I expect this to be controversial, but I've always been honest with my readers. Confession: I've preordered the book from Amazon. I gave $12.59 to Kate and contributed $12.59 to the exploitation of the orphans. But my purpose is intended to serve a greater good. I intend to review the book and tell you what the Kart says, so that no one else need buy the book to see for themselves. But I urge everyone else not to buy it. Do as I say, not as I do.
This is a Gosselin blog, has quickly snowballed into something bigger than I could have imagined thanks to all you wonderful people, and the book is big Gosselin news. I think the Blog should review the book.
(By the way, I attempted to obtain a free press copy from the publisher for purposes of reviewing it, but my requests were ignored by them. Not even turned down, just flat out ignored.)
Read excerpt. ~ Kate complains how hard 8 kids have made her life and claims she hates the attention.
Hear Kate read an excerpt. ~ Kate makes fun of how the kids talk and goes on in tedious boring detail about the variety of words they have "butchered"
334 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 334 Newer› Newest»Thanks for 'taking one for the team'!
As a 'thank you' for the 'pain and suffering' that you are about to endure, we will take up a collection for a great big barf bucket for you! :-)
From everything that has already been released you have my sympathies. I feel furious just thinking about it. What I don't understand is that although Kate has her name on it alot of people had to read, proof read and ok this format. Is there not a parent in the bunch?????
Great Christian book company.......
I was JUST at Zondervan reading the first 20 pages. I just have to say that I don't form opinions quickly. I DO try to give people the benefit of the doubt.
I have been pretty harsh on Kate from the few excerpts I read and wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something and maybe judging too soon. NOPE.
Even in the dedication of the book, Kate makes sure the kids know how much SHE has done for them.
In the first pages, she goes into detail about how she had it harder than most parents because she had kids x8! She laments on how hard it was to take just ONE child to the Dr. when she had to find babysitters for the other 7!
She goes on and on how difficult it was compared to other families.
In what seems like a ridiculous dramatization, she talks about her fear of a house fire and how would they get all those kids out of the house.
I have to stop right there and say I have MANY friends who have 7+ kids. Many of them went from a small family to a large family in a matter of minutes (literally). They have adopted sibling sets. My one friend with 8 children had two bio kids, then adopted one child, then a year later adopted their son who consequently then decided to adopt his siblings (they were scattered in other foster home). The day they moved in, she found out she was pregnant! Talk about a surprise...then they had to move to a bigger house. These kiddos ALL have challenges. My friend stays home and her husband is a worship pastor at our church. There were days when my friend said she wound up crying, curled up in a ball from the stress but guess what? She NEVER has said ONCE that she has it harder than most families. That is ABSURD.
Kate's book so far has proved her narcissism is alive and well.
I understand that she has an extraordinary story but she is not the only one. There are MILLIONS of families out there struggling every day with large families!
If one of my friend's kids was sick and she had no babysitter...then she'd pile them in their 15 passenger van and go to the Dr. It's just how it is. It's not ideal but it's sometimes necessary. Ughh, I'm just so irritated right now.
(sorry for the rant)
Hi Admin - Thanks for taking one for the team. I'm sure it's pretty painful having to give Kate more money. LOL!
mommyinca, can you please provide a link for that excerpt? I went to the Zondervan site and can't find it, thank you.
Here you go:
You have to click on "sample pages" under the pic of the book on the left hand side of the page. It opens in a pdf from there. Let me know if you have a problem with the link :)
OMG! You can actually listen to an excerpt if you click on audio download. It's Kate's voice. She says that some of the kids still "butcher" their language :( I cannot believe what I'm hearing :(
Thanks a lot for this post! I am thrilled that you will do a review on this blog and I do agree that this blog should. I am not in the least surprised that your request was totally ignored. Perfect for this outfit. Very rude behavior, IMO.
Your post touched my heart in a big way. Eloquent post that sets the record straight. Your friend is the REAL deal! There are currently 751,000 children rotting in foster care in CA. The rotting part is just my opinion. It is disturbing that Kate glorifies herself only and that media insists that all of us should as well. You described a really beautiful family.
I'm an English teacher and took a break from marking papers to read this tripe. It's good for a laugh at least ... but who is the editor. On the first page I was itching to take my pen (which I was still holding, and it's not red, but purple as apparently that's less aggressive for kiddies) and start making corrections and comments!
I'm going to write to the Christian stores in Australia (where I live) and ask them to remove this book from their shelves. It's a disgusting work of exploitation.
Now having identified myself as an English teacher, I hope I didn't make any huge mistakes in spelling or grammar!!
I'm wondering why the book's price is decreased from $22.99 to $12.41. Are book prices normally reduced before they are even out???
I've preordered on amazon (only romance paper backs) and frequently the price has dropped from the time I pre-order to the time the actual order is shipped.
I am only through the first few pages and this is "no work of art" as Kart describes her book. The "pity party" diatribe that she writes to describe her lack of privacy and relationship with "fans" is more lies. Her former neighbor Walt Mueller, who runs a Christian youth ministry, dispels these myths in his post from about a year ago.
Remember the sign on the front lawn of the Elizabethtown house.
Do not stop in front of our house.
Do not take pictures.
Do not stop and talk to us.
Werny Gal's has spoken with many locals who report Kart has refused to sign an autograph or take a picture with kids who recognized her in the Target parking lot. Of course, we know that she ONLY does that kind of thing for MONEY. A leopard does not change its spots.
On no worries, LOL. I wouldn't spend a penny of my money on anything involving this despicable narcissistic sick fame whore excuse of a human being.
From the description, it sounds exactly like why their show baffled me when I first discovered it. She had this eight kids, right, that she INTENTIONALLY got pregnant with and all she seemed to do was bitch bitch bitch and bitch some more about them and how HAAAAARRRRDDDD everything was. Constantly. Well, when she wasn't sawing off Jon's balls with a dull butter knife and cackling the whole time.
It was disgusting. I didn't even know who this person was, but failed to see why anyone would watch her constantly bitch about her kids and abuse her husband.
So it sounds like this is the same thing in book form.
I tried to read the excerpt but gave up by the 3rd page. The table of contents alone was almost too much. But seriously, she starts the book out bashing her fans and how hard they make her life? Yeah, as a fan I'd definitely feel loved & appreciated for not only supporting her but also laying out my hard earned cash to be insulted on the very first page.
If Kate's babble can be transcribed & published then I've got years worth of overlong meandering e-mails to family & friends ready to collate and sell - anyone interested? I don't have 8 kids, count em 8, to raise but I can invite a few of the neighbour kids over, yell at them a bit, then send them back as I leave for the spa. That should be enough to sell a few books right? A few minutes of yelling is exhausting y'all.
Here is an article from variety regarding the TLC/discovery tv shows:
here is the part about Kate:
At TLC, the new Kate Minus 8 series, dubbed "Twist of Kate," sends Gosselin (who the channel still manages to dub "America's Favorite Mom" ) on the road to spend time living with everyday families across the country. In what's either a comic touch or complete lack of self awareness, TLC says Gosselin will offer her "help" in finding ways to make their lives run smoother.
Meanwhile, the previously announced successor program to "Jon and Kate Plus 8," "Kate Plus 8," will now air as a limited number of specials, likely in response to the ongoing upheaval in the Gosselin family dynamic (including a custody suit filed by soon-to-be ex-hubby Jon Gosselin).
Also at TLC, the channel's fascination with large families continues with a project starring "Multiple of Multiples" family the Carpios, who have 18-month-old sextuplets at home. And "Quintuplet Surprise" centers on the Austin-based Jones family, who have five newborns.
Admin, You have my eternal gratitude for taking on the awful task of reading five hundred pages of Kate's drivel, although I'm sure pretty it's printed in a large font and double-spaced lines in order to stretch it into the epic piece she claims it is. I haven't gone over to that site to look yet. And don't worry, I'm sure we'll get a lot of mileage out of your purchase. It may be money well spent after all.
mommyinca, thank you.
"Meanwhile, the previously announced successor program to "Jon and Kate Plus 8," "Kate Plus 8," will now air as a limited number of specials, likely in response to the ongoing upheaval in the Gosselin family dynamic (including a custody suit filed by soon-to-be ex-hubby Jon Gosselin)."
"Soon-to-be ex-hubby Jon Gosselin." ?????
When is the media going to begin fact-checking????
My son is marrying a sweet girl who is the oldest of eight (count 'em EIGHT) children. Her mother is a stay-at-home mom who works HARD to keep her kids looking good,the house in order, and she is a taxi service for them all. She is ALWAYS smiling. (can you believe that?) She laughs at Kate's whining.
It's interesting how the Sagettes can argue just about anything. First they cried 'Kate needs to work to support her EIGHT children.' and then it came out that Kate is "scraping by" on $120K a month. Now they respond by saying that it's not anyone elses business how much Kate makes. They can't even answer the question: WHY don't Kate stay home (in the same state) with her children?
I am anxious to hear how they defend Kate after she eats a kitten. "Kate can eat anything she wants. She has EIGHT children."
This is 500 pages?? Oh what did I get myself into! War and Peace written by Khate.
One time I briefly tried to look up statistics on how many American families have eight or more kids, couldn't really find much. But I would think the number would be at least in the hundreds, maybe even thousands. I wonder if the Census Bureua might have something.
Incidentally your administrator goes to church too every Sunday to a Presbyterian church, I became a member two years ago. Kate scamming little old church ladies was one of the first things that really struck a chord with me.
You know when Kate is talking about yelling and being rude to the "fan" with a dog, could she be any more ridiculous? Why not just be normal! Someone comes up with a dog off the leash--I agree, rude if your dog isn't well behaved. Just politely say hey do you mind grabbing your dog my kids have a phobia of dogs, thanks! Instead she orders the lady to put her dog on a leash. WTF does Kate have any ounce of social skills? There's a way to ask people to do what you want and to get it.
Admin, thanks for taking one for us and reviewing this book! I can't wait to see what you have to say.
If it's any consolation I don't know where the 500 pages came from. I've seen that mentioned around on the blogs today, along with the fact that it's only eight chapters (one per kid, naturally). I was wondering how the hell the chapters can be over 60 pages each! Well, both Amazon and Zondervan says it's only 208 pages! Feel better now, Admin? LOL.
I wonder if her kids got their original letters or at least an autographed copy of the book.
Wow, I just tortured myself and read the sample pages. On one hand, it's boring as hell. But at the same time, it's maddening. You know when you watch someone on tv (like Khate) and you find yourself talking back to the tv? Well, I found myself silently responding to nearly every paragraph. It's filled with lies, exaggerations, and most of all complaints.
I don't know how anyone reading a sample will want to buy that crap. Sadly the sheeple are too far gone. Also, while I've often seen Amazon reduce the price of a book before it even is released, I have never seen a hardcover reduced all the way down to $12.41! I have to think that the main reason is to get a higher sales volume. Many people will consider $20 not worth it, and might pay $15, but when it's all the way down to $12, they'll surely purchase it. Does anyone know when the price was reduced to this level? I wonder if it was so far reduced because the pre-orders weren't high.
One more question: When does Amazon open up reviews? I could swear that I've been annoyed before by seeing reviews posted for books before they even came out. Or, does Amazon first allow reviews on the release day (and people who haven't even read the book post the reviews that day)?
Admin, will you be posting your review on Amazon? That would be funny!
That was my bad. I thought I read that it was 500 pages too. Sorry admin.
BTW, I see I've developed dyslexia as well. In my post upthread I wrote I'm sure pretty, instead of pretty sure. Cripes, I hope Kate's narcissism isn't rubbing off on me.
I'm wondering if anyone else listened to Kate's 'reading' of the chapter. The kids would be lucky to listen to their not-a-nanny read them bed time stories after listening to Mommies oh-so-unethusiastic reading ... oh hang on didn't I just read or hear that she didn't do bed time stories, she had a TV set up for the kids.
Kate has the temerity of being critical of the kids for buthering words???? They are kids. Let's criticize Kate for the way she butchers words.
1. It's a crazy life but it's ARE life
2. The kids were being baddish
3. Jon wasn't listening to me but it's typicalish of Jon
Kate has mastered the english language like Yoggi Berra.
I go to all my friends funerals so they will come to mine.
I say, we all pitch in and send the Admin a love offering and cover the cost of her purchasing the Kate Gosselin 2010 Fleecing of America. It's only fair.
Boy Administrator. If you would allow me to send postage paid box maybe we can send your copy of the book around the globe. Read it and sign it.
That was pitiful what I just read. Pitiful. I don't know what to think except that Kate is just a liar.
I wonder how she can write this book, whine about all the responsibility she has, then turn around and abandon her children for fame? Can someone please get this through my thick skull?
It is cruel & heartless what she has done to her children. A sick joke.
Schmeckygirl, the kids have to go through the bodyguard or the lawyers to get their letters. And, they have to pay $20 each for them.
Maybe she did write this one!
I love this quote from Learning my Lines: To Zondervan. . . Kate's publisher. . . . and one of my publishers. . . you need to take a long hard look at what you are doing to promote a worldview, parenting style, and message about faith that I know doesn't line-up with what has historically been your solid commitments as a publishing company. What Kate Gosselin is now promoting is a faith that is nothing more or less than the world with a thin veneer of Jesus-talk. I know you care about children, youth, and families. You've published numerous books to build the Kingdom of God and to equip strong families. For several reasons, you need to step up and pull the plug. Sure, Kate can go somewhere else and find a publisher if she so desires. But if the books you are selling don't line up with reality, or if the books you are selling are contributing to a media fascination and frenzy that's causing the loss of both childhood and the lifelong emotional health for 8 precious children. . . then please, pull the plug. If you don't, shame on you.
Ok is it just me or does she mention Jon a lot. I know this is from a period of time when they were still married but all I could focus on was her bitching & complaining about how hard her life was and how often she mentioned Jon???
Sorry but a really sureal read....
Zondervan is a business and they are looking to make money. They are not an evangelical company, they are a company that tries to make money publishing 'clean' and 'relgious' stuff.
Kate's book will make them money. As much as it makes us all sick...they will make money from this.
You're right jupiter Zondervan is in a NICHE. The niche happens to be something that's supposed to be moral and ethical so we expect them to uphold that. But if gardening were their niche or books on cooking, no one would probably care what they choose to publish.
I have a daughter who is exactly Mady and Cara's age. She is confident, secure, academically gifted and lives in a stable and secure home with both parents. However, she would be HUMILIATED if I ever published anything of a personal nature about her. Girls this age are very sensitive and very easily embarassed by their parents. Pre-adolescence is such a challenging time anyway, and Mady and Cara are dealing with family upheaval, publicity, rotating-door parents, filming, etc. It is absurd for Kate to think it's OK to print personal, private information about any of her kids, but I think those sweet girls are the most likely to be wounded by this.
I just think it is so hypocritical of Kate to complain in one hand about privacy & sell her children's privacy in the other.
Oh well, at my job tonight I talked to about 25 people. Many more than you think still think Kate is smoozing up with the married bodyguard, a few said she was dancing horrible, about 10 says they pay no attention to her why would they buy the book?
I will buy a copy if she sells more than Palin's Going Rogue.
But, a christian publisher must be desperate to print this kind of garbage. It borders taking the Lord's name in vain it is so bogus.
Yes, Jillie beans can you imagine how these kids feel abou this book. Lordie bee.
And, Nancyb it is a way for Kate to get even with Jon. She uses his name & she gets all the proceeds from the book.
But, he is still their father. No corporation or Kate will ever be able to change that. The kids are gonna hate her some day for what she has done to him.
I'll wait for the recap. I don't want Kate's voice in my head!
I tried to read the excerpt but the writing is so bad, I couldn't get past the lady with the black dog sniffing Kart's kankles then tried listening to the excerpt but couldn't get past Kart's nasaly twangy grating voice. Now I'm nauseous. Is anyone else being being affected like that?
Oh man, I just stumbled upon some Khate-loving krap:
Delusional idiots
The author and her 9 readers who commented are all Khate fans and they bash all the "haters". Well, I shouldn't say "all" because they think it's only a small handful of Khate-bashers posting all day long on "hate" sites. Hmm, funny how they have 9 comments and I see HUNDREDS of anti-Khate comments not just on websites about her, but on any articles about DWTS posted anywhere, including newspaper and magazine articles. The sheeple are DELUSIONAL, just like their idol!
But, Admin, I wanted to share the link with you because it seems that comment #1 is referring to YOU and your "creepy" Kate Kalendar. LMAO! I find it hilarious that Khate's fans troll all the anti-Khate sites all day long just so they can turn around and complain about people on the internet bashing Khate incessantly.
I so love how the Kate Kalendar is "creepy," but it's not kreepy that it's so easy to know exactly where and when Kate and the kids are because all she does all day long is throw herself in front of the paps like white on rice. It's not like I hang out at her fence...it's called Google news search!
I also like how they say all other celeb moms are away from their kids like Kate is and then point out Angelina Jolie. Um, Angelina takes her kids WITH HER when she has to leave. As well I know for a fact that's not how all Hollywood moms operate, give me a break. In the movies, maybe it's like that. Pam Anderson volunteers in Dylan's class for pity sake. And those that do leave their kids as much as Kate does, I disagree with them as much as I do with Kate leaving her kids. But I don't see any of them holding a press conference every day to say what a great mother they are like Kart does.
I love it! I think it is a fitting next step in the "will the real Kate Gosselin please come out" saga and it is very entertaining at least! I only wish it didn't come at the expense of eight wonderful children.
I LOVE that she whines and moans on and on about having such a big family...wah wah wah. She whines about having to take one child to the doctor...when ALL of them are sick...and then the next day has the nerve to ask a doctor to give her a pscription for a child they have not seen! "But I'm a nurse"...its funny cuz if she had just taken them all when she couldn't find a sitter, he probably would have been looked at too and getting a pscription wouldn't have been a problem! But, the health care staff don't know how to help her!
It is very weird though to read her talking about her and Jon as a team pulling through things together, high fiving each other...blah blah blah. Not only does it ring false after the show and divorce, but it feels even more inappropriate so soon after the divorce. You can not help remembering how bad it all went while reading and blaming Kate!
IMO, if the rest of the book is anything like the beginning, its just going to turn more people away from the "Kate Gosselin" supermom brand!
So I'm reading the excerpt that Admin provided.
I'm at the part where Kate is complaining about the attention and the "dog lady" who recognized her from T.V. Kate then talks about how she and Jon just wanted a "normal" life.
What did they think would happen if they had a cable T.V. show? OF COURSE they would be recognized.
There is this weird disconnect with Jon and Kate. It's like they don't think about the consequences of their choices and then complain that everyone else is to blame.
Is there a definition for that?
Yes, Admin, I think if Kate would just stop singing her "I'm the world's best mom" songs we would all have a little more respect for her. I wonder what TLC will do, their biggest money maker branded "America's Favorite Mom" "Example Mom" who becomes anything but. Now where do they go??? They have to try to keep Jon in the closet, enforce those confidentiality agreements, and try to hide the real Kate from the world so that the "brand" lives on. Perhaps her talk with Dr Phil had some influence.
One more time, it's not so much Kate leaving the kids. It's:
1. She lies and says she HAS to. With 22k in support a month, you don't have to do anything but sit in a plastic chair and eat organic bon bons
2. TLC insists she's "America's favorite mother". No, she's a terrible mom.
Ha, funny that you mention Angelina Jolie because I was just reading sheeple comments on some other article and they made that damned comparison again. Gee, did I miss something or did Khate train and work for years before she even had kids to become an international movie star? And did she adopt half of her large brood from poor countries and most likely not ideal living situations? Oh, and I guess I must have missed the fact that she travels the world donating her time to various international charity efforts, including working for years with the United Nations to help refugees throughout the world, serving as a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN refugee commission, and let's not forget DONATING millions of dollars. Uugh, it's such a RIDICULOUS comparison to make! Plus, as you pointed out, Angelina and Brad seem to ALWAYS have their kids with them all over the world! Imagine that, parents that actually want to be with their children!
Ha, self-centered narcissistic Khate is NO Angelina Jolie!
Also, on the issue of schools - does anyone know if Khate ever volunteers at the kids' school? I don't know many moms (both working outside the home and not) who don't volunteer in some way at their kids' school.
While I'm at it, can someone please explain to me about the Gosselin kids' tuition? I'm late to the game, as I only began paying attention to these people about a year ago when I couldn't escape the mess of their lives. I tuned in, was disgusted by what I saw, Googled around and found out more than I ever wanted to know. But, I missed the school info. Did someone give the kids free tuition at the VERY expensive private school when they were born? Are all eight getting a free ride and is that all the way until (or through) high school? If so, it's kind of disgusting now when they are no longer a family struggling to raise eight kids, but rather they've made (and squandered, in my opinion) millions. Finally, why was an expensive private school even an issue? I realize that people wanted to donate necessities when the sextuplets were born, but where is it required that because you have High Order Money-Makers, (copyright the lovely ~Irene, lol), that they need to go to private school?
It's the continuous LYING that I find wrong.
Going to churches and LYING about their financial situation.
LYING about Kate being an amazing cook, baker, coupon-clipper, organizer super-mom.
LYING that she has to work.
LYING about Jon's child support payments.
LYING by saying "it's all for my kids." No Kate, it's all for you.
I think if Kate granted custody to Jon and went on with her career I wouldn't have a problem with that. But it is the continuous LYING that I find wrong. She pays her PR firm good money so they should be able to create a statement that is favorable to Kate.
They are using screen names of known Kate haters.
Why don't they give it up?
ADMIN- Itsaboutthekids posted a great question on another blog. Since Zonderfake has another book besides this one that was part of the contract they signed with Kart in 2008 does that mean that Jon will get 1/2 the proceeds since they were still married then???
Delusional Idiots said...
They are using screen names of known Kate haters.
Why don't they give it up?
Yeah, the sheeple have been stealing screen names for a few years now. I've seen my name over on some sheeple blogs.
This is problematic to my way of thinking-what do all of you think?
This article jives with what the mystery poster of a few days ago who had predictions about J + K doing the show together.
Interesting, the Zondervan site says the book will be available in May 2010. Too busy printing copies to update the site?
Barnes and Noble has discounted to the Amazon price as well. That's a 46% discount. Odd number - anybody in retail books? Is that usual?
NancyB. said,
"I am only through the first few pages and this is "no work of art" as Kart describes her book.
Oh, no, she didn't! Say it ain't so! Did she really call her OWN book "a work of art"? Seriously, who does that?
Maybe she meant to say "a work of Kart"...very different, lol.
I'm wondering if Zondervon removed the excerpt from their site. I can't access the link.
Just caught the comment above that Kate is afraid of fires and getting everyone out? She seriously says that in the book?
She cant be that worried. She is almost never home overnight with her children. Come on, a parent who is really concerned with these things does NOT leave their kids with nannies overnight as much as she does.
"This is problematic to my way of thinking-what do all of you think?"
NancyB....this would be problematic to my way of thinking too. My first thought was...ugh, why don't Jon and his lawyer both shut up and maintain a low profile?
Honestly, I don't know what to think. I've read that Jon's paid his child support with assets granted to him in the divorce, but that these will run out at some point. Certainly, a regular job/IT job would not pay him nearly enough to allow him to continue to pay that amount of child support. I have no idea whether Jon could make any sort of successful career in the entertainment industry...other than at TLC.
I don't have enough information to adequately evaluate this newest info on TMZ....but unfortunately, these types of things do not put Jon in a good light...and tend to make it look like his main goals are fame/money also.
Those children are going to have a host of psychological problems (if they don't already) when they get older. I can't grasp why she is doing this. She is mentally challenged.
Yes, marnie I agree. Afraid of fires but you spend most of your time away from them so that Nannies get to worry about the fires. Makes no sense.
I also laughed about the Television. In her show Kate said her kids hardly ever watched tv. Now it is they watched on too small a tv it was sad for the kids. Lordie bee this woman lies like a sailor cusses.
Have a great day ya'll.
Admin looks like the floggers keep on floggin'. Oh well, if they pay attention long enough they may learn something.
Just curious; I wondered why (I thought her writing was awkward and stiff) I had a problem getting through the few paragraphs of Kate's book posted online last week until I finally realized that she didn't use abbreviations . Was that the case in the majority of the pages you read? (The Zondervan site has crashed and I can't read it myself.)
Preesi has a fantastic article on "Characteristics of Narcissistic Mothers" and it sounds like this book corroborates many of the characteristics in this article. An example:
"23. She blames. She’ll blame you for everything that isn’t right in her life or for what other people do or for whatever has happened. Always, she’ll blame you for her abuse. You made her do it. If only you weren’t so difficult. You upset her so much that she can’t think straight. Things were hard for her and your backtalk pushed her over the brink. This blaming is often so subtle that all you know is that you thought you were wronged and now you feel guilty."
It is amazing how much Kate fits the textbook example of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Unfortunately, people with this disorder do horrible damage to their children and their prognosis is poor even with massive therapy.
I commend the Administrator for being willing to review the book for us. I'm betting that it will point-for-point match the characteristics of narcissistic mothers. It will be interesting to see.
Zondervan can't take the heat--the excerpt has been removed!
I love this quote from Learning my Lines: To Zondervan. . . Kate's publisher. . . . and one of my publishers. . . you need to take a long hard look at what you are doing to promote a worldview, parenting style, and message about faith that I know doesn't line-up with what has historically been your solid commitments as a publishing company. What Kate Gosselin is now promoting is a faith that is nothing more or less than the world with a thin veneer of Jesus-talk. I know you care about children, youth, and families. You've published numerous books to build the Kingdom of God and to equip strong families. For several reasons, you need to step up and pull the plug. Sure, Kate can go somewhere else and find a publisher if she so desires. But if the books you are selling don't line up with reality, or if the books you are selling are contributing to a media fascination and frenzy that's causing the loss of both childhood and the lifelong emotional health for 8 precious children. . . then please, pull the plug. If you don't, shame on you.
I wrote to Zondervan last year when I first heard she was writing another book and basically said the same things as LearningMyLines. Their response was that they had signed her to a multi-book contract and they were pleased with the relationship. Basically, a very curt, STFU letter.
Zondervan was pretty quiet after taking a lot of flak over the last book and I wonder if they wish she would just go away.
"Zondervan can't take the heat--the excerpt has been removed!"
Wow, that doesn't bode well for the reception the entire book will receive.
That excerpt didn't even include any of the individual criticisms of the children (the "you challenged my authority greatly" ones).
Hmm...I'm having some cookbook deja-vu here. Good for you, Administrator. It's so great to see people go up against propaganda/spin.
ADMIN- I saved the PDF, if I send it to you, could you post with a link?
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
can someone please explain to me about the Gosselin kids' tuition? I'm late to the game..... But, I missed the school info. Did someone give the kids free tuition at the VERY expensive private school when they were born? Are all eight getting a free ride and is that all the way until (or through) high school? .... Finally, why was an expensive private school even an issue?
The people who decided on a private school education for the kids was Kate and possibly Jon, too. The State of PA established a state college fund for the sextuplets when they were born (google for details). The governor asked residents to make donations - the state did NOT fund it. As for the expensive private school tuition - we don't know if they're getting a multi-child discount or not; although I'd hope so! Many schools give them. If I can find it, I'll post some general info regarding this school's tuition rates.
dee3 said.....
I've read that Jon's paid his child support with assets granted to him in the divorce, but that these will run out at some point. Certainly, a regular job/IT job would not pay him nearly enough to allow him to continue to pay that amount of child support. ....
I don't have enough information to adequately evaluate this newest info on TMZ....but unfortunately, these types of things do not put Jon in a good light...and tend to make it look like his main goals are fame/money also.
I agree Dee3,
Mr. List verified that Jon was using part of his divorce settlement to pay child support. I guess I can see how sheeple would feel (always choosing the negative) that Jon initiated this suit for fame/money, but I'm an eternal optimist and want to take the quest for fame out of the equation.
Any ex-spouse, male or female, who has had a change in their financial situation would be petitioning the court to revisit the terms of the agreement (in addition to Jon's claims @ having no representation and there being lopsided settlement). It happens thousands of times every day in every state. IMO, Jon is doing what what most other custody paying parents would do and it has nothing to do with fame.
Although I think there should be a parent in the home with the children, I wonder if Jon's custody suit is being used as a bargaining chip for reduced child support. The opinions on many tabloid shows, of course, say it's true. The Admin can tell us how common this tactic is and whether it is as common/effective today as it was 10-20 years ago.
NancyB said...
ADMIN- I saved the PDF, if I send it to you, could you post with a link?
I tried the link that was posted upthread and that page is gone, too.
bbsak....I'm having a very difficult time trying to translate and evaluate the most recent TMZ posting where Jon's lawyer (List) apparently said that Jon would be interested in doing a TLC show with Kate. I'm not sure what to make of it.
Parts of that posting seem contradictory...so makes me wonder if I'm missing or misconstruing something. References are made to Kate being addicted to the papparazzi and again, to Kate rarely being home...so why would Jon want to file to be with the children and have primary custody and at the same time, reportedly be interested in doing a show with Kate?
If she's already not home enough, why even mention interest in yet another show? And if she's not home enough but he CAN be home with the children, why mention interest in doing a show with Kate and being away from the children himself due to this? The entire TMZ post really doesn't make much sense to me.
Jon just wants things back to how it was before the divorce. It all backfired on him. He want a do over and again using the kids as bargaining chips. That's just how Jon Rolls.
The TMZ post is just a ruse to bash and put Jon in a bad light. I think TLC/Julie May are taking certain words and skewing them to come up with this. I say this because Kaydar is now saying basically Jon is open to it but it won't happen. I think we've all figured out this game with Kate's people. They plant info about Jon and then turn around to annhiliate Jon.
Isn't this the normal "M.O" for Kate's "people"? Kate gets some bad publicity and somehow they attempt to turn the attention on Jon. She's gong to get royally bashed over this book, so why not start early trying to drag Jon's name through the mud again.
Actually, what I'm REALLY interested in figuring out is why this new lawyer, Mr. List, would allow this to be released. Or was something he did say skewed? Or parsed? Or misconstrued? Or taken out of context?
Jon's behavior has often perplexed me...though I have always felt MUCH more positively about him than I ever have about her. He's made some really bad choices, but over-all, comes across as NOT narcissistic, loving his children, just basically a relatively nice person. From my perspective...compared to her, he's the much better parent. Perfect? No. But much better her.
But I'm trying to gauge the adequacy of this new lawyer...so this TMZ posting has me perplexed. I think he was clearly shafted in the divorce agreement and don't think very highly of his previous lawyer, Heller, who is apparently related to Hailey Glassman, it turns out. But I really would like to get a sense of whether or not this new lawyer is a good choice and can help Jon.
But can't figure-out this TMZ posting.
BTW..the only reason I post as anonymous is that not being computer-savvy at all, I can't get any of the other "profile" options to work for me (meaning, allow me to post)...and I can't figure out what the problem is. But not at all trying to hide my identity.
I can't believe that Jon's attorney, as good as he supposedly is, would go on record with that statement that was written in TMZ. If that statement were true, that would derail any attempt to modify the terms of the child support/support issue and would/should be used against Jon at the hearing.
If his attorney made that statement to any media source, would have been reckless and grounds for his termination poste haste. If it is true, there would be nothing that Jon could do to turn his reputation around at any cost.
I apologize for the typo.
"But much better her."
Is supposed to be "But much better than her. (Kate)
Kelly said...
I can't believe that Jon's attorney, as good as he supposedly is, would go on record with that statement that was written in TMZ. If that statement were true, that would derail any attempt to modify the terms of the child support/support issue and would/should be used against Jon at the hearing.
If his attorney made that statement to any media source, would have been reckless and grounds for his termination poste haste. If it is true, there would be nothing that Jon could do to turn his reputation around at any cost.
Kelly...that's EXACTLY how I saw it....why I can't figure this out. This lawyer was apparently thought highly of by Jon's late father....but what's in this TMZ posting would indicate that he would be a questionable choice, at the very least. I can't imagine he'd have gone on record with this. I'm not a lawyer and even I would know what a terrible idea this would be.
Paula, TLC or Kate's "people" had nothing to do with the TMZ post. It came from Anthony List, Jon's attorney.
It seems to me that Jon has made this same statement in the past, before List and possibly at the time Heller was representing him. Does anyone else remember that? In other words, this is not something new. I'll see if I can find the article.
Look at the article on TMZ again - only certain phrases are in "quotes" - which means we have no clue what the question was to List or what his complete answer was. They are taking snippets and making them into an article. Also, some of what was written in the article is from List's earlier statement.
ms.anonymous, LOL, of course Kate's "people" had something to do with it. Kate's "people" are behind everything written about both Kate and Jon. How do we know that the information given to TMZ was actually submitted by Mr. List? Maybe it was an email purported to be from Mr. List, but actually was sent by Kate's "people". It's happened before.
Anyway, let's not turn this conversation away from the "book". It's astounding exploitative and emotional abusive to those children.
Yes, Let us just concentrate on bashing Kate. Its much more fun that way.
Paula, I don't think it came from Kate's "people", but no matter who it came from List is being quoted so it means that he said that. If he didn't say that, I would think he would be "on top of it" and tell TMZ to remove it post haste. Let's not kid ourselves, Jon would sell his soul to be on TV again!!
Ok, I read the TMZ article again and the only thing List says is "under the right circumstances"
and "The contract would have to be tighter".
It sounds like TMZ asked the questions and List answered. It wasn't that List called up TMZ and is trying to negotiate Jon being on the show again.
The other entertainment news sources are reporting this story as Jon is out looking to hook up with Kate again.
I'm holding out hope that List's answers were taken out of context.
"It's astounding exploitative and emotional abusive to those children."
I completely agree with you, Paula. In fact, I'm astounded that anyone is even allowing it to be published.
My sons are grown now...but when I think back to the things that would embarrass them....and these things never even came remotely CLOSE to anything in this book.
One of them would get embarrassed when I'd speak to strangers...such as, other people in a grocery line we were in. He'd try to shush me under his breath...thought I was too overly friendly and this was embarrassing him.
My two younger sons both had ear infection issues as babies and as a result, needed speech therapy in grade school. I would have rather sliced off one of my arms with a dull knife than to have EVER mentioned their mis-pronunciation of certain words...to ANYONE. Aw, just that memory makes me feel SO badly for the Gosselin children....makes me want to cry for them. That would have been SO humiliating if I'd have ever done that to my sons. It really makes me feel so sad.
I have not seen any excerpts about the book, therefore, I don't know that it is or isn't exploitative and emotionally abusive to the kids. I will reserve judgment until I actually read it.
Anonymous said...
Yes, Let us just concentrate on bashing Kate. Its much more fun that way.
This thread is about the book.
I have stated this before, so sorry for repeating myself, but a good and loving Mother would never even say the things Kate has written to their children, much less publish those comments in a book for publication. Kate Gosselin is shameful and her children will never forgive her when they are actually old enough to read and understand what she has written.
Since it is about the book, has anyone found any quotes from Kate about the divorce that Life/Styles reported she said. You know the ones Life/Style wouldn't make up?
Maybe we could continue the other discussion in the other topic about this latest filing done by this attorney for Jon. I really AM concerned about this lawyer now, after reading the TMZ bit.
It's really critical for Jon to have an attorney who is competent and out for Jon's best interest. This TMZ posting is a huge concern, IMO...and is just flaring up the Jon-bashing...as can be seen in the comments following that posting at TMZ. This is the last thing Jon needed right now.
Take this to a different topic here? A previous one? Would that be okay?
dee3, I don't think it's a good idea - just invites the sheeple and Administrator would have to put moderation back on. Perhaps a conversation about the TMZ posting could take place under the lawsuit topic.
I am going to make an assumption that it will be Meredith interviewing Kate on "Today Show". Will she have read the book before the interview? If Meredith has read the book and gives Kate a pass on it, any respect I have left for Meredith Viera is gone, kaput. Meredith is a mother herself and I cannot imagine she would ever invade her children's privacy in such a manner.
If you read the article on narcissistic mothers (Preesi's site)....this book is classic narcissistic mother behavior. It's actually all about HER...and how difficult it was for HER...and how selfless SHE was, despite these difficult children. She's camouflaging criticism and blame in this pretense of loving them and writing them loving letters....a classic "see what you made me do?" Because nothing is EVER her fault. Poor Kate had to deal with all these difficult children. Can anyone blame her for anything she HAD to do?
The only good outcome I can think of...in terms of this book...is that it's so over the top, in terms of narcissistic mother behavior...that it might cause critiques to be written by professional counselors and child therapists and psychologists......panning it and pointing out the harm it could cause to the children.
"Perhaps a conversation about the TMZ posting could take place under the lawsuit topic."
Paula, that's exactly what I had meant. Sorry I didn't write it more clearly...I can see it was confusing. Yes, I meant to move it to an earlier posted topic here...one that already has comments...not a new one.
I absolutely don't want the sheeple to run over here and I love it when the moderation is off...much easier to keep up and to respond. I agree :).
Actually, dee, I misread your post - you did indicate moving to another post. :)
I can't imagine Meredith Viera giving her any positive feedback on this book...IF she's already read it. I'm frustrated with these interviewers not being informed when they interview Kate or discuss her. They should have had to watch at least some of the episodes of the show to discuss that topic (J&K plus 8) and they should have read the book in order to interview her about it...or to discuss it.
It's beyond frustrating when these people have not bothered to watch the show or read the book or actually research the topic that is to be on the coming show.
I will be very frustrated if anyone discusses the book or interviews Kate on it without having read the book AND I will be totally disgusted if anyone who HAS read the book, gives it positive reviews or gives her a pass...especially if any of them have children themselves.
Couldn't Kate's book be looked upon as how much harder it was to give to each of the children's different needs because they all came at the same time.(again her choice.)Very different if they came one or even two at a time. That that is the content she is speaking in?
"Couldn't Kate's book be looked upon as how much harder it was to give to each of the children's different needs because they all came at the same time."
Certainly, giving individualized attention to each child, when one has multiples, is a good thing. The problem with this book would be the same whether this is to a single child or to twins or to sextuplets. It's revealing very private information about them to the world. To expose to the world that a vulnerable young child was a "difficult" baby is just a horrible thing to do. To write about how difficult ones children were is not a loving thing to do....and not a loving way to write to your child.
There COULD be a way to write a book addressed to ones children...be it one child or multiples. And to do it in a very loving way without exposing or embarrassing/humiliating them. But THIS book is not it. It's not about her LOVE for her children. It's about HER and how difficult it was and they were...for HER. Yet again....it's ALL about HER.
About Life/Style's quote after the divorce any sign of any truth to what they quoted?
It would be much more palatable if the book was more about the joy the children brought into their lives, rather than the hardships they caused. But that's just based on the pages that were sampled here last night before they disappeared. JMO
BTW..the only reason I post as anonymous is that not being computer-savvy at all, I can't get any of the other "profile" options to work for me (meaning, allow me to post)...and I can't figure out what the problem is. But not at all trying to hide my identity.
Underneath the comment box my page it says: 'comment as'. I have a little pull down box saying 'select profile' where I can choose Google account, live journal, wordpress, name/url, etc. I choose name/url and put my name in (but not an url) and then click continue. I think you might have a different browser and you might not have those options.
Anonymous said...
About Life/Style's quote after the divorce any sign of any truth to what they quoted?
What is the quote?
will be very frustrated if anyone discusses the book or interviews Kate on it without having read the book AND I will be totally disgusted if anyone who HAS read the book, gives it positive reviews or gives her a pass...especially if any of them have children themselves.
Get ready to be frustrated. I doubt many, if any at all, of the people who interview her will have read any of the book. They usually do their interviews based on a brief session with their producers right before the show and rely on their little blue cards for questions and quotes. I don't expect any of her rounds of interviews to be any different than we've seen in the past.
Will she be tearful and meek or strong and determined? Which Kate will she bring out to do the interviews?
To Colin I believe, "You are always afraid I will desert you but remember I will always come back"
To Aden " I don't know how to be a father to you but I will try"
Something like that itabouthekids, you said a tabloid would not make it up because it was a quote from the book.
Those are quotes from her book. The question is?
That was my question. Are they written in her book? Did anyone read it?
Why would Kart try to be a father to Aiden?
He already has a father.
What a piece of work this woman is.
Anon -
The quotes are from her book and were released by her publicist/Kate, etc. They were first released by People.com, I believe, and then came out in every other print and online media - they're not just in L/S.
Here are the passages that were quoted for all eight kids. They were in quotations marks which indicates thay are direct quotes. When the book comes out tomorrow we will know for sure if the quotes are or are not Kate's own words, but as bbsak noted, L&S is not the only source.
Collin - "You have challenged my authority greatly. I called Daddy at work many times...because you would not obey."
Mady - "Our family has changed. I have been doing my best to support you during rough times."
Aaden - As a baby, Aaden was often "rattled" and "disturbed," Kate writes. "You regularly cried inconsolably."
Leah - "Although cute, you were a difficult baby." "You had reflux which caused you to vomit nearly every drop of feeding."
Joel - "I sometimes become impatient with you being so easygoing, laid-back and good-natured."
Cara - "You usually let Mady do the talking for you."
Hannah - Jon and Kate's divorce has "caused pain and doubt in you," Kate writes to Hannah. "It has shaken you."
Alexis - The split has been "confusing and quite upsetting to you," Kate writes to daughter Alexis.
Did anyone Read or See them is my question?
What's your point?
If ALL the publications misquoted (using the exact same words) Kate's book the publisher/Kate would have asked for a retraction or correction. There is no issue here.
They are quotes from a written source - different than someone saying someone said something.
(lots of S's.) lol
TY, its.
I can't believe I wrote a sentence with all the s's - where is the English teacher? lol
bbsak, YW :)
This is kind of off topic but does anyone else think Kate looks like Kate Hudson on her book cover? I love Kate Hudson but now every time I see her, I'll think of Kate Gosselin....:(
Anonymous, if they said it is from the book and put it in quotes, I would like to think that they did take it from the book. If that is in quotes from an "unnamed source" it probably isn't true. I guess we will find out for sure when the book is released!
ADMIN SAID You're right jupiter Zondervan is in a NICHE. The niche happens to be something that's supposed to be moral and ethical so we expect them to uphold that. But if gardening were their niche or books on cooking, no one would probably care what they choose to publish
Agree with this 100% and I also just love what Walt wrote about Zanderfake. They sent those canned responses to all of our protest letters regarding the diachotomy between their supposed and stated MISSION statement and ethical principles. I no longer have ny belief of their "Christian" values. Zandervon has only had 6 NY Times bestsellers in the history of the company. Two of these were Kate's books. They do not make business decisions based on scripture or faith. That is just the "pretty wrapping" they use to front their brand. They love her--$$$.
I could only listen for a few minutes and that was IT! Bad.
I thought a person wasn't supposed to judge a book by its cover, but hey. There sits Kate dressed all in pastels and white with the best angelic expression the she-devil could conjure up. They designed it as if the heavens had just parted and Kate descended down a golden staircase, sat herself down and got ready to announce to the world that she's more than just America's Favorite Mom, she's a heaven-sent gift to the world.
The trouble with that is it's the same Kate who's been on the cover of just about every tabloid for the last two years wearing a scowl on her face and most of the time dressed like a hooker and not even an expensive hooker at that.
This is the Kate I saw being just plain nasty mean to her kids on a weekly basis when the show was still on. She has a lot of gall to pose like that on the cover.
NancyB. From your posts that speak of judgment and condemn another I question your "Christian" values"
bbsak~ The PDF is in perfect order so I will email it to ADMIN in case she has a way to provide a link for it on this site. I am so computer illiterate that I have no idea if that is even possible to do.
itsaboutthekids~ You have a very good memory and yes I too unfortunately, remember this as well.
dee3~ I have the same question as to why List has not responded to REFUTE this statement. Could List's GAG order stem from the fact that Jon is under one with TLC--would Jon's GAG order extend to his attorney? This is another question for our ADMIN, if she has the time! I know that she may not ever have anticipated the amount of response this blog has received AND the huge amount of time in administering it.
Kelly @ 9:45~ I do agree with you, which is why when I initially posted the link I was asking for folks input and thoughts.
ADMIN- Itsaboutthekids posted a great question on another blog. Since Zonderfake has another book besides this one that was part of the contract they signed with Kart in 2008 does that mean that Jon will get 1/2 the proceeds since they were still married then???
ADMIN~ Itsaboutthekids posted a great question on another blog. Since Zonderfake has another book besides this one that was part of the contract they signed with Kart in 2008 does that mean that Jon will get 1/2 the proceeds since they were still married then???
ADMIN~ itsaboutthekids posted a great question on another site and I am very interested in your response-because as a lawyer, I imagine that you would know. Zonderfake signed the 3 book contract with Kart in 2008. Does this mean that JKart has to split 50% of the profits of this book and the next one to be written???
Anon 12:01~ Being a Christian doesn't mean sitting back and never speaking out against injustice.
It's frustrating when people pull the "Hey, you're a Christian so you shouldn't judge".
Without getting into a huge religious debate, Jesus didn't say to turn away from injustice.
ADMIN~ So sorry, I sure had not meant to post the last part of that question 3 times.
Anonymous, believe it or not, everybody is not a "christian."
No he just said don't judge another least of all you will be judged accordingly.
bbsak, I have those same options but I'm not sure what the first 5 are, I tried open ID (as dee3) but wouldn't allow me to post with that and the name/URL thing...wasn't sure what that was either. One of my sons is a MAC specialist for Apple so I will try and get him to sort this out for me. The problem is corralling him...with a full-time job and a girlfriend and being 25, that can be difficult. :)
NancyB, I also hold Zondervan to a higher standard than other publishers only related to the "Christian-based" association. To me, it gives the appearance of being willing to publish literally ANYTHING that will sell, as long as the author throws some biblical quotes in there. It just comes across as hypocritical.
Just like cheating (on their wives) politicians who were blatantly self-righteous about family values.
Or moms who spend most of their time away from their children when they promote themselves as role models and advice-givers for moms.
bbsak...hehe, I'm not an English teacher but for some reason I STILL remember (and believe me, it was way back in the day) what this is called.. It's "alliteration"...multiple words in a sentence starting with the same letter.
Hmm...Will she be tearful and meek or strong and determined?
That's a good question. I think that if she gets any criticism...she'd probably pull out the kleenex and do the "poor me" routine. But if they flatter her, she will pull the "strong mom" routine. But boy, it's tough to determine. It would be heavily dependent on the interviewer's stance and approach.
itsaboutthekids...I totally agree. She could have written a wonderful book if it had been all about how wonderful the children are in their own unique way, had it actually been about them and how wonderful they are....with NO criticism, finding fault or revealing their personal suffering. Only what a true blessing they are for her.
All say the same. Plus NancyB was the one that brought up Christian values.
You can't school me on the Bible I've been a Christian 25 years. The NT also says "SPEAK UP and JUDGE fairly, DEFEND the RIGHTS of the poor and NEEDY". As far as I'm concerned there is nothing un-Christian about trying to prevent fraud, scam, and the destruction of eight little childhoods. In fact, we are called to do so.
Have any of you stopped anything. You have done nothing but gossiped and torn a mother to shreds.
Have one of you done anything that changed those children's lives.
What happen to forgiveness, compassion, love.
The picture on her book has a strange expression. It's as if smiling is not natural to her. She looks pained.
Re: my comments about Zondervan. They publish a lot of books that may or may not direcly line up with each person's religious thoughts. I don't agree with everything they put out (this being the worst) but she ~claims~ to be a Christian...and how can they judge such a thing? They are just doing business.
To clarify- I wish they would not support Kate but I don't fault them for making a buck.
Has Kate ever asked for forgiveness and changed? Waiting...
Many people wonder what the Bible has to say about being judgmental. The Bible is clear that God does not want His people judging one another. Because people do not have the entire picture as God does, and because earthly viewpoints are skewed based upon human limitations, people are not in a position to judge others well. Instead, God calls for everyone to have compassion and forgive one another.
1. The Bible is clear that God does not want His people to be judgmental. The most direct passage in the Bible speaking out against being judgmental is found in Matthew 7:1-6, where Jesus pointed out that people tend to judge the "speck of sawdust" in another person's eye when they are oblivious to the "plank" in their own eyes. Being judgmental only makes people hypocrites because they are unable to see their own issues as they judge others.
2. Fallible human beings are not in a good position to judge other people. The Bible points out in that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23), which means that nobody is in a position to be judgmental about another person's actions. Even Jesus himself, who was without sin, did not condemn the adulterous woman when others were about to stone her (John 8:1-11). Jesus instead invited the person who was "without sin" to cast the first stone.
3. One reason the Bible says not to be judgmental is that human beings are not very good about judging the right things. In II Chronicles 19:6-7, King Jehoshaphat warned the appointed judges to "Judge carefully, for with the Lord our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery." Unfortunately, when you appoint yourself a judge, you tend to judge the wrong things. The Bible warns you to "Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment" (John 7:24).
4. The Bible warns judgmental people that they will be judged by the same measure with which they judge others. (Matthew 7:2) Deuteronomy 1:17 reminds everyone that judgment belongs to God, not man. Because your ability to judge others is impaired by the "planks" in your own eyes (Matthew 7:3), you are unable to see other people's situations clearly. Rather than be judgmental, the Bible instructs people to have compassion for others (Ephesians 4:32).
5. In Luke 6:37, the Bible says, "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Nobody wants to be judged themselves, so you need to extend the same courtesy to others. As you view others with compassion instead of judgment, you are better able to help others and bring your life into better alignment with God's plans.
You profess to be Christian? I might suggest that you practice following Christ more carefully for the sake of others as well as yourself. :)
The kids were exploited.
The kids will continue to be exploited.
Anonymous is correct. Nothing we do matters.
However, keeping quiet and allowing the abuse to continue under our eyes is sinful to some of us too. If it bothers you, you can click away and your life won't be annoyed.
We can't click away from injustice, child labor abuses and emotionally abusive mothers. We care more about the children than Kate's feelings or ego.
ms.anonymous said...
Anonymous, if they said it is from the book and put it in quotes, I would like to think that they did take it from the book. If that is in quotes from an "unnamed source" it probably isn't true. I guess we will find out for sure when the book is released!
A paragraph excerpt from the Life & Style article. They were quoting from the book according to their article.
"Life & Style obtained an advance copy of the book, which is set to hit shelves on April 13. In her "letter" to daughter Alexis, Kate acknowledges that her bitter split with Jon has been "confusing and upsetting to you," adding, "I'm willing to help you." Writing to son Collin, Kate cruelly implies that the 6-year-old has a fear of abandonment--and that her split with Jon has hit him the hardest. "I will never leave you," she writes to him. "I know that all the recent events in our family structure have greatly upset you, maybe you most of all. When I leave for work, I will always come back." And to son Aaden, she apologizes for taking away his dad. "I do not possess the skills to father you," she writes. "But I will do everything I can to show you the way.""
Does Kate need to ask for your forgiveness adimin.
Anonymous, Does the Administrator and her posters need your permission to express our opinions?
I'm glad all the Christians who judged the Nazis and said this is wrong were willing to hide thousands of jews and save their lives. But I suppose they shouldn't have judged, should have forgiven. They are mere human not in a place to say something. Christianity is not that simple sorry. The end.
Anonymous 12:32
*I* might suggest that you are being just as judgmental...so join the crowd, my dear. Where in the Bible did it give you permission to judge anyone else here? Or to give suggestions on how to be a real Christian, according to YOU?
NancyB, as much as I would like to take credit concerning the 3 book contract and Jon's portion, I don't remember asking it? It might be that someone else is due credit, or it could be that CRS (can't remember sh**) problem that I have. lol
No, but please don't claim Christianity.
Christianity is very simple admin. Its just not fun at a hate fest.
Please people, ENOUGH of the religious diatribes.
Kart got her start claiming to be an ardent Christian. As seasons pass it's obvious she has turned her back on it so why are you wasting your time defending her and slamming us?
As far as a few persistant bloggers are concerned, stop ASSuming everyone in the USA is Christian. Stop judging us by your narrow standards. It's people like you that caused me to reject the 'faith' I was born in.
Being Jewish myself, I'd like to thank you for your post, Administrator.
"No, but please don't claim Christianity."
I guess that Administrator was already not entitled to claim Christianity because she's a lawyer, right Anonymous 12:46? Since those in the legal profession are involved with making judgments against criminals and all. I guess the entire legal profession is excluded from claiming Christianity?
There is nothing FUN about what Kate is doing to her children.
But if you're not having "fun", nobody is forcing you to read here.
The admin would be enough to make me want to reject it.
I JUST told a friend, "why do they assume everybody is a Christian?"
Anonymous....you really ARE allowing Administrator and the rest of us to rent WAY too much space in your head.
I think you need to judge yourself.
Why do you support a child exploiter?
Do you also support Larry Flint?
To 9cats said...
I JUST told a friend, "why do they assume everybody is a Christian?"
April 11, 2010 12:55 PM
It's their incredibly narrow world they live in. Makes me shudder...
No renting. We've taken up permanent residence.
"No renting. We've taken up permanent residence."
That's unfortunate. They should not allow what we think to bother them so much. After all, it's just opinions and everyone has them. What's more, everyone is entitled to them. We never tell them they're not entitled to their own opinions. We may not agree with them, but we acknowledge their right to have them.
"Why do you support a child exploiter?"
Excellent question. But why clutter things up with ugly reality? So much nicer to think of Kate baking sugar plums in her sugary pink kitchen and dancing like the sugar plum fairies while the children all laugh and cheer.
The sheeple are AGAIN trying to turn attention away from the topic - Kate's exploitation and emotional abuse of her chidren. Please don't fall for it.
Its true dee3, the ugly reality is yours to own.
Not mine, Not Kate's and not the children's
It just belongs to all of you.
Kate the "grate" has 2 shows so she must be great.
Kids smile so they are happy.
Jon wears Ed Hardy so he's a douche.
You are right, Paula. Instead of hearing how we're bad, I would like to hear why Kate is nice. Some of you are here to defend her, aren't you? We have heard her over and over chop people off at the knees with her spiteful, demeaning attitude. Have you had a talk with HER about this and how she is not practicing the teachings of the bible?
dee3 and nobody here exploits their kids.
The REALITY is that Kate Gosselin is a monster and her kids WILL hate her (if they don't already).
I pity the supporters' children. If you think selling DVDs to pedophiles for material objects is worth defending, what do your kids do to get you the things you want?
The only UGLINESS is how Kate treats her kids and how her fans think it's just hunky dory.
I'm waiting to see how the sheeple "spin" this book. Sheeple, how do you explain away the emotional angst this book will bring upon her children? How would you feel if your Mother sold out your private, family moments for the almighty $$$$.
I'm saddened that there are people who actually admire Khate.
For those keeping scores - Tony is in LA. I guess Kate is in LA too.
"Its true dee3, the ugly reality is yours to own.
Not mine, Not Kate's and not the children's
It just belongs to all of you."
The only reality I own here is that I don't have a high opinion of Kate's behavior.
And your reality is that you don't agree with me.
Other than that...I have no clue what you're talking about.
Another interesting discussion. I like how since it's Sunday, the whole Christian "judging" conversation comes into play.
As a Jew, I do not read the NT (had to think about that abbreviation for a sec, ha) but I do believe Christians have a reason to be offended by Kate Gosselin and her past behavior in churches.
She lied in G-d's house. People dug their blue-collar calloused working hands into their pockets and put crumpled bills in a "love offering" basket because they thought this woman was suffering. SUFFERING. The ink was drying on a 1.2 million dollar home and she was STILL COLLECTING "love" from parishioners.
There was one appearance that Kate refused to worship with the congregation. She gave her canned "woe is me" speech, collected her offerings, sold a few pictures and left. The service hadn't begun before Kate was out the door with her cash and prizes. Well, just cash.
Is this Christian?
Have any of you seen the Potty Dance commercial?
It seems using the toilet is more acceptable in this day and age. And so much out there for pedophiles. If I remember right Jon said him and his kids didn't even make enough money when it came to the pedophiles he sold them to.
and does anybody really believe that G-d provides paper towels???
Choose the name option, put Dee3 on the line (don't put anything on the line that says url. Yoour posts will appear with your name instead of anonymous (the same as mine do). If you want to link your posts to a blog or website you have, then you would choose one of the other options.
Jon sold them to pedophiles?
Kate just sat in her chair and watched?
Hello all,
I've never posted here, but have been lurking for some time now.
I have been trying (off and on) ALL day long to access Zondervan's website and my computer just times out. But just now I got their "offline for maintenance" webpage. Anyone find this suspicious?
Here they are on the eve of releasing what (unfortunately) will be a huge seller for them and they take their website down for maintenance!
Something smells funny, and I don't mean the Kart's kankles!
Great site!
How would I know what Kate was doing. I would not have believed that Jon did that if he had not been recorded saying it.
Zondervan's site has been down since yesterday. Don't know if they took it down or it got too much traffic and their servers crashed or what the problem could be. Maybe it'll be up tomorrow.
There WAS a 20 page excerpt of Kate's book there and that might have taken it down. It's all a guess as to what happened.
Here's a bit of my reality...my children are the most wonderful people on the planet. I am so thankful and grateful for the gift of my children. I would never do anything to hurt my children. I would NEVER, in a million years, tell my children that they were difficult babies or that they challenged my authority or that they were "rattled" or "disturbed" or that they tried my patience because they were too easy-going. NEVER! EVER! EVER!
That's my reality and it's far from ugly.
And I don't care if using the toilet is more acceptable, I would NEVER put my children or grandchildren on view doing that.
dee3 (okay bbsak...I'm going to try changing the name thing)
YAY! It worked!! Thank-you, thank-you SO much for helping me with this, bbsak!!
YAYYYY, dee3!!!!
Kate fans,
We've listed and described many of our reasons for critiquing Kate's activities and statements, but you haven't given us your reasons for supporting her. Would you give us just a couple of your reasons and the background for doing so?
I know I'm not alone in wondering why you support her so ardently. Please don't describe your exception with bloggers who are on the other side of the argument, but address Kate's activities and the basis for your support, if you would please.
Wow let's put a little CONTEXT to Jon's pediphile quote, which was not that he sold them, but in fact "I put my kids out there to every pedophile on the planet and they never got paid for it." The context was Jon was DISGUSTED at TLC for the way they treated him and his kids. He was saying he sacrificed the children's privacy and TLC treated them like dirt. He was making a point that the kids gave up everything including their privacy, including potential pediphiles watching them, and TLC gave nothing in return.
Jon was clearly expressing regret at putting them on TV, not saying he intentionally sold them to pediphiles. I thought his point was well taken.
In the beginning I saw Jon and Kate offered a opportunity which they both went for. And it was a cute show. We all know that came to a end. I believe there were two sides and then the truth. That I don't know any more than you.
Since than Kate has been offered opportunities and she has accepted many of them.
She wants to build a future for her family.
I believe she knows that there will come a time when there will be no more opportunities offered.
I see no evil in what she is doing.
No one here has a clue to how her children feel about her or how they will feel as they grow up.
It seems you are all playing a wild guessing game that you project into the lives of others. Kind of like future-ing. Like you seen to hope and pray the children will be damaged and I just don't get it......
You don't see any evil in Kate exploiting her children's most private moments for the almigty $$$? You don't see any evil in being away from your children almost half of the month and probably more once her new show starts up? As someone said on "Showbiz Tonight" on Friday, there are a lot of ways Kate could make money just from working from home - writing a column for a magazine, a talk show broadcasting from her home, etc., No, this is all about Kate - and nothing about providing for her children.
True adimin, It was just the first time I had ever heard the word pediphiles associated with the Gosselin children before that and it discussed me to even think it. I could not believe that was what Jon believed he was doing.
I did not say it in the right content you are right adimin.
What's most disturbing is not that Jon actually said it, but that frankly, Jon is probably right. Better to say it then be in complete denial about your children's utter and complete lack of privacy.
Well Jon was just as much a part of doing that as Kate was. And the next season none of that was done anymore. So why is Kate the only one held reasonable for that?
Its none of my business what Kate choices to do.
Same as I don't care if she got a boob job or a real good high end wonder bar.
How she raises her children is none of my business. I'm sure She has been looked into by CPS and they found nothing wrong.
I agree, at least we know Jon recognized it. The question remains whether Kate does and whether either one of them is willing to put aside their drive for money and fame to protect their children from further intrusion/exploitation of their young lives.
Anonymous @ 2:11
Would it surprise you know that probably the majority of us here used to watch Jon & Kate and thought the same as you, "oh, what a cute show and a cute family." At least I did. But gradually I came to realize that true reality had been "edited" by the wayside and what was once so cute was becoming quite ugly. Then I felt quilty for having ever watched and why did I ever think it was okay; children being paraded week after week across our TV screens, being ridiculed, scolded, embarrassed and exploited. So here I am trying to make amends for having been a part of the problem. Now I just try to be part of the solution as best I can by raising awareness of what is/was truly happening behind the scenes. And I hope that someday laws will be put in place so that NO child anywhere will be put on display in such a manner for nothing more than public consumption and the almighty dollar.
Kate is held responsible because JON was the first one and ONLY one of those two clowns to speak up and say wait a minute this is wrong this is a mistake. It started off just fine and innocent, it spiraled out of control.
All this sheeple talk about forgiveness, Jon was the only one to say I made a mistake forgive me I want things to be different for my kids now. And yet somehow he's never forgiven by them, but we're supposed to forgive Kate.
The fact that CPS may or may not have done a child abuse investigation and may or may not have found nothing wrong does not mean nothing is wrong. It is very hard to get your kids detained, 90% of the cases are for severe drug additions, the other for severe abuse, most of the time children are preserved in the home with social workers stopping by. Emotional abuse and abandonment is abuse whether or not some government entitity labels it as such. And if you think CPS is thorough, just Google Los Angeles County and DCFS to see the dozens of children who have died in FOSTER CARE in the past two years.
How she raises her kids is MY business, because she keeps shoving it down my throat. I can only assume Kate wants it to be my business since she won't shut up to all of us about it.
Ah, sorry for the missed spelt words in my last post, My grand kids just came in from Sunday school and I was distracted.
BTW, their names are Katie & Jonny, that is why we started watching them.
No one ever said Jon wasn't equally responsible, but it was Jon, who said at the end of season 4 that he wanted to stop the show, but Kate said it would go on.
I think we killed the server
We're Sorry - Our Website is Temporarily Offline for Maintenance
We wish we could tell you for how long. Please try back later.
Zondervan's Mission: To be the leading Christian communications company meeting the needs of people with resources that glorify Jesus Christ and promote biblical principles. We produce bestselling and award-winning Bibles, books, children's products, software, audio, video, digital, and a broad line of inspirational gift products. We also publish a variety of relevant and free email publications.
Yup, Zondervan - the company that "meets the needs of people with resources that glorify Jesus Christ"
It's so sad to see Zondervan sell out.
At the moment, since I have not yet read anything Kate said and won't be able to for who knows how long, I'm incredibly pissed off at Zondervan (I wrote them a shame on you email back when the "cookbook" was supposed to come out)
I wish I could express my anger by hauling out all the Zondervan books in my house and burning them (hey if churches can do it with Harry Potter books...) but some of them are bibles.
And even though I know it's the content of the book that is holy and not the paper, ink and binding, I just ...am not going to. But they are really making me want to.
Are there other Christian publishing houses I could toss my business to?
(I'm picturing mommies with signs picketing Christian bookstores as I type)
Bbsak, the other interesting contradiction here is that Kate has gone on record saying (several times) that she wishes she could stay home with the kids and get out of the spotlight and yet at the end of season 4 (?) she said she loved what she was doing (speaking engagements, etc) and she didn't want to stop that.
She has spoken out both sides of her mouth on this subject quite a bit.
If she wants a career then great, have a career. But if she wants to stay home, then by all means, stay home. She surely has enough money by now to do so. She can't have it both ways. (crying she needs work but doesn't want to leave the kids, yet saying she loves her work and loves speaking, book writing, hosting the View, etc)
Kate is not out there begging for jobs. They are being offered to her.
If you don't like her by all means don't watch.
But to think that Jon put a stop to anything other than to use the kids as pawns for whatever his own needs and desires are you would not be seeing him clearly at all.
I'm currently getting 4,000 hits a day (!!! wow guys) so it is very possible we killed their server. I agree with others who have said NICE ONE as the book is coming out Tuesday, now is not the time for the site to go down. I say, keep killin' the server hehe.
It seems to me for every one person making a comment here there are 20 others lurking.
TONS of other Christian publishers for you to choose from. Just google christian publishers. :0)
Paula, I hope you are right but I pretty much believe that Meredith is going to do a milk-toast, lukewarm,non-confrontational interview similar to the one she did with Kart that day with "The Bag of Bills Pity Party" Remember that baloney that Kart was telling her about why she still wore her wedding band...that it was all for the 8 kids sake--Meredith just let her talk on and on about the new mother of pearl ring with 8 diamonds BS. I sure hope I am wrong but Meredith has already shown herself to be either a phony or delusional.
I was googling for excerpts, unfortunately I used too general a term: Gosselin. Check out google's warning from the results
Gosselin Sextuplets - 2 visits - 12/11/08
This site may harm your computer.
Meet the Gosselin sextuplets, born in 2004, and their twin siblings, as well as the parents. News articles, updates, prayer list.
www.sixgosselins.com/ - Similar
I guess I feel like fighting with sheeple today. So is it your contention that the fact that Jon stood up and said absolutely no more filming of my kids and even put a sign on the gate to the house banning TLC crews, had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the kids have not been filmed since last fall? You don't see a clear correlation?
Admin, 4,000 hits compared to how many back when there were just a few of us? And I hope you're meds have kicked in and you're feeling better now.
Kate is out begging for jobs, or I should say her management company is doing it for her. These things have not simply landed in her lap. A large force is working to keep her in the media, on shows, etc. It isn't happening to her because of her talent that's for sure.
Pamela Jaye --
Stay away from that site, it does indeed have problems.
To the ANNONYMOUS who said that I brought up Christian values. You bet I did! Zonderfake represents and markets the company as a bastion of Christian ethics and values. I am certainly within my rights to call BS on their duplicitous fackery.
Furthermore, spare me the sanctimonious attitude.
Anonymous 2:33
It's wonderful that you have grandchildren. Would you think it was good if they were filmed going to the potty and it was put on TV for all the world to see? If what was IN the potty was put on TV for all to see? If Katie or Johnny were put on the potty and put in the dark, with the door closed, until they did something in the potty? How about if Katie or Johnny was sick and they were put on the laundry room floor in the dark? Would you think that was cute? And to know that when poor Katie and Johnny grew up, all this was forever out there on the internet for everyone to see? Would you think any of those things were great parenting?
Would you think that the parent who did this should be a role-model for mothers?
And would you think it was none of your business or that you were not entitled to have an opinion about this? Or would you feel you should speak up on behalf of the children?
Admin~ You are doing an excellent job here at presenting fact and not posting tons of "gossip". I have a suggestion (feel free to ignore it though..lol)
I have often thought it would be good for anyone who doesn't have the "back story" to have a chart of sorts that lists the facts of Kate's contradictions (examples) And also that lists things that were shown on their show that we (anti- child exploiters) fundamentally disagree with. Just so people who pass through this site could get a quick run down of facts that are not mixed in with the snark and opinions of Kate as a person. In other words, the actions of Kate that we hate rather than the person. I hope that makes sense. I'm fighting off a sinus infection and feeling a bit off.....
bbsak said...
No one ever said Jon wasn't equally responsible, but it was Jon, who said at the end of season 4 that he wanted to stop the show, but Kate said it would go on.
April 11, 2010 2:34 PM
And it is Jon that now says, go ahead and film the children! The only reason Jon said they couldn't film the kids in the first place was because TLC wouldn't release him from his contract and was going to rename the show Kate plus 8. No matter his "epiphany", he was nothing more than a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum. Jon is out for Jon!
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