WHAT: Rep. Thomas P. Murt (R-Montgomery/Philadelphia) will host a hearing of the House Republican Policy Committee to discuss Pennsylvania’s child labor laws as they relate to film and television production.
WHO: Rep. Thomas P. Murt, House Republican Policy Committee. The Committee will hear testimony from:
Paul Petersen – Former child actor, president and founder of “A Minor Consideration.”
Gloria Allred – Attorney and civil rights advocate.
Kevin and Jodi Krieder – Relatives of reality television stars.
Rebecca L. Gullan, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor of Psychology, Behavioral and Social Sciences Division, Gwynedd-Mercy College.
Robert Kuzynski – Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, Bureau of Labor Law Compliance.
WHEN: Wednesday, April 14
TIME: 10 a.m.
WHERE: Blair Mill Inn, Fountain Room, 3855 Blair Mill Road, Horsham
Aunt Jodi and Uncle Kevin's Testimony:
- Jodi chokes up as she says we want our neices and nephews protected, and all children.
- Jodi: "Very little reality involved in reality TV"
- Jodi says they are advocates and voices for the children involved in reality TV
- Each episode was planned and formal
- Jon and Kate signed a contract without a lawyer
- The children's schedule revolved around the needs of an episode, the crew didn’t follow them along their routine
- Video cameras in children’s bedrooms that operated continuously
- Kevin regrets allowing his own children to be filmed.
- Children were filmed in bathroom, often with no parent there
- The children were told it was Christmas morning so camera crew would get a genuine reaction. They were told later it was not really Christmas morning.
- Mady is labeled at school as the difficult or bad one
- Children were often left alone with crew without parents.
- The children would voice dislike of going to events and sit-down interviews
- Children cannot "defend, delete, or erase"the private moments that have been filmed
Suggestions: Reality children should be members of the Screen Actors Guild. SAG reps on set to protect children.
319 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 319 Newer› Newest»I have a question for the Administrator and I'm going to post it here, even though it's only peripherally related to the topic.
The main issue that causes me apprehension regarding the Gossilin children is what appears to be the almost unlimited power and influence of TLC.
Now...this particular hearing today would come under the "political" realm...and we all know that influence and power CAN count in the world of politics. So this does cause me some apprehension in terms of how this hearing will go today.
But my question is...how much does influence and power factor in when dealing with the legal realm...in particular, family law?
I always think of the law as being inherently fair and just...and see it as being above influence and power. But is that just a fairy tale and not reality?
Did Jon get such a bad deal in the original divorce because Kate simply had better lawyers?
And if Jon's lawyer is a good one, how much does he have to worry about the influence and power of TLC? Or does he?
Will the family court judge this situation on its merits or should it be a big concern that the almighty tentacles of TLC could reach into the family court system of PA?
For those of you who can't watch the hearing live - I just read that Pressi called the Rep.'s office and it's being taped and will be available online in a couple of days.
Thanks bbsak about it being taped. That is great.
Today is a start. It is gonna be a long road.
Dee- their tentacles are unbelievable. Just because TLC & Kate can film the children doesn't mean they should.
My heart goes out to Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jodi, Kate will probably never allow them a relationship with the children. It is bittersweet that they are willing to do what is right for the long haul.
Team 8
Gosselins Focus Of Child Labor Hearing
A Philadelphia-area politician will hold an exploratory hearing today into child-labor laws and reality TV, with a strong focus on Jon and Kate Gosselin, their eight children, and the TLC cable network.
State Rep. Thomas Murt will hold the hearing in Horsham, Pa., and lawyer Gloria Allred, child advocate Paul Petersen, and Gosselin relatives Kevin and Jodi Kreider will testify, along with state labor-law enforcement officials.
Murt says he’s concerned as a parent and also a certified teacher, that the current Pennsylvania Child Labor Law is outdated.
“To put it bluntly, reality TV is not reality. It may be 50 percent, I’m not sure what percentage it might be, but reality TV is really not an accurate moniker,” Murt said.
“The entertainment industry has evolved and changed, and we believe our child-labor laws in Pennsylvania have not been updated in many, many years. With the advent of reality television programs, we believe we need to look hard at child-labor laws, to make sure children who participate in reality television programs are protected,” Murt said.
Petersen said he’s been concerned about TLC’s “Jon & Kate Plus 8” for some time.
“It’s important that all of us take the blinders off. Reality television is in fact commercial production. And the involvement of children, at least in my mind, like most right-thinking people, ought to have a set of rules, so that education is not sacrificed, children aren’t overworked and people have an understanding that there is a big future in front of these children,” Petersen said.
“We will draft legislation that will do a better job than we do presently protecting children that participate in entertainment, and specifically reality television,” Murt said.
Last May, the Kreiders publicly accused the Jon and Kate Gosselin of exploiting the Gosselin’s eight children. Kevin Kreider is Kate Gosselin’s brother.
Murt is investigating if Pennsylvania’s child-labor laws need to be changed to make sure children’s rights are protected on reality TV shows like “Jon & Kate Plus 8.”
Last May, the state of Pennsylvania opened an investigation into “Jon & Kate Plus 8” after a complaint was made about working conditions on the show.
At the time, TLC said it was in compliance with state laws and it was working closely with the state, with full cooperation, to provide information about how Jon and Kate Gosselin, and their family were filmed for “Jon & Kate Plus 8.”
The state has not released any findings from the investigation, but an official from the investigating agency will testify at Wednesday’s hearing.
Also, there were reports last May that Jon and Kate Gosselin’s contract with TLC required the Gosselins to obtain any necessary work permits for their children.
Murt didn’t specifically say that Jon and Kate Gosselin, and TLC would be the focus of the hearing, but based on the list of people called to testify, and TLC’s announcement last week it would resume filming the Gosselin children, it is widely expected that much of the hearing will focus on the Gosselins.
In November 2009, Jon Gosselin’s attorneys clamed the TLC didn’t help the couple comply with state labor laws.
The legal battle between Jon Gosselin and TLC was settled after a court ruled in TLC’s favor and Jon Gosselin agreed to comply with his current contract with TLC.
Pennsylvania’s Child Labor Law does provide for the possibility of fines and even jail time, depending on which parts of the code are violated.
The hearing will be heard in Montgomery County, which is also where Jon and Kate Gosselin filed for divorce last year.
Kate Gosselin currently lives with her children in Berks County, which is west of Montgomery County.
It is unknown if Rep. Murt will introduce new legislation about child labor and TV shows.
Pennsylvania state law permits children who are at least 7 years old to work in the entertainment industry, as long as a permit is obtained and certain rules are followed. The law also allows performers younger than 7 to have "temporary employment ... in the production of a motion picture."
Thanks SO much for that article, itsaboutthekids.
I just love all the bloggers here. You guys get all the best information so fast. And the administrator does such a great job of updating the topics.
That article certainly does help me feel much more hopeful and positive...esp. the part about drafting legislation. That part sounds like they mean business and are not just having this hearing to satisfy some constituent's complaints.
Hi, dee3. If you have Twitter, there's an account called:
Gosselins Focus Of Child Labor Hearing http://bit.ly/b6Iuf4
about 1 hour ago via twitterfeed
They search the net for Gosselin stories and then post a link. That's where I find many of the stories.
Wow. Just read the interview with Meredith V. Gag me. Talk about damage contrl. I bet you could hear her teeth grinding when she admitted she was "harsh".
I can't do the live feed for the hearing! Ugh. I have no idea what to download to be able to do it. lol.
Feed's working for me but I won't be able to watch much of it because I have to go to work shortly. But apparently a recording will be available online later.
"The legal battle between Jon Gosselin and TLC was settled after a court ruled in TLC’s favor and Jon Gosselin agreed to comply with his current contract with TLC."
The court didn't RULE IN TLC'S FAVOR!!! It was a settlement, outside the court and simply presented to the court!! Blech.
Jodi and Kevin are up first!
I'm trying to download a media player to view the hearing. Sucks.
I can't figure it out either. It said something like "live1.asx" is unavailable...on my firefox, I guess. I'm not very computer literate and unfortunately for me, my son's not here to help me with this.
I don't have twitter either.:(
Heck, I can't even figure out how to use the YIM I have. I'm just clueless here.
Hope you guys will fill us in on what's happening and what's being said. Plus, hoping there's some way I'll be able to see the tape of it later. :(
I have to drive my dad somewhere (leave around 11 am.) but will be right back in about 15-20 minutes so would appreciate if anyone watching can post the main points r/t the proceedings.
Thanks so much for documenting Aunt Jodi and Uncle Kevin's testimony. I really appreciate it. I wish I could see it.
"The court didn't RULE IN TLC'S FAVOR!!! It was a settlement, outside the court and simply presented to the court!! Blech."
This isn't completely true. The Court did rule in TLC's favor on their motion for preliminary injunction or TRO, which effectively muzzled Jon and gave a good indication that the Court would rule the same way in the end. That's my take, anyway.
I can get the feed, but it keeps cutting in and out. Plus, the volume is too low even at the max setting. I'll definitely watch the tape as soon as it's available. What I heard so far:
Kevin said it's NOT just cameras following them around as they go about their lives. It is all scripted. The producers sit down and come up with ideas of things to do, (duh, I only started watching last year and that was obvious to me)
They actually created "characters" for everybody, e.g. the smart one, the quiet one, the bratty one, the dumb one, etc. Kevin said they're not only going to be known by these labels by their peers now, but they will never be able to get away from it. He said we all have labels put on us in school, but it's nice when you go to college, you get a fresh start. These kids will never have a fresh start, everyone knows who they are, and what they're supposedly like due to the labels they were given, the character that was created for a tv show.
They asked Kevin and about the potty training and nudity. They seem surprised that all that was filmed (in this sick world to have that on tv and online forever).
They're asking about trust funds now. Kevin says it's all vague talk of a trust, (by Kate, the liar) but nobody knows the details. He thinks there should be an irrevocable trust set up for each child, like with child actors.
Now, Paul Peterson from "A Minor Consideration" (and Leave it to Beaver) is talking.
Thanks Administrator.
I think Aunt Jodi nailed it, "Children deserve their childhood"
Thomas Murt REQUESTED Kevin and Jodi testify. He contacted them...they did not contact him.
By the way, they asked about the potty training and nudity on camera because Jodi brought it up in her testimony. Unfortunatley, the damn feed kept cutting in and out on me.
Yes, good point. Jodi said more than once that when children are filmed for reality shows, they have no childhood, it's taken away from them.
itsabouthe kids - Oh, I didn't hear that part! Good, he contacted them!
Wow... speechless and sad. Sad for the G8 and sad for all the others out there on TV now. Hope something/anything changes!
Just another girl...
crap, I keep losing the feed
petersen: paraphrasing
cameras and mics alter behavior and eventually the altered behavior becomes the norm for a child.
Petersen: Once it's on the internet, it never goes away. It's a dangerous world out there.
We have special rules in place for child entertainers - parent or guardian with the minor at all times, studio teachers present, state limits the working hours, a portion of the child's income will be protected for their use when they become an adult. But, that law only exists in the state of California, it's not a national law.
special work permits for all kids under 7 on the books now. Why weren't they inforced?
the debate seems to be if it's reality or scripted
mentions dione quints.. loud family
Also Jodi said they were contacted by production people with moral concerns. K & J NOT under any contract or non-disclosure agreement.
Petersen: What are the work rules when your HOME is the studio? What independent authority is there to protect the kids? Do the children need a rep to protect them?
K & J equals Kevin and Jodi. I didn't realize they had the same initials
Now, they're questioning Petersen about his testimony:
Rep Bird (?): Petersen you asked why the laws weren't enforced. I stepped out to call the District Attorney because she's from Montgomery County.
Cameras in the bathroom. Even with a warrant, you could NEVER put a camera in a bathroom! Was state law broken? Parents waived their children's right to privacy as well. I'm asking our D.A,. did it violate the law and if it did, to address it.
The children got into this without any legal representation or protection at all.
I'm finding when it fades in and out, go back to this blog's link and start again.
No one has provided counseling to the children as far as I know. I think he was talking about the eight. Did anyone else hear that?
Wow, it would be something if TLC broke the law wouldn't it? Justice, that would be.
Let's hope this testimony puts an end to any ideas of filming those children again. Kate you go on with your show and let Jon have the kids
Petersen: There has been no counseling as far as I know, for the kids to adjust back into the rel world, and to deal with what's out there about them.
There's a level of compensation that a professional child performer should be given, but no rules for reality kids. There are hundreds of kids on reality shows, the horse is out of the barn.
Another rep talking, I didn't get his name. He says he watched J&K+8 in the beginning, thought it was more sad than entertaining.
Note - I did hear several other people today say they never watched J&K+8. Too bad they didn't invest a few hours in doing some research prior to today.
What permits us to sit in our living room and watch a real family train wreck?
For Jodi and Kevin to come here today took a Lot OF COURAGE
Petersen: The camera crews that are in the home and intimately involved with the families should all have background checks.
(Good point!)
Petersen: I had stage parents. They often said no to things. The state has the ability to intervene (for professional actors). Children do not have the power to disobey.
Petersen: It took a lot of courage for Jodi and Kevin to come here today.
I watched the J&K documentary with interest...and then it changed.
Petersen: In the case of the Gosselins, I too watched those early shows, the documentaries, with interest. And then it changed, then it changed. The excuse that it's just documenting their lives doesn't hold up when it's FIVE SEASONS!
They're discussing child labor laws with Paul and what exists in CA
Rep O'Neill: About the laws you discussed, d they exist only in CA?
Petersen: We worked hard to get the child labor laws changed in CA. Other states have them too. Production companies should NOT seek out states that don't have stiff child labor laws (but they do that).
A Rep asked about AFTRA, the union, and the rules in place in CA for juveniles.
Petersen: In CA when we changed the laws, we had to PUSH off the committee the parents, agents and manager. They have a conflict, they all are making money (off the kids - so the implication is that they are not protecting the kids).
Petersen: CA has the best and most extensive child labor laws. Rules had to be established as far as ages they can work (infants being used), hours worked, accounts set up, studio teachers on the set.
Petersen: They amended the Coogan law in the year 2000.
Gary Coleman's mother had said "You cannot steal what already belongs to you". That's because common law says that a child's money is the property of the parent.
Done with Petersen. Now for Gloria Allred.
Oh, I didn't know Gloria was from Philadelphia. She went to Penn. She was a teacher?
Gloria Allred: These children in reality television get nothing but lip service, usually, because they have no clout. SOo she's thanking them for this hearing today.
Allred has gone over a list of proposals that Rep. Murt has. She wants to comment on them.
She wants to commend Jodi and Kevin.
And Petersen, who is also her client. He's a leader on this issue around the world.
Gloria is a member of AFTRA and SAG.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is the federal law protecting working children. Such as, can't work under 16 years of age, types of work they can do.
Children in the entertainment industry are exempt from that law. So, they don't have the protections of the FLSA.
Gloria Allred up now:
Children on reality TV don't have a voice, don't vote, and don't run for office so they have no clout.
jodi's testimony made me very sad.
Thank you so much NLaN and iatk (hope you don't mind the initials!) for the hearing updates! Sounds like really good points are being made.
Yes, thank you thank you for posting! This is so exciting to me, and I hope that it is the beginning of national laws to cover and protect kids on reality tv!
But, I can't believe that these people didn't watch the show! They need to bring a tv in there and watch a bunch of episodes in order to really understand what they are talking about! (esp. Hannah in the bath, Collin on the potty, little girls getting dressed at the beach...)
Allred: So, states with major entertainment industries like CA and NY have their own laws for children in the industry.
The problem is that production is being done in many other states now, like PA, and there are no rules or laws in place. There are no union contracts. The children are not technically "employed".
Only four states have a Coogan law requiring a trust be set up with the child's earnings.
Children need financial protection, parents on the set, limitations on hours worked, moral oversight - not placing children in inappropriate scenes (like the nudity referred to earlier).
Allred mentions some of Rep Murt's proposals fr kids in reality tv:
These kids need to be considered "working" and have to get permits.
Minimum wages set.
Moral oversight, e.g. limits on filming kids changing clothes.
Allred wants even more than Murt has suggested:
(1) Age - no reality tv for children under 7!
(2) Hours of work - not too early or late in the day
(3) Limitations on how many hours they can work per day
(3)Financial protections - Coogan type law, a trust account for the kids' money.
(4)Education - CA requires a teacher on the set. Allred notes that's mostly to have someone there to look out for the children
(5) Moral oversight - children nit be placed in inappropriate or distressing scenes
Now, Allred is talking about the Nadya Sulyman (Octomom) case. She represented Paul Petersen in that case, he went to CA to protect the infants from being filmed.
Does anyone know if people are talking about this? Kate is going to be all over tv this week, is she going to get out of being asked about this?
Gloria is making suggestions for legislation, but I can't type and listen. It does sound like Murt is going to write up legislation proposals and they're going to try and pass some laws. They're working out language and details.
ha, sorry I mis-numbered the points
Schmecky Girl - the initials are fine! I'm tryng to get as much as I can, but I'm missing a lot.
I hope they put up a transcript soon!
Anonymous, disagree, a temporary order is not an indication you will win. That's the spin Radar wants laypeople to believe. In fact to's are handed out like candy and have a low standard. A permanent order requires a much higher standard. Settlement happens when BOTH sides are worried they won't win.
Do you think laws have been broken in PA;
ans: I'm not licensed to practice in Pa, but I think you should ask why this investigation is taking so long.
Wow, Glora Allred SLAMMED PA just now. The reason she talked about the Nadya Sulyman case is to explain how Petersen was concerned, the infants weren't being protected, and investigation commenced and was completed in ONE & A HALF MONTHS!
Gloria said PA has been investigating J&K+8 has been going on for a YEAR & A HALF! Why??? The kids need to be protected.
Hmmm, a rep is asking whether it's even true that a labor law investigation is going on in PA. Wow, nobody even knows for sure, it's only been reported.
NLAN is running circles around me! LOL
Nobody Likes a Narcissist, thanks, so much!!!
Love Gloria's ideas! No reality tv for kids under seven!!! YES!!!! That is the key developmental time, and I think they should have a childhood, not a job during that period!!!
MK said...
Love Gloria's ideas! No reality tv for kids under seven!!! YES!!!! That is the key developmental time, and I think they should have a childhood, not a job during that period!!!
The Duggar's aren't going to like that!!!
Allred: The CA Court of Appeal held that Petersen did have standing (the right) to bring a case in the Nadya Suleman matter.
Wherever the workplace is - their home or a set - the child needs to protected wherever they are. But maybe they need EXTRA protection when it's filmed in the home.
REP - If this show (Kate + 8) was in CA, would those laws apply?
ALLRED: Yes, the kids would have some protection. Just like in the Suleman case, we had to make sure the kids were being protected.
REP - was the Suleman case a reality show or just more like a news story, because it was just about covering the babes coming home from the hospital. She didn't really have a show.
ALLRED: Yes, she thought it was just "news" (ET and the Insider covered it, if I remember). If it was a news story, she thought here was no protection, BUT the laws did apply to protect those babies because there was a contract in place (Suleman was getting paid to allow the babies to be filmed).
Gloria highly recommends studio teachers in the home when filming.
They are the child's representative and make sure all rules are followed.
How can these reps not even know about an investigation that may or may not be going on?! One would think that that little piece of information would be important background information to get before a hearing.
Yes, the poor Duggars with a newborn premie with health issues won't like this...but THAT baby especially, I think, needs to be OFF tv! (and I really like the Duggars, just don't think they should be on tv). The problem is that IF PA changes the laws, they still will only be in PA and not cover the Duggars and Kate will just move! =/
I agree with what Ava said...its like they have not thought about this issue until today. Someone needs to go buy them season one to watch as homework tonight!
Why is it that Jon and Kate were not asked to testify? Or were they?
I hope PA changes their laws in a timely manner. However, I'm sure even if they do, Kate will just move to another state. She has her sights set on maintaining a Hollywood lifestyle and nothing is going to get in her way, including uprooting her children.
The psychologist is going to address the behavioral aspects.
REP Murt is asking about studio teachers and how adding them to a reality situation would help., He is a certified teacher himself, as is Rep. O'Neill.
Allred explained how the teacher is there as an independent third party to oversee and protect the child, even from their own parents, if necessary. If you are going to have your home become a workplace for the kids, then you need to have someone there to protect these working children.
The studio teacher gets some additional training for these situations, and then is required to be there during filming. They have authority to step in and say no, this isn't good, don't do it.
By the way, earlier on, right before that, Allred said she thinks more production companies will want to film reality shows in PAP because they have good tax incentives for it. So, it's very important that Rep Murt works on getting this law proposed and they get
protections in place.
Petersen says the problemn is the studio teachers are paid by the STUDIO! So, it;s a conflcit, theoften dontl step in and let the parents do things like skio school. They gettehir paychecks fron the studio when they are supposed to protect the kids.
Allread has a GREAT idea! She said it shouldn't have to cost the taxpayers them., We don't want the state to have to pay for the studio teacher. SO, PA should charge the producers an extra fee that then goes into a fund that the State will use to pay studio teachers. Then, the studio teacher isn't in cnmflict, being paid by the production company when they are supposed to protect the kids.
The Psychologist is up now. Talking about kids up to age 3 and how they need a primary caregiver, how they attach and develop emotionally.
Woah, sorry for the typos....trying to get as much as I can.
Damn, this shrink talks way too fast. Crap, she's saying some great stuff. I really hope we can get a transcript of this soon. She's really, really good, talking about how young kids develop and how being on reality tv could affect things. Okay, she's moved onto school age kids now.
You know, I didn't think much of Allread before hearing her today, but she has some good ideas, and seems like they come from a desire to really protect kids! I'm impressed!
The psychologist is saying, in general. everything that is happening the 8 kids and how this is all effecting them. NEED TRANSCRIPT. YOU WILL WANT TO READ.
Sorry, I'm dying here, can't keep up. She's great. Everything she's saying about kids of different ages and how they develop, and how they're affected by reality tv is terrific. She clearly, if asked, would say that kids should not be on reality tv at all. I can't wait to read a transcript of her testimony. Best witness today! She is extremely well prepared.
FINALLY! Voices for the children.
Didn't TLC say they had all the applicable permits? LIARS. And Jon was right when he said they did not.
SG--I wonder if after today the labor dept decision will change? Wonder if that is even possible. It is annoying to me that they did violate the law and there will be no punishment. I think the "Welcome to PA, please film your reality show here" sign for the state border is ready yet!
Reminds me of a blog I read long long long ago that talked about corruption in govt and how they loved J&K+8 because of the tax benefits....
Poor Jon got crucified by TLC, Kate, and the media. I think he is too nieve to make up stories! Like Stephanie and the hot tub...if that story were true, why would she be working for KATE after it came out? I would never have that girl around my kids again after something like that! Let alone work with her!
Rebecca: Recommending education for TV parents to understand long term repercussions.
Won't pursue legal action against the producers! Not even a fine! This is beyond ridiculus. Way to go PA.
Now they're questioning the Psychologist.
Rep Murt is talking about the bad decisions made by the parents and how everything is on the internet forever.
Psychologist: Even if we say oh the kids are too young, they don't even know what's going on, the problem is it's online for life.
Psych: Parents have the best intentions. They initially follow a path that seems innocent, but then becomes problematic. We need to educate parents about the long term repercussions for their children.
REP Murt: As parents, we have responsibility. Excuse me, you're an adult, you're a parent, there's a time to pull the plug. What this industry did with these parents, what they were allowed to do is a major hang up for me.
He plans to be in touch with the Psychologist in their effort to draft the proposed bill.
Wondering too how much the labor dept decision has to do with the fact that TLC will again film in PA or if it would have been different had the show (and tax money) been over.
Does anyone know if the permits have any restrictions? Or is it just a piece of paper giving permission for the children to be filmed, with no conditions?
Good morning!
I've been catching up on all the posts, wow!
Thank you SO much for reporting what you can of this!
Well, REP Murt, Dad Jon finally pulled the plug, but Mommy Dearest is plugging it back in.
They're discussing the role of the parents and their responsibilities in all of this and how much can be legislated without stepping on parental rights.
She's recommending a child advocate on set as well.
Now on, Exec. Deputy Secretary of Labor and Industry.
The reps plan on contacting the Psychologist after today's hearing to get assistance and input from her as they draft their bill.
As others have commented here today, it won't matter as far as the Gosselins, because Khate will just do filming out of state the summer (day trips, vacations), and she might eventually move.
Testifying now: Robert Kuzynski – Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, Bureau of Labor Law Compliance.
He appreciates their interest in this, and their help. PA's current law has not kept pace with changes in the entertainment industry and technology. Need to update the law, impose stricter penalties for violations.
Oh gosh...thank you, thank you SO much, NLAN and IATK. I can't thank you enough. This is almost as good as the real thing...you're giving us a really good idea of how it's going. I'm reading and reading all you're writing here.:)
Kuzynski (Dept of Labor): Dept is currently working on draft language to reconcile state and federal law, update the state law, recognize reality tv, address new technology. Welcomes the opportunity to address these issues and wants the reps' input. Concerned about all minors under 19, and minors in the entertainment industry.
Responsible for child labor laws specifically reality tv have not been kept current.
Is there an investigation related to Gosselin show?
Discovery Channel and Labor agreed: Permits must be issued on future programming. Adequate funds placed in rev. trust until age of 18.
There is an irrevocable fund 15 % of gross funds for all show has been set up for the kids.
15% of the gross funds...PER CHILD?
They've just given Khate the perfect excuse for moving out of state.
Not California, but another state without child labor laws that might affect her children.
North Carolina, maybe?
Kate cannot move those kids without Jon's permission, I wouldn't think, as she does not have legal custody.
When Kate went on tv talking about trusts being set up, IT WAS BECAUSE SHE WAS REQUIRED TO BY THE DEPT. OF LABOR. 15% per child or to be divided up amongst the children?
Maybe the violations were swept under the rug because no one made a big enough deal about them.
Also, I do not think that other girl was Stephanie. They look alike but they look very different. They have totally different eyes and noses.
Did they say 15% per child? I was listening closely and did not hear that it was per child.
Investigation complete and closed because of resolution agreed upon. Completed beginning of last March (I think March). Who started investigation? answ: Third party complaints.
Were any complaintants notified that investigation was complete?
ans: not yet.
question: well, when and why not?
oct, nov 2008 complaints first received.
Were any homes visited by your agency?
ans: NO
Any info given to your agency about cameras in home, potty training, etc. Did you have that info?
general public first complained: this filming is going on 24/7 etc. They asked the production company these questions. They were quite forthcoming until attorney's got involved. Relied on second hand information.
15% total for all 8 children? Wow, doesn't seem like enough. Better than nothing I suppose.
Question about the Dept of Labor's investigation of J&K+8.
Basically, it's as in the article posted above. The Dept of Law looked at the Coogan law in CA and based on that, they insisted that an irrevocable trust be set up for each child after October 2009. (They did nothing about the violations before then, they're only talking about future filming and earnings with the Gosselins).
Question about the investigation - they commenced one because of several third party complaints to the Gosselin situation. They just wrapped up the investigation last month, working with Discovery Communications.
-- So, that's why they green lighted Kate's new show with the kids. Discovery worked with the Dept from October to March trying to get it resolved.
The Dept wasn't even sure if they had authority over it because they never dealt with reality tv.
Rep: Did representatives of your agency ever visit the home where the show is filmed?
Kuzynski: No
Rep - still has a problem with cameras mounted all over the house and particularly the potty training.
Dept of Labor: We had several complaints from the public, general complaints about the show (not from anyone directly involved).
Dept - these idiots only ASKED Discovery about how much they film, how it's done, the cameras, etc.
WTF???? How about VISITING the house/tv set? How about monitoring filming for a few days or a week?
What a fucking joke.
Well, it sounds like that investigation was little to nothing. They did not even visit the Gosselin home.
I find it ridiculus that PA Dept. of Labor worked with TLC, etc. to resolve the situation. They should be dictating the situation to TLC, not working with them. Of course TLC isn't going to give them truthful information if it is self-incriminating.
They had lighting installed to facilitate filming. That alone says A LOT. They have bedroom footage that is clearly from a mounted camera showing the children for hours at at time. Their "investigation" missed the obvious. What a joke.
Ava - I agree!!!
It can't be 15% PER CHILD. That's over 100%!
Those poor kids. I foresee an entire summer of them being schlepped from one end of the non-union country to the other being filmed for their measly 15% share.
I hope the media picks up on some of the stuff brought up in this hearing. That item about telling them it was Christmas is just heartbreaking - how could anyone do that to kids?
"Settlement happens when BOTH sides are worried they won't win." Agreed, or when one side is being bulldozed and can't afford to continue, which is what I think happened here. The injunction cut off Jon's primary income stream. Does anyone know if Jon caved and gave permission to film the kids as part of the settlement? If not, don't they need his permission for the upcoming specials?
Wait....the investigation started WHEN? October 2008? Did they move, remove the lighting and fixed cameras, while they were in the midst of being investigated? Maybe the changes in filming were generated by this investigation?
2% PER CHILD. You have to be kidding me.
q: If you came to an agreement with the production company and it was based on coogan's law does that means there were violations?
ans: Permits and irrevocable trusts were the main violations and they've come into compliance.
15% is for all children combined. = about 2% per child.
OMG Jon just tweeted! I wish he'd make up his mind!
The allegations made today by Kevin and Jodi Kreider have not been my experience at all during the production of “Jon & Kate plus8.”
12 minutes ago via web
Reply Retweet Kate and I were doing what was best for our family. And it gave us an opportunity to spend quality family time together. Jon Gosselin
This Dept of Labor allowed Discovery to roll right over them.
They did nothing about the past violations, only agreed to changes going forward, (permits and Coogan accounts).
REP: Coogan law, you required 15% be set up for all EIGHT?
REP:: It's irrevocable?
DEPT: 15% for all, that's less than 2% each
15% to be divided amongst eight children. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? And that satisfied the state. PATHETIC!!!
No, Jon they weren't YOUR experience, they were the kids'!!!!
Is it up to you agency to arbitrate the law? the law is the law.
ans: the law has interpretations and we felt it better to get compliance than to issue fines.
This guy wants to know why TLC got a break!
Jon's lawyer~
Please call your client and tell him to STFU!
Jon has not tweeted in a long time. Betcha TLC was behind the tweet.
Another REP: I'm a little confused. Your Dept determined that work permits ARE required for this production.
REP: This production went on for FIVE YEARS
DEPT: This is what we worked out. Given the law as is presently written, this is the BEST WE COULD DO
REP: Dept, is your role to act as arbitrator or to PROTECT THE CHILDREN?! The law is the law.
DEPT: blah, blah, blah
REP: Are there other cases where you've let a business get away with past VIOLATIONS OF THE LAW, as long as they don't do it in the future?
(this is great, must see tape, read transcript)
OOh, REP asked of Gov Rendell's office ever contacted them to make a decision favorable to the company.
Answer: No
Another Rep (sorry, can't keep up with the names) - brings up the nudity again, just learned about that today, something must be done about that, someone has to protect these children.
Child nudity issue. You need to make sure that is not appropriate AT ALL in filming.
Make sure there is somebody protecting these children.
Now they're thanking everone for testifying.
The End
Hearing over
Itsaboutthekids - don't worry about it, I think we pretty much got the same stuff. It was hard to type as it was rolling along but we def. got the gist of it.
Gloria's last comments.
Innocent images task force of the FBI might help with nudity issues.
I'm shocked that no one investigated the home since that was the workplace in question and that there were no fines levied.
Thanks NLaN and iatk!!!! You guys were awesome.
"quality family time together"...
Dad's in Utah/France/NYC/WHEREVER and Mom's in LA/NYC/the SPA/BOOK TOUR....sounds perfect.
Disappointed, to say the least.
Thanks for keeping us updated, though.
This bears repeating, from Gloria Allred:
I'm shocked that no one investigated the home since that was the workplace in question and that there were no fines levied.
Discovery is a big corporation. It's not just little TLC. Who knows what they are capable of when going up against the Labor Dept.
Wow....fantastic. Thanks so much again for reporting all of this.
Not sure what will come of this but FINALLY something makes sense!
NO, rest of the world...putting little toddlers going to the potty on TV is NOT okay!!!! HELLO!! One should automatically KNOW there is something wrong with that!!! What is WRONG with people who thought this was okay????
HA!! In her thank you and goodbye comment, Gloria Allred SLAMMED THEM!! She said she is SHOCKED that they dd not visit the home - the workplace - in their investigation, (which I commented on up above!) And Gloria said she is SHOCKED that the Dept. did nothing about the violations!!
I agree!!!!
Dear Gloria - I used to like you years ago (even admired you as a powerful female attorney leading the way for the future generations of us) but then I became disenchanted, thinking you became too much of a media whore for my taste. However, today, I take it all back....you redeemed yourself today! Thank you!!
Good for Gloria!! - so glad she stepped in and made her point. "Shocking that you didn't go to the home to investigate...shocked!"
The DofL looked like they wanted to crawl under the table.
AWESOME!!! I was riveted the entire session except for the fact that most of these people have never even seen the show!
I have a feeling that Katie Irene will be packing up and moving very shortly, though.
Jon is every bit as greedy as Kate is, just not as proficient of a liar.
I hope this will be shown on all the major networks. Say what you want about Allred but she didn't have it shown on a major network herself so it's not just for publicity.
I'm exhausted, lol! I'm running late for an appointment, have to go.
When I get back, I have to catch up on all the comments here. I'm a few days behind in reading all the comments on every post. Admin, it's all your fault, lol! When I first found this blog, (only a couple of months ago), it was easier to keep up, but the last few weeks, it's exploded because it's the best blog out there! I love it, but it's so hard to stay on top of it all and keep up. I hate missing any of the comments because everyone here has so many great points and posts so many good links.
Catch you later, everyone!
Allred was great! Just the right amount of toughness and quite eloquent. Paul was great and very knowledgable. They were all great. Now, we'll see ...
Thanks, NLAN! You're the star!
Allred needs to make the rounds of the talk shows now.
Paula said...
Jon has not tweeted in a long time. Betcha TLC was behind the tweet.
Yep, they're still twistin' on him aren't they.
I'm not disappointed at all. I feel very good about this. And good for Gloria and good for Rep. Murt (and I'm not even a Republican). And for K&J, PP and for the psychologist...good for you too. For me, it sounds like it went even better than what I'd hoped for.
At least it happened in the world of the sane...and made sense. Little has ever made sense about this entire debacle to me.
Plus...and I would not even know if there's a connection here...but since this hearing went this way in PA..and the family court in PA will be dealing with the custody issue very soon...that it will be done all above-board and the best interests of the Gosselin children will be the main priority.
Hehe....no wonder the PA dept. of labor didn't release the results. Wonder when they'd ever planned on doing that.
And interesting...the Rendell question. Politics. Politics.
OK...have to take dad to the store. Be back later. Thanks so much again, reporters. You were great!
just wondering said...
Jon is every bit as greedy as Kate is, just not as proficient of a liar.
I completely agree. He went along with everything and he has a stake in still playing along.
Hehe....no wonder the PA dept. of labor didn't release the results. Wonder when they'd ever planned on doing that.
And interesting...the Rendell question. Politics. Politics.
They planned on never doing that until they were forced into it...today. JMO
I've gotta go back and read what everyone else was chatting about along the way.
The networks profiting off train wreck Kate will minimize this story to "no charges" and "kids found to be okay". They will completely dodge the points made that tv star kids end up dead or with serious addictions because of celebrity, that the Gosselin kids have no advocate, that every adult in the house is getting paid - that is huge, talk about conflict on interest. Wow. very upsetting.
15 Minutes Gosselin style ya'll did great. There is commentary about your blog.
I want someone to ask Kate why she would oppose additional safeguards to be put in place for the children. I know no one will ever ask but I would like to know how she would answer.
Thanks to everyone who was giving a play by play! You guys rock and I'm happy to be a part of such a great community :)
Just some thoughts on what I heard...
From what I could gather, I believe that at least 2 of those reps are going to pursue further action re: child nudity. They were kept bringing up their outrage over it and saying that there are laws (especially in light of the PA sexting scandals) that were broken.
At the end when Gloria made a comment, she suggested they contact the FBI's Innocent Images department and said that they prosecute if children are filmed in the nude...
I also think a couple of the reps were upset that the labor dept wouldn't prosecute TLC and came to a so-called "resolution". I would love to know exactly what was in that resolution because I swear I heard the Labor guy say something to the effect that 15% of the TOTAL compensation would be set aside in an Irrevocable Trust, but also said something to the effect but can be used for education, medical expenses and other necessary things for the children. When I heard that I thought to myself that knowing Kate, she would say her extensions were necessary as to keep up an good image for her children.
I just hope the reps push for some criminal investigations/charges as I think at least one of them will.
"TLC tells TMZ the allegations are "either completely inaccurate or a distorted representation for maximum attention."
You have GOT to be kidding me???!!!!!
I didn't even know that we could do a play by play. I didn't move in my seat for 3 1/2 hours, though and took 3 pages of notes.
Have moving vans been spotted pulling into Heffner Road yet? Kate has probably already called them.
Oh! That was truly inspirational! FINALLY!!!
Jon, about that "quality family time together"...how's that working out for you?
Fuck TLC!!
Yeah everyone lies but TLC and Jon and Kate Gosselin. Everyone else is scumbags.
I hope PA lays down the law and fines all parties involved.
itsaboutthekids - Thanks, you were great too! I hope together, we caught the best parts.
By the way, everyone, Khate is at E! right now. Last night in the book post here, I posted something from E! News' Giuliana Rancic's twitter and a link to her website, where she asked for questions to ask Kate today.
Well, that's funny because last night, there were 443 comments there. Some sheeple, some like us. I checked it at 10am/7am PT today and it said there were 2,247 comments! Then, I posted a new comment and after I submitted it, it said there were 535 comments! Now, three and a half hours later, there are only 556. Obviously, they've been scrubbing them.
So, I just checked Giuliana's twitter again and it says this:
Kate Gosselin coming to E! News in 2 hours for our big interview. I will ask your questions. Post them on my new site www.fabfitfun.com
about 2 hours ago via UberTwitter
So, Kate is at E! right now, 10:30 PT. And, she's doing ET and The Insider, right? Were they taped yesterday? Because she's on Joy Behar tonight, so I would think she has to fly right out to NY after she's done at E! Maybe Behar's show for tonight was pre-taped when Khate was in NY last week. Oh, that's probably what she did. Joy isn't live anyway, they tape it a couple hours earlier so I don't think Khate could even make it there in time today. She's probably staying in CA doing all the shows out there. Maybe she'll go home and see the kids for one lousy day again. If I were her kids, I'd say, do us a favor and don't bother! Seriously, she better watch it because the twins are old enough to start getting that attitude with her.
Okay, now I am really running late......see you all later!
(OMG, when I typed "late", I actually typed "kate"..... God, help me!)
Great reporting on this blog. Many thanks.
I used to work for a Department of Labor in another state, not Pennsylvania. Our attorneys always erred on the side of caution, as it was hard to get citations/penalities upheld in court if the company was willing to take it to court.
We always, always worked on the premise that enforcement is better than fines.
I told you that Gloria Allred is the real deal. I agree NLAN about some of the, IMO, "trashy" cases she has represented but as I said in a post a few days ago, I challenge anyone to examine her entire career and not come to the conclusion that her loooonnnggg record of advocacy for woman and children and civil rights has not only been victoriously effective, but that she has a strong track record of effecting change! I adore her for what she & Paul & the Kreiders accomplished today!
Thanks so much to NLAN + IATK for constant updates! One of the very best things was what Gloria said at the end and what one of the men from legislature said to Labor Board. They had the ability to have fined TLC from $200-$400 for each separate time they filmed without a permit and they chose NOT to. Also that Labor Board were forced to admit that they have never until today notified ANYBODY that their investigation was completed or what their conclusions and outcomes were. I find that STUNNING.
Hey, a big THANK YOU to those of you watching and typing the hearing!!
TLC could have hacked into Jon's Twitter account....
Regarding my above comment, I meant to say "compliance" is better than fines. Oops
or, Jon could want the big paycheck that will come if TLC gets to film Khate + 8...
I'm sure TLC owns Jon's twitter as well as owning Jon.
I always miss your posts when you leave!
So....now we know that when Kart stated in a TV interview last August that she had set up trust accounts in the amount of $10,000 for each child that she ONLY did it because it was part of the PA Labor Board's agreement with TLC.
Great Mother of the century. All of US across the country had been very vocal abut this issue for more than a year but Kate only provides financial security for her children when forced to. I bet TLC paid that money directly and that it didn't come out of one of J & K's 11 some bank accounts.
mommyinca said...
"TLC tells TMZ the allegations are "either completely inaccurate or a distorted representation for maximum attention."
AH, We can always count on TLC to deny, deny, deny. They probably used Jon's account to send that tweet themselves.
Oh, you can also send Gloria Allred an email. I have sent several. Never got a reply, but I wasn't expecting one. If you want to contact her, just google her name and her law office has a web page that describes how to contact her.
I really wish I was better at this computer stuff!
Associated Press release about the hearing today.
I've missed something here, guess I'm not following close enough - IS Kate thinking about moving to CA?
Jon is in the middle of a custody dispute. HIS parenting is going to be examined along with Kate's. He is just as responsible for the whole TLC mess. He was saving face on Twitter because his actions will soon be called into question.
Auntie, that was just a rumor that was floating around. As far as I know.
I don't think Kate will move to California.
There are very strict laws in place regarding children in the entertainment industry!
The PA Labor Board rep also said that they didn't finalize this resolution until last month! The female rep (I think she was their counsel) said that "the accounts are in the works". So, if Kate, the almighty liar said she set up accounts for the kids a few months ago, we have caught her in one of her mis-truths once again!
Education and medical costs can be deducted from the trusts. You know how much that school costs. The kids won't see a dime. Mady is probably paying for her own braces!
I'll bet they did not put these accounts "in the works" until they found about this hearing. It does not take that long to setup these type of accounts.
That's right. The accounts have been set up but were not required until the investigation was completed only a few weeks ago.
just.me - thanks. That was my first thought too. The labors are very strict out there, far too strict for 'rule-follower Kate'.
I wish for once Kate would take full responsibility and admit she failed. Just once.
And no way will Kate move the children to CA. The laws are way too strict and she would be crucified. She couldn't and wouldn't tarnish her image.
oops correction -"child labor laws" (typed that too fast)
"TLC tells TMZ the allegations are "either completely inaccurate or a distorted representation for maximum attention."
You have GOT to be kidding me???!!!!!
There could be something to this...I mean, TLC is the master of distorted representation for maximun attention...or did I read that wrong? LOL
I notice TLC's statement never said they allegations were false.
Sorry to be a pest, but this is worth it!
Go to Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Borders sites to write and rate reviews of Khate's new book.
I did one on the Borders site yesterday, and so far no one else has reviewed the book there.
Any other places we should add to the list?
TLC never admits to wrong doing but never comes out and says the allegations are false. Kate does the same thing. She never denies anything, simply states "she is appalled" by the accusations. TLC and Kate lay in bed together, come from the same breed, GREED.
No one even mentioned the episode last year, where the 5 year old girls changed for gymnastics....right down to their panties. I got a feelings some of those men would have really freaked out about that. I know I did.
Thank you admin., nobody likes a narcissist, and itsaboutthekids for attempting to keep up. I would not have been able to.
If we could find out the reps who were so upset with respect to the nudity issue, we could certainly send them links and other references to inform them.
How can TLC say these issues are inaccurate or distorted? The footage of the children on the potty and in various states of undress is out there on YouTube and DVD forever.
And what maxiumum attention are they talking about? Kevin and Jodi witnessed what went on and are amazingly (to me) the only family members to stick up for the kids.
Thanks to all who reported on the hearing.....I couldn't get it to work for me. Love the blog, Admin. So nice to know there's a place for sane, rational people who "get it"!
And, from how I am reading the synopsis, the accounts are not for any filming PRIOR to the ruling.
And, the rumor about Khate going to California...I am under the impression that Khate thinks she is talented and in demand.
Hopefully and likely every member of that committee will go back and have a look at the old episodes. They are going to get a real eye-opener. Maybe now that TLC's, and everyone involved, dirty little secret isn't so secret any more the Gosselin 8 will finally be freed from that mess. At the very least some of the garbage going on at Konpound was brought to light. Too bad so much damage has already been done.
This link includes clip of Kevin's testimony this morning.
Wasn't that Beth Carson seated a few rows back? I'm pretty sure it was her. She moved out of camera range after the first half hour or so.
JW, I don't know because I was so busy listening and typing that I didn't look around much. Don't ever ask me to be an eye witness. LOL
But I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was.
Jon's twitter feed is being fed by Discovery & TLC consider the source. Jon is duct taped & handcuffed to TLC. I would not believe a word on that twitter. Jon has over 75,000 fans on that twitter that TLC can get distorted lies out to.
I am just really concerned that it seems like absolutly no one can touch any of these people or companies and I truly do not understand why... I mean I know that there is alot of $$$ involved but really bigger people & companies have been called to the Matt. Take Martha Stewart for an example hers was basically just some type of insider trading and she got hauled off to jail.
In my opinion what has been done to these children is criminal and nobody seems to care or listen...
I watched the whole thing this morning and actually found it both fasinating & informing everybody was prepared (except the guys running it)well spoken and calm. A couple of the officials I think really seemed to get it. I hope they go back and look at season 1 & 2.
Each of the children was assigned a different "attitude" for the show. One was supposed to be the "bad" one, one the smart child, one the good child - then they captured moments that would fit that category of behavior!! Mady is going to be labeled a brat FOREVER because of what TLC and the Gosselin parents allowed! That is simply beyond my scope of comprehension!
I aways took for granted I guess, that people had seen the show and supported Kate anyway. So I am surprised with all the reaction to them filming potty training and what not, I assumed if you were talking about them you had seen the show. Maybe the reality is that the media jumped on the TLC bandwagon without any information as to what they were promoting/agreeing with. Sad state in media today if that is true, and it makes me very happy for that information to be focused on now...even though TLC will deny...
I didn't get to see the live feed, but I'm glad for the posts here. At least now someone is looking into the PA Dept. of Labor and the handling of this situation. Of course TLC (and likely Kate in her upcoming media blitz) will to to spin everything as "inaccurate" or "out of proportion". The fact is, you can't have the fox (es) guarding the henhouse--media corporations and yes, even parents, may not do what is in the best interests of the children when the almighty dollar is at stake. Kate cannot justify everything she did for the "sake of the kids"--she hasn't even set up IRREVOCABLE trusts for each child, as far as is known. And, allowing cameras to be in the kids bedrooms--even filming them when they were supposed to be napping (part of the "Lost Footage" episode), on the potty, and while in various states of undress, is just indefensible.
You could watch the hearing on Jbber Jabbers blog...click on watch the video
Lifeoriley, I think the Pa Dept Of labor did testify that an irrevocable trust has been set up for the Gosselin children with 15% of earnings from the show deposited. I think.
Yes, spin & distort is the mission of Kate & TLC.
It was interesting my mom called she thought the Coogle law was across the board in the U.S. she is appalled now. She said she doesn't understand.
I also think of all the things for Kevin to say, saying his sister Kate should be glad that protections may one day be in place was heartfelt. He loves her and his nieces and nephews. I saw his testimony in entirety it was heartfelt & honest no matter who Kate & TLC try to spin it in the media I will continue to speak otherwise.
ROL/TLC are striking back already. They're already reporting that Kevin and Jodi supervised the potty training episode. And so it begins.
I also heard 15% in one trust account divided by 8.
But then I remember when Jon said during one of his interviews that they got paid $22,000/episode and then he divided that amount by 10. If this is the case, it should be noted that Jon would put more money into an account for each child than the Dept of Labor did. As for why they collectively put all kid's earnings into one account - and only 15% when I would think 50% would be more in line - I can't answer.
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