Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Shopping Kart GONE from DWTS

Kate's crying awww are your little celebrity dreams quashed?

Watch Whoopi's hysterical rant about Kate this morning....VOTE...HER...OFF!

330 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Wiley C said... 1

There is a God.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 2

Why are they giving Kate like a 10 minute interview WTF.

Anonymous said... 3

Watch out kids Momma is coming home and is she ticked!

fade2black said... 4

Ding dong the bitch is gone, the wicked bitch is gone...

Unknown said... 5


Jen K said... 6

And the skies opened up and the angels sang and all was right with the world....(happy dance!)

Awesome, now I can go back to actually ENJOYING DWTS again!!

Good Riddance! said... 7

Break out the Juicy Juice! BUH BYE!!

marnie said... 8

admin - I think they realize its such a trainwreck even the hosts cant look away.

Janie said... 9

I'm so glad she's gone (off the show, that is! She'll continue to haunt us). They've never talked to anyone that long after they've been eliminated.......and I've watched every season. Gawd, the crocodile tears........disgusting! I really hope the sympathy from Bergeron et. al. was an act. They can't be that dense.

AuntieAnn said... 10

It doesn't come on here yet. Was Tony able to hide his huge sigh of relief? Is he doing kartwheels in the back lot? Betcha he gets drunker than a skunk tonight.

Katesucks said... 11

Yeah. Surprised 'Lost' didn't get pre-empted. Notice not one of the other dancers came off the stage to say goodbye? What a dramatic c word she is, eh?

Katesucks said... 12

Surprised they didn't preempt 'Lost' for her. Notice NO ONE came off that stage to 'hug' her. That tells ya something, doesn't it?
Melodramatic lying bitch.

mollyhart said... 13

Thank you, Whoopi!

Administrator: Ditto on the WTF with the weepy, teary 10 minute testimonial. Did you notice there was no group "hug" as Tom Bergeron predicted at the end? Not a single sad face on the other dancers.

PJ's momma said... 14

"My gut feelings are always right." Huh? Wowee. Her gut is very misguided; she makes some extremely bad decisions. I felt bad for the kids that she lost it like that. I never saw my mom cry when I was little, except when her dad died. It would have upset me greatly to see my mother crying. But for once, she did seem to be displaying real emotion. I guess that's something.

Katesucks said... 15

The 2 reasons she's crying so hard?
1-No more $50K a week.
2-She has to go home to her kids.

Meagler said... 16

I am actually a bit surprised that kate is gone, even thought I felt it was time, but DWTS and ABC had the best ratings with her on the show.. however, the marketers, or PR people likely realized that they were putting their overall reputation on the line.... that said, I also believe the tides had turned, as IMO some of her own supporters were put off by her YAWN attitude last nite, and blaming it on the kids taking all her energy...I think they started to realize that if Kate wants to stay on DWTS, she at least needs to put some effort into it.. even some of the team kate supporters started to see that kate was expecting things to come to her on a silver platter, wait Golden platter.....riding the shirt-tails of her fans... as proved on The View today...

it will now be interesting to see the outcome of the may 25th child custody court..

PatK said... 17

Now DWTS becomes fun to watch again! Yay!

Of course she turned on the waterworks---she just realized all the dollars signs that were flying away!

Buh-bye, Kate!

maggie said... 18

She and her 8 kids stayed at the Beverly Hills Hotel. President Obama was staying there. I wonder if they caught him and have any footage of it for her new show.

You know I really feel sorry that the kids are being treated to a 5 star hotel. What are they going to look forward to in life. It is much easier to have little and not expect much later in life then the reverse.

Ava said... 19

I don't think she'll be going home any time soon. She'll have to make the talk show rounds (yet again) to talk about being voted off. Then she'll be off to the book tour. And then it will be time to start filming her show. Come on now, she can't be expected to actually MOTHER her children when there is so much more famewhoring to do.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 20

LOL, I was still posting in the other thread.

I bet Tony is so relieved. He still gets to do all the pro dances on the show and he doesn't have to put up with Khate, the Super Bitch Mother From Hell.

FREE at last, Tony! Anybody with a Twitter account should send him a tweet.

Anonymous said... 21

I used to enjoy coming to this blog, but now its turned in to everyone just complaining about how much they hate Kate and how awful she is. When it started out you had reasonable discussion, now the blog is just used to express your disgust with Kate.

Irene S said... 22

All I care about is that she is Gone!

Kelly said... 23

Tony was just heard singing "Ding Dong, the witch is dead".

Just kidding.

Kate cried tonight for nobody but Kate. I'll rest on that. She's gone from DWTS, accomplished her goal of camera time, book promotion and TLC promotion. She's not gone YET.

We'll be saddled with more of her "Woe is Me" interviews, PAP shots and her upcoming Twist of Kate this summer. She didn't invoke her kids tonight but she did bring out yet again, the tears. My heart bleeds peanut butter for the bitch.

Later Khater

Irene S said... 24

All that matters is Kate is Gone.
Did ya'll notice her rehearsed lines fed from her script.
"It is what it is" I remember hearing Kate say that on her TLC couch.
"We're gonna work just as hard"
"I think I am improving"

1st the only thing this woman works on is The Hustle.
2ND only Kate would think she was improving.
3rd Oh, well go home and sell your books on the corner of your driveway. Saw one on Ebay today for free owner just wanted shipping.

just.me said... 25

So happy to see that Tony is free!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 26

Ava - true! Actually, I hope she continues gallivanting the country for the next month. Jon's attorney is probably building a good case with her schedule since at least February when she began traveling to CA for DWTS.

StoopidSpice said... 27

I think now she should try for Survivor. Big prize money and get to be away from the chillrens. It is a win win. I would watch it.

Irene S said... 28

Oh, and I have an idea for her. She can set up a Kool aid stand on her wernersville driveway and sell those 450,000 book of lies left to sell.

She looked awful tonight! I am so sad for her. Wa!wa! wa!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 29

Feather - Oh please, don't be such a drama queen. Obviously everyone is going to bitch and moan about Khate still being on DWTS when she has shown absolutely ZERO talent, effort or dedication. In case you haven't noticed, EVERYBODY is sick of this witch and wondering why she was still on DWTS. But, hey have fun playing somewhere else....bye!

Robin said... 30

How insulting for Pam Anderson to have been in the same category w/Kart!

CS said... 31

Susan, I was just going to post the same thing. LOL. I am so glad that I read all of the posts before I posted my comment.

just.me said... 32

I love the idea of putting Kart on Survivor!

fade2black said... 33

Fine minds and all that, CS...LOL

just.me said... 34


I agree. To put Pamela and Kart in the same category is really unfair.

I'm just grateful the voters made the RIGHT choice.

I'm SOO happy! My husband thinks I'm more than a little nutty to be this excited!

fade2black said... 35

I will say I am impressed that through this whole travesty, we saw nary a Gosselin child. I was sure her little matched set would show up tonight, but nope! Could somebody be listening? Nah...but I'd love to know what was in the package DWTS decided not to show so we could watch her poke her tissue up her nose for 10 minutes.

sick of it all said... 36

I feel bad for those kids; she's coming home.

Irene S said... 37

Hey admin the flog is speechless, silent. We may have to send out a all points bulletin and make sure they are okay.

Irene S said... 38

Or I would love to see Donald Trump fire her!

lolly said... 39

Loved the look on Kartzilla's face when Carrie Ann said she was "just a housewife" ...hahaha... doesn't she realize who Kartzilla is!!! And then when the judges went on and on about how wonderful Pam Anderson is!!!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 40

Okay, I predict that Khate's bullcrap line in all her exit interviews will be that she knows she's not a good dancer, she said that from the beginning, but she did all this for THE CHILDREN, (EIGHT of them, ya know!). She had to put herself out there, go outside her comfort zone all to earn a living as a single mom, blah, blah, blah. The SACRIFICES she makes for her kids.....she didn't enjoy being on DWTS, it was exhausting with all the traveling, she missed her kids terribly, and she had to endure embarrassment and humiliation all for the CHILDREN.........

(rinse, repeat,.....rinse, repeat..., puke!)

AuntieAnn said... 41

feather526, reasonable discussions about Kate is an oxymoron.

Kelly said... 42

Take a chill pill. Really. The entire blogosphere is ripe with true feelings about Kate Gobbelin. She's a famewhore who will stop at nothing to achieve her goal of being the next Speidi.

Her kids are props, her family life is a sham and the only thing that matters to Kate is the direct deposit.

Blogs like this don't pop up for no reason. People are smart and don't like to be taken advantage of, like Kate has done and continues to do with Christian Churches on her book tour, lackluster media tours like the ones she does on Leno, Kimmel, The View, Behar and all the others.

She puts herself out there for the camera like a bag woman at an intersection, "Will Work for Food".

She has more money than you will ever earn, cry's poor mouth at every opportunity, claims to take the high road and throws her ex husband under the bus like he's some deadbeat dad.

Truth is:

Her ex is paying her 21,000 per month
She gets 100,000 per month from TLC
She makes 50,000 per show on DWTS
She has book revenues
She continues to get freebies
She isn't a good mother
She's a famewhore
She's in it for herself, on the backs of her kids

That's why blogs like this exist. We are angry that people like her continue to skate and no one questions it, all the while, her kids are supporting her and she's not supporting them.

We are here because many of us are parents who have faced life's struggles, protected our kids and have done so quietly. Kate has done the opposite. Like us or leave us but this blog at least allows us to dialogue, won't allow rumor or innuendo and calls a grifter when we see it.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 43

Survivor? Ha, the only show Khate could handle is Big Brother. She'd love it - she can sit around a house all summer doing nothing. Of course, she'd need a contract from CBS promising to keep her in there for a certain period of time (like ABC and DWTS did), because we know she'd aggravate the hell out of her housemates and they'd vote her off right away. Or they'd all escape the house just to get away from the Super Bitch Mother From Hell and then Khate would win by default, lol.

my9cats said... 44

Well it's about time. She should have gotten the heave-ho the first week. AFAIAC DWTS has lost all credibility. Shame on them.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 45

Irene/DeKonstruction - I've seen references to it before, but whats the flog??

NancyB said... 46

Hi, I do not remember you ever posting before? When did you notice this change? Interested in understanding better your point of view.

Anonymous said... 47

Am I the only one who noticed that there was NO GROUP HUG...that's a first. Maybe the others really did have her number.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 48

Kelly (@6:45) - excellent post!

AuntieAnn said... 49

lolly said...Loved the look on Kartzilla's face when Carrie Ann said she was "just a housewife"

So she got her dig in, good! Kate mocked Carrie Ann on the interview after the show last night. If she danced one more week Carrie would have chewed her up and spit her out. Kate's an idiot.

IATK said... 50

TonyDovolani http://tweetphoto.com/19273591 Thank you to @kathyireland Stephen , John, Eric and Jason Winters for the (cont) http://tl.gd/v0jt4
4 minutes ago via UberTwitter

Photo Tony tweeted a few minutes ago of his beautiful wife.

my9cats said... 51

Excellent post. You have such a way with words. 'Kate Gobbelin'.....ROFLMAO

Irene S said... 52

Nailed it Kelly. You have Khate's number.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist. I am just being tongue & cheek. Don't pay any attention to what I am saying.

Carolina Gal said... 53

Kelly, great post, you tell 'um gal!

StoopidSpice said...
I think now she should try for Survivor
. Big prize money and get to be away from the chillrens. It is a win win. I would watch it.
I think she'd have a shot on Survivor if only she didn't have to 'rough it'...that's not really Kate's idea of fun. But, I will say, if it were, she has the backstabbing, sneakiness, cunning, witchy side down, to be able to scam the other players (think Russell)...I think it would be a hoot to see her out there, she wouldn't last more than 45 min.

Sick of Karts Krap said... 54

I think this whole thing was cut and dried right from the beginning. The book signing is coming up, the new show, the cross country trip with the kids all needs to fit into Kart's busy schedule. That's why she wasn't putting forth any effort into the show. The only thing she's been practicing is getting those fake tears to flow on cue. I hope DWTS bombs now that she's gone. They deserve it for putting fans of the show through this stunt.

StoopidSpice said... 55

Oh gosh NO! Do not give her team any ideas. My daughter and I love to watch Big Brother. She even pays for the live feed, LOL
That would suck royally. Maybe she could go get a job on the Travel channel. Like explore all the worlds volcanos. Start with the one in Iceland kate!

NancyB said... 56

Flog = Fake Blog
There's a good wiki page on it.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 57

Tony just tweeted a photo of his lovely wife:


# http://tweetphoto.com/19273591 Thank you to @kathyireland Stephen , John, Eric and Jason Winters for the (cont) http://tl.gd/v0jt4

11 minutes ago via UberTwitter

I clicked on the link for the rest of his message and it said:

http://tweetphoto.com/19273591 Thank you to @kathyireland Stephen , John, Eric and Jason Winters for the beautiful earrings that you all got for my Wife


Here's the photo:

Tony's wife

NancyB said... 58

Kelly -
You just keep out doing yourself! Love the Direct Deposit line--!!

Kelly said... 59

Well, I know how Feather might feel initially as I was lambasted when I first posted on this blog. I didn't take Kate or Jon's side when I first logged on. I wasn't pro Kate and I wasn't pro Jon.

I was pro KIDS. Some people, initially thought I was taking up for Jon and was one of the Sheeples. Admin set them straight and although she said she doesn't agree with alot of the things I say, she asked people to be civil and the tone of this site changed.

I don't think anyone is on this blog to bash Kate. There are plenty of those blogs to post on. I'm not part of them. If this blog was a Kate bashing site, I wouldn't bother to log on. IT's civil, no rumor, no flaming, no bashing, just fact, opinion and a little funny contributions from everyone.

We all just want the truth. We're not getting it in the mainstream media so we search it out in this medium and post the facts and share the outcome. Trust me, when this blog becomes hateful, incendiary and stalkish, I won't be here and won't contribute another sentence.

As a former cop, we just want the facts, only the facts. Everything else is supposition.

NancyB said... 60

Good job on Kalendar!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 61

Ha ha, sorry StoopidSpice! Don't worry, Khate wouldn't ever make it onto BB!


Sick of Karts Krap said...

I think this whole thing was cut and dried right from the beginning. The book signing is coming up, the new show, the cross country trip with the kids all needs to fit into Kart's busy schedule. That's why she wasn't putting forth any effort into the show. The only thing she's been practicing is getting those fake tears to flow on cue. I hope DWTS bombs now that she's gone. They deserve it for putting fans of the show through this stunt.


While I'm also annoyed at DWTS and ABC, I really do NOT want the show's ratings to tank right now! If they do, everyone all over the media will report it and chalk it up to Khate! This will confirm to Khate what a ratings superstar she (thinks) she is! And, who knows, other tv producers might get ideas!

I hope DWTS ratings SURGE from here on until the end of the season!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 62



On my way to Jimmy Kimmel
21 minutes ago via UberTwitter

Lauren said... 63

Good riddance, Kate! You are an ungrateful, clueless, entitled, whining bitch.

Stardom was served to you on a "golden platter" and you squandered it with your complaining, obstinate, entitled attitude.

Kate, when will you realize that YOU are the one with the problem? You had your chance and look what you did with it.

Sandy said... 64

Gotta admit - watched "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" instead. Now that's the show for Katie Irene. Then switched over to Lost. Did the show end with a shot of that rather large derriere dancing the Quick Step - exit stage left?

StoopidSpice said... 65

If she would give up these notions of dragging her kids out in front of the cameras, i would leave her ass alone. In fact, I was Gosselin free ever since the show was canceled. She wants to pimp her kids out for a mani pedi freebie, then I have a problem. They deserve to be in school and have a small amount of anonymity as hard as that will ever be. Now where should Survivor go that would be perfect for Kate?

Kelly said... 66

I hope that DWTS's ratings surge also. I enjoyed the production that Evan and his partner did last night, especially performing to my favorite Aerosmith song. It was outstanding.

I love the personality of Erin Andrews and the quirkiness of Max and their chemistry is awesome.

Nichole is not only beautiful and graceful but humble and it's refreshing.

I'm not a Pam Anderson fan but she has spunk, personality, self deprecating humor and works hard at it.

Niecy Nash makes me laugh. She's hilarious and so totally into this gig she deserves credit.

These people were in it to win it and not play on the misfortunes that we all have in our lives. Kate was in it to spin it and no one bought it. The backlash was building and ABC figured it was time to cut her loose.

If Kate was passed through, yet again, another week, the ratings would have tanked. ABC used her for the bump up and tossed her like a bad sandwich on a lonely highway tonight.

She was used like she's been using her kids and thankfully, next week, we can see the REAL Dancing With The Stars. I'm looking forward to it.

IATK said... 67

The best thing that could happen now is that Kate uses this little jolt of reality to re-think her priorities and realize the best prize of all are the eight children who think she's the best dancer ever. I hope she spends some quality time with them, re-connects and re-evaluates what is truly important. Most of all, I hope she does not get angry and blame others as an excuse for her elimination from DWTS. We can only hope she realizes that some things are not handed to you...they have to be earned.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 68

I'm sure there will be a new flood of five star reviews at Amazon in the next few hours and days.

Current book ranking: #341

Hmm, this is odd. I went to Amazon just now and there were 50 reviews, two new ones since I last looked. There were 13 five star reviews, which I was checking on because I suspected that we'd start seeing five star reviews being posted. Well, while I was there and clicking through to read the reviews, one of the new five star reviews was deleted! Now there are 49 total reviews and 12 five star reviews.

That is so weird! I wanted to read it. There's another new one who calls Khate and the book dishonest, yet gives the book three stars.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 69

SPOILER: Did Kate Gosselin Survive DWTS?

After five brutal weeks of dancing, Kate Gosselin was sent home packing on ABC's Dancing With the Stars Tuesday.

The reality star, 35, and partner Tony Dolovani -- who had the lowest score, 15, on Monday's show -- were in the bottom two along with Pamela Anderson and her partner Damian Whitewood.

PHOTOS: What you didn't see on Monday's show!

When Gosselin's name was announced, she was speechless.

"I need a minute," she said as she wiped tears from her eyes.

Dolovani, 36, then spoke.

Despite off-camera spats, he said he was "proud of Kate. I know she gets a lot of criticism out there ... She has eight kids and is a single mom ... she showed up every single day. I thought [she] danced beautifully."

PHOTOS: Kate's nastiest faces

Gosselin then composed herself and said her ousting was "ok. I am very honored to have been here ... It was a good experience."

She added, "I cannot wait to watch the rest of these people perform Monday ... I've really grown to love everyone."

She finally thanked her fans for voting for her despite low scores from the judges.

Said Gosselin, "Thank you for believing in me probably more than I believed in myself."

PHOTOS: Before they were on DWTS!

Looking back, she said, "I was scared to death most of time I had to be out [on the dance floor]. It's so much more than I thought. It takes a lot."


LOL, I clicked on their link for "Kate's nastiest photos. Check it out:

Kate's Meanest Faces


I think they missed a lot of photos of her eye rolls to the judges, and her giving her death stares to the judges and to Brooke.

LifeinOH said... 70

I think TLC/ABC let the charade go on too long and America got to see what KG is really like.

nanb said... 71

Was just at INFDaily they have pics up from DWTS by the trailers. Kate is hanging all over Aiden Turner. I guess there was truth to the rumors that she had been flirting with him at the beginning of DWTS. He's married.


TVSnarkie said... 72

TVSnark TVsnarkie

@TonyDovolani Kate is not a single mom -kids have JON-Daddy. Single moms don't have HELP. Congrats for ur FREEDOM. U tried & I felt for you 37 minutes ago via web in reply to TonyDovolani

just.me said... 73

Where can I find the after the show interviews?

Pamela Jaye said... 74

I have to admit that I do want DWTS ratings to dip some now. I'm sure the show will go on - it's a big hit, and not in danger, but I'd really like to get some viewers back for Chuck - Mondays at 8 on NBC. The show is still hovering over the precipice and we'd really like to get a 4th season (and those of us who are Scott Bakula fans - that goes double for us!)
And even with that, I can't tell you if the next new ep is next Monday or the week after. But we have 6 eps to go, and Scott's in three of them (or two, if you ask Scott. NBC says 3)

Pamela Jaye said... 75

>Said Gosselin, "Thank you for believing in me probably more than I believed in myself."

was this the "in it to win it" girl?
I'm still trying to figure out whether Kate sounds so full of herself because she has unrealistically high self-esteem, or because she has none.
Either way, she needs some help cause either end of the spectrum, it's going to hurt those kids.
I come from the "I think I'm so wonderful cause I really think I'm terrible" pit of child rearing.
My contribution to the pool was to stop, and not have any kids.

Pamela Jaye said... 76

the other thing I've been thinking is that if Kate has been at all friendly to "the stars" it might be because she actually thinks fame is important and that those people are actually important because they are famous. (otherwise known as kissing up). Of course, if she was also nice to the hair and makeup people, I can't account for that.

LifeinOH said... 77

Emmy Nod Goes to Kate Gosselin for Inside Edition Interview


AuntieAnn said... 78

Kate doesn't take rejection well does she? I think she really believed she was going to...I can hardly type this...win bwaahahahaha.

Tomorrow she'll be blaming Whoopi for this.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 79

I liked when Tom asked if she had any parting words for her fans who kept her here. She said, "Thank you for beliving me...believing IN me..."

She had it right the first time. (A Freudian slip, maybe?) :)

Sue Buddy said... 80

Kelly: "ABC used her for the bump up and tossed her like a bad sandwich on a lonely highway tonight."

Another hilarious comment! My second favorite after making "a Bishop kick out a stained glass window" over on Z on TV.

I love reading your posts.

SG said... 81

I'm glad Kate was voted off mainly because of her dancing skills. I think Niecy and Chad and Jake deserved to stay over her. I will actually miss her dancing though. It was entertaining. I wonder what they will say on The View tomorrow. Jimmy Kimmel is starting now... think they'll dance?

Anonymous said... 82

ADDED UPDATE: On the Tuesday-morning edition of "The View," Whoopi Goldberg said of Kate, “She’s an angry bitch, this one… She sucks, she’s got to go.”


Angry is what she is ALL the time. Poor kids. Poor Jon.

Lauren said... 83

Radaronline has video of Kate's elimination and I call BS!

Kate was not surprised and she certainly didn't look sad.
Cue the tears when the interview starts.
Weeepy, weepy Kate - but there are no tears from her eyes.

Totally bogus BS!!

SG said... 84

No tears from her eyes? Where were they coming from? I thought she was crying. I saw tears.

I do think it was interesting that no one hugged her. I do wonder if people will have anything negative to say about her now that she's no longer there... We'll see.

Fed up said... 85

She doesn't look too sad to me on Jimmy Kimmel now. She's flirting up a storm, kicking that leg of hers and hawking her new book... she told JK she doesn't hate/want to kick the judges, she just gave them each their own autographed copy of her NEW book. She's really trying to channel Pamela Anderson now, she's even trying to copy her sex-kitten look. Hope the clip is available online. I'll see if I can post a link tomorrow.

mommyinca said... 86


Wernygal has a new blog post up regarding rep Murt and his investigation into child abuse clearances for the adults working with the Gosselin kids.

Wilma said... 87

I just posted this on Z on tv. I am no Kate fan, I actually want Rep Murt of PA to subpoena the first crew of J&K+8 to find out their "moral objections". My current confusion is why DTWS used the packages that they did. If ABC/TLC love Kate and were trying to rebrand her, why weren't the packages more positive. Somewhere in the practices there must have been some positive footage or if it is really as planned as Jodi said, then they could have faked some positive footage. If I were Tony I would be pissed. He looks like a liar (or insane) during each live interview when he clearly contradicts what he says in the taped piece. And this happened each week. If he thinks she is as good as he says in the live interviews then if I were him I would have been super careful not to say negative stuff while being filmed. I know that this is all fake but for some reason it extra annoys me because it makes no sense.

NancyB said... 88

I don't think anyone will tell the truth about how they really feel about her -- I've tried to post this interview that Kart & Tony did tonight but for some reason it won't post. So, here is the link. This is a very interesting interview and I can't wait to hears what all of you think about Tony's statement,especially.


NancyB said... 89

Wilma -My sentiments exactly--regarding Tony!

bbsak said... 90

Kelly said...
I hope that DWTS's ratings surge also. I enjoyed the production that Evan and his partner did last night, especially performing to my favorite Aerosmith song. It was outstanding.

I couldn't agree more. I think the best thing we could do is tune into DWTS in even greater numbers and show ABC that we're fans of DWTS and tuned in for the dance competition and NOT because of K.G.

mommyinca said... 91

NancyB~ I thought this was telling:

"What are you going to tell your kids? Have you called them yet?
Gosselin: I strategically had them watch a movie tonight instead of watching the show and then I will tell them tomorrow personally"

So does this mean that they are back in Penn? Why would she have to wait til tomorrow to tell them "personally" if they were in a hotel down the street?

Unknown said... 92

I guess kates leaked email begging for votes didn't work! The full email is on dlisted.com, if it's not on first page you can search "the gosselins" anyway it's worth the read!

bbsak said... 93

Wilma said...
If I were Tony I would be pissed. He looks like a liar (or insane) during each live interview when he clearly contradicts what he says in the taped piece.

You'll find almost no celeb dissing a
co-worker/partner/co-star in the media. He was professional throughout what must have been a very trying 7+ weeks working with her and I'm impressed with the restraint he displayed. I doubt we'll hear him say much of anything negative about her for the same reasons - he's been very respectable and professional throughout. I can tell by his facial expressions his real feelings and that's enough for me.

Kate's MO has been that of a hardworking 'single mom' with problems engulfing her every move and ABC went with that storyline - hard. Did it backfire? IMO, yes. They brought her life's problems into every package they taped and I guess it's up to the viewer whether that tactic was successful or was overkill (I think they wanted the viewer to have sympathy for her). Tony never had a chance, but he did his best and I'm not talking about just dance. We saw what she had to give and it certainly wasn't much and it certainly was ugly. After seeing what Tony had to deal with; can you imagine anyone wanting to work with her?

Anonymous said... 94

She's already been shooting off her mouth about getting the boot to anyone with a mic but Tony's been noticeably quiet, Likely out celebrating his freedom.

NancyB said... 95

I just now had a chance to see Whoopi's rant and it is hysterical!! Watched twice and just giggled and smiled! She was in rare form today. I just wish she had been more vocal with Kart's BS on some of Kart's many visits to the view. Interesting how Joy said NADA.

amyf said... 96

GREAT quote from ew.com review:

I am increasingly suspicious that the only elements present in Kate Gosselin's orbit are cameras, film crews, the vague concept of her kids, newspaper articles about her, magazine articles about her, online articles about her, and other TV segments in which she appears. Occasionally, her hair.

mama mia said... 97

I noticed two things about Kate's elimination - they didn't bother showing footage of her time there, because it was all negative and whiny, and the cast didn't come off the stage to hug her. And that final dance with Tony, she looked like she wanted to slug him for touching her.
So now it is back to PA and dressing the kids in matchy clothes for more filming, and she'll take her tears out on the book tour.

Katesucks said... 98

Sorry if this is already posted BUT...did the only kids fly out for Saturday's Disney gig/photo op? I thought they 'lived and breathed' for DWTS. If they are in L.A., why would she have to wait until 'tomorrow' to tell them? Wouldn't they be up still when she and Skeeve got back to The Beverly Wilshire? She's such a stupid woman. It's mind-boggling.
EW Interviews Latest Eliminated Contestant by Lynette Rice


What are you going to tell your kids? Have you called them yet?
Gosselin: I strategically had them watch a movie tonight instead of watching the show and then I will tell them tomorrow personally. Every week they were getting more and more nervous with me. I wouldn’t discuss it with them, but every week they would come and say, ‘Mommy, I hope you make it.’ They were getting more and more concerned. They will be upset but they will be okay.

IATK said... 99


Good Morning :)

GMA this morning

24 minutes ago via UberTwitter

Anonymous said... 100

She was so terrible on Kimmel last night! But Jimmy got in a few "good natured" digs and didn't bite at all when she tried to hawk her new book. Loved that. It was mostly the same old song about "I'm a single mom, my kids are my life," lah, blah, blah. I was a little surprissed when she said she doesn't have time to date because she's "married to" her kids and her "career." She really believes she has a career in show business. Good lord, let's hope not.

Fed up said... 101

G'morning guys and gals!
Is everyone waking up feeling happy, refreshed, birds are singing, bunnies are free to come out.... lol
I don't know about you but I feel like I've lost about 200lbs off my shoulders..
Anyhoo, I just wanted to post the Jimmy Kimmel link. You really have to watch it for yourself. Kate's got her full flirt on. Leg kicking, hair twirling, black negligee on...
It's in two parts... it's not to be missed....

Hope those links work.

koopdedoo said... 102

Her "long" interview at the end of DWTS...don't most eliminated contestants DANCE a last time? That is what I remember from previous years. Gosh, that would have been painful!!

IATK said... 103

Kate said on GMA this morning that the kids are still with her and they will be flying home together.

Katesucks said... 104

Admin-Kart will be in NYC Friday on Regis & Kelly. Their audience just went nuts clapping that she's gone.

She slipped up pretty good on GMA this morning,
She said 'actually I didn't allow them to watch last night because, obviously I'm out here and I already knew and uh, they are out here with me and they'll be happy that I'm going home with them...'

Methinks she may have forgotten they were out there with her, wouldn't you say?

AND,She got 2 segments on GMA. They took a question from a viewer 'Jodie in Pennsylvania-"Were those happy tears or sad tears? Are you happy that you are going home to see your kids?"'

Jodie in PA? Perfect!! That HAD to be a planted question. Too coincindental.

PS-I'm again putting my 'vote' in that you should re-circle last Wednesday through Friday. Those kids were no way, no how out there prior to Friday. She gets too many breaks as it is. Don't give in to her and her lies and embellishments. ;-)

Sandy said... 105

Re: Tony

What do you expect him to say? He's a star now too. I believe that he did quit - but got a bonus and future appearances on TV (either this show or others) to come back. Money talks and BS walks. Hey, Katie Irene walks! Well there you go.

This formula worked so well, I wonder who the next train wreck on the show will be?

Katesucks said... 106

CORRECTION!! She'll be on Regis & Kelly tomorrow (Thursday).

IATK said... 107


A clip of Kate and Tony on Jimmy Kimmel last night.

Jen K said... 108

Wow, Jimmy Kimmel sure had Kate's number last night! ;)


He basically says, "so you're blaming not winning on the kids"....he says it quickly and doesn't go further with it, but it's a funny exchange because she realizes she's full of shit I think and tries to cover it up.

my9cats said... 109

Although I watch ballroom dancing on PBS I never watched DWTS. Now that ingrate Kate is off I shall start. Why a network would risk its credibility over 'just a housewife' (Kate must have LOVED that) is beyond belief.

Anonymous said... 110

No, you're right, I don't post much and probably won't anymore from the response I got from a couple...haha.

But, I do think SG said it right -- it was Kate's time to go off the show. I watch DWTS reguarly and there are always the few (i.e. Cloris Leachman) that stay based on their fan base, but they do eventually go home before the really good dancers start getting voted off.

CS said... 111

Direct quote from Kate! "Money will never sway me to change my convictions."
Does this moron think before she opens her mouth?
Keep talking Kate! With every word that you utter you are adding another nail in your coffin. I pray that you are saving every dime that you make because your 15 minutes is down to five.

disgusted in PA said... 112

I don't get why Kate cried in her exit. She knew she couldn't dance, and she's getting paid anyway--along with all the press for her new book and new shows--so why the tears?
Also, if she said she "strategically" had the kids watch a movie, did that mean she knew ahead of time that she was likely to be voted off? Did she allow the kids to watch the results show in previous weeks?
The Whoopi clip was funny, but I hate how all of the View women talk over each other to compete for airtime.

IATK said... 113

April 21st, 2010.Kicked Off Kate: ‘My Children’s Future Is Uncertain’

The emotional mom of eight gets to go home and her dancing partner, Tony, takes a jab at her on air!

Kate Gosselin, one minute you’re crying and the next you’re peeved with your dance partner Tony Dovolani!

Kate made it to week five of ABC’s Dancing with the Stars but sadly after her dance to ‘Don’t You Forget About Me‘ the reality mom got the boot on Apr. 20. When Kate appeared on GMA, the next morning, Apr. 21 to talk about getting kicked off she focused on her eight little Gosselins, who had been in LA with her for the past few days. ”My kids come first and their future is uncertain,” she says. “Dancing had to be second place.”

Tony remained quiet during most of the GMA interview but did point out that Kate’s moods were up and down, making it difficult during dance practices.

“It was a different Kate from hour to hour,” says Tony. “Depending on which Kate shows up.”

Kate didn’t like this comment from Tony one bit. She turned to Tony right after he uttered those words and glared at him saying “I really didn’t want you to say it … I don’t want people thinking I have multiple personalities or something.”

The DWTS castoff explained her live TV breakdown when she found out she was voted to come off.

“It was a mixed emotions cry,” says Kate. “I was sad it was me and I didn’t get to go further … My second thought was now I get to go home with the kids.”

We realize Kate is under a tremendous amount of pressure with a custody battle underway with her ex-husband Jon Gosselin. Not to mention Kate is the primary breadwinner of her household — she’s crisscrossing the country to promote her book , I Just Want You To Know and her two upcoming TLC shows.

But Kate there’s no need to get upset with Tony — he was just trying to teach your two left feet how to dance.

-Chloe Melas


Jen K said... 114

How exactly is the future of her children uncertain? I mean, aren't the future of all children AND adults also uncertain? ;) This chick is dumb as a box of rocks!

Denise said... 115

Of course there was no group hug! The "rat claw" would have grabbed them!!!

IATK said... 116


April 20, 2010
The long national nightmare ends: Kate Gosselin is kicked off Dancing with the Stars

Reality TV mom Kate Gosselin may have been the biggest bee-yotch to ever strap on a pair of stilettos for Dancing with the Stars.

But when she finally got the boot on Tuesday's show, host Tom Bergeron wasn't above wallowing in her failure a bit, waving off broadcast of a pre-taped tribute to dig a little deeper into the sexto-mom's bizarre justifications for being both unenthusiastic about performing and supremely snarked off that she got ejected.

"I was scared to death most of the time," said a teary Gosselin, whipping out the "pity me" card she flashed often after showing her caustic side on the reality show which first built her fame. "It takes a lot to do this."

One thing it takes, for example, is a willingness to learn from the professional instructor. And a bit of talent as a performer. And the will to push yourself past harsh judging and low scores to show improvement in a way the show's voting audience seems to love.

None of which Gosselin seemed willing or capable of doing. By her last performance Monday, she was essentially sleepwalking through her dance moves, floating the excuse that her kids had come to visit her (another essential point in Gosselin's M.O. -- whenever someone criticizes you, blame your shortcomings on your sacrifices for your children).

Still Gosselin played the diva to the last moment, pausing before answering the first of Begeron's questions, saying "I need a moment." Eventually, she would thank the audience "for believing in me more than I believed in myself."
What was obvious - Gosselin had checked out and expected to be voted off this week. So why work hard, when you know the hangman's noose is coming anyway?

All the reality TV trickery in the world couldn't hide her awful attitude and non-existent dance skills -- this cycle's funniest moment remains when an acting coach was hired to teach her to show anger, and her expression never changed.

Beyond the Wicked Witch of the East, this cycle's DWTS continues to be a tough road for the tabloid-magnet women brought in to build the show's pop culture buzz. Though Niecy Nash and Bachelor dud Jake Pavelka deserved low scores more, bombshell Pamela Anderson landed alongside Gosselin in the bottom two, presumably because the show's female audience hates her pneumatically enhanced figure almost as much as Gosselin's crappy attitude.

Before long, she'll be gone as well and the series will get back to its traditional formula -- pitting skilled athlete Evan Lysacek against dancing pop star Nicole Scherzinger with Tampa's own Erin Andrews along as a dark horse contender.

Producers should be proud; they finally realized the show doesn't need a cast of thousands to build interest -- just a few carefully selected tabloid magnets to get the gossip rags going, building public interest as the real competition begins.

Posted by Eric Deggans at 09:41:13 PM on April 20, 2010

Justice for All said... 117

NancyB said...

"I don't think anyone will tell the truth about how they really feel about her."

Hi NancyB. I agree. I think these celebrities have too much class and experience to publicly speak out about her. They wouldn't want to make themselves look bad by "trashing" her (i.e., telling the truth about her behavior). She is really not worth it and, basically, meaningless in their worlds. If asked, they will probably be coy and polite while not saying much.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 118

This photo of Kate (and Kate and Steve) before last night's show really does make it look as if Kate knew she was walking to her doom! This needs to go in a "Kate's Scowling Faces" slideshow....


Meaghan said... 119

I just realized this.... and maybe someone has already men tioned it, but... as watching the monday nite show, and then tueday's elimination.. Kate basically blamed her kids for getting elimintaed... She said something to the fact that, she spent all of her energy on the kids, and so couldn't dance very well, then she was eliminated. When they kids watch that in the future, depending on how they chose to interpret comments of heres, they are going to think " Gees, its my fault momma got kicked off.."... good guilt trip for a kid.. but oh yes, ....

Kate is ALL about SHAME based parenting and guilt trips!

Virginia Pen Mom said... 120

Some speculated Kate knew beforehand that she was going home. Here's a quote from her on Good Morning America today. It sounds as if it wasn't the "gut" feeling she described last night--but that she knew for CERTAIN she was not coming back.

"[The kids] don't even know yet, actually. They were asleep by the time I got back last night, so I'll tell them this morning. I did not allow them to watch the show last night, because obviously I'm out here, and I already knew. They're out here with me. And so I will tell them today."

dee3 said... 121

I mentioned this quite some time ago...and it's still something I wonder about to this day.

And in a nutshell, it's this: Who was Kate doing at TLC to cause this entire phenomenon in the first place? (and when I say "doing", I don't necessarily mean it in any crude way...it could have just been a friendship or a crush)

Sure, I understand that JK&8 was a sudden hit and goldmine for TLC. And sure, I understand that Kate's unique shrew-like personality seemed to add to the interest and ramped-up the ratings. And sure, I understand that Jon became disillusioned...and began to no longer toe the TLC line the way they wanted him to.

But even with all that...WHO and WHY made the decision to make Kate an invincible star and phenomenon? Why was SHE, a surely difficult-to-work-with and to manage narcissist....chosen to be given the gift of omnipotent celebrity, protected by all the clout and power TLC could muster? They not only had to CREATE her (as she has no real talent to speak of) but had to protect her (to the point where she became almost untouchable and invincible).

I still am wondering...WHY? And WHO made this decision? I've always had my suspicions about the involvement of Eileen O'Neill.....though let me make it clear that there is absolutely no proof of anything here and that this is just me speculating.

But regardless of WHO it is/was.....I still find it almost impossible to believe that without there having been something REALLY odd going on behind the scenes, that TLC would have decided...with all the other possible choices they had available....to choose Kate, of all people, to become this huge celebrity and phenomenon who was literally untouchable. To have gone to the lengths of almost controlling the media on her behalf. To have gone to such great lengths to villify Jon. To have done whatever they had to in order to make this woman what she became.

I will never believe that this was just pure coincidence. I sure can't pin-point it, but my gut tells me that something REALLY fishy was going on behind the scenes all this time.
And because of my life experiences with working in corporate America....these sorts of things usually have some sort of really strange PERSONAL dynamic, that was going on behind the scenes, that was primarily responsible for it.

Janie said... 122


You said so very well what I've been wondering and thinking re: Kate's seemingly teflon celebrity exterior and her notoriety. Sometimes it seems like TLC decided to conduct a bizarre sociological experiment with the Gosselins and Kate in particular as lab rats. It just doesn't make sense....there IS a surreal quality to it, if you ask me. Keep thinking and speculating....I always enjoy reading your posts.

Unknown said... 123

excellent post.

There is something very strange about this whole thing. I have never seen anything like it before. Someone has an unbelievable amount of control over the media when it comes to Kate.

Kelly said... 124

If Kate didn't allow the kids to watch the show last night, why was she pretending and giving the I Heart You pantomime last night on television?

Jenupiter said... 125

This was Kate's big chance. She could have won people over with this whole thing. Had she been gracious, humble and kind, she would have won some new fans. Heck, I might have even started to support her efforts.

Instead she looked miserable and rude the entire time. She never looked to be working hard and she did not seem like a nice person. Not at all. There was no visible family or friend support in the audience. EPIC FAIL.

Instead of gaining new support she appears to have lost some of the support she had before it started. She also gained some new "haters" after that display.

StoopidSpice said... 126

Some would crudely say "Who is she f****** and s******?"

Now, I have never watched DWTS before this season. Now I will. So on Monday, I will be watching again to see who is the winner at the end. Some people have decided that the judges are jerks, Whoopie is a jerk, and everyone is a hater. They will NOT be watching DWTS on Monday.
And they make fun of us because we are so obsessed with Queen Freebie Irene! They are the jerks.
And I know you are reading (because I read you!). I have plenty of good deeds in my karma bank to outweigh any harshness I feel for Kate. Maybe you should think of all the things you might do for the greater good. Instead of insinuating that I will have to re-live this life again because I have not learned. You aint Buddha baby!

AuntieAnn said... 127

Kate sounded upset that they burned her shoes at the end of the Kimmel interview. Even if they weren't her actual shoes, you can bet Tony was elated that it symbolically ended the nightmare.

It reminded me of when she threw her kids Sunday school projects into the garbage right after they gave them to her and of the time she tossed the viewers questions onto the floor (on the last J&K show).

It's too bad she's so utterly self-absorbed that she'll never be able to connect the two - that her actions hurt others in the same way burning her shoes seemed to hurt her. In Kates mind only her pain counts. Narcissism is such a convenient disorder.

Sick of Karts Krap said... 128

Come on, She danced to Don't You Forget About Me. She knew the weeks she contracted for were up. If this was fixed, what else on the show is fixed?

TVSnark said... 129

Quote of the Day!

the vague concept of her kids,

Anonymous said... 130

@ Dee, I read your comment (8:38AM) loud and clear. I suspect something "REALLY fishy was going on behind the scenes..." also. I don't know if this post will go through because I have to be "Anonymous".

My suspicion is that something happened with one or more of the kids, and Kate is blackmailing TLC to keep it quiet. If Jon knows about it, this is the reason to "villify" him so he can't talk. Maybe why he didn't want to do the show anymore. Maybe Jon is also protecting Kate by subjecting himself to so much heat from TLC and the public. Just my spectulation-- nothing to back it up. Just my "gut" feeling.

dee3 said... 131

Thank you so much, Janie.

This question has been in my mind for quite some time now. I think it's probably due to the fact that I've worked in the corporate world and whenever I've seen a situation where someone who is completely undeserving gets inexplicably promoted or rewarded....it almost always tracks back to some sort of inappropriate relationship going on behind the scenes. Almost ALWAYS.

I'm sure that most, if not many of the bloggers here have worked in the corporate world and seen something similar happen. Often, we never actually find out what was going on behind the scenes that was responsible for this, but we surely do wonder. And when we do finally learn what was going on....it's usually something unprofessional going on behind the scenes....am I right here? Has anyone else experienced this?

Picture, just for a moment, that you're at an executive meeting at TLC/Discovery.....and the idea of creating a phenomenon/celebrity of Kate is being discussed. Do you imagine that all the executive drones nodded in agreement and went, "great idea"?
I mean...is it even remotely possible that so many of US saw what was going on but NONE of the TLC executives did? Not likely, right? I mean, this woman fired 40 household employees in rapid-fire succession....she CLEARLY had to be difficult to work with...but this was never publicly released due to contracts signed.

So WHO (and WHY) was most likely one specific executive able to over-ride all the nays and the skeptics and push through her/his agenda? Come hell or high water?
And this was not just some random hair-brained idea. The power and influence of TLC/Discovery was amassed to go out and destroy any and all obstacles to this plan.....no matter WHO had to be destroyed...even Jon...and even the poor children. SOMEONE at TLC was HELL-BENT and making this woman a celebrity, no matter what.

I've felt this way for a long, long time and it's still sitting right there in my mind, just staring at me and insisting I figure out the answer.

Also....off this specific topic...I regularly check Rep. Murt's website to check any up-dates and it appears that he's planning to have a second hearing related to the first one he recently had. It say TBD....so it seems there's no specific fixed date for it yet...but it's to address and discuss updating the state rules and regulations for children working in reality shows in their state. I'll continue to monitor for an exact date and let you know.

just wondering said... 132

They may just be playing her until her contract expires. All things are possible in Gobbelin Land, I guess.

AZ Mom said... 133

I think Kate may have shot herself in the foot going on DWTS. People who not know or very little about her now definitely have an opinion about her. They will be less likely to tune in her new show after seeing all her nastiness and contol she must have. The more TLC tries to rehabilitate her I think the less likely that will happen. She just has canned responses so not really her own thoughts and says them over and over again.

MakeItStop said... 134

I wouldn't be surprised if it was Eileen whatever her name is at TLC. I think Kate is getting some from Kate Coyne at People Magazine too.

TVSnark said... 135

Does any parent here NOT have uncertainty about their kids future?
WTF, Kate? Nobody has a crystal ball but you seem to think that your poor little kids will have to sell gum at the Tijauana border so you can continue to nourish them with food and young babysitters.

To Itsaboutthekids: Thanks for your quotes from the various articles. I don't click on stories but I do enjoy all the ignorance she spews when her mouth is open.

bbsak said... 136

mommyinca said...
NancyB~ I thought this was telling:
"What are you going to tell your kids? Have you called them yet?
Gosselin: I strategically had them watch a movie tonight instead of watching the show and then I will tell them tomorrow personally"
So does this mean that they are back in Penn? Why would she have to wait til tomorrow to tell them "personally" if they were in a hotel down the street?

I didn't catch this earlier --- BUT, in a Radar Online interview she said the kids watched her dance last nite, but the tv was turned off before any comments! Another contradiction/lie, Kate.

Kate Gosselin Reacts To Elimination, Reveals Kids "Upset" About Judges Panel

Following her elimination from Tuesday night's episode of Dancing with the Stars, Kate Gosselin gave RadarOnline.com an exclusive interview in which she talked about her beloved eight children and thanked RadarOnline.com readers for their support throughout her five-week stint on ABC's hit ballroom competition.

RadarOnline.com's Tina Malave caught up with Gosselin- who was eliminated after receiving Monday night’s lowest score- and asked her about the moral support she received from her eight little ones, even when the judges weren't so kind.

"Well, they were allowed to watch me dance, but they weren't allowed to watch the judges' comments, because I made the mistake at first when they were sort of not nice to us, and that just really upset them a lot more than it upset me," Kate said. "So they were allowed to watch me dance, and that was it.
"They will be upset that its over for me, but I'm just glad they had five weeks to watch me dance."

In a teary interview following her elimination, Kate told the show's co-host, Brooke Burke: "Whatever is worth my time, I give my all. And maybe sometimes it didn't come across ... I was scared to death, most of the time, to be out there."

Before making her final stage exit, Kate had a message for the loyal RadarOnline.com readers who kept her in the competition with their votes and support. "Thanks guys for five weeks of great dancing, I appreciate you all, I love you all and thanks for believing in us," Kate said.


dee3 said... 137


You are SO right. Unless we have crystal ball, the futures of ALL of our children is uncertain. That's life. Our OWN futures are uncertain, in fact. Nobody can predict the future with any degree of accuracy.

AZ Mom~

I totally agree with you....she did shoot herself in the foot, IMO, when you evaluate the entire episode objectively. She alienated an entire segment of the viewing audience who'd not really been familiar to her. She also showed a very ugly side of her personality and alienated all who liked and had respect for Tony Dovolani. She also added ammunition to Jon's arsenal in terms of evidence he has for this custody hearing. In fact, her participation on DWTS and all the traveling and away-from-home time it required...may have actually BEEN what caused Jon to seek this custody hearing in the first place.

What I find most interesting...and this ties into my previous two posts here....is WHO in the world thought this was a great idea? And that this would improve Kate's celebrity and increase/widen her fan base? WHO?

How many of us, recognizing her likely NPD, could not have predicted the risks involved here? The risk that her real personality would come out when, under stress from the hours of practice, she could not maintain the facade of sweetness? The risk that the fact that she was such a terrible dancer would alienate DWTS fans? The risk that due to her NPD, she'd be unable to tolerate the criticism from the judges and her real thoughts would shine through just by watching her facial expression? The risk that due to her NPD, she'd be extremely difficult to work with for the poor dancing pro assigned to teach her? That due to her NPD and sense of entitlement, she would not exactly charm the other contestants and they'd have difficulty hiding this from the audience?
And on and on...etc., etc.

WHO thought this was a great idea....and WHY did they think this? And WHY were they so entrenched in delusion-land that they even thought this? Was someone smitten with her and not really seeing what most others were/are?
Just makes me wonder. I'm not claiming ANYTHING...and want to make sure this is clear. I have NO evidence of anything. It's just something I've wondered about.

Kelly said... 138

Kate Gosselin may be gone from DWTS but she's not going to go away. She keeps showing up on our flat screens like Tareq and Michaela Salahi at a White House dinner. We can't get away from her no matter how fast we run or how cleverly we hide.

A trip to the supermarket checkout counter and There's Kate, prominently displayed on the covers of the tabloids with her "someone Farted" look on her face.

A quick scan of the tv channels and Kates mug shows up like a fly on a Shell No Pest Strip. Her toothy grin on every entertainment show is tantamount to a serious water boarding for those who are sitting in front of the television.

Kate will be part of our lives for quite some time if the sadists in television programming have their way.

Have a very Gosselin Day everyone.

Sobby McFibberpants said... 139

@StoopidSpice... Now where should Survivor go that would be perfect for Kate?

How about home to her mansion. No nannies, no helpers, no bodyguards. Just Kate, and all 8 of her children. I think that would be one short lived show.

Paula said... 140

ABC knew it was time to pull Kate. According to tvbythenumbers.com, Monday's show was down 4% from the previous week and last night's results show was down 11% - it's lowest rated results show ever. ABC milked that Kate Gosselin train as long as they could and then they dumped her. Just like TLC is going to do.

bbsak said... 141

WHO and WHY made the decision to make Kate an invincible star and phenomenon? Why was SHE, a surely difficult-to-work-with and to manage narcissist....chosen to be given the gift of omnipotent celebrity, protected by all the clout and power TLC could muster? They not only had to CREATE her (as she has no real talent to speak of) but had to protect her (to the point where she became almost untouchable and invincible).

You, me and half of the blogosphere are questioning the same things. It defies logic yet it continues. She either has something on someone OR they're paying her off for some unknown reason OR they're using her and the kids - but then the question is - using her for what or why? And, the answer falls back to money.

TLC/Discovery made what, $200million a quarter when J&K+8 was on the air? If she's foolish enough and sick enough, to allow them to laugh at and exploit her and there are no laws prohibiting the use of the kids, I'd say they're pretty smart to continue using her (IMO, it's really not much more than that at this point). I know they did advertising, marketing, and distribution studies long before announcing the 2 new shows and they're certain they have enough ad revenue coming in to justify every cent they've poured into her and more.

Knowing TLC from their past performance, I'm pretty sure the new shows will proceed without delay (strike while the iron is hot and she's still in everyone's memory), but do I wonder if they and Zondervan haven't had a few conference calls to talk about combating the swell of negative opinion that her media overexposure the past 5 weeks generated and how they'll proceed.

Anyway, Dee3, I think this is a matter of BIG MONEY and when compared, the other issues are minor.

prairiemary said... 142

Okay, we have more work to do!! I just finished reading on GWOP that kate gosselin is to appear on the Pat Robertson t.v. program, The 700 Club.I went on and wrote to them about having on such a non-practicing, non-church going,immodest,lying, so-called Christian women, and that is not the type of women who we want to be motivating the rest of us.It went thru, so I do hope others will email them how they feel about having her on.

dee3 said... 143

Another thing that has perplexed me for quite some time has been....when it was determined to create a celebrity/phenomenon out of Kate and to go to any lengths to accomplish this and to protect it...exactly WHAT angle were they going for?

Was it for her to be the legitimate role model for mothers? Or was it to create mass appeal for those who love to watch a train-wreck?

From my perspective, I've never really been sure because it seems to have bounced back and forth.

Was she supposed to be the admired SAHM...who truly deserved to be admired for being able to manage 8 young children all at the same time? So that she would indeed be someone who could give helpful advice to mothers caring for children at home? It would certainly be reasonable to think that a mother who could juggle caring for 2 school-age twins PLUS 6 sextuplet toddlers...could have some great advice for those of us who had only had to manage the care for one at a time and not had to deal with multiples.

But the first complication was that TLC quickly realized that the shrew-like behavior, esp. towards Jon, was actually increasing the show's popularity....so they began to showcase this...and didn't just toss it on the floor with whatever else they didn't want to show.

They also confusingly showed the renewal of vows episode with a totally straight face, yet turned around and show-cased the divorce announcement...and continued to film, despite the children going through such a stressful event like having their parents divorce.

Then she became the single, working mom...to be admired for working AND being a mother of 8 young children. But much more of her time was being taken up with "working" and it was publicized that most of the care was being provided by nannies and babysitters. So how could this possibly still be the legitimate "mom" who should still be a role-model for mothers everywhere and an expert who should be sought after for advice on mothering?

And from my perspective, I have also seen numerous things that to me, look like many have intentionally been taking advantage of the train-wreck aspect. The horrible outfits and make-up for her dances on DWTS, the film segments selected to show her ugly behavior with Tony D. The almost intentional acceptance by interviewers of out-right lies she's spoken on their shows.

I'll be honest....I can't figure out what angle was planned here. Role-model or train-wreck? Or have they just been winging it all this time? Going wherever the ratings and money took them? And so there actually always WAS/IS a reason why this seems so haphazard?

IATK said... 144


I think the WHO that thought DWTS was a good idea was Kate herself. Someone might have tried to talk her out of it, but then, who would have guessed she couldn't, or wouldn't, dance a lick. She feels so entitled that in her mind all she had to do was show up and she'd be sure to win it all and it showed in her lack of practice. Unfortunately for Kate, even TLC couldn't pull enough strings without killing the DWTS show in the process.

I think if Kate had not gone home last night the DWTS fans might have staged a major uprising and there would have to be a lot of explaining about the voting process.

That said, I also spent many years in the corporate world and left more than one job for the very reason you stated. I could not sit back and watch as it seemed those who deserved to be promoted the least moved up the ladder the fastest amid rumors of having provided special "favors" to the boss. It happens all the time.

For whatever reason, TLC is protecting Kate at all costs and she is allowed to write her own story with their money and support. I also heard somewhere that she was encouraged to downplay some of her comments in the new book but who can tell Kate anything? She already knows it all. This is definitely a puzzle.

IATK said... 145

Does anyone think that Kate GAINED any fans after viewing DWTS?

The comments I hear the most from those who didn't really know or care about her before, now say they understand why she is so unpopular with so many. Some even go so far as to say they can see Jon's side of the story now.

Emptynester said... 146

itsabout -

I'm hearing the same thing. People who never really knew that much about her before appear to be totally turned off. I think this PR move is going to backfire in a big way. The more they try to shove her down our throats, the more resistance they will meet.

GKway said... 147

PJ's momma said...
"My gut feelings are always right." Huh?


Remember when she said that 'she had a feeling' she would have a hard time conceiving and that is why they went the IVF route. I don't know if they even tried to have kids naturally. I guess KI's 'gut instinct' has worked out well for her (unfortunately not so much for Jon, kids, extended family, etc).

bbsak said... 148


itsaboutthekids said...
Does anyone think that Kate GAINED any fans after viewing DWTS?

I'd be surprised if she gained a single one!

Nancy said... 149


I think any of us that have followed this from the beginning can admit that it took us a while to catch on that something was off but they editited(??) the show in a way that it wasn't smacking us in the face. They were able to control her a bit better because she wasn't so popular or in the regular media as much.

Her appearances were controlled and to relatively small groups and no one was really paying attention to all the lies and contradictions. BUT when you put her on every morning/late show, DWTS, entertainment shows, ROL etc people are going to pay attention because really we had no choice she has been everywhere. She simply CAN NOT pull it off and maybe they were gambling that she possibly could.

She is so completely out of her league and no amount of coaching or training can change that because she does not have the “it” factor it requires to make it in show biz...

My humble opinion anyways :)

mommyinca said... 150

I'm in the minority here because I was sort of hoping she would NOT have been voted off. The longer she was on, the more people were catching on to her broken record of "My life is so hard and other lies I tell myself".

It would have been bad for her if she stayed because people would have revolted.

Irene S said... 151

Everyone is saying such insightful things. When she was just on TLC they got to pull all the strings. Now on the bigger media platform it is not working no matter how much they try. This is saturated. It is no longer about Kate & her little TLC family.

I don't know what the future holds. For me, it has and will always be that I do not want the children filmed.

Thanks for the heads up about 700 club. Yes, maybe Kate will come to her senses with their divine intervention. However, Kate & TLC cannot have it both ways, she can't be admired by the evangelicals & promoting greed, divorce, self centerness in the same arena.

Janie said... 152

Nancy's comment:

She is so completely out of her league and no amount of coaching or training can change that because she does not have the “it” factor it requires to make it in show biz...

Exactly! If you're going to be in the public eye and be successful, you have to pay attention to the world around you, be interested in what others have to say, and think on your feet. Kate is interested in one thing.......Kate. When there is talk thrown around about her getting a talk show, I just find that absurd. I remember Johnny Carson talking about being a successful host.....you have to listen and be interested in your guest and let them shine! It only makes you look better. No one else is allowed to shine when Kate is around.

Jay Leno doesn't seem to smell her BS, but Kate wouldn't have gotten anywhere near Johnny Carson's couch, IMHO.

dee3 said... 153

Oh, I totally agree with you guys...IATK, Nancy, bbsak, etc. I also think that if anything, she gained more non-fans.....folks who were fans of DWTS but were not really familiar with Kate or the show (JK&8). The comments I've read from that particular group have been negative, appalled by her behavior, and upset that she wasn't voted off faster. I don't think I've seen any from this particular group who became a fan after seeing her on DWTS (as their first impression of her).

IATK...I totally agree that it was most likely Kate's idea to be on DWTS...but what confounds me is....how MUCH power does she have to be able to demand she gets her way, even if handlers/managers think it's not a bad idea?
And this exact issue (how difficult it would be to handle her) is what really makes me wonder why they would have chosen HER to create a huge celebrity/phenomenon of.

Just the thought that a huge corporation, which lots of power, influence and financing, would allow this one woman to call all the shots and make all the decisions....astounds me, to say the least.

And you brought up a GREAT point...that she possibly HAS something on someone. The whole blackmail-type angle. Either the "HAS something on someone" or "inappropriate relationship going on behind the scenes" are the two main things that to me....would be the 2 main explanations that might even make the remotest sense. Because other than that...it just defies my imagination.

I'd have chosen Octomom over Kate to make a celebrity of. She, at least, does not seem to have severe narcissism, she CAN come across as quite like-able in my opinion, she certainly seems like someone who would be easier to manage and work with.....AND she popped-out 8 at one time....which trumps 6...technically.
I KNOW that Octomom was being criticized right out of the gate (and why she was do disliked and Kate was so admired is beyond me, really....because to me, they BOTH did the same thing and the only difference is that Nadya seems to be a much nicer person in general)....but surely, if TLC could bring all their powers, strength, influence and money to create a once admired role-model out of Kate Gosselin, then SURELY they could have reversed the negative image of Octomom with no problem. And they could have had much better long-term success with this simply because Nadya does not have the severe degree of NPD that Kate does.

Like you, IATK, I've seen several instances in the corporate world where something similar to this has happened. And it's almost always turned out to be due to an inappropriate behind-the-scenes relationship with someone high on the corporate ladder (or someone with a great amount of influence WITH those at the very top of the ladder). And I'm telling you, I just can't shake this gut feeling I have here that something similar happened......something very suspect and that happened (and may still be happening) behind the scenes.

MickeyMcKean said... 154

Dee, great posts. I agree with when you posted but then I too have worked in the corporate world.

Here is something that has always bugged me: why does everyone have to sign a nondisclosure agreement?

And I do mean everyone: last year when Jon was in Las Vegas at the pool party he wanted people to sign an agreement before he would talk to them - in a bar.

What is TLC so afraid of?

Are these agreements required for all TLC shows or just J&K+8? If so, what is it about the Gosselins that spook TLC? Kate?

I also want to say that I firmly believe that Kate's exposure on DWTS has backfired, big time. I know 2 people who did not know who she was before, but they certainly know about her now. Would they watch her in a different show? "NO WAY!!!"

bbsak said... 155


DeKonstruction Zlogger said...Kate & TLC cannot have it both ways, she can't be admired by the evangelicals & promoting greed, divorce, self centerness in the same arena.

She did the 700 Club last year with the same controversy swirling and she'll do it again. I wrote to them last year about the child exploitation and faith issues her prior to her appearance and received a reply backing her for her strong faith and being a role-model. The tone of their response lead me to believe they were as in the dark about her contradictions, the love offering circuit, and child exploitation as many, many others were.

dee3 said... 156

See, I TOTALLY agree with every one of you commenting here right now. And that's one of the things I don't get. NOT ONE of the TLC executives realized she did NOT have the IT factor? That in fact, she was the total opposite of someone with the IT factor?

Not ONE of the TLC executives saw what a huge risk she could be? Or saw what a huge risk a venue like DWTS could potentially be? WHO was it that over-ruled all those with concerns? WHO had that much power? And if it was Kate...HOW did she manage to GET that much power?

I mean, I can see maybe ONE TLC executive losing sight of reality and getting caught up in some sort of delusion. But surely this huge corporation has LOTS of executives and plenty of checks and balances so that no specific one of them can run amok and do whatever strikes his/her fancy.

Or ELSE....Kate HAS something on somebody that it way to risky to have revealed OR there is/was some sort of inappropriate relationship going on behind the scenes with an executive with MAJOR power and clout.

Otherwise, I HAVE to be on some other planet. :D

Wisconsin Garden Chick said... 157

dee3 said: "But regardless of WHO it is/was.....I still find it almost impossible to believe that without there having been something REALLY odd going on behind the scenes, that TLC would have decided...with all the other possible choices they had available....to choose Kate, of all people, to become this huge celebrity and phenomenon who was literally untouchable. To have gone to the lengths of almost controlling the media on her behalf. To have gone to such great lengths to villify Jon. To have done whatever they had to in order to make this woman what she became.

I will never believe that this was just pure coincidence. I sure can't pin-point it, but my gut tells me that something REALLY fishy was going on behind the scenes all this time."

It really is unbelievable, isn't it? She really has no star power, no ability to talk or relate to people (needed for a talk show), speak intelligently or knowledgably about anything, isn't funny - what's the big talent?

Here's my conspiracy theory (and I saw versions of this elsewhere back during the divorce). That is, that TLC really exploited them ruthlessly, that the original contract, the one Jon and Kate signed w/o an attorney was draconian (there have been hints of this) and, as was highlighted with the hearing last week, they broke child labor laws. Jodi and Kevin's testimony that staff on the show came to them with moral qualms was also out there long ago.

So, what I think is that they want to divide and conquer, to keep J & K from joining forces and exposing some of what went on, maybe even attempting to bring a lawsuit. Such an action would not only mean very bad publicity against TLC, it would threaten many of their shows. Think about Little People (and their marital trouble), Duggars, and more.

Probably cheaper to manage Kate, let her think she has a "career" and is some kind of "star" rather than toss her aside and put all their money making child exploitation shows at risk.

You may now remove your tinfoil hat. :)

Anonymous said... 158

MickeyMcKean said... I believe that when Jon was in Vegas last year he was not working with TLC...that was part of what got him in trouble. He was working with the Hellers then.

IATK said... 159

Wednesday, April 21. 2010
Kate Gosselin Booed At Disneyland
By: Janice Woodward

Apparently Kate Gosselin is a bigger b#@%& than we thought. According to Radar Online she and her kids got booed by the crowds at Disneyland last Saturday. According to sources she and her kids were escorted to the front of the lines to all the rides by Disney personnel.

Holy crap Kate Gosselin! Who do you think you are? You are a manufactured, talentless, faux celebrity who got famous because you popped out a bunch of kids and had a dysfunctional marriage. Then, when your fifteen minutes of fame was running out you jumped on the Dancing With The Stars bandwagon to keep it going as long as you could, and now, somehow, like a plague from God, you get another reality show!

But, you know what Kate, I don't blame you for your ridiculous "career" and total lack of class. You are just trying to make a living so you can support the herd of kids that you probably took fertility drugs to conceive to ensure that you had as many as possible so you could be in the running for a reality show. I blame you America. You, the dim witted, lazy, easily amused, self loathing, pathetic, individuals out there that watch the crap that these lazy TV executives put on the air. You are so bored and unhappy with your own lives that you must resort to immersing yourself into the lives of people who are even more pathetic than yourself. The culture of America is falling faster than anyone could have imagined. Pick up a book, turn off the TV and pay attention to your own kids or they could end up like Kate Gosselin one day.

Here is the quote from Radar Online's source:

“Kate and her entourage were being escorted by Disney personnel. “They were taking them right to the front of the lines. Some people had been waiting hours in the lines and weren’t happy to see Kate taken straight to the front.“A lot of people were saying, ‘who does she think she is?’ and were booing her. But she obviously had some fans in line as some people were shouting out ‘we love you Kate!’ She left early as the park was getting really crowded and fans kept approaching her and bothering her. I think she was sick of the attention and had hoped she would just be able to spend the day hanging out with her kids.”

The fact that some people were screaming 'we love you kate' is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard in my life! People, who were being treated like second class citizens and being skipped in line by a loser like Kate Gosselin after waiting for hours , were actually professing their love for her? Get some self respect for Christ sakes!


alana said... 160


Thanks for so eloquently and succinctly putting your finger on, and what I've long believed to be, the pulse of all things Take Greedslin.

"(and may still be happening)" may be the real reason behind the unbelievable self-imposed isolation of and estrangment from anyone who gets too close for comfort.

Imo, whatever "it" is, it began long before the end of Season One.

mommyinca said... 161

Mickey, I've ALWAYS wondered why everyone and everything seems to be sealed tighter than fort Knox!

The divorce was sealed, the TLC contract sealed. I know there's a privacy issue there but still, it seems like they went OUT of their way to make sure nothing about their contract leaked out.

I have a feeling there is a LOT going on that we don't know. I bet there is footage that has been destroyed too.

The fact that the Dept. of Labor never went out to the "set" (their home) speaks volumes. I bet they knew that they can't hold them accountable to something they never saw. It's sick.

Nancy said... 162

I think though, that this is the point that it gets dangerous for all parties involved TLC/Kate/ABC etc because once people get over the outrage they start looking at it with common sense (luckily most of us in the real world posses that) and will start saying WTH is going on. The media as a whole can really only spin this for so long before they also get called out. I have seen a couple conversation on GMA and other shows where you can just tell they want to say something and are literally biting their tongues.... At the end of the day everyone needs their paycheques but as journalists they also need their credibility.

If they keep those kids off TV I am more inclined to just shake my head and hope she goes away but if they force them to work again I will keep actively making noise because it is just plain wrong.

Kelly said... 163

The 700 club is using Kate hoping that someone HUMAN will tune in that channel and actually watch. I'd rather watch a video on "How to clean a barbecue grill" than anything on the 700 club network.

Pat Robertson is an absolute 130 proof idiot that claims Haiti had an earthquake because no one there was christian. I wouldn't waste a keystroke by sending them an email protesting Kate Gosselin on their program. No one watches anyway but a handful of 80 year old blue hairs, sitting on a potty seat waiting for someone to clean them up.

dee3 said... 164


Thanks so much and I've been reading some really great posts/comments you've written.

I'm not knowledgeable about the nondisclosure agreement issue...in terms of whether this is just done routinely and as a practical matter.

But I will say this....I don't think I have EVER seen a situation that seems so rife with possible whistle-blowers and information leakers as this one does...and YET not ONE person has come forward. Except for Jodie and Kevin. BUT....surely there could have been "unnamed sources" and those who could have done it more anonymously so that they would not have to suffer the hatred that Jodie and Kevin did.

Just the number of household employees Kate has fired....not to mention ALL of the rotating crew members involved in the filming of JK&8, all of the probably HUNDREDS of the little people who have had to wait on Kate, serve Kate, angered Kate, annoyed Kate...and on and on. There HAS to be literally thousands with great stories to tell yet there seems to be this huge conspiracy of silence.

WHY?? And HOW??

Has every single person who's even come into Kate's air-space had to sign a nondisclosure agreement? Every single person who has come within 100 feet of Kate?

Our brave administrator went to the book signing Friday night and actually spoke the unvarnished truth of what it was like....and it became a massive event in the Gosselin blogosphere.
And IMO, part of the reason for this is that we RARELY, if ever, get to see or hear of ANYONE who can give a first-hand account of anything Kate has done or been involved in that actually sounds like the real Kate. WHY is this?

Is our brave administrator the ONLY person that has ever given an account of Kate that seems corroborated by what the rest of us see.....and actually lived to tell about it? Where are all the rest? It's almost as if Kate's not a real person, the way nobody else will say a word about her that actually seems to be about the person we all see.
Where ARE all the people who have dealt with the REAL Kate? The Kate who sniped at Jon and glared at the DWTS judges. Why has every single one of them refused to say a word, apparently?

Like you said....what's the big secret? WHAT are they hiding?

Irene S said... 165

bbsak. Yes, you are right Kate did that 700 club interview in the midst of a crumbling marriage. My pastor is against tv evangelists. Well, he is against tv too. And, if you think about it the christian circuit made Kate a pretty penny in its day.

Well, rumor has it that we may be seeing Kate sooner than we think selling those books from her Wernersville garage. Carol Burnett released "This time together" Last week. Guess what? New York Times bestseller rank #4.

For all Kate's spin/twist tour last week all she has now is a failed book signing & a ticket back to Wernersville. The orphanage gets the Head village idiot back.

Kelly said... 166

I know why no one whistle blows on Kate. She's the leader of a terrorist network called All-Kata and no one wants to cross her unless they have the backing of the military.

NancyB said... 167

Video of loser Kate being driven away:


Nancy said... 168


I think that idea has merit or at least had me spitting out my coffee :)

dee3 said... 169

Wisconsin Garden Chick~

You've made a really EXCELLENT point....and one I'd not really focused on. That this huge conspiracy of silence and what seems so impossible to explain about this entire debacle is.....that this is basically a huge cover-up and that they are trying to prevent a huge lawsuit BY Jon and Kate....so they divided and separated. You are so right here. AND they have separated them from a whole lot of others too, including their own family (Jodie, Kevin, etc.)

I mean sure, Kate's a narcissist...but she HAD, for close to 30 years, managed to have some sort of relationship with Jodie and Kevin, Beth, etc. Suddenly, anyone who saw the truth were axed and estranged from Kate.

The lengths they went to so humiliate, cow and shackle Jon....to me, literally terror tactics.
That everyone involved in this mess seems terrified to say anything remotely truthful. Everything sealed up tight like Fort Knox.

You've made an excellent point, WGC...and one I'm going to think over. It makes a great deal of sense to me.


FANTASTIC article you just posted. I totally agree and in fact, I'll just bet that real celebrities would not even have allowed the Disneyland employees to take them to the head of the line and would have made their children wait in line just like everyone else. What a terrible lesson to teach your children to allow them to jump ahead of everyone when they're not disabled or anything.
Running to go and read the article at the link you provided right now!

mommyinca said... 170

Pat Robertson has spouted some pretty horrid accusations see: Haiti. I think it's perfect in keeping with his insanity to have Kate on his show.

(for the record: I'm a Jesus follower)

Irene S said... 171

Kelly are you sure you are not really a retiree from the Jay Leno show. Please share the Al~Kata with Z. He will love it.

dee3 said... 172


So funny...but unfortunately, too close to the truth, and in a scary way.

I can tell you, not being a Christian myself, that this behavior r/t Zondervan and the 700 Club can really turn people off to Christianity. It gives the appearance that no matter how much one lies, behaves selfishly, acts ungrateful and exhibits a whole array of non-Christian-like behavior, they can be held up as good examples if they quote a few Bible verses or claim to be a Christian. It's the height of hypocrisy.

One should not be celebrated as a role model to other Christians if that person does not live the life of a good Christian. And if Zondervan and The 700 Club can so easily be fooled, can the God of Christianity also be easily fooled? And can one live a life that is the opposite of what a good Christian life should be but easily redeem themselves and fool other Christians by tossing in a few Bible verses or playing the "I'm a Christian" card?

I think that both Zondervan and The 700 Club are making themselves look, at best, totally uninformed and at worst, like they are huge hypocrites.

Kelly said... 173

Nancy B,
I watched that video of Kate being driven away and I actually channeled her for a few minutes. After those few minutes of channeling her, I actually fell in love with myself. I had this insatiable urge to cackle like a witch and went to my front door, looking for little people outside that I could smack around for a few minutes.

What I also noticed in watching that video was the sour puss look on Kates face as she sat in the back of a lowly GMC SUV and not her typical mode of transportation, a Lincoln Town Car or a stretch limo. I also didn't notice any of the kids unless they were being towed behind the SUV in a clown car. Also absent were the tinted windows and a few flags on the front fenders.

MickeyMcKean said... 174

Anonymous said...
MickeyMcKean said... I believe that when Jon was in Vegas last year he was not working with TLC...that was part of what got him in trouble. He was working with the Hellers then.

Correct. Jon had hired Heller by this time and had been recruited by Vegas to host this pool party. No doubt TLC did not think it was the "right image" for a family man with 8 kids to be around so many bikinis at one time.

Again, whereas I did not have a problem with Jon at the pool whatsoever, I was stunned to see that Jon wanted some girls in the bar to sign a NDA before he would talk to them. BTW his [TLC] security/body guard/babysitter person was the one carrying the NDAs.

There is no debate that TLC had Jon by the cajones - Jon breached the contract. Being in Vegas was evidence of said breach.

But I have always wondered, if the reality show isn't reality but scripted, does that mean that Kate is a really a saint and therefore has been inaccurately portrayed as the Wicked Witch of the East?

No I think so either LOL See IMO when it comes to Kate it is most definitely a WYSIWYG situation - what you see is what you get.

Still, why promote this particular bitch? Could it be that someone at the top thinks that Kate is that good in bed?

No folks I don't buy it either but I had to mention it :O

Dee, thanks for your kind words. I agree that there is definitely something that we have not figured out ...yet. However, as long as this saga continues, the more clues are likely to see the light of day.


Anonymous said... 175

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Some speculated Kate knew beforehand that she was going home. Here's a quote from her on Good Morning America today. It sounds as if it wasn't the "gut" feeling she described last night--but that she knew for CERTAIN she was not coming back.

"[The kids] don't even know yet, actually. They were asleep by the time I got back last night, so I'll tell them this morning. I did not allow them to watch the show last night, because obviously I'm out here, and I already knew. They're out here with me. And so I will tell them today."

It's not a vast conspiracy. The show does not air live on the west coast. Therefore, since the children were in Los Angeles, Kate would have known she had been voted off before the show aired locally.

mommyinca said... 176

That's an interesting point. The show taped "live" at 5pm PST. If the kids are still out here in Ca., then why couldn't Kate have called them to tell them? Even if she wasn't done taping/interviews til say 8pm....that would still be early enough to at least CALL. If the kids live and breathe it, wouldn't Mady or Cara be waiting to hear if she got the boot?? Something doesn't make sense there.

nanb said... 177

New article on Kate and DWTS:


April 21, 2010 | 12:05 PM ET
EXCLUSIVE: Kate Gosselin sad her run on 'DWTS' is over, but her partner isn't!

Kate Gosselin's "Dancing with the Stars" days are done. The mom of eight was mercifully voted off the show Tuesday night after her miserable foxtrot on Monday landed her the show's lowest score.
Our "DWTS" insider told us that behind the scenes afterwards, Kate said some emotional goodbyes and talked about looking forward to her return to full-time motherhood.
"Kate cried backstage, she was extremely emotional about 'DWTS' ending, even though she did expect it," said our source.
Co-host Brooke Burke and Pamela Anderson were apparently Kate's biggest supporters at the end.
"Brooke loved Kate and really understood her situation. She spent some time comforting her at the end. Pamela Anderson gave her a hug and was very sweet to Kate," said the insider.
Her partner Tony Dovolani? Not so much.
"Tony is relieved. He was definitely hopeful that their names would be called because he didn't want them to start staying on further to watch great dancers get voted off," said our snitch.
"Kate didn't have the time to rehearse and it was impossible for him to get her to improve without practice," the source explained. "He understood her predicament, but Tony was ready to let it go. He'll be back!"
Our insider said Kate brought her kids out to Los Angeles just in time.
"Kate wanted to make sure the kids got to experience some of the fun she was having, so she made this weekend special and took the kids to Disney," the source told Fox411.com. "She was worried that this might be her week to go and she promised the kids some fun time with her in California."
So what's next for the horrible hoofer?
"She is ready for a break now. She can't wait to get home and put on sneakers and go back to being a mom. Kate is looking forward to driving the kids to school, running errands and getting everyone back to their old routines," our snitch said. "She will have a short break before she begins working on her new TLC show and she needs some down time with the children. Her emotions are mixed. She would have liked to go further, but she's happy the stress and travel for the show are over. It was so much more difficult than she expected. Her new projects won't require so much travel and time away from home and that's a good thing."
And not so much dancing, either, which is a good thing, too.
- Kelly Will

NancyB said... 178

Excellent, cogent comments by all you guys. Kelly you are like a tonic to me...laughing so hard at this latest one!! DeKon-your in rare form today and hitting every funny bone I have!

Babsy said... 179

"She can't wait to get home and put on sneakers and go back to being a mom. Kate is looking forward to driving the kids to school, running errands and getting everyone back to their old routines,"

Since when does Kate wear sneakers?? I've only seen her in 3 types of shoes -- hooker heels, after-pedi flip flops, and the fake freebie Uggs she sported when she first started with DWTS. Also, she doesn't drive the kids to school -- the big yellow school bus does that and her errands consist of photo ops to Target, Starbucks, pumping gas (something she always had Jon do) & the UPS store for her PO Box mail. Some of these "media" outlets are pumped with such Kate-a-ganda it's rather sad -- what ever happened to journalistic integrity? Why do these so-called writers and editors do their research or allow themselves to be "purchased" by outlets like TLC?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 180

I haven't seen Kate in sneakers in about two and a half years. We always make fun of her for doing activities that would be much more appropriate in sneakers.

This really is almost as bad as facist Germany propoganda, it's seriously unreal.

bbsak said... 181

Dee3 said...
Not ONE of the TLC executives saw what a huge risk she could be? Or saw what a huge risk a venue like DWTS could potentially be? WHO was it that over-ruled all those with concerns? WHO had that much power? And if it was Kate...HOW did she manage to GET that much power?

Playing the devils advocate here, but who said no one saw the negatives? Who said they didn't know the risks? Who said she was calling all the shots?

IMO, they saw everything she was, good and bad, and decided the potential for profit outweighed the risks. Heck, they were able to sell her to most of the media outlets, other networks, news agencies, etc. year after year. They liked the package and decided to exploit her to the hilt.

Do I think that some of their tactics may have backfired recently, absolutely, yes because she simply doesn't have the it-factor. But, I still contend that because they're a HUGE media conglomerate whose bottom line is making a profit for their investors, and because the investors have been happy, they have done a good job. I don't agree with their choices, but looking at this in business terms only, they've been quite successful.
Of course they had to have a willing participant and found a goldmine when they signed Kate! I really think this is more an issue of big money and big business rather than one woman having something on someone.

NancyB said... 182

Yep--like Dude Ranch in 3 in heels and air balloons in 4 in heels etc etc etc- only time she is in anything close to sneekers is when there are pics of her in running shoes, walking with Jamie last summer.

bbsak said... 183

"She is ready for a break now. She can't wait to get home and put on sneakers and go back to being a mom. Kate is looking forward to driving the kids to school, running errands and getting everyone back to their old routines," our snitch said. "She will have a short break before she begins working on her new TLC show and she needs some down time with the children. Her emotions are mixed. She would have liked to go further, but she's happy the stress and travel for the show are over. It was so much more difficult than she expected. Her new projects won't require so much travel and time away from home and that's a good thing."

Ah, they're prepping everyone for pics of Kate doing the mom thing for a few weeks to rehabilitate her mom image. I'm not surprised at all that they issued this statement disguised as insider info. Can you say 'damage control'?

Kelly said... 184

Kate wears sneakers when she doesn't call the Paps for the latest Pap Smear, to tell them she's going to Fed EX or Starbucks.

As bossy as Kate is, I wouldn't be surprised if she wears boxer shorts. After all, she's Kate.

prairiemary said... 185

I wonder if we will be seeing her fake,pasted-on ,toothy,chicklet smile that she had for the cameras on DWTS, when she is photograped being a mom again?

prairiemary said... 186

Kelly-I know that I was way too personal when I first came on here last friday, but I am wanting to know if you are a comedian for a living? You are a very funny lady, I love laughing at your funny comments-I hope you keep them coming!

MickeyMcKean said... 187

bbsak said...
Do I think that some of their tactics may have backfired recently, absolutely, yes because she simply doesn't have the it-factor.

I believe it comes down to how one defines the IT-factor.

Whereas you and I don't think she has the IT-factor - she cannot act, sing, or dance - nevertheless Kate sure does have people talking about her and that could also be defined as an IT-factor.

So in Kate's case, I bet that TLC/ABC/DISNEY have a different definition, and it starts out "if IT brings in the $$$ ..."

dee3 said... 188

"IMO, they saw everything she was, good and bad, and decided the potential for profit outweighed the risks. Heck, they were able to sell her to most of the media outlets, other networks, news agencies, etc. year after year. They liked the package and decided to exploit her to the hilt."


See, I agree with you in concept. But what were they selling? Year after year to media outlets, other networks, new agencies, etc.? The role-model mother?
In other words, WHAT did they see, including the good and the bad, that made her seem hugely profitable?

Nobody could really have foreseen the huge blogosphere sensation she created.

Let's say, just for the hell of it, that they thought they saw a HUGE profit in making her the role-model of motherhood. Surely, there had to have been at least SOME executives who saw her narcissistic tendencies, the potential difficulty that would be involved in making her appear to have an empathetic and motherly persona, etc.

BUT...let's say that they saw the train-wreck potential....then WHY did they invest SO much into promoting this sweet victimized mother? To the point of blatantly lying to the media and having her lie in interviews?

I guess what I'm trying to say is: WHAT was it that they saw as huge money-making potential in Kate Gosselin that made it worth it to them to lie, intimidate, practically destroy Jon (the father of her children), spend a fortune, continue to create shows for her....risk their reputation as a kindly, friendly FAMILY-oriented channel, incur the dislike (both they and their advertisers) of huge numbers of people for their practices involved with her, risk legal problems, not to mention future lawsuits by her children...and on and on?

I'm not an expert on the entertainment industry by ANY stretch of the imagination...but to ME, it seems like they went and continue to go WAAAY beyond what most entertainment corporations would have ever gone (and continue to go) for one person...Kate.

I mean, this isn't just one random person who they turned out to have possibly miscalculated on. This is a person who they have practically risked their entire reputation on, who they have strongly backed, no matter WHAT she has done, who they have been willing to lie for and to have her lie for them, on whose behalf they have sent out tentacles to every tiny nook and cranny of the entertainment industry to protect, have intimidated those who would not protect her. It sounds like the mafia, not the entertainment industry.

Don't get me wrong.....she WAS indeed a goldmine. But what was such a goldmine about her that made her worth taking such big risks for? I mean, at first, I thought it was the children. Now YES, the children were a HUGE goldmine for them.

But her...what was the goldmine? The role-model mother? Or the train-wreck?

Kelly said... 189

I was in Charleston SC on Friday, on my way to Jekyll Island GA for the weekend so I missed your comment on Friday. I do have to tell you that I'm a guy and not a girl but don't let that make ya run for the hills. I'm 100 percent practicing heterosexual and my girlfriend approves of this message.

prairiemary said... 190

Sorry,kelly,got hoof-in-mouth!LOVE that you are a guy!!

belle said... 191

Someone who DVR'd the show needs to watch it and tell me if they saw Mady/Cara in the audience. I'm wondering if I made that up, but I would swear I saw ... hmmmm, I paused the TV at one point while Kate had just come on. She was being interviewed by Brooke. There was a child in the background in the lower right. Someone look before my head explodes with curiosity... You know, curiosity killed the cat BUT satisfaction brought him back!!

dee3 said... 192

MickeyMcKean said....

Whereas you and I don't think she has the IT-factor - she cannot act, sing, or dance - nevertheless Kate sure does have people talking about her and that could also be defined as an IT-factor.

So in Kate's case, I bet that TLC/ABC/DISNEY have a different definition, and it starts out "if IT brings in the $$$ ..."


That's a great question. What IS Kate's IT factor?

To me, it does not have to necessarily be a talent along the lines of singing, dancing, acting, etc.

One great example of IT factor, IMO, is Oprah. Now, Oprah HAS acted in a film or two and she wasn't bad but I would not say that Oprah has gotten where she is due to any sort of talent like acting, singing, etc. To me, her IT factor is that she has the ability to make people feel like she cares. She is able to make people feel that she can relate to them and that she cares about them and that she likes them. She comes across as gracious, tactful, magnanimous and also grateful. She has an excellent ability to make people feel good about themselves.

She's also a good listener and is able to get people to reveal things, to confide in her. She makes the whole audience feel good....good about her and good about themselves.

Kate has very little of that.

And I don't know what Oprah is like in real life...but what matters is, really, is how she makes the audience feel and how she comes across to the audience.

If Kate actually COULD sing...or dance...or act, etc.....having the IT factor would be a plus but not absolutely necessary. But without any notable talent, she would need to have it....or IT. :D

But like you said, MickeyMcKean, she's bringing in the $$$......so what is IT that she has? It has to be something, right?

Here's what I think (and I'm just totally winging it here)....I think it was a FLUKE. It was the strange and coincidental result of a show that became an overnight success for a cable channel, due mainly to the adorable children involved. Then the annoying yet interesting personality of the mother ramped up the ratings....and then for some unknown reason, TLC threw all of their power and influence behind her...and she became an extremely polarizing TV personality, catching the attention of the internet and becoming the focus of a huge blogging community, complete with blog wars...and this took on a life of its own...and from there, she became the woman that a certain segment of the population loved and the rest of the critical-thinking population loved to hate.

A fluke. College classes will study the phenomenon in the future, I predict.

Gkway said... 193

I love the Canadian press on Khate..(not that I'm biased or anything :)

Most people with a brain have Khate's number and those who follow blindly (media, fans, etc) need to do a reality check.


Kelly said... 194

I DVR'd the show and played it back to see if either the twins or the tups were in the audience. The only person I recognized was this guy dressed in a red suit with horns on his head, a pitchfork and a tail and he was holding up a little sign that said, "YOU OWE ME KATE".

No, I didn't see the twins.

CJ said... 195

Think of this as "the Perfect Storm".

First - you have Kate (and Jon, the pampered son and unmotivated husband) the textbook example of a narcissist. She can do no wrong, is always right.

Second - a major (cough, cough) television network. They find two bumpkins that are looking for freebies and someone else to pay their way, no matter what the cost. Network makes millions off them.

Third - someone High up in the organization that is power hungry and maybe somewhat of a narcissist themself. Think Tiger Woods, John Edwards, Jesse James ... without the sex. "I am all powerful", don't question anything I do, look what I've done for the organization, I know what I'm doing.

Recipe for the Perfect Disaster.

prairiemary said... 196

Went over to GWOP,found a poster with a bro at Disney,who has friends as pa's at DWTS, you gotta go over and read what she found out-under "4th elimination round",poster name-"kate_in_cali said", at time of 2:06p.m, well worth reading!If I wasn't so new with computers,I would have typed it out for you all, but I am waaay too slow!

Gkway said... 197

Apparently according to Stephanie (the 'nanny-turned-ho-turned-snitch-turned Khatelover') says Khate hasn't had 'any' since Jan 2009...could be the reason she's so uptight. If that is true, poor Jon!


GKway said... 198

prairiemary said...
Went over to GWOP,found a poster with a bro at Disney,who has friends as pa's at DWTS, you gotta go over and read what she found out-under "4th elimination round",poster name-"kate_in_cali said", at time of 2:06p.m, well worth reading!If I wasn't so new with computers,I would have typed it out for you all, but I am waaay too slow!


here is the GWOP post for you to read! Thanks Prairemary!

prairiemary said...
Went over to GWOP,found a poster with a bro at Disney,who has friends as pa's at DWTS, you gotta go over and read what she found out-under "4th elimination round",poster name-"kate_in_cali said", at time of 2:06p.m, well worth reading!If I wasn't so new with computers,I would have typed it out for you all, but I am waaay too slow!

Gkway said... 199

ADMIN: Please disregard my first email...

Here is the post from GWOP as per Prairemary's comment: Sorry about that!

kate_in_cali said...
Re: the Gosselins cutting to the front of the lines @ Disney had nothing to do with their security and EVERYTHING to do with entitlement. My brother works there in management and acts as a host to VIPS when they come to the park. He's spent the day there with Sir Paul McCartney, Hugh Jackman, Christina Aguilera and guess what? They ALL STAND IN LINE per Disney's policy. Not to say there aren't other behind the scenes perks that they do get, but line cutting is not one of them. The only people who get preferrential treatment when it comes to the rides are people with disabilities - there is a different area for them to line up for the ride, but they do still have to wait their turns as well. I asked my brother if he had seen the Gs this weekend as he worked as well and he didn't. When I mentioned that they had been booed because they were cutting in on all the rides he said wow, she must've demanded that because otherwise that is not something they would normally do even for VIPs.
The other interesting tidbit is since ABC is owned by Disney my bro has two friends who are PAs over on the DWTS set. Her nickname there is "angry Kate" and pretty much the rule is that when the cameras are off, do not approach or talk to her. The reports of her being late to hair and make up were completly true and even AFTER being given a talking to from the show's producer her behavior in that regard did not change. Also, every single segment of her being interviewed or talked to on that show is completely scripted. Nothing spontaneous whatsoever. We should probably assume this is true of Kate and her media team on whatever media outlet they are on. There were rules regarding what verbage one could use when interviewing her - no refrences to any of the children by name, Jon by name, the old show, and of course TLC. By doing this they are severing her image from the past and pushing her forward relabeled in vague terms like "America's favorite mom" or "single, working mom", etc. My brother also confirmed to me that there was a contract between TLC and ABC for keeping Kate on for a certain number of shows and placing her in a positive light. Of course, the only thing that didn't work with that is Kate herself. You'll notice that her rehearsal segments were really short because just like with Jon when they used to do the show, they couldn't get good footage because of her attitude.
Interesting. We all knew/guessed this stuff from the get go, but it's kind of nice to hear from real people in the know that we're right. The real disappointment is seeing the corporate greed and what they will try to pull over on the public and what they will ruin on their way to get there.

Kelly said... 200

Great info there. Thanks

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