- I asked Kate, What about the new child labor laws that may be coming down, will that affect filming? Steve then stepped toward me, grabbed my right arm tightly and pulled me away, telling me okay time to move on.
- A Barnes and Noble "security" person called her a bitch.
- At any given time the line was only about 10 people long.
- Kate showed up 15 minutes early but didn't come out to start signing books until 7:15. At 7:30 she took a break, then came back out at 7:45.
- Tony is awesome.
The recap:
Most of the pictures were taken on my Blackberry, so they're a little blurry, I apologize. I brought my other camera, but there was so much going on so fast I sort of forgot about it. When you're being pulled away by a bodyguard, you can't think about cameras.
Dodger's game tonight, so traffic was pretty messy. I knew I couldn't count on Kate staying all that long, but I thought she would at least stay an hour, so when I finally arrived about 7:25 I thought I had plenty of time to see her and get my book signed.
Suddenly, my retina started burning from a beaming white light. No, it wasn't Jesus. It was Kate's veneers glowing on this sign:

I was in the right place! I went up the escalator where Kate was singing books between a few bookshelves, at least two separate camera crews swarming around her. And Steve, and someone else who I think was a cop--the real bodyguard.

But where were the ... fans? Finally I discovered the line, which consisted of a mom with her two kids, one of whom was using a walking stick the sight-impaired use, and a few teenage girls. I figured I would wander around a bit see what I see, hear what I hear, before getting in line. I went around to the back and found that I could stand behind Kate's table, a few feet away, and maybe hear her--turns out I couldn't. And that's when I saw Tony! For some reason I didn't even think about him, but it makes sense he was here if they are going to use this book signing as a segment on DWTS. Tony I actually really like, and I said hi to him and asked if I could have his picture. He beamed and said of course, but why don't you get in it too! I'm cropped out because my own security is better than what Steve provides, but this is Tony's half of the picture. He is completely adorable, no?

We chatted a bit longer, he was talking to the fans and joking around with the crew, and Kate was talking to the sight-impaired boy for awhile, although that was when I was talking to Tony so I couldn't hear a thing, and then all of a sudden Kate started getting up. I looked at my blackberry clock. What? It was only 7:30! Within seconds Steve was leading Kate away. Was it over already? WTF. I didn't get to ask her my questions!

At that point a 20-something woman approached security and asked if she could go in. They said no, only media. She said I am media, I'm with Radaronline. They still said no. I thought that was interesting, since we've long speculated that Radaronline is in her back pocket. By the way, I ultimately wasn't given a press pass either. Me and Radaronline both! We were told only photographers. Well, I guess that makes sense. Photos can't ask questions. Real people CAN! I approached the Radaronline reporter and told her what blog I was with and we had a good conversation. She agreed that Kate was very polarizing and that any time they publish a Gosselin article their hits go through the roof. She made fun of how few people were there, about 40, she guessed. The BN security guard was laughing at this. She said that Kate came 15 minutes before 7 o'clock then disappeared into that room. She came back out at 7:15 to start signing books. Now it was 7:30, and Kate had gone to take a break again. So she signed books for a full fifteen minutes before a break. Fifteen minutes of waving a pen, must be exhausting! Radar chick was really nice and promised to check out the Blog. She got tired of waiting for Kate and left.
By now maybe a dozen people had gathered with their books and there were some more teenage girls who were saying they were her biggest fans. I really didn't care so much about Kate coming back out for me, but I felt like she should for those girls. I started asking if she was coming out, and one of the security guards said there was talk she was done for the night. I couldn't believe that. A fifteen minute book signing and she was done.
Several more minutes passed and the teenage girls were starting to get upset that they missed her. "I can't believe she's not coming out again, she's a bitch," I muttered. A security guard was standing right next to me and he murmured, "She is a bitch." Haha, what a surreal moment. I realize now I should have followed up on that and asked him why he said that. But sometimes it's more fun to just leave it at that.
Just as I was about to give up they said okay, Kate's coming back out. I was next in line behind the teenagers. Steve came over and started chatting to them, and he told them they should tune in because Kate Plus 8 would be airing soon. Ha, not if Rep. Murt can help it, Steve-o! I almost asked him about child labor laws right then but I didn't want him on alert that I wasn't Kate's biggest fan.

After the girls talked to her I approached Kate with my book. She didn't say anything to me. Um. So I said, "Hi Kate, thanks for coming out here." She said you're welcome. She signed my book. She asked if I wanted my name, and I said no that's okay just your autograph. Then I said, "Kate, is it hard to keep in touch with your kids through text messages?" There was speculation on here that Kate wouldn't realize what I was asking. But let me tell you, she's not stupid. She snapped her head up, looked me square in the eye, the bitch face swept across her features, and she said, coldly and succinctly: "I keep in touch with my kids all the time."
I wouldn't say I was afraid of her, but I knew I was playing with the big girls now. I knew I was probably going to get off one more question before Steve called it quits. Originally I was going to ask her about the book, I was going to ask if she thought it was a good idea to reveal such private details about the children. But for some reason, probably because Steve was just raving about Kate Plus 8 and the crew was right there, I suddenly decided to ask her "What about all the new child labor laws that may be coming down, will that affect filming?"
I don't think that question was necessarily rude or inappropriate, and I asked it in a respectful tone. It's a legitimate question--How will you film the kids if child labor laws say you can't? And actually, I wish now I hadn't asked about text messaging--that was more just to be mean. I regret being mean. Kate is mean, but that doesn't mean I should be mean, too. I wish I had gotten off more solid questions about child labor laws. But oh well. But anyway, Kate's face went blank and she stared at me, speechless. Tony made Kate speechless by doing the Tango, I made Kate speechless by saying the secret words of the day: CHILD LABOR LAWS. Fortunately Superdud came to her rescue. Steve stepped forward, grabbed my right arm in his fingers, squeezed quite tightly and pulled me away from her. Okay, move along now, he said.
There was no need to say anything else, I got my point across. I went willingly. No, I'm not planning to sue Steve or file a report or whatever. His job is to protect Kate from having to ever answer anything off the script. He was just doing his job. He didn't hurt me, there are no bruises. I wish he didn't touch me with those little rat claws, he could have asked me to leave and I would have, but whatever. By the way, Steve is short and skinny. Kate was quite pretty I thought, with great skin and sparkling eyes. They make a great couple.
465 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 465 of 465 Newer› Newest»Steve as bodyguard, LOL.
Steve as "handler" is spot on.
Kate doesn't have to say too much, as she is very skilled when it comes to "lies of ommission". After reading some of the other blogs, it seems to me that alot of her 'friends" appear to have very little education, you can tell by the way they use the english language!
hmmmm? sounds like Stevie's going to have a lot of arms to possible claw if we all show up for book signings?
Well Administrator just hang in there keep pointing out the hypocrisy. I.E. Kate Kalendars, your experience at the book signings, and anything else Kate does.
It is Kate who whines that the Paparazzi are hounding her, on to keep the Paparazzi hounding her.
It is Kate who is saying that the entertainment industry is the only way for her to provide. Even though we see daily moms & dads providing otherwise.
It is Kate who wrote & exploited the letters of nit picky bull Krap of her children. Only Kate doesn't want the negative criticism.
Life is all about choices. I have a real problem with a mother making such poor choices on behalf of her children. I shudder to think what the Gosselin children's life would be like today if last year their father did not Halt production. Kate had absolutely no regard for her children's welfare or emotional well being.
As far as Kate being home from June of 2009 to Dancing with the Stars. Bull Floggers! Bull! She has been media khoring all across this country. Hiding in hotels, etc etc all for this chance to continue Kelebrity.
Keep up the heat. It is paying off for the Gosselin kids. I could Kare Less if Kate gets a how but Kate plus 8 & those children resuming filming is wrong.
Oh and P.S. Kate is well within her right to tell interviewers, the public, the paparazzi & the magazines "No comment" She ought to try it some time for the "sake of her children"
Oh, but that doesn't make her money now does it?
Auntie Ann,
Admin, it is a shame that you have be afraid of the nutjobs - simply because you asked a question and dared to tell the truth. We've all got your back here!
Hey Kelly,
Glad you are back. We missed you alot! Yes, Kate had a fake book signing. She evidently has a tight sKript because she was not able or did not answer a question posed to her.
Goodnight everyone. Don't pay attention to the 5 people out there trying keep Kate going. They have written everyone but God & all they are doing is stopping from blog to blog to copy/paste others posts or experiences. It isn't like they are the New York Times. They are a fake. They just want to Kreate Khaos.
Everyone's entitled to their opinions & their experiences. The harder they copy/paste the better the indiKation that things aren't going quite the way Kate planned. Kommon Kate is on a show & not even improving yet she is still there.
Admin I have a question re the attendance at the book signing.
ROL says 50 people showed up - since you were there, do you think this number includes the 10 people that made up the ABC and TLC camera crews, as well as the ROL reporter?
Also, whereas BM is blaming herself for the bad turnout because she did not post the information fast enough on her blog, my understanding is that a notice was published in the L.A. Times on Friday. That alone should have gotten people to stop by but alas, I believe Kate found out that she is not as popular as she thinks she is these days.
I really, really think that DWTS is going to backfire on her. People who did not know her before know her now and they just want her to go home to her kids and stay there.
At least that's my thinking and I'm sticking to it!
Not Anonymous said...
MickeyMcKean, he is allowed to work. He just can't host the pool parties and sell interviews at the fence, like he did before. He brought that all on himself by not abiding by his contract. Had he gotten permission to do those first, things could have been quite different for him. I really doubt that anyone in "the business" wants to do business with him after the way he and Heller badmouthed TLC and blatantly ignored the terms of his contract.
Directly from custody complaint filed in Berks County Court 4/7 by Jon's attorney Anthony List:
Here is link for complete document:
Page 5 item 16 from Jon's Custody filing to wit:
'Defendant (Kate) received certain payments from TLC television network through a contractual agreement. Said agreement was CONTINGENT UPON PLAINTIFF (Jon) NOT RENDERING SERVICES TO ANY PERSON, COMPANY OR ENTITY OTHER THAN TLC THROUGH THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT'
Seems like Kate does a lot of tossing if the situation isn't right for "brand". She claims to Tony on DWTS that, "A lot of people leave me"
When the going gets tough, Kate has the people tossed out, i.e. Jon, Admin, Jodi, Kevin, nannys, Mom, Dad, Brother, Beth and the list keeps growing, just like Kates nose. Hell, Kate's nose is getting so long we can tell the time of day from it.
Tomorrow's challenge is a beer drinking game in honor of Kate and her tears and tale of woe.
1. Every time Kate motions, "Eye Heart U" for the camera, that's one chug
2. Everytime Kate mentions her kids, that's another chug. Mentions 8 kids, that's 8 chugs.
3. You'll need a breather at this point and possibly a cigarette but don't give up the game yet.
4. Kate mentions the Paparrazi, you got it....another chug.
5. Kate mentions being a single mom, I know, I know, it's going down hard but Ain't the Beer COLD?
6. Kate mentions how hard her life is with being a single mom, dancing and all she has in her life, well, that gets you.........You guessed it, another chug.
7. Kate talks about her upcoming book tour and how her kids are loving her new tome.......Time to vomit. You get a "Get to the toilet card free".
8. Kate tells Tony she is enjoying herself and really gets what dancing is all about, Break open the Jack Daniels because the beer just won't do it. Take a swallow and make it quick, there's more.
9. Kate rolls her eyes, don't complain, just chug.
10. Kate shows her smile complete with the coat hanger stuffed between her cheeks so the pearly whites blind you, Chug chug chug.
11. Set the alarm for 1 hour before you're supposed to get up and tell your boss you're calling in sick with the brown bottle flu. You won't be able to work tomorrow if you were being held up by Steve Neild, the P People and all of the TLC production crew.
Happy Libations everyone.
Did you have any luck listening to Jodi's radio interview? I downloaded it and listened to it on WMPlayer without any problems.
I think Jodi and Kevin were the best thing that could have happened to those kids and they've been deprived of even that. What on earth is Kate so afraid of. What a vindictive bitch to play chess with their lives the way she does. It takes guts and a ton of love to do what they're doing now. If what you did can raise such ire from disgruntled fans, I can only imagine the threats they'll be getting for this.
Heck, over at a 'fan' site which I'll not mention, some of those idiots, in trying to keep Kate their hero, are stating that "they've done that before...you know, had Christmas before the actual day, like when you're traveling, etc."
The part they don't GET is that (hopefully) their kids knew they were having Christmas late or early due to travel plans. Wait, this is fans, never mind...
You just can't fix dumb!
I saw that too, they were saying "it's not a big deal to do Christmas on another day, I've done that before."
I'm sure almost EVERYONE has celebrated a holiday on a different day. Modern schedules make that a reality. Almost every year growing up since I had two sides of the family one side would have to celebrate the day after or before or whatever can be arranged. Celebrating a holiday on a different day is not the problem. They have only one piece of the puzzle! Part one is celebrating on a different day, but part two, and the bad part, is LYING to the kids about what day it is for the purposes of a reaction for filming, then later telling them oops that wasn't Christmas the real Christmas is in a few days! Psyche! A kid understands you have to celebrate on a different day because Uncle Ken has to work Christmas Day. They can't possibly understand at that age well we had to film it then to get the real reaction for the show so that viewers will believe you are really celebrating.
Motivation is everything. If you are celebrating on a different day because of family schedules that is one thing, it is a completely different thing to lie to kids for a filming schedule to make a good episode.
Your blog shows new posts but the last one that shows up is at 7:06pm PT. Is there something I'm missing on here?
Your posts are always right on the money!
Yes they did mention the Superbowl Commercial and TLC stated that Jon never requested approval for them.
TLC is untrustworthy and will spin a story whichever way is necessary to fit their agenda. If you will recall, TLC also stated that they did not have to get permits to film the children, even AFTER the PA Department of Labor came out and acknowledged that permits were, indeed, required.
Those who blindly follow a person or idea without question and without an earnest effort to seek the truth are usually afraid of finding the truth.
Hey, they're talking about Jon & Kate Plus 8 on Geraldo right now. Kimberly Guilfoyle is covering the story. They showed a clip of Jodi and Kevin testifying. Now, they're showing Khate's bullshit lying response from when she was on Joy Behar's show - she said her brother and Jodi made "hundreds of thousands of dollars" on them.
Oh God, I freaking give up! Some dipshit from Life & Style magazine is on and saying who does Khate's brother think he is? He's gotten money giving stories....oh poor Khate, she's a single mom, it's not easy for her, Jon isn't working... bah, blah, bah.....
Excuse me.......I have to go bang my head against a freaking wall!
Very interesting indeed....thanks for sharing! (and Good for you for speaking out!)
this will probably get lost in the comments...at the hearing jodi mentioned that the crew had moral objections. I want to know more about these objections but no one brings this topic up.
AnnM said...
On Amazon's bestseller list, Kate's book has dropped to #209 today from a high of #164 yesterday. Rated at 2 1/2 stars.
Well, it's currently down to #286 on Amazon, with only two stars. Ha!
Even funnier, when I checked it about a half hour ago, it was #276, but then I hit refresh before I wrote this post, and Amazon changed it to #286. It's dropping lower by the minute!
Have you had time to read Kart's book in total yet? Probably not. As you are reading it I'd be very curious to know if you believe that she "wrote every word" as she made sure to tell us in one of the 20 interviews she did this week. I definitely do not. I never read her other books but she didn't write Mutiple Blessings and the 2nd one I heard was more of a picture book. Her claim this week "that the idea of the book and writing it happened a couple of months ago." Baloney!! All books go through several edits (atleast 2) and then the near final galleys, which is the authors last chance to read the book before it goes to press. The press process takes a few months itself. Others in this community have posted on this lie of hers and I just keep wondering how it can be that all of these media hosts, Meredith, Joy, etc etc can all be so f***ing lacking in just common sense or any sense period. This stupidity is beyond belief.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Hey, they're talking about Jon & Kate Plus 8 on Geraldo right now. Kimberly Guilfoyle is covering the story. They showed a clip of Jodi and Kevin testifying. Now, they're showing Khate's bullshit lying response from when she was on Joy Behar's show - she said her brother and Jodi made "hundreds of thousands of dollars" on them.
Oh God, I freaking give up! Some dipshit from Life & Style magazine is on and saying who does Khate's brother think he is? He's gotten money giving stories....oh poor Khate, she's a single mom, it's not easy for her, Jon isn't working... bah, blah, bah.....
Originally scheduled was Jennifer Pozner. As shown below, her segment was cancelled at 5:15 pm just prior to airing. Interesting that what was going to be a discussion of , " the exploitation of young children by TLC", turned into, let's throw Kevin and Jodi under the bus and cry a few more tears for poor Kate with a purse full of bills. This is just WRONG!
DVR Alert: WIMN’s Jennifer L. Pozner on Geraldo At Large, Fox News, Sunday, 10pm, to discuss media coverage of Kate Gosselin
[UPDATE, 5:15pm: This segment has just been canceled. Sorry for any confusion; that’s the way live news sometimes goes.]
DVR ALERT: I’m going to be on “Geraldo At Large” on Fox News tonight at 10pm, to discuss media coverage of reality TV star Kate Gosselin.
...Occasionally a moment of aggressive neglect gets captured on screen (witness Kate taunting her thirsty daughter by drinking water in front of her while denying her even one sip), but there is far less critical focus on the fact that — since reality show participants don’t have the same protections as actors do — the treatment of these kids on “Jon & Kate Plus 8″ may violate rules protecting child actors, and may even violate child labor laws.
I hope to be able to bring some nuance to the conversation on “Geraldo At Large” tonight, to move beyond the typical “Kate Hate” tone and focus instead on:
– the exploitation of young children by TLC, which has turned a tidy profit with “Jon & Kate Plus 8,” and plans to continue to do so with their new shows “Twist of Kate” and “Kate Plus 8″...
You said.....at the hearing jodi mentioned that the crew had moral objections. I want to know more about these objections but no one brings this topic up.
I've no idea if what Jodi said and what happened are related, but the crew for J&K changed (new cameraman, sound, production, et) sometime @ their last full season and it was rumored at the time that they had objections about the show/children and asked for a transfer. I do know the sound guy went on to do the Duggar's show immediately following J*K.
Hey, they're talking about Jon & Kate Plus 8 on Geraldo right now.
Interesting -- that segment was supposed to have been cancelled. Sounds like they may have not wanted to have a semi-intelligent discussion about it (cancelled Posner's appearance) and decided to go the route of the tabloids instead.
Head.....meet wall.
Kate might want to get off DWTS this week. Her book is at #305 this morning. If she doesn't get into full throttle on the book tour it's going end up sinking fast.
There are rumors that the Gosselins changed film crews during its run of 5 seasons. Kate said in her last episode of "Jon & Kate plus 8" that she finally had the film crew she was happy with. Only one cameraman was an original.
Production cannot talk about their experiences I do not think especially if it sheds the experience in a bad light.
The idea of everyone going to their local book signing is a great idea. What would be even better, is to get the book, have her sign it and say as you walk away, "Thanks! I'm putting it up on Ebay so a sheeple can buy it and I can donate the money to a Minor Consideration to stop parents like you from doing this again! Have a nice day!"
(evil, but hilarious!!)
Jen K, THAT is a most excellent idea!! And it would likely assure our very own manhandling by 'the bodyguard', too!
On one of the Duggar's shows if showed the head of one of the crew. He was middle aged and had a mustash. He said that the Duggar family on TV was just what you see when they are not filming. The way he said it, I got the impression he was inferring that the Gosselins were not the same when not in front of the camera. AHHHHH if only the crews could talk.
Kates book right now is 316 on Amazon best selling list. Maybe TLC will make Amazon take down that feature. LOL
Oh...above postng I should have said that I thought and Duggar crew member was Scott who was with the Gosselins for a few years.
Scott (producer) and Jim (sound) were both with the Gosselins before going to the Duggars. Jim (has the mustache) is the one who said the Duggars are the same on and off camera. He even brought his daughter to the Duggars one day and she had a blast playing with Joy.
AZ Mom said,
"Kates book right now is 316 on Amazon best selling list. Maybe TLC will make Amazon take down that feature. LOL"
And doesn't TLC wish they could remove the hilarious, dead-on REVIEWS! The reviews are running 27 to 12, 1-star to 5-star. Keep reviewing! Get those 1-star votes in, LOL.
IMO, The majority of the media outlets don't want to buck TLC, and it's easy enough to placate them if you ignore the facts and don't bother to research for the truth. One outlet prints it and five others repeat the spin in the same way. If said enough times it becomes the false truth.
I also don't think Jon and Kate are a heavy enough story for most legitimate news casts to want to spend any time exploring the history and background of how this all came about, and why put themselves through the wringer with TLC. Therefore, the public gets what Kate and TLC want them to hear. The unfortunate outcome is that everyone is missing the big picture. In general, children on reality TV programming continue to be exploited. And specifically, the Gosselin children are caught in the middle of a terrible, terrible family battle being played out once again for public entertainment, ratings gold, and Kate has been on every rag show fluff piece and in every rag magazine telling us she wishes it wasn't so.
I'm so sick of her excuses and the excuses the uninformed make for her. It sounds to me like the her battle cry is, "I don't want my kids exposed to the custody battle and all the negative press...but I'm going to go on every TV show and rag publication that will have me and say so."
Way to keep it quiet, Kate.
It would be great if Kitty Kelly would write a unauthorized bio on the Gosselins. Now that book sales would go through the roof!!
Kate Gosselin Leaves Kids Again, This Time to Hock New Book
Published April 19, 2010 by:Joyce Carole
According to The Hollywood Gossip, not only is Kate Gosselin leaving her kids with the nanny to appear on ABC's Dancing with the Stars, she has also been spending quite a bit of time on the road promoting her new book. While many understand that a single mom of eight children, has to "bring home the bacon", ex-husband Jon Gosselin certainly is not doing it, there are many others who feel that Gosselin is repeatedly putting herself and her career before her eight children.
Kate Appeared at Barnes and Noble Friday, April 16, 2010 Book Signing
Judging from the pictures of Kate taken during the book signing at Barnes and Noble, she was having a great time signing copies of her book and being around her fans. Kate also tells reporters that she is too busy with her kids and career to have a relationship.
Kate Gosselin's New Book Has Received Mediocre Reviews
Kate Gosselin's new book is titled, "I Just Want You to Know: Letters to My Kids on Love, Faith and Family", recently hit bookstores. Early reviews from Amazon.Com are lackluster with one reviewer stating that she is returning the book as after skimming through it has decided "it is not the Mother's Day gift" she had in mind. Kate's new book takes off where her first bestselling book, "Multiple Blessings" ends. The book is comprised of letters and prayers to each of her children. The book so far has received just two stars out of a possible five from reviewers on Amazon.com.
Kate Gosselin Dancing with the Stars Scheduled to Tackle the Fox Trot
Kate will be back dancing tonight (April 19, 2010) on a new episode of Dancing with the Stars. Tonight Kate Gosselin and ever-patient DWTS partner Tony Dovolani will be tackling the Fox Trot. This will be Kate's fifth dancing performance on Dancing with the Stars. Thus far, she has yet to perform well, though last week judges deemed that she had a "mini breakthrough" with her performance of the tango. Even with the mini-breakthrough, she still received the lowest scores of the night.
Is Kate's Star Diminishing?
There appears to be some sign that people are getting a little tired of rehashing her dancing performances. Following her incredibly lousy performance to Lady Gaga's Paparazzi, the Internet was atwitter with comments
about Kate and her disastrous Dancing with the Stars performance during week three, but last week things seem to have quieted. We will have to see how she does tonight with the Fox Trot, which will no doubt prove challenging for the talentless dancer.
I had always wanted to read the above article, but never found it until today. It's about Kate begging for the free nurse to stay after the tups first birthday.
What part of 21K a month support don't these media whores understand?
my9cats said...
What part of 21K a month support don't these media whores understand?
Exactly! All we hear is Jon isn't working over and over again. As long as he is paying the child support he is required to what does it matter if he isn't working right now?
As far as Kate and her so called working. I bet Jon would have liked to go on DWTS (and would have done a better job) but he would not have been allowed to. I'm sure since he enjoys interacting with people he would love to do interviews and go on speaking engagements. Again - not allowed to. I bet he could put together a book just as good as Kate but would they allow him to publish it? I doubt it.
Kate can put on the I'm working hard and suffering for my kids act but you know she is enjoying every minute of being a part time Mom.
Oh no the kids are in CA. They went to Disneyland on Saturday. I hope they are not in the audience tonight. Isn't it a school day in PA today?
also they got 1st class treatment much to the displeasure of the people on line.
You might want to read it fast, the article will probably get a scrubbed clean of any bad references
Looks like Kate's going to pull the Kid Card and have the kids on DWTS tonight. The kids are all out in California and were visiting Disneyworld on Saturday. I knew she would pull this stunt
She pulled the kids out of school to go to L.A.?? I'm guessing the "Kate Plus 8" episodes have begun filming. Wonder if they got the appropriate CA permits.
No kids on the show. Hurt to be wrong, doesn't it?
Admin, what do you think of the Duggars? They film children at birth, no choice there, and they have never proven that the kids see a dime of the show's money. Shouldn't you hate them too?
Oh, my dear, I wish teeny-tiny Stevie had put his hands on me, "grabbed me by the arm", as you said he did to you. As an attorney and a woman of a certain age who will not be bullied, he would have to tell a judge at some point why he felt the need to put his hands on me, why I presented a danger to anyone, and why he has the authority to manhandle or even urge a patron of a bookstore out the door. Were the words you said enough, I'm wondering, to warrant a physical assault? I don't think so.
just read that Jon twittered that he may be resolving the custody case, and no longer is represented by List. This sounds so untrue. Anyone have any update on this. I know there are several twits[twitters] that have his name. Say it isn't so Jon.
There was an attempt made about a year ago to get the PA Atty. General to investigate Jon & Kate and their begging for handouts while making millions from the show.
There was an attempt made about a year ago to get the PA Atty. General to investigate Jon & Kate and their begging for handouts while making millions from the show.
No kids on the show. Hurt to be wrong, doesn't it?
Admin, what do you think of the Duggars? They film children at birth, no choice there, and they have never proven that the kids see a dime of the show's money. Shouldn't you hate them too?
I had always wanted to read the above article, but never found it until today. It's about Kate begging for the free nurse to stay after the tups first birthday.
Kate Gosselin Leaves Kids Again, This Time to Hock New Book
Published April 19, 2010 by:Joyce Carole
According to The Hollywood Gossip, not only is Kate Gosselin leaving her kids with the nanny to appear on ABC's Dancing with the Stars, she has also been spending quite a bit of time on the road promoting her new book. While many understand that a single mom of eight children, has to "bring home the bacon", ex-husband Jon Gosselin certainly is not doing it, there are many others who feel that Gosselin is repeatedly putting herself and her career before her eight children.
Kate Appeared at Barnes and Noble Friday, April 16, 2010 Book Signing
Judging from the pictures of Kate taken during the book signing at Barnes and Noble, she was having a great time signing copies of her book and being around her fans. Kate also tells reporters that she is too busy with her kids and career to have a relationship.
Kate Gosselin's New Book Has Received Mediocre Reviews
Kate Gosselin's new book is titled, "I Just Want You to Know: Letters to My Kids on Love, Faith and Family", recently hit bookstores. Early reviews from Amazon.Com are lackluster with one reviewer stating that she is returning the book as after skimming through it has decided "it is not the Mother's Day gift" she had in mind. Kate's new book takes off where her first bestselling book, "Multiple Blessings" ends. The book is comprised of letters and prayers to each of her children. The book so far has received just two stars out of a possible five from reviewers on Amazon.com.
Kate Gosselin Dancing with the Stars Scheduled to Tackle the Fox Trot
Kate will be back dancing tonight (April 19, 2010) on a new episode of Dancing with the Stars. Tonight Kate Gosselin and ever-patient DWTS partner Tony Dovolani will be tackling the Fox Trot. This will be Kate's fifth dancing performance on Dancing with the Stars. Thus far, she has yet to perform well, though last week judges deemed that she had a "mini breakthrough" with her performance of the tango. Even with the mini-breakthrough, she still received the lowest scores of the night.
Is Kate's Star Diminishing?
There appears to be some sign that people are getting a little tired of rehashing her dancing performances. Following her incredibly lousy performance to Lady Gaga's Paparazzi, the Internet was atwitter with comments
about Kate and her disastrous Dancing with the Stars performance during week three, but last week things seem to have quieted. We will have to see how she does tonight with the Fox Trot, which will no doubt prove challenging for the talentless dancer.
Hi just.me,
Just like 99% of us here, we're looking for the truth, whereever it might fall.
I understood Jon's lawyer, Mr. List, to say Jon wasn't allowed to work anywhere, in or out of the industry, unless he had permission from TLC. A $21,700 monthly child support obligation certainly limits his options. Going to the local office or factory position isn't going to pay the bill.
A request for a reduction in child support payments meets with comments like, "he's just trying to get out of supporting his kids, he doesn't want to work and just wants to live off of Kate's money., etc. etc.
I didn't have on a white shirt nor black pants, but I'm glad people think that was me because some sheeple hate what I did so much I fear for my safety!
There are rumors that the Gosselins changed film crews during its run of 5 seasons. Kate said in her last episode of "Jon & Kate plus 8" that she finally had the film crew she was happy with. Only one cameraman was an original.
Production cannot talk about their experiences I do not think especially if it sheds the experience in a bad light.
itsa, you're in top form!
MickeyMcKean, he is allowed to work. He just can't host the pool parties and sell interviews at the fence, like he did before. He brought that all on himself by not abiding by his contract. Had he gotten permission to do those first, things could have been quite different for him. I really doubt that anyone in "the business" wants to do business with him after the way he and Heller badmouthed TLC and blatantly ignored the terms of his contract.
"I never heard Kate publicly beat down Jon during the divorce."
Well, if you want DURING the divorce right off the top of my head I'm thinking the last few shows of J&K+8, as well as the interview with Nancy Morales. Kate definitely got her digs in.
As for AFTER the divorce she recently was on THE VIEW and she gave the impression she had to work because Jon was not working and not paying child support payments (but local blogger volunteered the info that Reading Eagle prints names of deadbeat dads and Jon is not/has not been on the list). Then when Jon's attorney filed the petition for custody it turns out that TLC has Jon under contract and it states he is not allowed to work anywhere or for anyone but he is still on their payroll at $25,000/month BUT $21,000 goes directly to Kate for child support. Nevertheless it was less than 2 weeks before that she was on THE VIEW getting sympathy for being a single mom.
Kate also let Leno this week make fun of Jon not having a job (I have only seen clips but enuf to know she is letting the world think Jon is too lazy to go out and get a job and of course she did not volunteer the terms of his contract with TLC that he can't work. Keep in mind that not everyone reads TMZ and saw Jon's petition).
As for links please go to youtube.com. These episodes should be easy to find.
No one said everyone was for reduction Theresa...only that some from gwop were.
In reference to the Administrator's comments.
DWTS is a temporary gig. Kate spent from June 2009 until in March at home with the children.
She is working. She is stating what her ususal schedule would be, coming home on Tuesday nights.
She had new book released this week and is promoting it.
I never heard Kate publicly beat down Jon during the divorce. I did hear Jon say he despised Kate the mother of his children. That Hailey Glassman was his soul mate and he loved her more than he ever loved the mother of his children.
Please provide the comments you are referring to.
I'm a Mom and my beef isn't with Kate working - sheehs I work outside the home. My beef is her using her children for her own selfish purposes. I sure wish some of these "experts" would interview real Moms.
No, I forgot about the report and didn't send it to Murt. And I think I first saw it on Preesi's site.
But I have a feeling they are done filming in PA. I think they were planning on a summer film shoot of the kids, but with all the attention they are receiving I wouldn't be surprised if they actually leave the country for several weeks this summer and break one vacation into several shows. Sort of a Gosselin Travelogue, if you will. I figure Kate is pissed that the Roloffs got to go to Rome by now, LOL!!
Hi all. I am new to your site but not new to the never ending stinking pile of trash that is Kate Gosselin.
I am glad I stumbled upon you all. I am going to be reading for awhile.
Admin- The audio link @ Julie's blog is not working for me- did you get it to work?
I heard an interview where Kart says it was so early in the pregnancy when the baby was lost that they really didn't know the sex of the baby but she always thought it was a girl. Of course, not another icky boy. She also says Alexis still talks about the baby but she herself NEVER talks about it. More BS. If she never talks about it, where is a 5 year old coming up with this information? Just an example of more of Karts LIES.
JW, did you send that to Murt?
WoW. I just saw the clip of Kate crying saying "I wish I had your job" to the babysitter. Does she really think the public will buy this (besides her rabid fans)? Was she forced by gunpoint to do DWTS?
I think she pulled a nose hair before that interview or sniffed an onion. E! is showing all the clips with Leno trashing Jon and her agreeing that nobody makes money for the family.
Those kids will hate that woman. I have no doubt that she will have no contact with most of them in their adult years.
According to Tony's twitter, he played golf with Maks yesterday and then practiced dancing. Tony's in CA I believe it's safe to say Kate is too.
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