- I asked Kate, What about the new child labor laws that may be coming down, will that affect filming? Steve then stepped toward me, grabbed my right arm tightly and pulled me away, telling me okay time to move on.
- A Barnes and Noble "security" person called her a bitch.
- At any given time the line was only about 10 people long.
- Kate showed up 15 minutes early but didn't come out to start signing books until 7:15. At 7:30 she took a break, then came back out at 7:45.
- Tony is awesome.
The recap:
Most of the pictures were taken on my Blackberry, so they're a little blurry, I apologize. I brought my other camera, but there was so much going on so fast I sort of forgot about it. When you're being pulled away by a bodyguard, you can't think about cameras.
Dodger's game tonight, so traffic was pretty messy. I knew I couldn't count on Kate staying all that long, but I thought she would at least stay an hour, so when I finally arrived about 7:25 I thought I had plenty of time to see her and get my book signed.
Suddenly, my retina started burning from a beaming white light. No, it wasn't Jesus. It was Kate's veneers glowing on this sign:

I was in the right place! I went up the escalator where Kate was singing books between a few bookshelves, at least two separate camera crews swarming around her. And Steve, and someone else who I think was a cop--the real bodyguard.

But where were the ... fans? Finally I discovered the line, which consisted of a mom with her two kids, one of whom was using a walking stick the sight-impaired use, and a few teenage girls. I figured I would wander around a bit see what I see, hear what I hear, before getting in line. I went around to the back and found that I could stand behind Kate's table, a few feet away, and maybe hear her--turns out I couldn't. And that's when I saw Tony! For some reason I didn't even think about him, but it makes sense he was here if they are going to use this book signing as a segment on DWTS. Tony I actually really like, and I said hi to him and asked if I could have his picture. He beamed and said of course, but why don't you get in it too! I'm cropped out because my own security is better than what Steve provides, but this is Tony's half of the picture. He is completely adorable, no?

We chatted a bit longer, he was talking to the fans and joking around with the crew, and Kate was talking to the sight-impaired boy for awhile, although that was when I was talking to Tony so I couldn't hear a thing, and then all of a sudden Kate started getting up. I looked at my blackberry clock. What? It was only 7:30! Within seconds Steve was leading Kate away. Was it over already? WTF. I didn't get to ask her my questions!

At that point a 20-something woman approached security and asked if she could go in. They said no, only media. She said I am media, I'm with Radaronline. They still said no. I thought that was interesting, since we've long speculated that Radaronline is in her back pocket. By the way, I ultimately wasn't given a press pass either. Me and Radaronline both! We were told only photographers. Well, I guess that makes sense. Photos can't ask questions. Real people CAN! I approached the Radaronline reporter and told her what blog I was with and we had a good conversation. She agreed that Kate was very polarizing and that any time they publish a Gosselin article their hits go through the roof. She made fun of how few people were there, about 40, she guessed. The BN security guard was laughing at this. She said that Kate came 15 minutes before 7 o'clock then disappeared into that room. She came back out at 7:15 to start signing books. Now it was 7:30, and Kate had gone to take a break again. So she signed books for a full fifteen minutes before a break. Fifteen minutes of waving a pen, must be exhausting! Radar chick was really nice and promised to check out the Blog. She got tired of waiting for Kate and left.
By now maybe a dozen people had gathered with their books and there were some more teenage girls who were saying they were her biggest fans. I really didn't care so much about Kate coming back out for me, but I felt like she should for those girls. I started asking if she was coming out, and one of the security guards said there was talk she was done for the night. I couldn't believe that. A fifteen minute book signing and she was done.
Several more minutes passed and the teenage girls were starting to get upset that they missed her. "I can't believe she's not coming out again, she's a bitch," I muttered. A security guard was standing right next to me and he murmured, "She is a bitch." Haha, what a surreal moment. I realize now I should have followed up on that and asked him why he said that. But sometimes it's more fun to just leave it at that.
Just as I was about to give up they said okay, Kate's coming back out. I was next in line behind the teenagers. Steve came over and started chatting to them, and he told them they should tune in because Kate Plus 8 would be airing soon. Ha, not if Rep. Murt can help it, Steve-o! I almost asked him about child labor laws right then but I didn't want him on alert that I wasn't Kate's biggest fan.

After the girls talked to her I approached Kate with my book. She didn't say anything to me. Um. So I said, "Hi Kate, thanks for coming out here." She said you're welcome. She signed my book. She asked if I wanted my name, and I said no that's okay just your autograph. Then I said, "Kate, is it hard to keep in touch with your kids through text messages?" There was speculation on here that Kate wouldn't realize what I was asking. But let me tell you, she's not stupid. She snapped her head up, looked me square in the eye, the bitch face swept across her features, and she said, coldly and succinctly: "I keep in touch with my kids all the time."
I wouldn't say I was afraid of her, but I knew I was playing with the big girls now. I knew I was probably going to get off one more question before Steve called it quits. Originally I was going to ask her about the book, I was going to ask if she thought it was a good idea to reveal such private details about the children. But for some reason, probably because Steve was just raving about Kate Plus 8 and the crew was right there, I suddenly decided to ask her "What about all the new child labor laws that may be coming down, will that affect filming?"
I don't think that question was necessarily rude or inappropriate, and I asked it in a respectful tone. It's a legitimate question--How will you film the kids if child labor laws say you can't? And actually, I wish now I hadn't asked about text messaging--that was more just to be mean. I regret being mean. Kate is mean, but that doesn't mean I should be mean, too. I wish I had gotten off more solid questions about child labor laws. But oh well. But anyway, Kate's face went blank and she stared at me, speechless. Tony made Kate speechless by doing the Tango, I made Kate speechless by saying the secret words of the day: CHILD LABOR LAWS. Fortunately Superdud came to her rescue. Steve stepped forward, grabbed my right arm in his fingers, squeezed quite tightly and pulled me away from her. Okay, move along now, he said.
There was no need to say anything else, I got my point across. I went willingly. No, I'm not planning to sue Steve or file a report or whatever. His job is to protect Kate from having to ever answer anything off the script. He was just doing his job. He didn't hurt me, there are no bruises. I wish he didn't touch me with those little rat claws, he could have asked me to leave and I would have, but whatever. By the way, Steve is short and skinny. Kate was quite pretty I thought, with great skin and sparkling eyes. They make a great couple.
465 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 465 Newer› Newest»Notice in the video how Kate puts on her special voice to say "hi Radarrrrr" in that high pitch like you would to a little child. She used to hate them and ignore them whenever they'd approach her. She uses them now. That's how Kate operates.
And yes I see what Admin means. Steve IS a pipsqueak.
Also, I am curious how Kate treated the next person in the line after Admin got booted from the table.
mickey, here's this:
The host just asked Jodi how much money she was receiving for this interview. Jodi said NOTHING except the chance to voice my concerns.
She is talking about keeping the kids during the tummy tuck.
She said the time when she used to keep the Gosselins was a precious time in her life.
My children miss their cousins. I will always love them.
If you are a child and on TV you deserve protection and safeguards.
Red flags went up for Kevin and me - reality TV is a totally different format and the safeguards are not in place, we had to speak out, silence was not an option.
The psychological effects this can have on these kid are HUGE, to show you going to the bathroom - when you're 18 this will be horrible (the Dr. said this)
We must protect these kids.
Says there is someone suing a reality show now. from Wife Swap
Jodi is talking about how the seasons were planned and the lighting and cameras were everywhere.
She says people forget they aren't actors who go home after work, the set is their home.
Private and personal moments are used for entertainment
They are tearing Kate UP!!
"If these letters are for your kids, then give them to them, don't publish them.
She made fun of Kate covering their names up on the backpacks when she told every thing about them on TV.
Is Admin someone Kate would know? That would be funny. I am Rural Mom and my log in at ROL no longer works, lol. It stopped letting me post messages after I suggested everyone check out this blog. Now the posters there are saying this site has a virus. They are desperate to keep their beloved Kate fantasy alive. Wonder how much reach TLC has? They must be spending a fortune at these gossip sites to promote Kate.
Wtg Admin. I would love to post this to facebook. On the vote kate gosselin of DWTS. But only with your permission.
Its about time people WAKE UP.
question Admin did kate signal steve some way to have him escort you out? Or did he just know with the tone of kates voice. Must be hard to recognize if kate wants someone around or not being the fake B she is.
Anonymous..Rural Mom...everyone has been having problems at ROL today!!!
I hope US Weekly comes to visit this blog. I especially think Kate's Kalendar is a great visual of how often Kate is NOT at home. Yesterday I watched some of the video clips of Kate's appearances on every talk show imaginable on Thursday night. I think it was on Leno that she said she flies home on Tues. after the show, but she was saying this on Thurs. with plans to be in LA Fri. for the book signing. It would have been a perfect time for Leno to mention to Kate that it was Thurs. so why wasn't she home. He probably would have got to experience, first hand, the blank stare Admin. saw. Tough questions do that to Kate. I wonder if she flew home for one day and is flying out tomorrow or is staying in LA over the weekend.
I'll certainly be interested to hear how the interview with US Weekly goes.
ADMIN great report of the "big event". I do hope you feel better soon! As to Kate being stupid vs ill-informed, I have thought for awhile she is just plain ill-informed about most things, also not interested, and not curious. What alledged "neat freak/organizer" did not know about labelers until 2009? (See basement cleaning episode). Amazing! What woman is getting her kitchen entirely redone, and does not take the time to look at what is available to install in her kitchen? She didn't even know about under the counter refrigerators? Amazing to me. Her meltdown about the markers at Crayola factory? The markers are TRULY washable. and this woman didn't know that with 8 children?? Blew my mind.
rural, it took off my comment and won't let me back. All I said was why did they change the story!
OMG - Looks what happens when I go to bed!
US Mag! Go Admin! As someone said, Carpe Diem!
RadarOnline! Caught in the act, much?!
Also someone said that we all need to go to our local book signings and do the same thing Admin did. What a great idea! Has anyone found a list of scheduled signing events? I looked yesterday and could only find signings for past books.
The tide may indeed be turning!
Yay Admin!
I just thought of this. Someone needs to do a short video on this and post it on youtube. Let people hear the truth. Instead of these built in q/a for kate.
Go Jodi and Kevin!
YouTube idea is a great one!
Please respond here if you are so inclined:
Also, Z has a new article up here:
Radar is taking my comments ;)
I just have to say that many of us (me included) have spent the last few years voicing our concerns to each other and many of us have written letters to sponsors, etc. However, Admin, you went above and beyond. You are an intelligent woman and confronted Kate (which is something no one in the media was willing to do) and because of your actions and your voice on this blog, things seem to be moving in the right direction.
Also, now Jodi and Kevin know that they have many supporters who are cheering them on!
The other thing I wanted to mention is that many women have tried to drum up the age old conflict of "WAHM vs WOHM" and use it as a deterrent for Kate. I am so glad this blog isn't one of those places. This is not a feminist issue, this is a child rights issue. Isn't it ironic that women are so quick to defend Kate because she's a woman and yet in doing so they are taking away these children's rights...something they (women)themselves have worked so hard to secure.
I'm babbling now but I just wanted to say Thank You!
Let's keep calling, writing and posting the truth apparently, it's working!
I sent a letter to Mr. Murt thanking him and including two specific episodes with links. (Mady denied water and the potty training).
It only took a few minutes but hopefully it will help some :)
Admin, thank you for doing this. I think I speak for many here when I say we're living vicariously through you in this experience, and you handled it marvelously.
You had--and took--the opportunity to get a few questions in to someone who's so sequestered, protected and "handled" (by Mr. Steve) that she is out of touch. Both questions were legitimate and not mean, in my opinion.
As someone else here said, SHE is the one who publicly stated (this week--it's relevant) that she keeps in touch through texts. You merely asked if that was difficult? Fair enough. "I do this..." "Oh. Is that difficult?" That would be fair conversation to anyone else.
A more balanced personality might have responded to you with a grimace. "Oh, it is. I miss them, but I know it won't always be like this, and so do they."
Instead, she bit your head off and insisted that she DID "keep in touch" with her kids. Methinks thou doth protest too much, Kate?
On another note, I too am an author. A real one. No Beth to write my first book--I had to do it myself, LOL. I've done my share of Barnes & Noble signings.
I greet EVERYONE who comes to see me. I smile and ask how they are. I listen to their responses. I thank them for purchasing the book and tell them I hope they enjoy it. Couldn't even greet Admin? Wow. Just, wow.
And I'd never consider taking more than a 5-minute bathroom break in a two-hour signing. It's terribly rude when some people(Admin included) have gone to lengths to see you and talk with you about your book. Sometimes I'm tired. I try not to let on but to smile and take all the time I can with anyone--even though some just have questions and don't even purchase a book.
It puts B&N in an awkward spot if I am not where I am scheduled to be or treat THEIR customers rudely. I'd never leave early. What if someone comes in at the end? Wouldn't they be disappointed (like the teenage girls in Kate's line)? That does happen, too. Someone will scoot in at the end. I stay later if patrons are waiting or still have questions. That's just simple courtesy--and gratitude. That book in their hands is my income!
Kate's behavior with starting 15 minutes late, "working" 15 minutes, taking 15 minutes off with no clue as to whether she was coming back or not is rude and disrespectful to those attending.
Admin, thanks for giving us the REAL story! Hope you feel better, and we really do appreciate your taking the time to do this while feeling poorly--truly taking one for the team!
From Admin's blog and the portion of her comments that was read on the radio interview this morning. It wasn't Jodi that read it, but one of the other two ladies and I couldn't tell which one. However she prefaced it with, this statement hits the nail on the head.
When the Department investigates mines, they have every incentive to come down hard on any violations. Mines with violations lead to cave ins and death. Death is not good for Pennsylvania. When the Department investigates a grocery store chain and finds health violations, they come down hard on those violations. Health violations cause salmonella. Salmonella is not good for Pennsylvania. But when the Department investigates a film production, there is every incentive to let them go scot free. Reality children are not going to die or get salmonella if they don't fine the production. They'll just continue to work long hours for no pay at the mercy of whoever, with most people never realizing. Only a few kids are hurt, but the rest of PA benefits.
Radar is NOT taking my comments.
Admin, I would have kicked that jerk Steve where the sun don't shine and told him don't ever touch me again. SUE, SUE! PS, I hope you are getting better and over your infection!
Also, I think Kate gets uncomfortable when there isn't a line of fans...remember when she was at the CA Women's Show by invite from Maria Shriver and no one was coming to her booth....she left. She doesn't know how to make small talk w/the hosts or anyone just standing around. Kart is not cordial, bright, or gracious, gregarious, etc. All she has going for her is she's a B*%#$.
How is it the even CNN is taken with her lies. One of her biggest this week continues to be that she heads home every Tuesday night on the red eye. She hasn't done that in two weeks. She's still in the LA area this week and spent at least one or two extra days in NYC last week. I highly doubt she spends much time connecting with the kids. Does anyone really think she could give the twins cell phones to text her. They will never be allowed that freedom. As far as the tups, they're still in pre school, be surprised if they know they alphabet yet, thanks to her.
I really hate that this site now has to moderated. I guess a few bad apples really can spoil the whole basket.
Anticipate comment moderation will remain on for awhile now, mostly for my own safety at this point. With more publicity and more truths from here comes more threats.
Admin's getting that 'Radar Love' right now. Saying Steve should sue you.
Hahaa Steve should sue me for what exactly? .... aww I asked wittle Kart a fair wuestion and wittle Kart didn't know how to answer. Awwww. Awww. Sue me sue me.
Someone asked if Kate signaled Steve for help. No, he stepped forward on his own initiative while she just sat there dumbstruck.
Admin, I believe the story is, if you're lying about Steve grabbing your arm, then he should sue you for whatever that would be called in legal terms.
Admin, you rock!! I can't believe that not only did you "take one for the team" by going to the fake book signing, you got handled in the process. I hope you are feeling better today.
I am a mother of 3, a very logical being ...I don't know why I would take a sight-impaired child to a book signing (can't read the book, can't look at the pictures, can't see the signature - I mean no disrespect, I am just logical), when the author has a reputation for NOT talking to fans. I suppose he listens to the show in reruns? Really sounds like a set up to me...great for the DWTS and Twisted Khate cameras.
OH! Also, in the radio show today, the hostesses were talking about the young woman (18 now) who is suing for the way she was portrayed on "Wife Swap" (she was 15 when filmed). She was routinely told how to react, and statements to make in line with the character that they wanted to portray. She has been harassed ever since for the way the show portrayed her, which was not her true self.
Sadly, all she needed to say was we will cooperate with the regulations they have. Instead she got her dander up.
My best recollection of this morning's interview with Jodi Kreider:
I will confirm what ITAK wrote above about a state investigating mines and grocery stores - it made me sick to hear that children are that expendable as long as it is beneficial to the state.
Only Jodi was available this morning for the live interview; Kevin was at a soccer game where one of his kids were playing.
Jodi and Kevin were contacted by one of the interviewers - Nancy I think - after they appeared on a talk show a year ago. This person realized that the Kreiders were not doing this out of malice but out of love for the children.
It is very hard for the Kreiders to come forward; it took a long time for them to realize though that someone had to step forward and find someone to change the laws. The hearing last Wednesday took months to put together.
Rep. Murt is a teacher and father and was not available this morning. He is already going forward in looking to rewrite child labor laws.
Both Jodi and Kevin are very concerned about ALL children in reality TV and that they know that safeguards are not in place.
Children in tv, whether it be scripted or reality, need safeguards in place.
Jodi confirmed J&K+8 was scripted; when J&K signed contract they already knew what ideas were going to be filmed that season.
It was Jodi who took care of kids during tummy tuck; apparently Jodi did a lot of help with the kids behind the scenes. Both Gosselins and Kreiders, adults and children, were very close.
This time is very hard on Kreiders; Jodi said, "it was like losing 10 family members at once".
Jodi believes Kate loves her kids but at this time cannot see any potential long term harm.
But Kevin and Jodi can and they will continue to fight for all children in reality TV. Whereas they may never see the face of a child they may be helping in the future, at least they will know that they did in fact make a difference.
Tom Brokow's quote: "it is easy to make a buck but it is harder to make a difference."
Congratulations to you admin. Hopefully this will be the start of the mainstream media finding out how the "real" Kate Gosselin behaves. Her poor children. How can anyone be away from 8 children under the age of 10 for two weeks at a time? I hope Jon does get custody. Lynn T.
I think Kate is a phsycopath. What in the world does Steve do? And how does she pay him? His fee must be quite high.
Oh good Steve SHOULD sue me! Then I'll just subpoena Kate Plus 8's own video tapes to prove he put his hands on me. LOL.
Man I'm taking heat for this. The truth will prevail.
Administrator the good fair fight is always the hardest fight. You have something the underground flogs/corporations don't have and that is the truth on your side.
Sorry for the heat your taking but it is the right thing to do. Tell the truth, expose the hypocrisy, and support the Kreider's and legislators that are willing to listen & speak out and change something. We have more regulations & laws for dogs than for the Gosselin children. That is pathetic.
Bravo administrator for a job well done and for stepping up to the plate. Wonderful.
Thanks, Administrator! What a fabulous job you're doing, and may you have the impact you deserve to have for the work you have put into this blog.
I hope the lawmakers get it. GET CHILDREN OFF REALITY TV! They are not products to be placed in a show. They are not objects or zoo animals, there for our entertainment. (God knows, zoo animals don't get filmed going to the bathroom.) And, no, I don't believe animals should be in zoos any more than I believe eight small children should be in the glass casing of our television sets or the eternal screen of our computers.
(Night vision cameras filming their sleep? How horrible! This is what has drawn us all here. Call me a hater? Yes, I deeply hate that.)
THANK YOU, ADMINISTRATOR! GO, GO, GO! We're all behind you! You speak for many who are heartsick and appalled by the TLC machine owning the childhoods of eight little children.
Admin-Why do you think Kate looked so shocked? Do you think it was because she couldn't believe that you had the nerve to ask that question or do you think it was because she didn't know what you were talking about?
P.S. Thanks for going! We gained some firsthand knowledge about how Kate and how Radar operates!
US Weekly? I'm so impressed, Administrator.
Yes, the tide is turning and YOU are a major player. I'm so proud of you (and us) for never giving up on what is BEST for the kids, all kids in reality TV.
Thanks for you hard work. Any bruises on your arm yet from the skinny handler?
There is no way that Karp flew home for 1/2 a day
I don't buy it. She is all about dancing today, I would imagine. Very funny stuff ruralmom!
V Pen Mom said,
"Night vision cameras filming their sleep? How horrible!..."
Not only horrible but perverse. Who is TLC to do this to children. What could make parents allow it? And how can Kate defend it?
It seems that this was a photo-op for this week's DWTS...rather than a book signing for fans. ugh
Admin, I'm sure you are getting hit from all sides. I'm reading it all over the net. Every excuse in the book is being made as to why the truth is not the truth. It's mind boggling and sad at the same time. People are more interested in being right than being concerned about children in reality TV.
I would guess most laws are passed because there is a need for them. And the need arises when people, business or society crosses a line and takes things too far to be acceptable and to the point of causing harm.
When it comes to the issue of children on reality shows, how do you NOT talk about the Jon & Kate plus Eight program. They were at the top when Jon pulled the plug and TLC squeezed out every bit of drama and emotion they could for the divorce announcement. I guess TLC just chalked the eight children up to collateral damage in order to get the best ratings.
These kids will some day realize that their personal family crisis was fodder for public scrutiny, commercial sensationalism and an event that was viewed by millions of people. I guess watching mommy and daddy go their separate ways wasn't bad enough. It needed to be shared with the world.
Jon & Kate to Make Announcement
This is a 60 second commercial clip that was played over and over again prior to the one-hour "life changing announcement" special.
I suppose this was more of an impromptu staged booksigning for this week's DWTS than an authentic one. sheesh.
Twice as nice...thanks for your post. I was just at Radar an hour ago and thought... WTH?
I would have loved to talk with the Radar reporter you saw although she probably would not have told the truth not wanting to lose her job.
I would have liked to have responded to her claim about all the hits they get when they post something about Kate. Anyone (I've only read there twice and stopped looking at the site) who reads the comments can see it's only a couple people posting over and over again. They will talk to each other saying hi and other posts that are sometimes just one word and ridiculous banter back and forth. Every post even if it's one word is counted so you may see over a 1,000 posts but it's not anything meaningful or even intelligent. It does not represent anything positive towards Kate. It's just a bunch of idiots with nothing better to do.
It would be very interesting to find out who really is behind Radar's sucking up to Kate all the time and also who controls the message boards.
Sorry Admin you have to take all the bashing that goes with trying to tell the truth. Kevin and Jodi have to put up with it too. I admire anyone who will not let those things get to you and continue to tell what they know is true.
I can't get into ROL now either.
Wow, I've missed a lot!! I haven't been back on the blog or anywhere since the child labor hearing ended on Wednesday. I just needed a break from this witchy, horrible fake supermom. I actually recorded her appearances on The Joy Behar Show, E! News, Entertainment Tonight, The Insider and Access Hollywood. I am so completely disgusted how they all have bought Kate's lies about how she flies back out of CA right after Tuesday's show and she's home with the kids, dancing when they're at school or sleeping at night, and how she HAS to work now, etc. It's such bullshit and nobody even bothers to look past her statements that can't make any sense since she's either in NY or CA for media appearances all the time lately. The one show she wasn't on was Extra (I think) but I did see them cover her book favorably while bashing Jon, (and I know that in the past they weren't too pro-Khate). Extra just did more of the old, "Khate has to work, Jon doesn't have a job, she's just taking care of the kids, blah, blah, blah.....". Also, HLN has been unbelievable in their lame coverage too. I heard some idiot guy on one of their shows yesterday saying how Kate flies right back to PA when the show is over and I thought my head would explode. What the hell is wrong with these idiots? And has ANYONE read the damned book??? The worst was they way Billy Bush on Access Hollywood gushed over Kate and her book. Oh, and I missed Inside Edition, but I did hear about it. I'll have to watch it here, thanks for posting the clip, Admin.
What's even worse than everyone gushing over Khate and her book and buying right into her fake supermom lies, is the fact that Khate seems to have had the best week of her life this past week! She's been laughing and happy everywhere, in the midst of a custody case! A normal person would be stressed out by that and having to juggle the travel for DWTS and all her other appearances. But, no not Khate, she LOVES it! She is positively basking in the limelight, loving all this attention. She thinks she's a media darling, with a "career" that she keeps discussing, and she's even said she will move to CA if she can get a job out there.
I haven't yet read all the comments here from the past few days, so I apologize if I'm repeating what's already been said. I'll have to try to catch up here later tonight or tomorrow. But, I had to vent at how disgusted I am by this whole week watching Khate all thrilled that she got accolades for "dancing" this week, even though she had the LOWEST scores of the week (yet escaped the bottom two yet again). She really thinks she's a star this week, and I just feel like puking!
One more thing - I don't think any changes in the PA labor laws will be coming too quickly and even if they do, it won't matter. I saw Khate say in more than one interview this week that they have some trips planned and the kids are so excited about it. She mentioned that they had been asking her when they'd be going on a plane again and they're so looking forward to it. Yeah right, how about are the kids asking her when the hell they're going to see her and why she's never home with them anymore?? Anyway, like we figured, TLC will be filming all these specials on trips and vacations, so it won't matter what PA says.
Admin, you rock! If I were you, I'd be in jail right now for punching Steve after he dared to touch me!
Excellent post Virginia Pen Mom!
jane said...
It seems that this was a photo-op for this week's DWTS...rather than a book signing for fans. ugh
I was thinking exactly the same thing! They just needed to get some video for this week's DWTS, and get out. What a freaking joke!
Like everything about Khate, it was FAKE, FAKE, FAKE!!
It's a very good thing that you have big shoulders and can carry this weight and the scutiny of vicious attacks. I fully agree with you that as time passes the truth shall win out and the truth in and of itself is a very powerful thing!
Sorry you're taking some heat for being honest, Admin! I, for one, appreciate you taking the time to attend and document the interactions. I'd like to see you subpoena the DWTS or TLC footage in a lawsuit for assault against Stevie poo. Last I heard, people couldn't randomly grab you by the arm and shove you aside. Just sayin'...
NLN- I've been thinking about you and wondering where in the heck you were!!! So glad you're back.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist - You just verbalized my thoughts in total, so thanks, feel much better now. It drives me BATTY!!!!!
Congratulations to you Admin.! You are so strong and brave to say anything to not-a-mother,and please, you did not say anything wrong or mean to her, just the truth, nothing she hasn't announced herself.Can't wait to see what US says, I hope many more people will come and read this blog, so they also,can know the truth! By the way,who is Z,and how do I get to his site?
Question: Remember when the kids filmed in Ca. and Florida? Did TLC get the right permits for those instances? If not, Does Rep. Murt know this?
Administrator said...
US Weekly wants to talk to me about what happened to me at the book signing. The tide is turning.
I'm just trying to catch up and finally saw this news. Great! That helps me feel a little better because I have been seriously bummed the last few days watching all the favorable press that Khate and her loathsome book are receiving all over tv.
Way to go, Admin!
Thanks Nancy! I've missed everyone here. It's just so damn hard keeping up with all the news. Plus, I really needed to stay offline for a few days because I just couldn't believe all the tv shows that were falling for Khate's fake supermom act, and not even bothering to read her book. I'm so disgusted by it all!
It's going to take me forever to catch up on the posts and all the comments!
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said:
"Also, HLN has been unbelievable in their lame coverage too. I heard some idiot guy on one of their shows yesterday saying how Kate flies right back to PA when the show is over and I thought my head would explode. What the hell is wrong with these idiots?"
That 'idiot' on Showbiz Tonight last night was Jim Moret.
Go and give him some feedback:
Admin, thank you for going to the book signing and shared your experience with everyone. Kudos. I had a thought the other day after the hearing regarding reality t.v. You know the main stream media isn't mentioning this hearing, and if they did it was twisted to look like a court meeting. Well I don't know if anyones local newspaper has picked up on it, but mine hasn't. What if everyone called their local newspaper and gave them the proper links to Rep.Murt, minor consideration etc... Maybe with enough small voices getting the word out, it will trigger something with the media. In a way it a way to show Kevin and Jodie they are being supported. Just a thought.
prairiemary - here's the link for ZonTV
Admin ~ keep up the good work. If you do the interview with US, do you get to review your section before they print? (so nothing is taken out of context)
OT - up thread someone mentioned the kid's bedroom cameras. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember reading somewhere (at least a year ago) that Jon & Kate weren't allow to take pictures of the kids. All photos had to be taken by TLC. What idiots sign up for this crap?
OMG, the sheeple think ROL was hacked into and that's how the original story got on there. Can their delusions get much pathological?
Thank goodness for the Internet. I've had Kate's number for a while, and I'm glad people can see through her. Everybody on TV and the media can tell me how wonderful she is, but I will not fall for it.
Nobody likes a Narcissist said:
"I saw Khate say in more than one interview this week that they have some trips planned and the kids are so excited about it. She mentioned that they had been asking her when they'd be going on a plane again and they're so looking forward to it."
I heard her say that too..however, in an Access Hollywood interview posted on Friday, Kate was asked about when she told the kids that they were going to be back in production, she said " I actually have not told them."
I couldn't believe she said that.
US Weekly just called, I recounted the rat claw incident again, I explained how Steve was working the crowd and not really being a bodyguard. I also pointed her to the Kate Kalendar. I told her she needs to read Kate's new book, and gave her some explains of how exploitive it is.
We talked about how a lot of media is just reporting what Kate says without checking the facts. She said US Weekly tries not to do that and tries to report the truth.
Story should be out this week.
Admin, that is great. I may finally buy a magazine again!
Thank you so much for going out when you weren't feeling well. Sorry Steve grabbed you but it may be a turning point.
One could write a novel as long as War and Peace with all the lies Kate has told.
"That 'idiot' on Showbiz Tonight last night was Jim Moret."
...the son of 1960s heartthrob, James Darren.
Many thanks,CJ,for Z-site!And many thanks to Admin.! Can you imagine, so many others have fa iled at getting the truth about Kate out in a larger capacity,and brave Admin. seems to be changing all that?! Hope+Faith=JOY!
Does anyone have a schedule of her upcoming book signings? I'd like to go ask her some questions myself, or even stand outside with some picket signs.
Wow! ROL did delete the bit about kate being a diva in their bookstore signing post. The kate fans on ROL are insane. Truly.
Does anyone know how the permit process for children in entertainment works?
For instance, if a Cali show films in, oh, lets say...PA, do they have to follow one (which one) states laws/ rules, or both? And the other way around. Are you forced to follow the laws of the state you reside in, even if you're filming in a different state?
You must follow the laws of the state you are filming in. If they're in CA they have to follow CA law.
I think they were filming illegally when they took the kids to San Diego--CA requires payment, a Coogan account, and a child welfare/set teacher on set. Even for ONE EPISODE.
smalltowngosselins.blogspot made an interesting point. In the Commonwealth of Pa, anytime you work with children or where children are involved, you are required to have special clearance. These include the PA and federal criminal records and child abuse clearances that are required of all teachers, child care workers, and anyone whose work normally and regularly brings them into contact with children. I'd be willing to bet that no one on that set had any such clearance.
Do you think they knew the background of any of those people she was leaving her kids alone with in the bathroom or the woods?
You must be a mind reader! I was remembering two trips they filmed in Cali (San Diego and the church trip with just the twins when they went to see the giant redwoods) and I was wondering if they had violated any laws.
Also, NY has some laws in this this area, and we know they've filmed there.
Thanks for answering my question!
I have been reading several references to this blog, and versions of our Admin's "face to face" time with Kart. People are twisting this around, and not looking for any truth.
On the DWTS board they are acting as if she's some kind of stalker who's sole purpose in life is to be a thorn in Kart's side. And Radar? My God, those people are nuts! I am hoping the US story DOES paint an accurate picture of both the book signing incident, and this site!
Thanks for your reply.
When my kids were younger I used to volunteer in their classrooms. I had to get finger print clearance to do that. In Cali they are pretty strict about who is allowed to be around children (even of high school age) and you MUST have a background check.
How did US Weekly find you?
Great Administrator. I have been thinking about this whole thing all day. I really think they meant for this to be a washout. I bet the Koolaiders will be flipping panKakes double time now. Lordie bee all 5 of Kate's hired fans are gonna hit the fan now.
I think I'll write a book about Kate and entitle it: "I Just Want You to Go".
Puddymoors said
Next person in line acts SUPER excited and calls her Sue Grafton, then hands her "D is for Deadbeat" to sign while they babble away about how THEY CAN'T BELIEVE THEY ARE MEETING SUE GRAFTON.
TOOO funny, BWHAHAHHAH D is for Deadbeat..
I bet this site is getting a lot of hits!
Admin, you did us all proud!!!
I heard back from Rep. Murt this afternoon. What a kind and caring man he is!
It sounds like this step he's taking may be causing him some political grief :(
just.me said...
I have been reading several references to this blog, and versions of our Admin's "face to face" time with Kart. People are twisting this around, and not looking for any truth.
The people that do this move around a lot and decide who they're going to target on any given day, and it changes from day to day and week to week depending on whose getting closest to the truth. It's to be expected, and it's not pleasant, but I always figure it means we're on the right track.
BTW, DeKon, I had to laugh at your panKake flipping comment. I gotcha there. ;)
I think my favorite part of this is now thinking of Steve as being Kart's handler instead of bodyguard!
Looking at the Kalendar and knowing there weren't even probably 50 people at that lame book signing, following interviews all week spewing the same stupid drivel we've heard for almost a year about being a single mom, makes me wonder, was it worth not seeing her kids for an entire week? The same old repetitive crap (no deviations allowed - well, except now saying she has massive legal debt, another dig at Jon) and 40 books sold. And her children haven't seen their mother in almost 2 solid weeks. It's sad and disgusting.
Thanks for speaking the truth!
dee3 said
But is she smart enough to answer questions? OH YEAH. She just has NO intention of answering ANYTHING that annoys her or doesn't make her look great.
I think maybe she's just smart enough, to know she's not smart, and would never take on any hard questions. She wouldn't know how to answer them. Any 'smarts' Kart has, is in a manipulative, greedy, sneaky, way. She's not smart, she's just evil.
As for her disinterest on programs such as The View, yes, if you're not talking about her, to her, not only is she not interested, she can't 'speak' on anything but herself. I think she's not the least bit interested, nor is she up on current events, or anything newsworthy.
PJ's momma, is Kate out there now talking about massive legal debt? I hadn't heard that (yet), but I'm not surprised. How perfect for her, a great excuse to never go home!! She'll be on the road continually now to pay those big legal bills but will be tucking the kids into bed in her mind. Maybe TLC can convince DWTS to award Kate the winner now that she's racking up big legal bills. It wouldn't surprise me.
was speaking with a fellow editor recently concerning this newest book, the one that contains the private letters Kate wrote to each child. There's lots of insider, publishing-world gossip (which I believe) concerning her editors advising Kate to dial back on some of those intimate details. But Kate listens to no one.
I don't think the Kalendar is accurately portraying the days Kart spends at home.
I know I sound like a broken record, but if Kart were to arrive home on a Thursady night and depart on a Saturday morning, she'd get credit for having spent THREE days with her children.
Yeah I noticed that too. They're pretty upset with Admin because she broke the code. She asked two questions that can't be answered with "It's for the kids". That wasn't supposed to happen, ever.
I can't remember which interview it was, maybe Billy Bush? Kart said if she could just walk away from it all, she would just disappear and we would never see her again. (if only) But the public won't allow that to happen.
Also, due to the fact that she has massive legal debt, she can't.
Who does she think she's kidding? Those were all lawyers hand picked by TLC and no doubt they picked up the tab. If not, I'm sure Kart would have tried to sue Jon for her attorneys fees.
Claire, Kate was on an entertainment show this week being interviewed (Insider maybe?) and they asked if she could retire on all the money she made on J&K+8, and she took a deep breath and said, "Sadly, no, because I have a a huge amount of legal debt. Huge." So much for 'working' (if you can call it that) to support her EIGHT kids, because she's a single mom, you know!
Sick of Karts Krap, thanks for the explanation. I began dry heaving violently when watching Kate with Billy Bush, so immediately turned off the TV, so I missed that little tidbit.
mommyinca - Rep Murt getting right back to you is impressive. I am confused as to the type of political heat-is there anymore that you can share regarding that?
PJ's momma, this last week was one big Kate pity party, wasn't it? I got so sick of it all, I had to tune everything out and off.
Somehow, I MISSED the interview you're talking about.
Does anyone have a link, or remember who was interviewing her?
Yeah, like we're supposed believe that Karp is drowning in legal fees! Another jab at Jon that she isn't being called on.
Claire, me again. I didn't want to misrepresent that video or get my facts wrong, so here it is (about the legal debt):
Ha, "legal debt". Reeks of TLC spin doctors latest plug on the dam that is Kate Gosselin. Sounds like it's about to burst. "The hardest tumble a person can make is to fall over their own bluff." ~Ambrose Bierce
Admin, kudos for doing a good (and, might I add, fair) recap of your evening with Kate. WE're quite proud of you!
PH's momma, thanks for the link! Maybe I'll swig down some wine and give it a look.
Hey Itsaboutthekids. I was ThunKin. I think it would be great for Kate to reloKate to Kalifornia. She would be making a Kareer move. As James Carville, dem strategist says about Palin running for President. Lordie Bee. Kate wouldn't even see it Koming when the Monkey Munch hits the fan!
Admin. I am glad that the truth is finally being allowed to be heard. Thank you -- I can't imagine the time nor the grief this has caused you, especially while not feeling well.
The amount of publications and television programming that do not conduct any fact checking has left me quite jaded in general. The whole J&K saga has made me realize how much of a slant an article has simply based upon how much money a publicist/company spends. Especially when it occurs by organizations that I would have considered above that level of journalism.
During the entire divorce process, one other issue that stands out to me was the fact that the court system stood by and allowed Khate to speak so vehemently against the father of her children. I would have had much more respect for the court if they had issued some type of gag order to prevent the children from hearing and reading such horrible things about their father. Since Khate had no qualms in what she said which was being documents into eternity, what she said to her children just frightens me. Silly me -- she would have actually had to be home with her children in order to do so!
I feel reinvigorated by Rep. Murt's involvement as well as by Paul Peterson. Maybe, just maybe, also some of the zillions of lies will start being questioned ...
Kart can't/won't move to Cali for two reasons:
1) She'd be a very small fish in a great big pond.
2) The child labor laws would for the state WOULD apply to her.
Thanks for the link PJ's momma. I didn't see that clip before and now I wish I hadn't. Good grief that woman exaggerates. Lots of people have debt, some have major debt, others even have major, major debt. But only Kate has major, major, major, major debt...."that's the truth, I mean honestly.." Bleeeech!
Oh yes, I too, was disgusted that Jon was trashed on a continual basis and the courts sanctioned this reprehensible behavior by saying nothing and allowing it to continue. That was painful for me to observe, I can only imagine how the twins felt.
Well, I watched the link you provided, PJ's momma. Thanks. Besides the major, etc., etc., as AuntieAnn said above, I noticed she talked about not smiling because she was nervous, the after her last "dance" she said she was not nervous and really into the dance. Does she talk soooo much that she cannot remember what she says? Steve, her handler should keep little 3x5 cards so she can look them over and quit contradicting herself every time she opens her mouth.
Another place that people who have read the book should post a review is at Zonderfake. Submit your review to: zreview@zondervan.com
i forgot to mention that at the end of Kart's book she's included some recipes and the header says: "Enjoy these recipes from Kate's new cookbook, Love Is in the Mix. Coming Soon!"
Thanks for the link.
I always think I couldn't possibly be more disgusted with Khate. Yet time and time again she sinks to new lows.
We should ALL be searching for new places to review and rate this book.
The creepy fans starting writing reviews on some sites MONTHS before it was published, and openly admitted they were just doing so to promote Kate.
Hi Rural Mom! I don't think anybody could log onto ROL today, not just people that get the Mean-Hags-For-Kate frothing at the mouth. :)
Thanks for posting the truth. I've been searching for more stories about Khate's booking signing and the few articles that were available had one glaring fact missing - how many people attended.
I think Khate must have been really upset with the low turnout because the same time last year, there were nearly 400 people at her book signing in Glendale, Ca.
With all the publicity she had this week (just about every media outlet) there should have been crowds that would have rivaled the last released Harry Potter book.
well, gee - I wasn't waiting, didn't know, and it's *still* 3am!
I peeked into Z on TV and someone had helpfully posted a link.
Thanks Admin for dragging yourself out, asking the tough questions (hey, you even got an answer to one!) and I hope you recover from whatever it is you have.
Feel better soon!
(and thanks again!)
(there's 300 comments now, so no hope of reading them all)
Nice to hear that Tony knows how (as Donny Osmond would put it) to be a celebrity, if you are going to be one.
Heard Evan was doing Ice Shows at night and practicing his dancing by day (and getting a bit dizzy due to the clockwise/counterclockwise)
You must be a mind reader! I was remembering two trips they filmed in Cali (San Diego and the church trip with just the twins when they went to see the giant redwoods) and I was wondering if they had violated any laws.
The 2nd one is more infamous, because she took pine cones out of Sequoia National park - which isn't legal. They laughed about it, but as we've seen, no one tells Kate 'No" - not even the Department of the Interior. I'm fairly certain this episode only aired once, or was 'sanitized'.
Well many thanks Admin for all your hard work and having to endure Steve's claws on you! I do believe Khate's 15 minutes of fame are starting to wind down now despite ROL/TLC's efforts. Just hope the Gosselin 8 are being well cared for by all their new paid "mommies".
On Amazon's bestseller list, Kate's book has dropped to #209 today from a high of #164 yesterday. Rated at 2 1/2 stars.
Not the most reliable bloggers. But very well known bloggers.
Prez talks about the diva known as Khate.
Thanks for the report.
Admin- Preesi posted this. It's a recording of Jodi's live stream radio from yesterday. If someone already posted this pls delete.
^^^^^Its available as a recording.
Kate Gosselin Tells TLC To Keep Jon Away
Kate Gosselin, famous TV mom, has reportedly told the executives at TLC that Jon Gosselin is not to be part of any show she is doing for the network. TLC network has slated Kate Gosselin for two new shows. “A Twist of Kate” is rumored to be airing soon and will feature Kate Gosselin telling the stories of other women that were inspired by her. We find this ironic as maybe there is a need for a show that showcases how to get a TV contract by popping out as many babies as you can at one time.
Seriously though, Kate is a good example of what the pitfalls of being a “reality” TV star are. Kate told USA Today that she wanted to “be out there learning from others, helping to provide insight whenever I can.” We know Kate loves to give out advice as we have witnessed her telling Tony Dovolani, her partner on “Dancing With The Stars”, how he should be teaching her to dance instead of just learning from him.
Kate Gosselin will also be doing “Kate Plus 8” which is a continuation of the original “Jon and Kate Plus 8” without Jon Gosselin. An inside source has said that TLC executives tried to run the idea of Jon Gosselin coming on a few episodes and Kate said a definitive “NO”. Our source even says that Kate Gosselin told TLC that she would not be part of any show that features Jon Gosselin in any way. Guess there is still a little bad blood between these two, and rightfully so, as Jon is currently suing Kate for full custody of the children.
Kate Gosselin will be returning to week 5 of “Dancing With The Stars” on Monday, April 19 and is sure to be butchering another dance routine. It will be another ratings grabber for ABC as Kate Gosselin is a ratings magnet for anything she does. A source inside DWTS has said that is the reason ABC puts Kate near the end of the dancing order each week as the viewers tune out after she performs.
I remember many months ago - last fall maybe, there was an excellent research article by Dayna Royal, Assistant Professor at Cumberland School of Law. The content of the article was reality programming's deleritous affect on kids and directly cited J & K plus 8. I can not remember where this was posted -- was it on your blog or on Moon's former blog Musings?
Kate Gosselin Ignores Kids, Hawks Parenting Book
April 18th, 2010 12:14 PM by Free Britney
Kate Gosselin had a grand ol' time at her book signing for I Just Want You To Know: Letters to My Kids on Love, Faith and Family at Barnes & Noble Friday.
Heck, getting paid to shill for a book about parenting sure beats actual parenting! What's next, Sarah Palin doing a show about Alaska's natural ... oh, wait.
Gosselin is so busy, she says, she doesn't have time for relationships: "I’m married to my kids and my career... I don’t believe there's anyone out there.”
“I don’t really have time [to date],” she told Access Hollywood. “I don’t believe there is someone who can handle all my baggage that’s too heavy to lift."
Kate Gosselin loves being paid to pretend to be a mom.
On her book tour, Kate also opened up about a tragedy - that she and Jon were actually supposed to have septuplets, but the seventh, a girl, did not survive.
In her book, Kate writes letters to each of her eight children, and mentions the baby in a letter to Alexis, one of the sextuplets. But she rarely talks about it.
"I don't spend much time grieving or dealing with the fact that there was a seventh baby," she said. "It makes you wonder, who would this baby have been?"
A baby who wishes her mom spent more time at home and less seeking stardom, most likely. Just wait until the whole family moves to Hollywood, too.
A report on the book signing.
According to Tony's twitter, he played golf with Maks yesterday and then practiced dancing. Tony's in CA I believe it's safe to say Kate is too.
Admin, I hope you're feeling better!
Perez on Kate's book signing:
WoW. I just saw the clip of Kate crying saying "I wish I had your job" to the babysitter. Does she really think the public will buy this (besides her rabid fans)? Was she forced by gunpoint to do DWTS?
I think she pulled a nose hair before that interview or sniffed an onion. E! is showing all the clips with Leno trashing Jon and her agreeing that nobody makes money for the family.
Those kids will hate that woman. I have no doubt that she will have no contact with most of them in their adult years.
research article by Dayna Royal, Assistant Professor at Cumberland School of Law.
she said. "It makes you wonder, who would this baby have been?"
Oh please. She's thinking "how much more would I have made?"
Watching her E! interview with Guiliana. No tears, no time to date but if she meets her "knight in shining armor . . ."
Is that what she's teaching her 5 daughters about men? Good going Kate, keep up the awesome parenting . . . from afar.
JW, did you send that to Murt?
Admin, I was introduced to your blog last night when someone posted a link to your site on Z's blog. What a great day to be introduced to your blog. Interesting little adventure you had!
Kate's supposed to coming to do a signing in my area soon. I think if I went my question would be...Kate, If Mady and Cara published a book based on their personal journals how would you feel about them discussing their feelings about their childhood? Would it be OK with you to discuss their feelings about the show, the divorce, etc. WHOA, maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to ask that question. She might make the girls do that project to pay for their own school tuition.
Just Wondering,
Thanks so much for posting the link for the research paper! Do you happen to remember which blog initially posted this? I thought that it was this one and that was around the time that Moon discovered this blog and posted about it? Is this right or wrong??
Kate says she doesn't think about her hair as much as ALL OF AMERICA does. Another wow.
I laugh everytime I see Steve carrying her purse(which seems to be all that he really does)What other "celebrity" keeps their bodyguard right at their heels. I guess now of them are as important as she is. I remember the interview she did with Natalie Morales,you could see Steve lurking in a corner it the back behind her. I guess if some crazied fans tried to rush the stage during the interview he'll be there to protect the Queen. Totally hysterical!!
I'm feelin a glimmer of hope with some of the rational comments being made about Kart.
Maybe the tide IS starting to turn?
question Admin did kate signal steve some way to have him escort you out? Or did he just know with the tone of kates voice. Must be hard to recognize if kate wants someone around or not being the fake B she is.
Oh, it seems pretty easy to me. She has trained Steve to read her mind, something she clearly failed to do with Jon. Jon had to stop to ask
"Kate, how may I help you?". Steve has learned how to know before asking.
In a new blog entry on TV Guide, Maksim Chmerkovskiy had this to say about Kate's dancing for the past week:
"Is Kate a great dancer? No. She knows it. But she has the votes, so she stays. I think I'm going to put "Kate Gosselin" on the end of every sentence after what happened with last week's entry! Kate did much better this week. The scores didn't really reflect that per se, but it was definitely a better performance. She's very foot heavy still, but there were more instances where you could tell she was enjoying herself. I'm hoping to see more of that. Her facial expressions were a little more relaxed. By facial expression, I don't mean in a real-life way. Like I've said before, success is 50 percent technique and 50 percent presentation. She has to present the mood and the character. If the mood changes and she enjoys herself more and more, she will get better. The most important thing was that her attitude was not defensive. I think the worst thing celebrities can do on the show is get defensive. Nobody is criticizing them personally or judging their lives. The judges are looking at the dance."
Have you noticed that the "fans" who support Kart are either young teens or man-hating vipers? They cannot defend her with logic, and immediately label anyone who doesn't agree with them as being a hater. They're an illiterate bunch that just repeats themselves.
I heard an interview where Kart says it was so early in the pregnancy when the baby was lost that they really didn't know the sex of the baby but she always thought it was a girl. Of course, not another icky boy. She also says Alexis still talks about the baby but she herself NEVER talks about it. More BS. If she never talks about it, where is a 5 year old coming up with this information? Just an example of more of Karts LIES.
Kart's talked about that embyo before.
Didn't she say she went to the hospital right before Christmas and that's when she discovered there were "only" six?
That was FAR too early in her pregnancy to determine the sex.
And it's just plain sick that she has talked about this SO MUCH, that Alexis considers it a loss too.
Jen Pozner is on Geraldo at Large (Fox 10 pm) tonite discussing Kate Gosselin
Was anyone able to download the Jodi radio interview? I can get to the page but when I try to download the mp3 it says Page Not Found.
Julie has a new post up and there's a link to the audio there too :)
Oh and someone asked me about Murt earlier? He just asked for prayers for his family and that he felt in his heart it was important to do what he's doing. I may have read too much into it but it seemed to me like he may be needing some extra support as his action is definitely going to cause the state to lose some revenue as Admin pointed out :(
Admin- The audio link @ Julie's blog is not working for me- did you get it to work?
I guess if some crazied fans tried to rush the stage during the interview he'll (Steve) be there to protect the Queen.
Yeah, he can hit 'em with Kate's purse.
Admin - Go to this site
I didn't download anything, I just clicked on the right arrow at the top of the page on the left side to listen to it.
Hi all. I am new to your site but not new to the never ending stinking pile of trash that is Kate Gosselin.
I am glad I stumbled upon you all. I am going to be reading for awhile.
I got into (another) debate on amazon yesterday with a Kate defender. (People are actually giving the book 5 stars who haven't read it.) You know what gets me? Those people insist that you are making this stuff up. WHAT would be your motivation to do that? You were not the only one there - if those fans thought you were out of line, don't you think any of them, even one of them, would be coming on here (or anywhere) and disputing your version of events? Good GRIEF!
Segment canceled!!
DVR Alert: WIMN’s Jennifer L. Pozner on Geraldo At Large, Fox News, Sunday, 10pm, to discuss media coverage of Kate Gosselin
[UPDATE, 5:15pm: This segment has just been canceled. Sorry for any confusion; that’s the way live news sometimes goes.]
DVR ALERT: I’m going to be on “Geraldo At Large” on Fox News tonight at 10pm, to discuss media coverage of reality TV star Kate Gosselin.
Gosselin, currently featured on ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars,” has been the subject of intense vitriol in the the entertainment press, the late night comedy circuit and internet fan sites for a couple of years, intensifying as her marriage to Jon Gosselin disintegrated under a national spotlight. (I don’t write about Kate much in Reality Bites Back: The Troubling Truth About Guilty Pleasure TV, so this is an opportunity to discuss issues that were tangential to the book.)
Kate is a complicated and often unsympathetic figure, but one who deserves a different kind of critical scrutiny than she has received. Instead of aiming vicious barbs at her “ugly” hairstyles and her “shrill” demeanor, as we’ve seen time and time again in catty tabloids and venomous websites, we’d do well to question the impact of reality show participation on her eight children. Occasionally a moment of aggressive neglect gets captured on screen (witness Kate taunting her thirsty daughter by drinking water in front of her while denying her even one sip), but there is far less critical focus on the fact that — since reality show participants don’t have the same protections as actors do — the treatment of these kids on “Jon & Kate Plus 8″ may violate rules protecting child actors, and may even violate child labor laws.
I hope to be able to bring some nuance to the conversation on “Geraldo At Large” tonight, to move beyond the typical “Kate Hate” tone and focus instead on:
– the exploitation of young children by TLC, which has turned a tidy profit with “Jon & Kate Plus 8,” and plans to continue to do so with their new shows “Twist of Kate” and “Kate Plus 8″; and the way the excessive attacks on Kate Gosselin’s parenting skills, appearance and personality map closely to the media’s well-worn “Mommy Wars” trope.
I touched on these concerns briefly in a recent interview with CNN reporter Lisa Respers France, for a story headlined, “Why so much Kate-hate for Gosselin?“:
Jennifer L. Pozner, executive director of the advocacy group Women in Media & News and author of a forthcoming book about reality television, said the Kate-bashing is indicative of an age old struggle.
“A lot of the criticism of Kate is unwarranted and a continuation, I think, of the well-worn media trope about the mommy wars,” Pozner said. “There have been dozens of news stories since the late ’70s, early ’80s, about how working mothers hate stay-at-home mothers and stay-at-home mother supposedly hate working mothers.”
Pozner said she believes the media loves to pit women against women and judge them on their parenting. That is not to say that some of the criticism is not warranted, she said.
“There is a bit of valid judgment of parents, of which she is one of two in this situation, who would subject their children to 24-7 surveillance for a reality show and call that in some way a positive thing to do for the kids,” Pozner said. “There’s no way those kids could possibly understand, evaluate or consent to the implications of living their childhoods on camera and I think that’s one of the reasons people are quick to judge Kate.”
article continues here:
Pozner said. “There’s no way those kids could possibly understand, evaluate or consent to the implications of living their childhoods on camera and I think that’s one of the reasons people are quick to judge Kate.”
I thought that was a very insightful and well worded sstatement.
No, I forgot about the report and didn't send it to Murt. And I think I first saw it on Preesi's site.
But I have a feeling they are done filming in PA. I think they were planning on a summer film shoot of the kids, but with all the attention they are receiving I wouldn't be surprised if they actually leave the country for several weeks this summer and break one vacation into several shows. Sort of a Gosselin Travelogue, if you will. I figure Kate is pissed that the Roloffs got to go to Rome by now, LOL!!
New here. Great site.
One of the fan sites thinks Pozner is there to defend Kate. They must only have read part of the article.
This quote from Posner's article posted above:
“A lot of the criticism of Kate is unwarranted and a continuation, I think, of the well-worn media trope about the mommy wars,” Pozner said. “There have been dozens of news stories since the late ’70s, early ’80s, about how working mothers hate stay-at-home mothers and stay-at-home mother supposedly hate working mothers.”
If she's talking about SAHM vs. WOHM in a very broad context I agree, but if she's talking about actual work outside vs. stay at home - I disagree. I don't object to Kate working outside the home - at all. My objections are about child exploitation issues, her continuous contradictions and exaggerations and the fact she won't let Jon parent the children when she's away, etc.
Do you think our concerns are about her being a working mom?
I'm a Mom and my beef isn't with Kate working - sheehs I work outside the home. My beef is her using her children for her own selfish purposes. I sure wish some of these "experts" would interview real Moms.
DVR Alert: WIMN’s Jennifer L. Pozner on Geraldo At Large, Fox News, Sunday, 10pm, to discuss media coverage of Kate Gosselin
jpozners Icon Posted by Jennifer L Pozner
April 18th, 2010
[UPDATE, 5:15pm: This segment has just been canceled. Sorry for any confusion; that’s the way live news sometimes goes.]
DVR ALERT: I’m going to be on “Geraldo At Large” on Fox News tonight at 10pm, to discuss media coverage of reality TV star Kate Gosselin.
Gosselin, currently featured on ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars,” has been
I know my concerns have absolutely nothing to do with her being a working mom in and of itself. I'm still a young'un but I plan to have kids someday, and I didn't go to school for seven years to stop working as soon as I pop out babies. I work with a ton of other moms. I have no problem if you want to stay at home with your kids, and I have no problem if you want to work as long as your kids are well cared for.
My problem with Kate is very simple: She uses her kids to make a living. Always has, apparently always will until an actual law stops her. There are some secondary issues I have with her, mainly her constant lying, publically beating down the children's father during the middle of a divorce, and pretending this is all for the kids when really it's all about her wanting to be a starlet. I think where the media gets confused, such as with our Kate Kalendar--that is not about her being a working mom. That is about her LYING saying she is home. The Kalendar proves she's not. The Kalendar's sole purpose is to discredit her when she lies and tells everyone she is with her kids.
I have also heard that this is a feminist issue and that we're all feminists who just wanted her to selectively reduce. My God for me nothing couldn't be further from the truth. I'm Republican and a Christian and I'm firmly against selective reduction (but firmly in favor of responsible fertility doctors). And if that were the case why aren't we critical of the Becki Dillies out there?
Do you think our concerns are about her being a working mom?
Absolutely NOT. "at another site" it's also being said that "we" - the "haters" are upset that Kate didn't reduce the number of embryos. I was reading at GWOP for a long time and I guess I missed those posts but they had links. Whatever. They think everything is black / white and there are so many shades of gray.
They are so welcoming too! Sheesh.
bbsak said...
"Do you think our concerns are about her being a working mom?"
I thought the exact same thing when I read the Posner quotes in the article on CNN. Because the issue of Kate working and the issue of moms working versus staying-at-home are not the issues that concern ME. And at first, I disagreed with her and didn't really agree with her perception.
But then I thought about many of the fan comments, esp. on celebrity sites...and many of them involve the concept of Kate needing to work due to deadbeat dad, yadda, yadda. And then many of the non-fans referring to Kate not being home so many days.....and acknowledged that yes, the topic does arise quite a bit in comments everywhere.
And due to that, I can see where someone would come to that conclusion. The big question for me is....is that truly a valid conclusion or not? I feel very confident it's NOT a big issue with the non-fans....but for the fans, I'm not that sure.
Just because I personally don't consider that really important to me and it has no real impact on my particular concerns regarding the Gosselin children and other children on reality TV....does that mean Ms. Posner made an observation that was off the mark? I'm not totally sure about that. I have to admit...it certainly DOES give that appearance when you read many of the comments, esp. the fan comments.
In reference to the Administrator's comments.
DWTS is a temporary gig. Kate spent from June 2009 until in March at home with the children.
She is working. She is stating what her ususal schedule would be, coming home on Tuesday nights.
She had new book released this week and is promoting it.
I never heard Kate publicly beat down Jon during the divorce. I did hear Jon say he despised Kate the mother of his children. That Hailey Glassman was his soul mate and he loved her more than he ever loved the mother of his children.
Please provide the comments you are referring to.
Let the floodgates open... ;-)
As far as what I see as the issues when I read the comments....for the fans, I'm seeing a whole lot of comments accusing us of just being haters for no good reason. That we are horrible people who have nothing better to do than hate on this one poor woman.....who is only trying to support her multiple children.
That seems to be their biggest rallying cry lately....how we just HATE. As opposed to them...who CARE. The issues we care about seem to be irrelevant to them. They are totally zoned-in on Kate, feel protective of Kate, and are angry at everyone else because they are horrible haters.
I'm seeing a whole lot of "how can they be so hateful?", "must be terrible to go around hating people"...yadda, yadda.
And actually it's a rather clever way to obfuscate. Don't refute the issues, don't refute our concerns. Focus on how hate-filled we are. I guess this would be the "guilt trip" phase....though lots of ad hominem attacks continue also.
I've always found it interesting that everyone is so very concerned about all the criticism of one person, Kate, and yet not at all concerned about eight other people in this, the kids.
No one said everyone was for reduction Theresa...only that some from gwop were.
I'm not attempting humor, my belief is that the fans who call us haters lack the intellect and critical thinking skills required to make an informed comment.
"What about last year?" If you didn't hear Kate beat down Jon during the divorce its because she did it all during their marriage. I'll not even go there about her time away from her kids. It's all on the Kalendar.
Jeesh, take off the blinders.
What about last year? said...
"I never heard Kate publicly beat down Jon during the divorce. I did hear Jon say he despised Kate the mother of his children."
Wow, another Kate fan with a memory of convenience. LOL!
Kate didn't have to verbally slam Jon - TLC - working on Kate's behalf - was doing it through Radaronline and other tabloid media websites and magazines.
Kate had her surrogates working for her doing the dirty work so that if Jon fought back, Kate would look like her hands weren't dirty.
When in reality her hands were the dirtiest of all.
I have no doubt in my mind that Kate was coordinating with Hailey Glassman to publicly humiliate Jon. Is it any coincidence that Hailey Glassman has her own reality show now? It was a quid-pro-quo.
Sheeple take the blinders off before you come here and try to argue for your "hero" Kate.
"I never heard Kate publicly beat down Jon during the divorce."
Well, if you want DURING the divorce right off the top of my head I'm thinking the last few shows of J&K+8, as well as the interview with Nancy Morales. Kate definitely got her digs in.
As for AFTER the divorce she recently was on THE VIEW and she gave the impression she had to work because Jon was not working and not paying child support payments (but local blogger volunteered the info that Reading Eagle prints names of deadbeat dads and Jon is not/has not been on the list). Then when Jon's attorney filed the petition for custody it turns out that TLC has Jon under contract and it states he is not allowed to work anywhere or for anyone but he is still on their payroll at $25,000/month BUT $21,000 goes directly to Kate for child support. Nevertheless it was less than 2 weeks before that she was on THE VIEW getting sympathy for being a single mom.
Kate also let Leno this week make fun of Jon not having a job (I have only seen clips but enuf to know she is letting the world think Jon is too lazy to go out and get a job and of course she did not volunteer the terms of his contract with TLC that he can't work. Keep in mind that not everyone reads TMZ and saw Jon's petition).
As for links please go to youtube.com. These episodes should be easy to find.
Kate is being very coy and manipulative with the media. She plays dumb and lets other people say horrible things about the father of her children without EVER doing what would be best for their children. She'd be so much more tolerable (and ironically, it would help HER image) if she refused to play these games. We know there are rules about interviews, and one of hers should be that she will not participate in any interview that casts negative on Jon. She'd be respected for taking the high road.
Whereas now, she giggles, smiles and encourages the interviewer to trash the father of her children. That may seem fun to her now, but it's not one bit fair to the children she claims to love.
MickeyMcKean, he is allowed to work. He just can't host the pool parties and sell interviews at the fence, like he did before. He brought that all on himself by not abiding by his contract. Had he gotten permission to do those first, things could have been quite different for him. I really doubt that anyone in "the business" wants to do business with him after the way he and Heller badmouthed TLC and blatantly ignored the terms of his contract.
Kate never beat Jon down during the divorce? What?
She was much more subtle and calculating, but she took every opportunity to play "high road taker" martyr, while sadly nodding her head in agreement or crying fake tears, while encouraging others to speak the words she longed to say. It was and is an ugly ploy.
Kate has broken her contract as a wife and mother.
Just a few random notes about the high road...on national TV
Kate: "Some people talk and some people keep their mouth shut and fix dinner."
May 10th - Larry King Live - 8 Little Faces - Dealing it with it privately. I am not a celebrity, I am a mom and a wife. Jon is dealing poorly with this. The camera crew are playmates for the kids.
May 17 - Today Show w/Meredith - 8 Little Faces - Discussed Jon's alleged affairs. We're dealing with it privately .
Oct. 5th - Today Show w/Meredith (again w/ tears) Jon took all the money. My kids can't eat. I have a purse full of bill I can't pay.
Theresa, yes, she has.
That was a great post.
Not Anonymous said...
MickeyMcKean, he is allowed to work. He just can't host the pool parties and sell interviews at the fence, like he did before.
Please provide contract that shows he is allowed to work or tell us where you received your information. Thanks.
itsa, those are great examples. There are MANY!
However, I think Kart's strongest (and ugliest) trait, is her ability to get other people to do her dirty work.
itsa, you're in top form!
Not Anonymous said...
MickeyMcKean, he is allowed to work. He just can't host the pool parties and sell interviews at the fence, like he did before. He brought that all on himself by not abiding by his contract. Had he gotten permission to do those first, things could have been quite different for him. I really doubt that anyone in "the business" wants to do business with him after the way he and Heller badmouthed TLC and blatantly ignored the terms of his contract.
I agree that Jon pushed TLC in 2009.
However, I'm referring to the recent settlement of the lawsuit re the breach of contract.
Even though the terms of that settlement have been sealed, the information that I posted above did come out when Jon petition the court for custody. So nowadays Jon has a gag order on him and is not allowed to work for anyone or anywhere. Media/television or McDonalds.
At least that is what I believe I read when I went to TMZ and read the petition that was filed with the court by Attorney List. If you find something that proves me wrong, please provide me with a link.
A small sampling of comments from some of those book reviews on Amazon;
-I am suspect of her overall mental health.`
-narcissists tend to eat their young sooner rather than later.
-I read about 50 pages and decided I didn't want the book in my house.
-I will never forgive the person who gave it to me!
-...put it right back on the self and go buy a good mystery!
Okay, some of them are pretty witty but that's not the point. The majority of the reviewers know there was no reason for Kate to have written this book.
She says some awful things about her kids that no sane person, especially a mother, would say. She's done that from the beginning.
On their very first documentary Kate said Alexis was complacent in life and thought she could have crawled months earlier. What the hell?? She was talking about a child less than a year old. Her fans don't remember this stuff? We're making it all up, even though everything that's said here is documented. They're as much in denial as Kate.
Not anonymous~
I do believe that Jon probably could get work, albeit temporary, in the entertainment industry. Not because he necessarily has any talent...but because he's connect to this phenomenal train-wreck and he'd bring in ratings as long as this train-wreck lasts.
Now...the question of whether Discovery/TLC actually has the power and influence to actually blackmail him, I have no idea, as I'm not an insider in the entertainment industry. But i suspect there are plenty who would hire him in the industry as long as this debacle continues and brings ratings.
But let's, just for argument's sake, say Jon went and got a job in an IT dept. His child support would have to be drastically reduced at some point. It makes way more sense for him to be "Mister Mom", as a practical matter, because what he could make as an IT guy would be a pittance compared to the kind of money Kate needs for her lifestyle.
It's rather ridiculous how the fans carry on about how Jon needs to get a regular job. The amount of child-support he could pay on an IT guy's salary would be laughable, in terms of contributing to Kate's lifestyle and the kind of money she's spending.
Furthermore...the problem was not that he didn't get permission from TLC. It's that TLC would not give him permission to go on ANY interviews. She could but he couldn't...UNLESS he parroted the company BS and told none of the truth. THAT is what the "breach of contract" lawsuit was all about.
Not Me said...
I attended the book signing but did not stay too long. I live in that area and thought I would stop by on my way to eat. I saw Kate come out with the puss face and thought she did not deserve anyone to show up to see that. There was one "sheeple" hovering around. She had on a white shirt and (i think)black pants and is very visible in the radar video. She kept trying to get near Kate. You kno the sheeple type - inching closer and closer and acting strange because she was near her "Queenie". Well I guess Steve knew she was crazy because he escorted her away from the table. I don't know what she said to Kate but I am sure she was gushing her admiration of Kate's beauty and mothering skills. IMO women like this deranged fan are more dangerous than those of us who just write meaningless opinions on a blog. I would never approach her in person. Who would waste their time to actually go there and spend good money on her claptrap book? Not Me, that's for sure.
I didn't have on a white shirt nor black pants, but I'm glad people think that was me because some sheeple hate what I did so much I fear for my safety!
Who cares what the so-called 'sheeple' think? I wouldn't waste my time going to those sites to read - again, who cares?
I mean, if women are marrying guys in prison, and Charles Manson still has fans, I am not surprised that Kate Gosselin has fans as well. There are a whole lot of dumb people in this country with bad taste in TV 'idols'.
I love the conversation here ! Keep it up Admin.!
Also, I'm not in the radaronline video, I checked. Because if I were I was going to ask them to take it down. I don't want to be a martyr to the cause lol.
So that makes at least TWO people Steve put his little rat claws on.
Hi just.me,
Just like 99% of us here, we're looking for the truth, whereever it might fall.
I understood Jon's lawyer, Mr. List, to say Jon wasn't allowed to work anywhere, in or out of the industry, unless he had permission from TLC. A $21,700 monthly child support obligation certainly limits his options. Going to the local office or factory position isn't going to pay the bill.
A request for a reduction in child support payments meets with comments like, "he's just trying to get out of supporting his kids, he doesn't want to work and just wants to live off of Kate's money., etc. etc.
The book reviews EVERYWHERE are so funny to read!
You can tell there are some crazed and/or paid fans who would feel honored to buy Kart's used toilet paper, and those reviews are pretty boring. But the REAL reviews? They are great!
Recall that in some of Jon's prior filings, he stated under penalty of perjury he was offered at least one Superbowl commercial which TLC refused to let him do. What's the going payment for a Superbowl commercial? A million? TLC wants it both ways I suppose, they want him to make his outrageous child support payments yet they don't want him to work.
Also, the prevailing sheeple opinion is Jon is a deadbeat who doesn't work. Jon is now back under contract with TLC just as much as Kate is. They are both getting a cut from TLC. So Kate works because she pimps herself out on D-list reality shows, but Jon doesn't work because he just collects a check from TLC for continuing to tow the line and stays much more private. Some logic.
Admin, that was funny!
you are very brave, administrator. You looked evil in the eye and didn't back down. Did your retinas burn?
I'd be happy to post the pic of me and Tony, with my face blurred out, which clearly shows my shirt is NOT white. And also that I'm not 300 pounds.
Those Kart fans are easy to pick out of a crowd. They're either pre-teens, or extremely obese women.
Oh admin, they'd say it was photoshop. You could have a video and they'd blame CGI. It's a big conspiracy theory to "bring kate down."
8 be damned.
Admin., we believe you. And if you post the picture there will be those that say it's photoshopped, it's not really you, it's, it's a lie. You name it, they will deny. But it's your choice.
How do you photoshop a 40-something 300 pound woman into a slim 20-something 125 pound girl?
Oh well they give me a lot of credit for mad photoshopping skilllz.
Admin, I wouldn't post a picture. WE believe you, and want to keep you SAFE from the crazies!
Don't let anyone bait you into doing something.
I think it's kind of funny though that if you're too much of a Kart fan gushing over her, Steve grabs you and pushes you out. But if you assault her with a deadly question--how will you film if labor laws say you can't? You're also thrown out! I guess you have to be somewhere in between...not a full on sheeple, not a truth seeker ...
Administrator you just can't seem to get it right.
Yes they did mention the Superbowl Commercial and TLC stated that Jon never requested approval for them.
Well at least you gave Steve something to do for a change. He and Kate probably stayed up all night talking about the 'incident' with the crazed woman who asked her a question. Do you think Kate squeezed his muscular arm and called him her hero? It was their big Kevin Costner/Whitney Houston moment and YOU were responsible.
Whose the celebrity now, huh? lol.
Yes they did mention the Superbowl Commercial and TLC stated that Jon never requested approval for them.
TLC also said it was okay to put a camera and mic in a room with children sitting on a potty chair with their pants down, and men watching while they filmed.
I have to say, TLC has lost all credibility with me.
Show of hands, who here would ever even think of approaching a fan at a signing for the purpose of causing them any grief? Yet, poor Admin has to fear for her safety from Kate's "fans"? Hear that Steve? It's not the "haters of exploitation and lies" you have to worry about...it's the people who are living in a chronic state of denial that you should be on guard for.....
I guess you have to be somewhere in between...not a full on sheeple, not a truth seeker ...
Well Admin, didn't you say you had two teenagers standing in front of you when Kate took her break after 15 minutes? Steve did take the time to chat with the young ones about the upcoming Kate + 8, right?
WOW WOW WOW!!!!! I go away for a few days and all hell breaks loose. GOOD for you for taking the bull by the horns and asking the tough questions. Surprised that Steve the "rat claw" would have the temerity to put his hands on you since you weren't threatning or abusive but merely a person in the crowd asking a question.
Where I come from, that's assault. I would have taken the report had it happened in my jurisdiction and encouraged you to follow up with a district court commissioner for a summons being issued to Stevie the Handler. He'd have more questions to answer than Kate.
This was posted on Z's site. I deleted the name only:
"I talked to my husband, former law enforcement officer, about that incident at the book signing where Steve (bodyguard) touched the lady's arm to move her along while she was asking Kate some tough questions.
Wrong thing to do! My husband said that if that had happened to me, we would be talking to an attorney. No one, not even Steve, would have a right to touch another person. If someone is causing a disturbance, the bodyguard would have the right to contact a police officer who could then touch the trouble maker to settle the situation.
Interesting, isn't it?"
Posted by: | April 18, 2010 6:02 PM
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