Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kate's Child Exploitation Book is #11 on NYT Best Seller List

Number 11 on NYT bestseller non-fiction list.

Yet mysteriously, it's not even on's Top 100 list, nor on USA Today's Top 100. How can this be? On, Oprah is #25 of ALL BOOKS. This Time Together is #43. Change Your Brain Change Your Body, just one rank above Kate, is at #41. But Kate's book? Is #411.

In case you forgot all the exploitation this book contains, including calling Mady a liar and revealing intimate details of the children's reaction to the divorce, be sure to read our sneak peek.

193 sediments (sic) from readers:

Irene S said... 1

Be sure to pay attention to the back of the book to. Kate names her special circle by initials.
Jamie & Stevie (the boyfriend(oops I mean married bodyguard) Khate shares a connecting room with often.

And, Aaden cost Mommie Dearest 200 each pair of glasses. Khate had to give up a spa visit to make such a purchase. said... 2

I'm going to be running some errands today, and plan to stop by our local book stores and ask about the sales of this book. Someone brought this up yesterday, and I thought it was a good idea.

AMD said... 3

...and, ironically, No. 12 on the NYT Bestsellers List is "American Conspiracies".
I think this may be another one! :) Very strange. ~ Administrator said... 4

I'm not necessarily suggesting a conspiracy, just a possible inaccurate representation of true sales.

Nontheless, why is EVERYTHING about Jon and Kate so fishy? Nothing is straightforward. Everything is a little off, nothing adds up. You have to admit with how things go down with them, it's no wonder conspiracy theories, or rather questioning what is going on, happen so much.

Why can't Kate's book me #11 on Amazon and #11 on NYT? No conspiracy there.

dee3 said... 5

As I had mentioned in the previous topic, according to Wikipedia, the NYT bestseller list is based on 2 criteria. #1 is sales (how many copies are sold and #2 is a mystery criterion.

I personally don't even care if TLC went and bought thousands of books in order to artificially inflate the sales numbers....I just want to know if the number of books sold DID legitimately qualify it for criterion #1.

Because what I DO want to know regards this mystery criterion #2 and DOES it involve being able to "BUY" (be it through $, influence and/or power) a spot on the NYT Bestseller List.

If it met the sales criteria, fine (though it's natural, IMO, to be skeptical since internet sales are so bad)...even including TLC buying enough to give it that number. That's okay as long as it sold enough to meet that criterion. (for me) BUT if it did NOT meet criterion #1/sales.....then I think it's perfectly reasonable to assume that this COULD be another example of the power and influence of TLC, possibly.

*Sugar&Spice* said... 6

Good its not selling. It shouldn't of even been made. This book should of been private and kept in the family. Not use for financial gain. Soon she will be selling the kids tears set in necklaces for her gain. The woman is deranged to think this book would even sell. Anyone who buys this book is supporting exploration of children in the united states.

Kisses For Noah said... 7
This comment has been removed by the author.
mommyinca said... 8

How do the other NYT best sellers rate in sales on Amazon? It might give us a better idea of how it all works if they are inconsistent as well. Although I have to agree everything about the Gosselins is suspicious! ~ Administrator said... 9

Look at my post, I give you a sampling of other sales on Amazon vs. NYT:

On, Oprah is #25 of ALL BOOKS. This Time Together is #43. Change Your Brain Change Your Body, just one rank above Kate, is at #41. But Kate's book? Is #411.

Don't add up!

bbsak said... 10

This from NYT:
Rankings reflect sales, for the week ending April 17, at many thousands of venues where a wide range of general interest books are sold nationwide. These include hundreds of independent book retailers(statistically weighted to represent all such outlets); national, regional and local chains; online and multimedia entertainment retailers, university, gift, supermarket, discount department stores and newsstands.

Some very interesting info about NYT Bestseller list at wiki. I realize Wiki is not necessarily based on verifiable fact, but they do note sources for you to use to form your own opinion.

Wiki:...The sales figures are widely believed to represent books that have actually been sold at retail, rather than wholesale figures, as the Times surveys a number of actual booksellers in an attempt to better reflect what is actually purchased by individual buyers. Some books are flagged with a dagger (†) indicating that a significant number of bulk orders had been received by retail bookstores..... The exact methodology used in creating the list is classified as a trade secret. As of 1992, according to Edwin Diamond in his book "Behind the Times", the survey encompasses over 3,000 bookstores as well as "representative wholesalers with more than 28,000 other retail outlets, including variety stores and supermarkets"....
There is an interesting paragraph under the heading "Manipulation".
IMO, the key may be 'wholesale' sales and pre-orders.

Irene S said... 11

Maybe Oprah bought a whole bunch of the books to give her audience for her book club. HA!

CJ said... 12

In the end, it really doesn't matter what the NY Times rates the book. Wasn't it reported that Kate got a million dollar advance for this piece of never shoulda been written trash. Poor Katie was smiling (and chanting SUCKERS) the whole way to the bank. Wonder if she's going to share part of the 1M with the little money makers. Geeze, if it wasn't for them, there would be no book.

dee3 said... 13

I would like to comment on a paragraph that the Administrator wrote:

"Nonetheless, why is EVERYTHING about Jon and Kate so fishy? Nothing is straightforward. Everything is a little off, nothing adds up. You have to admit with how things go down with them, it's no wonder conspiracy theories, or rather questioning what is going on, happen so much."

The other day, on the topic of Jon firing his attorney, I'd made a comment or two that I think some people felt were kinda out in left field compared to my usual comments.
I'd probably not worded it/them very well because what I actually meant was pretty much exactly what the Administrator wrote in this paragraph.

I was not indulging myself in massive conspiracy theories. But the fact that nothing ever seems to add up with J&K is a fairly significant issue to me. And then related to that, there always seems to be something that makes me suspect TLC is behind it....and that TLC is a big factor in why most things don't seem to add up.

What really makes me curious, as I've mentioned before, is WHY?? Why is TLC so heavily involved in this? I'm sorry but TLC's massive investment, both financial and emotional, in Kate G. is to ME a situation that does NOT add up....and seems VERY fishy.

So....basically, I was probably a bit upset by Jon firing this attorney, who I'd thought highly of, and did not write those comments very well a few days ago. My actual thinking, from a calm and rational perspective is EXACTLY what the Administrator wrote in that paragraph. Those are my thoughts exactly.

IATK said... 14

I was not indulging myself in massive conspiracy theories. But the fact that nothing ever seems to add up with J&K is a fairly significant issue to me. And then related to that, there always seems to be something that makes me suspect TLC is behind it....and that TLC is a big factor in why most things don't seem to add up.

1. TLC has the entire Gosselin family under contract.
2. Anything said or done by Jon or Kate has to have been approved by TLC.
3. I think it's safe to assume TLC is pulling all the strings when it comes to this family so in effect, we are seeing TLC at work channeled through Jon and Kate.

Which is why, dee3, I think you feel that TLC always has a hand in things that don't add up. I do too.

dee3 said... 15

itsaboutthekids ~

Thanks so much. I really appreciate what you just wrote.

And even just the fact that TLC DOES have a hand in all these things doesn't add up also. WHY? I mean, I could see it, possibly, if Kate had MAJOR talent....but...I just don't GET it. What could possibly be causing them to be SO involved with her and everything about her? Every venue where she ever shows herself? The muzzling of Jon? The pulling of ALL the strings? WHY? Are they hiding something? It just doesn't make sense/add up to me. I've NEVER seen them go overboard like this with ANY of their other celebrities on any of their other shows.

IATK said... 16

Ah,yes, the $64,000 question...Why?

Hovering said... 17

Wow, that is a lot of money. I just retired from Franklin and Marshall and I know how hard it can be sometimes. Good for Kate. She must be rolling in it.

Kelly said... 18

I think that the number of books considered sold is due to the fact that Kate is doing the television bliz with her book and the television shows are purchasing the book in bulk to give out to the live audiences. There are more freebies of this book being given out than bubble gum at a 4th of July parade, yet some organization had to foot the bill.

just wondering said... 19

The New York Times numbers take into consideration how many books the retailers have purchased. They have purchased hundreds of thousands of books. But the public, as shown by Amazon, is not buying them.

The NYT's numbers are all spin and do not actually represent individual books sales.

Anonymous said... 20

Just checked Barnes & Noble website. Kart's book is ranked #715 based on sales.

Elsa said... 21

I believe that part of the reason books open so highly on the NYT list is pre-sales, which explains why Kate's last book -- widely acknowledged to be a bomb -- spent its first week or so on the list. It is possible that HarperCollins/Zondervan leaned on/gave discounts to retailers to order a certain number of books in order to get it a spot on the list.

Has the book been reviewed in by the mainstream press? I know the blog reactions have been almost uniformly negative, but wondered if it has been covered anywhere else.

mommyinca said... 22

So in a nutshell, you can *buy* your way onto the NYT bestseller list by having a corporate sponsor (TLC) who will buy a gazillion in wholesale to keep their golden child in the spotlight? NYT best seller list = more press coverage and more sales.
Does talent and hard work mean nothing anymore??!!

I swear sometimes I feel like I'm back in elementary school where all the popular kids get ahead.

bbsak said... 23

Dee3 said...
What could possibly be causing them to be SO involved with her and everything about her? Every venue where she ever shows herself? The muzzling of Jon? The pulling of ALL the strings? WHY? Are they hiding something? It just doesn't make sense/add up to me. I've NEVER seen them go overboard like this with ANY of their other celebrities on any of their other shows.

You've never seen them go overboard about other shows like this because J&K+8 are the FIRST --- they are THE BIGGEST show of it's kind to air on cable (and by huge numbers = $). J&K brought them soooo much money for very, very little expense and they're banking on Kate to do the same. IMO, she was poised to do just that before DWTS, but with the bad reviews she's gotten, they may need to adjust their profit projections a bit. I don't think for a minute that when she finally flops, that they'll drop her. splat.

What are they hiding? They've hidden the truth about this family since they realized the family show wasn't interesting enough as a documentary and they had to script it. Very few of the activities in the episodes would have ever occurred if not for a script. The show was a sham and the family life was a sham and we know how that cookie crumbled.

dee3 said... 24

Well, HMMPH!

I guess that's the end of me putting any trust in or giving any significant credibility to the NYT Bestsellers terms of what I might be interested in reading. :D

I had incorrectly assumed it actually meant something significant to be on the NYT Bestsellers List. It definitely sounds more prestigious than it's turned out to be.

IATK said... 25

I don't think for a minute that when she finally flops, that they'll drop her. splat.


I'm not sure what you mean by this, bbsak. Why would they hang on to her after she flops (if she does)?

Anonymous said... 26

Why? Because she can make them a buttload of money with her bad attitude - people like to watch "bad" and TLC knows it. That is the job of the station. They don't really CARE about the Gosselins, they just want the money they can bring them.

For what it's worth, I'm a librarian and much of the NYT list would be based on sales to libraries, etc., not just individuals. Note that the book is NOT near the top of the Publishers Weekly list, which is really a more accurate assessment of real sales.

dee3 said... 27


That does make total sense to me. Do you think that TLC still thinks that Kate's shows are going to be as successful as they once thought? I don't sense them scaling back their all-out support for her in any significant way.

You know, I think one of the things that makes me suspicious is that these decisions seem to be made by a single person...and not a group. One person can have a skewed perspective but you're more likely to get a more objective/reasonable perspective when you have group input on decisions. It almost seems like it's not just that it's one person that seems to be making all the decisions but that this particular person is not seeing things the way most of the audience is...which makes me wonder why that is.

Not saying I'm right here...just things I wonder about. :)

bbsak said... 28

mommyinca said....
in a nutshell, you can *buy* your way onto the NYT bestseller list by having a corporate sponsor (TLC) who will buy a gazillion in wholesale to keep their golden child in the spotlight? NYT best seller list = more press coverage and more sales.

just wondering said....
The New York Times numbers take into consideration how many books the retailers have purchased.

NYT says their rankings are based on retail sales. See 11:15am comment.

BINGO -- You may have hit the nail on the head with the comment "I think that the number of books considered sold is due to the fact that Kate is doing the television bliz with her book and the television shows are purchasing the book in bulk to give out to the live audiences. There are more freebies of this book being given out than bubble gum at a 4th of July parade, yet some organization had to foot the bill. It makes sense. The rankings are based on the week ending April 17 when many shows were gearing up for her appearance.

IATK said... 29

But Kate will make money for TLC only as long as people watch her shows. If people stop watching, her 30 minutes is just taking up air time that could be used for a more profitable show. So, I guess I don't know why TLC would hang on to her after she flops. I guess they could keep trying her on one show after another but at some point, if they all fail, she's no longer profitable to them.

dee3 said... 30

IATK~ I THINK bbsak meant that they WILL drop her (splat). I apologize if I'm wrong about this, bbsak, and please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Anonymous said... 31

Admin said: "Nontheless, why is EVERYTHING about Jon and Kate so fishy? Nothing is straightforward. Everything is a little off, nothing adds up. You have to admit with how things go down with them, it's no wonder conspiracy theories, or rather questioning what is going on, happen so much.

I am a PA resident. When the sextuplets were born they were in the news alot. You mentioned how everything that surrounds the Gosselins was fishy. You're right! When I saw the first press conference at the hospital on TV, I couldn't believe these two. All they did was ramble on about God while intermittently mentioning items on their wish list they hadn't received yet. I like to think I have a good BS meter and it went off the charts watching that shameless display of greed and faux Christianity. I took an instant dislike to them. Our newspaper did follow ups on them a couple times that first year and each time Kate would come off as a whining, self pitying biotch. This caused readers to write angry letters to the editor in droves about how the Gosselins need to support the children they chose to bring into this world THEMSELVES and stop complaining and looking for handouts. Then Jon would call the paper and demand a retraction, claiming the reporter took their comments out of context, or he would deny certain statements completely. I'm sure because he wanted the donations to keep rolling in. Jon and Kate have been fishy from day one, their agenda so transparent. They were determined to use those tups as their bread and butter then, six years later nothing's changed.

Kelly said... 32

I think that TLC and most of the other networks are beginning to move away from Kate Gosselin. She's having the "Shania Twain" effect with too much over exposure. Right now, they are squeezing the last bit of public interest out of her to maximize there ad revenue however they all realize it's time to move on.

Anderson Cooper putting it out there about the rumor, Kate, being the next bachleorette was probably scripted by Kates team in an effort for ABC to consider her for another widely seen project.

Me thinks that ABC has had about all they can take of Kate Gosselin and the next two weeks will be telling, based on the ratings of DWTS with Kate gone. If the ratings continue to out score Idol, Kate was a non issue. If the ratings drop substantially with Kates being booted, the execs may want to take another look at Kate.

For now, Kate plus 8 has been put on hold due to the backlash of the Rep Murt hearing and Twist of Kate still hasn't shot their first show. Hold your breath with these predictions but me thinks they are spot on.

bbsak said... 33

Do you think that TLC still thinks that Kate's shows are going to be as successful as they once thought? I don't sense them scaling back their all-out support for her in any significant way.

If they were to ask me for advice I'd tell them to do some more marketing and viewer surveys to find out if her popularity has changed since DWTS. IMO, she didn't do herself any favors by doing the show or the overexposure she got from all the post show interviews. I'm still waiting for their calls. :0)

There have been rumors about Kate and Julie May Carson at TLC for a long time, but no way can one person sway that whole company. Whomever is signing off on 'her' has numbers to back it up. They have a board, stockholders, and many, many people who have had to go along with it. I've got a friend who has very good info that many in the media are NOT pro-Kate and are also in disbelief about what they've seen. But, money talks.

bbsak said... 34

dee3 said...
IATK~ I THINK bbsak meant that they WILL drop her (splat). I apologize if I'm wrong about this, bbsak, and please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

You're right!!

Marnie said... 35

Does anyone have the book signing schedule? I'd like to see if she'll be in my area too?

Anonymous said... 36

This link might help explain why the NYT list looks inaccurate compared to the others. Technically, it IS inaccurate, but because it's the traditional list, it's considered accurate by the public.

The Problem With Bestsellers

Kelly said... 37

I believe the book signing schedule was posted over on Pressi's site.

dee3 said... 38

I want to make clear that the following is MY impression ONLY and I could very well be totally wrong.

But in my mind, I picture ONE person...and a person who, for some reason, is heavily emotionally invested in Kate...making all or most of the decisions. Because I question some of the decisions, just for starters. I don't think I'd have allowed Kate to go on DWTS, especially so close to her new shows starting.

I think that anyone who could objectively see her narcissistic tendencies would have seen that this might not be a great idea. A big factor in my perceptions is that I read around the Gosselin blogosphere try and get a sense of how things are "playing in Peoria", so to speak.

And IF audience voting in any way factored into Kate staying as long as she did, it was my definite impression from reading around that MANY of the votes were initially coming from non-fans who were enjoying watching her dance so horribly...but after several weeks, they'd had enough and just got tired of this and stopped voting for her. One of the articles I'd read made it sound like her audience votes had precipitously dropped the final week.

And yes...I DO get that part of her allure is being "bad". But to me, there's a big difference between seeing someone as "bad" and seeing that person as a "narcissistic and demanding shrew who feels totally entitled". And I get the sense that more and more people are seeing that....and that she's losing more and more potential support she might have terms of being a successful commodity (for TLC).

And..I don't know...there seem to be some bad decisions being a person who's not looking at Kate realistically OR looking realistically at how people are now beginning to perceive her and to react to her.

Like I said, just my impression at the moment.

bbsak said... 39

Duh. I'm sorry for that mistake.

I meant to say 'I don't think for a minute that when she finally flops, that they won't hesitate to drop her'. splat.

bbsak said... 40

The book signing schedule at Pressi's site is from last year -- 2009.

Marnie said... 41

What's Pressi's site? I just googled it and ended up reading about Nana Janet dying. But I didn't see the book signing tour? Sorry to be a PIA.

Marnie said... 42

Oh, never mind. I wanted the tour schedule for this year. Is there a tour?

dee3 said... 43

"For now, Kate plus 8 has been put on hold due to the backlash of the Rep Murt hearing..."


Really? That's fantastic! So glad to hear that. :)

As far as Twist of Kate...I'm fine with her having her own show without the children. Not sure how well she'll do but I don't have a problem with it.

dee3 said... 44

"I've got a friend who has very good info that many in the media are NOT pro-Kate and are also in disbelief about what they've seen."


I'm really glad to read that too. At least it restores my faith that the planet is spinning on it's correct axis. I was almost beginning to believe that everyone in the media were turning into pod-people, under mind control. :D

bbsak said... 45

There is no current book tour schedule that I'm aware of. I'm sure if one is posted Admin will note it on the blog.

Anonymous said... 46

I think any new show will flop, too, because without the ongoing tension between Jon and Kate on screen, Kate's just plain boring. Their show after their split bombed, she was aweful on DWTS -- she just can't stand on her own. There's nothing there. It's ironic, too, because I have always thought she dumped Jon because she didn't need him anymore, not because she didn't love him anymore. The tups were potty trained, starting school, could dress themselves, etc. and they had become rich enough to afford all the help they needed. Plus, she though her star was rising, so adios. She may find she needs him after all.

bbsak said... 47

At least it restores my faith that the planet is spinning on it's correct axis. I was almost beginning to believe that everyone in the media were turning into pod-people, under mind control.

We're not alone. Would be nice if they could speak, though - but they can't. :0(

Carolina Gal said... 48

dee3 said...
"For now, Kate plus 8 has been put on hold due to the backlash of the Rep Murt hearing..."
dee, can you share where you read/heard that? Or can you expound on it?

bbsak said... 49

Carolina Gal said...
dee3 said...
"For now, Kate plus 8 has been put on hold due to the backlash of the Rep Murt hearing..."
dee, can you share where you read/heard that? Or can you expound on it?

I'm not dee3, but Kelly posted it in this thread at @ 1:00, I think.

MickeyMcKean said... 50

Kelly said ...
"Me thinks that ABC has had about all they can take of Kate Gosselin and the next two weeks will be telling, based on the ratings of DWTS with Kate gone. If the ratings continue to out score Idol, Kate was a non issue. If the ratings drop substantially with Kates being booted, the execs may want to take another look at Kate."

Oh, you better believe that my DVR is programmed to record all DWTS from now on!!!

No way Jose do I want the ratings to fall to the point that ABC execs will think that Kate is all that special and consider putting her on another show = more time on my TV!!!

The kicker is yes, I did tune in to DWTS to watch the train wreck but at the same time I was impressed with the other dancers too.

So for me to record and watch the rest of this season is not going to be a stretch.

NancyB said... 51

just wondering said...
The New York Times numbers take into consideration how many books the retailers have purchased. They have purchased hundreds of thousands of books. But the public, as shown by Amazon, is not buying them.
The NYT's numbers are all spin and do not actually represent individual books sales.
April 24, 2010 12:35 PM

That makes sense!

MickeyMcKean said... 52

Dee3 said ...

"I picture ONE person...and a person who, for some reason, is heavily emotionally invested in Kate...making all or most of the decisions. Because I question some of the decisions, just for starters. I don't think I'd have allowed Kate to go on DWTS, especially so close to her new shows starting.

I think that anyone who could objectively see her narcissistic tendencies would have seen that this might not be a great idea."

I happen to share this theory.

I remember reading that "who" she was involved with would be a surprise. I don't know who the who is but I do know that

Love is blind.

Kate is polarizing.

So if one is in love with Kate and wearing rose colored glasses, then Kate decides she wants something, if the WHO has the power to give her what Kate wants, anything is possible.

NancyB said... 53

dee3 said...
Well, HMMPH!
I guess that's the end of me putting any trust in or giving any significant credibility to the NYT Bestsellers terms of what I might be interested in reading. :D
I had incorrectly assumed it actually meant something significant to be on the NYT Bestsellers List. It definitely sounds more prestigious than it's turned out to be.
April 24, 2010 12:43 PM

DITTO that dee3! Wow, It has always carried a certain cache and reputation--NOT FOR ME anymore

mama mia said... 54

Kate went on DSWTS but they couldn't make a credible dancer out of her. It is the same with the Best Seller lists, they can't make a writer out of her.
It is sad when you think about the legacy Kate is leaving her children. She didn't really achieve anything but notoriety and criticism. Her body of work is ridiculed. She should have stuck with the nursing!

Carolina Gal said... 55

bbsak said...
"For now, Kate plus 8 has been put on hold due to the backlash of the Rep Murt hearing..."
dee, can you share where you read/heard that? Or can you expound on it?

I'm not dee3, but Kelly posted it in this thread at @ 1:00, I think."

Thanks bbsak! KELLY, can you share where you read or heard this?

French Canadian said... 56

It's Going To Be A Bumpy Ride

Could be interresting....

Carolina Gal said... 57

Also, I wanted to comment on another thread in which someone posted 'all' the people TLC may have bought off. Could they have done same w/the director of the Labor bd. in Pa? TLC should have received big fines for failure to comply with licenses, etc. and as we all know, they didn't.

my9cats said... 58

Ditto that and more, NancyB and Dee3. I always thought the NYT best seller list was what all author's aspire for. Their version of the grammy, emmy, tony, and oscar.
Ah... another illusion shattered.

French Canadian said... 59

mama mia said...

Honestly, I would not like Kate to take care of me if I where sick, I don’t think she can return as a nurse. I would be scared. She seems to have a hard time taking care of her own children when they are sick.

franky said... 60

Thanks french Canadian ( I am one too)I will be checking out the posts tonight, can't wait to see what they say.

NancyB said... 61

Oh I definitely believe that something "fishy" happened with The Labor Bd. & TLC. Absolutely. I believe that Rep Murt is furious about their lack of accountability. I read @ Werny Gal's site last week that a document that Murt had requested on numerous occasions he had still not received. He had told WG that if he did not get it by the next day that he intended to personally contact the Labor Bd. Director. Definitely bought off, IMO.

I_Want_Nobu! said... 62

Discovery is selling Kate's book direct from their online store at $22.99 so yes, I think it's quite possible, even likely, Discovery (TLC) did purchase books from the publisher for RESALE. The online store is a retail operation.

Last I checked there were 3 reviews of the book online for a combined score of 5.0 (perfect).

my9cats said... 63

Maybe TLC cast family members of the DOL as Kate's friends. Who knows. I am not a conspiracy oriented person, but something is behind that Gosselin curtain.

CJ said... 64

If 'Twist of Kate' tanks... here are two other ideas for new Kate shows:

1. Real Housewife of Wernersville (notice, wife is not plural)
2. Inmates at Wernersville

Carolina Gal said... 65

I do recall when Bill Hayes, Ex. Prod. at TLC made the comment that (paraphrase) "heck yes they were going to find another venture for never know what she's going to say...if we don't, someone else would".

Butterflyby said... 66

Long time lurker. First time posting. I read this on Gwop and i think it sums it up exactly.

It hit me like million pound ton of bricks, ladies and gents, Jon and Kate are as thick as theives and both continueing to make money off the fact that she abused fertility drugs (due to her connection as a then RN)
They can utilize the media all they want with the Good Cop/Bad Cop ploys all they want, but it is so ever apparent that the both of these people continue to be a team to use the kids for profit. At this point, I really don't think there is much hope for the kids in these ever formative years, since most likely Jon will get more custody time with the kids (after all Kart would be the wicked witch of the east if she denied a father who WANTED time with his kids). Boy do I feel ike a dufus for actually thinking this might be a real life family drama (i.e. Jon) when it is just a sick a$$ version of the truman show with 8 little innocent folks, who let's face it, are probably all but ruined due to the fact they have been exposed/used/manipulated in front of a camera and crew for god knows how many hours of a day, how many days of a week since birth for what 5 years now. I am going to Pray Pray Pray for those kids.

Anonymous said... 67

"For now, Kate plus 8 has been put on hold due to the backlash of the Rep Murt hearing..."


IATK said... 68

Below is the first and last paragraph in a rather long and interesting article from about Bill Hayes, producer. Had Jon not pulled the plug for whatever reason, this is what the kids had in their future....cameras following them from room to room, grade to grade.

Family Man

Meet the producer behind Jon and Kate, Table for 12, and 18 Kids and Counting.

By Jamin Brophy-WarrenPosted Friday, Nov. 27, 2009, at 7:39 AM ET

"In the summer of 2005, television producer Bill Hayes was sitting at his desk in Carrboro, N.C., when his partner and production manager Deanie Wilcher told him about a potential lead. Hayes and his company, Figure 8 Films, had been looking for large families to serve as documentary subjects, and the family Wilcher had found fit the bill: twin daughters and a set of sextuplets. Hayes picked up the phone and called the young Pennsylvania couple, who were excited about television and liked the idea of creating a visual memento for their eight children......."

"........Documentary filmmakers often face a difficult choice: They can either turn their work into sensationalist pap or suffer the attention-starved fate of the talented but unappreciated auteurs hoping for a shot at nontheatrical release on HBO. Hayes has had the rare distinction of watching his company's work enjoy widespread popularity without the content of his products changing all that much. Had there been no divorce, no paparazzi, no "Team John" and "Team Kate," Figure 8 would still be camped out in the Gosselin home, cameras in hand, following those eight precocious children from room to room, grade to grade. "It's sad, because we were in the middle of our stride," Hayes says. "There were still so many stories to tell."

I_Want_Nobu! said... 69

Link to Discovery book store:


According to these pics taken on Friday it kinda looks like Jon Gosselin is cleaning up his image. Perhaps he has an audition coming up or is dating someone who doesn't appreciate the grunge look? Heck maybe he's trying to impress TLC by reverting back to the preppy look they (TLC) favored when he and Kate were still doing the show together.

IATK said... 70

The above is something I posted and saved some time ago. Obviously, now that there's possibly going to be a Kate plus Eight, the kids continue to be exposed to this type of thinking.

NancyB said... 71

bbsak said...There have been rumors about Kate and Julie May Carson at TLC for a long time, but no way can one person sway that whole company. Whomever is signing off on 'her' has numbers to back it up. They have a board, stockholders, and many, many people who have had to go along with it. But, money talks.
April 24, 2010 1:01 PM

Well said!

Sick of Karts and Jons Krap said... 72

Looks like he's hour spending all the money TLC just lined his pockets with.

NancyB said... 73

ITAK-Thanks for reminding me about that article on Hayes from Slate!! I think that when Kelly said that Kart plus 8 was on hold that he was forecasting only. Actually, I totally disgree with him & Z on this point. I do not believe that TLC has any plan to put that "goldmine" of a show on hold. There have been several interviews of Kate recently that refer to a cross country trip and a maybe to Europe. TLC absolutely WILL proceed with that show. Now, maybe the new negoitiations with Jon will give him more of a role in this sleazy exploitive project who knows? But stop the show --No Way.

Carolina Gal said... 74

"There have been rumors about Kate and Julie May Carson at TLC for a long time, but no way can one person sway that whole company. Whomever is signing off on 'her' has numbers to back it up. They have a board, stockholders, and many, many people who have had to go along with it. But, money talks."

Can't forget, 'the kids' are coming off a run/season that earned TLC mega, mega bucks. Like it or not, people tune in to watch Kate 1. make a fool of herself 2. they are fans 3. they want to see her go down, in flames preferably. Right now TLC's 'impression' of Kate is she's a money maker. I don't think Twist of Kate will 'flop', for the same reason she remained on DWTS as long as she did. Given their highest ratings ever in all seasons, as well as other shows that have used her for ratings, I don't think she's going anywhere, anytime in the near future. Time will tell....

Anonymous said... 75

"I don't think Twist of Kate will 'flop', for the same reason she remained on DWTS as long as she did."

I don't think it's going to flop because I don't think it's going to get off the ground.

alana said... 76


Was this the document that had to do with "child abuse?" I read this on Wernygirl's smalltowngosselins blog.

Dee3 and Mickey McKean -

I'm SO relieved to see my "paranoid conspiracy theories" are not so paranoid after all. And I'm going to stop referring to them as a "conspiracy." They are my theories, period.

Linda S from Gig Harbor said... 77

When I read about the positive reviews on, I popped over to read them. They were all written before the book came out!!! So I created an account and wrote my own review. I said the book was heartbreaking and mentioned the other 'early' reviews. Wonder if they'll post it.

Sick of Karts and Jons Krap said... 78

Nancy, a trip to Europe wouldn't surprise me one bit. Go to twop and see how there is a new sparked interest in LPBW since their trip to Europe The Gosselin trip can't be far behind. We all know TLC doesn't have a creative brain cell working. Instead they just rehash the same themes/stories on different shows.

I_Want_Nobu! said... 79

To Linda S - good of you to follow up with the Discovery Online book store - let us know if they publish your review! Thanks!

LifeinOH said... 80

WG will have new posts tonight - local inside info. ~ Administrator said... 81

By the way is there interest in me auctioning off my autographed copy of Kate's book? The infamous book where rat-claw Steve dragged me out. Proceeds to A Minor Consideration.

I'd want to get at least a couple hundred dollars for it for it to be worth it.

Paprika formerly known as stoopidspice said... 82

Kate will go to Europe? What is she going to do there?
Her show is supposed to be about being in the shoes of everyday people. Is she going to put on a straw hat and navigate a gondola?

I feel the same way about it being fishy. I think if we feel it, then many many others (media?) feel it also.

Anonymous said... 83

I dont know why people care so much about this women. Just shows you anyone on tv can become famous for nothing.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 84

Admin - I think that's a great idea! I don't think any of us would want it, even if the money goes to a good cause. But I bet if you put it on eBay, some Khate fan will want an autographed copy. You can try it by setting a reserve price, which the buyers do not see. It allows you to not have to accept the highest bid if it doesn't reach the amount you want (e.g., $200).

MickeyMcKean said... 85


Just a thought - you might want to consider listing this book on eBay and say in the listing that all sale proceeds will go directly to A MINOR CONSIDERATION via PayPal.

With the buyer paying directly to AMC's PayPal account, everything is on the up and up, and no Sheeple can say that you did not follow through and that you are also making $$$ off the Gosselin kids. ~ Administrator said... 86

Even when Jodi/Kevin donations went directly to AMC I was still accused of getting kickbacks, but of course I will set it up so you donate directly to AMC just like last time.

MickeyMcKean said... 87

I see great minds think alike :)

dee3 said... 88

Carolina Gal~

The part about the filming of Kate plus 8, I got from Kelly's post at 1:01 PM. here on this topic. I'm not sure, however, where he got that I was saying I was happy for the children if it was true.

MickeyMcKean said... 89

I just went to eBay. A seller has 10 books signed by Kate for $50 each.

Now, I wonder where this seller in New York got 10 copies?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 90

Sorry if this is off topic, but it's the latest info on Khate - yet another day of pampering herself, followed by the paparazzi she has on speed dial. You know, if she really hated it so much, she would pay someone to come to her house for her manicures and pedicures. I know quite a few people who have done that, on both ends (I have a friend who owned a nail salon and she and some of her employees did go to homes of certain customers. Plus, sometimes a regular manicurist likes to earn cash on the side by going to homes of her best, long-time customers). And not for nothing, but WEEKLY mani/pedi's are a bit much, aren't they? Especially weekly pedicures. WTH? Who really needs a pedicure every seven days?? Plus, even when money isn't an issue, it's kind of a pain in the neck and too time consuming to get mani/ped's every damn week. Then again, she has a hell of a lot more free time on her hands than ANY mother that I know!

Kate Gosselin's Reading Weekend

Posted April 24th, 2010

Taking some time for a little pampering, Kate Gosselin was spotted leaving a nail salon in Reading, Pennsylvania on Saturday (April 24).

The mother of 8 did her best to avoid the paparazzi as she kept her head down and headed to her vehicle after a mani/pedi appointment while ex husband, Jon, tended to the kids.

In recent news, after being booted from “Dancing With the Stars” last week, Kate made a stop at “Jimmy Kimmel Live.”

When Jimmy threw out the suggestion for Gosselin to be the next “Bachelorette” on ABC, Kate simply responded, “No. I’m married to my kids and my career.”
Hollywood Gossip

Enjoy the pictures of Kate Gosselin stepping out in Reading (April 24).

More Pictures

NancyB said... 91

Oh I like this idea! They are still accusing you of ripping off all the peple on this blog who contributed! Bunch of dummmies cause you clearly had blue clickable links to AMC. Hey, did our donation amounts increase at all when you extended the time?

Sue Buddy said... 92

cherier1 said...
WG will have new posts tonight - local inside info.

What is WG, Weird Gossip, Whacked out Gosselins? My brain is tired.


Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 93

MickeyMcKean said...

I see great minds think alike :)


I guess so! But, I only mentioned eBay. Your post was better because you mentioned setting it up with the proceeds going to AMC. Great idea!

Admin, you might as well go for it. Why bother keeping that junk around when you can raise some money and donate it?

MickeyMcKean said... 94

WG is Werney Gal

and her blog is found at: ~ Administrator said... 95

I need to read it and recap it first. I'm recapping it in first-person, as Kate would talk.

Needless to say it's a slow process, this is not a quick read.

dee3 said... 96

Oops, thanks bbsak. I just saw that you covered that for me. :)


When I think of this one person, I don't really think of the producer of the show. In fact, I can see logic in how the article described his (Hayes) thought processes. He'd hit a goldmine, the shrewish side of Kate was actually drawing more viewers with Jon still on the show, etc. His thoughts make total sense to me.

This person would be someone involved in Kate's PR. How Kate is presented. And also someone with the clout to call in all sorts of influence peddling, etc.
The decisions I question are mainly about how Kate's been presented. And about someone seeing Kate quite differently from what most of the public is seeing....and not keeping current with the changing impression most have of her...and still seeing her with rose-colored glasses (as someone here described it).

I know that Kate's narcissism probably makes it somewhat difficult to handle her (just like Tony found it difficult to teach her to dance)...but I think that I'd have had a ghost-writer write this last book...someone who'd have the sense to take all the negative things/criticisms about the children out of it and at the very least, make it all about the children and loving messages to the children.

I'm having a great deal of difficulty trying to figure out if their agenda is to present her as this great role-model mom (who went from SAHM to working mom) OR as the villain who people love to hate. Do they want to make people like/admire her or are they wanting people to hate her? It seems like another bad plan/decision to me. Pick one and stick with it. There's no consistency. I can't figure out what the hell they're going with.
And is it even a "them" or mainly one person handling all this?

Virginia Pen Mom said... 97

If the comments about Kate border on snarky, I think it's just because we all are so frustrated. Every time we think there's hope, a parachute to give the kids some semblance of their childhoods, that hope is immediately dashed.

Jon halts filming, but caves. The show is canceled, but Kate + 8, like the undead, is returning. Murt investigates (the only true white knight we've seen, IMO) but is stymied by not getting documents and seems powerless. Jon gets a new lawyer and sues for custody, then drops the case.

Meanwhile, every way we turn, money speaks louder than the pleas of those who wish someone--anyone--would come to the rescue of these children.

At some time, I've heard many say (and I've thought) we should just stop watching and caring. But somehow, I guess we all hope that some opening will occur, even if we remain just voices crying in the wilderness.

FILMING CHILDREN'S LIVES FOR PROFIT IS WRONG! Each of us has said it at one time or another, reminding me of the saying, "It is necessary only for the good man to do nothing for evil to triumph."

One day, after the long-awaited Gosselin Law is finally passed, no one will believe that selling childhoods to any voyeur could ever have once been not only legal but acceptable. And that the mother actually praised as "America's Favorite Mom" or some nonsense.

Dr. Lillian Glass used to call a spade a spade with Kate. (And I know there are questions about her credentials.) Her last entry on Kate said she noted a "change" in Kate. Suspicious?

And then in her most recent blog, she talks about Octomom (Suleman) being on Oprah, and Oprah asking if Suleman would ever put the kids on TV to help financially. Suleman said no, not ever, that that bordered on abuse. "Dr." Glass proceeded to make fun of such a view. You know, I'm not defending Suleman at all. But at least she publicly stated she hoped not to put the kids in a series--despite financial concerns. And SHE'S called out? What the...???

(Sorry this is so long and for the rant.)

Here's the blog:

marnie said... 98

hi all, I have been posting here for a few months and I just noticed upthread that someone is using my screenname to post - strange but I will just change mine if she keeps postin'.

I think that Kate's new show will be hyped to the hilt, be big ratings for a week or two, then bomb. Even a trainwreck gets boring pretty quickly. After that - she'll try desperately to stay in the public eye, I remember her saying in an interview recently that she wants to be on 'all my children'. She'll try for an acting career and hopefully be laughed out of town.

Lolly said... 99

Hello everyone,

Linda S from Gig Harbor.. I ran across the Discovery reviews earlier today. I, too, wrote about the early reviews and commented on the book, as well. I also put, "I know you will not publish this, I understand.."

As far as the book sales, IF Kate still has the droves of fans (mostly in the South) with the long lines, the book sales will spike when she goes on tour. I think it is strange no tour dates released yet. I asked how the sales were going at BN locally, they told me not too well right now, not as many as the last two books. No exact numbers given. But the manager did say the other two books had sold out fairly early and she is afraid they many have overbought this one. The managar btw, USED to be huge fan, the DWTS appearance really turned her OFF completely. Maybe times are a changing!

dee3 said... 100

Also...let me add:

I do realize that the plan could be to present her as BOTH (the great mom/nice person AND the villain) in order to feed the Gosselin blogosphere frenzy, which I am sure they attribute much of the interest in her to. Whether they like her or hate her, the blogging interest is pulling in the money, just keeping her front and center.

BUT...I don't think presenting her as both is a very good long-term plan. Just like the plan they went with on DWTS did not turn out to be a great one either. (Or this third book, I'm betting). Like I mentioned before, my impression, when reading multiple blogs and articles, was that Kate WAS bringing in high voting numbers BUT that a high percentage of them were from non-fans who were having a great time watching her perform so terribly....but after a few episodes of that, they quickly lost interest....and her voting numbers apparently plummeted.

I mean sure, a villain can be interesting. But the negative way they're allowing her to be presented now (while they meanwhile keep going with the alternate personality Kate...the inspiring mom) just making more and more people dislike her and not want to watch her.

Someone objective should have seen her NPD...because I'm absolutely sure she is MUCH, much worse behind the scenes (narcissism-wise), and planned ahead. But lately, it's spinning out of control and it's just one negative thing after another coming out. And I question who was handling all this and was it mainly one non-objective person with a lot of clout?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 101

Administrator said...

I need to read it and recap it first. I'm recapping it in first-person, as Kate would talk.

Needless to say it's a slow process, this is not a quick read.


Admin - I give you a lot of credit. It sounds so laborious, I think I'd rather visit my dentist sans novocaine than slog through that crapola!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 102

Oh, poor Tony never gets a break! He finally got rid of the Wicked Witch and flew back to L.A. today but now he has a cold:

Tony Dovolani - Twitter

LifeinOH said... 103

Better crack open a good red, Admin., before you crack that crock ;)

Seriously, the book will be infinately more entertaining when reviewed with your take.

dee3 said... 104

Virginia Pen Mom~

I totally agree with you. It IS very frustrating because when it comes right down to it, we DON'T actually know if we might be being played by Jon and Kate (though I tend to doubt it...can't see Kate pulling that off...and she genuinely seems to loathe Jon) OR if anything similar to that factors in OR if TLC is responsible for ALL of the things that don't add up, etc.

And it's turned into a bit of a mystery...and people WANT to know how it will end. And what was going on all along. And also want to see the best possible outcome for the children...and ALL children on reality TV.

But things seem to never add up and there's this feeling that we're being HAD and I totally agree that it IS very, it seems never-ending and just goes on and on and on....much longer than it should be....not to mention this pattern of slight hope, then a backwards slide when something negative douses the hope and the pattern seems to continue on and on also.

It absolutely is an exercise in frustration but I think most of us are determined to see what the ending is at this time and will hang in there just to be able to see it. And to be reassured, hopefully, that the world DOES make sense and that there IS such a thing as Karma and that good brings more rewards than evil.

Lolly said... 105

This thing with Jon and his lawyer, TLC for sure had a hand in it, as I see it. This is the FIRST time Jon has made a statement to the press/paps since the court put a muzzle on him, how many months ago? TLC says nothing? With his statement to TMZ, he violated a court order. Jon even told the paps right after he lost, that he was not even allowed to say "no comment".

LifeinOH said... 106

Correction: infinitely

LifeinOH said... 107

"It absolutely is an exercise in frustration but I think most of us are determined to see what the ending is at this time and will hang in there just to be able to see it. And to be reassured, hopefully, that the world DOES make sense and that there IS such a thing as Karma and that good brings more rewards than evil."

Yes. Exactly.

Kelly said... 108

Sorry for leaving everyone in the lurch with my earlier statement this morning, eastern standard time regarding Kate plus 8. Here is a clarification and an apology for leading anyone on with a potential misleading statement.

A former colleague of mine who now has moved and now works for the State of PA, has clarified his/her information thus my clarification of my statement.

As a result of the investigation and subsequent hearing by Rep Murt of PA, the PA department of Labor is instituting more stringent rules for those wishing to obtain permits for minors employed, filmed, hired, contracted or used for endorsements in any endeavor within the State of PA.

Furthermore, those who are under the age of majority must have permits approved by the State, signed by the parents, guardians or those assigned or appointed by a a legally bound representative.

In addition, from my reliable source, any attempt to continue, contribute, assign or appoint a guardian in place of the minor(s) involved must submit to a thorough background check, to include and not limited to a civil and criminal report.

The real telling result is that Figure 8 and TLC/Discovery are now going to have to jump through hoops prior to continuing with their money making endeavor and those involved, including the parents, family, relatives, employees, contractors, subcontractors and any involved in the production are subject to an intense background check, hours involved, those involved in the production and safeguards provided.

Just and FYI. Sorry for any misleading info prior to this.

dee3 said... 109


I'm not completely sure if that was a court order. My impression was that Jon being muzzled is from the contract he has with TLC...which he WAS going to court for (breach of contract) BUT Jon and TLC settled out of court....and apparently not speaking and not working elsewhere was part of that contract.
I don't think he's violating any court order...but someone can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about this.

MickeyMcKean said... 110


Thanks for the clarification.

Now I'm wondering if TLC/Kate will try to work around this PA stumbling block by filming elsewhere on location, including Europe.

I also believe that if any footage was shot while Kate was in CA for DWTS that included the children that Gloria Allred will be on their Figure 8/TLC butt faster than the speed of light.

Lolly said... 111

dee3 You could be right, I just assumed that the court ruled that he had to abide by the contract? Thus that would be court ordered? Admin probably could shed some light on it, please?

Something is very fishy with the whole thing. For the FIRST time, Jon felt comfortable talking to TMZ ,for some odd reason. He has not uttered a word before this.

French Canadian said... 112


Kate mentioned that the family would do a lot of trips, I imagine out of PA, could it be the reason why they are going to travel? Maybe they won't need the permits

dee3 said... 113


I was just going to ask Kelly about that....whether he knew if:

1. TLC could just film the children in a different state (or even country) and the fact that their residence is in PA would not be a problem. OR:

2. If the children would actually have to move and establish residency in a state that doesn't have these same restrictions that the PA labor board is now enforcing.

And also:

Would another state be likely to look the other way just like the PA dept. of labor did or do you think they might have problem now that all this info has come out? I also saw on Rep. Murt's website that he's planning a second hearing...but no specific date yet.

One big issue regarding filming elsewhere would be school.....but if they do the filming during their summer vacation....they could actually pull this off and get around these PA restrictions?

What possible options are there that TLC could use to get around this and film the children again with little to no labor board interference?

dee3 said... 114


To ME that would indicate that TLC ALLOWED Jon to speak to TMZ and is further proof that they approved of Jon firing his attorney and may have had a hand in it. Because you are right...he's not been allowed, per his TLC contract, to talk to any of the media.

Kelly said... 115

The good news is, as my colleague told me was that filming will be limited or almost non existent in PA. Filming could and probably would happen outside of PA in an effort to usurp the regulations that will be set in place.

Looks like the Kids are going to be filmed yet again in Bald Head Island NC and all the other states that aren't tightening the laws.

Such a shame.

I_Want_Nobu! said... 116

LOL! Check out this convenient photo op of Kate Gosselin autographing a copy of her book while in NYC to do the Regis and Kelly show. Coincidence? Baawwahaahhaa! I think not!

Anonymous said... 117

"Just a thought - you might want to consider listing this book on eBay and say in the listing that all sale proceeds will go directly to A MINOR CONSIDERATION via PayPal."

Good idea, but you can't do that. eBay will not let you state that in the listing. In order to donate proceeds to a non-profit organization, a seller must go through eBay Giving Works and the organization must be a part of the approved list. A Minor Consideration (last time I checked) was not on the list. If it's stated in the listing, and someone sees it, the listing will be removed.

NancyB said... 118

Alana - yes

Virginia Pen Mom - Glass actually posted a more recent blog piece on Kart. It was done on March 30th while she was on DWTS. She tore her up. I have not read the post on Nadia but I find it very disturbing if she would be sanctioning the filming of children in reality tv.

NancyB said... 119

Oh, I am thrilled to hear that you are doing a recap of Kart's book! That is just wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.

Kelly said... 120

Unfortunately for the kids, there is no federal law that protects them. They can film in Maryland and not abide by the laws of PA because they haven't broken the laws in PA.

Honestly, I don't know what the child labor laws are here in Maryland or any other state but I'll look into it and advise. My background is that of a cop, handling criminal laws and traffic laws. Never had to deal with something like this but I've never run from a fight. I'll advise.

Mona said... 121

Micky McKean said,
Now I'm wondering if TLC/Kate will try to work around this PA stumbling block by filming elsewhere on location, including Europe.


TLC better hope the show is a huge, huge success in order to make a profit on such expensive
locations. If this show does take them all over the US and to Europe, it's going to cost TLC a
boatload of cash, and Kate better be worth it.
Personally, I think the world has already seen all of Kate Gosselin it can stand and is counting the weeks before her shows disappear for good.

I_Want_Nobu! said... 122

Regarding my 6:28 PM post -

Too funny! Maybe Kate had a book in her bag? It's certainly big enough!

Lolly said... 123

dee3 you are absolutely right. Thanks, you express it much better than I do. Sometimes my fingers do not translate my thoughts well.

As far as traveling and filming, a few months ago, an interviewer asked kate where the CHILDREN wanted to go, and she answered ALASKA, "I" have always wanted to go to Alaska. (all about her of course). So I am pretty sure Alaska will be in the travel plans. Perhaps a woman there needs Kate's "help".

NancyB said... 124

This is why we NEED a Federal Law that will be enforced in all states.

dee3 said... 125


I was thinking along the lines of the Gosselin children becoming too hot (if that's the right terminology) to handle. I remember that there was supposed to be a British outfit that was contracting with Octomom to film several documentaries of her children....but that never seemed to happen and seems to have simply vanished...with the impression that most find the Octomom children too hot to handle.

With the info that's come out of the Murt hearings, with the bad press that would accompany and hit the media regarding them filming the Gosselin children elsewhere intentionally to avoid having to adhere to any labor regulations plus the possibility of Paul Petersen and Gloria Allred not letting this go and following them to whatever state they film in and possibly throwing some obstacles in their you think there's any chance that the Gosselin children could possibly just become to hot to handle in terms of filming them again? ANY chance?

I_Want_Nobu! said... 126

Perhas Kate Plus 8 are planning a trip to S. Korea where the kids can learn about their heritage and TLC can create a whole new fan base to profit from. Seems to me there was an episode of Kate and the kids getting passports shown before the show was cancelled. If not S. Korea perhaps somewhere tropical so Kate can bounce around in a bikini again, God help us all.

dee3 said... 127


You also added an excellent point I didn't even think of.....the additional cost of having to film the children in an entirely different location. And if it was out of the country, VERY expensive.

That could be added to all the other things that might make filming the children elsewhere not such a fabulous option.

However....I'm also thinking that if they DO film the Gosselin children in other locations in order to get around the state requirements of PA....there could be a big enough uproar that it could move forward and speed up finally getting some federal regulations regarding children on reality TV. I think there will be somewhat of an uproar if they simply film them and put them back on TV again, no matter where they film them. It would be unfortunate for the Gosselin children but might help to get federal regulations enacted and some possible good could result from their sacrifice.

Marnie said... 128

Don't you think the Gosselins could film in CA? Isn't that where Tori Spelling's show is filmed? Charlie Sheen couldn't even keep his kids off TV there, and he is their father. PP and GA lost their Octomom battle in court there. CA is as safe as PA for filming potty training and family meltdowns.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 129

Thanks for the info, Kelly. But, as others have already said, I'm sure TLC will be doing everything they can to get around it. That's why they're only planning some "specials", and Khate has mentioned several trips they'll be going on. So, the kids will spend the summer traveling for TLC on freebie vacations (for Khate), and maybe traipsing around on some day trips. I see NYC/Statue of Liberty, North Carolina and another trip flying somewhere (as Khate mentioned in one recent interview) in their near future. It's the only time the kids ever get to go anywhere besides school, so they'll probably enjoy it. However, I do think the twins are getting to the age that they'll view the crew following them around to just be an annoyance.

I still think that the matchy matchy 400+ egg Easter egg hunt MUST have been filmed for TLC, as was Disneyland. Again, Khate does nothing with those kids she wanted so badly unless (1) someone else thinks it up, (2) they plan it for her, (3) they do everything for her and (4) they film it.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 130

Midnight Serenade said...

"Just a thought - you might want to consider listing this book on eBay and say in the listing that all sale proceeds will go directly to A MINOR CONSIDERATION via PayPal."

Good idea, but you can't do that. eBay will not let you state that in the listing. In order to donate proceeds to a non-profit organization, a seller must go through eBay Giving Works and the organization must be a part of the approved list. A Minor Consideration (last time I checked) was not on the list. If it's stated in the listing, and someone sees it, the listing will be removed.


One way around that is to state in the listing that you will match whatever amount the winning bid is with your own donation to AMC. It's the same thing, but you don't state that the auction proceeds are going to AMC. So, if the winning bid is $200, Admin could accept that in her PayPal account and then she can make her own donation of $200 to AMC.

dee3 said... 131

I honestly suspect that filming the Gosselin children again is NOT gonna "play well in Peoria". THESE children have recently been through a contentious divorce, a severed nuclear family, a single mom with nannies and babysitters, etc....and I think it just might turn out to be a mistake to put them back on TV, with all the PA labor board and Rep. Murt hearings swirling around them......and people may just choose not to watch it...on large numbers.

Just my suspicion/gut feeling...that it's gonna turn out to have been a mistake/miscalculation.
But again, I could be totally wrong. You just never know with the Gosselins and TLC...everything is upside down and hard to predict.

I_Want_Nobu said... 132

TLC doesn't care about the cost of an overseas trip. This is AD SUPPORTED cable tv. The sponsors and advertisers paying big bucks for product placement and commercial advertising are what made millions for the network.

I think a trip to some exotic location is in the works and will be heavily hyped.

MickeyMcKean said... 133

Midnight Serenade said...
"Just a thought - you might want to consider listing this book on eBay and say in the listing that all sale proceeds will go directly to A MINOR CONSIDERATION via PayPal."

Good idea, but you can't do that. eBay will not let you state that in the listing. In order to donate proceeds to a non-profit organization, a seller must go through eBay Giving Works and the organization must be a part of the approved list. A Minor Consideration (last time I checked) was not on the list. If it's stated in the listing, and someone sees it, the listing will be removed.


Midnight Serenade: It seems some things have changed since the last time I listed something where the proceeds go to a charity.

Question: Can Paul Peterson request eBay approve AMC? If AMC is approved, and if Admin cannot list the book herself, she could donate it to AMC and let Paul know what she wanted to do with the book.

I bet Paul would list the book. After all, listing something on eBay is a piece of cake.

Admin, guess the ball is in your court.

Marnie (for the last time :( ) said... 134

Hi, I am apologizing to marnie with a small m. I am Marnie with a big M but I will change my screen name to something else. Don't know what though...

dee3 said... 135

I_Want_Nobu said~

But I would think that they WOULD quickly begin to care if the ratings tank. They may see a curiosity spike initially but I think they could then see a steep decline in viewership and advertisers are not going to pay the big bucks, even for product placement, if few are watching it, I would imagine.

If the show tanks in the ratings, I'd think they might reconsider the expensive location filming.

SG said... 136

Just checking in... Busy weekend planned. I still haven't read the DWTS recap but I'm looking forward to it...

I'd love to know how many books the PUBLIC actually bought.

Lolly said... 137

I admit, I have watched the show in the past, in the final weeks, thus adding to the viewer count. I have made up mind, that THIS time, I will NOT watch. As long as there are numbers, the show will continue. I also intend to write to every sponser, (someone will make a list) and boycott them as long as they support this show. This has worked on other shows in the past. I hope many others feel the same way.

dee3 said... 138


As of a moment ago, the book is ranked #477 on the Amazon website and according to a poster on the Amazon message board, they'd only sold 52 and that included the kindle version too. Not sure where the 52 figure came from.

dee3 said... 139

Sorry...didn't complete my sentence:

....according to a poster on the Amazon message board, they'd only sold 52 BY THIS MORNING.

Sorry about that.

koopdedoo said... 140

Lolly said...

As far as traveling and filming, a few months ago, an interviewer asked kate where the CHILDREN wanted to go, and she answered ALASKA, "I" have always wanted to go to Alaska.

LOL! Isn't Sarah going to have a TLC or Discovery channel show about Alaska? Khate can go walk a mile in Sarah Palin's shoes! Khate is using her foreshadowing technique here.

escrow said... 141

New post up from WernyGal.

fidosmommy said... 142

If this book tanks and her shows tank, what next?
Really, what will she have to resort to in order to put food on the table?

I am bracing myself for a Scarlett O'Hara
reprise when that day comes --- "Where will I go, what will I doooooo?"

And the answer is ... all together now.....


Anonymous said... 143

"Question: Can Paul Peterson request eBay approve AMC? If AMC is approved, and if Admin cannot list the book herself, she could donate it to AMC and let Paul know what she wanted to do with the book."

I wouldn't see why not. He could request it be listed, and then she can list the book herself and state that the proceeds go to AMC.Things have changed since I listed something for charity, too. You can read the policy if you go to the help section and type in the question. It will direct you to various pages, as well as the pre-approved list of acceptable charities. The problems started when sellers would SAY that proceeds go to various charities in order to get buyers to buy the items, and then the sellers had no intention of donating any of the proceeds. I couldn't imagine why they wouldn't approve him. Every charity in the country is approved, even donating to 99-legged centipede research (just kidding).

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 144

dee3 said...


As of a moment ago, the book is ranked #477 on the Amazon website and according to a poster on the Amazon message board, they'd only sold 52 and that included the kindle version too. Not sure where the 52 figure came from.


Hi Dee - I can't remember who posted the link, but I saw this the other day. You can track the Amazon sales for most books on Novel Rank. Check it out:

Novel Rank -Amazon sales for Khate's book

Hey Canadians, stop buying Khate's book! LOL

Mom of 4 said... 145

I think, by now, Kate has been out there in the blogosphere with her woe is me, greedling, need for love offerings and all the two of them have done, BEFORE the kids were born.

Now, they have reached millionaire status, one's successful, the other one is a bowery boy on the verge of an alchohol overdose.

No matter, they have been exposed and hopefully the grifting and gifting will stop, they will have to fend for themselves and will be gone from the public eye.

Kate and Jon are the biggest frauds that have ever been perpetuated upon the public eye and their time is slowly coming to an end.

Jon is broke, Kate is hanging on and the world knows just who they are. I'm sorry the kids suffer and may just suffer but we didn't do this. Jon and Kate did. I sincerely hope that Kate learns what it is like to pay a utility bill when she doesn't have the cash. I pray Kate will know what it's like to struggle with buying the $2.99 talapia that was flash frozen and hope she can figure out how to make two nights meals out of it.

I hope Kate soon learns what it's like to take the dunning phone calls for the car payment that's 32 days late, arrange payments on the electric bill that's well overdue and negotiate with the city to make payments on the water bill.

No, right now, Kate doesn't have to deal with that. Kate and Jon have no idea what it's like to open up the fridge and wish there was more food in there than the empty glass shelves.

No, Kate and Jon have no idea what it's like to dread the mailman showing up each day and thinking he's the enemy just because he's delivering bills that a family can't pay, a certified letter from a lender notifying you that your car is going to be reposessed or a turn off notice for a late phone bill.

Jon and Kate have no idea what it's like to tell the kids that tonight is going to be a frozen pizza for one that all six of us have to share because we're all having a pizza party when in fact, the frozen pizza for one is all we could afford and the kids were happy because of it.

Jon and Kate can dance their way all the way from Wernersville to Hollywood and pretend to be doing it for their kids but the truth is, there are those of us who can't dance much less dance our way to Hollywood and wonder, how the hell in this economy we're going to make tomorrow's dinner better than the pizza for one we had tonight.

We love our kids like Kate and Jon pretend to love theirs but unlike Jon and Kate, we don't know where our next meal is coming from because in this economy, we can't find a job, a freebie or enough to feed our kids tomorrow.

Let Kate strangle on her hair extensions and the hell with her kids. I've got my own to support and quite frankly, I don't know what we're going to eat tomorrow. At least I don't cry on national TV, whore myself out for paychecks and exposure and if it weren't for the fact that we're staying at my brothers house tonight and using his computer, I wouldn't be able to share this utter disgust with a woman who stops at nothing to gain everything. She's a pig.

Lolly said... 146

koopdedoo said... re Sarah Palin LOL Ha didn't think about THAT Another fine decision by TLC/Discovery. Wow, Kate CAN maybe help Sarah with ... babysitting? Or how to be a Govenator with 5 kids or more....Sarah could teach her how to feed a single moose to a family of 9 or ....the possiblities are ENDLESS LOL

Lolly said... 147

Mother of 4... what a powerful post. Reading your story makes me even madder at this ungrateful pair. I am a grandmother who helps my daughter and two grandsons who are in a pretty bad situation too right now, unemployed etc. So I do sympathize with your situation. I wanted to slap her with the pity party and she is raking in the money hand over fist, and crying poor. She has used this same cry for all this time, and people are getting smarter. IF she is so broke, she has seriously mismanaged. I am sure that if you and I were given 2 million in ONE year, we could make that last and support everyone with no problem, for years to come. God bless, and I surely hope things get much better for you.

Mom of 4 said... 148

We are doing the best we can and we love each other. No one will ever follow us, know us or care the least bit about us. We don't have much but we have each other and we love each other more than you would ever know.

We have no cameras following us, no fans writing us and no donations to sustain us. We're struggling like most people are right now and we shed no tears, we share no problems and we close ranks because we have each other and no one else.

We're not looking for handouts, meals, clothes, housing or anything that most of us take for granted. My kids don't know what being poor is. We're poor, we struggle, we'll survive. My kids know what fun they had, grabbing the 8 little slices of that pizza for one that my 4 kids swallowed in a hearbeat. They couldn't wait to eat the second bite. My kids were happy. I pray we can provide more for them in the days ahead and hope gives us the drive . We'll survive but in the end, our family will be strong because we weren't rich, begging or needy. My kids will only know that what little we have, we made the best of it and that's what's important.

fidosmommy said... 149

I think the impending failure of her shows and the failure of her books will mean Kate will be showing up on late night infomercials hawking something - jewelry, shoes, exercise/diet stuff or hair products/wigs. Really. That's no joke. I'm expecting it. Christie Brinkley and Chuck Norris are selling exercise equipment, Melissa Gilbert was selling some kind of makeup
and Lisa Rinna was on there for something not long ago. It's only a matter of time before Kate will need to follow suit to pay her bills.

Carolina Gal said... 150

Mom of 4 said...
".......know us or care the least bit about us."

You're wrong, now I know you, and I DO care. I am a grandmom, and also struggling right now. I just wish you lived near me, we could share in the fruits of my garden this summer. I am so sorry you and your family are having to go through such a difficult time. But, I can see your pluck and determination, and most importantly, your values. I will keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers...that tomorrow life will be a bit rosier. I know strong women when I 'see' them, and you're strong. Down my way, we call them "steel magnolias". God bless!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 151

Mom of 4 - having read your heart wrenching post, I care too. Carolina Gal said it better than I could, but I was similarly thinking that your children are fortunate to have such a strong and loving mother. Take a good look at the sad faces of the Gosselin children in that post here from Thursday when Khate used her home as a pit stop once again and was off and running. Those kids, with their big house, pool, playhouses, toys, trips and vacations are sadly lacking in what they need most and what no amount of money can buy that family.

That said, I realize there are everyday basic needs that you and your husband are struggling to provide in these difficult times. Forgive me if it's a dumb or rude question, but have you looked into resources in your community? I don't live in that large of a town, but there is a social services department that offers free food, baby needs, and items donated from the community (household items, clothing, toys, etc.) to any resident in need. In many areas, there are a lot of resources but people aren't aware of them, or too proud to seek them out. Please, I urge you to do so if you haven't already. There really are people who wish to help. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I hope to see you here again, Mom of 4.

dee3 said... 152


Thank you SO much for that link. That one is much easier to understand than what's posted on the Amazon web page.

Mom of 4~

My heart goes out to you. You sound like a wonderful mom and your children will never have to learn that their private moments are out there for all the world to see and will always know that their parents love them and are always there for them.

And lest the fans say, "well see? She's JEALOUS! Just like they all are". This is NOT about jealousy.
Kate Gosselin is ungrateful and uncharitable. This is about anger and disgust, not jealousy. That she would weep her crocodile tears on TV when she has millions while others truly suffer and their children go hungry or without basics.

If anyone is old enough to remember, George Bush Sr. lost an election partly because he did not know the price of bread or milk. He was seen as out of touch with the common man. And Kate is much, much worse. And others will tire of her quickly, hopefully, for her ungratefulness and for not only being out of touch, but not giving a damn about anyone else except herself.

I'll bet G.Bush Sr. donates to charity....but other than that pink motorbike donated as a show ploy, I'll bet Kate has NEVER donated to charity. EVER. We are not well-off but we donate tons to charity. I've even given money to people I've seen struggling in the grocery store to buy food...comparing prices for the cheapest items...and they are ALWAYS grateful. They often hug me with tears in their eyes. It's the best feeling on earth.

Kate has NO gratitude...not even for the children on whose backs she made all this wealth. Yet she boo-hoos on TV, crying poor, while people REALLY struggle in this economy....and she has millions..indulges herself in tanning salons, nail salons, shopping sprees. She's been given more than anyone I know yet she's ungrateful. And she's one of the WORST mothers I've EVER seen.

And as far as the Gosselin children suffering...we DID have a hand in it IF we ever watched their show, watched her appearances...or bought her book, etc. Unfortunately, the Gosselin children will probably have to fall on their swords and sacrifice themselves so that hopefully, federal regulations for children on reality TV become a reality. But I suspect that their lives were doomed from the start, with HER as their mother....even if they'd never become famous. But at least they wouldn't have to live the rest of their lives haunted by the fact that their private moments and their private pain are ALL over the internet.

And we, as a society, have a duty to make sure this doesn't happen to any other children, IMO.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 153

dee3 said,

"It absolutely is an exercise in frustration but I think most of us are determined to see what the ending is at this time and will hang in there just to be able to see it. And to be reassured, hopefully, that the world DOES make sense and that there IS such a thing as Karma and that good brings more rewards than evil."


Thank you! This is so true. Well said, well said.

We've seen such an interconnection between media outlets that we have the scary sense that we don't know what's true and what's not. This forces us to question ALL media and ALL truth, far beyond the Gosselins. How deeply disturbing! Frankly, the best journalism I've seen on the Gosselins is from the blogs and commenters. You all are canny and are not to be fooled.

I totally agree--we'll all feel better if some type of justice emerges.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 154

NancyB said,

"Glass actually posted a more recent blog piece on Kart. It was done on March 30th while she was on DWTS. She tore her up. I have not read the post on Nadia but I find it very disturbing if she would be sanctioning the filming of children in reality tv."


Thanks, NancyB! I missed this and will check it out. And, yes, Dr. Glass went on at length to ridicule Suleman for saying it was harmful for children to be in reality TV. :(

Paula said... 155

I went to my local Borders and the book was hidden away in the religious section. You can actually purchase the book on-line from Borders for $13.44. These bookstores most likely purchased this book based on the sames of Beth's book, but now they are stuck with them - thus the reduced price. I'll bet the book will be on the clearance tables at Borders shortly.

Carolina Gal said... 156

dee 3 said
"Unfortunately, the Gosselin children will probably have to fall on their swords and sacrifice themselves so that hopefully, federal regulations for children on reality TV become a reality."

I think that's the bottom line in this whole tragedy. Most likely the Gosselin kids won't be spared all they have been put through. They are doomed, so to speak, and their life's path, has been cast. What will happen to them as they grow and mature, and learn how they were used as 'bartering tools', and then ignored, all at the hands of their parents! I wonder if any amt. of counseling will ever be enough, or be able to right the wrong that has been done to them and help set their paths on a saner course. It appears they won't be able to even GET counseling until they reach the age of emancipation.

I would hate to be in Jon and Kate's shoes, when all this blows up in their faces. Unfortunately, it will most likely be at the expense of their 8 precious children.

Anonymous said... 157

Has anyone been to the book signing that this crazy zombie lady is doing to promote her dumbass book?? If yes, please share your observations. I would love to share if lazy zombie lady will do her book signings late in NYC, unlike her, I actually do real work for a living and rarely have enough time to eat lunch. Thanks in advince

THAT IS ENOUGH11111 said... 158

Your blog is turning into a fightng, arguing, low-level commenting group of people all on their own soap boxes!! If you would eliminate about half of the comments, your blog would return to the high caliber blog it started with. I am watching it decline daily!

Who cares if is is "median" or "medium" wage--certainly not important enough to go on and on..........and on.

....and if I have some mispelled words, don't waste the space pointing them out just to prove your superiority! Gosh, give us all a break with the nit-picking!!

NancyB said... 159

Sam- The Admin. of this blog went to the 1st and so far only book signing that Kart has done. She posted on the entire experience --Look back to posts around 10 dyas ago.

prairiemary said... 160

Dear MoM of 4-after reading your post,even though I am a day late-please note that I CARE! Though you may be money-poor, your family is rich in love and support, WAY MORE than what kate "gives" to her 8 children. I will put you in my prayers, if you were my neighbor, I would want to help you.Keep smiling,keep loving your kids!

THAT IS ENOUGH11111 said... 161

Your blog is turning into a fightng, arguing, low-level commenting group of people all on their own soap boxes!! If you would eliminate about half of the comments, your blog would return to the high caliber blog it started with. I am watching it decline daily!

Who cares if is is "median" or "medium" wage--certainly not important enough to go on and on..........and on.

....and if I have some mispelled words, don't waste the space pointing them out just to prove your superiority! Gosh, give us all a break with the nit-picking!!

Paula said... 162

I went to my local Borders and the book was hidden away in the religious section. You can actually purchase the book on-line from Borders for $13.44. These bookstores most likely purchased this book based on the sames of Beth's book, but now they are stuck with them - thus the reduced price. I'll bet the book will be on the clearance tables at Borders shortly.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 163

Mom of 4 - having read your heart wrenching post, I care too. Carolina Gal said it better than I could, but I was similarly thinking that your children are fortunate to have such a strong and loving mother. Take a good look at the sad faces of the Gosselin children in that post here from Thursday when Khate used her home as a pit stop once again and was off and running. Those kids, with their big house, pool, playhouses, toys, trips and vacations are sadly lacking in what they need most and what no amount of money can buy that family.

That said, I realize there are everyday basic needs that you and your husband are struggling to provide in these difficult times. Forgive me if it's a dumb or rude question, but have you looked into resources in your community? I don't live in that large of a town, but there is a social services department that offers free food, baby needs, and items donated from the community (household items, clothing, toys, etc.) to any resident in need. In many areas, there are a lot of resources but people aren't aware of them, or too proud to seek them out. Please, I urge you to do so if you haven't already. There really are people who wish to help. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I hope to see you here again, Mom of 4.

Mom of 4 said... 164

We are doing the best we can and we love each other. No one will ever follow us, know us or care the least bit about us. We don't have much but we have each other and we love each other more than you would ever know.

We have no cameras following us, no fans writing us and no donations to sustain us. We're struggling like most people are right now and we shed no tears, we share no problems and we close ranks because we have each other and no one else.

We're not looking for handouts, meals, clothes, housing or anything that most of us take for granted. My kids don't know what being poor is. We're poor, we struggle, we'll survive. My kids know what fun they had, grabbing the 8 little slices of that pizza for one that my 4 kids swallowed in a hearbeat. They couldn't wait to eat the second bite. My kids were happy. I pray we can provide more for them in the days ahead and hope gives us the drive . We'll survive but in the end, our family will be strong because we weren't rich, begging or needy. My kids will only know that what little we have, we made the best of it and that's what's important.

Mona said... 165

Micky McKean said,
Now I'm wondering if TLC/Kate will try to work around this PA stumbling block by filming elsewhere on location, including Europe.


TLC better hope the show is a huge, huge success in order to make a profit on such expensive
locations. If this show does take them all over the US and to Europe, it's going to cost TLC a
boatload of cash, and Kate better be worth it.
Personally, I think the world has already seen all of Kate Gosselin it can stand and is counting the weeks before her shows disappear for good.

Midnight Serenade said... 166

"Just a thought - you might want to consider listing this book on eBay and say in the listing that all sale proceeds will go directly to A MINOR CONSIDERATION via PayPal."

Good idea, but you can't do that. eBay will not let you state that in the listing. In order to donate proceeds to a non-profit organization, a seller must go through eBay Giving Works and the organization must be a part of the approved list. A Minor Consideration (last time I checked) was not on the list. If it's stated in the listing, and someone sees it, the listing will be removed.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 167

Oh, poor Tony never gets a break! He finally got rid of the Wicked Witch and flew back to L.A. today but now he has a cold:

Tony Dovolani - Twitter

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 168

Administrator said...

I need to read it and recap it first. I'm recapping it in first-person, as Kate would talk.

Needless to say it's a slow process, this is not a quick read.


Admin - I give you a lot of credit. It sounds so laborious, I think I'd rather visit my dentist sans novocaine than slog through that crapola!

dee3 said... 169

Also...let me add:

I do realize that the plan could be to present her as BOTH (the great mom/nice person AND the villain) in order to feed the Gosselin blogosphere frenzy, which I am sure they attribute much of the interest in her to. Whether they like her or hate her, the blogging interest is pulling in the money, just keeping her front and center.

BUT...I don't think presenting her as both is a very good long-term plan. Just like the plan they went with on DWTS did not turn out to be a great one either. (Or this third book, I'm betting). Like I mentioned before, my impression, when reading multiple blogs and articles, was that Kate WAS bringing in high voting numbers BUT that a high percentage of them were from non-fans who were having a great time watching her perform so terribly....but after a few episodes of that, they quickly lost interest....and her voting numbers apparently plummeted.

I mean sure, a villain can be interesting. But the negative way they're allowing her to be presented now (while they meanwhile keep going with the alternate personality Kate...the inspiring mom) just making more and more people dislike her and not want to watch her.

Someone objective should have seen her NPD...because I'm absolutely sure she is MUCH, much worse behind the scenes (narcissism-wise), and planned ahead. But lately, it's spinning out of control and it's just one negative thing after another coming out. And I question who was handling all this and was it mainly one non-objective person with a lot of clout?

dee3 said... 170

Oops, thanks bbsak. I just saw that you covered that for me. :)


When I think of this one person, I don't really think of the producer of the show. In fact, I can see logic in how the article described his (Hayes) thought processes. He'd hit a goldmine, the shrewish side of Kate was actually drawing more viewers with Jon still on the show, etc. His thoughts make total sense to me.

This person would be someone involved in Kate's PR. How Kate is presented. And also someone with the clout to call in all sorts of influence peddling, etc.
The decisions I question are mainly about how Kate's been presented. And about someone seeing Kate quite differently from what most of the public is seeing....and not keeping current with the changing impression most have of her...and still seeing her with rose-colored glasses (as someone here described it).

I know that Kate's narcissism probably makes it somewhat difficult to handle her (just like Tony found it difficult to teach her to dance)...but I think that I'd have had a ghost-writer write this last book...someone who'd have the sense to take all the negative things/criticisms about the children out of it and at the very least, make it all about the children and loving messages to the children.

I'm having a great deal of difficulty trying to figure out if their agenda is to present her as this great role-model mom (who went from SAHM to working mom) OR as the villain who people love to hate. Do they want to make people like/admire her or are they wanting people to hate her? It seems like another bad plan/decision to me. Pick one and stick with it. There's no consistency. I can't figure out what the hell they're going with.
And is it even a "them" or mainly one person handling all this?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 171

dee3 said...


As of a moment ago, the book is ranked #477 on the Amazon website and according to a poster on the Amazon message board, they'd only sold 52 and that included the kindle version too. Not sure where the 52 figure came from.


Hi Dee - I can't remember who posted the link, but I saw this the other day. You can track the Amazon sales for most books on Novel Rank. Check it out:

Novel Rank -Amazon sales for Khate's book

Hey Canadians, stop buying Khate's book! LOL

NancyB said... 172

Oh I like this idea! They are still accusing you of ripping off all the peple on this blog who contributed! Bunch of dummmies cause you clearly had blue clickable links to AMC. Hey, did our donation amounts increase at all when you extended the time?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 173

Sorry if this is off topic, but it's the latest info on Khate - yet another day of pampering herself, followed by the paparazzi she has on speed dial. You know, if she really hated it so much, she would pay someone to come to her house for her manicures and pedicures. I know quite a few people who have done that, on both ends (I have a friend who owned a nail salon and she and some of her employees did go to homes of certain customers. Plus, sometimes a regular manicurist likes to earn cash on the side by going to homes of her best, long-time customers). And not for nothing, but WEEKLY mani/pedi's are a bit much, aren't they? Especially weekly pedicures. WTH? Who really needs a pedicure every seven days?? Plus, even when money isn't an issue, it's kind of a pain in the neck and too time consuming to get mani/ped's every damn week. Then again, she has a hell of a lot more free time on her hands than ANY mother that I know!

Kate Gosselin's Reading Weekend

Posted April 24th, 2010

Taking some time for a little pampering, Kate Gosselin was spotted leaving a nail salon in Reading, Pennsylvania on Saturday (April 24).

The mother of 8 did her best to avoid the paparazzi as she kept her head down and headed to her vehicle after a mani/pedi appointment while ex husband, Jon, tended to the kids.

In recent news, after being booted from “Dancing With the Stars” last week, Kate made a stop at “Jimmy Kimmel Live.”

When Jimmy threw out the suggestion for Gosselin to be the next “Bachelorette” on ABC, Kate simply responded, “No. I’m married to my kids and my career.”
Hollywood Gossip

Enjoy the pictures of Kate Gosselin stepping out in Reading (April 24).

More Pictures

MickeyMcKean said... 174

I just went to eBay. A seller has 10 books signed by Kate for $50 each.

Now, I wonder where this seller in New York got 10 copies?

Administrator said... 175

Even when Jodi/Kevin donations went directly to AMC I was still accused of getting kickbacks, but of course I will set it up so you donate directly to AMC just like last time.

Paprika formerly known as sto said... 176

Kate will go to Europe? What is she going to do there?
Her show is supposed to be about being in the shoes of everyday people. Is she going to put on a straw hat and navigate a gondola?

I feel the same way about it being fishy. I think if we feel it, then many many others (media?) feel it also.

Administrator said... 177

By the way is there interest in me auctioning off my autographed copy of Kate's book? The infamous book where rat-claw Steve dragged me out. Proceeds to A Minor Consideration.

I'd want to get at least a couple hundred dollars for it for it to be worth it.

I_Want_Nobu! said... 178

To Linda S - good of you to follow up with the Discovery Online book store - let us know if they publish your review! Thanks!

Linda S from Gig Harbor said... 179

When I read about the positive reviews on, I popped over to read them. They were all written before the book came out!!! So I created an account and wrote my own review. I said the book was heartbreaking and mentioned the other 'early' reviews. Wonder if they'll post it.

alana said... 180


Was this the document that had to do with "child abuse?" I read this on Wernygirl's smalltowngosselins blog.

Dee3 and Mickey McKean -

I'm SO relieved to see my "paranoid conspiracy theories" are not so paranoid after all. And I'm going to stop referring to them as a "conspiracy." They are my theories, period.

Sick of Karts and Jons Krap said... 181

Looks like he's hour spending all the money TLC just lined his pockets with.

NancyB said... 182

bbsak said...There have been rumors about Kate and Julie May Carson at TLC for a long time, but no way can one person sway that whole company. Whomever is signing off on 'her' has numbers to back it up. They have a board, stockholders, and many, many people who have had to go along with it. But, money talks.
April 24, 2010 1:01 PM

Well said!

Midnight Serenade said... 183

"For now, Kate plus 8 has been put on hold due to the backlash of the Rep Murt hearing..."


my9cats said... 184

Maybe TLC cast family members of the DOL as Kate's friends. Who knows. I am not a conspiracy oriented person, but something is behind that Gosselin curtain.

franky said... 185

Thanks french Canadian ( I am one too)I will be checking out the posts tonight, can't wait to see what they say.

my9cats said... 186

Ditto that and more, NancyB and Dee3. I always thought the NYT best seller list was what all author's aspire for. Their version of the grammy, emmy, tony, and oscar.
Ah... another illusion shattered.

NancyB said... 187

dee3 said...
Well, HMMPH!
I guess that's the end of me putting any trust in or giving any significant credibility to the NYT Bestsellers terms of what I might be interested in reading. :D
I had incorrectly assumed it actually meant something significant to be on the NYT Bestsellers List. It definitely sounds more prestigious than it's turned out to be.
April 24, 2010 12:43 PM

DITTO that dee3! Wow, It has always carried a certain cache and reputation--NOT FOR ME anymore

bbsak said... 188

At least it restores my faith that the planet is spinning on it's correct axis. I was almost beginning to believe that everyone in the media were turning into pod-people, under mind control.

We're not alone. Would be nice if they could speak, though - but they can't. :0(

Marnie said... 189

Oh, never mind. I wanted the tour schedule for this year. Is there a tour?

dee3 said... 190

I want to make clear that the following is MY impression ONLY and I could very well be totally wrong.

But in my mind, I picture ONE person...and a person who, for some reason, is heavily emotionally invested in Kate...making all or most of the decisions. Because I question some of the decisions, just for starters. I don't think I'd have allowed Kate to go on DWTS, especially so close to her new shows starting.

I think that anyone who could objectively see her narcissistic tendencies would have seen that this might not be a great idea. A big factor in my perceptions is that I read around the Gosselin blogosphere try and get a sense of how things are "playing in Peoria", so to speak.

And IF audience voting in any way factored into Kate staying as long as she did, it was my definite impression from reading around that MANY of the votes were initially coming from non-fans who were enjoying watching her dance so horribly...but after several weeks, they'd had enough and just got tired of this and stopped voting for her. One of the articles I'd read made it sound like her audience votes had precipitously dropped the final week.

And yes...I DO get that part of her allure is being "bad". But to me, there's a big difference between seeing someone as "bad" and seeing that person as a "narcissistic and demanding shrew who feels totally entitled". And I get the sense that more and more people are seeing that....and that she's losing more and more potential support she might have terms of being a successful commodity (for TLC).

And..I don't know...there seem to be some bad decisions being a person who's not looking at Kate realistically OR looking realistically at how people are now beginning to perceive her and to react to her.

Like I said, just my impression at the moment.

Marnie said... 191

Does anyone have the book signing schedule? I'd like to see if she'll be in my area too?

bbsak said... 192

mommyinca said....
in a nutshell, you can *buy* your way onto the NYT bestseller list by having a corporate sponsor (TLC) who will buy a gazillion in wholesale to keep their golden child in the spotlight? NYT best seller list = more press coverage and more sales.

just wondering said....
The New York Times numbers take into consideration how many books the retailers have purchased.

NYT says their rankings are based on retail sales. See 11:15am comment.

BINGO -- You may have hit the nail on the head with the comment "I think that the number of books considered sold is due to the fact that Kate is doing the television bliz with her book and the television shows are purchasing the book in bulk to give out to the live audiences. There are more freebies of this book being given out than bubble gum at a 4th of July parade, yet some organization had to foot the bill. It makes sense. The rankings are based on the week ending April 17 when many shows were gearing up for her appearance.

itsaboutthekids said... 193

I don't think for a minute that when she finally flops, that they'll drop her. splat.


I'm not sure what you mean by this, bbsak. Why would they hang on to her after she flops (if she does)?