to practice and still dancing THAT badly then she sucks more than I imagined.

French Canadian said... 133

The judge Bruno talks about Kate's dancing, very funny.

to ms. anonymous said... 134

Why do you think that if Jon gets custody EVERY SINGLE OTHER UNEMPLOYED FATHER will get custody? It doesn't work that way.

Are their any mothers of multiples who DIDN"T exploit them for fame and fortune? Yes, many.

That comment about 'hot tub parties' shows me that you are probably 12 years old. My son says 'look, a pool party' if there is more than one person in the pool.

Anonymous said... 135

I'm finding a lof of these women talk show hosts are taking up for Kate because (A) they are misinformed and (B) they all have kids and would look ridiculous chastising Kate for being a "working mom". Some, such as Nancy Grace (CNN) and Kate Coyne (PEOPLE Mag) have twins of their own. Second, TLC is a brand of Discovery Communications and it's not likely anyone currently in showbiz is willing to speak out against them.

At the end of the day a lot of people are profiting off the Gosselin kids. From the print, broadcast and electronic tabloid media to DWTS, The View, The Today Show, TLC's lawyers, Figure 8 Films, the nannies, personal chef, bodyguard, etc.

Lynn R said... 136

I don't have to read tabloids. In fact, I don't.

All I have to do is use my eyes and ears and look right at the source:

1. Kate verbally and emotionally abused and humiliated her husband on TV more often than not. In every single episode, she is nasty and insulting to him--in front of the kids and in front of millions of people watching. And she didn't care and played the victim card allllll the time. Remember, SHE was always the put-upon one in the relationship (while he sat there not allowed to speak). SHE was the one who needed help (while he looked more like a pack mule doing everything). SHE was the one who could "joke" but if he said anything she didn't like, she was over the top livid and demanding apologies. ON camera. SHE was the one who was to be pitied because of being married to him (while he sat there just staring at his lap). She would badmouth him to the kids while they were STILL married, so I'm quite sure they've heard plenty of nasty and ugly things about their dad since the divorce.

2. When he wanted to stop the show (I never got the sense he was totally comfortable with it, but I also never got the sense it was up to him), she refused, DESPITE THE FACT THAT SHE SAID EARLY ON--AND ON CAMERA--THAT IF HE OR THE KIDS WANTED TO STOP IT, THEY WOULD. Yet another huge lie.

3. Their kids' privacy was sold for public consumption. Just stop and really reflect on that for a minute. Think about how disturbing that really is. They could not give any sort of informed consent. And their privacy was sold to the general public.

4. Now she's been crying poverty--oh she NEEDS to work! It's about her KIDS' SURVIVAL! to everyone who will listen despite the fact that she could stop working tomorrow and never work again and be able to live quite happily on the interest income and raise the kids just fine. No one would suffer for a moment for a lack of money, girlfriend is SET. Yet another huge lie. (The truth, of course, is that she loves the attention.)

5. She shows every single characteristic of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I mean, every one. Someone like that needs intensive therapy, not running around getting her face in the public eye. Someone like that needs to learn how to love others, especially since she has eight children. (NPDs simply because of how they are make horrible parents...)

I didn't need any single tabloid to tell me any of those things. It's all based on direct observation of hundreds of hours of Kate Gosselin. She needs a LOT of counseling, not TV shows and fame. Her kids need her to get counseling.

SG said... 137

GREAT thread! I enjoyed reading ALL of the comments and agreed with all of them except for some Sagers (no offense). I wish people would stop thinking that the advice I'd downsizing is due to jealousy. It's not. Maybe they think it's jealousy because they are jealous? It's just such a poor argument. I don't think we should tell people to go back to another site if we don't agree with them. I've been in the receiving end of that. Different viewpoints are fine if they are respectful IMO. But poor Sage is probably twiddling her thumbs over there alone.

Kelly you really have a way with words. I'd vote for you in DWTS. ;)

TVsnarkie said... 138

The real damage will be done as the kids hit the 12 year age mark and are ostracized, taunted, baited and abused by their peers.

This is my biggest fear too. Wouldn't it be better if by the time they were 12 they were forgotten? I wonder which kid will be the first to legally change their name? It's very sad and it's what's always bothered me the most about this entire situation.

They didn't sign up for ipods showing their tantrums. The potential cruelty is endless and mommy/TLC wants to make MORE and more "memories" because she doesn't have time to pick up a fucking camera herself (except to 'hint' for a new one, of course).

Linda G. said... 139

Anon 6:37---

A lot of women are projecting their own feelings onto Kate. Women who feel persecuted (whether they really are or not), women who feel unappreciated, women who secretly long for the life she is leading, women who also have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, women who feel shafted by men/hate men...a lot of those women are engaging in classic psychological projection.

What you see when you look at Kate is a very very sick person, emotionally and mentally. Anytime someone like that has captured the public's attention, you always get people who are similarly "sick" in various ways glomming on to them and defending them to the death.

It's really weird to watch.

Kelly said... 140

Good for you Lynn. I couldn't have said it any better.

TVsnarkie said... 141

Lynn R.


Nancy said... 142


You have one more fan that would vote for you on DWTS :)

Lynn R.

You summed it up perfectly and put into words exactly what we all saw over 5 season (yes I called them seasons Kate)

ms.anonymous said... 143

to ms. anonymous said...

Why do you think that if Jon gets custody EVERY SINGLE OTHER UNEMPLOYED FATHER will get custody? It doesn't work that way.

Are their any mothers of multiples who DIDN"T exploit them for fame and fortune? Yes, many.

That comment about 'hot tub parties' shows me that you are probably 12 years old. My son says 'look, a pool party' if there is more than one person in the pool.
When I said pool party I was trying to put it "delicately". I guess I should have just said "bringing home various girls (one at a time) for a night of sex in the hot tub." Maybe the State of PA should just put them all in foster care since everyone's major complaint seems to be about the exploitation of the children. Jon has exploited the children and continues to do so! He doesn't want custody of those children. He wants out from under the child support and he wants money. Bottom line. I would bet the farm on it. Remember his ephiphany? He didn't want them filmed? Then when it was in his best interest he said ok, they can be filmed. Most of the time, the judge gives the parent that has a roof to put over the child's head and a job to support them, custody. If Jon were to get custody that would be setting a precedent. All it takes is one case!

ms.anonymous said... 144

itsaboutthekids said...


Do you think Kate should let Jon take care of the kids when she's traveling around the U.S.?
April 8, 2010 5:36 PM
If he promises not to smoke dope and have hot tub sex while caring for them, why not! Also, it would be best if he had his own place!

Boxed Wine said... 145

Yeah, mary jane is very bad. Booze is where it's at so there can be violence too!

ms.anonymous said... 146

Anonymous said...

Hey I second that itsaboutthekids!

Why can't Jon be at the "residence" with the children when Kate is not there?

Kelly you definately get the lifetime blogging achievement award. I wish I had your wit.

Admin I hope you feel better soon.

How would you like a hostile ex-husband staying at your residence while you were gone? I wouldn't like it one bit. Especially after saying on national tv that he despised me! I wouldn't trust him any farther than I could throw him! He would, however, be welcome to take the children to his home!

IATK said... 147


If, as is in the filing, Kate is putting road blocks out there so Jon can't be with the kids, even though she's going to be gone, how would you suggest he get Kate to agree to this if she's set against it. Wouldn't going to court be the only way?

Melissa said... 148

Unless the father is abusive or neglectful, he should NOT be kept from his kids. Or to put it another way, his KIDS should not be kept from THEIR FATHER.


Adult Daughter who was prevented from seeing her beloved father simply because my mom hated him and was mad he moved on after SHE left HIM

But we missed him horribly

And got in touch with him as adults

Guess who we don't talk to now?

It's not him.

Kelly said... 149

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm going to practice dancing with my girlfriend this weekend. I've been practicing these past few weekends with the following dances that you'll probably never see on DWTS.

1. Pass the check. It's a minor dance when the waiter brings me the bill for the special Lobster dish she ordered.

2. Pass the blame. As I do the shuffle in my seat: I told you that I knew how to get there. The detour messed me up.

3. Pass the remote. Moving from left to right pretending that I can't find it. I don't want to watch Housewives of NYC again this week.

4. Who passed gas. As I lower my left leg. Those damned Yorkies. They got into the refrigerator again.

5. What's in your wallet. As I feign horror that my wallets missing and I do the shuffle. "I'm sorry hon, I'll pay you when we get home.

6. Do these jeans make me look fat: Running for cover and praying she doesn't have that woman's intuition. "NO, the jeans look great. When did you get that muffin top"?

7. Do you love me more today than yesterday: Doing the twist and dodge,
"Honey, I've lost all track of time".

IATK said... 150

Let's say Kate travels 70% of the time between her new show, book tours, personal appearances etc., which means Jon would be caring for the children 70% of the time. Wouldn't he, in lieu of the circumstances, be the primary caregiver which is primary custody and what he's asking for in his petition?

Anonymous said... 151

ms. anonymous:

Well it was KATE who insisted that she keep the house and his visitation was to take place THERE, so she's the one to blame for that!

Kate is so stupid it must hurt. Or it should, anyway.

theotheranonymous said... 152

ms anonymous, since you're here, could you possibly describe Kate's "career" with a degree of accuracy? She's been on a lot of talk shows telling us she's pursuing her "career" but never really pinpoints what that "career" is. Maybe you'd be able to do that? Thank you in advance.

NancyB said... 153

ADMIN- Another question. Are attorneys allowed to be present during the Mediation Sessions? And thanks so much for your response to my questions about GAL.

IATK said... 154

Melissa said...
Unless the father is abusive or neglectful, he should NOT be kept from his kids. Or to put it another way, his KIDS should not be kept from THEIR FATHER.


Exactly right, Melissa. Visitation is the right of the child, not necessarily the parent.

NancyB said... 155

ADMIN- I posted too soon. Question- On Nancy Grace show she was basically saying that she did not believe the court documents that List filed with the court. I find it difficult to believe that a former US Attorney would blatently misrepresent information he filed with the court. What do you think? Do lawyers file cases with knowingly bogus information? And if they do, is there any penalty for doing so. Thanks.

Anonymous said... 156

I'm a little taken aback that so many here think Jon should be the custodial parent. What does he do exactly? The man flies by the seat of his pants. He is clearly unstable and does not hold down any job.

ms.anonymous said... 157

to ms. anonymous said...

Why do you think that if Jon gets custody EVERY SINGLE OTHER UNEMPLOYED FATHER will get custody? It doesn't work that way.

Are their any mothers of multiples who DIDN"T exploit them for fame and fortune? Yes, many.

That comment about 'hot tub parties' shows me that you are probably 12 years old. My son says 'look, a pool party' if there is more than one person in the pool.
I will try this one more time. I tried to respond earlier but I guess the blog administrator (her right)did not see fit to allow my description of what I mean by pool party. I am far from 12 years old. When I said pool party, I was trying to say it in a "nice" way. I meant doing something usually reserved for the bedroom and definitely something that should not be done in front of children or where children might possibly see you.

Everyone that is against Kate, screams "child exploitation". Jon has exploited the children, too, and is continuing to exploit them. He doesn't want them full-time, he only wants the child support dropped or reduced and money in his hand. Typically judges don't give custody to homeless, unemployed fathers and this should be no exception. If the judge agrees to give him custody, he would be setting a dangerous precedent.

I don't know all the parents of multiples out there, so I have no idea if they have exploited them one way or another. I suspect they have all received some sort of "compensation" they might not have received otherwise, whether it be free diapers, babyfood, car seats, etc. The Duggars and Roloffs come to mind, no matter if they make money other ways, their children are still being put on display. I also think it is a shame, that the older Duggar kids have to "parent" a younger one. That is robbing a child of their childhood as far as I'm concerned.

One other thing, is neither of the lawyers should be trying this in the court of public opinion. If they cared about the children as much as everyone says they do, this should be done quietly, behind closed doors!

Anonymous said... 158

Ms. anonymous... I thought Kate herself said that house belonged to the kids? If that's the case then it's the parents who rotate in and out as opposed to the kids. Kate isn't expected to take the kids to her place, so why is he?

As for the supposed hot tub parties, I only heard about one. And doesn't anyone find it odd since TLC settled their lawsuit with Jon that we don't see photos of him cavorting with other women? Now that's he's back under their thumb there's no need to smear him at every opportunity.

Of course now that he's challenging custody I expect to see his every discretion front page news yet again while Kate's is, as always, swept under the rug.

Neither of them is a model parent but leaving the care of the kids to a nanny when a parent is ready, willing and capable to take over full time is ridiculous. Especially when that other parent is under contract NOT TO WORK in the only business that would hire him (with his notoriety do you think any non-entertainment business would hire him? In a recession?).

On a slightly different topic, someone mentioned above a rumour about Kate ignoring Alexis's illness and Jon taking her to the doctor who diagnosed strep throat. I truly hope that rumour is untrue. But true or not considering what their TLC program showed (Kate's lack of empathy about Colin's constipation, completely ignoring Cara's injury until Mady brought it up 3 days later during filming, Joel feverish & puking and shut in the laundry room alone, etc.) I have no doubts the kids face worse when left to Kate's "mercy".

Thanks Melissa said... 159

Hearing from someone who's "been there" has more weight than all the speculation in the world.

Anonymous said... 160

the moderated part of this site is killing the conversation. Who cares what the ney sayers put on here. Just delete it. Waiting for a response or waiting to read opinion due to moderation is making us all go elsewhere. Loved the site before but am finding it hard to come back to, knowing there are hours before reading new content. ~ Administrator said... 161

I don't know if attorneys are allowed to be present in mediations there. I'm allowed to be present when a case of mine goes to mediation but usually I like to just talk to the mediator first about my position, she or he checks in with me as they go along to run things by me, and I sign off on the final settlement. I'd rather not hold their hand, I'd rather just let them do their magic. That's the whole point of mediation let them try to do it without a trial. ~ Administrator said... 162

Itsaboutthekids....I have to disagree, most jurisdictions laws about visitation do imply it is a right of the parent. There is a fundamental constitutional right to your child and any restrictions on that must not violate your rights.

It is RARE to have a no contact order. I've only seen it in the worst abuse cases you can imagine--severe sexual abuse usually. There is lots of case law that even suggests a judge should force a child who does not want to visit, to visit, even if they just sit there and stare at a wall--as long as visitation would not be detrimental. The law actually is very protective right now of parents' rights to visitation.

Melissa said... 163

I just hope that the judge orders a psychiatric evaluation of Kate.
That should settle the whole primary custody issue pretty damn fast.
I also hope Jon and the kids are getting the therapy they need, having lived with this abusive, delusional, narcissistic woman for so long.
If anyone wonders which parent the kids are most comfortable with, look at the pictures of Jon picking them up at the bus vs. Kate picking them up at the bus. ~ Administrator said... 164

Usually when I sign an affadavit like this I say something like "I certify that the above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge." I don't see that on this document, but of course an attorney is bound not to mislead or misrepresent information to the court. And if you knowingly do so you can be sanctioned by the court and even jeopardize your license. ~ Administrator said... 165

We'll go back to unmoderated soon as long as it continues like this. ~ Administrator said... 166

And actually it's not hours usually I can approve comments instantly on my blackberry throughout the day.

Anonymous said... 167

If Jon would have belittled Kate at every turn and verbally abused her, playfully slapped her and scolded her in stores the women would be outraged. So why is it when a woman does all those things to a man, somehow he deserves it? The Kate worshippers sweep it under the rug, blaming it on his immaturity.If Jon would have done those things to Kate, he would never have been able to show his face in public again. But because she has "super uterus" it is okay. Double standard and hypocrisy

TVsnarkie said... 168

Kelly, you're cracking me up.
Don't ever stop!!

Belle said... 169

Ha ha, Jon's homeless now too?
Why don't they just throw him in jail for extreme stupidity? He Married Kate.

Jupiter said... 170

Lynn R- EXCELLENT POST!!! I want to frame that and nail it to Nancy Grace's forehead.

Re: Nancy Grace. She is simply NOT a reporter. It's easy to confuse her for one because people who are on talk shows are generally of a journalistic background. Nancy was/is a lawyer. She has not done her homework about Kate and about the ISSUES surrounding the whole fiasco.

To the Admin:
I am from NY. I was once in family court and witnessed a couple who had agreed on a visitation order and it was presented for the judge to sign. He went over the order, questioned some of it and finally hammered on one point: The one year old child would be returned to the mother at 9:00 pm. The judge lectured them both and said that it was much too late for a baby to be just arriving home. He then talked to them about the importance of schedules and a bedtime routine. He refused to sign the order and said the baby needed to be home by 8:00 pm. is my question: Is that just a crazy small town judge? Do other judges act like that?

ms.anonymous said... 171

theotheranonymous said...

ms anonymous, since you're here, could you possibly describe Kate's "career" with a degree of accuracy? She's been on a lot of talk shows telling us she's pursuing her "career" but never really pinpoints what that "career" is. Maybe you'd be able to do that? Thank you in advance.
April 8, 2010 7:41 PM
Since I don't live in Kate's head, I really don't know what she would be referring to. My guess, and it is only a guess, would be a "career in television". Kind of like Elizabeth from the View...she started out on Survivor.

mommyinca said... 172

Hey Admin- I have a question for you if you don't mind ;)

Kate's book (from the few excerpts that have been leaked) has me outraged. It seems criminal to be able to write about your children in a way that exposes their pain and suffering. If the kids were adults, they would certainly have more say in what was put in the book, right?

It just boggles my mind (whatever her "reasoning" is) how a mother (protector) could sell her kids struggles.

Could any of us look back into our childhoods and imagine our mother writing a book "to" us that details our struggles with abandonment for anyone to purchase??

Please someone, anyone, explain how this is ok in any way???!!

TVsnarkie said... 173

Typically judges don't give custody to homeless, unemployed fathers and this should be no exception. If the judge agrees to give him custody, he would be setting a dangerous precedent.

There is NOTHING typical about this situation.

Jon had a home. Kate took it. Jon had an apartment in NYC. Someone trashed it. Yes, I agree, Jon is guilty of exploiting the kids too. He's also 'guilty' of stopping the filming during the middle of the divorce.

Jon gets 5k a month from TLC and he's FORBIDDEN to take any other media work. Kate gets 100k from TLC and can also earn money on DWTS, The View, Jay Leno . . .etc. If Jon takes a job with "The Insider" . . . KATE doesn't get paid by TLC.

Has Kate's side denied any of the claims above?

Jon also is paying 21k a month in child support. That money is coming from somewhere. Investments? Interest off other money? Whatever, but calling him unemployed and homeless?

Trashing Jon never makes Kate look better. If Jon is as toxic and evil as his ex-wife, those kids have absolutely no hope for a decent life. I chose to believe that one of their parents loves them for the individuals that they each are. Not the matchy-matchy "sets" that attract attention and bring free things.

Large families taking donations of diapers and formulas isn't in the same category as a trips, spa trips, first class travel, bodyguards, maids, nannies, chefs . . .

Anonymous said... 174

Ms. Anonymous
How would you like a hostile ex-husband staying at your residence while you were gone? I wouldn't like it one bit. Especially after saying on national tv that he despised me! I wouldn't trust him any farther than I could throw him! He would, however, be welcome to take the children to his home!
But Kate agreed to with the mediator during the divorce that Jon could stay in the house, during his visitation and could live in the garage apt when it was not his visitation. If she didn't want this, She shouldn't have agreed to it and shouldn't have violated the agreement!
How would you like your former spouse to spew lies (especially by omission) Kate has implied that she has to work because she can't count on Jon but he's paying her 20K a month. She implies that he is not working but TLC is paying him and not allowing to work any other jobs. He is not allowed to speak without approval of TLC but they approve of Kate spewing lies in her MANY interviews!!! Jon is far from the perfect parent; but he is their father and deserves the right to spend any time with those kids that their mother doesn't want to spend with them. He is a much better alternative than being raised by nannies.

I've been busy working and missing all this. Good job bloggers keeping up the fight. May the Gosselin children get a custodial NON-absent parent, whichever one decides to step up to the plate!!


NancyB said... 175

ADMIN- What credentials does one have to have to be a mediator? Your previous explanation was very helpful :)

ms.anonymous said... 176

Anonymous said...

Ms. anonymous... I thought Kate herself said that house belonged to the kids? If that's the case then it's the parents who rotate in and out as opposed to the kids. Kate isn't expected to take the kids to her place, so why is he?

As for the supposed hot tub parties, I only heard about one. And doesn't anyone find it odd since TLC settled their lawsuit with Jon that we don't see photos of him cavorting with other women? Now that's he's back under their thumb there's no need to smear him at every opportunity.

Of course now that he's challenging custody I expect to see his every discretion front page news yet again while Kate's is, as always, swept under the rug.

Neither of them is a model parent but leaving the care of the kids to a nanny when a parent is ready, willing and capable to take over full time is ridiculous. Especially when that other parent is under contract NOT TO WORK in the only business that would hire him (with his notoriety do you think any non-entertainment business would hire him? In a recession?).

On a slightly different topic, someone mentioned above a rumour about Kate ignoring Alexis's illness and Jon taking her to the doctor who diagnosed strep throat. I truly hope that rumour is untrue. But true or not considering what their TLC program showed (Kate's lack of empathy about Colin's constipation, completely ignoring Cara's injury until Mady brought it up 3 days later during filming, Joel feverish & puking and shut in the laundry room alone, etc.) I have no doubts the kids face worse when left to Kate's "mercy".
I agree with you on that one, and I'm sure in her mind it does belong to them. However her attorney says it was awarded to her. If he is right, there is no reason for Jon not to have his own place to take the kids. As many of you so often point out, if it's good enough for us, it's good enough for them! Many kids pack up every weekend or every other week to go to the other parent's home. I don't think she feels she can trust him and, in my mind, rightfully so.

But, yet, everyone feels the need to criticize and pick at Kate no matter what. She could quit her job, stay at home, discover a cure for cancer and the naysayer buzzards will still be picking! And truthfully, who would want Jon? Word has gotten out that he is lazy and won't work! If the rich people threw him out, would a poor person want to support him?

Did you mean his every indiscretion? If so, what indiscretions of Kate's have been swept under the rug? I must have missed something.

If neither is a model parent, wouldn't it then be best to let the nanny's take over? And as far as working in the business, Jon burned that bridge a long time ago when he pulled the stunt on TLC that he did. And I'm not talking about him saying they couldn't film the kids. He deliberately didn't adhere to his contract (getting permission to do other things, morals clause, etc.) and he and his attorney bad-mouthed TLC every chance they got. Why on earth would any other network hire him and take a risk that he is going to thumb his nose at you?

As far as the rumor about Alexis, it is just that, a rumor. I have had strep and didn't go to the doctor for several days thinking it was just a run of the mill sore throat. As far as the laundry room, she put him in there, so he would not be upstairs ALONE while she was fixing a meal for the others. When Jon came home, he then took him upstairs.

I think Kate would walk over hot coals for her kids. She is thinking towards the future. She knows her time on the small screen is limited and wants to earn as much as she can. I can't say that I blame her. The money Jon was forced to put in escrow for the kids certainly won't last another 12 years and he seems to have no interest in being gainfully employed.

French Canadian said... 177

I was happy to find this blog but this afternoon I though that moderation had it's place....It wasn't pleasent to read.

IATK said... 178

Itsaboutthekids....I have to disagree, most jurisdictions laws about visitation do imply it is a right of the parent. There is a fundamental constitutional right to your child and any restrictions on that must not violate your rights.

It is RARE to have a no contact order. I've only seen it in the worst abuse cases you can imagine--severe sexual abuse usually. There is lots of case law that even suggests a judge should force a child who does not want to visit, to visit, even if they just sit there and stare at a wall--as long as visitation would not be detrimental. The law actually is very protective right now of parents' rights to visitation.


Admin, I understand what you're saying here in legal terms and of course you're the expert here. I'm only repeating our personal mantra when my son was requesting supervised visitation for his son. It took several years before we had enough evidence of emotional, physical and sexual abuse (there was a step-dad in the visitation home), and the appointment of a GAL, before the courts finally ordered supervised visits, and once the mother was restricted in visitation she quit showing up at her appointed times. After four years of no contact, my son's wife, the step-mom, was allowed to legally adopt and the bio-mom relinquished all parental rights.

Unfortunately, because the courts were making sure the mom got her rights, a lot of damage was done to our grandson in the process. When do we start putting the rights and welfare of the children first. It's about the kids, or should be.

Belle said... 179

"morals clause"

Why do they need a morals clause on a "reality show?"

Jupiter said... 180

I have been through (and won) two custody battles. (I am in NY)

Here is what I know from my experience:

Often the dad will go for FULL custody when in fact they are willing to settle for less. They aim high and intend to settle lower. I am speculating that Jon simply wants more time with the kids.

Taking kids from either parent is difficult unless there is documented ongoing drug/alcohol abuse, a documented pysch eval, or the parent is convicted of a serious crime. In my case I was taken to court by an alcoholic with a history of DWI's...twice. Once his record was brought in the judge pretty much laughed in his face. (both times)

In the case of the Gosselins there is no smoking gun and it's not so cut and dried. However, Jon does have a right to seek more time with the kids and to have his child support examined and reduced. I do hope that both of those things will happen with this suit. I don't see him coming out with full custody.

Jupiter said... 181

My last comment for the evening..

Why are Kate's worshippers overlooking the $120K a month she is being given? Tell me again why she HAS to work?

Anonymous said... 182

ms. anonymous,
If neither is a model parent, wouldn't it then be best to let the nanny's take over?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! A paid employee is NEVER better than a parent!
And as far as working in the business, Jon burned that bridge a long time ago when he pulled the stunt on TLC that he did. And I'm not talking about him saying they couldn't film the kids. He deliberately didn't adhere to his contract (getting permission to do other things, morals clause, etc.) and he and his attorney bad-mouthed TLC every chance they got. Why on earth would any other network hire him and take a risk that he is going to thumb his nose at you?
If the contract was adhered to EQUALLY FOR JON AND KATE; I for one would not be here. I'm not a Jon fan, but the abuse by Kate with the approval and even encoragment of TLC is sick
As far as the laundry room, she put him in there, so he would not be upstairs ALONE while she was fixing a meal for the others. When Jon came home, he then took him upstairs.
Watch the DVD (not any recent replays, they've been altered) she didn't want him vomiting on the linens!!!!!
I think Kate would walk over hot coals for her kids.
I think Kate would pour hot coals on her kids, for a pay day!

I am not Kate, I am a mother, wife, daughter, friend, school volunteer, town volunteer, food pantry volunteer etc. I am not jealous.

jibberjabbers said... 183

Jon is paying 21k out of pocket. That money is from the divorce settlement. The family assets were split 60/40. Kate receiving 60%.

BUT.. In the END.... Kate is actually receiving over 90% of it because Jon is basically giving it all back to her each month.

Heller FCKED him over BIG TIME.

jibberjabbers said... 184

Jon is paying 21k out of pocket. That money is from the divorce settlement. The family assets were split 60/40. Kate receiving 60%.

BUT.. In the END.... Kate is actually receiving over 90% of it because Jon is basically giving it all back to her each month.

Heller FCKED him over BIG TIME.

just wondering said... 185

And support is TAX FREE income for Kart!

Anonymous said... 186

Wow, a lot of comments! I think Kate could kill a kitten and her supporters would somehow find ways to justify it.
As for Joel on the laundry room floor--that got me, too. There are TWO bedrooms downstairs at the old house--the master and the twins "homework" room. She could have easily put him in one of those rooms. (When my kids were sick, I'd let them stay in my room or downstairs on the sofa--if they were upstairs I'd use the old baby monitor to hear them.)
Kate complained about the laundry more than being concerned about her little boy. She was only responsible for the easy part of the laundry--someone else folded, another person ironed and put away (Carla, and Nana Janet).
That laundry room also had a door leading outside-- that floor must have been cold and drafty. She put him in there like a sick dog.
At least when Jon came home, he checked on Joel and brought him into the master bedroom.
There are too many instances when I used to watch the show and say, WTF? at Kate's behavior towards Jon and the kids. Her behavior always irked me a bit, but it only got worse as the show went on.

Anonymous said... 187

Anonymous said... 188

I'm really disturbed by people saying Jon shouldn't have custody or even visitation with his kids because he "flies by the seat of his pants."

The only time a child should be DENIED SEEING THEIR PARENT (please try to remember the kids LOVE their parents and want to see both of them!!!!) is if that parent is abusive and/or neglectful and the JUDGE is the one who makes that decision, not people on a blog.

Good Lord. I'm ashamed to be a woman when I read other women defending a woman who abused her husband on TV as badly as Kate did to Jon. And apparently people think this is ok! It's not ok when ANYONE does it. If Jon had treated Kate even half as badly as Kate treated Jon, there'd be women lining up with torches and oiled pitchforks screaming to cut his nuts off.

Oh but a woman does it and it's fine, right?

Makes me sick.

Dorothy said... 189

FYI Jon is not homeless. His lease on the NY apartment is not up until July. BTW, TLC paid the rental. TLC legal dept. leaned on Jon to the max. How can one fight that kind of moneyed opposition? Plus, Jon has invested his money. He can look after the kids. Jon did it in the past and could do it again. I am voting for Pam!Last week I managed 20 by phone, 75 on-line. I won't tell how cause baby momma might be lurking and try it.

Anonymous said... 190

Kate in NYC Last night

No Tony in sight.

Kelly said... 191

So, that makes 6 days now that Kates been away from home. She'll come home on Friday, practice dancing for a couple hours in the dungeon, go out for a coffee run, a tanning, a pedicure, pick up her freebies at the Fed Ex store, drive back to the Abu Graib McPrison and parade the inmates out on the driveway in an orderly fashion so the Red Cross can get pictures of them. Hustle the little migrant workers back into the seat shop while she has the chef cook up a bowl of lobster bisque and the nannies count out the grapes, a couple carrots, a cube or two of cheddar cheese and a couple ounces of juicy juice for the prisoners dinner and she's packed and ready to head back out to Hollywood.

*Sugar&Spice* said... 192

I can hear Kate now. Ah Hello I was in NY WORKING PEOPLE. Its all for the show, the kids, the money and the publicity. I need to work. To support my family. I have 8 kids count them. Its not cheep having that many kids. I have bills to pay. Lots of bills um um and credit cards. I need these jobs to support my big family and are lifestyles. I need alot of support from my fans. I will even take the haters. Just so it keeps me in the spotlight longer. I love my kids. Please support me and my family. BLA BLA BLA BLA

Jon should of had this new lawyer in the first place. But I have a feeling Kate will just come out smelling like a rose once again. Tell her sob story how she has to work. How DWTS is a full 24 hr job. With the tanning, dancing, hair, ped/mad, etc. The kids are fine with their suited nannies. The kids are great no problems since Kate has been gone. Once again another line of BS.

Who knows it might just be a big show for Kates new adventures once again.

Anonymous said... 193

Kelly you really need to go on the road with all this. What could we call the national tour?

I hope they do what is right for the kids. This is no way for them to live.


mama mia said... 194

When the children develop problems at home and problems in school, bedwetting, nailbiting, cutting and anorexia, then and only then will Kate admit there are problems-- for her to solve on tv and talk about in books, for profit.

IATK said... 195

mama mia,

Unfortunately, I don't think Kate will ever admit there are problems until or unless she seeks help for herself. If they have problems, it will be somebody else's fault.

theotheranonymous said... 196

Thanks ms. anonymous, but 'career in television' is still vague. Interesting that you'd compare Kate to 'lisbeth who's just another wonky-eyed little twit who lucked into a gig that requires nothing of her except to show up in the morning in a new outfit.

No offense intended towards Whoopi, whom I think would do better to ditch the view and get her own show.

Diane said... 197

Hi mama mia,

I think Kate is one of those people that will not admit any problems even then. I have 3 sisters. One moved several states away from the rest of us and every time I talked to her.....Everything was wonderful, perfect, not a problem in sight. Then, she calls my Dad to keep her son for awhile. He was in serious trouble there and my sister was told to get him out of there if she wanted to keep him out of jail. He stayed with my Dad for as long as he could take it. He lived with his other grandparents, aunts, friends. You get the idea. He finally went back and ended up in prison.

I have another friend that is like that, too. Everything perfect. Her daughter is a drug addict. Shooting up kind and has ODed a few times. Her son is a derelict. Crack addict. Steals from relatives and neighbors for his next fix. He wrote a letter saying he was going to commit suicide. But, everything is perfect.

I think Kate will never admit to any problems. None. Everything is just fine. Or maybe, she just won't notice any problems. She is so "hands on".

Lolly said... 198

Hi, Kate DID admit the kids were having problems in her People interview just recently. She also said she is putting the kids in therapy, (Which has turned out to be a lie). According to people who have gotten advance copies of the new book, she talks of the problems the kids are going through now. (Selling personal letters and their suffering is just unbelievably cruel). THAT is what most of the "haters" concerns are for the children right now. Divorce is horrible for many children. Neither of these gifter parents have really taken that into consideration. Kate has "worked" and been away from home since before the divorce and has not stopped. Jon went nuts, as we all know. I believe that Jon had some sort of break down. Perhaps he now sees the damage they have done to the children. I HOPE this might be the case, but I won't hold my breath. I do believe he loves the kids and maybe something bad is going on with those kids right now. Who knows? At this time in the kids life, I do believe that "work" should have been put aside and the kids nurtured and helped through this rough time. Kate can afford this. And anyone who thinks otherwise is being very naive. What I see from Kate's rabid supporters is no concern about the kids, only Kate. And to be "overjoyed" the kids will have cameras in their faces again, is so incredibly uncaring about these children, it really makes me ill. These children will never have peace as long as their lives are exposed. Living as a normal teenager is not possible for these children. I really fear for their future. Doing some specials or even a short series...ok...I can understand why people do that. But to make it a "career" and not even consider what it means for the future of the children, is just greedy and selfish. These kids will be rich, take a hundred vacations, (that most won't even remember) but at what expense? Not many of Kate's fans even care. Just like Kate.

I just heard that Kate will be GMA next week, get ready another pity party and attack Jon. Hope the kids turn the TV off.

Diane said... 199

Hi Lolly,

Yes, Kate has a lot of contradictions in her life. She says one thing, usually what she thinks she should say, and then, does what she wants. Nobody will know.

If Jon were a woman who stayed home and took care of 8 kids for 2 years, no one would call him a dead beat Mom! But, since he is a man and Kate does it, it's ok to call him a dead beat Dad. Maybe, we should call him a saint, instead.

Pamela Jaye said... 200

I'm still reading and really liked Lynn R's post, in fact I'd like to steal it and give a copy (with credit) to all those deceived mothers who are fans of this woman,It's all summed up so neatly.
Also the post about projecting - I never thought of that at all, before! And Melissa, how sad. I'm glad you get to see your dad now. In my family it was the reverse, and my parents never divorced (in fact, I got yelled at for suggesting it - to this day I can remember right where I was sitting then, just not how old I was.) My mother would tell me that she told our father that when we grew up and left we would not be back to see him. and she was right. after they moved 1400 miles away and 5 years had gone by my father had to say, "If you won't come to see me, at least come visit your mother." In the midst of my father screaming at me for two successive nights in the ER with asthma attacks, I announced I was going home and at the very least called my brother to come and rescue me from all this (he took me to the mall). I was never so happy to go home to a small room with a kitchen - and a bathroom down the hall shared with others.

>>Could any of us look back into our childhoods and imagine our mother writing a book "to" us that details our struggles with abandonment for anyone to purchase??

This reminds me of something I did not hear, but heard about. Shirley Jones, in the 70s, on a talk show apparently discussed some of the teenage problems her son Shaun was having. I don't know what they were, but people were very upset. How times have changed... Kate gets away with doing this or worse for *years.*

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