- I asked Kate, What about the new child labor laws that may be coming down, will that affect filming? Steve then stepped toward me, grabbed my right arm tightly and pulled me away, telling me okay time to move on.
- A Barnes and Noble "security" person called her a bitch.
- At any given time the line was only about 10 people long.
- Kate showed up 15 minutes early but didn't come out to start signing books until 7:15. At 7:30 she took a break, then came back out at 7:45.
- Tony is awesome.
The recap:
Most of the pictures were taken on my Blackberry, so they're a little blurry, I apologize. I brought my other camera, but there was so much going on so fast I sort of forgot about it. When you're being pulled away by a bodyguard, you can't think about cameras.
Dodger's game tonight, so traffic was pretty messy. I knew I couldn't count on Kate staying all that long, but I thought she would at least stay an hour, so when I finally arrived about 7:25 I thought I had plenty of time to see her and get my book signed.
Suddenly, my retina started burning from a beaming white light. No, it wasn't Jesus. It was Kate's veneers glowing on this sign:

I was in the right place! I went up the escalator where Kate was singing books between a few bookshelves, at least two separate camera crews swarming around her. And Steve, and someone else who I think was a cop--the real bodyguard.

But where were the ... fans? Finally I discovered the line, which consisted of a mom with her two kids, one of whom was using a walking stick the sight-impaired use, and a few teenage girls. I figured I would wander around a bit see what I see, hear what I hear, before getting in line. I went around to the back and found that I could stand behind Kate's table, a few feet away, and maybe hear her--turns out I couldn't. And that's when I saw Tony! For some reason I didn't even think about him, but it makes sense he was here if they are going to use this book signing as a segment on DWTS. Tony I actually really like, and I said hi to him and asked if I could have his picture. He beamed and said of course, but why don't you get in it too! I'm cropped out because my own security is better than what Steve provides, but this is Tony's half of the picture. He is completely adorable, no?

We chatted a bit longer, he was talking to the fans and joking around with the crew, and Kate was talking to the sight-impaired boy for awhile, although that was when I was talking to Tony so I couldn't hear a thing, and then all of a sudden Kate started getting up. I looked at my blackberry clock. What? It was only 7:30! Within seconds Steve was leading Kate away. Was it over already? WTF. I didn't get to ask her my questions!

At that point a 20-something woman approached security and asked if she could go in. They said no, only media. She said I am media, I'm with Radaronline. They still said no. I thought that was interesting, since we've long speculated that Radaronline is in her back pocket. By the way, I ultimately wasn't given a press pass either. Me and Radaronline both! We were told only photographers. Well, I guess that makes sense. Photos can't ask questions. Real people CAN! I approached the Radaronline reporter and told her what blog I was with and we had a good conversation. She agreed that Kate was very polarizing and that any time they publish a Gosselin article their hits go through the roof. She made fun of how few people were there, about 40, she guessed. The BN security guard was laughing at this. She said that Kate came 15 minutes before 7 o'clock then disappeared into that room. She came back out at 7:15 to start signing books. Now it was 7:30, and Kate had gone to take a break again. So she signed books for a full fifteen minutes before a break. Fifteen minutes of waving a pen, must be exhausting! Radar chick was really nice and promised to check out the Blog. She got tired of waiting for Kate and left.
By now maybe a dozen people had gathered with their books and there were some more teenage girls who were saying they were her biggest fans. I really didn't care so much about Kate coming back out for me, but I felt like she should for those girls. I started asking if she was coming out, and one of the security guards said there was talk she was done for the night. I couldn't believe that. A fifteen minute book signing and she was done.
Several more minutes passed and the teenage girls were starting to get upset that they missed her. "I can't believe she's not coming out again, she's a bitch," I muttered. A security guard was standing right next to me and he murmured, "She is a bitch." Haha, what a surreal moment. I realize now I should have followed up on that and asked him why he said that. But sometimes it's more fun to just leave it at that.
Just as I was about to give up they said okay, Kate's coming back out. I was next in line behind the teenagers. Steve came over and started chatting to them, and he told them they should tune in because Kate Plus 8 would be airing soon. Ha, not if Rep. Murt can help it, Steve-o! I almost asked him about child labor laws right then but I didn't want him on alert that I wasn't Kate's biggest fan.

After the girls talked to her I approached Kate with my book. She didn't say anything to me. Um. So I said, "Hi Kate, thanks for coming out here." She said you're welcome. She signed my book. She asked if I wanted my name, and I said no that's okay just your autograph. Then I said, "Kate, is it hard to keep in touch with your kids through text messages?" There was speculation on here that Kate wouldn't realize what I was asking. But let me tell you, she's not stupid. She snapped her head up, looked me square in the eye, the bitch face swept across her features, and she said, coldly and succinctly: "I keep in touch with my kids all the time."
I wouldn't say I was afraid of her, but I knew I was playing with the big girls now. I knew I was probably going to get off one more question before Steve called it quits. Originally I was going to ask her about the book, I was going to ask if she thought it was a good idea to reveal such private details about the children. But for some reason, probably because Steve was just raving about Kate Plus 8 and the crew was right there, I suddenly decided to ask her "What about all the new child labor laws that may be coming down, will that affect filming?"
I don't think that question was necessarily rude or inappropriate, and I asked it in a respectful tone. It's a legitimate question--How will you film the kids if child labor laws say you can't? And actually, I wish now I hadn't asked about text messaging--that was more just to be mean. I regret being mean. Kate is mean, but that doesn't mean I should be mean, too. I wish I had gotten off more solid questions about child labor laws. But oh well. But anyway, Kate's face went blank and she stared at me, speechless. Tony made Kate speechless by doing the Tango, I made Kate speechless by saying the secret words of the day: CHILD LABOR LAWS. Fortunately Superdud came to her rescue. Steve stepped forward, grabbed my right arm in his fingers, squeezed quite tightly and pulled me away from her. Okay, move along now, he said.
There was no need to say anything else, I got my point across. I went willingly. No, I'm not planning to sue Steve or file a report or whatever. His job is to protect Kate from having to ever answer anything off the script. He was just doing his job. He didn't hurt me, there are no bruises. I wish he didn't touch me with those little rat claws, he could have asked me to leave and I would have, but whatever. By the way, Steve is short and skinny. Kate was quite pretty I thought, with great skin and sparkling eyes. They make a great couple.
465 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 465 Newer› Newest»Got bruises? Take lots of pics. Lawyer up!
I wonder if they'll roll that tape on DWTS? Go Admin!!!
also - 20 people showed?! she needed a break? probably crying in the bathroom of embarrassment.
I don't think it's 'embarssment', it's crying at loss of $$$$$$$$$$$
Make that 'embarrassment'
Oh my. Steve 'touched you?' What did you say? I can't wait for your story . . .
You are right - Kate doesn't feel that emotion - I dont think she knows what its like to feel embarrassed. No normal human emotions there.
OMG...he pulled you away by your arm? I can't even believe that. Now I know why she needs the bodyguard...to strong-arm women who ask her unapproved questions.
I mean, you'd think with such a small turn-out, they'd be thrilled to have a "member of the press" ask a question.:D
I could see if there was a mob scene there and they were threatening to trample Kate or something. But only a few people and so threatened by a single question? Good thing Steve isn't carrying a taser.
Now I know why the interviewers on TV don't ask her any tough questions....her threatening posse. What's a tough question called, anyway? "Assault with an embarrassing question"?
TVSnark, Just think, if it were BM she would have orgasmed!! Eew.
Oh, I know..."Assault with a deadly question".:)
Maybe if you commit "Assault with a deadly question", a bodyguard is allowed to use physical force. :D
Oh my! What happened to freedom of speech. Remember she didn't have her ear piece in, so she didn't know how to answer.
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Katesucks said...
Katesucks said...
TVSnark, Just think, if it were BM she would have orgasmed!! Eew.
dee3 said...
Oh, I know..."Assault with a deadly question".:)
You guys are hilarious!
dee3 said...
Oh, I know..."Assault with a deadly question".:)
Hey Steve - hands off our beloved Admin!!!
I'm dying to hear the story...
I hope you are not damaged, Admin.
Bwahahahahaha! I have tears streaming down my cheeks...
TVSnark, Just think, if it were BM she would have orgasmed!! Eew.
LMAO! Good one. Unfortunately it's probably true!!!!
Well, I'm dying to hear the whole story. And Admin is a terriffic story teller. Be sure and get photos of thoses bruises, Admin. Evidence!
BM is fretting that she didn't get the word out for Kate's book-signing.
Steve hurried her along at a New York signing last year.
Me too Lauren. I'll wait up all night until I hear it. Admin got bounced!!! Way to go. WAY TO GO!!
That's just what I was going to say...I'm on the east coast and I'm waiting up all night to hear this too!
Hehe...and I have to get up at 6 am. but who cares? It's the week-end. :D
BM has been touched by Steve too. He put a hand on her shoulder (nicely, according to BM) because she was taking up so much of Kate's time. She also took her kid out of school to use as "bait" to get Kate's attention. Should have brought a baby though, Kate doesn't like children who talk.
Yeeeup. She done did us proud tonight. lol
Snark - BM's going to be soooo jellus!
Please, please stop writing about BM...after the orgasm comments I'm frantically looking for brain bleach and every time somebody writes her name the pain is worse! Ack!!!
Susan, pass some of that brain bleach here too. PLEASE.
Somebody needs to let the dogs out. ;D
Whose turn is it?
Are only fans allowed to "speak" to the Queen?
Are only fanatics allowed to go to her signings?
Are you employed and if you are, do your kids work too so you can have nice things?
Administrator represented us tonight. Believe me, we would ALL be there if it was convienent and we would ALL be pushed away for questions that Kate won't like.
Don't you have any questions for Kate?
Let me guess, "How DO you do it ALL being a single mother of 8, count 'em, 8 children!"
Yeah, that question would be fine. She knows the script.
Go back to your doghouse.
Yes, dee, it's like having a little puppy nip at your ankles thinking they're a St. Bernard or something. lol
dee3 said...
Somebody needs to let the dogs out. ;D
Whose turn is it?
ugh! I was just about to say that I *have* to go to bed (late here) and then I see that the pics and story are being uploaded now! double ugh!
Too late to turn back now ;)
Ah, so Steve is there not so that her personal safety is assured, because let's face it she's not in any danger, LOL. He's there because she's so nasty and vile she's bound to get people calling her on her behavior. So he just physically takes them away.
That's very interesting.
BM says her site was the only notification of the signing. What nonsense!!!
She said the haters will blame Kate but it's all her fault...
•A Barnes and Noble "security" person called her a bitch.
Love it! Wonder if TLC filmed that!
Thanks for taking one for the team.
...and the sun rises and sets with her?
Denise, BM will say the haters will blame Kate for what? The fact that no one cared enough to show up? The store security calling her a bitch? Or the fact that her "bodyguard" is a bully? I blame her for a lot more than that.
I'll bet the 15 minute break was for Kate to rip into her PR team for not creating enough of a crowd. I'll bet she was embarrassed by the low turnout.
If she went to NorCal I'll bet she would have active protesters outside.
Details, please, soon!!!
"They decided to do this book signing at the last minute. Now if nobody showed up, the trolls will blame it on the fact that everyone hates her. When in fact they only contacted me,
I would hate to be the one that ruined it for her. Why didn't they advertise it anywhere else except the front door of Barnes & Noble..what the heck??"
Sure B&N was keeping it a secret!!
Okay, I've got to ask. Who or what is BM? I'm thinking it means something other than the obvious bodily function?
Wait, did the B&N security person call Kate a bitch or admin?
I'm confused. Hope it was Kate.
I don't think anyone in CA knows about Barnes & Noble....esp. in Santa Monica. It's like a big, unpopulated prairie with no internet. It's a good thing there's a blog to let them know about about events there. ;D
"At any given time the line was only about 10 people long"
OMG! I was being a tad snarky when I posted what B&N told me on the other thread, that the "line was not that bad".
This is great news - Kate may think she is hot stuff with all the latest gigs but when the public doesn't show up ... oh, what fun!
Thanks Admin for being there for the team.
As for Katesucks and the "BM orgasm comment" I'm still giggling ~
Remember the movie "Misery" with Kathy Bates and James Caan? She was his "#1 fan".
BM stands for BabyMomma and she runs a tiny little fan-site and has delusions that Kate is her BFF.
Ahh, Denise, now I see...babymama was trying to keep the kate all to herself. Selfish, selfish bm. LOL
just.me...it's worse. BM is a person with "issues" who runs a crazy <3K8 blog.
very funny, dee!
just.me, BM is someone called Baby Momma or BabyMomma or something like that. She's apparently Kate's fan. Some huge rabid weirdo fan. And she has a blog somewhere.
Fortunately I have never read her words, I've only heard of her here and there. She sounds crazier than the guy who hangs out at the gas station near me. He wears tiny hot pink short-shorts and talks to bugs.
We are still waiting, right? The message that said she was home and uploading has disappeared. Did I imagine it?
So we have a BM running a Khate blog?
Is this a joke?
What's the name of her blog? Just in case you're being serious.
Your reply made me laugh out loud!
itsa's comment about the admin being home and downloading pictures is still there.
We need to be patient.
Baby mama's site
Somebody was asking who BM was?
I am not sure but I think it refers to Bohemian Moon/Crone on the Hill.
BoMo for short.
BM really has a blog. I've never visited, but have heard from several people who did that they picked up a computer virus there so go at your own risk. I figure I have enough crazy in my life without inviting more.
BM is baby mama but usually I think of her as a bodily function.
She is the admin for the Gosselin fan site. She only posts things straight off ROL and - this is important - makes $$$ if you click on her ads on the site. So BM also makes $$$ off the kids which is why she wants Kate to kept going and going and going
Another footnote is that she met Kate at a book signing and for a brief moment had her pic taken so of course she is BFF with Kate, well, only in her mind :)
dee3 true! That Barnes and Noble isn't one of the largest (three stories) on one of the most highly trafficked areas (with literally herds of people) in LA, especially on a weekend evening or anything.... (snerk)
One strange thing about it though, is that I don't believe there's a restroom there. So where did Kate disappear for 15 minutes?
As one vulture said to the other
"To hell with patience, let's kill something"
I guess I won't check out her site. Hate putting money into the wrong hands, and I like to remain virus free!
But thank you so much for the info.
I thought it was an inside joke, or something...
BM was never BoMo. Two different people.
One with a brain, one without.
Appreciate you guys, but please let's stop discussing this other blogger. This is not a site to come here and complain about other admins. Thanks.
Kath...maybe they brought a special bejeweled port-a-potty in on a golden chariot...hidden from view back there.
Working on the recap! Half the photos are uploaded.
Sorry, it was my fault.
Sorry, I was a guilty party!
ADMIN- DID Karp sign your book?
Denise said...
As one vulture said to the other
"To hell with patience, let's kill something"
I am in the killing mood too, maybe it's the waiting or maybe it's the Joy Behar I am watching...
Maybe Steve brought Kate to the back of the van and removed her waste with dirty plastic grocery bag. Hope TLC got THAT on film.
BoMo's kid is a brilliant genious, yes.
She was NEVER refered to as BM.
BMs kids are younger,
Dee3--You are really really funny assult with a deadly question! LMAO
Harkie said...
Thanks, Susan.
I had heard that too - Crone on the Hill/Bowel Movement has viruses too.
Thx for the warning.
Stop snarking on Bohemian Moon!!! Now!
Bohemian Moon is wonderful and I'm tired of all the false rumors spread by hateful people.
I'm with Nancy B - I also want to know - did you get her to sign her book or was that too much to ask too?
I'm too tired to go back and look, but didn't people here post about this book-signing prior to today? I could have sworn I heard about it at least yesterday.
How valid WOULD a poor advertising excuse be? Was this mentioned on the internet or on TV anywhere prior to today?
I don't even care about these other people, I want to hear more dirt about admin seeing Kate the Narcissist up close and personal.
I feel so bad for everyone on the East Coast! Waiting must be so hard.
Belle said...
Maybe Steve brought Kate to the back of the van and removed her waste with dirty plastic grocery bag. Hope TLC got THAT on film
So only 20 people at Karps's signing! Serves her right! LMAO!
I'm with you! I just want a first person account of this book signing!
Belle, Steve probably used a different instrument.
Doesn't Kate have a publicist an PR people to make SURE people know about her appearances? They're right there when they're doing damage control.
I am also wondering if anyone else spoke up and dared to ask Kate a question or was it only our Admin?
According to Admin., "Kate showed up 15 minutes early but didn't come out to start signing books until 7:15. At 7:30 she took a break, then came back out at 7:45".
I am thinking her PR team told her to do that in order to make it appear the lines were longer, hoping that more would come and wait. All for the Cameras.
The public is catching on. Kate is circling the drain.....
It is 12:50 and I too feel like it's Christmas and stayed up to hear first hand account.
Feel sorry for all those complaining of tiredness. It's middle of the afternoon for me, and after each paper I grade I update this page to see the latest from our intrepid blogger.
I think my kids might be getting better marks because I'm in such a good mood!
Thanks guys for helping turn what could have been an icky Saturday (afterall who wants to spend a gorgeous sunny Saturday grading papers) into a fun time!
yes dee3 I posted late Wed about it
Y'all, I SO wish she would come to a bookstore near me.
I would arrange for a book sign bombing. It goes like this: you get as many people as you can to participate. Each one has a different reason for being in the line but NONE of them want her to sign the book or even know about the book.
So an example would be:
First person gets up to her, hands her a DVD still in shrink wrap and a receipt and says something like "store credit is fine, this just isn't the movie my husband wanted. So I can just do an exchange."
Next person comes up says hi, asks "so what's this about?" When Kate points to her book, person picks up a copy, looks it over, looks at their friend, hands it to their friend, friend looks it over, they look at each other shrug and put the book back down, thank her and say they aren't interested.
Next person in line acts SUPER excited and calls her Sue Grafton, then hands her "D is for Deadbeat" to sign while they babble away about how THEY CAN'T BELIEVE THEY ARE MEETING SUE GRAFTON.
Next person....
well you get the idea. I would seriously arrange that. Or anyone can do it in the LA area with so many people needing acting jobs. Pay each person ten bucks.
It must be like a religious experience to be in the presence of a woman with eight kids. AND an author. AND a tv person. No wonder twenty people showed up.
Denise and Dee,
Denise said...
"They decided to do this book signing at the last minute. Now if nobody showed up, the trolls will blame it on the fact that everyone hates her. When in fact they only contacted me,
I would hate to be the one that ruined it for her. Why didn't they advertise it anywhere else except the front door of Barnes & Noble..what the heck??"
Sure B&N was keeping it a secret!!
dee3 said...
I'm too tired to go back and look, but didn't people here post about this book-signing prior to today? I could have sworn I heard about it at least yesterday.
How valid WOULD a poor advertising excuse be? Was this mentioned on the internet or on TV anywhere prior to today?
There was an ad in the LA Times about the book signing today.
And, yes it was all over the net starting Wed nite that it would be taking place today.
STILL waiting!!!
Admin~ YOU ROCK! Thanks so much for doing this and giving us the play by play.
I was thinking we have our own little grassroots media thing going on here ;)
It's good to know what really happened at this book signing and how ROL/TLC will spin it. I wonder if they will edit it on DWTS to make it look like there were herds of people lined up waiting to see Kate?
We know the truth, thanks to Admin!!!!
ps. I noticed there is a "mommy" posting on the other thread...but it's not me. I'm "Mommyinca". :)
Okay, I'm outta here. I simply can't stay up any longer...I'm a wimp, I know.
I'll have to read the story in the AM.
Hi everyone, I think Kate took a break to raise her children, how many texts can one do in 30 min?
Admin: Can't wait for the rest
It's only one o'clock
Evan got the GOLD....kate got, tonight, the POOP. Admin, did you pay for the book?
Bullet #2 B&N security calls her a bitch??? I am now on a need to know .....please explain/define
Kath said...
Belle, Steve probably used a different instrument.
April 16, 2010 9:47 PM
Infamous wooden spoon, perhaps?!
Waiting on pins and needles. :o)
I give up, goodnight all.
I went to the book signing too. I got there around 6:15 and stayed until around 7:30. I will try to put together a post but might not get it on here until tomorrow afternoon or evening. I can probably fill you guys in on what happened before Admin got there. I took several pictures but did not buy a book.
Admin, I just finished reading. Fantastic reporting and great story. Do you think the blank stare after your question was because the thought never crossed her mind that she might NOT be able to use the children on TV again?
Don't know what's happening with the delay in posts appearing, maybe too many of us on the site at one time?
LOVED your description and photos from the book signing. Thank you so much for doing this!
Hope you're feeling better.
"I wouldn't say I was afraid of her, but I knew I was playing with the big girls now."
Admin, could you eleborate on that comment.
You were so brave to ask her questions.
I don't think it was necessary for Steve to physically touch you. He could have just asked you to move along.
Must have been awful - for poor Kate. Twenty maybe thirty people show up and YOU have to ruin it for her. lol.
Admin - I admire your bravery. I really hope you're feeling better soon. Please go to the health food store and get yourself some barley greens. It'll do wonders for you.
Great recap!
Also, admin. thank you so much for the report. I'm sorry you're having such a rough time with your health right now. We would have certainly understood if you had stayed home. There's always another book signing and it sounds like Kate is going to be in the LA area for awhile. Thanks again! I hope you can get some rest over the weekend.
Had to turn comment moderation on. Sharla from GWOP was back trolling again! I don't visit GWOP but they all come over and visit here, I love it!
As far as playing with the big girls ... I just mean that Kate had a retort/lie right up her sleeve for my comment, and she delivered it very firmly, staring me down. She didn't just brush me off, she spat right back. Until I said CHILD LABOR LAWS then that froze her like tin man.
Dis she seemed to like to sign autographs or she was there only for the sale of her book ? ( for the few people there) Was she smiling?
Boy, I love how WARM and FRIENDLY she was when you walked up with her book to sign. No thank you, no appreciation for the fact that those few people are the reason she's even selling a few books.
Gotta agree with the B&N security guard: what a horrid bitch.
So she just says do you want your name on here and signs it and bye bye? Makes me wish more of her fans would go see her and find out for themselves how cold she is and how much she doesn't give a shit.
I bet if you had slipped a $100 bill in that book where she could see it, her eyes woulda lit up.
Thanks for taking one for the team--myself, I wouldn't want to be within a dozen miles of her. I was raised by a narcissist, I've had my fill of it for a lifetime or more.
Wait, I just caught something else: Steve came over to the teen girls and was chatting up the new show?
So he works PR for TLC? I always doubted he was an actual bodyguard.
Admin, you'll have Kate tossing and turning tonight worrying about the possibility of no kids for filming. lol
It sounds like you were impressed with Tony. I'm sure he's a very nice man and very much looking forward to getting season 10 over with and moving on to season 11. After this, he deserves the best dancer next time.
You found Kate's Achilles heel when you said that. Yes, she's smart, but not that smart. I know it's cliche, but true...she can't fool all of the people all of the time.
She knows she used her kids and the more she exposes herself the more she exposes her past. Look what happened this week. Kudos for saying that to her face.
I think Steve should have asked me to move on instead of touching me. Give me a few seconds to do so and if I don't move, then you can touch me. It was unwarranted contact.
And yes when he was talking to the teenagers I don't even know where Kate was. He is not her bodyguard he is her HANDLER.
So what did Kate's fake hair look like? Does it look like plastic doll hair?
When you said that Kate spent time talking to a visually impaired boy, that pulled at my heartstrings. My older son (10) is legally blind. I'm glad she took the time to talk to him.
Well, I wonder if ABC will think Kate has enough fan votes this week to stay on DWTS. Afterall, we know Kate's Bust~to~move isn't keeping her on the rigged Dance show.
Great job Admin. The only thing is though not only is 12.95 book exploitive now it has Kate's pathetic signature on it. It should make it worth 13.00 by morning. LOL :-) Better get it up on Ebay as fast as you can.
One more comment and I'm going to bed.
Kate looks like hell from the back.
Excellent description. I read it several times.
OK..a bit of speculation here, but here's my impression. I'm going to assume that at prior book signings back during the releases of her earlier books, she had MUCH larger lines and crowds. And that this turn-out was far less then they expected...and thus, the early long break...possibly to discuss the low turn-out among themselves back there and possibly considering ending early and leaving?
Also...since it was in California, where they are accustomed to living near and seeing actual big movie stars...it might have been a smaller crowd then one might have reasonably expected in say, the mid-west? Would that be reasonable to think?
Because it sounds like it was certainly advertised enough to expect at least a bigger turn-out?
If so...to me, this would hint that despite this being in CA, she might actually have expected to receive the same crowds as a well-known actress there(?)
The thing that amazed me the most...well, besides the fact that Steve actually GRABBED your arm, rather than the more appropriate just asking you to move on (the grabbing was totally unnecessary, IMO)....actually, the grabbing your arm amazed me the most.....because what stood out to me, but actually did NOT amaze me......was the fact that she came up with a quick retort to your question immediately.
This woman who sounds so lost for words when questioned on TV, seems to have so much difficulty explaining things and takes a good bit of time to come up with answers for the interviewers......pulled the curt retort to you right out of her magic hat in seconds. Didn't have to scramble before answering. And more importantly, it didn't seem like your question fazed her...NOTHING like she pretends they do in the TV interviews.
It sounds like she might be smarter and more savvy than people give her credit for. To me, she's not a good actress when she pretends to be anyone but real self. I don't buy the tears, hushed tones, or any attempts to be genuine or empathetic....but she's probably smarter than she's come across on shows like the View. But that may actually have been that she was simply uninterested in anything other than what was related to herself....and had nothing to do with not being smart. I think she's probably plenty smart.
I don't think lacking smarts is her problem.
Thanks so much for doing this. It was very insightful.
Hi Admin, I love your blog. Thanks for going out when you're not feeling well, and giving us a first-hand report. We don't get many true reports what with the media being so in love with Kate.
I do have to disagree however, with your statement that she is smart. She's mean and vicious and a fighter, but if she were smart, she would have had a comment when you mentioned the child labor laws instead of being rendered speechless.
Let me clarify the part about CA. What I was trying to say was that I would think...if you are just a celebrity and not a well-known actress of consequence, you'd choose to do a book signing somewhere else because people in CA are accustomed to seeing celebrities and actors/actresses, etc.
So to choose CA, I would think...would indicate that you thought you could still get the same crowds there that you might get in places that don't get to see celebrities and entertainers all that much.
Hope that makes more sense.
Dee3, I agree with some of what you said, but not about the smart part. I think she's prepared for questions about her being in communication with the kids since it's mentioned so often. The child labor question stumped her, IMO. She'd not prepared herself to be asked, since she stupidly figured the only people who'd be at her book signing were her adoring fans, and not many of them. Child labor was completely off topic for her. She regurgitates the same stuff over and over and hasn't had time to "prepare" for what she's going to say about the child labor laws. She's mean and nasty but not quick witted, by any means.
My view on Kate's quick response is that SHE IS MEAN and SHE IS READY TO FIGHT.
Don't question Queen Kate.
She doesn't like it and she will go into attack mode. That's all that was.
Kate is very much aware of the criticism she gets and with the Hearing earlier this week - she is probably extremely sensitive to THAT type of question.
Many people have commented on Kate's "hair-trigger" temper and she displayed that tonight with Admin.
The show and filming her kids are her money makers. Don't mess with her income stream.
So by the time Admin respectfully asked her question KATE WAS LIT.
IMO, could you tell me wath that means...I see that often and I have no idea.
Thank you!
Oh, Admin. What a day you've had.
"Kate, is it hard to keep in touch with your kids through text messages?" There was speculation on here that Kate wouldn't realize what I was asking. But let me tell you, she's not stupid. She snapped her head up, looked me square in the eye, the bitch face swept across her features, and she said, coldly and succinctly: "I keep in touch with my kids all the time."
I wouldn't say I was afraid of her, but I knew I was playing with the big girls now.
LMAO I was one who thought the question about texting would go over Kate's head. Guess I owe her an apology and I might (NOT) offer one except I have yet to stop laughing about your story!
Now that I've composed myself a bit, I need to read the comments. Thank you for going out of your way today to do this for the blog, especially when you're not feeling well. At least you got to meet and talk to Tony! Get well.
I agree with the assessment LA people are not as impressed with celebrities. I'm not trying to sound blase, but you can walk up and down 3rd street while Kate is inside signing 10 books and you'd probably see 2 or 3 more celebs bigger than her. This is where they live and you see them all the time if you know where they hang out, and get used to it. Kate is really no big deal here, just another washed up reality star, who cares there are a 100 more like her in this town.
Let me see if I can explain. And let me first say that this was me trying to picture the event through the administrators eyes (via her reporting) and combining that with the few times I've seen Kate in interviews.
I already mentioned what I thought about her bringing out her quick retort to the Administrator's first question....and compared it to the way she cries and seems at a loss for words in interviews.
The second question...what I pictured in my mind was that what she did was that she tried to stare down the administrator...in a "how dare you, I will not deign to even respond to such a question"....way. I didn't read it as her being at a loss for words. I think that the loss for words act is just that....an act.
Now don't get me wrong...I'm not saying she's a rocket scientist. A REALLY intelligent person would be challenged by a difficult question and attempt to give a thoughtful and deliberative response.
But Kate is a true narcissist....and this, IMO, affects how she answers questions much, much more than any sort of lack of intelligence would factor in. She only answers the questions SHE wants to answer. And if they are just soft-ball critical, she can pull a curt response out of her back of tricks in an instant but if it's a hard-ball question, she won't even give you the courtesy of responding.
TV interviews...a total act, IMO.
Attempting to be empathetic or even give a damn? She's terrible at it...but not because she's not smart...because she's a true narcissist.
But is she smart enough to answer questions? OH YEAH. She just has NO intention of answering ANYTHING that annoys her or doesn't make her look great.
But again, just my impression.
See Kate's expression after I asked her about the text messaging was bitch and firm. But when I asked her about child labor laws her whole expression changed, it was stunned, taken aback, speechless. She really had no clue what to do and I wonder if she would have said anything had Steve not stepped in.
Wow, what an evening!!
Tony sounds like a sweetheart, Steve sounds a bit full of himself, and Kate sounds... scary.
Thanks for the report and pictures!!!
Dee3, I don't necessarily disagree with what you're saying. I definitely think she's a narcissist. And I think she's now well practiced with answering the usual soft-ball questions that the media throw at her. I also think Admin threw her off-guard with her child labor question. I don't think she has the ability to think on her feet, to think fast. Like I said, she's not quick witted.
Administrator said:
"But when I asked her about child labor laws her whole expression changed, it was stunned, taken aback, speechless."
Hmm....let me think this over.
OK..at first I thought that it might have been that she's been protected from questions like this at her appearances...and having a question like that come at her there threw her.
But then...the first one you asked was not any type of adoring fan question, for sure...and she retorted quickly...so that couldn't be it.
Do you think that it's possible that Kate truly was not ONE BIT concerned about that labor hearing/issue, truly just sloughed it off as nothing and not worth even worrying about.....so that she had not even spent any time giving it one minute's thought and therefore had no concrete thoughts in terms of answering any questions about it? Like someone being asked something on a test they'd not studied for? Just had no real knowledge of the subject (because she'd thought the whole thing inconsequential) so could not have quickly had an answer to any question related to it? (the labor investigation, the hearing, etc)
Unprepared rather than stupid?
Because I've definitely never thought she was a stupid woman. She's a lot of things...but not stupid, IMO.
Anonymous said....
"I definitely think she's a narcissist. And I think she's now well practiced with answering the usual soft-ball questions that the media throw at her."
Oh, I totally agree.
I'm also now thinking that the Administrator caught her off-guard...but that it could have been because it was related to a subject that Kate had given NO thought to....because she's so narcissistic and feels so entitled that she'd thought the whole big thing was no big deal. That she's just assumed the dept. of labor had obsequiously cut a nice easy deal with TLC and then when the hearing came along, she just considered it inconsequential and couldn't really be bothered what was said there and just figured TLC could fix this too.
She clearly thinks she's above the law.
The first question the Administrator asked her was personal....questioned her being a good mother.
But the second question required having SOME knowledge regarding any possible consequences from the hearing, some basic knowledge of what the possible risks of running afoul of the officials in PA could cause....so was totally unprepared because with the 2nd question, you would need at least some basic info on the subject before giving ANY sort of response...never mind a thoughtful one. And she'd not bothered to get any info because she assumed it didn't relate to her and she wasn't worried.
I mean, I think I'm pretty smart. But there are certain questions where I might need some prior knowledge on the subject and if I didn't have that....I might stall and scramble for a bit to come up with a reasonable answer.
I certainly don't want to belabor whether Kate is smart or not. I'll just say, I watched a clip of Kate talking to Niecy over lunch and Kate said, "I eat healthily." Perhaps she tries to sound stupid and really isn't?? When I watched her show I don't think I ever once said, "Now there's a smart woman."
OK..a bit of speculation here, but here's my impression. I'm going to assume that at prior book signings back during the releases of her earlier books, she had MUCH larger lines and crowds. And that this turn-out was far less then they expected...and thus, the early long break...possibly to discuss the low turn-out among themselves back there and possibly considering ending early and leaving?
Kate did numerous signings for previous books in CA as well as other states with LONG lines. I don't think either the location or advertising had anything to do with the low turnout, though. IMO, she should have had an even bigger crowd after appearing on Leno and with Tony in tow. I agree they were probably quite disappointed in last nite's turnout to say the least, however
as for not doing signings in CA -- I disagree. She had great success for the 1st book at many signings in CA long before her face was splashed on tabloid covers and IMO she should have had a big crowd last nite, also. But didn't.
Early breaks at signings also took place at other signings. A neighbor of mine went to a signing for "Multiple Blessings". Kate took a long and early break, came back and signed books for @ 1/2 hr, I believe, then left again with no word to the people in line whether she was coming back. She did return - but left earlier than was scheduled (although the line was done). She said that Kate never made eye contact, didn't appear to be happy, and said almost nothing to anyone (except for a few kids and moms w/infants). Turnout for the next couple of book signings will be key - and interesting. Does anyone know where she's scheduled to be next?
I don't think she's particularly intelligent, nor does she seem aware of events outside her isolated little world, however I do believe she's become quite media/PR cunning and savvy. She grabs onto catch phrases, but overuses them, regurgitates scripted and rehearsed comments and IMO is lost when she's questioned about something she has yet to prepare for or she simply doesn't like. She doesn't like to be put on the defensive, that's for sure. And of course there is the ever-present Steve, her handler, ready and willing to run interference for her. My big question is - what are they soooo afraid of that he has to be 3' from her in every public setting?
Dee & Annon ~
I see Kate as wily and cunning; she learns what to do/say, how to act/react and performs what she's been taught well. She can be handled and can see the angles in situations (i.e. how to benefit from the situation ). When caught off guard, she doesn't have the intellect to respond quickly.
Of course, maybe she was stunned someone asked her a real question ;)
GREAT job Admin! I know you have second thoughts abt the text message question, but I'm glad you said it. It should give her an idea of what thinking individuals are wondering!
Dee3 -
I just re-read your comment and have to adjust my reply. I agree with you -- not only did she think the crowds last nite would be commensurate with that of a star, I believe she thinks she IS a star.
Here are some pictures from last night's book signing.
And speaking of the book, I was on Amazon reading the reviews and people are offended that a mother would publish such personal information about their child. It's getting panned and the reader comments are pretty funny.
Kate reveals that she is keeping the kids back in school just to keep the show filming. How wrong is that???
It's too bad you didn't have backup. Someone to ask Kate another probing question while Steve was distracted, and another to observe both interactions and the resulting meltdown.
Thank you for taking the time to check this out in person and for having the guts to ask her a real question. I've wondered how true the reports are about her book signings and never could figure out why hundreds would line up in the off chance they'd fit in her 15 minute signing schedule.
I don't think this was an "authentic" book signing. I think this was a "staged" book signing, thrown together in a couple of days, so that DWTS could get some footage for the show.
They only needed to film a few close-ups and then call it a day. They were probably in the back room checking to see if they had good enough shots before deciding they should maybe film a little longer. I'll bet you anything that they packed it all up the minute they had what they needed. The customers were unpaid extras.
There was a plea from this store's management on the net for Kate's fans to show up for the book signing, so I gather they suspected few would turn up. No wonder Kate is so screwed up if TLC makes sure it is only gushing fans who have opportunity to speak with her.
This was posted on a site called "Kate Gosselin Fan Site", which says a lot because when you are desperate to find her fans, they are not easily found on the net.
Barnes & Noble Employee says:
April 15, 2010 at 8:47 pm
i would like your help… and yes, it is VERY last minute.
I work at Barnes & Noble in Santa Monica, CA. Yesterday our home office scheduled Kate Gosselin to sign “I Just Want You to Know” at my store… for tomorrow, April 16 at 7:00 pm.
ABC will film it to air on Dancing With the Stars. TLC is filming for the upcoming series Twist of Kate.
Kate Gosselin signing “I Just Want You to Know” on Friday, April 16 at 7:00 pm. The signing is at Barnes & Noble, 1201 Third Street Promenade, Santa Monica, CA 90401. The store phone number is (310) 260-9110.
Thanks for the help-
Admin, you are doing a fabulous job debunking the PR lies put out there about Kate's popularity.
I'd just like to say something about your comment about her nice skin and sparkling eyes.
Yes, she must have clear skin, as it appears so in photos; but surely she has her make up professionally done now.
Also, since I am a veteran of wearing contact lenses I want to tell you that I have green eyes, and for years wore a pale blue color of contacts. I was forever getting compliments on my "stunning" and "beautiful" eyes. I mean, I think my eyes are fine...but you can really enhance them with your choice of contacts.
admin, thanks for taking one for the team. I enjoyed your post. Rat Claws.....spit my coffee up on that one! Thanks for the laugh:)
"Kate said, "I eat healthily."
You do have a good point there...Kate and her...."wordisms"...or whatever you'd call them. I was going to say "malapropisms" but it's more like she makes up her own words by adding incorrect endings to them, especially adjectives and adverbs (rather than intentionally using the wrong word/malapropism).
Because do I think she speaks those words that way intentionally to pretend to be stupid? No, I don't think that but I do think she pretends to be much more helpless than she really is. (Like a fairly intelligent woman who was batting her eyelashes and doing the "lil ole me" thing) Problem is, she has trouble hiding her anger and indignation, often. I think she downplays her street smarts in most of those interviews on TV....as if she thinks it's better to look cute than to look intelligent.
Although I think she pretends not to be in interviews, I think she has lots of street smarts and is savvy in THAT way.
But there are several aspects of being smart that she's not, I think.
She's not an intellectual, and she's not an informed person or someone you could have an interesting conversation with. She's not really interested in anything not directly related to her...like current events, politics, etc. She probably knows very little about those types of topics.
And because she's not informed and isn't really interested in anything unrelated to herself, I think she'd not go over well as an interviewer herself. I'd think you'd have to be tuned-in to the rest of the world and not just your own world...to make a good TV interviewer.
There are many TV interviewers/host that are not geniuses by ANY stretch of the imagination but they are personable and tuned-to the world and to others.
It's kind of hard to explain what I mean by smart when referring to Kate. The best way to put it, I guess, is that I don't think she's stupid.
But yeah, you're right...I've never thought "now there's a smart woman" either. It's more like "she's not quite as dumb as some seem to think".
Oooh. Awesome! I have a lot of comments to read... Tomorrow. I can't believe you asked her that. Lol. I really can't believe Steve grabbed your arm. You handled that better than I would have. thanks for sharing!
Just my opinion, but I think Kate is as dumb as they come. Her addiction to fame drives her - no intelligence required.
I would not call her smart just because she was able to issue a stock answer about 'keeping in touch with my kids'...she's been repeating this mantra forever. She is a robot who's been coached.
ITA with whoever said that Kate's 'break' for 15 mins was to stall for the cameras. they needed to wait for a few more people to show, so the footage might leave the impression that there was a long line.
I posted earlier about her hair and skin. I just now read about not posting anonymously. Sorry for that.
Anyhow, trying again: I wanted to mention that she has professional makeup done now and makeup advice for her skin and facial appearance looking the best. (rememeber how she used to have the over-tweezed brows?)
As for sparkly eyes, I also wore pale blue contacts for years and received many comments on my beautiful eyes. They are green, but the contacts really can enhance your eyes.
Also admin- job well done. I dont think you were mean though. You were following up on a comment Kate made publicly about text messaging her nanny to see how the kids were. She obviously wanted attention for this comment bec. she was boo-hooing while saying it. Kudos to you for asking a legitimate question about this. You were the only 'media' type to ask this and it made sense to ask. Radaronline, et al should take a page from your book! Literally
Lauren said...
So what did Kate's fake hair look like? Does it look like plastic doll hair?
I'd love to hear about the hair (I am so shallow at 8 in the AM)!
admin, thanks so much for going out when you were feeling ill. I loved your report.
Does not surprise me one bit that Kart flipped on the bitch switch as soon as you asked about the kids.
Do NOT question her authority!!
And v.funny that Steve is short and skinny...what a loser.
Have a great day everyone, I am off to enjoy the warmth!
I'm also now thinking that the Administrator caught her off-guard...but that it could have been because it was related to a subject that Kate had given NO thought to....because she's so narcissistic and feels so entitled that she'd thought the whole big thing was no big deal. That she's just assumed the dept. of labor had obsequiously cut a nice easy deal with TLC and then when the hearing came along, she just considered it inconsequential and couldn't really be bothered what was said there and just figured TLC could fix this too.
She clearly thinks she's above the law.
I agree, dee. I'm wondering if also Kate was so focused on her anger at Jodi and Kevin (the "me" part of the hearing) that she never stopped to realize, or possibly even cared, that the purpose of the labor meeting was concerning the welfare of ALL reality show children. Is it possible that as far as Kate was concerned and for TLC's PR and interview purposes, that meeting was designed and meant to be an attack on her? Or at least that's they way they want to spin the story. TLC is once again on the hot seat about the abuse of child labor and they would much rather have people talking about Kate's perceived "betrayal" by a family member than any part they might have played in the exploitation of children. I'm sure Kate is not even allowed to talk about the child labor issue, nor does she want to. Once again, it all comes down to losing money and losing their investment. The welfare of the children is a secondary concern, if that.
I'd just like to add that being an RN myself...it would be highly unlikely that you'd be able to pass the State nursing boards for an RN if you were just a totally stupid person.
You don't have to be a genius, an intellectual or an informed person (except for the nursing questions/items on the test/state boards)....but you can't be extremely stupid/a total idiot and pass it. It's definitely not a breeze.
I do think, however, that she is very dumb when it comes to being informed...but IMO that is due to her narcissism rather than a total lack of intellect and education. But insofar as being able to converse anything other than what is directly related to herself....yes, she's quite dumb when it comes to that.
You know, I honestly think that Kate is so ill-informed when it comes to the rest of the world, that she actually does NOT have the ability to recognize which events that are happening (custody case and further state investigation...by Rep. Murt et.al., not the PA DOL) and what already happened (Rep. Murt's state hearing this past week).
So not does she not care, IMO...but she also doesn't even bother to keep herself informed enough to know how state governments/hearings work and how the family court operates...and therefore is unable to assess any risks that might be a potential problem in the future.
She seems completely NOT worried by both the state hearing and the impending custody case.
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Let me also add that she seems to think that not only is she invincible and untouchable but that TLC's power and influence can and will crush any threats to her, legally or personally. As if she has total confidence that their lawyers are the absolutely most powerful on the planet.
And it's probably not only due to being a typically narcissistic tendency to think this way...but she's likely been catered-to by TLC (who I"m sure has had a degree of difficulty dealing with her themselves...as it's always quite difficult to deal with demanding narcissists).....and they've made Kate feel even more invincible and omnipotent. Catering to her has exacerbated her already high opinion of herself.
You know, there' a guy on the Amazon message board on the section for this latest book and his name is Hospital Corpsman....and I want to give him credit for this because I think this is the best statement I've read regarding the rabid fans to date. He wrote:
"It appears to me, that the negative reviews are being internalized as personal attacks to the reviewer as opposed to opinions regarding the overall value of the book."
For anyone familiar with the mental health field, that's an excellent analysis he made.
He's also posted some very good info. on narcissism over there. I'm still researching this topic because on issue I'm unsure about is...the underlying dynamic of NPD is documented by many experts to be fear and low self-esteem.
However...they are simultaneously documented by experts as having a high and grandiose opinion of themselves, feeling superior to others, etc.
Watching Kate, I'm having difficulty seeing any fear and/or low self-esteem. To me, she seems arrogant and conceited....and overly confident (though she tries to pretend otherwise) So I'm trying to read up on this subject to see if the underlying dynamic is fear and low self-esteem for ALL the individuals who have NPD.
On now:
Jodi's interview live.
Ooh, I think the host reads here. She just quoted the Tom Brokaw quote that was posted here a few days ago...
Shoot, I really messed up that second post to you IATK. (I only got about 3 hours of sleep, though that's really no excuse):(
I MEANT to say that I think that Kate is so uninterested and ill-informed about the rest of the world not directly related to her (ie: state govt. proceedings, how family court operates) that she has NO ability to even recognize that there may be any risk(s) to her involved. She doesn't care because she's not informed enough to even know there's something to worry about.
Combine that with her delusions of grandeur and her feeling she's omnipotent and above the law...IMO, it's easy to see why she's totally not fazed by any of these events.
Sorry for messing up that post/comment.
Katesucks said...
From Preesi:
Jodi & Kevin Interview 4/17
^^^^^Tune in here to listen live
Or I think
Radio Show
Every Saturday at 10:00 am EST
Live on the web at wwdbam.com or WWDB 860AM Philadelphia
I came online at 10:15...this is going well in my opinion. Jodi on the phone to the radio station.
Shocker!!! Radaronline DIDN'T spin!!
Kate Gosselin was all smiles Friday night as she promoted the release of her latest book, I Just Want You To Know, at a book signing in LA.
And RadarOnline.com was there!
Since the reality television mom and Dancing With The Stars contestant in the middle of a tough rehearsal week for Dancing With The Stars, the show
crew came right along with her -- including her supportive partner Tony Dovolani.
Wearing a deep purple dress and grey cardigan, Kate came down to meet fans at the Barnes and Noble book store about 15 minutes late (although Radar
heard she had arrived at the store early).
We love Kate at RadarOnline.com, but we couldn't help noticing some other slightly diva-ish behavior.
First up, the signing was supposed to be set up in a sectioned off room in the back of the store. But just before it started, store employees got word
that Kate wanted to move the signing to an area out on the floor between the bookshelves.
Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that only approximately 30-40 people showed up to meet the mom of 8 and have her sign their book.
Because of the lackluster crowd of fans, the signing only lasted a half hour. But that was apparently enough for Kate, who even before realizing she had no more fans, decided she needed to to take a break -- and did so just 30 minutes into the book signing.
The other comical thing was how Kate's faithful bodyguard, Steve Nield, kept asking fans who wanted their picture taken with Gosselin not to get too
close to her and to instead "stay to the side of the table".
Here is radar's view
Kudos to Admin.
The radio show mentioned THIS blog and your article about the investigation. A media consultant said your piece "nailed it."
This blog got mentioned on the show! The hostesses brought up your analysis of the (lack of) investigation due to the show generating revenue for the state of Pennsylvania.
You and your blog is featured on the live stream 860AMWWB of a physician, nurse & media consultant & Jodi Kreider!!!!!! Way to go Admin.
I agree with the poster who thinks it was a staged book signing...too much of a coincidence that there was a blind child in the front of the line, and Kate spent quite a while talking with him ... WITH CAMERAS ROLLING. Who wants to bet this will turn up on TV Monday? Her PR machine is desperate.
Jodie, Kate sister in law is talking right now ...they are going tho take some question after.this interview
Admin, that was terrific. Thank you so much!
I remember reading (somewhere - I have no idea where - and there was a video, too) about a previous book signing recap. The sign-leave-return pattern was in effect then, too. It was reported that she looked totally bored with the people in line and barely looked at them. She signed for a few minutes and disappeared. She returned for a couple of minutes and then left for good. I think I remember the recapper saying there were people who didn't get their book signed because she left before the appointed time. I don't remember if this was for Multiple Bles8ings or 8 Little Faces.
I think this was the book signing where a young Asian girl approached the table and Kate told her she would fit in perfectly in the Gosselin house.
Mama San
I am so delighted to find this blog. Thought that I would share this. Saturday has always been my day with my sons doing ordinary things -- grocery shopping, etc. Sunday was varied - zoo, museum, park, what ever.I was a working mother. Retired now. Today was the usual - in and out sons, grandson, friend. Ages varied. I ran, as an experiment, the after DWTS w/Kate and mic. for them. Asked their opinion of Kate's action. 16-year old grandson nailed Kate. His reaction was,"umph, she's a player," older son{s} "she is trying to put the moves on that guy-Maks." Quite obvious to the males. What is it that we don't see behind the scenes?
Admin, I would also like to add my thanks for your attending the booksigning and giving us your report, especially since you are not feeling well.
I'm very impressed with Tony's genuineness, and glad you at least got to speak with him/have your pic taken.
Well done!
Admin, I would also like to add my thanks for going to the book signing and giving a first hand account as to what happened, especially since you were ill.
At least you got a photo of you with Tony :)
Also, I listened to Jodi Kreider this morning on the radio and your blog was mentioned! Congrats!
I thought it was fantastic and really nice of Tony to not only allow the administrator a photo but actually offered and took one WITH her.
And speaking of Tony (and also rumors regarding Steve, Maks, and 2 of the male DWTS contestants, one engaged and another rumored to be having a romance with his partner)...........I'm starting to think Kate may be one of those women (and I'm sure we all know one or two) who can't tolerate it if any male has chosen/married any woman besides her (and might prefer that woman to Kate), she MUST get that man's attention and turn him into one of her sycophants just to show that she can and that she can best the man's significant other. She seems to gravitate towards men who are already taken. And there is a unique personality type that typically exhibits this exact behavior.
Admin, this morning in Jodi's interview they interviewers talked about your blog and the article that you wrote: The women said it was a great article and they read some comments that you shared with us
April 15, 2010
The PA Department of Labor's giant conflict of interest
Did you her the live stream radio program with Dr. Beth Dupree,FACS, Nancy (don't know last name) she is a RN and involved in media in some way and Jodi. It was a great program on the urgent need for Labor Law protection for all children.
US Weekly wants to talk to me about what happened to me at the book signing. The tide is turning.
Admin, I am thrilled!! All the best to you with US weekly, I have had my hopes up before but this could be the real thing.
US Weekly? Super!!! :-)
The oddest thing happened. I read Radaronline and they talked how only 30-40 people showed up and how Kate changed the area to do the signing and how she took the break etc., just like you said in your blog. I go back to Radaronline and they completely took all the neg. stuff in the article off and also the DIVA headline that was there. Someone has a lot of influence over Radar and most of the article was pulled.
The initial inappropriate response to the child labor hearings, i.e., Kevin needs $, hearings were in NY, etc. sparked my curiosity about where, or if, Kate gets her information about current events. Her deer-in-the-headlights reaction to your child labor laws question all but convinces me she is merely briefed by her TLC handlers, who are careful to only feed her exactly what they want regurgitated back. If she is relying on TLC for news that could affect the lives of her children, I find that more than a little frightening.
Slightly off-topic, with the constant media storm of late, I found it a little amusing that there was not one picture of a Gosselin on my news home page after yesterday evening's busted book signing.
And US Weekly? You rock!
The initial inappropriate response to the child labor hearings, i.e. Kevin needs $, hearings were in NY, etc. sparked my curiosity about where, or if, Kate gets her information about current events. Her deer-in-the-headlights reaction to your child labor laws question all but convinces me she is merely briefed by her TLC handlers, who are careful to only feed her exactly what they want regurgitated back. If she is relying on TLC for news that could affect the lives of her children, I find that more than a little frightening.
Slightly off-topic, with the constant media storm of late, I found it a little amusing that there was not one picture of a Gosselin on my news home page after yesterday evening's busted book signing.
And US Weekly? You rock!
I also listened to the radio interview and thought it was excellent.
Not only that, but it actually made me think, "Holy-moley! I think the tide really IS turning".
BUT, even if it is, that does not mean Kate is going away any time soon. Nor does it mean that this will even bother Kate. She'll gladly take negative attention over no attention. And she'll just convince herself it's someone else's fault and not hers.
But...it's a start. I'm also seeing a huge upsurge of negative comments about her on various sites.
And my personal opinion? The main thing that's responsible for this (the rather sudden change of tide)is the Rep. Murt hearing. It's a generally predictable phenomenon that as soon as someone of major consequence does or says anything that puts someone (or something) in a legitimately negative light....many will THEN go..."whoops, I'm on the wrong side. There's blood in the water now and I don't want to be one of the few that are in it because I'll look bad and be in the out-crowd....so I'm switching sides...immediately...for no other reason than the fact that one event or person suddenly made it NOT de rigeur to be in favor of it."
You often see this happen during political campaigns.
Twice as Nice:
Good thing it got posted elsewhere pre-edit ;-)
Kate Gosselin was all smiles Friday night as she promoted the release of her latest book, I Just Want You To Know, at a book signing in LA.
And RadarOnline.com was there!
Since the reality television mom and Dancing With The Stars contestant in the middle of a tough rehearsal week for Dancing With The Stars, the show
crew came right along with her -- including her supportive partner Tony Dovolani.
Wearing a deep purple dress and grey cardigan, Kate came down to meet fans at the Barnes and Noble book store about 15 minutes late (although Radar
heard she had arrived at the store early).
We love Kate at RadarOnline.com, but we couldn't help noticing some other slightly diva-ish behavior.
First up, the signing was supposed to be set up in a sectioned off room in the back of the store. But just before it started, store employees got word
that Kate wanted to move the signing to an area out on the floor between the bookshelves.
Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that only approximately 30-40 people showed up to meet the mom of 8 and have her sign their book.
Because of the lackluster crowd of fans, the signing only lasted a half hour. But that was apparently enough for Kate, who even before realizing she had no more fans, decided she needed to to take a break -- and did so just 30 minutes into the book signing.
The other comical thing was how Kate's faithful bodyguard, Steve Nield, kept asking fans who wanted their picture taken with Gosselin not to get too
close to her and to instead "stay to the side of the table".
FABULOUS! You are to be congratulated! Thanks for being our eyes, ears and voice.
"US Weekly wants to talk to me about what happened to me at the book signing. The tide is turning."
Fantastic! And Bravo!....and glad fighting that traffic when you weren't feeling good seems to have made a significant difference.
Twice, you are right!
They removed this:
"First up, the signing was supposed to be set up in a sectioned off room in the back of the store. But just before it started, store employees got word
that Kate wanted to move the signing to an area out on the floor between the bookshelves.
Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that only approximately 30-40 people showed up to meet the mom of 8 and have her sign their book.
Because of the lackluster crowd of fans, the signing only lasted a half hour. But that was apparently enough for Kate, who even before realizing she
had no more fans, decided she needed to to take a break -- and did so just 30 minutes into the book signing.
The other comical thing was how Kate's faithful bodyguard, Steve Nield, kept asking fans who wanted their picture taken with Gosselin not to get too
close to her and to instead "stay to the side of the table"."
"We love Kate at RadarOnline.com, but we couldn't help noticing some other slightly diva-ish behavior."
I just read this on ROL. (I was searching for articles from others on her signing and the lack of crowds. Wow, the tide may be turning?
ROL just added video of the booksigning...
Wow, you people are on the ball, grabbing that ROL article before it was "sanitized." Way to go!
radar has added a video
We have people from all over the country following on this blog. What we need to do is exactly what Admin did. Whenever Kate comes to our town for a book-signing - we should go and followup with a report. Quit allowing TLC/Julie May and the tabloid media to define who this woman is.
I am thrilled that US weekly wants to talk to you about what happened to you at the book signing. This is an important turn and Carpe Diem!
I do like your thinking on this!
Is a transcript or recording of the radi interview available? I was asleep!
Knock it out of the park Admin!
I cannot get the Aunt Jodi streaming radio. Is it gone?
I wonder if Admin will hear from TLC or Kate's people? I know "Z" did when he started with his J&K blogs.
I am curious as to how the sheeple respond to the original ROL article being replaced.
Hi...I have enjoyed reading the posts since I found this site a few days ago. This seems to be a very comfortable site.
At the book signing, did Tony go with Kate when she took her break? I am sure there was diva behavior back there and he would see it.
Since the Vanity Fair article I always though that Steve was a handler. Do you remember "Nubo"....I want Nubo, I want Nubo and Steve steps in and says not a good idea. She was just on TV saying she had no money to pay her bills. Probably TLC pays him and he must guide her and mainly to stop her from herself.
Couple of things and then I'm gonna make this a Kate-free weekend:
1. True narcissists not only find things unrelated to them unimportant, they don't even EXIST. It goes so far beyond not thinking other things are important, that most people can't even grasp it. You have to understand that in their head space, things like the war in Afghanistan (unless it involves them DIRECTLY) and other current events (unless it involves them DIRECTLY) don't even exist!
2. Narcissists have a famously low sense of self-worth and self-esteem. The narcissistic behavior is a desperate, pervasive, ongoing attempt to convince THEMSELVES that they really are important and worthy.
3. They are master manipulators. MASTER manipulators. Always.
4. Their kids are just extensions of them. They are not separate individuals. And as I've mentioned here before, things get harder for a narcissist parent the older and more independent their child gets, coming to a head in adolescence. It's hellish for the narcissist parent, because they can't control them and use them as a tool to boost their own non-existent self-esteem.
Way to go, admin, US Weekly! And WOW with the Radar Online article being so scrubbed!
I agree with whoever said Kate is heavily handled by TLC and only told what they want her to hear. That even fits in well with how a narcissist is--only tell me stuff that concerns ME, the most important person in the world! So they actually are feeding her problem.
I also would like to thank you for giving us a a real account of what went on at the signing. In no way were you being aggressive and there was no reason for him to put his hands on you. I don't think I would have been able to let it go like you did. At the very least I would have had to tell him to get his hands off me! All he had to do was politely say to you "Kate is not answering any questions" and to please move on.
It reminds me of a post I saw some time ago where they were filming at a public place (forget where-a museum or something)and there were other parents and children around. A mother was taking a picture of her child and apparently they were close to the Gosselins and Steve made her hand over her camera so he could delete the picture (possibly one of the Gosselin children got into the picture). If I have the story wrong please correct me but that is what I remember.
Honestly, when the President and First Lady are out in public we see pictures of them up close and personal with people. It's easier to have access to the President then it is Kate Gosselin.
Administrator said...
Is a transcript or recording of the radi interview available? I was asleep!
admin, I called the radio station operations mgr. and left a message. I've not heard back.
Jupiter, they probably think the original radar was because the "haters" hacked in and wrote something mean about Queen Katie.
I'm sure there must be a recording of the radio live stream--I'll see if I can locate
Is anyone going to be able to provide a transcript of the radio interview this morning? Frankly I assumed that it would be.
If not, I'm willing to write up what I remember, and if others do the same, those who missed it might get the jist. I know that I was crying at the end because the interviewer pointed out that the Kreiders were living Tom Brokow's quote - to make a buck is easy but to make a difference is harder. The quote was found here on this blog. BTW this quote was mentioned twice; at the beginning and at the end of the interview.
Yep, the Krieders really are special people to embark on this journey for ALL children in reality tv shows, not just their nieces and nephews. Jodi did confirm that the process of getting a hearing has taken several months by the way, something I tried to point out on GWOP yesterday but alas, my post did not make it for some reason.
I will also not only confirm that the initial story on ROL has been changed since it was first posted BUT ...
The first comment was from Rural Mom who said to go to this blog and see photos of what happened last night.
Now with new version on ROL, the first comment the poster is saying to ignore Rural Mom and that this blog as a virus! Boy oh boy, they sure do not want people to find out about this blog because just the photos alone prove that the Admin was there last night!
OK Admin, I'm giggling, I would love to be a fly on the wall when Kate sees this blog and realizes who you are, after the fact of course.
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