WHAT: Rep. Thomas P. Murt (R-Montgomery/Philadelphia) will host a hearing of the House Republican Policy Committee to discuss Pennsylvania’s child labor laws as they relate to film and television production.
WHO: Rep. Thomas P. Murt, House Republican Policy Committee. The Committee will hear testimony from:
Paul Petersen – Former child actor, president and founder of “A Minor Consideration.”
Gloria Allred – Attorney and civil rights advocate.
Kevin and Jodi Krieder – Relatives of reality television stars.
Rebecca L. Gullan, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor of Psychology, Behavioral and Social Sciences Division, Gwynedd-Mercy College.
Robert Kuzynski – Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, Bureau of Labor Law Compliance.
WHEN: Wednesday, April 14
TIME: 10 a.m.
WHERE: Blair Mill Inn, Fountain Room, 3855 Blair Mill Road, Horsham
Aunt Jodi and Uncle Kevin's Testimony:
- Jodi chokes up as she says we want our neices and nephews protected, and all children.
- Jodi: "Very little reality involved in reality TV"
- Jodi says they are advocates and voices for the children involved in reality TV
- Each episode was planned and formal
- Jon and Kate signed a contract without a lawyer
- The children's schedule revolved around the needs of an episode, the crew didn’t follow them along their routine
- Video cameras in children’s bedrooms that operated continuously
- Kevin regrets allowing his own children to be filmed.
- Children were filmed in bathroom, often with no parent there
- The children were told it was Christmas morning so camera crew would get a genuine reaction. They were told later it was not really Christmas morning.
- Mady is labeled at school as the difficult or bad one
- Children were often left alone with crew without parents.
- The children would voice dislike of going to events and sit-down interviews
- Children cannot "defend, delete, or erase"the private moments that have been filmed
Suggestions: Reality children should be members of the Screen Actors Guild. SAG reps on set to protect children.
319 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 319 of 319 Newer› Newest»I see that TLC has ROL going after Kevin and Jodi. It seems that one episode of potty training was filmed at their home - I could not help but notice that ROL does not admit to all the other footage filmed at the old house.
Kate will have a field day re how her own brother stabbed her in the back. Oh plaleeze!
THANK YOU KEVIN, JODI, PAUL and GLORIA for being there for the 8 today!!!!!
FC, That's fantastic! Anyone who missed this morning's hearing with Rep. Thomas Murt, click on link below
French Canadian said...
You could watch the hearing on Jibber Jabbers blog...click on watch the video
The Kreiders also said that because of their fame from the show, the kids have been unnecessarily subject to "disturbing and threatening comments posted on newspaper blogs or TV social media formats."
Could they be talking about Irene and you all. Z's blog, this one and gwop.
I agree with you, Irene. They're already ripping Kevin and Jodi a new one and that's not going to change. If new laws come out of this mess I will be grateful for just that.
No, Irene! The trust wasn't in place until just a few weeks ago at the end of the investigation. 15% of the total gross earnings will be DIVIDED among the eight children for any NEW shows in their future.
Plus education and medical bills can be subtracted from the trust.
Yes, Deconstruction Zlogger, but the 15% is then divided by 8 and that accounts for Kart's statement at the end of last August in an interview, that she had deposited $10,000 in a trust for each of the 8 kids. So Khate only provided for the financial security for her children when she was . Some swell mother of the century there! I can only guess that the $80,000 did not come out of any of J & K's some 11 accounts and that TLC paid it. We all know that Kart has told us repeatedly that she has sole access and responsibility for the finances of the Gosselin family
15% when divided by 8 is 1.875.
Hi Deborah,
You said: Deborah said...
The Kreiders also said that because of their fame from the show, the kids have been unnecessarily subject to "disturbing and threatening comments posted on newspaper blogs or TV social media formats."
Could they be talking about Irene and you all. Z's blog, this one and gwop.
We do not attack their children. We never have. We do not make threats to Kate, either. The sheeple attack Jon often and in very ugly ways.
Kevin and Jodi knew that TLC would go after them with all their guns - thus the kudos from Peterson and Allred for their bravery.
Hi Diane,
You don't find Irene's comment about the kids being ****** without Vaseline disturbing !!!!!! Z even published it...... This whole blog is made to attack and slander Kate.
And no, We don't attack Jon. He is the kids dad.
Every time you bring up the kids it is disturbing. Projecting and guessing about their future.
Two of the reps that seemed concerned were: Rep. Mike Vereb (www.repvereb.com) and Rep. Gary Day (www.repgaryday.com). Rep Gary Day represents Berks County and Rep. Mike Vereb represents Montgomery County.
I got these names after listening to JibberJabbers blog posting of the hearing...
Actually, it's the sheeple who have called out and criticized Maddy.
Ok Just Wondering I see what you are saying.
Administrator I love the post with a Tom Brokaw says about making a difference.
Itsaboutthekids I am not worried about Kevin & Jodi Kreider Gloria Allred made a great statement today while talking, "Not licensed to practice in Pennsylvania yet"
They did the right thing & the brave thing. We have to stand by them and refute the spin~o~rama by not watching reality shows on TLC that involve children.
Think about it Kate plus 8 & Twist of Kate will involve minor children. In Twist of Kate she will visit other families. (like admin said wife swap)
I think parenting is an important job & a tough one. We just have to remain focused, steadfast, and keep up DeKonstructing the spin.
Never where I post Paula, NEVER!!!!! Jon has been poked at but never by me.
didn't JOn's twitter say Kevin and Jodi were backstabbers, he didn't say they weren't telling the truth did he?
That TLC is going after Kevin and Jodi rather than answering to what was brought out when questioning the labor officials speaks volumes.!!!
Regarding the potty training at Jodi and Kevin's house mentioned at ROL....
I just saw that footage the other day. They didn't show the two little boys on the potty. The bathroom door was closed and no cameras were allowed in the bathroom. Jodi opened the door after the boys were done and commended them for going potty. They each got one candy corn each time they went.
The scenes where they showed the kids naked on the potties and actually going potty were only filmed at their own home. You can't compare the two. One discussed the potty training, the other showed it. Huge difference.
Hi again Deborah,
I believe Irene was referring to the kids getting screwed with the lawsuits and all the media coverage because of it. At least, that's the way I took it.
Let me be clear: We never wish anything bad on any of the children. And, we admonish anyone who does. We have speculated on problems they could have in the future. But, we have never said we wish those things on their children and we always say it is just our opinion.
We are all universally worried for their children. I think that is one thing where all of us can find a common ground.
I'm still trying to catch up on comments. I watched the computer screen all morning. Have a good night Deborah.
I think that one of the times that really bothered me was when Mady had her ears pierced. Understandable for her age, she cried because it was alot more painful than she expected. While Kate did try to comfort her, the cameras had to be absolutely in her face. I thought that was really an invasion and horribly insensitive. The other thing is that towards the end of the filming it seemed like Kate was often talking to the cameras and, given that it was supposed to be "her life", I found this completely contradictory, unnatural and reflective of filming priorities. In other words, she was acting out her life and it was all for entertainment.
Yes the Vaseline comment was very disturbing. I didn't appreciate it at all. I even said so when someone posted it here.
You seem very fair and nice Deb but regarding talking badly about Jon on the Sage's site, yes they do. Maybe you don't but some do. Maybe you should go back and read, maybe you missed it all. If the Gosselin kids can find bad comments about Kate on the internet they can find them about Jon too.
Yes Diane, the point was that the Gosselin kids got screwed. It just was a very disturbing way to say it, I have to agree. Can we get past that though... it wasn't said here.
Is it possible for the DofL to revise their decision if pressured by the congressmen? Is that even possible?
The "can we get past that though... it wasn't said here" comment was for Deborah not Diane.
How about how Kate had bounderies for herself... no cameras near her in the kitchen. No such bounderies for her children. The cameras were in their faces.
How many episodes showed them dressing the kids in the living room?
I think we need to help the Reps in PA and provide the with links to the videos showing the kids in all of their "undress".
There is the episode where they show Jon showering the girls and talking about how he does it so that they don't get cold...Hannah's poopy moment and bath after...Collin on the potty outside at Beth and Bob's...the little girls on the potty during the training episode...taking pictures of the poopy...Aidan getting his diaper changed in the living room...redoing the girls swimsuits after Jon put them on wrong on the first beach episode (in full view of the parking lot too)...the pull the stick out episode...and more...all on youtube for their fellow highschoolers to enjoy when they get there...
Oh, just watch those clips come down from youtube now because of copy right violation....
The children are no longer able to enjoy a simple childhood. Why are they not playing soccer, going on play dates, gymnastics, etc. Because of continuing fame mongering of their mother! The true damage is yet to be done, if they let Kate continue in chosen way of "working"
Besides the potty training episodes, what about the time Collin was constipated at the furniture store. I found that episode to be one of the most revolting of all.
Thanks Diane :-)
Mainstream media is picking this up. 1ST step.
NancyB said...
15% when divided by 8 is 1.875.
Great. By the time they are of age they'll each be able to buy a hamburger and fries with their wonderful share of the money.
Right now, with what they have earned on the show, including Kates 1,200,000 per year from TLC plus the 2 mil they earned prior, that is 450,000 for the whole bunch, which is about 50,000 per child. If invested wisely, with interest, by the time they are 18, each child could have over 1 million dollars per person.
Kelly. The trust is set up for FUTURE earnings. The trust wasn't in place until just a few weeks ago as part of the resolution with the labor board. 1.87% of income MINUS education and medical. The cost of their very private tuition alone will leave them in the hole by the time they are 18. Kate is making the kids pay for their own education!!
This is one of the questions for Joy Behar...I'm embarrassed that this person is from Canada...at least I'm from the West Coast so not very close!gulp! So sad :(
Maggie in Northern Canada said on Got a question for Kate Gosselin?
April 13, 2010 at 5:58 pm
I would like to invite you to my home and be a guest on Twist of Kate.
What is the best way to write you a fan letter?
This is the shows description I found online:
“meet her fans and walk a mile in their shoes”. My shoes will take you hiking in the Northern Canadian woods and canoeing down a river. I’ll even let you dance with my boyfriend at the town dance. (we have one every month)
Kelly, they don't get 15% of the total funds from the show. That is only law in California.
Kate, under duress put less than 100,000 in a college fund for ALL 8. That is their share according to her!
When the tups were born, there were TAP accounts set up by PA which Kate and Jon withdrew! Later Kate said there was no money in them.
There are no limits to Kate's greed. Please watch this clip at around the seven minute mark. Kate flat out said that she wouldn't by them a car at 16. That as soon as they are old enough, they will be put to work "out there". "Let them earn their OWN MONEY". And that maaaybe she would match what they earned but they'd all have to share a car. She also made some vague statements about college funds, but she has always been conveniently vague about those.
I really hope something good comes from all this because it is yet another round of CRAP that will be played out in the public for the kids to see for the rest of their lives... At least they can hopefully look back and know Uncle Kevin & Aunt Jodi cared enough to stand up for them in a very caustic one sided media environment
Here is Khate's spin on JB's show tonight on how her brother has run out of money and needs more...such BS!!!
Gosselin Kids all the way said...
Wow she really is a piece of work isn't she. She may not have allowed them to see the kids but Jon did
In a short time, Kate Gosselin is going to be alone, very alone. She has no husband, no friends and her children will want nothing to do with her when they are grown. If she wasn't such a shrew, I might feel for her.
Sorry to Gosselin Kids all the way said...
I meant to say thanx for the video clip first LOL
Gosh, I've only been away for a few hours and it seems lots has happened!
Sometimes I wonder why I get so caught up with the J&K drama??? I think it's because I have 2 boys (5 & 3), both are also half-Asian and when I see her treat her boys the way she does, it breaks my heart. With all the kids, it breaks my heart but especially the boys because they remind me so much of my own boys. I travel for work maybe 1 or 2 times a year and I miss my kids like crazy during those times. I can't imagine doing it all the time like she does. I pray with all my heart that someone steps in and just gives these kids the love, affection and security that they need.
WAIT! Did Kate actually say Kevin has run out of money?
If this is true (I can't click on the link or I will vomit the PB and J I just ate), then any last morsel of doubt I may have had about Kate MAYBE having a shred of decency in her is gone.
ONLY KATE and TLC could spin a child advocate into a monster. Un be freaking lievable!
mommyinca said...
WAIT! Did Kate actually say Kevin has run out of money?
she basically said that Kevin has made lots of money from this and they have not had access to the kids for over 2 years now. He must have run out of money or something to come back and say these things.
Notice that she didn't deny anything tho!
She is a bottom feeder, isn't she?
Weren't there pictures of Jodi and Kevin visiting Jon and the kids a few months ago?
Every time Khate is interviewed she either lies, distorts the truth or gives vague answers. I'm to the point where watching her is driving me batty! Gosh, I'd love to see her deal with a REAL interview.
I am furious that it's taking so long for people to allow children on reality shows to be members of SAG. It's so obvious! These shows are scripted, contracts are in place and advertising is being sold. WTF! What can we do? Why is everyone in media so apathetic and dumb? It will be far too late for so many kids and reality tv is more than 10 years old!
Does she think the PA subcommittee paid Kevin and Jodi for their testimony? She's really reaching now and it almost hurts to see her self-destruck like this.
She is something else, and she was so emotional about the "perceived betrayal," not. She just blows it off as no big deal. She really thinks she can say anything and people will swallow it without a second thought. TLC has done this woman no favors by feeding into her delusion.
DeKonstruction Zlogger ,
No problem Zlogger sista! I watched the video of Kate on Joy Behar tonite. I do not know that I even want to watch Joy's show, now. More Kate and her "forked tongue" speak. It's never Kate's fault. Oh well. What is knew?
I just do not understand any mother saying it's ok for her 5 year old daughters to be filmed changing clothes, much less for a tv show, said mother is profiting from. Some kids do need protection from their parents. I certainly think it would help if their tv destiny was not up to Jon or Kate.
For any fussy people that should be new, not knew up above.
She's SO STUPID she can't help herself. SOOO, is that why ALL her family & friends have disappeared in her life? REALLY?! Because everyone's trying to make money off of the kids?
Kate's mirror is shattered in a million pieces with her lies & distortions!
Admin, if Kevin & Jodi were lying, why doesn't Kate & TLC sue for damages?!
Just.Me-I am very proud of you! You told us that you intended to be a pest about writing the reviews and good for you and keep it up. I went to the library yesterday and spent 2 1/2 hrs reading the book, with a few breaks for socializing :) I do not have time tonight to do the review but will do tomr @ Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Keep it up!!!
Hi Paula,
Yes, there were pics up of Jon having Kevin and Jodi and baby Benny over. If you go to : Gosselins without pity blog, go to Oct. 23, 2009 and the pic is there.
Busy day at work helping a real father, GOOD father, get custody of his son--and won!
I have so many comments .... I think I'll make my points separately otherwise this will go on forever.
Kate claiming that Jodi and Kevin just want to make money:
The Rep ASKED them to speak, they aren't going around looking for forums.
You aren't PAID to testify at a Congressional hearing.
Even if they were being paid, that doesn't automatically mean they are lying. Kate, you get paid, do we assume everything YOU say is a lie? If they are lying, please tell us what they have lied about. Be specific. Are you saying the kids were never told it was Xmas when it really wasn't? They were paid? That you never filmed them naked? Tell us what Jodi said that was inaccurate!
Kate do you find it ironic YOU of all people have a problem with someone making money off your kids? What exactly have you been doing for five years???
The trust funds based on California's Coogan Fund. Talk about completely screwing up how it's supposed to be done. They just took 15% of the entire pot and gave it to the trust. No, you're supposed to pay each child separately, all eight of them. Then of each child's paycheck, you take 15% of that in trust. 15% of the pot versus 15% of eight separate paychecks would probably be a heck of a lot more money.
They did a half-ass Coogan fund to make the state go away.
Other conflicts of interest have been pointed out.
What about the state of Pennsylvania's conflict of interest? Of course their "investigation" was more like an "arbitration." It is to their benefit to not piss off Jon and Kate so they'll continue to film in PA, which brings jobs and publicity. Every trip to Dutch Wonderland or the Crayola Factory helps tourism. Of course they did whatever they could to brush this under the rug.
Among other conflicts of interest: TLC, out to make money. Crew, wants a job. Media, wants a story. Jon and Kate, the parents .... CA has already said in their laws again and again PARENTS cannot be trusted to manage their children's money, the temptation is too great to dip into it when times are tough. Do you need a laundry list of all the parents who have run through their children's money to believe this? If kids have money, many parents WILL TAKE IT absent a law. Parents have a conflict, period.
INDEPENDENT child advocates are the only solution, people already in the children's lives have a conflict.
Not always crazy about Perez Hilton but he posted a great interview clip of Kevin & Jodi.
Nancy, thanks!
And everyone else...
You can write a review and rate reviews of Khate's new book at Amazon, Borders, And Barnes and Noble. If you have other suggested sites, let us know!
Admin, congratulations on your victory today. It must have been gratifying to see that dad get custody of his son.
Important Notice to All Sheeple:
Representative Murt independently contacted and requested that Kevin & Jodi Kreider appear and give testimony at the public hearing that was held today to begin the process of changing and updating child labor laws in PA. All of us at the 15 Minutes Gosselin Style Blog are very grateful to Representative Murt for making this happen.
Here is the video in question with Kevin and Jodi:
at the 12:04 mark.
I think this is the more incriminating one:
http://www.bigvidpro.com/?v=uGnnRGFqN1Oce-l3lMZDmg at 8:11
Jodi and Kevin never claim they didn't allow the crew to film the kids themselves. They had the crew over at their house a few times. But that was more than three years ago. They are now saying, it started off innocent and we NOW realize it was bad for the kids. Kevin even said I made a mistake I never should have allowed them to film my kids. They made a mistake, they are human. You are allowed to change your mind on things, especially if you are changing to the RIGHT way.
I have yet to hear Kate say she made a mistake allow her children to be filmed naked.
And by the way, Jon is a puppet.
Administrator, May I ask you a question. Kate, Jon and TLC always said they followed appropriate laws with regard to the children's filming. They insisted that the children were just being documented doing their everyday kid's things. Now we have testimony from Kevin and Jodi (disparaged by Jon and Kate and TLC BUT not denied -- seems key here - like what the definition of Is Is -- remember) that situations were created and that they filmed the children when it wasn't Christmas, pretended it was Christmas to get a reaction and then had to tell them it wasn't Christmas. This WOULD NOT be documenting their lives, this would be pretending eerrr ACTING. There ARE Pennsylvania laws with regards to child actors and TLC/Gosselins were in violation of them for no working papers or filings for the their little children. (actors) Thoughts?!
By puppit what exactly do you mean?
Thinking of Khate, reminded me of Target! So I tried to write a review there, but they don't have it yet, or don't have a review category.
Wal-Mart also came to mind, and you can read/rate/write reviews there. Mine may not show up, it takes 5-7 days for moderator approval.
Just tossing out ideas...
Well, I've been catching up and also reading around and for folks out there (not here) who are yelling about Jodi and Kevin:
This was a HEARING...similar to the Senate hearings they have on CNN and C-span (if you've ever caught any of them). It is NOT a court case. It has nothing to do with directly prosecuting anyone. It is a political process, NOT a legal process and is to COLLECT INFORMATION.
The claims by TLC about Jodi and Kevin are just obfuscation. Whatever Jodi and/or Kevin did/did not do has no bearing on or changes what TLC did/did not do or the dept. of labor of PA did/did not do.
This hearing was to determine if the PA labor laws need to be changed or amended regarding children working in reality TV shows in the state of PA. And to determine if the PA dept. of labor did it's job adequately and correctly.
Now...whether the results could impact Jon in the custody dispute or impact anything related to the FBI/child nudity issue is a different story. But the hearing itself was not to prosecute Jon, Kate, Kevin or Jodi. It was simply to gather information.
Also...if a person is implicated in something that involved another person.....that does not get the first person off the hook and in no way erases the first person's involvement. So all this negative stuff about Jodi and Kevin is basically rather irrelevant...and a red herring. They can point the finger all they want...it does not in any way decrease or erase what they did.
Administrator~ please feel free to correct me if anything I wrote here is incorrect. Red herrings drive me nuts.:)
dee3 -appreciate your post, clarifies things
Oh brother listen to this from people mag -
Kate: "...If Jon wants to see them, I would never stop him. He's their father--I want them to see him! But I'm not going to vanish to acommodate him. If he'd like to stick to a civilized schedule, I'd be more than happy to do that.The best thing for any child of a divorced parent is stability. I want nothing more than for him to set up a stable life for himself, so the he can be part of making our kids' lives more stable."
Does she even hear what she's saying? She wants to talk about stability now?
Nope, all correct. This is ALL red herrings from Team TLC/Kate/sheeple.
Dispute what Jodi and Kevin said directly. D
Dispute their examples of abuse. I'm waiting....
When you have no case, you must hit below the belt: accusing the other person of a motive, financial motive, what have you. Trying to turn it around on them and claim they did the same thing. Playing victim. Typical MO for these people.
I'm so proud of everyone here. We have disected the lies piece by piece day by day. All the Kings horses and all the king's men can't put it back together again.
But it doesn't matter, Admin. It doesn't matter that WE have put it together when Mary Hart and Niecy Nash are kissing Kate's spray tanned ass!
NO ONE is questioning her book. Mary Hart fawned over Kate as I knew she would. I'm seriously feeling "defeated" today regarding Kate vs. the Truth.
Congratulations on your case today Administrator.
It has been a breath of fresh air day. As far as Kate if she is opening up her mouth she is spinning and twisting.
Jon- isn't a visitor in their life Kate (people article) He is their father. These two parents have themselves in quite a mess.
AuntieAnn said...
Oh brother listen to this from people mag -
Kate: "...If Jon wants to see them, I would never stop him. He's their father--I want them to see him! But I'm not going to vanish to acommodate him. If he'd like to stick to a civilized schedule, I'd be more than happy to do that.The best thing for any child of a divorced parent is stability. I want nothing more than for him to set up a stable life for himself, so the he can be part of making our kids' lives more stable."
Does she even hear what she's saying? She wants to talk about stability now?
How can he stick to a civilized schedule when she's gone when her schedule is so erratic??
What a difference a day makes!
Kate on Access Hollywood - Tuesday, 4/13
"I actually truly had fun this week and now I'm totally addicted, and I just have to be here next week because I have to keep going."
Kate on E! - Wednesday, 4/14
"I want to be at home with my kids and if I was financially able to do so, you would never see me again."
Interesting how the labor board lagged behind in the investigation. Allred and a couple of the reps. seemed less than pleased. Seems like the labor board is trying to appease TLC instead of cracking down on them. I smell a rat. BTW, I love this site. So refreshing to hear perspective from rational minded, intelligent adults.
Hi Bridget,
Did you see the hearing? When Allred chastized the labor rep., looked him in the eye and said I'm shocked there was no home inspection or no fines levied! That man was squirming in his chair.
Itsabout - I sure did see it. Yes, I think he wanted to make a beeline out of there! Legislatures aren't done with him - thank goodness. He is being held accountable and I, for one, couldn't be more pleased. I wonder how long Allred will be involved or was today it for her?
"But it doesn't matter, Admin. It doesn't matter that WE have put it together when Mary Hart and Niecy Nash are kissing Kate's spray tanned ass!"
Don't worry. I think it DOES matter. It may take some time for us to see this but I sense this hearing will matter.
And I feel this way because:
1) the fact that it was a hearing held by a state Rep. legitimizes the real truth to a significant degree (no matter how much mud TLC or Kate sling).
2) I believe there are many people who were fans who really did not realize the truth/know the real facts or bought into the hype and spin...including many TV hosts. This, I hope, will change some of their minds. (the ones who want to believe the lies won't, of course...but nothing would anyway) and...
3) people often tend to have a herd mentality. They easily think that something is no big deal until someone of consequence says it is. You see this happening in the current events and political realms all the time. Something legitimate like this hearing can change the general direction of the tide.
Dee, I hope so. I just read the article on CNN from Joy Behar's interview. Kate makes it sound like Kevin and Jodi ran to the tabloids to tattle on them. It's just sick. I don't know why I'm so invested in this whole saga. I just want justice to prevail. I want to believe that the truth DOES matter. Most of all, I just want validation for those kids. It sucks growing up when you feel like no one "believes" you or believes IN you. Now not only does their mother blow off their privacy, but the whole stinkin media is behind her. What message does that send to those poor kids? Sorry, I'm so upset about all of this. It's maddening.
The Admin at the Small Town Gosselins blog has written a wonderful, inciteful entry titled "The Identified Patient". I've copied only the first paragraph here but you will want to click on the link to read the rest of her comment. You won't be disappointed.
The Identified Patient
In his testimony at Rep. Murl's hearings on child labor laws in PA, Kevin Kreider spoke of one particular child of eight who has gained a reputation for being difficult. In the field of psychology, counselors sometimes find there's one family member in particular who is treated as the crazy, annoying, or bratty one but who upon further examination is actually the healthiest member of the family. When we see this phenomenon, the scapegoated family member is called the Identified Patient.
Wow the identified patient is actually the healthiest member of the family .... interesting.
I would assert Mady WAS the healthiest, the only one not to take all the garbage from her mother laying down. The only one to speak up and say no way no how enough. The only one to really dispute Kate.
You said:
Oh brother listen to this from people mag -
Kate: "...If Jon wants to see them, I would never stop him. He's their father--I want them to see him! But I'm not going to vanish to acommodate him. If he'd like to stick to a civilized schedule, I'd be more than happy to do that.The best thing for any child of a divorced parent is stability. I want nothing more than for him to set up a stable life for himself, so the he can be part of making our kids' lives more stable."
Does she even hear what she's saying? She wants to talk about stability now?
I think Kate's just laying the groundwork for the custody case to imply Jon has not set up a stable home/environment or work situation/income/lifestyle in which to parent the children to have primary custody.
Thanks to NLAN and Itsabout for the great hearing updates. I wasn't able to watch it myself and you were so helpful in catching the key testimony.
The people mag. article was riddled with Kate's passive aggresive put downs of Jon. She's a fine one to talk about stability. She just can't keep her yap shut.
Joy's show is 'about an hour'. That's how they advertise it because they couldn't come up with anything better to say.
Kate would squirm until her ass burned if Leslie Stahl sat down in front of her and asked her a few questions.
bbsak - I agree. She's very good at placing blame on anyone but herself. It's the only other talent she has besides lying. She'll try to twist this into him deserting her.
It will be interesting to see how her lawyers justify her habitual absence from home as being 'stable' when they get before a judge.
You be welcome, bbsak. I was afraid I had insulted you the other day when I accused you of the stompin' dance. lol I hope you know I was only teasing. See my smile. :))
Can't believe they were found guilty of child labor violations and they were let off because they promised never to do it again.
Schmecky - what is 'Sage's' site?
Re: The Identified Patient. So true. I taught secondary emotional/behavior disordered kids for 7 years until I could not take part in the system anymore. So many of my students were the healthiest members of their families and I could not stomache labeling them as the problem.
I have always seen Mady as such.
PA Dept of Labor letter to Discovery/TLC @resolution of their investigation.
Its -
You be welcome, bbsak. I was afraid I had insulted you the other day when I accused you of the stompin' dance. lol I hope you know I was only teasing. See my smile. :))
Heck no - not at all. :0)
I spoke with the office of Rep. Murt and they had the following to say, which I felt was very compelling.
They agreed that the PA officials never once visited either home to check on the concerns regarding filming. I got the impression they were not at all proud of what took place, or what investigation did not take place.
They also said they have received emails and calls from not only all over the country, but from as far away as France.
They also put the brakes on any self serving motive the detractors think Kevin and Jodi might have. They interviewed them regarding rumors they had a book deal going and they were confident they were not doing this to profit financially PERIOD. I also got the impression they would not have called them had they thought so, because they (Kevin & Jodi) were asked to appear not the other way around.
I told them that TLC had often used "sanitized" re-runs of the show based on what I felt was popular or negative opinion. Cutting scenes from shows that did not sit well with viewers. They also stated that revenues for TLC were closer to 200 million not the 183 estimate earlier used.
Many people reviewing this matter have had little or no interaction with the show. The lady I spoke to described this show in a less than favorable manner.
I also asked them if at all possible the contractual agreement could be reviewed by the state as I felt these children were controlled by TLC, still. We know Jon and Kate are but the images and likenesses it seems are owned as well.
I urge each one of you if you call to do so in a respectful manner. Not to bash anyone, ie J&K, PA Labor officials, involved as that will not help the cause. I also ask that if we earnestly care about the Gosselins children and other children we write our legislators. See if we can help them to provide children in every state the same laws so one state does not become a safe haven for filming over another.
Its -
You be welcome, bbsak. I was afraid I had insulted you the other day when I accused you of the stompin' dance. lol I hope you know I was only teasing. See my smile. :))
Heck no - not at all. :0)
Can't believe they were found guilty of child labor violations and they were let off because they promised never to do it again.
Joy's show is 'about an hour'. That's how they advertise it because they couldn't come up with anything better to say.
Kate would squirm until her ass burned if Leslie Stahl sat down in front of her and asked her a few questions.
The people mag. article was riddled with Kate's passive aggresive put downs of Jon. She's a fine one to talk about stability. She just can't keep her yap shut.
Itsabout - I sure did see it. Yes, I think he wanted to make a beeline out of there! Legislatures aren't done with him - thank goodness. He is being held accountable and I, for one, couldn't be more pleased. I wonder how long Allred will be involved or was today it for her?
Congratulations on your case today Administrator.
It has been a breath of fresh air day. As far as Kate if she is opening up her mouth she is spinning and twisting.
Jon- isn't a visitor in their life Kate (people article) He is their father. These two parents have themselves in quite a mess.
But it doesn't matter, Admin. It doesn't matter that WE have put it together when Mary Hart and Niecy Nash are kissing Kate's spray tanned ass!
NO ONE is questioning her book. Mary Hart fawned over Kate as I knew she would. I'm seriously feeling "defeated" today regarding Kate vs. the Truth.
Yes the Vaseline comment was very disturbing. I didn't appreciate it at all. I even said so when someone posted it here.
You seem very fair and nice Deb but regarding talking badly about Jon on the Sage's site, yes they do. Maybe you don't but some do. Maybe you should go back and read, maybe you missed it all. If the Gosselin kids can find bad comments about Kate on the internet they can find them about Jon too.
I think that one of the times that really bothered me was when Mady had her ears pierced. Understandable for her age, she cried because it was alot more painful than she expected. While Kate did try to comfort her, the cameras had to be absolutely in her face. I thought that was really an invasion and horribly insensitive. The other thing is that towards the end of the filming it seemed like Kate was often talking to the cameras and, given that it was supposed to be "her life", I found this completely contradictory, unnatural and reflective of filming priorities. In other words, she was acting out her life and it was all for entertainment.
That TLC is going after Kevin and Jodi rather than answering to what was brought out when questioning the labor officials speaks volumes.!!!
Ok Just Wondering I see what you are saying.
Administrator I love the post with a Tom Brokaw says about making a difference.
Itsaboutthekids I am not worried about Kevin & Jodi Kreider Gloria Allred made a great statement today while talking, "Not licensed to practice in Pennsylvania yet"
They did the right thing & the brave thing. We have to stand by them and refute the spin~o~rama by not watching reality shows on TLC that involve children.
Think about it Kate plus 8 & Twist of Kate will involve minor children. In Twist of Kate she will visit other families. (like admin said wife swap)
I think parenting is an important job & a tough one. We just have to remain focused, steadfast, and keep up DeKonstructing the spin.
Two of the reps that seemed concerned were: Rep. Mike Vereb (www.repvereb.com) and Rep. Gary Day (www.repgaryday.com). Rep Gary Day represents Berks County and Rep. Mike Vereb represents Montgomery County.
I got these names after listening to JibberJabbers blog posting of the hearing...
Kevin and Jodi knew that TLC would go after them with all their guns - thus the kudos from Peterson and Allred for their bravery.
15% when divided by 8 is 1.875.
ROL/TLC are striking back already. They're already reporting that Kevin and Jodi supervised the potty training episode. And so it begins.
I didn't get to see the live feed, but I'm glad for the posts here. At least now someone is looking into the PA Dept. of Labor and the handling of this situation. Of course TLC (and likely Kate in her upcoming media blitz) will to to spin everything as "inaccurate" or "out of proportion". The fact is, you can't have the fox (es) guarding the henhouse--media corporations and yes, even parents, may not do what is in the best interests of the children when the almighty dollar is at stake. Kate cannot justify everything she did for the "sake of the kids"--she hasn't even set up IRREVOCABLE trusts for each child, as far as is known. And, allowing cameras to be in the kids bedrooms--even filming them when they were supposed to be napping (part of the "Lost Footage" episode), on the potty, and while in various states of undress, is just indefensible.
Jon's twitter feed is being fed by Discovery & TLC consider the source. Jon is duct taped & handcuffed to TLC. I would not believe a word on that twitter. Jon has over 75,000 fans on that twitter that TLC can get distorted lies out to.
And, from how I am reading the synopsis, the accounts are not for any filming PRIOR to the ruling.
And, the rumor about Khate going to California...I am under the impression that Khate thinks she is talented and in demand.
TLC never admits to wrong doing but never comes out and says the allegations are false. Kate does the same thing. She never denies anything, simply states "she is appalled" by the accusations. TLC and Kate lay in bed together, come from the same breed, GREED.
I notice TLC's statement never said they allegations were false.
I wish for once Kate would take full responsibility and admit she failed. Just once.
And no way will Kate move the children to CA. The laws are way too strict and she would be crucified. She couldn't and wouldn't tarnish her image.
I've missed something here, guess I'm not following close enough - IS Kate thinking about moving to CA?
Regarding my above comment, I meant to say "compliance" is better than fines. Oops
I told you that Gloria Allred is the real deal. I agree NLAN about some of the, IMO, "trashy" cases she has represented but as I said in a post a few days ago, I challenge anyone to examine her entire career and not come to the conclusion that her loooonnnggg record of advocacy for woman and children and civil rights has not only been victoriously effective, but that she has a strong track record of effecting change! I adore her for what she & Paul & the Kreiders accomplished today!
Thanks so much to NLAN + IATK for constant updates! One of the very best things was what Gloria said at the end and what one of the men from legislature said to Labor Board. They had the ability to have fined TLC from $200-$400 for each separate time they filmed without a permit and they chose NOT to. Also that Labor Board were forced to admit that they have never until today notified ANYBODY that their investigation was completed or what their conclusions and outcomes were. I find that STUNNING.
itsaboutthekids - Thanks, you were great too! I hope together, we caught the best parts.
By the way, everyone, Khate is at E! right now. Last night in the book post here, I posted something from E! News' Giuliana Rancic's twitter and a link to her website, where she asked for questions to ask Kate today.
Well, that's funny because last night, there were 443 comments there. Some sheeple, some like us. I checked it at 10am/7am PT today and it said there were 2,247 comments! Then, I posted a new comment and after I submitted it, it said there were 535 comments! Now, three and a half hours later, there are only 556. Obviously, they've been scrubbing them.
So, I just checked Giuliana's twitter again and it says this:
Kate Gosselin coming to E! News in 2 hours for our big interview. I will ask your questions. Post them on my new site www.fabfitfun.com
about 2 hours ago via UberTwitter
So, Kate is at E! right now, 10:30 PT. And, she's doing ET and The Insider, right? Were they taped yesterday? Because she's on Joy Behar tonight, so I would think she has to fly right out to NY after she's done at E! Maybe Behar's show for tonight was pre-taped when Khate was in NY last week. Oh, that's probably what she did. Joy isn't live anyway, they tape it a couple hours earlier so I don't think Khate could even make it there in time today. She's probably staying in CA doing all the shows out there. Maybe she'll go home and see the kids for one lousy day again. If I were her kids, I'd say, do us a favor and don't bother! Seriously, she better watch it because the twins are old enough to start getting that attitude with her.
Okay, now I am really running late......see you all later!
(OMG, when I typed "late", I actually typed "kate"..... God, help me!)
Paula said...
Jon has not tweeted in a long time. Betcha TLC was behind the tweet.
Yep, they're still twistin' on him aren't they.
I'm not disappointed at all. I feel very good about this. And good for Gloria and good for Rep. Murt (and I'm not even a Republican). And for K&J, PP and for the psychologist...good for you too. For me, it sounds like it went even better than what I'd hoped for.
At least it happened in the world of the sane...and made sense. Little has ever made sense about this entire debacle to me.
Plus...and I would not even know if there's a connection here...but since this hearing went this way in PA..and the family court in PA will be dealing with the custody issue very soon...that it will be done all above-board and the best interests of the Gosselin children will be the main priority.
Hehe....no wonder the PA dept. of labor didn't release the results. Wonder when they'd ever planned on doing that.
And interesting...the Rendell question. Politics. Politics.
OK...have to take dad to the store. Be back later. Thanks so much again, reporters. You were great!
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